7 minute read
ELENA - Hair
Elena has 19 years experience as a hair stylist. Offering colours, cut and blows, hair extensions and stylist. She has previously worked in the salons in Grecian hotels. She says, “I love working with people and it is my passion to keep people happy which is what I do with my work. I especially like doing events hair for weddings or fashion shows, for example, because I love being creative and helping my clients express themselves through beautiful hair styles. Let me help you find your perfect style.”
IRYNA - Nails
My expertise lies in nails and I am dedicated in keeping up with the latest trends and designs to ensure I can offer my clients ideas as often they don’t know what they want. I specialise in nail art and hand rejuvenation as well as foot pedicures. I am confident you will be happy as 90% of my clients return. I aim to provide my clients with the best customer service possible and you’re in good hands with me, all my equipment is sterilised between appointments.
ANASTASIA - Permanent make up
I use only modern techniques and introduce new trends in the field of permanent make up, I am constantly developing and learning to bring you the highest quality service. My clients return and leave only positive feedback.
INAH - Lashes
Lashes are a combination of classic extensions and volume fans, the bets of both world!. I achieve a very texturised look combining length, thickness, curling and styling, which are customised to every client’s needs. This is based on their eye shape, width and length of their natural eye. Infill’s are recommended every 2-3 weeks.

Alamode Beauty A: Kennedy Ave 2, Paaralimno. Tel: 99086480

Hairdresser stylist Manicure. Pedicure Permanent makeup Lamination of eyelashes and eyebrows
Up front and personal, body fat chooses where it sits within your body and when it is converted to energy.
We all know the common places for our fat stores thighs, tums and bums for females (including under arms and boobs); men carry it up front.
No matter how much exercise you do you will not be able to target certain parts of your body to loose fat. Your body fat sits on top of your muscles like a heavy all weather jacket, you will not see the designer clothes underneath unless you remove the jacket or change it for a summer jacket. If you fill a glass of water standing in a bowl and you fill the glass with too much water it will over flow and be caught in the bowl. The water is food, the bowl is your body, the over flow of water now becomes body fat. If you drink the full glass of water before it overflows, then there is no water in the bowl (body fat).
Drinking the water by being active and exercising is the only way to ensure the glass does not overflow.
So how do we burn the body fat we have, the answer is obviously exercise but not all exercise achieves the same goals. The other answer is that we still need food, so starvation is not an option. If you choose to starve yourself then any food you eat will be stored as body fat as your body goes into shock and thinks its needs to store food because It 20
Let’s talk about body fat, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be……Not the exact lyrics to a very well-known song by Salt and Pepper or should I say Papa. does not know when the next meal is coming. Your body then diverts its attention to other sources of energy and will start to break down the muscle fibres range that your heart rate (HR) for energy. We have heard it needs to work in to efficiently all before but that is because burn fat give or take 5-10 beats it is only to maintain your per minute. You can normally current status quo or change set these ranges on your your body size, eat healthy and smartwatch but if you do not get active. To burn fat muscle have one, exercise at a pace density is important, the more that allows you to talk at the powerful the engine the more same time. This means you are fuel it burns in combination with breathing in enough oxygen activities that raise the heart for your body to use to break rate, but not too high. Strength down fat. Once you start to find training is just as important to it difficult to exercise and talk improve the density of your then you are probably moving muscles. Do not be scared out of your fat burning zone, of lifting weights, keep the breathing becomes shallow weight low and repetitions and less oxygen will trigger high. Increase the weight as your body to use different you feel the exercise becoming sources of energy and transition easier and change your strength away from burning fat. I would training routine every 3-4 weeks. recommend you choose an Keeps the body guessing what exercise you can do constantly is coming next and keeps you for 30-45minutes like walking, from getting bored. Increasing slow jogging, cycling or rowing.muscle density will increase your ability to burn calories. Each Personal Trainer has a different approach but my advice is to work with your body and listen to your heart as it is an automatic regulator. Depending on your everyday stress levels, sleep and diet your heart will always tell you how you are feeling, guiding you to what you can achieve on any particular day. The scientific method to find your optimum fat burning range is the formula 220 – Age = this gives you your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). You then need to calculate 60% and 70% of your MHR. This will then give you the There is no quick fix to burning fat or getting fit. I would suggest focusing on getting into a routine and aim for noticeable changes in your body size within 3 months. Do not forget that rest is just as important so give yourself a day off every now and again from your routine so your body can repair itself and be stronger to go again. For more details on all my fitness bootcamps and retreats go to: www.papaluckmanfitness.com Follow me on Instagram and Facebook: @papaluckmanfitnessgroup

Jin Jin Jingle All The Way!

I’ve lost count of the amount of new and exciting gin bottles hitting the shelves this year and I know many of you will find the process of buying a Christmas gin quite daunting given all the new and magical flavours. Also, there are so many gorgeous bottle designs out there, and it’s easy to get carried away with aesthetics, so, to keep you on Santa’s GOOD List, I’ve not only found some gins that taste as good as they look, I’ve also added a St. Nikolas Cocktail and a Special Santa Gin for you to make at home! Can’t have you drunk in charge of your sled, can we? So, let’s start with the gins!
Neill have brought out the most magical Mince Pie Gin, which really launches strong aromas of rich, mince pies and a touch of citrus upon opening. It is sweet on the palate with hints of mince pies and raisins, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg all adding to the Christmassy taste. With a hint of pine Christmas trees on the end, this gin is heartily recommended, but try it with soda instead of tonic if you find it too sweet. Terry’s Chocolate Oranges were a special Christmas treat in our stockings and up until 2005, they were produced in the city of York. In homage to this and York’s long chocolatemaking history, (with a quick hello to my chocolate making Koumbaros) York Gin have created a wonderful full-strength Chocolate & Orange Gin in time for Christmas with fresh oranges and cocoa nibs. Just fabulous! Warner’s Christmas Cake Gin is inspired by founder Tom’s mum’s Christmas cake recipe. Uniquely distilled with real dark chocolate, ginger, juniper and festive spices, then expertly blended with cherry juice, this hand-picked sloe gin macerate & pure treacle is like drinking a Jamaican ginger cake! Try it served over ice with cola and a slice of orange, or if you are feeling fancy, it’s out of this world in a velvety hot chocolate or game-changing Espresso Martini (http:// theginnolier.com/cocktails. html)
Stanna Wieclawska Kyriakou