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Mandee Richmond
In Jan 2010, I started noticing pain in my joints, spasms along with pain in my right leg, my hands and feet would turn blue and get cold. With my right hand I had extreme weakness and could not grip or hold anything. I would constantly drop items all the times. All my symptoms seemed to be on my right side. I have worked for a vet, as a technician, for years so some pain is to be expected. Over days and weeks my symptoms and pain became worse. It seemed on some days I could not even get out of bed to walk to the bathroom the pain was too extreme. Daily tasks like brushing my teeth and showering were too painful to do. I have been diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, with a mild case of Neuropathy due to the symptoms being on the right side. There is no cure for these, only management with medication and therapy (physical and mental). So I ask all my family and friends: Give support to anyone you know who may have a disability. You just may make their day! It is hard living