MANmagazine Turbo 02-2015

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100 years of isothermal turbocompressors

Evolved over a century


to the of MAN Diesel & Turbo. MASTHEAD 2/2015

MAN MAGAZINE is published two times a year in English.


100 years of isothermal turbocompressors

Evolved over a century

PUBLISHED BY MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Dr. Jan Dietrich Müller, Group Communications & Marketing Stadtbachstr. 1, 86153 Augsburg, Germany EDITORS IN CHIEF Jan Hoppe,, Felix Brecht, PUBLISHER C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH, Heiligegeistkirchplatz 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 44032-0,, Shareholders of C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH are the Burda Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (limited liability company), Offenburg, and the KB Holding GmbH, Berlin, with 50% each. HEAD OF CONTENT UNIT Klaus-Peter Hilger EDITORS & AUTHORS Cedric Arnaud (resp./C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH, Arabellastraße 23, 81925 Munich), David Barnwell, Matthew Bostock, Hamish Mackenzie, Geoff Poulton, Vicki Sussens, Asa C. Tomash, Harry Waterstone PROJECT MANAGEMENT Marlene Freiberger GRAPHICS Michael Helble (resp.), Igor Clukas, Christian Kühn PHOTO EDITOR Elke Latinovic COVER IMAGE J. Schmid Atelier H7/MAN PRODUCTION C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH PRINTING Pinsker Druck und Medien GmbH Pinskerstraße 1, 84048 Mainburg, Germany REPRODUCTION permitted with reference. Any changes must be coordinated with the editors. COPYRIGHT ©2015 MAN Diesel & Turbo and C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH

The best of the power engineering world WITH THIS SECOND ISSUE of MANmagazine

engineering solutions to a broad customer

by MAN Diesel & Turbo, we invite you to ex-

range almost anywhere on the planet. In this

plore our universe of versatile technology. Join

publication, we strive to bring our readers in-

us on a world tour to Niger, Guadeloupe, Indo-

teresting, illuminating and useful topics and

nesia, Denmark and India to discover the fasci-

stories. We look forward to your feedback and

nating and awe-inspiring details of cutting-

hope you enjoy reading our magazine.

edge power, marine and turbo applications. A global player and oftentimes market leader, MAN Diesel & Turbo provides high-end power


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All information provided in this magazine is intended for general guidance only and is not intended to be used as a substitute for specific technical or commercial information and advice.






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100 YEARS OF SUCCESS Even 100 years after its development, the isothermal compressor still fits the needs of a whole industry.


25 years of steady growth


Precious waste


Engineered precision


Think big


Capability before capacity


100 years of success


Separation is in the air


Workhorses of the sea


Leading the way in SCR technology


Expert maintenance

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s operations in India have become a key strategic asset. A MAN steam turbine is operating reliably in a waste-to-energy plant. Laser cladding promises precision service for delicate parts. The MAN engine of the container giant CSCL Globe delivers 77,000 horsepower. Dr. Tilman Tßtken works to find cleaner solutions for the power plant industry. MAN has been creating highly efficient isothermal compressors for a century. With AIRMAX, MAN supplies another leading technology for air separation plants. MAN-powered special-purpose ships deliver truly extraordinary solutions. A new system helps customers minimize costs and maximize flexibility. Join a PrimeServ service engineer on a special assignment to Sumatra.


Building a brighter future


The road to decarbonization



Sub-Saharan countries are investing heavily in power infrastructure. Prof. Dr. Alan McKinnon provides an expert view on this current topic. Brief business updates


Facts and figures

Formidable insights and numbers


MADE IN 25 years of steady growth

A look into the future: After 25 years of business in India, MAN Diesel & Turbo continues to invest in the country.



INDIA Workers at Aurangabad put the finishing touches to the small-bore diesel engines produced on-site.

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s operations in India have become a key strategic asset for the group – and continue to be so as business expands and opportunity grows.


his year marks the ‘official’ 25-


year anniversary of MAN Diesel

operations are centered around the factory in

& Turbo’s production opera-

Aurangabad, Maharashtra, which was acqui-

tions in India. However, the company’s roots in

red in 2000 to give the company a manufactu-

the country can be traced back more than

ring hub that could better serve common-

a century, to when a predecessor of the

wealth markets. Today, it’s the group’s small-

current organization manufactured its first

bore d iesel eng i ne produc t ion hub,

diesel engine on the South Asian peninsula

manufacturing four-stroke engines for mari-

back in 1902. Since then, the business has

ne and power plant applications. While these

grown to be the company's worldwide hub for

engines compete with high-speed alternatives

smaller-sized engines and some types of

in the sub 2000kW market, their slower opera-

steam turbines, an organization with over 500

tion makes them more fuel efficient and less

employees distributed over six locations ac-

liable to wear, giving them a longer lifecycle.

Photos: Sanjit Das

ross the country. Today, India has a unique status within the group as the only country out-

SPEAKING ABOUT MAN’s small-bore engi-

side of Germany in which MAN Diesel & Turbo

ne operations in India, Lex Nijsen, Head of

runs production facilities for all three of its

Four-Stroke Marine at MAN Diesel & Turbo,

strategic business units: Engine and marine

comments: “In the last few years, focusing on

systems, power plants and turbomachinery.

small bore engine production at Aurangabad


has enabled us to standardize processes, the-

WHILE BEING PART of a global business,

reby, increasing efficiency and production ca-

MAN India takes great pride in its local pro-

pacity.“ Nijsen explains that “our Aurangabad

duction. The company supports the Indian

site, with sales support provided by our Augs-

government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, which

burg office, now also supplies customers all

aims to promote the country as a center of

over the world.” The other main market for

manufacturing excellence and encourage the

the company‘s small-bore engine production

use of local components to power the growth

is power generation, as Bo Tornøe, Head of

of the Indian economy. Emmanuel Ferdinand

Headquarters Small Bore Power explains:

explains: "We support 'Make in India'. In fact,

“This includes power plants for national elec-

we have been 'making in India' for the past 25

tricity grids, as well as for individual factories

years. The campaign‘s ethos is very important

that need a stable, locally generated supply of

for the country, and this influences our work.

electricity.” In recent years, development of

For example, we ensure that at least 50% of

the small bore segment has led to significant

the components we use at Aurangabad are

growth. Currently, the factory has the capaci-

sourced locally. We invest consistently in In-

ty to produce 60 engines a year, and over the

dian manufacturing, and we are very confi-

next 10 months, MAN will make the invest-

dent about the future of the business here."

ments required to increase this to 100 a year. TURBOMACHINERY represents the third key component of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s operations in India. At its site in Vadodara, in the Western state of Gujarat, over 100 employees provide sales, support and project management services for the company’s turbo product installations at oil refineries and steel manufacturing plants. Key clients include giant manufacturing organizations such as Reliance Industries Limited, the Steel Authority of India, and Jindal Steel and Power. Here, too, significant new investment has recently been made through the acquisition of MaxWatt, a small but successful Bangalore-based producer of steam turbines for power plants and mechanical drive applications. Peter Küper, Vice President Steam Turbines at MAN Diesel & Turbo, explains the rationale behind the deal: “MaxWatt had a product range that complemented ours almost perfectly. There was hardly any overlap, and this is what made it so attractive. Additionally, the production site in Bangalore has spare capacity and room to expand. This will be important as we see big growth potential for the future.” Emmanuel Ferdinand, Managing Director of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s India operations, adds: "With this acquisition, we continue to shape the footprint of MAN‘s Indian operations as the company‘s hub for smaller-sized machines."


After years of steady growth, the Aurangabad site now supplies customers in India, the Middle East and Africa.

“We support 'Make in India'. We have been 'making in India' for 25 years.” Emmanuel Ferdinand, Managing Director of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s India operations

2/2015 The acquisition of Bangalore-based steam turbines producer MaxWatt has allowed MAN Diesel & Turbo to expand its operations in turbomachinery.

As part of the "Make in India" ethos, 50% of used components in MAN‘s Indian operations are locally sourced. The Indian MAN sites serve all three strategic business units: marine engines, power plants and turbomachinery.


photos: MAN (1), Sanjit, Das (3)

Vadodara Aurangabad


Indian Ocean




Waste Since being commissioned in 2008, a

a popular and charming coastal city. Many

MARC 2 steam turbine made by MAN Diesel &

tourists happen to produce a lot of waste.

Turbo has been operating reliably in the waste-

With this power plant, we can easily and

to-energy plant owned by Uddevalla Energi,

sensibly make use of these increased

the municipal utility company located in the

amounts of waste.

idyllic city of Uddevalla, in southern Sweden.

How satisfied are you with the perfor-

Low in emissions, the plant supplies Uddevalla

mance of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s turbine?

with both heat and power. In this short

The turbine runs flawlessly. Availability is

interview, we talk to Production Manager

above 99%, which is amazing considering

Jack Kristoffersson.

that it runs almost continually all year long. We have generated an impressive amount of

Mr. Kristoffersson, what is your power

electricity with that turbine.

plant’s output? Our CHP power plant generates 42 MW of heat, and as the core component, MAN’s turbine has an output of 10 MW. The generated electricity and thermal discharge are primarily used here locally, whereby we also resell some of the power. Among its residents, the city of Uddevalla likes to use the pitch “We make energy out of your garbage.” It’s proud of its environmentally friendly waste-disposal solution. A large part of the facility is dedicated solely to emissions reduction. Why did Uddevalla opt for a new waste incineration plan? Its service area comprising 50,000 residents is fairly manageable. At the start of the project in 2004, the city saw the advantages that a waste-to-energy power plant offers. First, the region had no comparable facility; in fact, non-recyclable waste was disposed of primarily at landfills. Second, tourists consider Uddevalla to be


From waste to energy: the MAN turbine in Uddevalla serves a good purpose.


Uddevalla is a popular tourist destination. This means plenty of waste left behind for energy production.

A look at the control room in Uddevalla. The plant can produce up to 60,000 MWh of electricity a year.

The environmentally friendly approach to energy production began in 2004 and has been running steadily ever since.


Highly skilled international welding engineers are needed to operate the laser center in Oberhausen.

Laser cladding promises precision repairs of delicate parts. The biggest win, however, may come from significantly reduced lead times and increased efficiency.




2/2015 Moving the laser cladding operations in-house was a logical step forward, allowing for a more agile operation.


hen working with state-of-the-art machinery, you’ll need an

eye for precision and flexibility. Few places know this better than the MAN PrimeServ Competence Center Repair in Oberhausen. Here, a team of highly skilled experts and engineers are working hard to take laser cladding technology to the next level. Laser cladding describes a welding repair method in which a precision laser is used for maintenance and repair of rotors, impellers and blades suffering from wear and corrosion. The technology was implemented in 2010 and replaced the traditional method of thermal spraying. Damaged parts can be pre-diagnosed remotely using 3D scanning and are then shipped to Oberhausen for treatment. Already, more than 200 rotors and their parts have been repaired using the new method. Orders are continuously coming in f rom plants in Zur ich, Berlin and Hamburg, and a further rollout is in the plans for plants in China, South Africa and Brazil. Here, too, MAN PrimeServ technology and know-how will be put to use.

Thanks to investments in equipment and manpower, the plant in Oberhausen now has a unique market position.

“Laser cladding is a logical step forward in

photos: Carsten Paul

how we manage repairs and meet our client’s expectations,” says Christoph Korbmacher,

house, thereby offering more efficiency and

Senior Manager New Technologies at MAN

value for money,” Korbmacher says. Apart

PrimeServ Oberhausen. “It is the result of

from a cash investment of “around one mil-

both technical advances and our realization

lion euros,” Korbmacher also had to build the

that we can offer our clients a better service.”

right team for the work in Oberhausen. Inter-

Reduced lead times is the first of these

national welding engineers, or IWEs, in partic-

advantages. By investing in laser welding

ular, are needed and function as a stamp of

technologies at the Oberhausen plant, MAN

quality in the industry. “We now have a unique

PrimeServ was able to move the delicate

position: Many can use laser cladding, but few

repair and maintenance work in-house, there-

can weld such large components as effectively

by reducing lead times from three to six

as we can. Now, we can proudly offer precision

weeks to just one. “We wanted to invest in the

work as a modern service solution that is flex-

technology to bring the repair process in-

ible, efficient and incredibly swift.”


More than 200 rotors and machine parts have been repaired using laser cladding in Oberhausen since 2010.


A room with a view: a glance at the bridge of the CSCL Globe

THINK BIG Bigger, broader, taller: Container ships are breaking size records faster than ever before. MAN Diesel & Turbo designed the engines for another record-breaker this year.

Big, broad and tall: the CSCL Globe is the size of almost four soccer fields.



Sailing the CSCL Globe requires both hard work and minute attention to detail.


he giant, 400-meter-long CSCL Globe had to first pit its 184,000 tons of steel against

an angry North Sea storm before it arrived, a day late, on 13 January 2014 on its 70-day maiden voyage from China to Europe. Then, watched by curious onlookers, it was maneuvered down the Elbe River into its berth at the Eurogate Container Terminal – an operation that required precision work from the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA). The ship was too wide to allow two-way traffic down the Elbe River. It also could not sail fully loaded, due to the depth of the Elbe. To cope, the HPA reported that it prepared for the ship’s arrival through simulations 17 times. The CSCL Globe, built by Hyundai Heavy Industries for China Shipping Container Lines, is one of the largest container ships ever to be built. The size of four soccer fields, it can carry up to 19,100 containers – space for 156 million pairs of shoes or 900 million tins of baked beans, as the media speculated. The giant single-propeller ship required a giant engine and MAN Diesel & Turbo’s TwoStroke Large Bore Design team in Copenhagen designed one: the 93,500-horsepower, two-

drive down the cost per container. Other

stroke MAN B&W 12S90ME-C Mark 9.2. At 17.2

factors include environmental regulations to

metres tall, 5.3 metres wide and 22.5 metres

reduce carbon emissions, as well as advances

long, it was the world’s largest engine ever built

in technology.

– until November 2014, when Hyundai built an engine that was half a metre taller.

“Efficiency has become the most important value,” says Susanne Kindt, Head of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s Low Speed Large Bore Design

photos: Hauke Dressler

THE CSCL GLOBE only held the record

in Copenhagen. Her team designed the engines

of the world’s largest container ship for

to maximize fuel efficiency and reduce CO2

53 days. Then the Mediterranean Shipping

emissions. Another important feature is the

Company launched its MSC Oscar, which is as

electronic fuel injection control, which adjusts

long as the Globe, but able to carry 19,224

fuel injection pressure and rate shaping

containers. MAN Diesel & Turbo supplied the

according to load.

new giant with an 83,899-horsepower engine.

The MAN B&W 12S90ME-C Mark 9.2 twostroke engine delivers 93,500 horsepower and is one of the biggest engines ever built.

“Most of our team deals with the engine

The race to produce bigger container ships

only in calculations or on the computer during

knows no end. Overcapacity in the con-

design,” says Kindt. “It’s very different to see

tainer shipping industry has led to freight rates

the ship sailing the seas. To know that it’s

dropping, competition increasing and a race to

powered by our engine is a very good feeling.”


The CSCL Globe can carry up to 19,100 containers – more than enough space for 900 million tins of baked beans.


Dr. Tilman Tütken works to find cleaner solutions for the power plant industry.

Capability before

capacity 14

Dr. Tütken, the European Union has committed itself to reducing CO2 emissions by 40% before the year 2030. Do you con-

which are key to achieve an additional 20% before 2030. Besides CO2 reduction, what are Eu-

sider this goal realistic?

rope’s main challenges in the area of

The goal is ambitious but within reach, espe-

energy generation?

cially considering the progress that has been

CO2 emissions remain a major challenge.

made so far. For all we can tell, Europe will

Otherwise there would be no need for any

surpass its 2020 objective, which is a 20% cut

goals in the first place. The truth is that

in carbon emissions.

Europe is on a good path here – unlike with

In recent years the European Emission

other climate goals, such as energy efficiency.

Trading System (ETS) has been a weak tool.

But that path gets harder to walk by the day.

But I expect higher CO2 prices going forward,

We could observe this first-hand in Germany,

photo: Max Kratzer

The path to reaching the needed cuts in CO2 emissions gets harder to walk by the day, says Dr. Tütken, Vice President and Head of Power Plant Sales Europe at MAN Diesel & Turbo. Still, he remains an optimist.


where CO2 emissions started to rise again af-

available for some reason, the engines will

ter decades of decline in 2009 and reached a

seamlessly switch to liquid fuel. Waste-heat

new high in 2013. Absurdly enough this hap-

recovery and high engine efficiency maxi-

pened because of the ongoing increase in re-

mize the plant’s overall fuel efficiency, and

newable generation.

emissions are minimized thanks to natural

How so? More and more subsidized renewable energy

gas as a fuel. If natural gas is the right fuel, why is it

pushed into the market and led to a drastic

that many gas plants are struggling?

erosion of wholesale prices for electricity.

On a regulatory level a functioning emission

As most gas-fired power plants could not

trading system is crucial. In Europe, coal is

compete on that price level, the share of

the cheaper fuel. Disregarding emissions

energy generated from coal – both lignite and

costs, natural gas suffers from a competitive

hard coal – increased, with a significant

disadvantage. This needs to be addressed on a

impact on the carbon footprint.

political level – in Europe and beyond. In the

This example shows us two things, I

long run, we will need a global commitment.

believe: First, as a low-emission fossil fuel,

This has to be a major objective of the upcom-

natural gas is essential when it comes to

ing climate conference in Paris.

reaching our climate goals. Second, any sus-

On the technological side, the challenge

tainable approach to reducing CO2 emissions

lies in the plants’ capabilities. A recent study

will eventually depend on an ef fective

by Deloitte came to the conclusion that

emission trading system in place, which adds

Europe is facing substantial excess capacities

a price tag to CO2.

and blackouts at the same time. That is

What makes natural gas that essential?

because most power plants in operation

The more we increase the share of renewable

today were not designed to operate in an

energies in generation, the more urgent we

energy system with large quantities of inter-

need flexible fossil back-up capacities that

mitting renewable energy. The capabilities

kick in whenever the wind does not blow or

power plants must bring to the table these

the sun does not shine. These capacities need

days have changed – for example, quick ramp-

to be high in efficiency and low in emissions.

ups, efficient partial-load operations, etc. Eu-

Only natural gas qualifies here. Our com-

rope is rich in capacity, but lacks capabilities.

bined heat and power plants reach overall

What contribution can MAN make on

fuel efficiencies of 90% or more. If we want to

the technological playing field?

meet the climate goals we have signed off on,

Our gas engines can make a very substantial

there is no way around natural gas.

contribution. They are quick, clean and flexi-

And yet in many European markets

ble and can help with the much needed inte-

gas-fired plants have a hard time making

gration of renewables, heat recovery, low-

money. Why would investors still decide to

emission fossil back-up and – eventually –

build new ones?

energy storage. Whether it’s captive power

Because when choosing the right technology,

applications for industrial companies or

gas-fired plants grant security of supply,

large-scale modular power plants of up to 200

while offering high efficiency and low emis-

MW that feed into the electrical grids and

sions. These were the exact three factors that

heat networks – gas engines of fer an

tipped the scale for the government of Gibral-

unmatched amount of operational freedom.

tar, for whom we are currently building an

Is this technology the right fit only for

80 MW power station together with our EPC

Europe, or also for other markets in

partner Bouygues. It’s a co-generation plant

the world?

that will operate a total of six engines, three

Decentralized energy generation is a global

of which will run on natural gas, while the

trend. It is of great benefit to emerging mar-

other three will be dual-fuel engines.

kets, too, which often lack the grid to trans-

This mix of dual-fuel and gas engines grants security of supply: Should gas not be

port large quantities of electricity and are still

“Natural gas is essential when it comes to reaching our climate goals.” Dr. Tilman Tütken, Vice President at MAN Diesel & Turbo and Head of Power Plant Sales Europe

Power to the Rock The new power plant in Gibraltar will generate an output of 80 MW with 3.4 MW of heat recovery. The plant will feature three 14V51/60G gas and three 14V51/60DF dual-fuel engines. The 14V51/60G has an electrical power output of 14.3 MW and a single-cycle efficiency of up to 50%, which can be increased to a combined-cycle efficiency of over 52%. When ready in 2017, the plant will guarantee energy selfsufficiency for the Rock of Gibraltar’s 30,000 inhabitants.

building their generation systems.



photo: MAN


100 years of

SUCCESS MAN Diesel & Turbo has been creating highly efficient isothermal compressors in Zurich for exactly 100 years. The latest generation of these unique machines is building on this extraordinary legacy.


n 2014, MAN Diesel & Turbo launched its

used to build the first versions were so good,

second-generation RIKT compressor, the

two essential elements are still state-of-the

latest chapter in a success story that

art and unique to MAN Diesel & Turbo in

started in Zurich, Switzerland, a century

2015. Isotherm compressor Product Manager

ago, with the advent of the first isothermal

Rudi Ter Harkel explains: “Our compressor

machine that could compress air efficiently

uses an inline shaft design that combines all

and cost-effectively. In those days, the primary

process stages on one shaft. The machinery

use cases for air compression technology in-

rotates as one unit at a constant speed. This

cluded industrial cleaning equipment, as well

arrangement allows us to use a very solid,

as pneumatic drills and hammers for the min-

heavy rotor that is insusceptible to fouling.

ing industry. Over the years, these applica-

Due to this design, the machine keeps run-

tions were overtaken by air separation, driven

ning smoothly despite inevitable wear and

by the growing demand for industrial gases in

tear, all of which contributes to a very robust,

the petrochemical and manufacturing indus-

reliable machine that minimizes downtime

tries. Today, the RIKT compressor is a shining

and maintenance for end customers.�


Since the launch of the first-generation isothermal compressor in 1915, over 1,400 units have left the MAN works.

example of the industry-leading solutions from MAN Diesel & Turbo for air separation applications.

THE SECOND UNIQUE FEATURE relates to cooling. Air heats up as it is compressed – this is why it is vital to keep it cool in order to

DESPITE SIGNIFICANT technological im-

maximize efficiency. Other technologies cool

provements, some aspects of the latest RIKT

the air in separate machinery after the com-

compressor would be familiar to the engi-

pression process. The isotherm innovation

neers working on the 1915 isothermal com-

was to include the coolers in the same single

pressors. In fact, the original design that was

machine housing. This is efficient, minimizes


the whole compression installation, increases

Air Liquide and its subsidiary Air Liquide

reliability and minimizes pressure losses. Ul-

China. For example, the company’s plant in

timately, this was a huge step forward for cus-

Tianjin (China) supplies oxygen, nitrogen and

tomers to produce industrial gases in large

hydrogen for customers in various industries,

quantities reliably and inexpensively.

and MAN’s RIKT compressors are a key component in the process. “The RIKT compressors

THE RESULTS can be seen in the remark-

offered us balance and reliability. MAN Diesel

able commercial success of MAN’s compres-

& Turbo has also developed a local manufac-

sor business. Markus Keller, Vice President In-

turing workshop in Changzhou, which pro-

dustrial Gases, comments: “Isotherm com-

vides us with quicker response and lower cost

pressors by MAN stand as a vital proof of our

for future maintenance, in addition to timely

market leadership in compression technolo-

support from MAN Diesel & Turbo’s European

gy for air separation. It’s just one of our vari-

operations,” says Zhang Zhenyin, General

ous solutions – but with its hundred years

Manager of Air Liquide Yongli.

history, the current RIKT is a real sales driver for us.”

IN MANY CASES, the RIKT compressor is in-

Today, 75% of the demand for MAN’s RIKT

stalled as the main air compression compo-

compressors comes from China, often (but

nent in MAN’s AIRTRAIN air separation

not always) driven by the need for oxygen in

trains, with more than 100 worldwide. These

the coal gasification process – an important

trains, featuring steam turbines and booster

contribution to the country’s aim of more en-

compressors manufactured by the company

ergy independency. Significant customers of

in Oberhausen and Berlin, have really set an

MAN’s isotherm technology – not only in Chi-

industrial standard.

na – include all large air separation compa-

As with any large-scale installation of ad-

nies worldwide. One of them is France-based

vanced industrial machinery, benefits are sig-

100 years of isotherm

Zhang Zhenyin, General Manager of Air Liquide Yongli



Isotherm compressor RZI

with π = 7.4, flow rate 3,500 to 30,000 m³/h, 7 stages in 1 casing, 2 flanged vertical coolers

First isotherm compressor

First isotherm compressor VW with π = 8, flow rate 80,000 m³/h, 11 stages in 1 casing, 3 integrated diagonal coolers

1960 1935

Isotherm compressor VWO Isotherm compressor VWO with π = 8.0, 9 stages in 1 casing, 2 × 7 integrated horizontal coolers, 3 bearings


“The RIKT compressors offered us balance and reliability.”

“New” isotherm compressor

Isotherm compressor VWR/RI 90-5 with π = 7.4, flow rate 25,000 to 200,000 m³/h, 5 stages in 1 cast casing, 2 × 4 integrated coolers, vertically mounted, identical size


Air separation in Tianjin: MAN’s isotherm business is going strong.

nificant but can take time to maximize because of an order-to-operation process that takes up to three years to complete. As Rudi Ter Harkel explains: “The first 12 to 16 months are taken up by the relevant engineering and manufacturing processes. Once the compressor has been built, it is shipped to the customer and installed – a process that takes several months to complete. The end customer then starts their own commissioning phase, connecting the compressor to the rest of the machinery required for their specific production process.” SO, WHEN IT COMES to the installation of air separation machinery, it’s a case of “Good things take time!” Still, demand isn’t slowing down. Since the launch of the first generation RIKT compressor in 2001, over 200 units have been sold, and order books are nicely filled for the latest second-generation machines, launched at the end of 2014. As a result, the outlook for another 100 years of isothermal

MAN’s RIKT compressors are key to Air Liquide China’s industrial gas operations.

compressor manufacturing at MAN Diesel & Turbo is very good indeed.



RIK radial isotherm compressor

RIKT high-performance isotherm compressor

Radial Isotherm Kompakt RIK, update of RI design, similar to ARI, For flow rates of 30,000 to 150,000 m³/h, cast casing with 5 impellers, axial inlet, 3 vertical intercoolers of different sizes, increased efficiency

1987 RIO isotherm oxygen compressor

Isotherm compressor RIO, 4 to 5 stages in 1 cast casing, 2 × 3 integrated vertical coolers


RIKT 2nd generation Further improved RIKT 3 to 6 impellers, 2, 3 or 4 vertical intercoolers, fabricated casing

photos: Hauke Dressler (2), MAN (8)

Radial Isotherm Kompakt RIKT, overhung, first-stage impeller for increased efficiency, large frame sizes, welded casing, with 3 to 6 impellers and 2 to 4 intercoolers, flexible, modular concept


Separation is in the air

-196 °C N Nitrogen 78 %

MAN Diesel & Turbo supplies leading turbomachinery technology for large air separation plants. With the AIRMAX solution, an air separation plant can produce up to 8,000 metric tons of oxygen per day.

Air-separation column

Ar Argon 1%

Cooling and liquefaction of air (-175°C) Higher pressure Booster air compressor


-186 °C

-183 °C O² Oxygen 21 %

Heat exchanger

Low pressure

Filtered ambient air

Steam turbine (driver) Main air compressor AR-MAX1



n Illustration: Peter Diehl


ra i T X


Nitrogen pipeline

Rail transport


Steelworks industry

Cryogenic silos Argon


AN Diesel & Turbo is a supplier of compressor trains


for air separation units

(ASUs), as shown in the infographic. The demand for air separation solutions is constantly growing – together with the demand for industrial gases, in processes such as gas-to-liquids (GtL) or coal-to-

Road transport

chemicals. The AIRMAX machinery train concept – an industry-leading solution from MAN Diesel & Turbo – contains an axial/radial main air compressor with highly developed MAX1 blading, featuring higher rotating speeds and higher blade-tip speeds. AIRMAX can handle flows up to 53 million cubic feet/hr (1.5 million m³/hr) or higher, enOxygen pipeline

abling a single plant to produce up to 8,000 metric tons of oxygen per day. In one of the latest ASU projects, Air Liquide will use MAN AIRMAX technology to build the world’s largest air separation unit in Secunda, South Africa. With a production capacity of 5,000 tonnes of oxygen per day, the ultra-modern facility pushes technical boundaries. The AIRMAX train, being the heart of the plant, comprises a main air compressor of the largest MAX1 type (AR140), and an RG 71-4 booster compressor. In this project, a 65 MW electric motor drives the main air compressor. This differs from the typical train concept, shown in the infographic, where both compressors are driven by a steam turbine. Once again, this is a proof of the flexible, highly efficient air separation solutions that MAN Diesel & Turbo provides.


From high in the sky to the deepest seas – when faced with extraordinary challenges, a handful of MAN-powered special-purpose ships are called upon to deliver truly extraordinary solutions.

Workhorses 22


of the sea

photo: Allseas

Pioneering Spirit is the world’s largest platform installation/decommissioning and pipelaying vessel.



easuring almost 300 meters from the sea bed to its highest point

above the surface of the North Sea, the Brent Delta oil and gas production platform is as tall as the Eiffel Tower – for the time being. Next year that will change, when, after around 40 years of operations, the structure will be decommissioned. Normally, this would mean disassembling the topside, which includes the drilling rig, helipad and accommodation block, and shipping it back to shore in smaller pieces for re-use, recycling or disposal as permitted. This time, however, the entire 24,200-metricton topside structure will be removed in a single lift operation. Only one ship in the world can do this: The MAN-powered Pioneering Spirit, built for the Swiss-based Allseas and boasting the length of about five jumbo jets. “In my 18 years at MAN, I’ve never seen anything like it,” says Wolfgang Dullinger, from the Order Management in MAN Diesel & Turbo’s Four-Stroke Marine department. PIONEERING SPIRIT is fitted with eight

MAN 20V 32/44 generator sets and one 9L 32/44 engine. Because of the demanding tasks, the vessel had a long list of requirements, with power and reliability paramount. “When you’re moving loads up to 48,000 metric tons, as the Pioneering Spirit can, engine failure would be disastrous,” says Dullinger.

“MAN’s history of delivering state-of-theart technology convinced Allseas to select them to supply the engines that power the 'Pioneering Spirit,'" says Martin Dubbeldam, Technical Superintendent at Allseas. “The flexible operating range makes them perfect for this application.” When working as a pipelayer, the Pioneering Spirit accelerates and slows every few minutes as it finishes each pipe in position-keeping mode and then moves 24 meters to lay the next piece. Of course, for the customer, the faster it can do this, the better. “This is why, despite the power demands, Allseas decided on engines with smaller cylinder-bore diameters, as they can


Decommissioning of the Brent Delta oil platform is set to begin in 2016.


The Pioneering Spirit will remove the 24,000 metric-ton Brent Delta topside in one go.

photos: Stuart Conway/Shell, allseas (2)

go from zero to full load quicker. Our 20V 32/44 engines fit the bill perfectly, and with our common rail technology, we can improve the load response even further compared to conventional injection systems,” says Dullinger. Instead of having one fuel pump per cylinder, a single high-pressure pump feeds a storage rail, which regulates precisely how much fuel is injected into each cylinder. THE SAME TECHNOLOGY is on board the Ceona Amazon, a brand new deep-water hybrid vessel with two 9L32/44CR as well as four 8L21/44CR main gensets from MAN Diesel & Turbo. The vessel can lay rigid and flexible pipelines, and can also install large, subsea structures down to 3,000 meters in depth using its two cranes. “It’s not easy to find the right engine configuration with multi-role vessels like this,” explains Rasmus Hedemark, Manager Offshore Sales for Medium Speed engines at MAN. “We need to know roughly how often it will be performing each task and where it might be operating. The 'Ceona Amazon' will be heading to some remote and challenging locations.”

At 300 meters high from the ocean floor, the Brent Delta oil platform is as tall as the Eiffel Tower.

300 m

200 m

100 m

NOT ALL SPECIAL-PURPOSE SHIPS are such versatile all-rounders – indeed, many are focused on one particular task only, but the de-

0m Sydney Opera House

London Eye

Eiffel Tower

Brent Delta


mands placed on their engines remain high.

Pipelayer and construction ship: MAN Diesel & Turbo has equipped the versatile Ceona Amazon.

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s 48/60 engines are a popular choice for dredging vessels, like Jan De Nul’s trailing suction hopper-dredger Leiv Eiriksson and its sister ship Cristobal Colon, the two largest such dredgers in the world. They perform two main tasks: Maintenance dredging, which is the cleaning of harbors and rivers, and land reclamation, which involves building up artificial islands, such as those that make up Dubai’s Palm Islands or Hong Kong’s international airport. The Leiv Eiriksson is fitted with two MAN 16V48/60B diesel engines, which provide propulsion power and the two suction pipes that allow the vessel to dredge sand and rocks up to a depth of 142 meters, plus the discharging pumps that empty the hopper. “Like other special-purpose ships, the vessels subject their engines to permanent and high load fluctuations while dredging, as well as a lot of engaging and disengaging of the propeller and pump clutches,” says Udo Ziegler, Senior Sales Manager at MAN Diesel & Turbo. Major recent projects, such as the New Suez Canal and the multi-billion-dollar expansion of Sri Lanka’s Port of Colombo, highlight the continued growth in global shipping volumes that keeps demand high for such large-scale dredging vessels. Currently, MAN Diesel & Turbo has 14 48/60CR engines on order for installation aboard new dredgers for customers in Benelux countries and China. THE OIL AND GAS SECTOR is by definition volatile, with construction very much linked to oil price, says Rasmus Hedemark. “Currently, there is a slight downturn due to the lower

set to be decommissioned in the next couple

oil price, but sooner or later we will see it in-

of decades, it’s a lucrative one. And there is

crease again. When it does, we have exactly

currently no other ship in the world capable

the right product with our 32/44 common rail

of removing the entire topside of an offshore

engines. And in terms of platform construc-

platform in one go.

tion, with oil drilling moving into increasing-


ly deeper and more remote waters, we’re go-


ing to see more state-of-the-art vessels with

know-how, the boundaries of what is possible

bigger, more powerful, more sophisticated

at sea are being redefined with each new chal-

equipment, like the Ceona Amazon".

lenge and solution. The niche market may still

Allseas believes what is true of platform

be in its infancy, but as technology advances,

construction is also true of platform decom-

new opportunities will undoubtedly arise –

missioning. This might be a niche market, but

leaving plenty of future tasks to be solved by

with hundreds of platforms in the North Sea

these workhorses of the sea.

Leiv Eiriksson and sister ship Cristobal Colon are the largest dredgers of their type in the world.


Hard workers: Main tasks of special-purpose ships

Drillship: Used in deep water to drill oil and gas wells

Crane vessel: Specialized in lifting heavy loads for offshore construction

photos: CEONA, LaNaval(3)

Cable layer: Lays underwater cables for telecommunications or electric power transmission

Dredger: Excavates underwater for construction and to keep waterways navigable

Leiv Eiriksson is fitted with two suction pipes and two electrically driven shore-discharging dredge pumps. The vessel is fitted with two MAN 16V48/60B diesel engines, which provide power for propulsion and suction.


Leading the way technology





n May 2016, Icelandic fishing company

(IMO) tightens up regulations on emissions

HB Grandi will take delivery of the first

from the shipping industry in certain areas.

of three new wet-fish trawlers. It will

During the last decade, it has created four

mark the completion of the first newly built

Emission Control Areas (ECAs), encompassing

ship to have MAN Diesel & Turbo’s SCR (selec-

the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, North America

tive catalytic reduction) system, which can re-

(covering most of the US and Canada) and

duce nitrogen oxide emissions by up to 90%.

the US Caribbean. Marine diesel engines in-

Others, too, are under construction and

stalled on a ship constructed on or after 1 Jan-

will be completed by 2017, such as a deep-

uary 2016 – and operating in the North Amer-

water derrick-lay vessel for the oil and gas in-

ican and US Caribbean ECAs – must now com-

dustry, and the lead ship of the new Harry De-

ply with so-called Tier III NOx emission

Wolf class of offshore patrol vessels for the

standards. As General Project Manager for Emission 2016 at MAN Diesel & Turbo, Daniel Struck-

Clean Funnel Configurator

Canadian navy. The new SCR tech-

meier has overseen the development process

nology, which can

of the marine SCR system, which adds urea to

Available via MAN Diesel & Turbo’s extranet platform Nexus, the Clean Funnel Configurator allows customers and partners to configure their own individual engine setup. Users can choose from a range of selection parameters and define their emission criteria, selecting from recommended modules such as SCR, silencer or scrubbers. Files can be viewed and exported in different 2D and 3D formats, with all relevant technical data for the engine and SCR system: a very handy tool for planning, demonstrations and presentations.

be integrated with

the exhaust gas, before passing it through a

MAN’s entire portfo-

catalyst at 300 to 400°C, drastically reducing

lio of medium-speed

NOx emissions. “We have developed a stan-

engines, comes as the

dardized modular component kit in 14 differ-

International Mari-

ent sizes,” explains Struckmeier. “This mini-

time Organization

mizes cost and maximizes flexibility. This is

Air compressor Injection

Urea tank

Urea supply pump


The new selective catalytic reduction system helps customers minimize costs and maximize flexibility.

Illustration: MAN; photos: HB Grandi (2), Petrofac, Irving Shipbuilding Inc.

in SCR

2/2015 HB Gandri’s newly built trawlers will be fitted with the new SCR systems.

The SCR system can be integrated into new ships or retrofitted into older ones.

The Canadian navy’s offshore patrol vessels are among the ships using SCR technology.

important given the breadth of our engine

soon set to follow suit, says Struckmeier. “Cus-

portfolio and means we don’t have to create

tomers always want to know how they can ob-

tailored solutions for each one.”

tain the right certification, and we’ve devel-

The SCR system can be both integrated

oped a process that offers a clear solution,” he

into new ships and retrofitted, as it was to

explains. “We created a special modelling

Danish cargo vessel Petunia Seeways, which

tool, which is certified by the classification

has performed thousands of hours of exten-

society. This means that any combination of

sive testing since 2012. Its successful perfor-

engine and SCR system we offer a customer

mance led to a Tier III compatibility certifi-

has already been pre-approved – we don’t

cate for the ship’s MAN 8L21/31 engine from

have to set up the entire system on the test

the classification society DNV-GL. Since then,

bed, which can be time-, cost- and space-

in April 2015, the China Classification Society

intensive. With our method, so-called scheme

awarded MAN Diesel & Turbo with the world’s

B, once everything is installed, all that’s need-

first SCR IMO Tier III approval-in-principle for

ed is a quick on-board confirmation test

its entire medium-speed engine portfolio,

for the parent engine and the customer has

and other main classification societies are

everything he needs.”


MAN Diesel & Turbo’s SCR (selective catalytic reduction) system can reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by up to 90%.


For customers worldwide, MAN PrimeServ offers standardized maintenance contracts that include online monitoring, delivery of replacement parts, and on-site servicing. MAN Magazine joins a service engineer on an assignment in Sumatra.


September day starts humid in Medan, Indonesia. Power plant operator Berkat Bima Sentana

(BBS) has sent a driver to pick up Andreas Donderer, a maintenance engineer with MAN PrimeServ, at the hotel at 7 a.m. The drive will take an hour, on roads jammed with spluttering motorcycles and bright yellow minivan taxis, accompanied by the cacophony of blaring car horns. It’s 25 kilometers to the new

BBS power plant in the port city of Belawan. “For other assignments, accommodation is usually closer to the power plant. However, this site is so remote that there are no hotels close by,” explains Donderer, just in from Augsburg. “That’s why we have to make the trip from Medan every morning during this two-week misson.” A resident of Bavaria, Germany, and a third-generation MAN employee, Donderer loves his work. He travels most of the year on assignments to customer locations around the world, including Spain, the Dominican Republic and now Sumatra. When he is not traveling, he oversees service contracts from the MAN PrimeServ head office in Augsburg. “I am the first contact person customers reach out to, and I’m the one who goes to the power plants to carry out the maintenance work and warranty services agreed on in the contract, together with the operators,” he explains.


EXPERT maintenance

2/2015 As a maintenance engineer, Andreas Donderer travels to work at facilities all over the world.

photos: Zakaria Zainal

Engines are closely monitored and detailed maintenance reports are developed with the customer.


They arrive at the Belawan power plant

large screens, all engines worldwide with

shortly after 8 a.m. With humidity at 95% and

maintenance contracts are remotely moni-

temperatures well above 35°C in the engine

tored in real time by four employees. In the

hall, Donderer gets to work. The 12 engines

event of any discrepancies, they promptly no-

have been operating reliably; they comprise

tify the assigned superintendent engineer, of

eight second-hand MAN 9L58/64 engines, and

which Donderer is one.

four new 18V48/60TS engines. They represent

Filous explains the concept: “Our mainte-

a combined capacity of 174.6 MW, whereby,

nance contracts extend beyond on-site sup-

the old engines account for 95.4 MW, with the

port because we use an integrated approach.

new units generating an output of 79.2 MW.

Besides continuous online monitoring, we

This maintenance assignment is focused

schedule the maintenance periods together

solely on the new 18V48/60TS units. “This en-

with the customer, send replacement and

gine is a new development, with a two-stage

wear parts to the power plant prior to doing

turbocharger,” says Donderer. “The turbo-

the work, and we prepare a very detailed

chargers are practically connected in series

schedule and sequence plan. After the service

and consist of a first low-pressure stage fol-

is successfully completed, customers receive a

lowed by a second high-pressure stage. As a re-

comprehensive final report. Plant operators

sult, they achieve a higher charging pressure,

who opt for such a maintenance contract

thereby, enabling more efficient fuel combus-

benefit from minimum downtime and high-

tion. Customers benefit from lower fuel con-

quality service.”

sumption and reduced emission values at the same time.”

BACK IN BELAWAN, SUMATRA, Donderer’s deployment is coming to an end. In a final

AFTER THEIR FIRST 6,000 hours of opera-

meeting, Mr. Salim, general manager of the

tion, the new engines require a “minor” main-

BBS power plant, explains the benefits of the

tenance service. “We mostly do inspections to

maintenance contract with MAN PrimeServ:

determine the status of wear components and

“We invested a large amount of money in the

exchange them if necessary,” says the MAN

power plant by buying the modern 48/60TS

engineer. “These engines are pretty new, so we

engines. That’s why it is critical to obtain max-

won’t have to replace any parts for a long

imum efficiency over a long period. To ensure

time.” The experts closely examine the four

this happens, all equipment – especially the

engines one at a time, while the other engines

engines – requires optimized maintenance

continue to operate. Continuous operation is

services. The service contract guarantees that

a necessity given that BBS must supply the

we always receive original and high-quality re-

utility company with a contractually stipulat-

placement parts and continous technical sup-

ed output of 120 MW even during mainte-

port from MAN PrimeServ. This ensures we

nance periods. The noise level is high, but does

can operate the plant efficiently, with no mal-

not pose a communication problem for the

functions.” To ensure that this optimized ser-

BBS employees.

vice is provided, Donderer and his Augsburg-

“In the engine hall, we communicate with

based colleagues will continue to watch the

our hands, which actually works pretty well

power plant carefully. If everything goes ac-

among technicians. The local staff is interested

cording to plan, the next time Donderer sees

in the work. The experience they acquire dur-

Mr. Salim will be for the next scheduled main-

ing scheduled maintenance helps them to in-

tenance service after 6,000 hours of opera-

dependently resolve smaller issues that occur

tion. And when the engines have 36,000 hours

from day to day,” says Donderer.

of operation behind them, it’s time for the first “major” maintenance service. When that hap-



pens, Donderer will be supported by col-

lometers away, Michael Filous, Head of

leagues from the regional PrimeServ Service

PrimeServ O&M, is standing in MAN

Center Singapore and Indonesia. A global

PrimeServ’s online service center. On two

team, on the job all over the world.


photos: Zakaria Zainal

Donderer is based in Augsburg, but works closely with local teams when he is traveling.


The Gorou Banda project faces harsh environmental conditions, in particular dust and high air temperatures

Building a Brighter



2/2015 Mr. Djibril Amadou Mailele, Director of Production & Transport, Nigelec

The site of the new power plant is on the outskirts of the capital, Niamey, close to the banks of the Niger River

Sub-Saharan Africa shows high potential for future growth. Many countries are investing heavily in infrastructure, creating new opportunities – and challenges to be solved.

photos: Maurice Ascani


endowed with fossil fuels and renewable resources, these are not evenly distributed, creating windfall profits for some countries and exacerbating the crisis in others.” NIGER, IN WEST AFRICA, is an excellent example of the current African market. The landlocked nation is a large global uranium producer and began producing crude oil in 2011; but it suffers from power outages almost daily. It has to import 62% of its electricity from Nigeria and currently has an installed capacity of about just 90 MW. Only 7% of households have regular access to electricity and great regional disparity rules – currently 41% of urban households are connected,

frica is abundant with

compared to only 0.28% of rural households.

natural resources, and

This is set to change in early 2016 when a

while it is not as economi-

new power plant will be inaugurated in the

cally developed as parts of Europe and Asia, it

capital, Niamey. The facility is being con-

is growing steadily. For the past decade,

structed by Chinese EPC contractor Sino-

growth has averaged 5% and is expected to re-

hydro, and engineers have successfully

main positive in the next few years.

installed four MAN 18V48/60TS gensets, com-

Utilities, and electricity in particular, play

bining the robust MAN 18V48/60 diesel/HFO

a key role in this development. On a continent

engine with two MAN turbo-chargers TCA 77

where many homes and businesses are still

and TCA 88 that adhere to World Bank emis-

dark after nightfall, reliable access to electric-

sion standards.

ity can power factories and shops, schools and

Each unit delivers a power output of more

universities, and offer new opportunities to

than 20 MW, making it the most powerful

the people driving the economic growth.

four-stroke engine in today’s market.

“Some 25 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

“It’s a very flexible engine,” says Dr.

currently suffer from rolling blackouts, and

Andreas Emmert, Senior Sales Manager Power

on average just 30% of the population has

Plants for MAN Diesel & Turbo in Paris. “It can

access to electricity,” says Martin Kalter, Vice

be run in high-efficiency mode during nor-

President Sales Sub-Sahara Africa for MAN

mal operation, and switched to maximum

Diesel & Turbo. “While the continent is well

output mode during times of peak demand.”


Final phase: The commercial operation of the plant will start in the beginning of 2016.

The new power plant in Niamay is a prime example of international cooperation between MAN and Chinese contractor Sinohydro.






Indian Ocean

THE 18V48/60TS SYSTEM is the ideal solu-

“THE NIAMEY PROJECT is a perfect example

tion to a challenge typical of the conditions

of MAN’s strengths in the growing African

often encountered in countries like Niger.

market,” says Dr. Emmert. “It’s not just about

It is, thus, able to generate the required 80

building new power plants. We are active in

MW at Gorou Banda with only four gensets,

Africa during the whole life-cycle of our prod-

even under the harsh environmental condi-

ucts, with offices and hubs in South Africa,

tions, in particular with the high ambient air

Senegal, Kenya and Nigeria. Our customers

temperatures that can be reached during the

particularly appreciate the extensive after-

hot season – an important feature in places

sales support we are able to offer them.”

like Niamey. “This was a key factor in choos-

The project is also noteworthy for the suc-

ing Sinohydro and MAN for this project,” says

cessful cooperation with Sinohydro, one of

Djibril Amadou Mailele, Director of Produc-

the major international players in Africa in-

tion & Transport at Nigelec (Société Nigéri-

frastructure projects. “The cooperation with

enne d’Electricité), the end customer and pub-

MAN Diesel & Turbo has been excellent,” says

lic electricity provider.

Yu Guangping, Deputy General Manager of

The choice of a modular power plant like

Sinohydro Bureau 10 International and Vice

this, consisting of several generators, has ad-

President of the Board of Gorou Banda Proj-

ditional advantages. Niamey is dusty, and the

ect. “We have benefitted from the extensive

generators can be delivered almost complete-

and profound expertise in engine-based pow-

ly pre-assembled. This is helpful, as power

er solutions, and all the activities conducted

plant solutions with fewer larger generators,

during this project have been of the profes-

as are often used in Europe, would be deliv-

sional high standard we would expect of a

ered in sections and needed to be assembled

multinational company.” The feedback echoes

on-site, a tricky operation under these condi-

that of Simon Bartrop, Project Manager on be-

tions. It also means that total output can be

half of MAN Diesel & Turbo. “Resources from

increased at a later stage simply by adding

eight offices, in eight countries, across four

more generators to the facility, thus, reducing

continents are involved in this project. We are

initial investment costs. Flexibility is another

all pulling together, utilising our internation-

key advantage. The grids in Niger are often

al capabilities to help our new partners, Sino-

highly unstable, with rapidly changing power

hydro and Nigelec, make this project a suc-

demands. The engines are capable of picking

cess,” he says.

up on fluctuations and adapting quickly.


When power demand is lower, some engines

NIGER’S GDP GROWTH is predicted to reach

may be put on stand-by, with other engines

6.5% in 2016, placing it above nations like

running at full load. Avoiding part-load oper-

Colombia and Malaysia. To continue growth,

ation maximizes the overall efficiency of the

however, further investments in energy and

power plant. With 80 MW worth of electrical

infrastructure are needed. The new facility in

power, the plant will almost double the total

Niamey is a step in this direction – towards a

generation capacity in Niger.

brighter future.


photos: Maurice Ascani

A powerful solution: Four MAN 48/60TS gensets will help drastically improve Niger’s electrical infrastructure.



DECARBONIZATION The logistics sector is under pressure to cut CO2 emissions. While plenty has already been achieved, the road to decarbonization remains long and steep, says Prof. Dr. Alan McKinnon, one of the industry’s leading authorities on decarbonization. In the coming decades, companies will be put under increasing pressure to decarbonize their activities. The UN COP21 climate change conference, taking place later this year in Paris, aims to achieve international agreement on global decarbonization – but there are already concerns that the targets are unrealistic. Participating countries have indicated the level of savings in CO2 emissions they can achieve by 2050. When combined and factored into climate models, the figures show a global temperature increase of 2.7 degrees centigrade, well above the 2 degrees centigrade figure generally consiTo achieve it, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions need to drop 60% worldwide by 2050 relative to a 1990 base year. The European Commission is aiming for an 80% - 95% reduction for the EU economy as a whole, and a 60% reduction for transport. The target for transport, particu-


Illustration: Berto Martinez

dered to be the safe limit.


larly the freight sector, will present a formida-


minimal disruption, though marginal increa-

ble challenge. Last year, the Deep Pathways

industry. According to the International Mari-

ses in in-transit inventory costs. Slow-stea-

Project (DDPP) identified freight as one of the

time Organisation, its share of global GHG

ming sets an example to other transport mo-

hardest sectors to decarbonize due to the pro-

emissions actually fell from 2.6% in 2008 to

des and suggests that wider deceleration of

jected increase in global freight movement.

2.1% in 2012. This should not be taken as

freight movement may offer a cost-effective

So, how, in absolute terms, do we reduce emis-

grounds for complacency, however, because

means of decarbonizing logistics. In a low car-

sions from freight transport whilst accommo-

the IMO is projecting that total GHG emissi-

bon world, companies may have to rebalance

dating an ever-increasing demand for goods

ons from ships could increase on a business-

logistical cost trade-offs between inventory,


as-usual basis by between 50% and 250% by

ware-housing and transport in an effort to mi-

2050. Governments will naturally be reluctant

nimise fossil-fuel consumption across the


to curb the growth in international trade

whole supply chain. They will also take more

emissions, with freight accounting for roughly

which is the main driver of maritime freight

account of the environmental performance of

half this total. According to the DDPP, freight

volumes. So the pressure is on to reduce the

transport operations in their carrier choice.

emissions will grow to 16% by 2050 on a busi-

carbon intensity of freight movement by sea.

Although data currently exists to benchmark

ness-as-usual basis. Although many of the lar-

New vessels will have to meet steadily rising

the carbon intensity of container shipping li-

ger log ist ic s compa n ies a re set t i ng

Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) stan-

nes and trucking companies, the purchase of

ambitious carbon reduction targets, these

dards, though as ships typically have a life-

transport services is still dominated by com-

are generally expressed on a carbon-

span of several decades, this is essentially a

mercial and service-quality criteria.

intensity basis. Even if they are achieved,

long-term measure. The concentration of car-

Overall, it is doubtful if the changes to lo-

strong underlying growth in the volume of

rying capacity in larger vessels, particularly in

gistical practices required for deep decarboni-

freight movement would still cause total

the deep-sea container sector, also cuts emis-

zation will occur voluntarily. Governments

freight-related emissions to rise steeply. In the

sions per tonne-km, so long as high levels of

have to take a more active role in promoting

short to medium term, companies can har-

utilisation are achieved.

change through a combination of regulatory

vest much of the ‘low hanging fruit’ in logis-

Novel hull designs and alternative power

and fiscal measures. There is much discussion

tics decarbonization, deploying technical and

sources will further depress the carbon inten-

around whether this will be through the inclu-

operational measures which save money as

sity of future vessels. For example, using LNG

sion of freight transport in emission trading

well as cut carbon emissions. In the longer

to fuel ships reduces CO2 emissions by 20-25%,

schemes or the imposition of carbon taxation

term, more painful measures will be required

though any slip of methane needs to be avoi-

and / or regulation. Many companies would

to stay within global GHG limits. There is no

ded to maintain this advantage.

prefer the taxation option because it is more

silver bullet for this problem. On the contrary,

One of the most effective carbon-reducing

certain; long-term investment decisions are

a broad range of radical measures will be nee-

measures in logistics in recent years has been

harder to make when the price of carbon fluc-

ded to achieve absolute GHG reductions.

the slow-steaming of ships. Although motiva-

tuates widely in an emissions trading market.

ted by commercial rather than environmental

Governments can use incentives, such as lo-

IN RECENT YEARS, the "spotlight" has landed

concerns, this practice cut CO2 emissions

wer taxes on biofuels, to encourage a gradual

on shipping. Ocean-going vessels are respon-

from container shipping by over 10% between

switch. Investing in infrastructures, such as

sible for around 17% of total global emissions

2008 and 2010. Contrary to expectations,

battery recharging and biogas refueling net-

of NOx, leading some academics to describe

most large shippers have been able to accom-

works, is yet another option. In short, govern-

ocean-going ships as the "last bastion of dirty

modate significant increases in deep-sea tran-

ments are major stakeholders in logistics de-

diesel engines."

sit times within their global supply chains.


The International Maritime Organization

This has effectively reduced the carbon inten-

(IMO) has responded by establishing future li-

sity of the international trading system with


mits for SOx and NOx emissions from ships

is business-as-usual. The best case is fully

both globally and for particular maritime

meeting our carbon targets. I suspect that

zones. Many ships burn so called "bunker fuel" rich in sulfur, which is left as a residual fraction in the refining process when cleaner "distillate" fuels, mainly petrol and diesel used in surface transport, have been extracted. The IMO now limits the sulfur content in bunker fuel to 4.5% and this maximum will drop to 1.5% by 2020.

“We are on a trajectory that will lead to dangerous climate change.” Prof. Dr. Alan McKinnon, Head of Logistics, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg.

by 2050 reality will lie somewhere between these two visions. At both a global level and within the logistics sector we are on a trajectory that will lead to dangerous climate change. The longer it takes us to get onto the right carbon pathway, the harder it will become. The road to logistics decarbonization is likely to be long and steep.


Servicing in the desert MAINTENANCE UNDER ARID CONDITIONS: MAN Diesel & Turbo has concluded a contract with the United Cement Industrial Company (UCIC) for operation and maintenance of a new power plant in Saudi Arabia. The contract has a five-year term and includes the option of an extension for another five years. “This is a significant project for us,” says Wayne Jones, Senior Vice President of MAN Diesel & Turbo and head of MAN’s specialized service organization PrimeServ Diesel. “This is our first comprehensive O&M contract in the expanding power plant market of Saudi Arabia and we are grateful for the high level of trust our customer UCIC shows towards us.” MAN Diesel & Turbo is also responsible for building the 54 MW power plant near Jeddah, where five MAN 20V32/44 CR diesel engines provide electric energy for the new UCIC cement plant. Completion of the power plant is scheduled for February 2016.

Record-breaking order

Stronger together


& Turbo to help expand its operations. The

an order for a very particular solution: the

SKUEL 816 is to be used for soda production, in

SKUEL 816, or the world’s largest screw com-

which oil-free screw compressors are ideal due

pressor. Nirma Ltd. is a leading manufacturer

to their robust nature and ability to withstand


of detergents and cleaning products, serving

corrosive and dust-laden gases. To date 19 com-

silä, and Winterthur Gas & Diesel

more than 300 million consumers worldwide.

pressors for soda production have been

have launched a new cross-indus-

The company already has four SKUEL 643 units

installed in India in the last 30 years – 17 of

try initiative to develop basic

in use, and has now again chosen MAN Diesel

which were supplied by MAN Diesel & Turbo.

technologies for use in two- and four-stroke marine engines. The aptly named “Hercules-2” project will involve 32 marine industry partners from 11 different companies, 16 universities, and five research organizations, with NTU Athens as coordinator. The project is scheduled to run for three year and represents the follow-up phase of the Hercules R&D progies, which was originally conceived in 2004 by MAN Diesel & Turbo and Wärtsilä.


photos: MAN (2)

gram for large engine technolo-


Facts & Figures


meters under

Photo: Aker Solutions (2)

the sea, MAN Diesel & Turbo has provided the world’s first subsea compressor for a major oil and gas customer, to extract hydrocarbons like natural gas. For this challenging task, this cutting edge compressor can withstand really harsh conditions, enabling the production of additional 300 million barrels of oil equivalent. This makes subsea production more efficient and more reliable, and additionally reduces the risk of adverse environmental impact.

Installation of the subsea MAN compressor module on the Ă…sgard gas field off the coast of Norway


What Really Drives Us? The power to set the world in motion


of global trade is powered by MAN marine engines



locations make up our global service network

megawatts of power and heat are generated at MAN plants

Marine Engines & Systems Power Plants Turbomachinery After Sales MAN Diesel & Turbo is a major driver of global commerce and energy production. Our highly efďŹ cient transportation and energy solutions deliver reliable shipping and sustainable power worldwide. And with our extensive and ever-expanding service network, we’re ready to meet your after-sales needs wherever you are in the world. On water or on land, MAN Diesel & Turbo is your ideal partner for power that sets the world in motion. Find out more at:

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