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There is a story of a young boy diligently working in his father’s workshop. Spread over the floor was a deconstructed chair that had been damaged, tools and a varied collection of mixmatched chair parts. When the young boy’s father walked in, seeing his son’s frustration, He asked “What are you working on?” With despair he replied, “I’m trying to fix this chair. It seems that nothing I’ve tried has worked.” His father chuckled slightly, and offered to help. “What is the problem?” the father asked. The young boy glared at the pieces sprawled over the floor with an obvious expression saying, “The chair is broken, and everything that I’ve tried to fix it has not worked.” Placing his hand on his son’s shoulder the father said, That is your situation, not your problem. Your problem is simple – you need a chair to sit in. “Your efforts have been focused on correcting something that was broken. Instead, create a new chair.” Can you relate with the young boy? Definitely so...we all can. With this being the beginning of a new year, we encourage you to focus your efforts on creating versus correcting. A major part of this skill requires us to first be able to accurately identify what the problem is. When we know what the problem is, we are better able to determine the right resources (time, people, skills, money, priority, etc.), and avoid distractions that appear to be a good fit. Examples could include improving the attitude of a loved one, a progressive shift in your business or work, increasing your ability to influence others for their benefit, or improving your perspective about your health and body. In these areas, too often is our focus on the current circumstance and we develop the tendency to try to correct the circumstance (which is only a result of the actual problem). Like the young boy, we us a variety of unauthorized parts that were not a part of the manufacture’s design. Our hope is that we all approach this year by embracing the freedom of truly creating solutions to problems that we were meant to solve. Your potential is so great! Go create your own seat, to negotiate your space at the table.


In this issue of LOVE, MARRIAGE & PARTNERSHIP | The Review, be inspired to focus intimately on the gifts and service that are unique to you. Here’s a list of features to be highlighted, and set the expectation of things to come. COUPLES IN PARTNERSHIP: This feature is the heart of the publication, so become acquainted with phenomenal couples from all over that are building businesses and serving their communities through a loving partnership. 12 DREAM DATES: Whether single or a couple, be thrusted to a new and exciting dimension where vision and intimacy unite. See what Mr and Mrs Roach are serving this year to help you create an intimate experience that will foster your inner visions and dreams. DATE NIGHT IDEAS: Do more than flirt with the idea of Date Nights, make a commitment. These sweet notions will spark dedication for that much desired QT whether you’re single, just having fun, or in a committed relationship. CELEBRATE OUR SENIORS: Join us in not only celebrating our senior citizens, but honoring them with service and quality time. and more...

Well into a new year, a commanding pull towards the freedom of creativity for the sake of a much greater environment has grasped our core. We are excited to share stories that highlight individuals that are focused in the pursuit of purpose. With hopes to inspire beyond the moments of entertainment, the underlying message in all of the work presented is to define, develop, and devote to a greater work in you.

Love, Marriage & Partnership - The Review is a monthly publication sponsored by M & M R Marketing, LLC that focuses on married couples that are in partnership with each other through service and/or business to their communities and abroad. The goal of the Love, Marriage & Partnership – the Review is to inspire readers to look at the essence of partnership in marriage as shared by exemplary couples, ultimately moving readers to actively define, develop, and devote to their purpose as a couple.

WHO ARE YOU AS A COUPLE? We are best friends walking together in God’s purpose for our lives. WHAT THINGS DO YOU ADMIRE ABOUT YOUR SPOUSE? TASHA: I admire most is James’ consistency of character, his patient cleansing and cultivating love, and his ability to truly SEE people beyond any circumstance, choice or behavior. His lips, butt, hands and shoulders are a tremendous blessing bestowed unto me!!!



Inspiring, Impacting and Initiating Purpose in the lives of 10 Million people by meeting them where they are and helping them to get to where they desire to be.

Mr. and Mrs. Roach have over 18 years of combined experience in education, marketing and communications. Former founders of Simplicity Chocolate Confessions and Spiritual Designs, they now see a greater purpose for their lives. Mr. and Mrs. Roach currently own M & MR Marketing, LLC, are rising MLM state leaders in Mississippi (Jackson), and nine – time published authors of “OUR STORY” “YOUR DAILY VERSE” “WALK IN PURPOSE | The JOURNAL” “CHILVARY” “DAMAGED ROOTS” “JUST BE A MAN” “MLM BOOK | Volume 2” “THE ART of BEING STILL” “PURPOSE”. Their focus is on being the comprehensive elements of what was designed by God for marriage and partnership. Walking in purpose has allowed them as Partners in Marriage and Business to stand out in this world. With great joy, they desire to be a ray of hope to people directly or indirectly as purposed.

JAMES: I admire her genuine friendship, her unconditional love, her passion to grow daily, her desire to be fresh and new in everything that she does. Along with amazing lips, beautiful eyes, enchanting voice and a smile that I never get tired of seeing. MY WIFE IS FINNNNNE!!! HOW DO YOU PREPARE YOURSELF TO FUNCTION AS YOUR BEST SELF IN YOUR ROLE AS A SPOUSE? We pray for peace, power, protection, patience and prosperity. We strive to make a habit of learning, unlearning and relearning. We make a habit of looking for what’s right as opposed to who is right.

HOW DO YOU UTILIZE YOUR DIFFERENCES INDIVIDUALLY AS ASSETS TO YOU AS A COUPLE? Our differences are our strengths. It has been an amazing journey growing in maximizing this area of becoming one. WHAT DOES PARTNERSHIP IN MARRIAGE MEAN TO YOU? Partnership in marriage is the husband and the wife bringing their whole selves before God to allow Him to use what’s needed in each of them (while removing what is not needed) to achieve one specific purpose.

AS PARTNERS IN MARRIAGE, WHAT IS YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL? WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE TO OBTAIN IT? Our ultimate purpose is to impact, inspire and initiate purpose in the lives of 10 million people. The thing that we are willing to sacrifice is self – to completely move self out of the way. LOVE MARRIAGE & PARTNERSHIP | THE REVIEW

WHO IS THE MR AND MRS THAT PEOPLE DON’T GET TO SEE? GOOFY! We love comedy! We are the people who pick up the random gestures, comments and happenings that many others apparently miss. It’s always the best laugh when we’ve left the area or group that we “saw/ heard” it, and one of us brings it up… WHAT IS A SCRIPTURE THAT YOU BOTH USE AS YOU FUNCTION IN A PARTNERSHIP? “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24)



It is early in the afternoon, you’re sitting in the coffee shop, and you lift your head away from your laptop. As you wait for your next burst of energy or creativity, you see an elderly man assist his wife to a table just before he takes a seat himself, crossing his legs. You see the light shift as the door opens and in walks a seasoned woman with her purse cuffed under her arm, and pulls her sunglasses down as she squints up at the menu. A sense of wonder comes to mind as you assume how simple their lives must be. Surely on one extreme is keeping up with prescriptions and doctor’s visits, the other consisting of travel and leisure events. Regardless of how sweet, hospitable, opinionated, or spirited they may be, most seniors cherish companionship. Consider yourself fortunate if you have grandparents or older relatives that you can still enjoy seeing at family gatherings, speaking with them over the phone, or caring for on a regular basis. Their sixty plus years of life experiences serve as pillars of wisdom for not only us, but our communities. This month, we would like to urge you to look beyond your beloved elders’ independence of driving themselves, or the effortless way they find themselves into your personal business. Instead, seek ways that you can positively impact their day. Because we are certain that after your day has been spent there will be an unbalanced portion of blessings in your favor, we challenge you to one or more of the following: - COMMUNITY CARPOOL: Assist a senior (or group) with transportation to a community/ neighborhood meeting. This is a great time to listen to their opinions, insight, and needs as elderly citizens.) - DO LUNCH: Whether you go out or visit them at their home, enjoy looking through old pictures, talking, or simply watching their favorite television show with them. - FITNESS FRIEND: Accompany them during one of their usual exercise routines. If one doesn’t exist, offer to help start one based on doctor’s recommendation. - CLEAN UP CREW: Offer to help them clean an area that they may have some difficulty cleaning on their own. - YOU’VE GOT MAIL: Send a post card, pictures or a letter just because. Follow up with a phone call to ensure that they received it.

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Challenge ***Please note that this challenge does not have to consist of family members only. Seek those in your community as well. Also be sure to consult with their family or those that normally provide care and assistance before making plans. Happy Seasoning!

Dismiss every misconception that you have about Dating, be open-minded, and expect to have fun! Who says that Dating has to be anything other than what you want it to be? No one- it’s up to you how creative you want your predetermined moment of eminence to be! It is also important to note that Dating is for anyone: married, engaged, and yes, SINGLE. PARIS NIGHT WITHOUT LEAVING HOME


You decorate your home like a restaurant in a foreign country. Make it cheesy as possible while keeping it looking nice. Decorating is easy, use construction paper and things you find at a craft store. Then you have a friend dress up like a waiter and speak in the accent of that country.


Flying a kite! Sounds a little silly, but hey, we got to let the fun inside of us out sometime, and why not do it with the one we love.


Giving back to the community can bring you and your date closer together. A sense of peace and good fortune will bond you. Whether you opt to brighten the day of the elderly, serve food to the homeless, clean up a local beach or engage in countless other opportunities, be sure to choose a volunteering activity that is meaningful to both of you.


For the mature couple, seal your time together by constructing and burying a time capsule. Gather memorabilia that symbolizes your love for one another. A wedding invitation, saved wine cork, concert/plane ticket, copy of children’s birth records, meaningful photos, love letters and anything else that is unique to the story of your love. Be sure to include a note to the capsule’s future retrievers. LOVE MARRIAGE & PARTNERSHIP | THE REVIEW


Whether single or a couple, be thrusted to a new and exciting dimension where vision and intimacy unite. See what Mr and Mrs Roach are serving this year to help you create an intimate experience that will foster your inner visions and dreams.


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When is the last time you took a minute to nurture yourself? Do you feel you have to be around a group of friends or in a relationship? Do you dedicate so much of your time to helping others with their problems and needs that you’re drained all the time? New Flash! It’s time for a reality check. Take a step back and get to know – YOU. Your self-worth is the core to your identity. The nurturing of your beliefs, aspirations, and dreams should start at home base. If you never take the time to tap into who are you are, you will never add an important ingredient to your foundation – thus it can affect you later in life. Understanding yourself allows you to become more observant before hanging with the wrong crowd. It allows you to have a clear picture of what you desire and deserve when dating or being in a relationship. It allows you to make better life choices considering your decisions may not just affect you. More importantly, it teaches you how to adapt without the feeling you have to be like other people. OK, maybe you didn’t grow up under the best circumstances, had a child at a young age, or feel the support you need is just not there. Did you know some friends or acquaintances are only meant to be there for a season, not a lifetime? Did you know - you may fall “head over hills” for someone that was only meant to teach you a lesson, and not marry them? Did you know - you deserve to take a minute to “woosah”, treat yourself, and spend some time alone without explanation? Furthermore, did you know, the stumbling blocks you encounter really equips to tackle obstacles later in life? In order for you to be at your best in any situation, you have to take care of yourself first! Whether you believe it or not, when you don’t, everyone attached to you can suffer. Your patience becomes thin, attitude becomes short, and perception of what should be concise and clear become very distorted. Knowing your worth decreases your chances of getting so caught up in the world and viewing yourself from the eyes of others. Yes, many people’s perception comes from what they see on the outside (your physique, clothes, make-up, and hair). But God’s perception comes from what’s in the inside (values, character, heart, and soul). We can’t spend so much time doing things to impress them, because in essence, we become unhappy, even miserable - and it slowly dims the inner light that represents Him!

Boutique Reign is a women boutique in Pembroke Pines Fl where women of Royalty are welcome to embrace their classy, sophisticated, elegant yet sassy side. We cater to the sophisticated CEO, the classy entrepreneur, the elegant prophetess, and the sassy mogul woman inside of each of you! Boutique Reign , designed to cater to your fashion needs on a royal level, providing unique, elegant pieces and styling services, including personal styling, image consultant, special events,closet redesign, color coordination fit for the regal queen that you are! Our goal is to allow every woman’s shopping experience to be one of TRANSFORMATION!!!

Contact us today and visit our website



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