the value of absence

Page 1

the value

of absence










Consumerism was never just about buying stuff. It’s about

having faith in boundless economic

growth. Tomorrow will bring more goods, more choice, more shopping. It’s about collecting more goods as a reward for enduring less satisfying working lives, it’s about a constant pressure to consume for a status. This will slowly destroy our personal welfare, the welfare of the world and its surrounding. We need to start over, but with a different mindset. This manual will guide you into becoming a non-consumer. The non-consumer group supports local and/or secondhand products, small brands, renting and sharing. That’s why this magazine only contains secondhand, borrowed or local products.



the choice of



the editor

mandy rep

After half a year of consuming as little as possible it’s time to share my way of plain living with the world. I wrote this manual because I believe in a minimalistic non-consuming world.

It has been six months since I started my new way of

of struggling, there it was again; the Christmas

living. It was a cold day just before Christmas, and I

breakdown. But this time it was different, this time it

was selected to be Santa’s little helper. There we went

cleared my head and changed my way of thinking. I

again, shop in, shop out, trying to find the perfect

started to look differently at the mass consumption

presents for our loved ones. Can I call them loved

culture, and found out I actually hated it. That day I

ones if they want me to be run over by thousands

decided to change my life and the way I purchase. I’m

of people having the same goal; finding that perfect

really thankful for the moment that made me realize

present. At that time I was living in Copenhagen and

that going on like this doesn’t create any happiness

Copenhagen was living in my wallet, it fitted perfect

in my life.

since I had nothing to put in there. After a few hours



my wardrobe

I love fashion but there has to be a price limit, this is one of the reasons why I buy secondhand. I really don’t understand why people are spending hundreds of euros on one piece of clothing. What I like most about vintage and secondhand is that it has lived a life, the clothing used to be fashionable and now it’s waiting to be rediscovered and to become a new trend again. I like to search for this kind of pieces and create my own look with them.




1.50 the shoes




2.00 the pants




brand society It’s a brand new world, a world not built around brands, but a world built around you. The hard-charging, noise-making, culture-shaping brands are everywhere, it’s time you start becoming your own brand.



brand society

These sneakers you’re wearing, one look at the

marketing is facing a future where its main goal is

distinctive swoosh on the side tells everyone who’s

to identify potential consumers, and then sit and

got you branded. That coffee travel mug you’re

wait. Downshifting has become a real phenomenon,

carrying, tells us you’re a Starbucks woman. We see a

off-grid living is an experiment more people are

shift towards marketing of brands, instead of brands

participating in. Even the love for vintage might

telling consumers how to life their life, consumers will

point to greater demand for products with more

take the lead. We have reached the end stage of the

emotional and sustainable meaning. We have even

history of marketing. It started with the product and

become anti-brand! Naomi Klein, author of the book

the brand at the centre, make something, find people

No Logo says “Our intellectual lives and our public

who might like it and sell it. As markets became more

spaces are being taken over by marketing, and that

competitive, the focus shifted towards consumers,

has real implications for citizenship. It’s important for

and marketing started to move towards identifying

any healthy culture to have public space, a place

people who might need something, and then on to

where people are treated as citizens instead of as

persuading them why they needed it, and then why

consumers. We’ve completely lost that space.”

they wanted it. The next tactic got more subtle, now




buy nothing day 27 November 2012 Lock up your wallets and purses, cut up your credit cards and dump the love of your life - shopping. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from shopping.

Follow Buy Nothing Day UK on TWITTER and FACEBOOK.



the non consumers

become your own brand buy secondhand We’re the bosses of our own companies, a company called; Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You. Stop spending your money on buying clothing and stuff from the big brands and be your own brand instead!








sanne de wild

art director I buy lots of secondhand stuff! I love to create my own style with pieces no one has, secondhand clothing is original and unique. I’m a person that needs creative freedom, since secondhand goods are mostly very cheap, I can use this freedom to create something new out of it and give it my own twist.






yves lennertz

designer and musician I buy secondhand because I think it isn’t smart to spend hundreds of euros for getting nice clothes which consist of good material. I mostly purchase in a normal thrift store where I also bought most of my furniture! My favorite piece is a pair of brown/beige granny pants that I bought for 2 euro.



In the future, I think secondhand market is getting bigger, because I think many people want to wear something special and unique. They just don’t want to see anyone with the same jacket on the street.






raëlli malawauw

stylist Sometimes I’m really amazed by what people can throw out! In secondhand shops you can find the most interesting and unique pieces, when finding a treasure, you know you’re the only one that’s having a piece like that. The jacket that I’m wearing, I bought it for 2 euro at the thrift store, I love the trendy mint green color that we see now a days in every store.





secondhand market



become a non consumer

the compact

The non-consumer shares the same values and

culture, to resist global corporatism and to support

mindset as the members of the movement ‘The

local businesses, farms, etc. It’s about simplifying life

Compact’. This movement, started by a group of

and reducing clutter and waste in their homes and

friends in San Francisco, as a rebellion against what

mental space.

they see as greedy consumerism and its thoughtless destruction of the environment. They pledged not to

Members of The Compact are only allowed to buy

buy anything new for an entire year.

underwear, food and health and safety items such as toothpaste and toilet paper. During their one year

This movement is going beyond recycling, they are

the The Compact members only shop second hand

trying to counteract the negative global environmental

items, they can barter or simply share with each other.

and socio-economic impacts of the consumer

One’s trash is another’s treasure.



the manual to

become a non consumer Are you ready for a plain and possessionless life? This chapter will help you to remove the chaos and clutter from your life and to minimize material possessions. It’s about changing your attitude towards waste and consumerism. Be inspired and start decluttering your mental spaces!



become a non consumer

From the moment we’re born, we’re told to pursue more. Advertisements on television and radio, in newspapers and magazines, on billboards and websites scream to us on a daily basis that more is better. As a result, we work many hours so that we can spend all our money on purchasing the newest and most expensive goods. We all know, deep down, that happiness can’t be bought in a department store, and that more is not necessarily better. We’ve just been told the lie so many times we begin to believe it without even noticing it.



the manual to

1 a new state of mind

Living as a non-consumer is about trying to live with

and more on what we have discovered, compiled

less. It’s about trying to get back to the bare minimum

or combined.’ Look around you, do you really need

of possessions. It’s about being able to resist the

all the stuff you collected through the years? Think

seduction of the marketing tricks, and by doing that,

about what it does.The stack of books, for example,

it frees up your life to pursue the things you value the

what do they mean to you? Are you really attached

most. If you want to change,ou have to reconsider the

to them? Do they have emotional value? If no, why do

meaning of value. There’s a change when we speak

you keep them? Learn to appreciate what you have.

about status, as William Higham says: ‘Status will come

This not only will give you peace of mind, it will also

from the efforts we have done to track th ese down.

cut down the stress in your life.

Or our knowledge about them. Or the stories that they tell. We will be judged less on what we have bought



become a non consumer

2 minimize material possessions

The main rule when becoming a non-consumer is: try

room, if you haven’t touched stuff for more than a

to buy as few new things as possible. This doesn’t

year, get it out of your life, you won’t miss it. One of

mean you have to fill your house with lots of used

the best benefits of embracing a minimalist lifestyle

stuff, just try to buy as few as possible. If you really

is that there’s less stress. For example, you won’t have

need anything new, keep in mind to support local

a debt hanging above your head. There’s less hurry

and small brands. When starting the non-consumer

to make more money to buy the next thing coming

lifestyle, we have to minimize the possessions that

out and don’t forget the stress during your shopping

are surrounding you, you have to bring less into your

hours. Less stress leads to a healthier lifestyle. Good

house or maybe I should say ‘get the useless stuff

luck with clearing up your mental surrounding.

out of your house’. Just start clearing up room by



become a non consumer

3 set goals and rules

Now you have decluttered your house, it’s time to set

write about your experience, post tips and tricks, let

some goals and rules to hold on to. To make the first

the world know that you’re supporting the welfare

step a bit easier, create a goal, for example decide

of it. Start to buy more secondhand, share, trade,

for how long you’re going to be a non-consumer. Of

check sites like and buy products that

course, I hope you experience the positive side of the

will support the locals. It’s almost impossible to buy

minimalistic way of living and stay true to it. Decide

nothing new, so allow yourself to buy a few things

which date you will start your new lifestyle and write

new, like for example socks and underwear. Make a

this date down, it’s fun and stimulating to see for how

list of these products and stick to this list! Changing

long you didn’t consume. Be a proud non-consumer

your lifestyle costs time and effort, so see it as a fun

and don’t mind sharing your new lifestyle with your

project. Be a proud non-consumer, stick to your goals

friends, show how wonderful and how easy it can be

and see how it’s changing your life and your mindset.

to declutter. For some it would help to start a blog,



the really really

free market

A Really Really Free Market is like a community gathering where participants bring, and give away absolutely free, any usable items, skills, ideas, smiles, talents, friendship, excitement, discussions, games and many others things that we as a community can come together and share. Do you want to throw your own free market, take a look at the website for tips and tricks.




to basics In order to rehab from wanting more, the non consumers are embracing less. Less stuff, less decoration and less function and unnecessary extra’s. We as non consumers embrace simplicity.

Going back to basic is a way to escape the excesses

or need, leaving an uncluttered, simple environment

of the world around us, the excesses of consumerism,

and that will result into a simple lifestyle. It’s living

material possessions, clutter, having too much to do,

without an obsession towards material things. It’s

too much debt, too many distractions, too much noise.

about using simple tools, having a simple wardrobe,

But too little meaning. We have to clear out the non-

carrying little and living lightly. Being a non consumer

essential in order to focus on what’s truly important,

reduces the need for unnecessary materials, weight

what gives our lives meaning, what gives us joy and

and manufacturing processes.

value. It’s simply getting rid of things you do not use



to basic




blue steffen kehrle grey florian hauswirth pink marina bautier




the minimalistic scandinavian interior Basic form and functional design is a great way to ensure that your home is clean and tidy and not cluttered with a lot of objects and unwanted decorations. As Ludwig Mies van der Rohe said: ‘less is more’.

For a life in clutter-free surroundings we have to

big in the design world, and it often seems that the

reduce it to the most necessary elements. Most of

whole design community is Scandinavia-obsessed.

the possessions in our homes hold no personal value

Scandinavian design is popular because of its

to our lives. They just simply happened to match the

minimalistic style and can be used anywhere in the

color of the carpet or be on sale when we walked into

world. It shows a certain love for materials that grow

the store. Unfortunately, they are distracting you and

outside our houses. We see many natural materials

your guests from the really important decorations;

like wood, wool and filt. Not only is Scandinavian

the belongings with a personal story. We as non-

design recognizable by the use of those materials, it’s

consumers need to take a look at Scandinavian

also a very practical way of designing. Scandinavian

design. This style is known around the world for

design embraces usefulness, it’s not just about

its minimalism, lack of clutter, simple forms and

creating a pretty looking thing, the most important

bright spaces that embody only the most basic and

function is that it must work. Scandinavian style is a

fundamental needs. Design elements are reduced

long lasting style, we can also call it timeless design.

to the most necessary elements. Scandinavia is






non consumer




clock lucas peet

chairs karimoku




photo Carl Kleiner



the minimalistic

kitchen There never seems to be enough storage space in our kitchens. As for many of our grandmothers, they cooked far more often, far more elaborately, and far better than many of us today. The truth is that when it comes to cooking, simple is almost always better. We need far less cooking utensils than we currently own. As a result, our drawers, cabinets, and countertops can be far better organized and useful if we simply owned less. Store all your unnecessary utensils in a plastic bin, put them away out of sight, and see if you enjoy cooking a little bit more in your new, clutter-free

1 mug 1 plate 1 pan 1 spoon 1 knife 1 fork 1 whisk




shower 1 toothpaste 1 toothbrush 1 showergel 1 comb 1 towel



back to basic

brandless food Being a non-consumer means being someone that’s not purchasing goods from big mass stores and brands. As non-consumers we have to support local shops and little manufacturers, we need products that are made with love and not for profit. Brandless food is about supporting locals, this is not the only positive aspect, it’s cheaper, healthier and better for the farmers & the world.




better for the world By buying local products you don’t only support

the supply chain cost. We as non-consumers have to

the local community, you also support the welfare

go and shop local for seasonal fruit and vegetables,

of the world. Think for example about the pollution

fish and meat, bread, cheese and eggs. We need to

of transporting food. The tonnage of food shipped

reduce shopping at the supermarket. Try to reduce

between countries has grown fourfold over the last

the times you visit the supermarket, maybe go to

four decades. In the United Kingdom food travels 50

the supermarket twice a month and only buy pure

percent further than it did two decades ago. Food

products you can’t find at the market or at the local

transportation also contributes to global warming,


because of the huge quantities of fuel used for transportation.

healthier Products you find in your supermarket have been in transit or cold-stored for days, weeks or even months! This is in contrast to the products you purchase at the local farmer or market, where the products are sold within 24 hours after being harvested.. The freshness of the fruit and vegetables not only affects the taste of your food, but it’s also healthier because of the minimum loss of vitamins.


better for the local farmers The expansion of industrial farming has made it very difficult for the small local farmers to stay in business. The food industry has become dominated by a handful of giant corporations. According to a study by the New Economics Foundation in London, a dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy. When businesses are not owned locally, money leaves the community with every transaction. Local farmers are being forced out of business at an alarming rate, and according to Farm Aid 330 farmers leave their land every week. But it’s not too late to save local farms! We as non-

In most cases, local is cheaper. Buying food directly

consumers have to support and save family farms by

from the locals, means saving money by cutting out

buying local products.





one kilo

the store

the market


onions 0.60

0.69 paprika



4.00 bananas



1.19 tomatoes

tomatoes 0.75

1.38 spinach



2.99 apples



1.39 cucumber



2.07 watermelon



1.50 zucchini














the farmer

wiel berden 35 years agrarian

During the recent years the agricultural sector made

we need the big supermarkets to sell our products.

many changes in order to produce on a larger scale;

If we talk about the trends of ‘biologic’ and ‘organic’

we see changes in technical developments and

food, we can see a change towards the niche

availability of staff. These developments decreased

character, it’s no longer a trend but a widely used

the amount of local farmers drastically. The margin is

method of cultivation and lifestyle by the demand

smaller, so farmers have to produce more to generate

of the wealthy consumers. The changing consumer

the same amount of income. Also the method of selling

demands a product that’s safe and responsibly

has changed; providers of fruit and vegetables used

produced for a reasonable price. Buying products

to have many buyers, nowadays they only have a few

directly from the farmer is still a very small market,

buyers. These few buyers have merged together into

most of the consumers have way too little time for

even smaller purchasing groups,which means that

local shopping, they don’t want to put too much

the buyers have taken a stronger position that made

effort into getting their ingredients, convenience is

them be in charge of the food industry. There is not

important. I’m sure that the future of the farmers is

much that we, as farmers, can do about it, because

positive, they just need to work smarter.





pants 1 pieces sweater 1 pieces underwear 7 pieces blouse 1 piece shirt 7 pieces

bra 2 pieces socks 7 pieces shoes 1 pieces jacket 1 piece short 1 piece bikini 1 piece



back to

the minimalistic wardrobe

We have to ask ourselves; what do we really need

of the things that are polluting your life. Keep your

in life? Do you need three wardrobes full of clothing

wardrobe as minimalistic and timeless as possible.

you never wear? According to statistics, we only wear

Work with basics pieces and add borrowed items to

20% of the clothes we possess. That means that

your wardrobe. Go through your closet and remove

many of us have closets full of clothes we no longer

all unused clothing, it leaves your closet lighter, your

like, or that no longer fit us, but they are just taking

mornings less stressful, and your wardrobe full of

up space. Become a free person and lose the weight

things you love.




minimal dresses The consumption of material by the clothing industry is gigantic as a result. Digna Kosse designed fifteen dresses that are far from voracious consumers of material. She demonstrates that you can minimize these pieces of clothing to a few threads at the most.




What’s your opinion about the gigantic clothing

Are you in general inspired by this subject?


I think as a designer, one needs to justify why

I have ambiguous feelings. Of course I feel repulsed

something new needs to be created. That’s one

by the large amounts of damage that mass

thing that separates art from design. Design is for

production still causes today, even if there are enough

consumers, even if it’s not for the mass. I have always

alternatives. It’s a matter of money, everything needs

been interested in the way fashion works. Somehow,

to be cheap and this is very bad. On the other hand, I

fashion can determine our lives, it’s a fact that fashion

do understand the ‘urge’ to purchase something new.

rules in our society. Clothing is fashion, interiors

I also have far more clothes than I need. Fashion is

are fashion, even politics are fashion. Fashion is a

a master-marketeer, every season fashion creates

mechanism that convinces us that we need to leave

a sense of complete newness. It’s interesting, since

the past behind and go for something new.

fashion nowadays rarely brings anything really new. I think there needs to be a balance. For me, it’s not

How do you see the future of fashion mass

so bad if clothes are more expensive, although the


costs need to be justified because of sustainable

I do feel that consumers have become much more

production, not because of expensive advertising.

educated, we know we can’t go on like this forever. And we don’t want it to, we feel sickened by marketing

Why did you choose the subject that resulted

and the constant pressure to be in fashion. Fashion

into the minimal dress project?

itself (I mean fashion-design) is not superficial, but

I felt the subject was relevant. In 2009, when I

being in fashion as a goal is.

graduated, the crisis had just begun. I think the crisis made everyone think about the impact of mass consumption on our society and on the planet.



fashion rules in our society. Clothing is fashion, interiors are fashion, even politics are fashion. Fashion is a mechanism that convinces us that we need to leave the past behind and go for something new

Do you think there Is going to be a big change

have a very specific and small subject. Sometimes,

towards the mass production and consumption

people produce the magazines themselves, without


any publisher. ‘Apartamento’ magazine is also a great

Yes, there will be a change, but not very soon.

example of the future of consumption, this magazine

Right now, people are focusing on quality more

does not focus on product consumption, but it

than on trends and fashion. I feel everything will be

focuses on portraits and ideas.

personalized. People do not want to be treated like cattle that will purchase anything you display for

Do you think the way consumers think about mass

them. They want companies to address their needs;

consumption is going to change in the future?

they want to identify with their products on a level

I think it is already changing. But this happens very

that is much more personal than just a ‘lifestyle’.

slowly. I do feel that in the Western society everyone

The ‘Etsy’ website is very popular, in this context it’s

is a part of fashion. But in fashion there is always a

very understandable. For example, magazines are

group of avant-garde, the early-adaptors, and people

becoming much more personal. There are many

who adapt much later.

new magazines that serve a niche market and only





We need to reflect up on the enormous consumption of material by the clothing industry. We need to minimize the amount of clothing in our wardrobe and by doing this, we minimize the amount of materials.






the glasses







the blouse



the shoe



the shirt


the digital wardrobe Technology is making the very idea of ownership outmoded. This will have profound implications for consumers’ lifestyles, attitudes and the nature of consumerism, argues.

William Higham












buying high-priced status symbols, the recession has

consumerism, encouraged by economic growth and

made more people question what is really important

the new sciences of marketing and advertising. The

to them. More consumers are realizing that life is

consumerist era has lasted over 50 years, but there is

finite and thus they want to make the most of their

evidence to suggest we are on the edge of a new era:

lifestyle in the here and now. There is a different

not of mass ownership but of mass access. Economic

attitude to luxury, valuing the thrill of experience over

and social change is making us reassess our attitude

the satisfaction of ownership.

towards consumption. And technological advance means that we will have less need of physical

Meanwhile, as we buy fewer products, we will need

products. More and more people are downloading

less space to store them. This will affect interiors, we

their music, TV, films and books. Younger people

will need less shelf space and will be able to remove

today are less interested in ownership, rental and on-

our shelves and cabinets. As clothes rental grows, we

the-go products are rising.

will need less space in our wardrobes. The more the trend grows, the more flats and houses will be sold or

Our acceptance of access-only is being encouraged

rented out with little, if any, storage space.

by social trends. Low happiness levels recorded across the West indicate that possessions have not

The fewer people buy, the less need they will have to

made us happy. Rental and pre-owned purchases

visit shops. Consumers haven’t given up ownership

have lost their associations with low income. We are

yet. And many older consumers may resist the trend

giving products away via free-cycle and talking more

initially. But technological and economic change is

about why we bought something than how much it

inexorably driving us towards an acc ess culture. It


appears that John Lennon wasn’t a dreamer, but an accidental visionary. The words he sang 40 years ago

The recession has added to the change and made

are slowly becoming a reality, though perhaps not in

a huge number of people reassess their attitude to

the way he expected. Imagine no possessions. It’s

possessions, consumers have felt less comfortable

easy if you try.



Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people sharing all the world you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one I hope some day you’ll join us And the world will live as one john Lennon



For hundreds of years we believed that increased

into greater happiness and life satisfaction. Societies

material wealth makes us happier, and we have

that are democratic, supportive of gender equality

shaped our world accordingly. We have built big box

and more accepting of marginalized groups such

stores along highways that can only be reached by

as immigrants and homosexuals tend to be happier

car. We have built larger and larger vehicles that

societies as well.

isolate us from others and emit dangerous levels of carbon. We work 40 hours a week, or more, to

You, as a consumer have to stand still and think

maintain this lifestyle. Money makes us happier

about this; does money really make you happy or is

until average incomes are achieved. After that,

it just an illusion set up by the government and the

money’s effect on happiness is greatly reduced. So

moneymaking businesses? Not sure what to expect

if Hummers and iPods won’t make us happier, what

of the idea of living with as little as possible, then

will? Instead of concentrating on the accumulation

watch the documentary ‘living without money’. In

of wealth, we should be concentrating on the quality

this documentary, we meet the German woman

of our human relationships. Research has shown that

Heidemarie Schwermer. 16 years ago, she made

groups with strong social networks usually have lower

a conscious choice to live without money. It’s an

crime rates, better child welfare and public health,

inspiring documentary that makes you think about

and less political corruption, all of which translate

what the real value of money is.




the non consumer webshop



the digital library

It’s not about owning it’s about accessing







Filippo Nostri

Introducing the minimalistic, clean, considered work of Studio Filippo Nostri, a small but perfectly formed graphic design studio based in Solarolo, Italy. This studio is specializing in paper and web-based projects. The minimalistic work of Filippo Nostri tells whole stories with only a few graphic elements.



Filippo Nostri










the empty canvas




bruno jakob

yves klein

lewis chaplin



the art of



Claude Rutault

Theatre of the World is at MONA from June 23, 2012 until April 8, 2013

Since the 1970s, Claude Rutault has positioned himself as one of France’s most unique conceptual artists. And yet, Rutault would prefer to be recognized as a painter. Using the principle of definition/method, the artist’s work consists of monochrome painted canvases which are hung on a wall that is painted the exact same color as the canvases. Although simple, Rutault has garnered much recognition for his unique method, which extends the boundaries of art, making the entire wall part of the featured effect. In fact, Rutault invented almost 300 different ways to paint his walls and canvases the same color, each of them differing based on the shape and size of the canvases, their structural placement along the wall, and, of course, the overall color used. Along with Swiss artist Felice Varini, Claude Rutault has been asked to commission a work especially for exhibition at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), which is sure to be a treat for all those interested in seeing the work of this very unique artist.




invisible art exhibition Hayward Gallery London 12 June 2012 - 5 August 2012

A leading gallery is to push the boundaries of visual art with an exhibition of works which cannot be seen. London’s Hayward Gallery will gather together 50 ‘’invisible’’ works by leading figures such as Andy Warhol, Yves Klein and Yoko Ono for its display of works you cannot actually see.




andy warhol

yves klein

gianni motti



join the group and become a non consumer

Thanks to: Mona Dekker, Jan Bruschke, Katrien Rigo, Lui Rosenkrantz Pedersen, Digna Kosse, Wiel Berden, Sanne de Wild, Yves Lennertz, RaĂŤlli Malawauw & Karin de Gier



To reduce paper waste and to make this group successful, please give this manual to someone else after reading

Art direction by Mandy Rep





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