Manhattan Spring 2014

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Going Places: The Allure of the Field Trip Endures

M A N H AT TA N CO L L EG E S PR I N G 2 0 1 4 VO LUM E 4 0 • N UM B E R 1


ON CAMPUS Business students explore an emerging economy, new L.O.V.E. trips are

EDITOR Kristen Cuppek STAFF WRITERS Julie Achilles Patrice Athanasidy Liz Connolly Bauman Nicole Bullard Grace Gilmore Sarah R. Schwartz CONTRIBUTORS Joe Clifford Joe Hutter Tom McCarthy Peter McHugh Amy Surak INTERNS Michael Schutsky

launched, engineering majors extend their expertise around the world, and so much more.


SPORTS The Athletics department has a new director, plus news and recaps of the fall and winter seasons.

24 GOING PLACES The much-loved field trip gets revamped at Manhattan, where the city becomes the classroom, and labs occur under the sea or above the George Washington Bridge.

32 CELEBRATING COEDUCATION The College commemorates 40 years

PHOTOGRAPHERS Josh Cuppek Ethan Hill Darcy Rogers (cover and inside)

of coeduation with a year’s worth of events focused on women.


Innovation abounds in the soon-to-

DESIGN Charles Hess, chess design Mallory Guillemette Published by the office of Marketing and Communication Manhattan College Riverdale, NY 10471

DEVELOPMENT open student commons, the De La Salle Dinner and student scholarships.


ALUMNI Hall of Fame inducts new sports stars, alumnotes, Jasper profiles, and more reminiscing about a long-lost tradition.

Lydia Gray Executive Director, Marketing and Communication ON THE COVER Students get a hands-on lesson in creating works of art during a trip to an artist’s studio downtown.


OBITUARIES In memoriam, Brother Francis Bowers, Herbert Miller, Mary Ann Groves, Eileen McEntegart, James Harten, L. Jay Oliva



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Finding Family in Haiti January 3 waS the Day 10 Jaspers were scheduled to arrive for the College’s first ever Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience (L.O.V.E.) trip to Haiti. Instead, they were stuck in Jamaica — Queens, that is. Caught in the first nor’easter of 2014, the Manhattan College group dealt with endless delays, canceled flights and long layovers before arriving two days later to stay with a Brothers community in the Cazeau quarter of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The trip was planned with the help of Morgan Maclearie ’13, an elementary/special education grad, and the Brothers of the Christian Schools’ District of Eastern North America (DENA). For civil engineering major Kyle Kennedy ’15, who was fresh off his first plane ride and ready to begin his first trip abroad, it took a few days to adjust to reality.

During a new L.O.V.E. trip to Haiti in January, a group of Jaspers connect with children from a fellow Lasallian school and with their host community while teaching, building, learning and making amazing memories.

“People ran up to us and asked for money. Then they put their hands through the bus windows asking for more,” Kennedy says. “We realized during reflection that night, we’re there to help. From then on, we decided to acknowledge everyone and not ignore anyone we met.” Acknowledging was the easy part. Communicating was not. While some students were able to speak with locals in French, Spanish or English, Haiti’s national language of Creole was a more challenging barrier. Luckily for Manhattan, marketing major and Haitian native Kelly Paulemon ’16 acted as the group’s translator for the week. “We merged very well with the local community, and it was beautiful to see the cultural, and at times, linguistic barriers break down as my teammates interacted with the Brothers we were staying with and the locals that we met,” Paulemon says. When words weren’t enough, kindness helped communicate. The group visited New Life Children’s Home orphanage, a colorful and shady oasis in the midst of the city’s hot and dusty landscape. There, they held and rocked babies, sat with severely handicapped children and peacefully stroked their arms and hands. At St. John Baptist de La Salle School, the Manhattan College students exchanged songs with classrooms of eager children, learning bits of Creole and teaching bits of English along the way. At recess, all they needed was a soccer ball to coax instant excitement from the students. Using their Lasallian heritage as common ground, a thundering bilingual chorus rang out each time a Brother proclaimed, “Live Jesus in our hearts!” “Forever!” the Haitian students practiced. “À jamais!” the Jaspers said. “We practiced that a lot and told them that we’re from the same kind of school, that we have Brothers at our school,” says faculty chaperone Lois Harr, director of Campus Ministry and Social Action at the College. “That we’re all one big family.” Later in the week, the Manhattan cohort met with a group of Sisters who are building a community center to serve as a preschool and place for women to build trade skills, learn healthy habits and receive care for newborns. Working with a group of Haitian volunteers, the Jaspers helped tear down an abandoned shack in a nearby tent city for materials to use in the new building. The project, tedious at first in the hot sun, was a bonding experience by day’s end. “One of our group members gave a kid his bracelet,” Kennedy says. “And he called us over, and we all pointed at our own bracelets and said, ‘you’re a part of us now.’” The familial feeling extended to Friday when the Manhatcontinued on next page

2 N spriNg 2014


Entirely Immersed in El Salvador

or one weeK in marCh, 12 Jaspers had the opportunity to blaze new grounds by taking part in Manhattan College’s first Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience (L.O.V.E.) trip to El Salvador. Working with the service-immersion program Project FIAT (Faith In Action Together), the students were able to lend hand and heart to many causes in an underserved rural village and urban community. One of the group’s first tasks was to help a local contingent of Engineers Without Borders dig a trench in the poor, rural village of Las Delicias, where a pipe would bring clean water to nearly 400 families. “It was a very physically and emotionally demanding environment there. You saw people literally changing throughout the week, learning and growing,” says John Moran ’15, a CIS and business analytics major. “And you learn what you’re capable of when you’re there.” In nearby Ciudad Arce, the group volunteered at a school, mixing concrete and laying the brick foundation for a new classroom. During breaks, the L.O.V.E. students played pickup games of soccer and basketball with the children. Despite the heat and strenuous working conditions, new friendships trumped any discomfort. Kayli McTague ’17, an English and French major, says she still thinks about the people she met in El Salvador each day — from Fer-

nando, a 14-year-old quadriplegic, and his family, to Romi, a college student who was orphaned at a young age and raised by abusive relatives. “I’ve never been more aware of how connected I am to people in general,” says McTague, who helped organize a birthday party for Romi — the first and only one she’s had in 24 years. “You go on these service trips thinking you’re going to help other people, and you inevitably end up getting so much more than you’re able to give.” The group also visited Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), the site where six Jesuit priests were killed for speaking out against the government, and watched a documentary on the life and work of Salvadorian Archbishop Oscar Romero, who spoke out against poverty and social injustice before being assassinated in 1980. His martyrdom has prompted the Catholic Church to consider canonization. In addition to visiting an orphanage and serving lunch to the village children and elderly, the group had the opportunity to spend some time in the classroom teaching English to students. Moran, who plans to enter the business world after graduation, says the L.O.V.E. experience has broadened his worldview and made him aware of the issues facing people in other countries. “You’re a totally different person from the day you land to the minute you leave to get back on the airplane,”

tan group visited the Haitian branch of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to learn about the work its doing within the country. One prominent project is the reconstruction of St. Francis de Sales Hospital, which was destroyed by the earthquake in 2010 — nearly four years to the day. At Sunday Mass, the group witnessed an exuberant and patriotic congregation mark the tragic anniversary with songs of rebuilding and hope. “The people really are beautiful; they’re so pure in spirit,” says

he says, excited to lead next spring’s return trip to El Salvador. McTague says since being back on campus, she’s more aware of water conservation and more appreciative of her own education, having met many girls in the poor communities who dream of becoming doctors, architects and lawyers. “I think it’s really amazing the dedication that people here at Manhattan College have to education, and to the belief that education is the cure to every issue that exists in the world,” says McTague, who was inspired to serve as a Catholic Relief Services Campus Ambassador this coming fall. “I’ve never been around so many people that I share this ideal with than in the Lasallian community.”

Students on the inaugural L.O.V.E. trip to El Salvador lend their hands and hearts to a variety of projects in some underserved communities.

Nelson da Luz ’15, a civil engineering major. “Life has thrown a lot at them that isn’t good, but they are still so positive.” Having long forgotten about the delays that kicked off the trip, the Manhattan group left Haiti with renewed appreciation and the promise of family, should they return. “It was amazing to see them all come with a clean slate,” Paulemon says of her classmates. “For me, it was the ultimate fusion between the world I am a part of for now — New York — and the one that I came from — Haiti.”


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Excursion to India Encourages In-Depth Look at Emerging Economy at manhattan, a lesson on the global state of business isn’t just found in a textbook; the course is not complete until students head out of the States and go global! Two School of Business professors and 18 students enrolled in the International Field Study Seminar course (MKTG 414) spent winter break in India to study one of the world’s newly developed BRIC economies — Brazil, Russia, India and China. The group arrived in New Delhi on Jan. 5 and visited the U.S. Embassy the following day to learn about the Indian economy and how entrepreneurial startups in both countries are encouraged to work with one another. To further study the growing business relationships between India and America, they visited a number of sites, including Quatrro, a global services business that operates call centers for American credit card companies. “India is important, as it is a developing economy and quite a lot of our business processing has gone [there],” says Carolyn

Predmore, Ph.D., professor of management and marketing. “While we may fret over the loss of those jobs to India, it is important to understand what all of that means.” “Our tour guide reminded us that Quatrro provides services for Americans but helps Indians live, too,” adds Gabriel Quiroz ’14, a management and global business studies major. The group also had a special opportunity to visit the Delhi offices of global advertising firm JWT. The visit provided them with a new perspective on marketing, as they explored the strategy behind Indian commercial-making, both in modern society and in India as a former British colony. During the workshop portion of the visit, the students were split into groups and tried their hands at pitching commercials to an Indian audience featuring products such as Axe, Harley Davidson and Coca-Cola. The JWT executives even treated the students to McDonald’s and Pizza Hut for lunch, so

they could taste the difference overseas (a cheeseburger is fried cottage cheese on a bun). Before the week was over, the group also visited two manufacturing plants — Gabriel, which produces shock absorbers, and Mahle, which makes oil and gas filters — to learn about the manufacturing process from raw material to final product. “It is also important to try to incorporate service into our trips,” Predmore says. “There is a great deal to learn and understand when you are actively engaged in helping others.” To add a Lasallian angle to the trip, the group visited a Habitat for Humanity site to learn about the work the nonprofit is doing in India. They also met with a social NGO called the Modern Rural Youth Development Organization, which teaches women to turn their craft — shoes, bags, chocolates, even pickles — into a business or source of income. “They had smiles on their faces as they explained their experiences with starting their

businesses and paying back their loans,” says Britney Sampson ’14, a marketing and business analytics major. “They helped show me that having faith and perseverance are what helps us progress in life.” In addition, the students had the chance to visit Janta Adarsh Andh Vidyalaya, a nonprofit school that provides free education and boarding for 140 blind children from needy families throughout the country. Wellversed in music from a young age, the children treated their Jasper visitors to a special concert. The weeklong trip was a whirlwind of learning opportunities coupled with a bit culture — a visit to the Taj Mahal, an evening at a Bollywood show and plenty of tasty chicken tikka and naan. Once the jet lag wore off from the long trip home, the Jaspers reflected upon their experiences and brainstormed ways to apply it to their spring MKTG 414 course, which, along with an international trip, is now required for all global business majors.

Now a requirement for global business majors, students taking International Field Study Seminar visited India during winter break to study one of the world’s fastest emerging markets.

4 N spriNg 2014

M.A.R.S. Aligns with Some Southern Stars


ith a bit of a Southern flair, the Major Author Reading Series (M.A.R.S.) entered its fourth year at the College, and invited poets Kwame Dawes and Jane Springer, and novelist Chris Tusa to share their works and insights into the literary experience with students and the Manhattan community. M.A.R.S. brings influential writers to the College to expose students and faculty to contemporary literature and its creators.

Kwame Dawes The M.A.R.S. spring series kicked off with Ghanaian-born Jamaican poet Kwame Dawes, author of 16 award-winning poetry books, who also writes fiction, nonfiction and plays. His most recent poetry collections include Duppy Conqueror (2013) and Wheels (2011). Dawes spoke of how he puts allusion into his poems in order create a dialogue with different communities, as he strives to reach all kinds of people with his work. He also talked about the ethical responsibility to not “squelch” what he believes is crucial to bringing freshness to the experience while keeping integrity in his use of language. Dawes explained how he sees the craft of writing as the middle ground between an idea and the final product — the key is to match the level of the words to the level of that idea. It’s rare for the craft to meet the level of the idea, and when it does, it’s a great accomplishment, he said. His advice to young writers is to read. “Reading is crucial; read like you’re a writer,” he said. Jane Springer Award-winning writer and poet Jane Springer visited the College for the second event, bringing Southern charm and great insight into her work and life. Springer’s first poetry collection, Dear Blackbird (2007), was the recipient of the Agha Shahid Ali Prize for Poetry from the University of Utah Press. Her second collection, Murder Ballad (2012), won the Beatrice Hawley Award. Southern-born and raised, Springer told students about her path from small-town girl in Tennessee to award-winning poet and Hamilton College professor. She also explained the difference between Northern and Southern poems, and what it means to her to be a Southern writer. She admittedly had no idea her writing was considered “Southern” until it was suggested at

Award-winning writer and poet Jane Springer advises students to stay true to their visions at one of the Major Author Reading Series (M.A.R.S.) events this spring.

a reading earlier in her career. Her poetry has been described as lyrical, illustrative of the Southern landscape, and true to her roots. She left the audience with three pieces of advice: to stay true to their visions; that not every piece of work is going to be a masterpiece; and to help those who are less fortunate. Chris Tusa Poet and author Chris Tusa concluded the series at the end of April. Another Southern poet, Tusa has strong roots in the South that are apparent in his writing, and he dubs his work “Southern-fried Greek tragedies.” A professor of literature at Louisiana State University and writer-in-residence at Southeastern Louisiana University, his first collection of poems, titled Haunted Bones, was published in 2006 and his first novel, Dirty Little Angels, in 2009. Dirty Little Angels has been described as the To Kill a Mockingbird of 2009. Tusa talked about his current work, a second novel titled In the City of Fallings Stars, which is a dark tragicomedy set in post-Katrina New Orleans, and a collection of short stories, Mean Blood. In an intimate setting, these writers inspire, teach and help develop students’ understanding of the literary arts through direct interaction and a question-and-answer forum. Each author has shared his or her own struggles, ideas and methods for the craft of writing. “The series allows us to have a shared experience, a reading of prose or poetry, which builds a community of professors and students at Manhattan College who are passionate about the liberal arts,” explains one of the M.A.R.S. directors and assistant professor of English, Dominika Wrozynski, Ph.D. Since its inception in 2010, M.A.R.S. has brought many acclaimed authors to campus for readings, discussions and book signings, exposing students to contemporary literature and encouraging them to expand their literary knowledge. This past year, the series was co-sponsored by the College’s English department and the School of Arts, in cooperation with the Women and Gender Studies program. MANHATTAN.EDU N 5

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Bridging Borders

magine trying to CroSS a briDge made of twigs and chains just to get to work. This is a daily reality for the village of Mbirbua in Cameroon, where villagers make a living trading on foot even during the extremely dangerous rainy season. The need for a new bridge is one of importance to Manhattan College’s student chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB), a nonprofit humanitarian organization established to support community-driven development programs worldwide. The chapter is currently working to raise money and to develop plans to construct the muchneeded bridge. The College’s student chapter was officially recognized in 2011 by EWB, and shortly after, the group petitioned for the service opportunity in Cameroon. Since the project was awarded to Manhattan College, the group has worked with faculty advisers and their professional mentor to organize the first trip to Cameroon. The planning for this first trip involved substantial fundraising to facilitate travel to Cameroon and acquire supplies. The group worked extensively with faculty advisers Elizabeth Lennon, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemical engineering, and Goli Nossoni, Ph.D., assistant professor of civil and chemical engineering, on the details for the trip. “In this respect, EWB’s mission closely

aligns with the commitment to social justice embedded in Manhattan College’s Lasallian mission, and gives students, particularly in the School of Engineering, a tangible way to directly realize their engineering skills in a wider Lasallian context,” Lennon says. On March 14, David Pecorini ’14, Carolyn Brazier ’14 and Anita Hot ’15 and their professional mentor, Patrick Arnett, P.E., structural engineer from Robert Silman and Associates, met at JFK airport to embark on the first of five trips to Mbirbua to bring a sustainable bridge to the village. “The first assessment trip consisted of visiting the site, meeting the community and determining how much materials cost in Cameroon,” says Pecorini, a civil engineering graduate student. “We also collected data on the bridge design that we’re going to use to develop our budget.” The team arrived in Duala, Cameroon’s largest trade city on March 15 and was greeted by Emmanuel Sengafor, who works for the Social Welfare District of Kumbo Parish, which originally contacted EWB about the need for the bridge. Sengafor explained the importance of the project to the team, which then departed for Kumbo, the second largest city in the Northwest Province of Cameroon. Shortly after arriving, they met Monsignor George Nkuo, bishop of the Diocese of Kumbo.

After three days of traveling, the team finally arrived in Mbirbua at the bridge site, where 100 villagers welcomed them with singing and clapping. They were guided over the rocks on the river to the village quarters and met with the chief. “The first thing that we did when we got there was to make sure that the community wanted a bridge,” explains Brazier, a civil engineering major. “We had them list five needs in order from least important to most important, and they were all in agreement that the bridge was number one.” The chief also told the group that his father passed away crossing the bridge during the rainy season — another serious example of the need for the bridge. The rainy season, which lasts from April to August, can raise the water to four feet, and flash flooding contributes to the dangerous conditions. The remainder of the week consisted of assessing and surveying the site of the future bridge. They collected daily soil samples to assess the foundation, and also taught the villagers about the equipment and how to use it. The team borrowed a total site tool from the School of Engineering in order to take the typography of the land. The data collected during the trip will be presented in a post-assessment document, which will discuss everything the group did on the trip, the lessons they learned, and continued on next page

David Pecorini ’14 takes measurements for a new bridge for the village of Mbirbua, in Cameroon. Carolyn Brazier ’14, Anita Hot ’15, Pecorini and their professional mentor, Patrick Arnett, meet with local leaders through their work with Engineers Without Borders.

6 N spriNg 2014

Combating the Global Water Crisis with Faith at thiS year’S uniteD nationS (UN) study session, six Manhattan College students were joined by peers from other colleges to collectively learn and take action against the global water crisis through their dedication to faith and social responsibility. Hosted by the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS), The Water Crisis: A Call to Action event drew 17 students to learn about the issue during a Catholic social teaching study session. The organization brings together 80 diverse national federations, associations and movements of Catholic universities that encourage students to get involved in society for the goal of peace. The session took place March 20-22 at several locations, including Manhattan College’s campus, the UN, America magazine’s headquarters, and Central Park. The program included various speakers originating from faithbased organizations, such as IMCS, Catholic Relief Services and the Loretto Community, an organization of people united under faith to improve the conditions of the less fortunate. The students and presenters were able to interact and discuss the issues, processes and goals surrounding the water crisis on a global and local level. “Each in their own way, the speakers shared the importance of advocating for different human rights based on the principle of intrinsic human dignity,” says Nelson da Luz ’15, lead student organizer and a civil engineering major. Since 2003, IMCS has hosted the UN study session on various topics, some of which have included themes of poverty, sustainability and empowering young women. The sessions are held to offer students the opportunity to learn about the interplay between the UN, civil society actors and Catholic social teaching relating to the year’s theme. Manhattan religious studies professor and speaker at the event, Kevin Ahern, Ph.D., started the program as an undergraduate at Fordham University. Since then, various colleges, such as St. John’s University and Oklahoma City University, have hosted the study session. “A key theme in Catholic social teaching is participation,” Ahern says. “All of us are called to be active participants in society. It is really

what can be improved for next time. The trip to Mbirbua ended with a formal EWB agreement to acknowledge the project and responsibilities of all parties. The Manhattan College group also presented the village with school supplies they had collected and brought with them. “This experience was valuable for me even though I don’t have any knowledge in civil engineering. It really helped me figure out what it’s like working with

important for college students to not only learn about water justice issues but also to be actively involved in helping the world respond to social injustice.” Those who attended this year’s study session were encouraged to make three commitments to foster change in the world on water and other crucial issues: revitalize the National Catholic Student Coalition; work to engage people through social media; and to disseminate information effectively. “I realized that there is an incredible amount of opportunity in the world for students and young professionals to make a lasting difference,” da Luz says. “These organizations are also the ones looking for young people who are ready to work vigorously and unceasingly to make a positive impact for generations of the world that are yet to come.”

a group of people outside of the classroom,” says Hot, a chemical engineering major. “When you go to a third-world country and have to deal with things that you had not planned for, you to learn how to improvise.” Upon returning to campus, the EWB team put together the post-assessment document and started making plans for next year’s trip. The next step in the process involves more fundraising to contribute to the trip in 2015 to design the

Jaspers joined their peers for a World Water Day prayer service at the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, as part of a UN Study Session, a portion of which was hosted by the College.

bridge’s design foundation, which will consist of soil excavation and concrete pouring for piers for the bridge. In addition to the Cameroon bridge, EWB is planning local volunteer opportunities, including working with Habit for Humanity in Breezy Point. “Our involvement with Engineers Without Borders allows us to use the skills that we’ve developed to actually help people in need,” Pecorini says.


on campus


Have Water Filtration Expertise, Will Travel


ord on Manhattan College’s innovative research in designing water filtration systems to produce clean water in developing areas, including the Philippines and Kenya, has spread to Haiti. As a result, Gennaro J. Maffia, Ph.D., professor of chemical engineering, and two of his students, Sarah Boisvert ’14 and Gregory Perrier ’15, embarked on a three-day trip in February to Haiti to help a fellow Lasallian School. The school, which opened for first through fourth grades in 2012, has nearly tripled in size in one year and has since added a preschool and fifth grade. Construction also broke ground last summer on a health and nutrition educational center for women and children, and a community garden. The College Saint Jean Baptiste De La Salle School is located in the Cazeau section of Port-au-Prince, and opened its doors in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. With the desperate need for education, the Brothers of the Christian Schools Institute saw the need for a new school in Haiti. Manhattan College first became connected with the project in Haiti through its own affiliation with the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, District of Eastern North America (DENA). During the past few years, chemical engineering students have worked on water issues around the world, from fracking water in Pennsylvania to filtering rainwater in the Philippines. They have tested commercially available devices and developed their own chemical and biological additives to aid in water clarification. The Manhattan team traveled to Haiti with Alan Weyland, executive director for mission and ministry at DENA, and Sean Hutchinson, community service coordinator at La Salle University in Philadelphia. “Our main goal was to gain information on the specifications of the water purification system being installed and provide help to the Brothers and children in need of potable water,” says Perrier, a senior majoring in chemical engineering. During their time at the school, the team from Manhattan stayed with the Brothers and learned more about the various water and construction projects. Currently, the water being circulated to the school and the Brothers’ residence is not used for consumption, and the local community only has access to small quantities of water at very high prices. Therefore, a new water system is in the process of being built with the drilling of a deeper well and plans for purification via a high-end reverse osmosis system. This effort will provide clean drinking water on site and to the local community. The water project is already in the hands of a contractor from Port-au-Prince, and the Manhattan students made recommendations for additional cost-effective solutions by using Sawyer Prod8 N spring 2014

ucts, which could also provide potable water A few Jaspers travel to Haiti hoping to help from the tap in the Brothers’ residence and bring clean water to a women’s clinic. Sawyer has an office in PortLasallian school. au-Prince, and many of its filtration units are used at missions in Haiti. The team also interacted with children at the school and gained more insight into other needs, including school supplies, classroom infrastructure, technology in the classrooms, and plans for future vegetable gardens. “One [project is] to form a team with some fellow Jaspers in education and put together science education kits for the classrooms with age-appropriate lesson plans,” explains Boisvert, who recently graduated with a B.S. in chemical engineering. “I think that this trip provided a valuable lesson for Greg and Sarah and for the other Jaspers on the Haiti project team, to gain the sense that what they learned they can actually apply right away and make a difference in the world,” Maffia says. The team put together a list of projects that Manhattan students and faculty may be able to assist with on future trips. In addition to the analysis of the water system, a few recommendations were made to use solar systems to increase electricity supply and reliability and provide hot water. “It is our desire to return to the school in the future and continue to help with the issue of the potable water deficiency,” Perrier adds. “This trip offered us a fulfilling experience that helped us realize how much help is needed in third-world countries such as Haiti.”

Manhattan Welcomes Three New Trustees Manhattan College’s board of trustees welcomed Moira Kilcoyne ’83, co-chief information officer of global technology at Morgan Stanley; Marybeth McCall ’74, M.D., vice president and chief medical officer at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield; and Stephen Squeri ’81, ’86 (MBA), group president for global corporate services at American Express, to the board. The three new alumni members were elected this past summer. “Moira Kilcoyne, Marybeth McCall and Stephen Squeri bring a wealth of knowledge, extensive experience, and impressive personal commitment to the board,” says Brennan O’Donnell, president of the College. “The trustees and I are grateful for their dedication and support and look forward to working with them to further the mission of Manhattan College.” Moira Kilcoyne ’83 began her nearly 25-year career with Morgan Stanley in 1989 and is currently a managing director and cochief information officer (CIO) of global technology and data. In the past, she has held a number of leading technology positions, including chief operating officer of operations and technology, CIO of wealth management, and international CIO for Europe and Asia. She graduated from the College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics in 1983, and was recognized for her work as an executive at the Annual Salute to Women Leaders Achievers. Marybeth McCall ’74, M.D., joined Excellus BlueCross BlueShield in 2007 and is currently vice president and chief medical officer for the company. Previously, she was the associate medical director for utilization management, and was responsible for utilization, disease management and health-care quality reviews. McCall has also served as chief medical officer for Rome Memorial Hospital and Crouse Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. In addition, she is treasurer of the Oneida County Medical Society, a member of the Onondaga County Medical Society and the Medical Society of the State of New York, and a board member of the Boy Scouts of America and the American Heart Association. She completed her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Manhattan College in 1974 and received her medical degree from Georgetown University’s School of Medicine. Stephen Squeri ’81, ’86 (MBA), is currently group president of global corporate services at American Express. He has worked in a variety of leadership roles since joining American Express in 1985, including group president of global services, head of corporate development, executive vice president and CIO, president of the global commercial card group, and president of establishment services for Canada and the United States. He is a member of the board of directors of J.Crew Group, Inc. and Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Additionally, he is a member of the board of trustees of Harlem Children’s Zone and The Valerie Fund, as well as the board of governors of the Columbus Citizens Foundation. Squeri received a bachelor’s degree with a concentration in accounting and computer science in 1981 and a master’s in business administration in 1986 from Manhattan.

COURSE Spotlight

Fashion Marketing (MKTG 421) Do you ever wonder how companies influence consumers to buy into certain trends and how designers determine what will be fashionable? How does clothing get from the runway into stores? Students in the Fashion Marketing course, offered this spring, found the answers to these questions and more. The fashion industry, a multibillion-dollar business, affects many aspects of our daily lives and relies heavily on smart decisions in marketing. Course Description: Contemporary Marketing Issues covers current issues and trends in marketing, and offers a variety of topics based on the emerging developments in the marketplace, including social media, digital and green marketing. This spring, the focus was on fashion, and students learned how marketing concepts can be applied to the fashion industry, including identifying target customers, understanding customer behavior, and discovering the customers’ wants. The students also discussed current issues, such as child labor, sustainability, trends, forecasting, ethics and marketing principles, as well as the future of fashion, with significant changes emerging through the innovation of 3D Printing, wearable technology and increased customer participation in the industry. The course included fashion museum trips, guest speakers and a hands-on project with fashion company M.M. LaFleur. Text: Fashion Now: A Global Perspective by Celia Stall-Meadows Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 11:00-11:50 a.m. Professor: Rose Klimovich, adjunct professor of marketing About the Professor: Prior to teaching, Klimovich was a marketing consultant and blogger, and has held various executive positions at companies such as AT&T and Telx. She started teaching at the College in 2011, and has a B.S. in math and economics and an M.S. in business from Carnegie Mellon University. She also completed an intensive three-month executive education program at Harvard Business School. Klimovich is active on the board of directors of the Women’s Venture Fund, a nonprofit organization that supports womenowned businesses, as well as a chairperson of the New York Technology Council’s Cloud Computing Tract. She will teach Contemporary Marketing Issues again this fall, which will enter the arena of sports marketing.


o n ca m p u s

Doing Business in the Big Apple ACcepted School of Business students and their families were invited to attend a reception on April 8 hosted by Tom Moran ’74, president, chairman and CEO of Mutual of America Life Insurance, held at the company’s headquarters in midtown Manhattan. The Promise of New York City reception connected prospective students with current School of Business faculty, students and successful alumni, to showcase the opportunities available at the College and what graduates can do with a Manhattan degree. Keynote speaker and alumnus Jordi Visser ’92, CIO at George Weiss Associates, spoke of his three most valuable takeaways from his Manhattan College experience — small classes that triggered curiosity and collaboration with his peers; a connection to the New York City business world; and a close-knit community of faculty mentors. “The world of business, when you

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get into it, it’s a competitive place,” Visser said. “The professors that you’re going to be learning from — they’re competitive people. Everyone who lives in New York, by definition, has to be competitive. The alumni you’re meeting — they’re still in this setting, and they’re competitive people. That starts to rub off on you, and you realize if you want to succeed, and you want to move forward, you have to take that risk.” Following the presentation, Charles Geisst, Ph.D., the Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Professor of Economics and Finance at Manhattan College, signed complimentary copies of his The New York Times best-seller, Wall Street: A History. Prospective student Megan Jones and her family were particularly interested in speaking with current students, who presented posters on emerging topics in business throughout the evening. “It let me see a glimpse of my future,” says Jones, who has enrolled in the

School of Business. For transfer student Austin Hotaling, who will also be among the next class of business students, the evening encapsulated everything that he’s looking for in a college. “There are state schools, there are SUNY schools, and then there are private schools. The smaller classrooms are definitely something I like about Manhattan. But the main thing I wanted is — I mean, look at it!” he said, pausing to admire the sprawling city lights below. “We have New York City in our backyard. And the networking opportunities are really what I like. You can only go so far in the classroom, but what you do outside of the classroom is what really puts you above everyone else.” Jordi Visser ’92, CIO at George Weiss Associates, advises prospective Jaspers at a special reception for accepted School of Business students in April at the midtown headquarters of Mutual of America Life Insurance.

Cultivating the Curriculum the College launCheD three new programs in the School of Education and Health and the School of Arts this year, which give students the opportunity to expand their areas of study even further. new program: raDiologiC teChnology Starting in August, the School of Education and Health will offer a new program to prepare students for careers in radiologic technology, a medical specialty using X-rays to assist doctors in the diagnosis and detection of pathology and disease process. The new B.S. in Radiological and Health Sciences (Radiologic Technology) also includes a concentration in health-care administration. Students in the program will participate in a 16-credit internship receiving 275 days of hands-on experience in a clinical setting with top hospitals and medical centers in the New York City area, including Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and New York Presbyterian’s Columbia and Cornell Medical Centers. The concentration will further expand students’ roles in radiological department administration or their option to pursue a graduate degree in hospital, public or business administration. new minor: film StuDieS Film has always been a form of cultural expression, one that has the ability to illustrate and shape all the societal

Supporting Teacher Training manhattan is partnering with the Mount Vernon School District to implement its Strengthening Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (STLE) Grant Program. The Mount Vernon School District received an STLE grant of more than $1 million late last year in conjunction with New York State’s round two approval of STLE and the network of Teacher Resource and Computer Training Centers. The College’s School Building Leadership gradu-

ate program in the School of Education and Health will provide professional development services to the teachers and leaders of the Mount Vernon School District, who will have the opportunity to take graduate-level courses. Students participate in leadership courses, work collaboratively with colleagues, and gain additional guidance and support for teaching high-need students and students with disabilities.

facets of the world we live in, from history to religion to social identity and everything in between. Grounded in the principle that cinema itself has always been an interdisciplinary art form, the film studies minor is an interdisciplinary course of study that will allow students to explore the history, analysis and production of film. With course offerings such as Italian Through Film and Media Criticism, this minor complements a variety of majors and provides a fun and fresh insight into the arts. Film studies minors will also be able to take full advantage of the many screenings and exhibits that the Big Apple has to offer. new minor: ethiCS Building off the core of ethics prerequisites that every student is required to take, the School of Arts launched a new minor in ethics this spring. This interdisciplinary minor will prepare students for the moral challenges they might meet in work and their day-to-day lives by addressing practical and theoretical issues. The diverse selection of ethical courses offered includes: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Environmental Ethics and Ethics in the Workplace. This new minor will align students with both the College’s Catholic mission in stressing the importance of values and social justice, as well as prepare them professionally for the increase in public and private enterprises’ focus on ethical awareness.

MC Ranks 15th in the Nation for ROI manhattan ContinueS to rock the rankings when it comes ROI. In Payscale’s recent 2014 College Return on Investment (ROI) Report, the College was ranked No. 15 out of more than 900 institutions nationwide. PayScale changed its methodology to calculate a 20-year ROI vs. a 30-year ROI this year, a better stopping point for real pay growth, according to Payscale. Yet, even with these changes, Manhattan College still improved its ranking from last year’s No. 32 to No. 15. The College also was the leading institution for religiously affiliated schools. “Religiously affiliated schools see a big spread in 20-year ROI values: Manhattan College topped the list with an ROI of $675,600 (overall rank of 15),” Payscale wrote in its March press release. In addition, the College placed 11th out of 476 private, not-for-profit universities. The report also cited a positive correlation between STEMfocused schools and ROI, and higher overall ROI figures.


on campus

Mission Month:

A New Spin on a Campus Tradition IN April, Manhattan College celebrated Mission Month, an affirmation of events and activities that highlight ways that Jaspers bring to life the hallmarks of their Lasallian heritage. Every April, the Manhattan College community joins thousands of Lasallians in more than 80 countries around the world to reflect on and celebrate the legacy of Saint John Baptist de La Salle that inspires their mission. This year, the ever-evolving campus tradition was recast as Mission Month to include a broad range of lectures, presentations, performances, discussions and other events that focus on the College’s core values. Brother Jack Curran, FSC, Ph.D., vice president of mission, assembled more than 50 preexisting events from the College calendar that

highlighted one or more of the College’s five core Lasallian principles: excellence in teaching; respect for human dignity; reflection on faith and its relation to reason; ethical conduct; and commitment to social justice. “The mission — not only the Lasallian mission — the mission of the College is vibrant and alive,” Br. Jack says. “People are working hard to make it real in the lives of our students and for the betterment of our society. The people doing this are the faculty and the staff in their day-to-day interactions. Mission Month is a tremendous opportunity to affirm that significant reality.” Part of the Mission Month celebration is also to recognize students who volunteer and serve others and contribute in many ways to build up the human family, as well

as faculty, staff and administrators, who live the mission according to their talents and interests and take leadership roles throughout New York City and beyond. With this in mind, Mission Month culminated with the Mass of the Feast of Saint John Baptist de La Salle on April 27 in the Chapel of De La Salle and His Brothers to recognize and celebrate all who volunteer and serve others. “The Mission Month events are contemporary expressions of our rich Lasallian heritage,” Br. Jack says, noting that the April calendar “is not exhaustive but illustrative of the sacred encounters our faculty, staff, administrators and students have each and every day.”

First in Class in Riverdale

This year marks the 90th anniversary of Manhattan’s first class to have attended the College at its Riverdale campus. Perhaps to mark the occasion, a group of Jaspers gathered on the new Quad for a photo opportunity on May 26, 1924. As the College began to outgrow its former location in the Manhattanville section of New York City at 131st Street and Broadway, it 12 N spring 2014

needed to find more space to accommodate its burgeoning student body. The cornerstone of the new campus was laid in 1922, and students enrolled at the College for the 1923-24 academic year were the first Jaspers to take courses at Manhattan’s new home and experience life in Riverdale. Just a week and a half prior to this photo shoot, the College had celebrated the dedication of the new campus.

President Waxes Poetic

Jaspers distinguish themselves on an international stage at the National Model United Nations New York conference this past April.

Distinguished Diplomats in the Making at Model UN


anhattan College StuDentS proved to be world-class diplomats when they took home a total of five awards at the National Model United Nations (UN) New York conference this April. Approximately 2,700 students from around the world were part of this diverse conference, with 55 percent hailing from countries outside of the United States. Among that international group were 24 Manhattan College students, who took part in this global learning experience, with 22 students representing Zimbabwe on 11 different committees, and two students representing China on the Security Council. At the Model UN Conference, students participated in discussions and issues regarding international relations. Within each delegation, they worked as a team and were responsible for researching topics regarding their country’s assigned position on the issues up for debate. The Manhattan team took home four Outstanding Position Paper Awards won by the Zimbabwe students on the following committees: Irene Entringer ’15 and Kianna Johnson ’14 for the United Nations Environment Programme; Emmett McInerney ’14 and Richard Roman ’14 for the General Assem-

bly Second Committee; Tyler Wolf ’14 and Kaitlyn Wilson ’14 for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; and Lenisa Patterson ’15 and Mahamoud Diop ’17 for UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Additionally, international studies and economics major Alex Guido ’14 and peace studies major Linda Latifaj ’14 took home awards for Outstanding Delegates in Committee for their work on the Security Council while representing China. Both students also won the Outstanding Position Paper Award for their paper about national and international security and women’s rights at the last Model UN Conference in Washington D.C., in October. Pamela Chasek, Ph.D., professor of government and director of the international studies program, explains how participation in the conference teaches and benefits the students greatly. “They learn how to put themselves in the shoes of diplomats from different countries, learn about their political, economic and social realities and represent their interests,” she says. “They learn how to negotiate, deliver speeches in front of hundreds of people, and to work well in small groups — skills that they will use in their future careers and life.”

brennan o’Donnell, president of Manhattan College and a scholar of 19th-century British literature, received the 2014 Robert Fitzgerald Prosody Award on June 4 at West Chester University’s Poetry Conference, the largest poetry-only conference in the country. The award recognizes scholars who have made a lasting contribution to the art and science of versification, and is the only prosody prize in the world. Unique among literary and academic prizes, the Fitzgerald Award was established at West Chester University in 1999 in honor of the poet and critic Robert Stuart Fitzgerald, best known for his poetic translations of ancient Greek and Latin, in addition to several books of his own poetry. O’Donnell is the author of two studies of the poetic technique of William Wordsworth, entitled Numerous Verse and The Passion of Meter: A Study of Wordsworth’s Metrical Art. Co-editor of The Work of Andre Dubus, he also has written and lectured widely on poetry, religion and literature, and on issues in higher education. From 1993 to 2000, he was a member of the National Seminar on Jesuit Higher Education, and for six years, edited the national magazine Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education. “I am honored and humbled to have my work acknowledged in the ranks of so many great scholars in this field,” O’Donnell says. “I’ve learned a great deal from them through the years, and it is gratifying to think that I may have contributed with them to our understanding.” Past recipients of the Robert Fitzgerald Award include Derek Attridge, T. V. F. Brogan, Edward Weismiller, Paul Fussell, George T. Wright, Timothy Steele, Marina Tarlinskaya, John Hollander, Robert B. Shaw, Lewis Turco, Annie Finch, Thomas Cable and Charles Hartman. MANHATTAN.EDU N 13

on campus

lecture circuit

Peace Week Focuses on the Future of Afghanistan AS NATO defense ministers gathered in Brussels to discuss the potential American withdrawal from Afghanistan, members of the Manhattan College community turned their attention to the war-torn nation in observance of Peace Week, Feb. 25–28. A series of campuswide interdisciplinary events centered around peace, justice and understanding, Peace Week was sponsored by Manhattan College’s International Studies department, Women and Gender Studies program, and student advocacy and awareness group JustPeace. “The war in Afghanistan is the longest war in U.S. history,” said Thomas Ferguson, Ph.D., associate professor of religious studies, during the Feb. 25 opening event, a film screening of Osama. The first major project to be released by an Afghan filmmaker since the post-Sept. 11 toppling of the Taliban, Osama is an unflinching look at the oppressive conditions for women during the insurgency’s reign. Igniting a campuswide conversation on the brutality of the Taliban and, more specifically, on its policy of gender apartheid in Afghanistan, Ferguson framed the screening with a question: “As we approach the 2015 deadline for American withdrawal, we must ask ourselves, what will be the future of Afghanistan?” The dialog continued on Feb. 26 with a lunch-hour screening of PBS documentary Behind Taliban Lines. The film follows an Afghan journalist’s 10-day journey with an Al Qaeda allied insurgent cell set to sabotage a U.S./NATO supply route. With a better understanding of the danger U.S. troops face on the ground, the campus community reconvened for the Cost of War lecture, which featured Captain Allison DeVito. Wife of Jasper Stephen DeVito ’03, she discussed her tour in the Kunar Province in Afghanistan from Dec. 2011 – June 2012. As a Judge Advocate General (JAG), it was DeVito’s mission to establish basic dispute resolution in order to facilitate improvements in security and to combat corruption that undermined trust in the Afghan government. Although many Afghan citizens were willing to work with her, DeVito said her presence as a woman of authority challenged some conservative viewpoints. Regardless, one of the most important aspects of her job was developing human capacity — in other words, helping individuals understand the mutual benefits of working with and helping others. “Although it may feel like the U.S. has been involved in Afghanistan for a long time, in the experience of Afghans, it’s actually a very brief time, especially while introducing new practices and new norms,” DeVito said. 14 N spring 2014

Captain Allison DeVito discusses her role as a Judge Advocate General (JAG) during her tour in the Kunar Province in Afghanistan.

The week ended on a high note on Feb. 28, with an inspiring example of individuals serving according to their abilities and interests. Chad Stokes of popular bands Dispatch and State Radio, and tour manager Sybil Gallagher, participated on a panel with JustPeace members and Peace Week coordinators Kathleen White ’14 and Ryan Waters ’16 to discuss Calling All Crows. The organization, which Stokes and Gallagher founded in 2008, partners with musicians and fans to create change through activism and service. So far, they’ve mobilized support for many causes, including marriage equality, education and women’s empowerment in the U.S. and abroad. Following the discussion, Stokes picked up his guitar to play an acoustic set, and took several song requests from the audience. “As part of a Lasallian college, I believe it is imperative that no matter what our majors are, that we continue to uphold our commitment to social justice and the dignity of the human person,” said White, president of JustPeace. Waters added: “I hope that this week served as a reminder that there is something bigger than all of us. It’s easy, especially in college, to get so caught up in our work that we forget to take a step back to think about others. Educating people about social, political and human rights issues is truly the first step in fixing the problems in our world.”

Trailblazing Theologian Examines Equality


he annual JuDith plaSKow leCture on Women and Religion featured author and religious scholar Katie Cannon, the Annie Scales Rogers Professor of Christian Ethics at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Va., who discussed racial and gender inequality in America during the past 60 years. A prominent pioneer in women’s and African-American theology and ethics, Cannon has always sought justice and equality, focusing on overcoming oppression with integrity. She has co-authored six books, including The Womanist Theological Reader (2011), her most recent anthology, and is working on a forthcoming anthology, The Oxford Handbook of African American Theology. Her essays and work have appeared in a variety of prestigious journals, newspapers and magazines, including The Philadelphia Inquirer, Vogue, Ladies’ Home Journal and The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. A trailblazer, Cannon was the first AfricanAmerican woman to earn a Doctor of Philosophy from Union Theological Seminary and the first African-American woman ordained

in the United Presbyterian Church in 1974. Her lecture, Zora Neale Hurston: Telling a Truth that Alters the World, focused on a murder trial that tested racial and gender discrimination in Florida in the 1950s, and one woman’s journey to report the truth to the world. In 1952, Ruby McCollum, an African-American woman married to a wealthy tobacco farmer, was put on trial for the murder of a white physician and recently elected state senator, who had allegedly forced her to be his mistress and to carry his children. Hurston was a journalist for the Pittsburgh Courier who covered the bench rulings and protocols of the trial and used the trial as a vessel to fight against gender injustice and racial inequality in the United States. Cannon explained that race, sex and class were the focus of this cautionary tale, and the Ruby McCollum trial was a modern-day parable that tested cultural, religious and political relationships in the South. Although times have certainly changed since the 1950s, there is still racial and gender injustice in the United States today. Cannon questioned the similarities and differences between the


Ruby McCollum trial and the recent Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin murders. She explained, “Unless evil is named and eradicated, we will be destroyed,” and urged the audience to “stay true to your own truth.” When asked what has changed in terms of awareness since she began her studies in the larger societal dynamics, Cannon replied: “Even at this point and time, having an African-American woman speak at a lecture series named after a Jewish scholar at a Catholic college, that’s a huge change. We all have a truth, and if we’re willing to tell it, the life we save could even be our own.” The annual lecture series was established last year to recognize Judith Plaskow, Ph.D., professor emeritus of religious studies, a revolutionary scholar for her groundbreaking work in feminist theology. Co-sponsored by the School of Arts and Religious Studies department, in cooperation with the Catholic Studies program, the series invites scholar-theologian experts to speak on religion and its relationships with gender, multiculturalism and globalization.

An Illiberal Look at Liberalism Can liberaliSm aCtually be illiberal? Award-winning author, philosopher and professor Charles W. Mills, Ph.D., offered an interesting perspective on this theory during his discussion of Liberalizing Illiberal Liberalism at the annual Aquinas Lecture. Mills is the John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, and focuses on social and political philosophy, particularly on oppositional political theory as centered on class, gender and race. He is the author of many articles, contributor to many book chapters and has five books of his own, including The Radical Contract (1997), Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race (1998), and his most recent work, Radical Theory, Caribbean Reality: Race, Class and Social Domination (2010). In his talk, he touched upon subjects such as multiculturalism, anti-racism, radical liberalism and neoliberalism.

Mills began by explaining how liberalism has historically been illiberal. He pointed out that liberalism is not monolithic, and that there are a variety of liberalisms, with some traditional distinctions being Lockean vs. Kantian liberalism, contractarian vs. utilitarian liberalism, and left-wing vs. right-wing liberalism. But there are some nontraditional forms of liberalism, he continued to explain, such as patriarchal liberalism vs. feminist liberalism, imperial liberalism vs. anti-imperial liberalism, and racial liberalism vs. nonracial liberalism. The main reason that liberalism is illiberal, according to Mills, is because the dominant existing conservative liberalism does not take the many types of liberalism into consideration but, rather, gives one opinion, usually that of the dominant group, of this liberalism. Mills suggests that it is consistent with liberalism that in trying to guarantee

moral equality, freedom and possibilities for self-realization of all individuals, we selfconsciously take group memberships such as race or gender of those individuals into consideration, as well as how these individuals are illicitly privileged by or subordinated by these memberships. He argues that, “taking into account such factors is not merely permissible but mandated by any serious commitment to liberal social justice.” To change this, Mills continued, we have to remap the conventional periodization, as well as rethink the characterization of liberalism as a political ideology and the implications of how to theorize on justice and social contract traditions that correspond with it. The long-term goal, according to Mills, would be the elimination of race, requiring principles that sensitize historical realities of the global use of race as an unequal “basic structure” of the modern world. MANHATTAN.EDU N 15


A New Era Unfolds:

LeFevre Takes the Helm of the Athletics Department

seventy-nine MAAC championships, 27 Academic All-Americans, eleven 20-win seasons for Manhattan’s men’s basketball team, and nine NCAA men’s and women’s basketball tournament appearances. The Manhattan College Jaspers have been successful throughout the past 25 years during which Robert J. Byrnes ’68 has served as director of athletics. In June, Byrnes retired and handed the reins to senior associate director of athletics Noah LeFevre, who brings a clear, strategic vision and passion for a 16 N spring 2014

allocation, contest scheduling, hiring of assistant coaches, fundraising, budgeting, roster sizes, travel and strategic planning. In 2012, LeFevre developed a seven-year strategic athletic scholarship plan that aims to improve the program’s overall level of competitiveness. “Noah’s commitment to the student-athlete experience combined with his administrative expertise and skill make him an asset to the College,” President Brennan O’Donnell says. “I wholeheartedly support Noah’s appointment as our next director of athletics. We are impressed by his strategic vision, work with head coaches and his overall commitment to the program and the College.” Well-respected across campus and within MAAC and NCAA leadership, LeFevre has been instrumental in hiring three assistant directors of athletics in different units in the Athletics department, including facilities and event management, compliance and athletics communications. During his time at the College, LeFevre spearheaded the creation of the Jasper Athletic Club (JAC), Manhattan Athletics’ official fundraising arm, in the sumtransformative student-athlete experience to mer of 2012. He also led the refurbishing of Draddy Gymnasium in the summer of 2012, lead the Athletics program. and oversaw the construction and instalLeFevre had served as senior associate director since January 2012. In that position, lation of new batting cages, storage areas, he was responsible for the Athletics depart- scoreboards, facility signage and branding, facility painting, as well as locker room and ment’s intercollegiate sports, academic office upgrades and renovations. support, development, facilities and event “I am honored to work in an environment management, compliance, athletic training, that I view as a special place where student equipment services and human resources success is the top priority,” LeFevre says. “I units. He also supervised the College’s intercollegiate athletic programs and worked appreciate Manhattan College’s mission to with all of the head coaches on scholarship ‘provide a contemporary, person-centered

(Left page) Noah LeFevre is officially recognized as the new director of athletics at a press conference in February. (Top left) The College presents Robert Byrnes ’68 with a ceremonial jersey at the last home men’s basketball game.

educational experience that prepares graduates for lives of personal development, professional success, civic engagement and service to their fellow human beings.’ This mission will be the dominant guiding principle for me in establishing hallmarks for strategic planning within the Athletics department.” Prior to coming to Riverdale, LeFevre served as the director of intercollegiate athletics at The College of Brockport in Brockport, N.Y. While at Brockport, he oversaw the day-to-day operations of a 23-sport athletic program that served more than 625 studentathletes and an extensive fleet of athletic facilities with 12 different competition venues, including Eunice Kennedy Shriver Stadium, the largest on-campus sporting venue among Division III institutions. LeFevre has also served as an associate director of athletics at New York University (NYU), where he was responsible for the department’s marketing, facilities, revenue generation and capital planning. He was the project manager for the internal design and construction, and then served as director, of NYU’s Palladium Athletic Facility, an 80,000-square-foot complex that has more than 2,300 daily patrons. During his time at NYU, eight athletic teams finished in the top four nationally, including a 2007 Division III National Championship in men’s cross country. For his hard work and dedication to the department, LeFevre received the NYU Distinguished Administrator Award in 2007. Byrnes mentored LeFevre during the past three years at Manhattan College, as he has mentored so many administrators and coaches during his time as athletics director. Steve

Lappas, Fran Fraschilla, Sal Buscaglia, Dan Mecca and Kevin Leighton are just a handful of the coaches who have excelled at Manhattan and grown under Byrnes’ watch during the past quarter of a century. When Byrnes began his time as director of athletics in 1988, the College had yet to add women’s soccer and lacrosse, or men’s lacrosse. He had taken over an athletics department that was still growing, and was tasked with transforming it to fit the needs of both the men’s and women’s athletics programs. The Manhattan women’s basketball team had won its first MAAC championship in 1987 and returned to the NCAA Tournament in 1990, the first NCAA-bound team during this period. It symbolized a transformative point in the College’s athletics, as not only could a Manhattan women’s team be successful but also sustain success. Shortly after the women’s basketball team reached the NCAA Tournament, it was the men’s basketball team’s turn to have a signature moment that would further boost the profile of the Manhattan College Jaspers. Men’s basketball coach Steve Lappas came to Manhattan at the same time as Bob Byrnes. From 1988-92, Lappas won 56 games and guided the Jaspers to the 1992 MAAC regular season crown. The College fell short in its quest for its first NCAA bid in three decades, but a year later, another Byrnes hire, men’s basketball coach Fran Fraschilla, came to Riverdale. In his first year, Fraschilla led the Jaspers to the 1993 MAAC Championship and their first appearance in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament since they stunned top-ranked West Virginia in 1958. Two years

later, Fraschilla’s troops made the NCAAs again, this time as an at-large team after the Jaspers were upset in the 1995 conference tournament. Manhattan was even tougher that season though, coming away with a firstround win over fourth-seeded Oklahoma and bringing the national spotlight to Riverdale. The latest signature moment in Manhattan Athletics happened this spring. In March, the men’s basketball team returned to the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2004. The Jaspers won 25 games, earned the second seed in the MAAC Tournament, and defeated top seed and archrival Iona, 71-68, in overtime, to advance to the Big Dance. Ten years removed from its last MAAC Championship and appearance in the NCAA Tournament, the Jaspers nearly began another thrilling run in the tournament, echoing memories of 1995 and 2004. With three minutes left in the first-round game, 13th-seeded Manhattan led, 60-58, Louisville, the fourth-seeded, defending national champions. Although Louisville made a handful of clutch shots down the stretch to capture a 71-64 victory, the Jaspers’ strong showing in defeat brought national exposure to the College. For all of the athletic accomplishments of the Jaspers’ sport programs, Manhattan’s teams also have succeeded academically, including 27 Academic All-Americans. The latest is Kate Bowen ’14, a Third Team Academic All-American in softball. The undergraduate valedictorian for Manhattan College’s class of 2014, Bowen is one of several model student-athletes who have graduated from Manhattan in the last quarter century. Byrnes served two stints (1997-99, 200406) as president of the Metropolitan Intercollegiate Basketball Association, which at one time sponsored the National Invitation Tournament (NIT). Byrnes also served on the NCAA Championship Committee in 1999-2000. He was chair of the MAAC Men’s Basketball Committee and the Committee on Athletic Administration, as well as a member of the Eastern College Athletic Conference Officials Negotiating Committee. Byrnes earned his bachelor’s degree in physical education with a minor in biology from the College in 1968 and his MBA from City University in Seattle. He was inducted into the Manhattan College Athletic Hall of Fame in 2004.



sportsshorts MAAC Hall of Fame On March 8, former Manhattan stars Marianne Reilly ’82 and Luis Flores ’04 were inducted into the MAAC Honor Roll at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass., as a part of the 2014 class. They join Sheila Tighe ’84 and Jack Powers ’58 (2012), as well as Gina Somma ’96 and Keith Bullock ’93 (2013), as honorees. Reilly was the first 1,000-point scorer in the history of the Manhattan women’s program, and her career total of 1,305 points is still eighth all-time. She also grabbed 860 career rebounds, the third-most in program history. As a junior in 1980-81, she averaged 15 points and nine rebounds per game, as the Jaspers finished 17-12 to notch the first winning record in program history. As Manhattan’s all-time leading scorer, Flores led the Jaspers to back-to-back NCAA Tournament appearances in 2003-04, as well as an NIT appearance in 2002. He scored 2,046 points during his three years in Riverdale, including 26 in a 75-60 upset of the University of Florida in the first round of the 2004 NCAA Tournament. He scored 24.6 points per game as a junior, the highest single-season mark in Manhattan history, and finished his career with a scoring average of 22.7 points per game. Flores is also the Jaspers’ all-time leader in free throw percentage (.879), while ranking second in free throws and third in field goals. He was twice named MAAC Player of the Year and is a two-time MAAC Tournament MVP. All-American Again For his performance at the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships, Manhattan senior Mohamed Koita earned All-America recognition for the second time in his career. Koita was named Second Team All-American by the U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association after finishing 15th in the high jump with a leap of 2.10 meters (six feet, 10¾ inches). He previously received Second Team AllAmerica honors during the 2013 outdoor season. Koita is Manhattan’s 31st All-American in head coach Dan Mecca’s 21-year tenure. Senior CLASS Award Kate Bowen, the College’s class of 2014 valedictorian, has been named to the Capital One Academic All-America Division I Softball Team. A two-time Academic All-District selection, the second baseman/pitcher earned a place on the Academic All-America third team as an infielder. Bowen is the seventh Manhattan softball player ever to receive Academic All-America honors. The Academic All-America team is voted on by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA). The national ballot consisted of all student-athletes who were selected to their respective All-District first teams. Only starters or significant reserves that have completed at least two semesters at their institution and boast a cumulative GPA of 3.30 or higher are eligible for CoSIDA awards.

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Bowen graduated with a 3.86 GPA in physical education. She’s a three-time MAAC All-Academic Team honoree, and was Manhattan’s Female Student-Athlete of the Year for both 2012-13 and 2013-14. She was also a top 30 candidate for the 2014 Senior CLASS Award, which celebrates notable achievements in the areas of community, classroom, character and competition. In addition, Bowen is a team captain and member of the StudentAthlete Advisory Committee. Last season, the Newtown, Conn., native organized a Sandy Hook Dedication Game after the tragedy in her hometown. The Jaspers wore special jerseys and sold T-shirts with the number 26 (one for each victim) on the back, with the proceeds benefitting a charity started by a Sandy Hook survivor to assist the Newtown community. She finished her career as Manhattan’s all-time leader in games played (190) and at-bats (618), and is second all-time in hits (211), as well as third in doubles (39) and runs scored (122). Academic Honors Senior Daniel Festa of the men’s soccer team and senior Aislinn McIlvenny of the women’s soccer team were both selected to the CoSIDA Academic All-District I Team. In order to be eligible for CoSIDA All-Academic honors, a student-athlete must be a starter or significant reserve and must have completed at least two semesters at their institution while boasting a cumulative GPA of 3.30 or higher. In addition, the women’s soccer squad received the Team Academic Award, which goes to teams with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher, from the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA), and took home the NSCAA’s College Team Ethics and Sportsmanship Silver Award. Meanwhile, the women’s swimming team received the College Swimming Coaches Association of America’s Team Scholar AllAmerican Award for the fall 2013 semester. The Jaspers have earned this award in 33 of the last 34 semesters. Staffers Join NCAA Committees A pair of Manhattan administrators has been appointed to NCAA committees. Vice President for Student Life Richard Satterlee, Ph.D., is now a member of the NCAA’s Division I Amateurism Fact-Finding Committee, while Associate Director of Athletics for Compliance Alyssa Shale serves on the NCAA Initial Eligibility Waivers Committee. Satterlee’s appointment runs until September 2016, and he is involved in the process of determining a student-athlete’s collegiate eligibility. As a member of the Initial Eligibility Waivers Committee, Shale reviews the cases of student-athletes who do not meet the NCAA’s academic initial eligibility standards and helps decide whether to approve, partially approve or deny waivers, so they can participate in intercollegiate athletics. Her appointment runs until January 2018.

Star Athletes Earn Accolades Men’s basketball seniors George Beamon and Rhamel Brown earned All-Metropolitan Area honors, which the Metropolitan Basketball Writers Association announced at its annual dinner on April 22. The honors are one of the oldest and most prestigious recognitions given to a metropolitan-area player. Beamon was a First-Team selection, while Brown earned a spot on the second team. Beamon is the first Jasper to earn first-team All-Met honors since Peter Mulligan ’05 in 2005. Beamon had a remarkable senior season. He helped to lead the Jaspers to the 2014 MAAC Championship and an NCAA Tournament appearance, in which Manhattan led Louisville, the defending national champions, with two minutes left before the Cardinals pulled out a 71-64 win. He averaged a team-leading 18.8 points, 6.5 rebounds and 1.6 steals per game in helping the Jaspers to reach 25 wins during the 2013-14 season. Those 25 wins are the second most in program history, one behind the 1994-95 team that won 26 games. Beamon finished his career with 1,843 points, which ranks fourth in the College’s program history. He also ranks third all-time in steals (162) and 10th in three-point field goals (123). The Roslyn, N.Y., native scored 20-plus points in 17 games this season, including two games in which he scored more than 30 points. He totaled five double-doubles this season and finished the season ranked among the top 10 rebounders in the MAAC. Beamon has been a First Team All-MAAC selection twice in his career and earned First Team All-District honors from the National Association of Basketball Coaches. Brown earned a spot on the Lefty Driesell Defensive All-America Team, and a place as one of the top 25 defensive players in Division I college basketball. He finished a spectacular senior season, averaging 10.1 points, 5.9 rebounds and 3.6 blocked shots per game, which rank third in the nation. The Brooklyn native garnered second team All-MAAC honors after the season and was named to the All-District Second Team by the National Association of Basketball Coaches. He was part of a defense that limited opponents to 40.9 percent shooting from the field during the 2013-14 season.


7 2009 248

number of NCAA Tournament appearances for the men’s basketball team, including this season

the last time Manhattan had an athlete qualify for the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships before senior Mohamed Koita made it in the high jump this year


career three-pointers for senior Monica Roeder, a new women’s basketball record

years since Manhattan’s last appearance in a four-team MAAC Volleyball Tournament prior to this season




points for the men’s soccer team in conference play this season, setting a new program record

road/neutral site wins for the men’s basketball team this season, the second-highest mark in the nation

different MAAC teams the volleyball team defeated in 2013, marking the first time in program history that the Jaspers notched at least one win over each conference opponent. Manhattan also set a program record with 13 MAAC wins.

3.64 30

blocks per game for senior Rhamel Brown this season, who led the MAAC and ranked third in the nation

number of candidates for the Senior CLASS Award in softball, including Manhattan senior Kate Bowen MANHATTAN.EDU N 19

George Beamon ’14


Men’s Basketball Manhattan captured its first MAAC Championship in a decade, winning a thrilling MAAC title game over Iona, 71-68, on March 10 in Springfield, Mass. The Jaspers earned the conference’s automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament, where 13th-seeded Manhattan took fourth-seeded Louisville, the defending national champions, down to the wire. The Jaspers led the Cardinals 60-58 with little more than two minutes remaining before Louisville made a number of big plays down the stretch to advance to round 32. However, that game did not detract from a terrific season for the Jaspers. Manhattan won 25 games during the 2013-14 season, the second most in program history. The Jaspers placed three players on the postseason All-MAAC teams, including seniors George Beamon (first team), Rhamel Brown (second team) and Michael Alvarado (third team). Beamon earned MAAC Tournament Most Outstanding Player honors, while Brown and junior Emmy Andujar joined Beamon on the AllTournament team. The postseason awards continued to roll in for the Jaspers, as Beamon and Brown each earned a spot on the All-District teams by the National Association of Basketball Coaches. The Jaspers began their season with a pair of thrilling road wins, a double-overtime 99-90 victory over La Salle, which reached the NCAA’s Sweet 16 in 2013. Manhattan followed that by taking the No. 1 train down to Columbia and came away with a 71-70 win after an offbalance three-point play by Beamon with 0.5 seconds left to win it.

With a 3-2 record on the last day of November, the Jaspers topped Hofstra 66-59 to spark an eight-game winning streak that carried into the beginning of MAAC play. Manhattan was ranked as high as fifth among mid-major programs in the country, and owned three different fivegame win streaks this season. The Jaspers won eight of their last nine conference games to finish 15-5 in the MAAC and earn the second seed and a bye in the four-day MAAC Tournament during the first week of March. Manhattan defeated seventh-seeded Saint Peter’s 72-58 in the first round of the tournament behind 18 points and 10 rebounds from Brown. A day later, the Jaspers met Quinnipiac in the MAAC semifinals. The Bobcats had edged Manhattan twice during the regular season and battled Manhattan to a 40-40 tie at halftime of the semifinal game. But in the second half, Beamon scored 23 of his game-high 25 points, and Andujar added 21 points and six rebounds off the bench to catapult the Jaspers into the MAAC Championship with an 87-68 victory over Quinnipiac.

Women’s Basketball After struggling during nonconference play, the women’s basketball team began its MAAC schedule with consecutive wins over Canisius and Monmouth. The Jaspers would go on to win six more conference games, improving from a No. 10 preseason ranking to a seventh-place finish. Manhattan also notched an impressive 50-47 victory at Rider on Jan. 16 and defeated Siena, 62-55, on Jan. 30 in a game that was broadcast nationally on ESPN3. The Jaspers also swept the Buffalo trip for the second time in program history, winning the rematch with Canisius 52-44 on Feb. 13 before knocking off Niagara 64-56 two days later. The Jaspers entered the MAAC Tournament in Springfield, Mass., as the No. 7 seed but were upset in the first round by Siena. Senior Monica Roeder had a recordsetting campaign in her final season in a Manhattan College uniform. With five threepointers in the Jaspers’ regular season finale against Quinnipiac on March 1, she became Monica Roeder ’14

Manhattan’s all-time leader in three-point field goals and ended her career with 248 treys. She also holds the program record for career starts (113) and ranks seventh on the Jaspers’ all-time scoring list (1,381). Roeder earned a Third Team All-MAAC selection after leading the team with 12.1 points per game. Fellow senior Allison Skrec also put together a stellar campaign. She averaged 9.7 points per game and finished second in the MAAC with 6.2 assists per outing, which was also the 18th-best mark in the NCAA. Skrec’s 187 assists this season were the second-most in program history, and she ranks fourth on the Jaspers’ all-time list with 187 career assists. Freshman Kayla Grimme was named MAAC Rookie of the Week twice early in the season, but, unfortunately, saw her campaign cut short due to injury. Grimme recorded three straight double-doubles from Dec. 1-18 and was leading the team in rebounding before her injury. She averaged 9.9 points and 7.1 rebounds in her eight appearances.

Swimming THE MEN’S AND WOMEN’S SWIMMING and diving teams maintained their recurring course of smashing school records at the MAAC Championships. On the first day of the championships, sophomore Lance Neuendorf broke the 200 individual medley record, swimming the event in a time of 1:53.92. Sophomore Dallan Treanor also set a new school record, surpassing Neuendorf’s time in the 50 butterfly and clocking in at 23.27. Neuendorf later broke the school-best 51.09 in the 100 butterfly by swimming a 51.06. On day one of the women’s side, junior Kerry Schuermann, freshmen Paige Raccioppi, Madison Brown and Patricia Colton shattered the Manhattan record in the 400 medley relay, swimming to a time of 4:10.37. More records fell on the second day. Brown eclipsed both the 50 and 100 backstroke times in the morning heats, and later broke her own mark in the 50, finishing in 28.51. She also swam on the 200 medley relay team with Raccioppi, Schuermann and

Colton that snapped the school record in 1:53.05. Raccioppi, Schuermann, junior Kim Geissler and freshman Whitney Perez also shattered the 800 freestyle relay time, clocking an 8:12.04, wiping the previous record off the books by 1.72 seconds. Senior Dennis Daly etched his name in the records by clocking a 26.55 in the 50 breaststroke, and Neuendorf’s backstroke time of 24.03 broke his own school record. The men’s 200 medley relay team of Neuendorf, Daly, Treanor and junior Ryan Klages smashed the former school record by 2.33 seconds when they registered a time of 1:32.95. The final day of the championships featured the same record-breaking theme. Brown continued her stellar performance by breaking the 50 freestyle mark formerly held by Bridget Latino ’12. Raccioppi, Brown, Schuermann and Colton broke the team’s final record of the championships by swimming a 3:41.72 in the 400 freestyle relay. Treanor swam a 50.33 in the 100 butterfly,

Kerry Schuermann ’15

shattering the old time by more than 1.5 seconds. Neuendorf set the school record in the 200 backstroke, swimming a 1:48.47, which also earned him a second place finish and tied him with Robert Varieur ’13 for the program’s best individual result. Freshman Rich Llewellyn broke the program’s 200 butterfly time, clocking in at 1:55.41. Junior Mike Mackay broke the record in the 200 breaststroke finals when he placed third in 2:04.32.

Indoor Track and Field The indoor track and field team was represented at the NCAA Championships for the first time in five years in 2014. And with a 15thplace showing in the men’s high jump, senior Mohamed Koita was named Second Team All-America for the second time in his career. Competing indoors for the first time, Koita broke the school record in the event twice during the season. He jumped 2.19 meters (7’2¼”) at the Brother Jasper Invitational on Dec. 15, and then improved

that mark to 2.20 m (7’2½”) at the Draddy Invitational on Feb. 15. The school record in the women’s high jump also fell twice, with freshman Ida Virdebrant clearing 1.79 m (5’10½”) at the Brother Jasper and raising that mark to 1.80 m (5’10¾”) at the Draddy Invitationals. Virdebrant then shattered a 25-year-old meet record with a clearance of 1.75 m (5’8¾”) at the MAAC Championships on Feb. 21. Junior Bianca Marten, meanwhile, was named Most Outstanding Performer for Field Events at the championships, where she finished first in the triple jump and second in both the long jump and 60-meter hurdles. Behind Virdebrant and Marten, the women placed third at the MAAC Championships. On the men’s side, the Jaspers saw their string of 17 consecutive MAAC titles snapped by conference newcomer Monmouth. The Jaspers finished second in the final event, the 4x400meter relay, to secure second place as a team. Manhattan also continued its tradition of success at the IC4A Championships. The Jaspers ended up 11th in the team standings, as senior Mikael Rojeras won his second straight IC4A title in the 1,000-meter. Junior Greg Perrier added a second-place finish in the 800-meter, while junior Sheldon Derenoncourt was third in the 500-meter. At the women’s ECAC Championships, Virdebrant finished tied for first in the high jump before settling for second in a jump-off. Also, 11 men and 11 women were honored for efforts in the classroom.

Mohamed Koita ’14



Women’s Soccer surpassing its win total from the previous season, the women’s soccer team advanced to the second round of the MAAC Championships only to fall to second-seeded Fairfield on penalty kicks after 110 minutes of a scoreless game. The Jaspers made it to the second round after avenging a regular season loss to Quinnipiac with a 1-0 victory over the Bobcats at the Wide World of Sports Complex in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. They began the season with a dramatic 2-1 victory against Fordham at Gaelic Park, winning their home opener for the fourth straight season. Junior Aislinn McIlvenny’s penalty kick in overtime won it for Manhattan. After suffering a pair of one-goal setbacks, Manhattan bounced back with a 1-0 win of its own at Holy Cross on Sept. 3 to even its record at 2-2.

After struggling at the start of MAAC play, the Jaspers won two of three games, beginning with a 2-1 home win over Canisius and a 7-2 victory against Saint Peter’s. In that game, Manhattan scored the most goals it had scored in a match in 21 years. McIlvenny had a hat trick in that game, and senior Alex Iovine scored once and assisted on three other goals in the rout. McIlvenny and freshman Erica Modena each scored six goals on the season to tie for the team lead. Senior Janie Schlauder had four goals and two assists, while starting in all 20 matches for the Jaspers. Modena finished second among MAAC freshmen in goals scored, and sophomore goalkeeper Kristen Skonieczny held opponents to less than one goal per game.

Aislinn McIlvenny ’15

Men’s Soccer The men’s soccer team enjoyed a successful campaign in fall 2013 and made it to the MAAC semifinals. Manhattan fell to the Monmouth Hawks on penalty kicks to close out the season in tough fashion. The game marked the Jaspers’ second appearance in the four-team MAAC playoff since 2001. Senior midfielder Daniel Festa and junior back Jake Scavetta were named to the MAAC All-Tournament team for their efforts in the game. As the fall weather in Riverdale got colder, the Jaspers got hotter. After dropping their first seven contests of the season, Manhattan began seeing much better results in the second half of the year, winning five and drawing two of their final 10 matches of the fall to earn the fourth seed in the conference tournament. The Jaspers ensured their entry to the tournament by defeating the Niagara Purple Eagles 3-0 on senior day in their final match of the season. The team’s first win came on Oct. 9 against conference foe Fairfield. Manhattan’s offense fired on all cylinders, scoring five goals in its first home MAAC game of the season. The Jaspers earned a 5-2 victory in the contest. Freshman forward Daniel Laguna Kennedy netted two goals in the outing. The five goals stood as the most the team had scored in a single game in almost five years, and ended up being the highest single game total of the fall. That game provided the Jaspers with momentum, as they would go on to win their next match against the Saint Peter’s Peacocks, 1-0. Laguna Kennedy led the team in scoring with seven goals and 14 points in his rookie campaign. Junior Eugene Heerschap finished second on the team with four goals and eight points on the year, while 22 N spring 2014

Daniel Festa ’14

junior midfielder Tommy Amos led the team in assists (four). Amos also tied for third in points with sophomore Alex Shackley, as they recorded six apiece. Head coach Jorden Scott received MAAC Coach of the Year honors in just his first season. Amos and Laguna Kennedy also were named to the All-MAAC Second Team while Laguna Kennedy and fellow freshman Andrew Melitsanopoulos were named to the All-Rookie Team. In addition, nine Jaspers earned spots on the All-MAAC Academic Team for earning a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher.

Cross Country A new era began for the men’s and women’s cross country teams in 2013, as Pat Slevin took over as head coach, and the Jaspers found immediate success in their first year under his leadership. After starting the season with strong third-place (men) and fourth-place (women) showings at the Stony Brook Season Opener, both the men’s and women’s squads captured the team title at the St. John’s/Hofstra Fall Festival the following weekend. Individually, senior Mikael Rojeras placed second overall and first among Division I runners, earning MAAC Runner of the Week honors for that performance. He was recognized again by the MAAC after finishing first overall at the LIU Post Invitational, as Manhattan grabbed second in the team standings on both the men’s and women’s sides. Both squads continued their solid seasons by finishing fifth in the team standings at the annual Metropolitan Championships. At the MAAC Championships, Rojeras just missed out on earning All-

Milena Stociev ’15

MAAC honors with a 15th-place finish. As a team, the Jaspers finished ninth. Junior Milena Stociev, meanwhile, took 34th in the women’s race to lead Manhattan to a ninth-place showing. Manhattan also hosted the NCAA Northeast Regional Championships at Van Cortlandt Park for the first time since 2006. Competing against all of the top teams from across the region, the Jasper men finished 30th as a team, and the women took 33rd place. The Jaspers then returned to Van Cortlandt Park for the season-ending ECAC/IC4A Championships. Led by a 12th-place showing from Rojeras, the men’s team took 12th place in the University Division, while the women were 15th as a team. At the conclusion of the season, six Jaspers were named to the MAAC All-Academic Team. Rojeras was honored for his work in the classroom along with senior Tom Voorheis, and juniors Joe Cole and Kevin O’Brien, as well as juniors Alexandra Cappello and Alyssa Windle.

Volleyball The volleyball season featured a school-record 13 MAAC victories and the Jaspers’ first appearance in a four-team MAAC Tournament in a decade. Manhattan defeated every team in the MAAC at least once for the first time in program history and reached the 20-win mark for the first time since 2010. In their MAAC opener on Sept. 21, the Jaspers rallied from two sets down to notch a 3-2 victory at Marist, winning the fifth set by a 17-15 count. After dropping the next match to Siena, Manhattan went on a six-match winning streak that included four consecutive five-set victories. Trailing Niagara 2-1 on Oct. 5, they won an epic fourth set, 3735, before closing out a five-set win. The team then completed the Buffalo sweep with a 3-2 comeback over Canisius.

After seeing their winning streak come to an end with a nonconference loss to NJIT, the Jaspers responded with a 3-0 victory over Saint Peter’s on Oct. 19. With that triumph, Manhattan moved to 8-1 in MAAC matches, equaling the best nine-match conference mark in program history (the Jaspers’ 2002-03 MAAC Championship squads finished 8-1 when the MAAC schedule only consisted of nine matches). Manhattan avenged an earlier loss to Rider with a four-set win over the Broncs on Nov. 6, setting a new mark with its 12th MAAC victory of the season. The Jaspers then picked up their 13th conference win at Quinnipiac on Nov. 10 and entered the regular season finale at Iona only needing to win one set to qualify for the MAAC Tournament. The Gaels took the first two sets and Ellie Wiekamp ’14

had three match points in the third before Manhattan rallied to claim the set, 29-27, and a postseason berth. The Jaspers entered the MAAC Tournament as the No. 4 seed and took on defending champion Fairfield in the semifinals. In what proved to be a very closely contested match, the sides split the first two sets. However, the

Stags rallied to take the next two sets to move into the championship match, winning and eliminating Manhattan. Senior Ellie Wiekamp had her 17th double-double of the season against Fairfield, recording 17 kills and 13 digs, and was named to the MAAC All-Tournament Team. Wiekamp was also selected to the All-MAAC Second Team. Freshman Allie Yamashiro, meanwhile, earned a place on the MAAC All-Rookie Team after receiving MAAC Libero of the Week honors five times during the season. Yamashiro tallied 574 digs on the year, the fourthhighest single-season total in program history. Recognized for their efforts in the classroom, senior Katelyn Nugent and junior Sarah Haselhorst were recognized with MAAC All-Academic Team honors. MANHATTAN.EDU N 23

Going Places

The field trip — the chance to venture outside of the classroom and learn by doing, rather than by reading or listening — has captivated us since those elementary school visits to zoos, parks and national landmarks. We are drawn to experiencing life more than seeing it happen around us. At Manhattan College, there are classes comprised entirely of field trips. But these aren’t your first-grade field trips. These are real, hands-on experiences that leave a lasting impact on students, and prepare them to go places in life.


24 N SPRING 2014

Working in an artist’s home studio, (clockwise) Rich Abrahamsen ’14, Grace McDermott ’14 and Gabe Quiroz ’14 get a hands-on lesson in monoprinting during an excursion for their ART 370 course.

Lessons from the Loft

Printed on the syllabus for ART 370: Current Trends: The New York City Art Scene, is the classroom Hayden Hall 107. But on a Friday in November, much like other weeks throughout the semester, the classroom is the city — specifically, artist Renee Magnanti’s eclectic home studio in TriBeCa; in which the podium is a kitchen table, and the lesson is hands-on. That afternoon, the small class of four students stepped into Magnanti’s work room for a demonstration of her favorite artistic medium, encaustic painting, a technique that involves carving through layers of colorfully painted wax. On the walls around them hang dozens of her pieces — explosions of yellow, orange and turquoise paint scraped into tribal patterns and phrases — some that took years to finish. “That’s what makes it interesting to be an artist,” she says, handing out paintbrushes to the students and encouraging them to add personal touches to her own works-in-progress. “You can keep moving ahead to the next project. You can grow with your work.” Donning an apron, Grace McDermott ’14, an art history major and digital media minor, tries her hand at scraping, as the others take turns stirring the hot wax and painting. “I’ve lived in New York for five years now, and this class has taken me to places I’ve never thought to go,” McDermott says.

“I’ve met some really interesting artists.” The course, taught by Marianne Eggler, visiting instructor of visual and performing arts, has taken students everywhere from the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan, to the (sinceclosed) 5 Pointz graffiti exhibit in Queens, to the Bronx’s Gramsci Monument, a commissioned art space created in a low-income housing development. “New York’s got to be the most diverse art scene in the world,” says Eggler, an old friend of Magnanti’s. “And the scene reflects the city. Artists come from all over to study.” Back in the workroom, Magnanti’s husband and fellow artist Bill Pangburn switches the focus to his forte, monoprinting. He invites each student to etch original designs into small metal plates and then pass them through a massive printing press in the kitchen. Gabe Quiroz ’14, a management and global business studies major, carefully reproduces an etching of the Manhattan College logo — a souvenir to take home, along with the ink on his elbow. Class finishes up with cannoli and coffee at the table and a conversation about the living, breathing art gallery surrounding them. “These field trips are the best possible way to experience history while it’s still being made,” Eggler says. MANHATTAN.EDU N 25

A Family Reunion

Where better to study evolution than in the dinosaur wing of the American Museum of Natural History? In this interactive field trip, the subjects are larger than life.

26 N SPRING 2014

Arriving by subway to 81st Street and Central Park West, Bruce Shockey’s BIOL 232: Evolution class settles in for a film about the dinosaur wing at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). “Welcome to your own extended family history,” the video chimes, as the lights dim. Shockey, Ph.D., associate professor of biology and a research assistant at the museum, has been hosting hands-on lessons at AMNH for nearly 10 years. “Some of the principles are hard,” he says. “So to actually walk on the branch, it helps.” The branch, he explains, is an evolutionary pathway tiled onto the fourth floor of the museum that guides visitors through a larger-than-life genetic journey. Hanging above signs stating “Look Up!” are massive skeletons of prehistoric beasts, as well as some that are more easily identifiable — from pterodactyls to turtles. As the students wander through the exhibits, learning at their own pace, Shockey has them fill out a worksheet — a collaborative scavenger hunt of sorts. When a student asks a question about tetrapods, he finds a relevant exhibit and explains how these creatures are the best example of the bridge between fish and land vertebrae. He explains the concept in conversational terms, referencing materials learned in the class textbook. “I want you to get the feel and idea of things rather than the precise answer,” he stresses, acknowledging that it’s more important to understand than simply memorize answers. When the class finds a massive brontosaurus skeleton, everyone stops for a Jurassic Park-esque photo-op. “The hands-on experience is cool,” says Giancarlo Schillaci ’16, a biology major. “It’s intimidating seeing all the dinosaurs up close and not just as a picture in a book.” “Interacting — I think it means more,” adds biology major Zoe Malia ’16, who’s interested in interning at AMNH this summer. “I went on the same tour last year, and I remember things more clearly from then.” While BIOL 232: Evolution is a required class for all biology majors at Manhattan, Shockey has seen many enjoy the interactive class, including students majoring in liberal arts and religious studies. For visual learners, especially, visiting AMNH’s fossil mammal collection, which, according to Shockey, is one of world’s largest, helps to clarify scientific jargon and brings difficult concepts to life. “There are very few places like this in the world,” he says of AMNH. “We’re lucky to have it.”

Sociology and communication major Tony Capote ’17 observes community interaction in two New York City neighborhoods for his field project for sociology course Social Inequality and Class.

A Classroom in Motion

For Tony Capote ’17, a sociology and communication major from Miami, walking around the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan on a sunny Saturday is a little like being back home. Latin music pours out of colorful storefronts, and vendors line the sidewalk with fruit stands, offering tastes to passers-by. “This is a lot like the neighborhood I grew up in,” Capote says, as he observes a couple of men greeting each other with handshakes on the corner of 170th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue. “Hispanic people are naturally community-oriented,” he says. “You don’t even have to know someone to say ‘hi’ — just someone in their group of friends.” This notion is part of what prompted Capote to choose to observe community interaction in both Washington Heights and on the Upper East Side as his field project for SOC 304: Social Inequality and Class, taught by Cory Blad, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology. The course requires students to compare and contrast socioeconomic differences and how these differences manifest themselves in social situations in two New York City neighborhoods. “Experiencing the diversity of New York City is the central goal,” says Blad, who lived in many different places growing up. “I come from a background of motion, and it becomes difficult to see what else is out there when the motion stops. This class

structurally encourages them to see other parts of the city and paths less traveled. It teaches them that different perspectives exist, and they’re worth learning about.” Capote focuses his Upper East Side study in a four-block radius of 740 Park Ave., an apartment building that is home to the highest concentration of billionaires in the world. Factoring in variables like weather and time of day, he carefully logs the number of interactions between pedestrians, and finds that many people keep to themselves. “By this time in Washington Heights, I’d already marked five,” he notes, validating his initial hypothesis. “Generally, there’s a stronger neighborhood feel in lower socioeconomic areas.” The son of a psychologist, Capote says that he’s learned to watch people. He’s interested in journalism and hopes one day to be able to shed light on issues of social justice that matter, such as poverty and gender inequality. While issues like these are the reason SOC 304 exists, in the classroom, Blad discusses topics such as observation strategy and helps students to refine their project ideas, encouraging them to be as creative as possible. What he doesn’t do is tell them what they’ll learn in the field. “It’s hard to compare the difference of opportunity and the possibilities those present without actually seeing it,” he says. “The sheer diversity of New York City is just astounding. You see the world differently getting out of the classroom.” MANHATTAN.EDU N 27

Scholars of the World

Like an extended field trip, studying abroad is one of the best ways to see the world, and to make learning come alive by studying a new language and immersing oneself in a foreign culture. Now, Manhattan College students can further their studies by taking classes that examine specific topics such as ART 402: Art and Architecture of a Floating City in Venice, CHEM 090: Bio-Chemistry of Wine Making in Florence, and CMPT 464: Special Topics: 3D Game Development in Kyoto, Japan. During winter intersession, business students enrolled in MKTG 414: International Field Study Seminar traveled to India to study an emerging economy firsthand, and attend advertising workshops and site visits to global manufacturing plants. Changes in political circumstances have even allowed Manhattan classes to venture to previously restricted places. A loosened embargo with Cuba meant that Laura Redruello, Ph.D., associate professor of Spanish, could take her SPAN 320: Cuba in Revolution class to 28 N SPRING 2014

Havana for a lesson unlike any other. “This was a field trip to a country that is very close, but we do not know very well,” Redruello says. “Both groups, my class students and the other students that chose to come, had a common interest — to better know Cuba, its history and its people.” The trip was especially meaningful for education major Andy Gonzalez ’17, whose father is from Cuba. A visit to a crowded, underprivileged Cuban school provided him with more drive to become a good teacher. “I want to be the type of teacher who takes pride in what he does,” says Gonzalez, who is planning on becoming a Spanish teacher. “I want to be a teacher that students respect, but at the same time, show them that they can have fun learning something.” Fun is a key part in ensuring that Manhattan College’s field trips work; that students leave with a lasting impression and the knowledge to apply to a future career. Sometimes, however, it can be dif-

ficult for students in programs such as engineering or science to study abroad or take hands-on electives and still graduate on time with all requirements fulfilled. This year, a special trip allowed 12 chemical engineering students to spend two weeks abroad at the Universidad La Salle in Mexico City and study ENGG 678: Sustainable Energy and CHML 316: Computer Simulation and Design. A vibrant itinerary ensured that the cohort also got to experience the culture and sites of Mexico, from ruins and cathedrals, to outreach day trips at migrant centers. “The students saw how their chosen profession is truly universal and that the theory and techniques they have learned can be applied anywhere,” says Gennaro Maffia, D.Eng.Sc., professor of chemical engineering. “This reinforced the global nature of chemical engineering and allowed the Manhattan students to see our traditional schoolwork applied in a different context.”


With ever-expanding options for study abroad, Jaspers now have the chance to venture to Cuba, and chemical engineering students can travel to Mexico City for an itinerary focused exclusively on them.

Off-Campus Collaboration

Opportunities for undergraduate research abound at Manhattan College and beyond. Acting as both mentors to their students, as well as collaborative partners, many professors in hands-on fields go the extreme mile — or the extra thousand — to help their students learn. When he’s not teaching in Riverdale or researching at AMNH, Shockey is bringing Manhattan students to field sites in Wyoming and Bolivia to study paleontology. Colleague Lance Evans, Ph.D., professor of biology, has taken similar trips with students to Argentina and Chile to study the effects of sunlight and the xylem conductivity on different species of cacti. Ultimately, the students play an integral role in Evans’ continuing research on the effects of global warming; helping him to package samples and record data for future publication. While these field trips aren’t necessarily tied to specific classes, they present unique collaborative research opportunities for students whose intellectual curiosity takes them out of the lab and into the field. And the field doesn’t have to be a field at all. It can be an ocean, a jungle or a cavern. In BIO 409: Marine Biology, taught by biology professor Michael Judge, Ph.D., it’s all three. Judge packages his scheduled three-hour-a-week lab time into a seven-day outdoor adventure for students in the U.S. Virgin Islands, complete with snorkeling excursions in the bay, boating trips off-shore, and night hikes to nearby bat caves. The cohort stays and works at the Virgin Islands Environmental Resource Station (VIERS) in St. John. And the intention of the field studies are not just to observe different species and habitats than what are found in New York but also to practice the process of designing a research project on-site. “Unlike following a lab manual, the students can ask questions and design their own procedures,” Judge says. “Essentially, they become the experts of an unpublished topic.” This year, the projects ranged from an examination of land hermit crabs and the speed at which they move, to the territoriality of the damselfish, to the way a reef squid reacts to threats in its environment. “I personally like to learn visually and, therefore, loved this trip,” says biology major Gabriella Fava ’15. “Being able to see everything and learn hands-on was more interesting. We got to see and learn things we could not experience in a classroom.”

For those enrolled in Marine Biology, labs take place in the U.S. Virgin Islands and on-site research may require an off-shore boating trip. Exotic wildlife included.


New York City — there’s no place that quite matches the breadth of cultural, historical and social opportunities available to its residents. And just a ride on the 1 train puts Jaspers in the midst of it all. Students enrolled in GOVT 222: Power in the City, for example, take weekly trips to locations that help illustrate the history of political power and the role of money, public works, citizenship and media in the city — places like Wall Street, Times Square and the 9/11 Memorial. MUSC 310: History of the Broadway Musical examines the tradition of song and dance set in perhaps the greatest theatrical city in the world. Staying true to its Bronx — and Lasallian — roots, the College also offers classes that incorporate outreach to the local community. In RELS 205: Urban America and Catholic Social Teaching, students examine urban issues by completing 25 hours of community service outside of the classroom; feeding the homeless in Bronx soup kitchens and tutoring high school students at community centers. “We try to realize the root causes of the problems and probable steps toward [social] justice,” says Chris Hoey ’17, an electrical engineering major. “It expands one’s point of view when you’re sitting at a table with six homeless men, eating a meal you’d take for granted every other day, and hearing their stories.” Putting their skills to good use, broadcast majors in COMM 419: Advanced Television Production, partner with campus organizations and local nonprofits to produce minute-long public service announcements free of charge. But learning doesn’t stop at the city limits. At the end of freshman year, kinesiology students attend what’s fondly known as May Camp — a two-week outdoor seminar in Connecticut that incorporates three classes — KIN 114: Small Crafts, KIN 116: Leisure Sports and Activities, and KIN 120: Outdoor Adventures. Students are tasked with everything from canoeing and sailing to completing a ropes course with team members. “Some things you’d never try otherwise,” says physical education major Kelsey Rehain ’14. “You learn how to problem solve and take initiative. It teaches you a lot about yourself that you can apply as a student and an educator.” At the end of their freshman year, physical education and exercise science majors participate in a two-week outdoor adventure, affectionately referred to as May Camp, where activities such as ropes courses are on the syllabus.

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Biting into the Big Apple and Beyond

Extracurricular Excursions

With more than 60 active student clubs, organizations and honor societies on campus, there is no shortage of ways to learn outside of the traditional Manhattan College classroom. Offered as both a class in the spring and an extracurricular activity in the fall, Model United Nations is a favorite among government and international studies majors, and students that span every school at the College. Participants act as delegates for an assigned country, gaining an extensive knowledge of their nation’s role on the world stage. During both the fall conference in Washington, D.C., and the spring National Model UN Conference in New York City (which includes a visit to UN headquarters), students work hands-on with their peers to solve issues of war and peace, diplomacy, human rights, and economic and social development. With abounding connections in its alumni network, the School of Business’ Economics and Finance Society often arranges behind-the-scenes tours of city landmarks such as the f loor of the New York Stock Exchange, visits to powerhouse companies like Bloomberg L.P., and even exclusive meetings with big names in business such as the Honorable Janet L. Yellen, chair of the board of governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. From touring the floor to rising high above the Hudson River, members of Chi Epsilon, the civil engineering honor society, have the opportunity to examine one of the city’s most impressive engineering marvels by climbing to the top of the George Washington Bridge — not a field trip for the faint of heart. “What was amazing about this experience was that we got to see up close how a suspension bridge works as a structural system, how everything comes together,” says civil engineering student Stephanie Brown ’12, ’14. “You don’t get that kind of detailed explanation of how a structure works and loads are transferred in the classroom. You also got a unique view of the bridge from above — it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

Beyond New York City, education honor society Kappa Delta Pi has taken students to places such as Namibia, Palestine and Turkey to experience new cultures and education systems around the world. These trips often include the opportunity to visit a Lasallian school or community and practice teaching in a real classroom, sometimes where English is not the first language. As one of the newest student organizations on campus, MEDLIFE (Medicine, Education and Development for LowIncome Families Everywhere) also incorporates a Lasallian angle into its core mission as a mobile clinic for impoverished and underserved communities. Its name has attracted many pre-med and biology majors so far, but MEDLIFE is open to all students looking for a unique learning experience. Biochemistry major Stephanie Nava ’14 looked into bringing a chapter of the club to campus after she participated in a MEDLIFE trip to Tanzania. “I fell back in love with MEDLIFE when I went to Peru,” she says, of her most recent trip with six Manhattan College students during spring break. “It’s a learning experience, not a vacation, but you get to try all sorts of new things.” Students have the opportunity to shadow doctors and dentists on-site and help by signing in patients, measuring their vital signs, passing off equipment and sharing good hygiene practices with the village. The second half of the trip is about serving the community in any way needed. In Peru, that meant building a cement staircase up the mountainside. “You work with the people of the community and see how they live, and why the communities are in the conditions they’re in,” Nava adds. “It’s very humbling.” MEDLIFE members at Manhattan have participated in trips to Ecuador and Peru, and as interest continues to grow, the group is working toward trips to Africa and India in the coming years.

Through new student organization MEDLIFE, students have the chance to shadow doctors at clinics in impoverished communities.


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Celebrating 40 Years of Coeducation at Manhattan College


HEN Patricia Ruback-Kehrberger ’69 was admitted to Manhattan’s engineering program, it didn’t come in the form of a letter — rather a firm handshake — because until 40 years ago, barring assorted women’s programs at the College since the 1920s, women weren’t formally admitted at all. “Imagine the men who were here expecting that they were at a men’s school, and all of the sudden they look and there, in their calculus class, is me,” said RubackKehrberger of being the first woman engineering major at Manhattan College. She shared her story alongside four fellow alumnae on Nov. 20 at a special panel presentation — one of many events hosted by the College to celebrate 40 years of coeducation throughout the year.

Manhattan College officially welcomed women in 1973, and today, 44 percent of Jaspers are women, and they span every major from engineering to accounting, play on various D-1 sports teams, and hold positions from student body president to editor-in-chief of the student newspaper. In addition to Manhattan’s alumnae trailblazers, the campuswide celebration of coeducation featured personal and professional narratives from exceptional women in various fields and through an assortment of events. From the Women’s Lecture Series to the archival exhibit in the O’Malley Library, the College continued to highlight its alumnae, faculty and students, and their accomplishments throughout the academic year.

(Left) Marybeth McCall ’74, M.D., College trustee, is the first woman inducted into the prestigious Pen and Sword Society in May of 1973. Manhattan officially welcomed women in 1973, and the busy Quad reflects the changing demographics of the College.



Sponsored by the Dean of Student’s Civility Project, the Women’s Lecture Series featured U.S. veteran-turnedOlympian Melissa Stockwell, television personality Michelle Beadle, professional tennis player Monica Seles, and authors Carol Gilligan and Lauren Weisberger.


CAROL GILLIGAN The Women’s Lecture Series kicked off in the fall with a powerful message from author, feminist and New York University professor Carol Gilligan, who came to campus to discuss her professional experiences in gender studies and her 1982 book In a Different Voice. Gilligan was inspired to write In a Different Voice after she had realized that there weren’t many studies focusing solely on the psychology of women, and she had some ideas about the psychological differences between the way men and women think, feel and express emotions. A true child of the American dream, Gilligan was born to immigrants who were the first in their families to graduate from college. She attended public school in New York City before her undergraduate years at Skidmore College and then graduate school at Harvard University. She attributed much of her success to the great teachers she had in her youth. She urged the audience, “When you get a rejection, do not internalize it and give up — keep pushing.” This proved true with In a Different Voice, when, after much research, work and many rejections from the Harvard Review, her work was published in 1982. Harvard University Press called it “the little book that started a revolution,” and it quickly became one of its most cited articles.

Professor and author Carol Gilligan and U.S. Army veteran and Olympian Melissa Stockwell inspire the College community with their stories of perseverance.

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MELISSA STOCKWELL United States Army veteran-turned-Olympian Melissa Stockwell visited Manhattan to share her heroic journey: from losing a limb in Iraq to becoming an Olympian and all that she learned and overcame in the process. Today, Stockwell has a career in prosthetics and helps those who are missing limbs get their lives back. She also regularly participates in para-triathlons, in which she has won multiple national and international titles. Not from a military family, her parents were surprised to find their youngest daughter had joined ROTC while at the University of Colorado, Boulder. In May of 2002, she graduated with a degree in communications, was commissioned as a second lieutenant, and quickly found herself in Iraq as a convoy commander. On April 13, 2004, her life changed forever when her car hit a roadside bomb. It was the last day that she ever stood on her own two legs. While recovering at Walter Reed Military Center in Maryland, and realizing that she didn’t make the ultimate sacrifice that many soldiers do, she vowed to recover and regain her mobility. Through various organizations dedicated to getting wounded soldiers active and involved in sports, Stockwell started skiing, completed the New York City marathon on a hand-cycle bike, and then found swimming. One year and one leg later, and medically retired from the Army, she decided to go back to school to study prosthetics and joined a swim team, qualifying for the U.S. Paralympics. Almost four years to the day that she lost her leg, she was given another chance to proudly wear the American flag — this time, on an Olympic uniform. She went to Beijing and was disappointed when she didn’t make the finals, or her best times. Stockwell felt as though she had let her country down, as well as her team, coaches, family and friends. At the end of the Paralympics, an athlete is nominated to carry the American flag and represent the entire U.S. delegation. Typically it’s somebody who won the gold medal, but Stockwell was awarded this honor because of the harrowing obstacles she had overcome. Although she left the Paralympics without a medal, she left with something else — an honor and an accomplishment that continues to fuel her athletic competition and her motivation to help others achieve their goals.


LAUREN WEISBERGER For Lauren Weisberger, author of The New York Times best-seller and feature movie The Devil Wears Prada, life was full of unexpected turns. In fact, this Scranton, Pa., native admits to having little-to-no fashion sense in high school and didn’t see much improvement when she went on to attend college at Cornell University. When all of her friends were moving out and getting their own small apartments in New York City’s Murray Hill neighborhood, Weisberger, a nonconformist to the core, bought a one-way ticket to Paris and traveled her way through Western Europe, Israel, Thailand, Hong Kong, India and Nepal, eating nothing but Nutella and Diet Coke for weeks on end. When she returned to the States, Weisberger knew that writing was the career path that she was going to pursue, but she didn’t expect to land a job as assistant to Anna Wintour at Vogue, never mind write a New York Times best-seller that would be picked up for a movie starring Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway. She encourages young adults to, “Take risks when you’re just starting out, when you don’t have family to support or years of experience forcing you to take the safe road. It probably won’t hurt, and it may make the difference.”

MICHELLE BEADLE >> This fall, television personality Michelle Beadle discussed her career as a co-host of NBC’s Access Hollywood, ESPN2’s SportsNation and her time as the New York SportsCenter anchor on ESPN Radio’s The Michael Kay Show. Remarking on the ups and downs that have shaped her career, she answered questions from many aspiring media students in attendance — especially the young women in the crowd — and advised them to stay true to themselves, to not let the no’s discourage them, and to never give up their dreams. “Always be prepared,” she said, “but at the same time, I think you should have fun.” She encouraged the aspiring female anchors in the crowd to be prepared to be judged more harshly than their male counterparts in the sports business because of their gender, but to never let that stop them from achieving their goals.

MONICA SELES In the spring, former No. 1 tennis player in the world and best-selling author Monica Seles came to the College to speak about her successes and obstacles on and off the court. As any player knows, tennis always starts with love. Seles loved the game and worked hard to be the best that she could be, and that hard work paid off. At just 16 — two years after leaving her home in Yugoslavia to train at the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy with the likes of pros Jim Courier, David Wheaton and Martin Blackman — Seles won her first Grand Slam title. Her seemingly unstoppable career came to a halt when, in Germany in 1993, a crazed fan stabbed her in the back during a match. This put Seles into a great depression. She stopped playing tennis altogether, until she fell in love again and worked through her traumatizing ordeal to win yet another Grand Slam title three years later in 1996. Soon after this, her career began to decline. Seles recalls when the Williams sisters entered the tennis world, and it was the next generation’s turn to play. After gracefully retiring from professional tennis in 2008, she published two books, including the best-seller Getting a Grip: On My Body, My Mind, My Self. She also wrote the young adult fiction novel The Academy – Game On, and its sequel, The Academy – Love Match.

At the Women’s Lecture Series this past fall, author Lauren Weisberger and television personality Michelle Beadle advise students to never give up and to take risks.



DURING THE SPECIAL PANEL celebrating 40 years of coeducation, Ruback-Kehrberger and other alumnae discussed how their trailblazing college years impacted their lives personally and professionally. Ann Marie Flynn ’81, Ph.D., chair of Manhattan’s chemical engineering department, moderated the panel, which included Ruback-Kehrberger, senior environmental engineer, CP Engineers & Architecture; Clare Cunniffe ’81, vice president, U.S. financial services, Informatica Corp. and College trustee; Lisa Toscano ’79, Ed.D., associate professor of kinesiology; and Kathleen McCarrick-Weiden ’79, Ph.D., vice president of taxation, Lefrak Organization. The 1960s was a decade of change for women. At Manhattan, they got their foot in the door through a cooperative program with the College of Mount Saint Vincent. By 1973, Manhattan was officially a coeducational institution, however, athletic and cocurricular programs were virtually nonexistent. Class of ’79ers McCarrick-Weiden and Toscano discussed what it was like to pave the way for the first D-1 women’s basketball team at Manhattan, from preparing budgets and knocking on doors to calling local schools for court times and fundraising. Both Toscano and McCarrick-Weiden reminisced about some humbling moments on the club team, from using a storage closet as a makeshift locker room to losing scrimmages to local high school teams. But their scrappy persistence paid off. “The last game of the season, we played Mount Saint Vincent, and we won,” Toscano said. “[When] we won you would have thought we won the Olympics. The men were

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all there to support us.” Three years later, their basketball club team won first place in the Hudson Valley, which earned them varsity status their senior year. This tremendous achievement allowed the College to welcome Marianne Reilly ’82, Manhattan’s first women’s basketball recruit, who was also present at the event. Not every opportunity was difficult for women to unlock at Manhattan. In the classroom, the doors were wide open. “Manhattan served me well,” Cunniffe says, of her degree in marketing and computer information systems and its impact on her future career. She says she never would have considered taking computer classes in the School of Business if it hadn’t been for the Brothers’ encouragement. “[Brother Anthony Flynn] believed in me, my abilities, and got me that student job in the computer lab,” Cunniffe continued. “All of the sudden I was doing [work with] computers where I never thought I had the aptitude, and I actually liked it … I think what Manhattan taught me was to be open to anything, to keep showing up and to keep going forward and leading the pack.” In addition to citing “the ability to lead” and “integrity” as among the most important takeaways of their Manhattan College educations, the panelists agreed that enduring friendship was among the most important. “There were only a few women on campus, and you just hung onto them,” Toscano said. “They’re my friends. They’re here. I see them on holidays, at my job, and my teachers were wonderful. I had a great connection with them — it’s all the personal stuff.”

Often with humor and always with fondness, Clare Cunniffe ’81 and Kathleen McCarrickWeiden ’79 discuss what is was like to be one of the first few female students in the early days of coeducation.


IN ADDITION TO the Women’s Lecture Series, the College held a variety of events and lectures, both on and off campus, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of coeducation, during the fall and spring semesters. Several events that typically take place during the academic year also focused on and celebrated female lecturers and faculty members, as well as alumnae. “I was very conscious this year about how privileged I was to be attending Manhattan College knowing that just 40 years ago there was no [official] coeducation at the College,” says Kathleen White ’14, who recently graduated with a B.A. in peace studies and history and was the recipient of the Joseph J. Gunn Alumni Medal. M.A.R.S. LECTURE SERIES The Women and Gender Studies (WAGS) department teamed up with the Major Author Reading Series (M.A.R.S.) to bring some outstanding female authors to the College. Poet Alicia Ostricker came to campus to discuss her award-winning work, including The Book of Seventy, which received the Jewish National Book Award, as well as her 14 volumes of poetry. Jill Bialosky, poet, novelist and The New York Times best-selling author of the memoir History of a Suicide: My Sister’s Unfinished Life, spoke with students about her literary career. The M.A.R.S. series also included an appearance from Mary Gaitskill, acclaimed novelist and short story writer, whose story Secretary was the basis for the 2002 independent film of the same name, starring Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader. COSTELLO LECTURE The 13th annual Costello Lecture featured distinguished professor emerita of UCLA, Lynn Hunt, Ph.D., who discussed When a Debt Crisis Turns Revolutionary: The French Revolution of 1789. Hunt explained her forensic accounting and anthropological findings of the corrupt leadership, irresponsible spending, poor borrowing practices, and overly funded military forces that caused France’s debt crisis to spark the French Revolution. COST OF WAR LECTURE U.S. Air Force Captain Allison DeVito, wife of Jasper Stephen DeVito ’03, visited the College to discuss her role as a Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) officer in Afghanistan as part of the College’s observance of Peace Week. She presented the Cost of War lecture in February and discussed her tour of the Afghan Kunar Province, where she served from December 2011 until June 2012. As a JAG officer, DeVito made it her mission to establish resolutions to facilitate security improvements and end corruptions that undermined trust in the Afghan government. Although many Afghan citizens were willing to work with her, she

explained that her presence as a woman of authority was surprising to them and not accepted by many conservatives. Regardless, she persevered and focused on her mission of helping individuals to understand the mutual benefits of working together and helping one another. BROWN BAG COFFEE HOURS There were a series of Brown Bag Coffee Hour sessions in which female faculty and students held discussions. In October, Manhattan senior Francesca Bastone ’14 discussed her experience in the College’s Criminal Justice Ethics course held at Riker’s Island Women’s Prison and her internship there. New sociology faculty member Roksana Badruddoja, Ph.D., explained her current research in gender studies at another Brown Bag Coffee Hour held in the spring. FILM SCREENING Associate professor of psychology Kimberly Fairchild, Ph.D., hosted a screening and discussion of the film Warzone and its correlation to urban street harassment of women. The documentary follows writer and director Maggie HadleighWest as she dares to ask catcalling men on the streets why they would treat a complete stranger in a sexual way.

At the Cost of War lecture this spring, U.S. Air Force Captain Allison DeVito discusses her role as a JAG officer in Afghanistan and how her authority wasn’t always accepted by conservatives in the Kunar Province.



FALL HONORS CONVOCATION In October, Mary Ann O’Donnell, Ph.D., professor emerita of English, gave the keynote address at the Fall Honors Convocation, during which 115 high-achieving seniors were inducted into Manhattan College’s honor society Epsilon Sigma Pi. O’Donnell began teaching at the College in 1971, and eventually became acting dean of the School of Arts in 1993 and then dean in 1994, where she stayed until she retired in 2009. She witnessed firsthand the College’s transition to becoming a coeducational institution in her first year of teaching at Manhattan. ALUMNAE RECEPTION The College’s Development office hosted an alumnae reception at the home of Kathleen McCarrick-Weiden ’79, Ph.D., and husband Brendan Weiden ’79 in Bronxville, N.Y., in early February. Dozens of alumnae from classes ranging from the 1960s up to recent graduates were in attendance to network and share stories about the College. In addition to celebrating the 40th anniversary of coeducation, the reception served as a platform to further engage and connect the Jasper alumnae community. WOMEN AND ART EXHIBIT During the fall semester, Manhattan also recognized its 40 years of coeducation with a Women and Art exhibit on display in the lobby of the O’Malley Library, which featured a variety of images from the College’s Archives. “It was very important to highlight not only the pioneering women of the early 1970s, but to show the evolution of coeducation, the years of incubation and the many key people involved,” says Amy Surak, archivist, who produced the exhibit.

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It was divided into four sections, each delineating the importance of establishing coeducation at the College. The Sisters Extension Division, which allowed nuns to take courses at Manhattan as early as 1928, helped more than 1,000 women achieve bachelor’s degrees. The Cooperative Program with the College of Mount Saint Vincent was established in 1964 and let both male and female students from the Mount attend Manhattan College. Both of these events were significant in paving the path to coeducation. A historical account of the coeducational process from 1973-74 was highlighted and outlined the years when the first 43 women were officially enrolled at Manhattan. Also featured was the establishment of women’s athletics in 1978, the year that the women’s basketball team gained varsity status. “The exhibit illustrates how coeducation was such a seminal moment in the history of the College, how the introduction of coeducation brought an end to that part of Manhattan’s identity that exclusively branded the institution as a ‘maker of men,’” Surak says. “It was a significant step in diversifying Manhattan.” IN RETROSPECT Manhattan is proud to celebrate 40 years of coeducation, and all that women bring and continue to bring to the College. “I think we have come a long way in terms of female student opportunity both on and off campus in those 40 years,” White says. “Now there is a lot of opportunity for leadership, growth and change. I do not think I would have been able to achieve the things I had achieved at another school, and a lot of that has to do with how conscious the people at Manhattan are of the importance of coeducation.”

Professor emeritus and former dean of the School of Arts Mary Ann O’Donnell, Ph.D., gives the keynote address at the Fall Honors Convocation. (Right) Sisters were the first women to earn degrees from the College, as is depicted at this Commencement in 1950. Scenes from the Quad from 1975-76.



Inside the Commons: Contemporary Solutions AS the snow melted and colorful springtime blossoms appeared on campus, the Raymond W. Kelly ’63 Student Commons construction also began to bloom. In early April, with the structural features complete, the student commons’ artistic elements could be placed: fixtures fastened, carpet laid and paint applied in vibrant, cascading colors. Furniture and equipment — from desks and projection screens to televisions and stationary bikes — began arriving in May and continued to be positioned through June. Construction remains on schedule with final turnover anticipated in July. In preparation for the imminent fall 2014 opening, key details of the building were finalized to enhance and even revolutionize the way that the College community works and plays. Campus Bookstore Manhattan College entered into a partnership with Barnes & Noble College to operate the new campus bookstore in March. The company’s innovative offerings will change the 40 N spring 2014

way that faculty and students access course materials, saving both time and money. These innovative solutions feature multiplatform learning management system integration, which will enable students to buy and use eTextbooks directly from the College’s online course environment. It will also enable faculty to streamline their courses and help students study smarter by integrating these materials into their course content and assignments. Textbook selection will also be simpler. Faculty will gain access to a groundbreaking online community, FacultyEnlight, a streamlined textbook adoption platform that combines advanced search capabilities with detailed information on course material formats, pricing and reviews by other faculty. The company’s Campus Connect technologies grant access to the largest selection of course materials in several costsaving formats: rental, used, new and digital. Students can save an average of 50 percent off the price of a new textbook through the Barnes & Noble College textbook rental program.

(Opposite page) The new state-of-the-art fitness center will feature 31 Precor cardio machines and 18 circuit stations for strength training. (Left) Barnes & Noble College will operate the new campus bookstore and offer innovative solutions for both students and faculty. (Above) With the seating being placed and unwrapped, the first floor Marketplace is almost ready to start serving up some delicious new food and coffee options.

Fitness Center When it comes to fitness, not everyone is self-motivated. The new 5,215-square-foot fitness center is designed to keep workouts fun and challenging. The south end is dedicated to strength training and includes 18 circuit stations and two functional training stations, as well as a free weights station that includes a stunning view of south campus. The north end of the fitness center features 31 Precor cardio machines that are each equipped with 15-inch LCD capacitive touch-screen consoles that are network capable and smartphone compatible. Users will be able to track their fitness progress at the gym or on the go with the Preva mobile app. A simple swipe of a token remembers your name and restores your preferred settings from customized workouts to favorite RSS feeds. The consoles also include On Demand video channels, such as music videos, comedies, movie trailers, news and sports. Additionally, there are two Expresso IFH Virtual Reality

Bikes for fitness buffs seeking a more interactive workout. These upright, stationary exercise bikes are designed for exactly what their name suggests — a virtual reality cycling experience. Users can select from more than 40 virtual tours, compete against friends or connect with other users from around the world. “We worked directly with our undergraduate kinesiology majors on the selection of the equipment,” says Richard Satterlee, Ph.D., vice president for Student Life. “Of all of the components in the student commons, students are most excited about having a new gym, and I am confident what they are going to find in terms of equipment and staff is going to be so much more.” Visit to donate and learn more.



De La Salle Dinner Honors Construction Industry Advocate


onstruction management leader Milo Riverso ’81, Ph.D., P.E., chief executive officer (CEO) and president of STV Group, Inc., was honored with the 2014 De La Salle medal at Manhattan College’s annual fundraising dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on Jan. 23. The De La Salle Medal Dinner is the College’s top fundraising event, which honors people and corporations that embody the principles of excellence, leadership and service to society. Manhattan will apply this year’s proceeds — more than $1 million — to a variety of needs on campus, including student scholarship and financial aid. Riverso’s career with STV began in 2005 when he joined the firm as senior vice president of STV Construction Inc., and became the chief operating officer and executive vice president of that division one year later. He was named president of STV in February 2009 and CEO in 2011. As president and CEO of STV, Riverso oversees its five operating divisions — Buildings and Facilities, Construction Management, Energy Services, International, and Transportation and Infrastructure. Under his leadership, the firm has continued to grow and prosper, with a focus on expanding its presence in construction management. “Milo has a reputation for doing whatever he does expeditiously — completing high school in three years and earning his doctorate from Purdue in

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record time,” said President Brennan O’Donnell, noting Riverso’s previous role as head of the School Construction Authority, where he was responsible for the planning, design and construction of capital improvements and new construction of New York City’s 1,199 public schools.

people who volunteer their time, talent and treasure in many different ways,” Riverso said. “This is what it means to be a Jasper, and this is why I am so proud to be receiving this award tonight.” A strong advocate for the industry, Riverso is actively involved with a number of as-

“Milo transformed the struggling agency. Among his many accomplishments, there was his cutting in half the average time of the authority’s projects.” This year’s event was made possible in a large part by chairs Richard T. Anderson, president of the New York Building Congress, John V. Magliano, chairman emeritus of Syska Hennessy Group, Inc., and Dominick M. Servedio, executive chairman of STV Group, Inc. and the entire committee for their generous contributions. “Sitting at these tables, we not only have leaders of firms, but also board members of philanthropic organizations and

President Brennan O’Donnell honors dedicated alumnus Milo Riverso ’81, Ph.D., P.E., chief executive officer and president of STV Group, Inc., with the De La Salle medal at the College’s annual fundraising dinner in January.

sociations, and is currently the chairman of the Construction Management Association of America, and chairman of the board of directors of the ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) Mentor Program of New York. He also serves on the board of directors of the New York Building Congress as a vice chairman, and is on the board of advisors for the New York Section of the Society of American

Military Engineers. A member of a longstanding Jasper family with more than 30 years of experience in the construction industry, Riverso has supported Manhattan College students for more than 15 years as one of the founding members of the College’s Mentor Program. “It is exciting for me to foster young people and to help them succeed,” Riverso said. “This work is very gratifying, and I have found that the mentor receives as much of the benefits as the mentee.” Extending his leadership at the College, Riverso has served as a member of the School of Engineering Board of Advisors, Board of Advisors for the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, and Jaspers Helping Jaspers, as well as co-chair of the College’s annual Construction Industry Golf Outing. Additionally, he has previously taken on the role of adjunct professor in the College’s graduate Civil Engineering program. “Thanks to you,” O’Donnell said in a final note of appreciation, “Manhattan College continues now in its 161st year to pursue its mission of providing an excellent, faith-based, valuesladen, and affordable education to the next generation of smart, hard-working, ethical, compassionate and competitive young men and women: the men and women who will follow in the footsteps of their fellow Jaspers in building the future of this city, this region and this country.”

Alumni Fund Scholarships One of the ways that private colleges level the playing field among their applicants economically is by offering scholarships to keep tuition affordable. Time and time again, students who re-

ceive these scholarships say they made the difference in whether they could actually attend Manhattan College — a perfect match for many of them.

Joseph Cole, Thomas B. Zoppo Scholarship

Ariana Torres, The Rose & Margaret Scala Memorial Scholarship Ariana Torres, a sophomore in the School of Education and Health, earned The Rose & Margaret Scala Memorial Scholarship. Founded by Anthony J. ’75 and Mary Ellen Scala in 2007, this scholarship provides assistance to students enrolled in the School of Education and Health. Torres, who is majoring in allied health, explains that her meetings with a speech pathologist through the College’s Mentor Program have helped her with her decision to explore speech and physical therapy careers. The program allowed Torres to shadow her mentor at TOTS, a pediatric facility in the Bronx. This summer, she plans to intern in the area of child development. She is also active on campus and volunteers with programs such as the American Cancer Society and Autism Speaks, and is a member of the Alpha Upsilon Pi sorority. “I am deeply grateful for the scholarship,” she says. “It makes a difference in my life.”

Joseph Cole, a junior majoring in mechanical engineering and minoring in mathematics, has many ties to Manhattan College. His father Joseph Cole and two brothers, Richard and Chris, are all graduates, and his grandfather Richard Joseph Cole had served as dean of special services administration. The Zoppo Scholarship was established in 1997 by the family of Thomas B. Zoppo to provide tuition assistance for students enrolled in the School of Engineering who have financial need, with a priority given to students from New England. Cole, a resident of Mansfield, Mass., says the Zoppo Scholarship helped make what he considered a perfect match a reality. “Being a recipient of this scholarship determined whether I would attend this institution or not,” he says. “I have been raised by my mother, Claire Cole, ever since my father died in September 2004 from leukemia. As a result, finances played a huge factor in deciding where I attended school, and thanks to this scholarship and various others, I have been able to attend Manhattan College for the same amount of money I would have paid at any of the Massachusetts state schools back home.” With all the demands of the engineering program, Cole still finds time to be a part of the cross country and track teams. He considers the College’s New York location — “arguably the greatest city in the country, if not the world” — an added bonus. This summer, he will work as an engineering intern at Woods and Jaye Sales Company in Queens.

Brittany Otis, The Edmund Hennelly Scholarship Brittany Otis, a senior majoring in civil engineering, was awarded The Edmund Hennelly Scholarship. Donated by Edmund P. Hennelly ’44, the scholarship is given annually to a senior majoring in civil engineering who has maintained an above average academic record. The student must also demonstrate the promise of maintaining a high standard of professional ethics and the need for tuition assistance. Otis said she chose Manhattan College for its reputation as an engineering school and because she always felt welcome when she visited campus. “I wanted a college that provided a strong academic and social experience partnered with support in finding a career after graduation,” she says. “Attending school and completing my senior year was made possible with this scholarship.” She has been an active member of the College community, serving as a resident assistant and as the School of Engineering representative in Student Government, and participating in the Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience (L.O.V.E.) program. As part of L.O.V.E., she helped those affected by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and spent two weeks at an orphanage in Rwanda. Otis plans to continue her education upon graduation, focusing on structural engineering. MANHATTAN.EDU N 43


Hall of Fame Honors New Inductees


he 35th annual Athletic Hall of Fame induction, sponsored by the College’s Alumni Society, honored eight new nominees this past November: Thomas Blackburne ’74, swimming; Durelle Brown ’01, men’s basketball; William G. Clancy Jr. ’63, M.D., track and field; James Harrington ’51, track and field; Dahlia Henry-Tett ’96, Ed.D., track and field; Thomas Lindgren ’78, men’s soccer; Charles M. Mahoney ’75, men’s basketball; and Edward E. Walsh ’70, M.D., track and field.

Thomas Blackburne ’74, swimming – A second-generation Jasper, Blackburne set five records during his time at Manhattan College. In 1974, he received the Most Valuable Swimmer Award and was named the Conference’s Most Valuable Com-

petitor. Throughout his career, he collected 12 gold medals, two silver medals and 13 bronze medals at various Metropolitan meets. Blackburne also swam to victory for the New York Athletic Club with distinguished performances in various New York City AAU Championship meets. For him, graduation did not mean leaving the pool behind. Blackburne has competed regularly in the United States Masters Swimming program, often competing in the breaststroke, backstroke and medley. Blackburne is currently a vice president with TD Bank, and ranked as a top performer working with small businesses. Durelle Brown ’01, men’s basketball – A 6-foot-7-inch forward, Brown ranks fourth on the Manhattan College all-time points list with 1,634. He was also dominant on the boards,

pulling down 6.1 points per game in his junior and senior years. He was named First Team All-MAAC during his junior and senior years and All-Metropolitan Second Team in 2000-2001. Brown never missed a game in the Kelly green. By junior year, he was scoring 21.3 points per game and putting himself on the national leaderboard. After graduation, Brown played professionally abroad in Spain, Holland, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela. Along the way, he added four championships and three Most Valuable Player titles to his collection. Since returning to the States, Brown created his own basketball training program in Connecticut, known as Big Fundies’ Basketball Training. William G. Clancy Jr. ’63, M.D., track and field – Clancy received medals at the top races in the East, including the Metropolitans, Penn Relays, IC4As and Millrose Games, competing in the mile and half-mile relays. Off the track, after receiving a medical degree, Clancy was recruited by the University of Wisconsin to start a sports medicine program. While at the university, he invented the procedure for reconstructing the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament in the knee, which is called the Clancy Procedure, ACL surgery. Honored by many organizations throughout his career, Clancy received the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine’s prestigious Mr. Sports Medicine Award, the George Revere Medal for Excellence in Education, and an honorary degree from the College to name a few. He has been part of the medical team for several Olympics, including the team orthopedist for the winning U.S. Hockey Team in 1980. James Harrington ’51, track and field – Harrington frequently scored for the Jaspers in pole vault, broad jump, high jump and javelin. As a senior, he medaled in competitions throughout the season, tying the Indoor Met 60 high hurdles record and placing first in the 60 high hurdles at the National Junior AAU Championships. By senior year, he was captain, a title rarely given to a field competitor. Harrington again medaled in competitions throughout the season. At the IC4As, he placed fourth in high hurdles, adding crucial points to the Jaspers who squeaked out a victory for the first time in a dozen years by 1 6/7 points. Following his military service, Harrington taught physical education and coached track at Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx. A number of his best competitors became members of the Jasper track team. He also served as a guidance counselor for a number of years at Mount Saint Michael Academy. Dahlia Henry-Tett ’96, Ed.D., track and field – A native of Jamaica, Henry-Tett holds four records at Manhattan, two in the 4x800-meter relay, the spring medley and individual (Back row) Edward E. Walsh ’70, M.D., track and field; Thomas Blackburne ’74, swimming; Durelle Brown ’01, men’s basketball; Thomas Lindgren ’78, men’s soccer; (front row) Charles M. Mahoney ’75, men’s basketball; James Harrington ’51, track and field; William G. Clancy Jr. ’63, M.D., track and field; and Dahlia Henry-Tett ’96, Ed.D., track and field, were inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame in November.

800-meter. She was also a Metropolitan champion runner throughout her career, indoors and outdoors. As a senior, she was awarded the Arthur Ashe Jr. Award, and also earned the Sports Scholar Award in both 1994 and 1996. Henry-Tett is currently the program director/head of the Health and Physical Education department at Northern Virginia Community College, Manassas Campus (NOVA), as well as a full faculty member. She speaks and writes often about how to find a balance between health and career and often addresses women’s health issues. Thomas Lindgren ’78, men’s soccer – Lindgren, a sweeper, has seven goals and 14 assists to his credit from his college days. During his soccer career at Manhattan, he collected several awards, including All-Metropolitan (1975, 1976 and 1977); All-New York State Team (1977); and All-Academic Team (1977). The College also honored him with the Block M Award and the Jasper Award for Most Outstanding Player in 1977. Lindgren keeps his passion for sports alive at Manhattan as an alumnus. He is the primary organizer of the College’s alumni soccer game each year and has been a member of the Spiked Shoe Club since graduation. He also served as vice chair and chair of the Hall of Fame Committee in the early 2000s. Lindgren currently practices law in North Carolina. Charles M. Mahoney ’75, men’s basketball – As point guard, Mahoney set a Manhattan career assist record of 394 in only three years. He played a pivotal role in the Jaspers’ three National Invitational Tournament bids. Often when Manhattan made headlines for victory, Mahoney was the driving force. He helped the Jaspers beat archrival Fordham three times, scoring 19 points in the 1975 matchup. At the Holiday Festivals, he scored 24 points to beat Michigan in 1972 and was named to the Holiday Festival All-Star Team. The next year, he contributed 16 points to beat St. John’s for the Holiday Festival Title in 1973. Considered one of the greatest alltime point guards in Jasper history, Mahoney went on to tour with the Harlem Globetrotters as a player for the Washington Generals. He has had a varied career from teaching physical education and being a restaurateur to managing a golf club. Edward E. Walsh ’70, M.D., track and field – Walsh was awarded All-American status in 1969, one of only four Jaspers to earn this honor, after finishing 20th at the NCAA Cross Country Championships. In addition, he was a member of the College’s record-setting team for the four-mile relay at the 1969 Penn Relays. That same year, he was the overall major scorer in dual meet victories against Navy, Dartmouth and Cornell. He finished strong in 1970 as the Indoor Metropolitan Champion in the two-mile event and the Outdoor Metropolitan Champion in the grueling 3,000-meter steeplechase. At the IC4As, Walsh finished runner-up in the 3,000 steeplechase and crushed the Jasper record by 19 seconds. He went on to study medicine and is currently the head of the Infectious Disease Unit at Rochester General Hospital. MANHATTAN.EDU N 45



Whatever Happened to … the Jasper Journal?


he Quadrangle has enjoyed its privileged position as the official Manhattan College newspaper since 1924. Despite its longevity, the Quad has not always been the only game in town. During the mid-1960-70s, a rival publication, the Jasper Journal, arrived, and suddenly the old guard had to compete. The Jasper Journal owes its existence to The Quadrangle, which, during a polemical 1965-66 academic year, experienced a series of incidents and staff dysfunction. In November 1965, several members of the Quad staff resigned in protest over the administration’s seizure of an edition containing a seemingly controversial article. Three months later, another editor, Steven Burchik ’67, resigned amid complaints over the accuracy and favoritism in the Quad’s reporting. He proposed establishing an alternative paper, which won acceptance by the administration but no funds. The first edition of the Jasper Journal came out on March 16, 1966, but it hardly resembled a typical newspaper. Without a budget, the Jasper Journal was a bare-bones, seven-page mimeographed newsletter. But the editors were clever. Aware that the low-budget format would unlikely pique the

interest of student readers, the editors made an advertising deal with Avis Rent-a-Car and pinned the company’s “We Try Harder” buttons to the cover. Soon, students were sporting the buttons around campus, and the paper quickly gained a following. By the fall 1966 semester, the Jasper Journal returned with a new, traditional newspaper format, having received a budget from the Student Council. Throughout the years, the paper earned a reputation for promoting a more liberal perspective with features on racial equality, social justice, anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, student protests and pollution. Editors continued to stimulate student interest with provocative images, such as a burning draft card or caricatures of key administrators and scantily clad women. The Jasper Journal also introduced many to Manhattan’s first unofficial mascot, Jasperman, a muscular, masked superhero whose escapades were documented in a cartoon strip illustrated by Francis “Jerry” Breen ’70. For nine years, both papers continued as important outlets for student concerns, such as tuition increases and the quality of food in the cafeterias, as well as a training ground for promising journalists. The Manhattan

community benefitted greatly from the diversity of news and opinions. But for such a small school, sustaining two weekly newspapers became onerous. Diminished staff and financial resources with both publications led to a mutual decision to consolidate the papers. In February 1975, the Jasper Journal and The Quadrangle merged back into a single operation — the Manhattan College Quadrangle.

A Good Day for Golf More than 100 golfers hit the links to participate in the 26th annual Jasper Open at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club in Scarborough, N.Y., on May 5. The event raised more than $140,000 for the College’s annual fund. To see more photos and to learn about how to participate in next year’s event, visit 46 N spring 2014

Laying Down the Law


ith so many Manhattan alumni working in influential legal positions, it was only natural that they find representation in an official council. The newly formed Law Alumni Council held its inaugural reception on Oct. 21 at The Harvard Club of New York. The event brought together alumni, students and friends of the College from various branches of the legal community, and from multiple generations and areas of expertise. The evening featured a presentation by The Honorable John F. Keenan ’51, United States District Court Judge representing the Southern District of New York, who recounted his years on the bench and the value of a Manhattan education in preparing for a career in law. “October is an important month on the American legal calendar, as it starts the U.S. Supreme Court’s annual term on the first Monday in October,” explains James Kosch ’77, Esq., attorney at law at LeClairRyan. Kosch, along with Michael McEneney ’53, Esq., former director of court operational services, New York Office of Court Administration, spearheaded the group as co-chairmen. Plans are underway to make the third Monday in October an annual event. The mission of the Manhattan College Law Alumni Council is to serve as an ongoing resource to Jaspers in the legal community, to renew and strengthen relationships among alumni, the College and its students, and to raise the College’s profile in the law industry. The Council also seeks to provide alumni with access to prominent speakers and leaders in the legal community. “Jasper bonds are strong and deep,” Kosch noted, and the group is well-suited for providing resources for students and recent graduates pursuing careers in related fields through affiliation with the St. Thomas More Law Society, the office of Career Development, and with alumni at all levels and areas of the legal profession. For more information about the Council and its upcoming events, visit

The Honorable John F. Keenan ’51, United States District Court Judge representing the Southern District of New York, kicked off the inaugural reception of the Law Alumni Council in October.

An Insider’s View of the World Trade Center Taking advantage of the College’s NYC location and its Mentor Program, a group of Jaspers had the chance of a lifetime to explore one of the Big Apple’s most iconic construction sites. As part of Manhattan’s Mentor Program, Milo Riverso ’81, president and CEO of STV Group Inc. and the 2014 De La Salle Medal recipient, along with 13 alumni mentors from STV, hosted a group mentor experience at the World Trade Center (WTC) in March. The site visit included a tour of ongoing construction projects, including One World Trade Center. Jacquelyn (Tookmanian) Mascoli ’07, assistant project manager at STV, hosted the tour for the budding engineers, who had the opportunity to tour One World Trade Center from the lobby up to the 100th floor. “It’s an honor to be working on such a meaningful project,” she says. “Days can get so chaotic, between meetings and numerous deadlines, it’s hard to take a step back and realize the magnitude of the project. Being able to share my experience with students eager to listen and learn, from the greatest college on earth, makes it all worth it.” The students not only took in some breathtaking views but also learned a few interesting tidbits about the construction process. “My favorite part of the WTC site visit was probably seeing the whole city from the observation deck,” says Matthew Bauer ’17, a civil engineering major. “The view was incredible.” The Mentor Program, which is open to all undergraduate students, assists students in making career-related decisions by providing them with exposure to their intended career at an early stage in their education. During the 2013-2014 academic year, there were 150 pairs of mentors and mentees. MANHATTAN.EDU N 47



Kenneth Gorman reports that his sixth novel, The River’s Fortune (Page Publishing, 2014), “combines adventure with action and romance on the mighty Mississippi.”


Anthony DiPalo writes, “My wife, Jean, and I continue to live in Northern Virginia and celebrated our 50th anniversary with our kids and grandchildren.”


a consultant and expert commentator on law enforcement issues.


Douglas Nicholas recently published The Demon (Simon and Schuster, 2014), an exclusive short story prequel to his historical fiction saga Something Red (2012) that mixes history, fantasy and legend.


The Honorable Francis Conrad, a longtime supporter of alternative dispute resolution methods, like mediation and arbitration, is now a member of the online network Mediation.

Frederick Sullivan, founder and senior partner at Sullivan, Hayes & Quinn, was selected as Best Lawyers 2014 Employment Law-Management Lawyer of the Year in Springfield, Mass. Hailed as a Super Lawyer by Boston Magazine, his firm was designated a Tier 1 ranking in U.S. News-Best Lawyers Best Law Firms.




Edward Gentner Jr. is the senior counsel at Cullen and Dykman LLP in Manhattan and is happily married 53 years to wife Nan Dugan. They are the parents of five children and grandparents of 13. John Rossi says he is “enjoying worldwide traveling and selling his collectibles after retiring from SUNY Canton.”


William Murphy reports, “I worked for Bell Laboratories and for IBM. I got an M.S. in mathematics from Stevens Institute of Technology. I taught in high schools in Tanzania, Zambia, Egypt, Turkey and Uganda, and I did many other things as an employee and as a volunteer. The longest job I held was teaching English in Egypt for four years.”


Raymond Kelly joined Cushman & Wakefield as the president of its newly formed Risk Management Services Group. The former New York City Police Department commissioner also joined the Council on Foreign Relations as a distinguished visiting fellow, and ABC News as

48 N spring 2014

Julio Soto-Vazquez, M.D., is the chairman of the department of surgery at the Universidad Central Del Caribe in Puerto Rico.

G. Daniel Howard was named the next chancellor of Louisiana State University of Alexandria. Before this appointment, he was a tenured professor at Arkansas State University and has served as vice chancellor for academic affairs, provost and interim chancellor. Michael Pravetz is currently an occupational medical practitioner at Dundee Precious Metals in Tsumeb, Namibia, located adjacent to the Etosha National Park World Heritage Site. He reports, “Last year, I completed my eighth degree (in occupational medicine at the University of Cape Town – the site of the world’s first heart transplant at about the same time I was a student at Manhattan). Without my kickstart at Manhattan College, I would never be what or where I am today!”


John Fahey, former CEO of the National Geographic Society, was appointed a member of the Smithsonian Institute’s board of regents. President Barack Obama signed the resolution Feb. 21 appointing him as a citizen regent and officially commencing his six-year term. Dennis Fenton, Ph.D., was elected to the board

of directors for Nora Therapeutics in Palo Alto, Calif., a biotechnology company that focuses on developing therapeutics to address unmet needs in reproductive medicine. Joseph Genovese was named vice president of franchise development for First Watch, the award-winning breakfast, brunch and lunch concept. With more than 40 years of experience in the restaurant, food-service and packaged good industry, he will lead franchising efforts as the organization looks to continue its aggressive growth strategy. Joseph Lowry, M.D., was honored at the Brothers of the Christian Schools District of Eastern North America’s 51st annual Christmas dinner for his devotion to the Brothers and his continued belief in Lasallian education. Joseph Maresca published College Vibrations (Amazon, 2013), an e-book that seeks to instill in prospective students a practical understanding of what college entails so that a good decision can be made based upon facts, personal interests and realistic expectations. Additionally, Maresca’s 1989 book of essays Consumption, Savings and the Public Debt is now available for purchase on Kindle.


Anthony Gerlicz was named the principal of Santa Fe’s new magnet school in January. The school is part of the New Mexico Public Education District’s secondary school reform plan. He has 36 years of experience in education and founded the Monte del Sol Charter School in Santa Fe. Thomas Moran, CEO of Mutual of America, was featured in Irish America magazine for his many leadership roles: chairman of Concern Worldwide U.S., and a member of the board of directors for the Greater New York Council of the Boy Scouts of America, the Educational Broadcasting System, the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, and the NYC Irish Hunger Memorial. Joseph Savage was promoted to president of the holding company and appointed to the board of directors for Webster Financial Corporation. In his new role, Savage, who was the

Jasper BookshelF Richard Stachurski ’62 published Below Tranquility Base: An Apollo 11 Memoir (Amazon, 2013), which tells the story of his experiences as a 28-year-old U.S. Air Force captain working in Mission Control on the first lunar landing mission. Although Stachurski had never even seen a missile, let alone launched one, he was called for an interview with NASA, and ultimately given a front-row seat for the lunar landing in 1969. Joe DeSantis ’74 published a sequel Escape From Devil’s Den (Dog Ear Publishing, 2014), to the 2013 supernatural historical fiction novel Blue Dawn Over Gettysburg (Trafford 2008). The book, which follows John Larson, a young, idealistic Union patriot, was dedicated to the late Paul Cortissoz, Ph.D., Manhattan College faculty member from 1949-1989. DeSantis has served as park superintendent for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation in Westchester County, and later White Plains, N.Y., where he currently serves as the superintendent of parking. James Lauria ’75 just released his latest book How to Get Your Money Back From Big Companies (Amazon, 2013), a guide to getting restitution for botched customer service and defective products. A senior executive in the water technology field, Lauria did a tour of China, visiting breweries, refineries and water treatment plants to justify a $45 million investment in Chinese mining operations. In 2004, he provided peer review for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) publication on drinking water treatment, making him a Who’s Who of WHO.

executive VP and head of commercial banking for the company, will oversee Webster’s commercial banking and private banking units, as well as human resources.


Thomas Driscoll was appointed to the Cazenovia Town Board (N.Y.) as town supervisor in January. Robert Jeffrey, chairman and CEO of advertising agency J. Walter Thompson Worldwide, was the guest speaker at the URI College of Business Administration’s seventh annual Vangermeersch Lecture. The topic of his speech was From Rhode Island to Madison Ave.: The Creative CEO on Brand Building, Creativity and Pioneering for the Future. Kevin McKenna, currently a senior associate dean at Clark University, is running for reelection to the Shrewsbury Public Library board of trustees in Massachusetts.


Emma Davis reports that she is married to Charles Davis and has two sons, Ricky, Esq., VP

Kevin Novak was the guest speaker at the Hudson Fortnightly Club’s March gathering to discuss his longtime fascination with the famous Titanic ocean liner. He is a member of the Titanic Historical Society. Thomas Scarangello, chairman and CEO of Thornton Tomasetti, was elected chairman of the New York Building Congress.


and senior counsel at GE Money, and Shawn, CPA, managing partner of S. Davis & Associates. Thomas Higgins was appointed CFO at FEGS Health & Human Services. In this role, he will be an integral part of the leadership team, overseeing the organization’s financial operations and helping to position FEGS for continued strategic growth and diversification across the health and human service sector.

Neil Cosgrove served as aide to the grand marshal of the 2014 New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. An active member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) and its support of Irish causes, Cosgrove is the current national anti-defamation chair for the AOH National Board, where he has been an ardent opponent of any individual or organization that seeks to caricature or defame the Irish or Irish-American people. Robert Hanna was confirmed as New Jersey State Superior Court judge just 10 days after Senator Chris Christie nominated him to that post. Previously, Hanna served as president of the State Board of Public Utilities for two years, and had been a top federal and state prosecutor. Samuel Summerville, principal of Weidlinger Associates, Inc., a structural engineering firm that rehabilitates buildings, bridges and infrastructure, was recently appointed to lead the firm’s transportation group.



Sheila Wicklow joined Always There Home Care as director of adult day programs in Rhinebeck, N.Y.


Kevin Coffey was featured in the Hot Jobs section of Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, N.Y.) for his role as mental health social worker and clinical coordinator for ambulatory services at Strong Behavioral Health. He holds a master’s degree in social work from Rhode Island College, and a Ph.D. in counseling and human development from University of Rochester.

Robert Rogers, CPA, is an associate information officer in the financial systems area of a major financial services firm, a position he has held for more than six and a half years. Rogers and his wife, Mary Pat, have three children: Katie (21); Kevin (19); and Kerry Anne (16). The youngest attends the drama studio at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High School in Astoria, and the older two attend Muhlenberg College. He continues to referee soccer on Staten Island. Patrick Farrell was named CFO of StoneCastle Financial Corporation, an SECregistered investment company. Prior to this MANHATTAN.EDU N 49


Alumnus Awarded Prestigious Prize Thomas Heffernan ’68 was awarded the 10th Modern Language Association (MLA) Prize for a Scholarly Edition for his work of The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity, which was published by the Oxford University Press in 2012. The Scholarly Edition Prize has been awarded every odd numbered year since 1995 by MLA, the largest scholarly organization in the world with 28,000 members. This year’s honors took place in Chicago at its annual convention in January. “I was quite surprised and delighted when I learned that I had won the prize,” Heffernan says. “It is hard to tell you precisely what the impact of the award is, but my book has been reviewed in the very best journals. Of course, such an acknowledgment from my professional peers is a great honor.” In the citation, the committee stated: “Thomas J. Heffernan’s edition of the third-century The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity is not only a model of scholarly method but also a readable, humane work of critical and historical illumination.” Heffernan is the director of the Humanities Center and a member of the English and religious studies faculty at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and has held the Kenneth Curry Professorship since 1999. He studied in the School of Arts and Science at Manhattan College and went on to receive his M.A. from New York University and his Ph.D. from Cambridge University. His most recent works include Sermons and Homilies, The Liturgy of the Medieval Church, and The Medieval European Liturgy. In 2008, Heffernan received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the College. Although this scholarly edition is one of the many tickets to his success, his journey there was half the excitement. “I worked on this book for the better part of 15 years, and my research took me to some of the most astonishing libraries in the world from Jerusalem to Tunisia, to London, Paris, Rome, Switzerland and, of course, New York,” Heffernan says.

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position, he served as CFO and COO of the Emerging Managers Group, LP, a specialty asset management firm. Zelko Kirincich was named executive director by the Port of Oswego Authority. Prior to this post, he was deputy port director and COO of the Port Authority of Tampa, Fla. Jeff Babka was recently named CFO of Applied Predictive Technologies (APT), the cloud-cased predictive analytics software company. Babka previously served as SVP and CFO of NeuStar, Inc., where he led the company’s $700 million IPO in June 2005. John McCarrick, partner at White and Williams LLP, was recently featured in the Irish Voice. In addition to his more than 25 years of experience in law, he is the co-founder of Grateful Nation Montana, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides college scholarships and outreach services to children of Montana soldiers killed in active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Edward Broderick was promoted to president of Gilbane Development Co.’s Providence, R.I., office. Since joining the company in 1982, he has held many leadership positions including project manager, development manager, senior development manager, senior vice president of development and, most recently, executive vice president. Michael Dennerlein has been promoted to director of Tiger product management within the fertilizer group of global agriculture firm H.J. Baker. Pia Riverso, a partner in Rivkin Radler LLP’s litigation and appeals, insurance coverage and litigation, and intellectual property practice groups, was featured in the Who’s Who section of Long Island Business News for her 25-plus years of experience in the field.


Bob McCabe, executive director and branch manager for Morgan Stanley’s West Palm Beach offices, was featured for his philanthropy in The Palm Beach Post. A longtime volunteer at Feeding South Florida, he was appointed to the organization’s board of directors.


Jennifer Ahern, senior VP and chief of staff to the chairman and CEO at Webster Bank, was elected to the board of Girl Scouts of Connecticut. A Girl Scout herself, she also volunteers for several nonprofits, including Literacy Volunteers of Connecticut, Junior Achievement and several animal rescue organizations. Frederick Dour joined Volpe and Koenig, P.C., as an associate in the firm’s mechanical group, where he concentrates his practice on domestic and foreign patent prosecution, client counseling and patentability studies. Mary (Stanley) Geoghegan retired after 28 years from Goldman Sachs, where she was VP of interest rate product trading. She is looking forward to spending time with her husband Denis ’86 and their 6-year-old daughter Kelly Elizabeth. James Henderson Jr. was appointed new president for Pace International, a global developer of technologies and products for PayTV and broadband service providers. John O’Connell was named VP, transmission and distribution, of Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG). Formerly a PSEG electric division manager, he will lead electric T&D operations, safety and emergency preparedness for the Long Island company. Tony Scaraggi is the new vice president of operations for GDF Suez Gas North America. Prior to this appointment, he was director of operations, maintenance and regulatory affairs for Distrigas.


Patrick O’Neill joined Unicore Health, Inc. as president and COO for the organization, which helps companies mitigate financial and productivity loss. Previously, he was a managing director of CS STARS LLC, the risk management technology division of Marsh, Inc. Michael Porco, a partner at Hespos and Porco, LLP, was featured in the Who’s Who section of Long Island Business News for his career, first as an electrical engineer, and now as an attorney. He has written and prosecuted hundreds of patent applications relating to electrical and electromechanical technology.

Charles Hall was named senior technical manager in the Manhattan office of Parsons Brinckerhoff, a global infrastructure strategic consulting, engineering and program/construction management organization. With more than 24 years experience, he previously worked with Parsons Brinckerhoff in London on a major rail modernization program. Richard Palmieri joined Veolia Transportation as VP of business development for rail, also serving on the company’s rail management committee. Prior to this appointment, he worked with Siemens Infrastructure & Cities as director of business development.


Sr. Mary Ellen Fuhrman, RSM, was the congratulatory speaker at the December 2013 Mount Aloysius College Commencement ceremony.


Kevin Cavanagh ’00 (MBA) was named to The Irish Echo Top 40 Under 40 for 2014. He is the senior director of enrollment services at

government grad Recognized as Rising Star


John McCabe serves as a supervisory electronics engineer in the instrument electronics development branch at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, M.D. William Booth joined the energy team at Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, representing entities before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. He has served in the energy industry for nearly three decades.

Photo by Steven Fontas


MaryAnn McCarra-Fitzpatrick continues to contribute to the art world: her work has recently appeared in Paramount Hudson Valley Art Gallery’s “Music to My Eyes”; The Westchester Review; Echo Room #4 (forthcoming, September 2014). Eduardo Orellana was named director of communications and wireless/radio frequency technologies for Integrated Strategic Resources in February. With more than 20 years of engineering and management experience, he recently served as project manager for New York City Transit’s Bus Radio Interim Upgrade and senior communications engineer for the Second Avenue subway systems integration for the Software House access control system. William Wolman was named head of member regulation, risk oversight and operational regulation, by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the largest independent regulator for all securities firms in the U.S.

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. A leader in the industry, he has served on the executive board of the New York Association of College Admissions Counseling and was elected as a state delegate at the National Assembly of the National Association of College Admissions Counseling. He and his wife, Kristin ’04, live in Glen Rock, N.J., and have a 3-year-old daughter, Emma.

In a city where hardworking, intelligent and talented people brush shoulders every few seconds, it is an accomplishment in and of itself to be recognized as a young rising star. George Fontas ’02, a former government major, was recognized by City and State newspaper, a New York government and politics trade publication, as one of 40 individuals under the age of 40 who have distinguished themselves through their work and achievements. “I was incredibly excited and proud,” Fontas says. “All of my fellow honorees and I work so hard that it’s nice to be recognized from time to time.” Fontas currently serves as senior vice president at Capalino+Company, a government relations firm that both advocates and advises clients that are affected by New York City and state governments. He earned his master’s degree in government and postbaccalaureate certificate in international relations from St. John’s University, and is a

graduate of CORO Leadership New York, a premiere leadership training program. “In just over a decade since graduating from Manhattan College, I’ve had a wide range of professional experiences within the government and political sector,” Fontas says. “As a result of working hard and capitalizing on nearly every opportunity, I’ve found myself in a position to work on increasingly complex projects.” Having worked at Capalino+Company for seven years, Fontas has played a key strategic role, including advising on more than 45 land use projects and overseeing challenging assignments, such as the rezoning of Chelsea Market and securing land use approval for turning the Kingsbridge Armory into the Kingsbridge National Ice Center, which will become the world’s largest indoor ice recreational facility. Fontas has also raised more than $55 million in public funding for various nonprofits and international organizations, including Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and the High Line, as well as social service and academic organizations, such as Inwood House, Young Women’s Leadership Network, and the New York Academy of Medicine. “Our firm is successful because my colleagues and I work in a collaborative manner, bringing each of our experiences and skill sets to advance our clients’ goals.” Fontas says. “When one member of the firm is singled out for recognition, we believe it is an honor the entire team can share.” MANHATTAN.EDU N 51 47



Elizabeth Macias is an IT executive at Intervest National Bank.


Charyl (Gozdziewski) Santiamo married Scott Santiamo in August 2012. They reside in Queens, N.Y., with their son Owen Charles, born on Valentine’s Day 2014.


Albert Sackey, Western Middle School assistant principal, was named 2014 Connecticut Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year by the Connecticut Association of Schools and the National Association of Secondary School Principals. The award recognizes administrators who have demonstrated excellent leadership commitment to staff and students, service to their communities, and contributions to the overall profession of educational leadership. Nitin Sekhri, M.D., was named the new medical director of pain management at Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, N.Y.


Carolina (Dejesus) Tejada is a property manager with Silverstein Properties, Inc. at the largest residential building in New York City. She and husband Samuel Tejada welcomed their second child in February 2014. Angela Mendieta worked with an American tour company during the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, translating and assisting tour directors with the local business people. She reports, “I met many fascinating people from all over the world, and it was a great opportunity to network. I was extremely lucky and was able to visit the USA House as well as the secure area for athletes and Olympic officials.”


Annie Eder is working as a job developer for Lutheran Social Services of the National Capitol area. As part of the resettlement agency, she helps refugees find employment and gain self-sufficiency in the United States. Shannon McCourt recently graduated 52 N spring 2014

with honors from Columbia University’s School of Social Work, and is working at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx, serving patients and families in end-of-life care. Sultana Khan is the new Randolph Boys and Girls Club executive director in Vermont. Alkmini (Vorvolakos) and Kerry O’Brien were married at the Metropolitan Building in Long Island City on Dec. 7, 2013, with more than 20 fellow Jaspers in attendance. Kerry is currently working for Digital Realty Trust as a sales engineer, and Alkmini is an account trainer for Thomson Reuters, Practical Law.


Deirdre Mertens is an audience development associate for the Cowen Group. Andrew Sandler wrapped up his term as community affairs officer for Councilman G. Oliver Koppell on the first of the year. He was featured on the front page of the Nov. 21 edition of The Riverdale Press for his efforts to resolve a host of traffic cases, housing problems and other issues while delivering government services.


Timothy Murphy joined Carter Conboy as associate attorney, and will focus his practice on insurance, municipal, and labor and employment law in federal and state courts.


Elizabeth Frederick joined the municipal engineering group at Chazen Companies, a provider of engineering, land surveying, environmental and safety consulting, planning and landscape architecture services in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.


Nicolas Miras was awarded a graduate fellowship at Cornell University’s Institute for Public Affairs. He will pursue a master’s degree in public administration with a concentration in government, politics and policy studies and will focus on American government and international affairs.



Charyl Gozdziewski & Scott Santiamo, son, Owen Charles, 2/14/14 MARRIAGES


Brian Kennedy & Karen Costello, 11/22/13


Alkmini Vorvolakos & Kerry O’Brien, 12/7/13


Brigid Martin & Jeffrey Motta, 11/30/13


Diana M. Amoroso & Kevin J. Vachna, 12/21/13 ADVANCED DEGREES


Jose Jara earned a Juris Doctorate from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and an LLM and employee benefits law certificate from the Georgetown University Law Center.


Juan Perez was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on Dec. 14, 2013.


Alberto Vazquez-Matos earned a Doctor of Education from Walden University in 2013.


Kristen Alpaugh earned a master’s degree in school counseling from Rider University in May 2013.

New Bronx Science Principal Has Big Plans To Increase STEM Education



ean Donahue ’81, ’03, never imagined she would become principal of the high school she attended in the 1970s, The Bronx High School of Science (Bronx Science). Fast forward nearly four decades, and Donahue has spent the past 17 years building her career in science and education at the school. Tasked to lead the school in February, Donahue has hit the pavement running to continue transforming the specialized public school and preparing tomorrow’s leaders, especially in science and mathematics. “One of the things that we’re focusing on is strengthening and expanding our computer science and engineering programs,” she says. The school will offer additional post-AP computer science classes in the fall, including a class on application development for students to write apps for Android phones and a computer science robotics class. “As a STEM school, our focus has always been science and math, and we want to also build our technology and engineering programs,” she adds. “So we’re looking at renovating labs and old shop spaces, and have made some connections with

alumni who are working in the technology industry.” Donahue’s career at Bronx Science started in 1997, as a teacher working with students conducting research projects. Shortly after, she became the head of the Biology department, and eventually head of the Physical Science department before being appointed interim acting principal in September 2013. Donahue was also honored with the Sigma Xi Outstanding High School Teacher Award in April 2010. She brings a unique perspective to the job as a parent of a 2010 Bronx Science graduate and wife to an alumnus. Donahue’s daughter attended Bronx Science, and her son attended Regis High School in Manhattan. “I think it really helps me see things from the students’ and the parents’ perspectives, and it made me aware of some of the changes that needed to be made,” she explains. “For example, we’re looking at increasing our freshman guidance program because the transition from middle school to an academically rigorous and large high school is something that some of the students need help with.” Donahue spent some time in the midst of her early

years at Bronx Science serving as an adjunct lecturer at SUNY Albany and an instructor at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in the Chemistry department. Prior to starting at Bronx Science, she also worked for Barnard College as a visiting assistant professor, instructor and laboratory associate in the Chemistry department. In addition, she was a research assistant and chemist at the Naylor Dana Institute for Disease Prevention, a unit of the American Health Foundation. Throughout her career and research, Donahue has published a variety of papers on topics ranging from in vitro DNA replication to cancer research. “In terms of research, I actually got my start at Manhattan College when I was an undergraduate in Organic Synthesis with Dr. John Wasacz,” she adds, while studying for her bachelor’s in biochemistry. In fact, Donahue received her Professional Diploma in School Administration

from Manhattan College in 2003. She earned a master’s in chemistry from Carnegie Mellon University, and both a doctorate and a master’s in basic biomedical sciences from New York University’s Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. The tremendous experience that Donahue had at Manhattan encouraged two of her sisters to also attend the College. Being the oldest of six children and growing up in Riverdale, the family was quite familiar with the College. Deirdre Donahue Williams ’86, ’90 and Tara Donahue Clyne ’90, ’93, followed their big sister’s lead, and both graduated from Manhattan College with bachelor’s and master’s degrees. “My memories of Manhattan College really focus on the people that I met at the College and the connections that I made there,” Donahue says. “I really found that the professors connected with the students.”

Jean Donahue ’81, ’03, principal of The Bronx High School of Science, brings a unique perspective to her new position.



Storyteller: Bringing Tenor to Tone

54 N spring 2014

that included legendary performances by the Free Spirits, BB King, and most notably for Swenson, The Who. He snuck up on stage behind their speaker cabinet to catch their set. “Keith Moon was [three feet away] and was just looking at me the whole time during the show,” he says. “That experience, just being involved in it was a turning point in my life. I realized that I had to try to explain to people what it was that I was experiencing here and how amazing, emotionally powerful and spiritually powerful it was.” Profiled in the Quad as a senior, Swenson was asked what he wanted to do with his life. He responded, simply, “write a book on The Who” — a project he accomplished after following the band on their Who’s Next tour, which was published in 1979. Swenson’s writing talents aren’t limited to music. In fact, it came as shock to some when, in the midst of a UPI collapse in the early 1990s, he went to work for the New York Post as a horse racing columnist and handicapper. He also covered the New York Rangers for UPI and later the Associated Press, and enjoyed the thrill of pushing the button and filing the story as the final buzzer sounded. “I try to tell a story every time I write,” he says, noting that the lessons that he learned at the Quad became quite useful during these career shifts. To date, the project he’s most proud of is his latest book, New Atlantis, a detailed account of musical artists working to save New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Swenson lived the tale, as he had been splitting his time between Brooklyn and New Orleans since 1999 after he finished The Rolling Stone Jazz and Blues Album Guide, a daunting project that, up until that time, was his life’s work. Feeling as though he was at the end of a journey, Swenson decided to immerse himself in the style of music and culture he loved, but felt he had yet to truly discover.

He became obsessed with learning about New Orleans musicians and their lives. PostKatrina, the city abandoned and in ruins, Swenson feared it would never be rebuilt. But as the musicians returned and told their stories, he collected them. “New Atlantis just appeared in front of me as I was doing that work,” he says. “That book is what I spent my whole life preparing to be able to do. And I’m very proud of that.” For a man who has, for more than 40 years, continually and successfully been both character and narrator to modern music culture, Swenson still humbly describes himself as a sort of modern day flâneur. “I think the things that happened to me seem to have happened by fate or chance,” he says, smiling. “I know it’s a cliché, but you just have to follow your heart on that one.”

PHOTO by ethan hill


hen it comes to pop culture and music memorabilia, there are two types of collectors: those who collect collectibles, and those, like John Swenson ’72, a luminary music journalist, who collect stories. The walls of his enchanting home in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood bear evidence of this: from original rock festival posters to gold LP records — even an original print of Patti Smith’s Dream of Life cover photograph, personally signed. It is obvious Swenson didn’t obtain these priceless items via eBay; every item contains a personal experience, one that undoubtedly shaped his illustrious writing career. A syndicated columnist for more than 20 years at United Press International (UPI) and Reuters, Swenson served as editor for Crawdaddy, Rolling Stone, Circus, Rock World, Offbeat and other publications. He is the author of 14 books including The Rolling Stone Jazz Record Guide; Stevie Wonder; and Bill Haley: The Daddy of Rock and Roll. In fact, he’s been writing about popular music since 1967, when he got his first column in The Quadrangle. “I learned pretty much everything I know about journalism working at the Quad,” Swenson says. “I wrote news and sports stories and mostly music and film reviews and cultural type of pieces. I honed my craft later, but it was really, really rewarding.” Swenson quickly rose through the ranks to editor-in-chief of the publication before being drafted for Student Government president at the end of his junior year. As a student, he attended a show at the Fillmore East theater just days after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and realized his life’s calling. In response to the riots that were happening around the nation, a city-wide curfew was enforced, and only a fraction of ticket holders made it to the show

Sense and Sustainability A t 34 years old, after just six years as a professional engineer, sustainable design specialist Josephine (Kaiser) Zurica ’03 was named principal of Dagher Engineering. The former Peace Corps volunteer credits her experiences abroad with helping her to develop the leadership skills and ingenuity to foster sustainable solutions. The Michigan native arrived at Manhattan in fall 2000 and declared a civil engineering major before Mohammad Naraghi, Ph.D., and Bahman Litkouhi, Ph.D., professors of mechanical engineering, revealed another side of engineering: sustainable design, energy and thermal systems. She quickly changed her major to mechanical engineering and never looked back. Her lifelong advocacy for social justice also was nurtured at Manhattan. A member of the College’s social justice student organization, Zurica’s conversations with Graham Walker, Ph.D., professor of mechanical engineering, led to the founding of the College’s Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter the following year. After graduation, she decided to continue her journey by pursuing a Peace Corps Master’s International degree in environmental engineering from Michigan Technological University. “Throughout college, I knew I wanted to do something where I could serve and use my knowledge in a practical manner by helping other people,” Zurica says. “Although environmental and mechanical engineering are quite different, my interest in energy efficiency and green technologies paired well with environmental engineering.” After a year of taking traditional graduate courses in Michigan, Zurica was placed in Panama to serve a small indigenous community as a sanitation and health volunteer. In this role, she provided health education and created water infrastructure and sanitation programs, and taught English and life skills classes to youth. Her biggest challenge in working with the community was motivating them to improve their infrastructure, when as subsistence farmers, they were most focused on life’s immediate needs. While designing geothermal heating and cooling systems is vastly different from digging latrines in Panama, she credits those experiences as great preparation for her current role. “It wasn’t your average entry-level job, and it definitely helped me hone my management skills and learn about the construction process for my career,” she says. At Dagher, a firm that specializes in mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP), fire-protection, technology design and consulting, Zurica is more than an MEP engineer — she collaborates in all aspects of the building design process. Zurica joined the New York City-based firm in 2007 and was quickly

promoted to project manager in 2009, specializing in sustainable MEP design at a time when green building science in the U.S. was in its infancy. Her portfolio with the company includes the award-winning net-zero design for the Housatonic River Museum in Pittsfield, Mass., and the historic renovation of the Wave Hill House, a cultural center and garden in Riverdale. In her new role as principal, she is maintaining her presence as a project manager while also helping to lead Dagher Engineering’s client relations and marketing strategies. One of the first projects she will finish as principal is an exciting 15-building residential project for Princeton University, which is heated and cooled by a closed loop geothermal system. It’s a golden opportunity to see her schematic design come to life. “While the closed loop systems require less maintenance and are very energy efficient in the long term, they are generally more expensive to construct and require a 10- to 15-year payback as opposed to the normal five-year expectation,” she explains. “Princeton was interested in the idea of energy efficiency, so they decided to move forward with it. I’m looking forward to monitoring its success.” Zurica is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Accredited Professional in the design and construction phases of green buildings, serving the commercial, residential, education and health-care sectors. On top of her recent promotion, and role as mom to 3-year-old son Franklin, she is in the process of becoming a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC), a credential that will distinguish her as an accomplished professional in the passive house concept, which represents today’s highest energy standards, slashing heating energy consumption. Amazingly, she still finds time to volunteer her professional services with EWB and is currently working with a team to design compost latrines and promote health education in El Salvador. “It’s been great to work with other engineers from different disciplines in the city, while helping the people of El Salvador,” she adds. “It’s a fun way to use knowledge for good.” MANHATTAN.EDU N 55



Manhattan College records with sorrow the deaths of the following alumni: 1941 John H. Johnson, 11/19/13


Philip Ward Sr., 3/22/14


Francis P. Valenziano, 4/1/14


John H. Gore, 4/22/14


Robert T. Anderson, 3/30/14 Br. Matthew Moloney, FSC, 12/6/13 James J. O’Keefe, 3/16/14 William Francis Woods Sr., 2/27/14


Anthony Joseph Barrella, 1/14/14 Ben Charles Corballis, M.D., 12/15/13 William Albert Costa Sr., 1/11/14 Herbert K. Mannion, 12/6/13 Michael Francis McNamara, 11/1/13 Thomas J. Sullivan, 1/10/14


William James Farrell, 2/18/14 John J. Felker, 12/13/13 James Joseph Moore Jr., 12/7/13


Francis John Fleming, 10/30/13 Sr. Marie Helena Phelan, OP, 12/27/13 Sr. Henrietta Clare Pickles, OP, 1/22/14

56 N spring 2014

Robert F. Riordan, 12/1/13 David H. Skinner Sr., 4/13/14


Leonard J. Doran, 4/12/14 Robert O’Brien, 4/8/14


Jerry Eicher, 11/3/13 Richard Joseph Haase, 12/6/13 John C. Hart, 1/28/14 Anthony Massaro, M.D., 4/22/14


Arthur S. Altenau Jr., 2/16/14 L. Jay Oliva, Ph.D., 4/17/14


Donald Carl Lindgren, 11/26/13


Brian J. Ford, 1/27/14


James T. Hines, 11/7/13 Martin P. Loughlin, 3/18/14


1969 Dennis M. Meany, 2/6/14


John Peter Andryuk, 11/12/13


Edward Anthony Small, 12/6/13


Stephen F. Stropnicky, 3/6/14


James P. Harten, Ph.D., 2/24/14 Frank Ambrose Smyth, 3/31/14


William D. Flanagan, 4/15/14


Colleen Murray, 12/20/13


Mark Patrick Collins, 12/21/13


Gregory J. Smith, 11/28/13


Gregory S. Price, P.E., 2/24/14

John Michael Wexler, 11/7/13


William H. Kroepke, 2/19/14 Anthony Frank Sileno, 2/23/14




Michael “John” Mulroe, 11/11/13 Maj. George Edward Wadagnolo Jr., 6/21/13 William J. Walker, 1/14/14


Gerald F. Buckley, 12/7/13


John P. Hanvey, 3/12/14

Noreen E. O’Hara, 1/26/14

Joseph Patrick Howard, 1/31/14


Rose T. Tomanelli, 3/9/14

Brother Francis Bowers Brother Francis Bowers, FSC, Ph.D., former provost and academic vice president, and dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, died on Dec. 6. He was 93. A native of New York City, Br. Francis was born Robert William Bowers in 1920. He graduated from Cathedral Boys High School and had a brief career on Wall Street before joining Manhattan College, where he would spend more than half a century. “Brother Francis contributed greatly in many ways to the College, serving selflessly and always cheerfully wherever he was needed over the course of 54 years,” says President Brennan O’Donnell. “He was, first and foremost, an extraordinarily dedicated and effective teacher who challenged and inspired three generations of Jaspers. His life was a gift to his students and a blessing to his colleagues.”

Judith Plaskow, Ph.D., professor emeritus of religious studies, adds: “He was a lovely human being. It’s hard to think of another person who has contributed as much to the College in as many different capacities as he has. I found it very moving to see him in his last years slowly making his way down the fourth floor corridor with his walker, always with a warm greeting, and still fully engaged with the students and the College. It was very inspiring.” Br. Francis began his career with Manhattan College in 1959 as a summer session instructor of English for three consecutive years. During his tenure at the College, he served as associate professor of English and world literature; chair of the graduate and undergraduate English departments; dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, provost and academic vice president of the College; and academic adviser for intercollegiate athletes. He was inducted into the Manhattan College Athletic Hall of Fame in 2004 for his involvement with Jasper student-athletes. Before Manhattan College, Br. Francis also taught in the New York area at Ascension School (1946-48), St. Augustine High School (194851) and St. Peter’s Boys High School (1951-53). In addition, he was an instructor at De La Salle College in Washington, D.C. (1953-59). Br. Francis entered the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1942 at the Barrytown, N.Y., Novitiate. In 1946, he graduated with a B.A. from The Catholic University of America, earned his M.A. from Fordham University in 1952, and received his Ph.D. from Catholic in 1959.

Herbert Miller Herbert K. Miller, Ph.D., retired professor of chemistry and former chair of the Chemistry department, died on Feb. 1. He was 92. Miller joined the faculty in 1963 and became chair of the department in 1972, a position he held for a number of years. He and Brother William Batt, FSC, were instrumental in initiating the biochemistry program, a program that served as a model for other colleges. Looked up to by younger and newer faculty members, Miller made a definite impression on those in the department. “Herb Miller was a senior statesman in the Chemistry department when I arrived in 1969,” says John Wasacz, Ph.D., professor of chemistry. “He reminded many of the young-

er faculty of John Houseman’s character Professor Kingsfield in The Paper Chase.” Miller was also an active researcher who spent a number of years, while at Manhattan, carrying out investigations at Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research. The author of numerous articles, he served as a research biochemist at the Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital. He was recognized for his expertise with a sabbatical at the Hebrew

University — Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem in 1978 as a visiting professor in the Bacteriology department. A graduate of City College, Miller earned his master’s degree from the University of Illinois and a doctorate from Columbia University. He was a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Society for Microbiologists and the Society of Sigma Xi. Miller is survived by his wife of 70 years, Audrey; two children; and two grandchildren.



Mary Ann Groves Mary Ann Groves, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology, died on Nov. 29. She was 69. Groves began teaching at the College as an assistant professor in 1978. During her tenure, she served on numerous committees and was chair of the Sociology department. She also was named a Lasallian Educator for the 1992-93 school year. “You are a gifted teacher, thoroughly knowledgeable in your chosen field of sociology, and effective in imparting to your students not only a share in your knowledge but also an enthusiasm for learning and an ability to apply it,” her citation read. “Above all, it is evident that you have a genuine concern and love for your students; you have that ability to ‘touch their hearts,’ as John Baptist de La Salle expressed in his recommendations to his Brothers.” Mary Ann O’Donnell, Ph.D., former dean of the School of Arts and professor emeritus of English and world literature, echoed that sentiment.

“If you wanted to design the perfect teacher-colleague, you would have Mary Ann Groves,” O’Donnell says. “She was a loving, giving teacher who demanded much of her students and more of herself. She and Manhattan were a perfect match. She understood the mission, and she lived it every day.” A native of West Virginia, Groves earned her bachelor’s degree from West Virginia University, and both her master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois Urbana, where she was a graduate fellow. An author of scholarly articles and textbook chapters, Groves often focused her writing on family issues. She was a member of numerous professional organizations, including the American Sociological Association; Eastern Sociological Society; Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactions; Sociologists for Women in Society; and the Society for Advancement of Social Psychology. She is survived by her husband, Joel; two children; two grandchildren; and a sister.

Eileen McEntegart Eileen F. McEntegart, a former member of Manhattan College’s board of trustees and retired manager of United States Computer Operations at Mobil Corp., died on Dec. 29. She was 84. McEntegart, a longtime resident of Katonah, N.Y., served on the College’s board from 1980 to 1990, and was a member of the executive and finance committees. “I think of Eileen as everyone’s favorite aunt, grandmother, etc. She had an infectious calm and charm that made you feel good just to be in her presence and talking to her,” says John Lawler, Ph.D., who served with her on the College’s board. “She was a very faithful board member whom you were always glad to see when you walked into the board room before a meeting. In one-on-one conversations, I could always depend on Eileen for sage and solid advice on substantive board issues.” 58 N spring 2014

During her nearly 30-year tenure at Mobil, she held numerous administrative positions, including: supervisor of scientific applications, manager of systems support, manager of computer services, senior industry analyst in the Middle East department, supervising coordinator in corporate planning and economics, controller of the human resources information system, and manager of planning and administration for corporate employee relations. McEntegart began her career at M.W. Kellogg Company as a junior engineer prior to joining Mobil Corp. in 1962. A graduate of the College of New Rochelle, she earned an MBA from New York University. Throughout her career, she served on numerous boards, including the Women’s Economic Round Table, the Mobil Political Action Committee as vice chair, and the College of New Rochelle’s President’s Advisory Committee. She also was on the board of All Saints Catholic Church in Dallas, and served as an active volunteer in pastoral work and social ministry to prisoners. McEntegart is survived by her sisters, Mary McEntegart Welch and Kathleen McEntegart; niece, Mary Christine Welch; nephew-in-law, Daniel Cullen; and grandnieces, Nora and Gwenyth Cullen.

James Harten James P. Harten, Ed.D., a visiting assistant professor of education in the School of Education and Health, died on March 24. He was 71. A member of the College faculty since 1998, Harten taught a variety of education courses and also supervised student teachers. He was still teaching until the time of his death. “James Harten was a master teacher who cared deeply about his profession and his students,” says Lisa Rizopoulos, Ph.D., professor of education. “He was a devoted friend, colleague, father and grandfather. Jim has truly left a lasting footprint on our hearts.”

He spent most of his education career in the Eastchester School District. During his 30-year tenure, he taught at both the high school and middle school and served as department chair of the History department. Harten began his teaching career at Albertus Magnus High School in Bardonia, N.Y. A native of the Bronx, he earned his bachelor’s degree from Hunter College, a master’s from Pace University and a doctoral degree from St. John’s University. A resident of Old Saybrook, Conn., Harten was predeceased by his wife, Marilyn, of 45 years. He is survived by three sons; four grandchildren; and siblings.

L. Jay Oliva ’55 L. Jay Oliva ’55, Ph.D., retired president of New York University (NYU), distinguished alumnus and leader in higher education, died on April 17 of pancreatic cancer. He was 80. Oliva shared his time and talent with Manhattan College for decades, and the College recognized his academic achievements, as well as his dedication to alma mater, with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters in 1987. “L. Jay Oliva was numbered among Manhattan College’s most distinguished alumni,” says Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC,

president emeritus of Manhattan. “He was an energetic, enthusiastic, insightful and loyal friend, who had a ready wit and word of encouragement.” Oliva, Br. Thomas explains, was a great friend and wise counselor to the College and to the board of trustees, as he greatly facilitated two board workshops that developed the early strategic plan that positioned Manhattan onto the long, steady climb up to its current strong and robust status. Oliva was also credited with transforming NYU into a global institution. He began there as a night school history instructor and went on to serve as faculty member, dean, vice president, chancellor and president during his 40-year career. Oliva was the first faculty member at NYU to become president, a position he held for 11 years until his retirement in 2002. “Jay Oliva was a proud son of Manhattan College, and his years there helped shape his approach to scholarship — and later, leadership, as he ascended the ranks at NYU,” says Lynne Brown, Ph.D., senior vice president of New York University and Manhattan College trustee emerita. “On several occasions, he was asked to lead strategic retreats for the board of trustees, in which he could combine his deep experience as provost and president with his familiarity of Manhattan to offer advice and counsel. He had an abiding affection for Manhattan and carried its spirit and

values with him throughout his life.” Oliva earned his Bachelor of Arts from Manhattan College in 1955 and a Master of Arts from Syracuse University. A Fribourg Fellow at the University of Paris, Oliva was also a university fellow at Syracuse University, where he completed his doctoral degree. During his academic career, he was honored numerous times. He holds other honorary degrees from Saint Thomas Aquinas College, Hebrew Union College, University College Dublin, and Tel Aviv University. A Medal of the Sorbonne recipient in 1992, he was also named Man of the Year by the Children’s Aid Society that year. In addition, Oliva received the Lindback Foundation Award for Teaching early in his career, as well as the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. He was a member of numerous professional, academic and policy organizations, both here and abroad. Oliva served a 10-year term on the central Accreditation Committee of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities, making his mark on higher education. A prolific writer, he was the author of a number of books about Russian history, including Russia in the Era of Peter the Great (1969) and Catherine The Great–Great Lives Observed (1971). Oliva is survived by his wife of 54 years, Mary Ellen Nolan; sons, Edward and Lawrence; and two grandchildren. MANHATTAN.EDU N 59



The College’s Lasallian heritage is on display during Manhattan’s celebration of Mission Month in April.

60 N SPRING 2014



A newly accepted Jasper and her mother take a break from the lineup of activities and information sessions, and enjoy the sunny Quad at the College’s first Orientation in June.


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