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After working at Manhattan for three internships totaling 17 months, you understand it is a company where people want to spend their entire career. For interns, there is no better place because you are not treated like a true intern or just another kid. They give you the tools to go run your own scope of work. Help is there all the time if you are unsure. Almost every person in a leadership position has spent at least 95% of their career working for Manhattan. That means not one person there hates their job and is always excited to be there. So, if you are looking for a work family and the chance to work on once-in-a-lifetime projects, give Manhattan a shot.
Davis Barksdale, Project Manager

There is no better way to learn a job than actually doing it. At Manhattan, our interns don’t shadow. We consider it more like taking a test drive as an estimator, field engineer or project specialist.

Internship criteria:

  • Candidates must be enrolled in college and seeking a degree in construction, engineering, architecture, or another STEM-related program.

  • Internship period: Approximately 12 weeks during the summer. Varies by region.

  • All internships are paid.

2024 Manhattan Summer Interns

What they had to say...
The most satisfying part of my internship was getting to be around technology that I never thought I would have the chance to even see. I gained an intimate understanding of how all systems of a data center intersect and what concessions are needed to make things operate in such a specific way. This experience will stay with me forever, it was amazing.
Graham Pagano, Oklahoma State University, Tulsa Intern
What has impressed me most so far is the culture. It's very family-oriented, which I really like. I really liked being able to go to the project site and getting to sit in on development meetings. It allowed me to see each part of the process and I gained an appreciation for each part.
Nicola Betz, Oklahoma State University, Tulsa Intern
The most satisfying part to me was learning about how a general contractor functions and the coordination that goes into giant projects in order to reach milestones. I also enjoyed going on site and seeing the progress of the build.
Will Garner, Auburn University, Atlanta Intern
Manhattan makes me feel very welcome on this project. They always check in with me and see if I need any help during any given task. They make sure to always confirm with me what I'm doing if I need help, and if there's any way that I can help them.
Fisher Hawley, Auburn University, Tulsa Intern
The most satisfying part of my internship experience is getting to see the progress of the job and seeing the building come together. This was also my second year interning with Manhattan, and I got to see my team members be promoted, which was an awesome feeling.
John Hadden, Catholic University, Washington DC Intern
The most satisfying part of the job this summer was getting out in the field and seeing the finish work come together so quickly.
Freddy Kussel, University of Florida, Tampa Intern
The most satisfying part of the internship was helping the project engineers with their workload and getting to do real work which contributed to the company.
Gray McGrath, Texas A&M University, Houston Intern
Having a steady work schedule and learning the process of construction day by day was very beneficial to me and gave me confidence going into the industry.
Kemper Weeks, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City Intern

We had 67 INTERNS this summer!

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