Lionheart Times - Sept 26, 2010

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Lionheart Times - September26, 2010

Lionheart Times Your Community. Your News.

TIME’S UP FOR TIMES BUILDING Parcel in Sarafina Abandoned Due to Prohibitive Costs; What Next for Times? By Clover Windlow SARAFINA - The two-story Times Building is no more as of Saturday the 25th, due to the cost of keeping it open. High expenses and low revenues have led to the building’s closure. The future of the Times itself is uncertain at this point. It was created as a community-building project first and foremost and a business secondarily, and I--your Editor-in-Chief--am currently assessing whether or not it can be maintained as either. The fact is, and has always been, that RL comes first. That’s why this is called Second Life, after all. I know that people who were enthusiastic about the newspaper at the beginning have been caught up in RL and can’t give the Times the effort and energy that was originally there. I know because this is every bit as true for myself as for anyone else. In past weeks, I’ve been able to take up the slack by writing many of my own articles and mining my old blog posts for material. Doing so left me with little time to actually edit, and Saturday would invariably leave me staying up at all hours to put out a decent paper. I am thankful for the support and compliments this paper has gotten, and for folks spreading the word by putting out kiosks, and links in their own blog posts and Tweets. As I mentioned, I don’t know what’s going to happen with the Times at this point because I’m re-thinking the costs (both in time and money) in maintaining this project, and pondering whether or not the investment is too great for the return. It may be that a different format, such as a cooperative blog, is in order. At any rate, the cost of maintaining the parcel with the Times Building had become too prohibitively pricey, and so, unfortunately, it has to go.

The former Times Building in Lionheart Sarafina (Photo: C. Windlow)

Winter Carnival Plans Go Forward

rent? All Chamber businesses will receve a decorating kit, which will include banners, lights, balloon dispensers, program dispensers, and more. BUILDERS: Want to add something to the Decorating Kit? Make an item that's full perm (I will make them No Trans before including them in the Kit) and Winter themed. Contact me (Clover) FMI. See below for Decor Info.

Carnival Will Run December 1-18 Throughout Lionheart Chamber of Commerce Chairperson Clover Windlow sent out a notecard with plans for the 18 day celebration to Chamber businesses last week. The notecard includes suggestions for how both shops and clubs can participate in planning and listing events. It also discusses the proposed city-wide hunt and the official colors for decorating for the Winter Carnival. The entire text of the notecard follow.

*Advertise in the program. If you're a Chamber of Commerce business, you will get a FREE ad in the Winter Carnival program! Details on that later (just ask). Programs will be available both online (similar to the Times) and in inworld book format.

Hey Neighbors! Have you heard the news yet? We're planning a Winter Carnival here in Lionheart for 2 and a half weeks in December (the 1-18)! It'll be a full 18 days of events, contests, games, rides, and of course SHOPPING! December is the biggest shopping month of the year, and a great opportunity to get lots of new customers and revenue! How do you take part? Here are just a few ideas: *A City-wide Hunt. There will be a Hunt spread out throughout our sims! Sookie Slafford is in charge of the hunt, so contact her and tell her you want to participate! *New products. Debut some new winter-themed products in your shops! *Sale items. Shoppers love a good sale! *Games and Contests. Break out the lucky chairs and boards, the different prize games you may have, even come up with a contest for your shop or club! If you have a timed contest (for example, a snowman-building contest on the 4th for an hour) let me (Clover) know the time and place ASAP so you can be on the program schedule nice and early!

Yes it may seem awfully early to start planning, but the sooner we do, the bigger and better this Winter Carnival will be!


DECOR INFO:The Carnival's colors will be dark blue and purple (for the night skies, as the days get shorter), light blue (for ice), and white (for snow). [see left]

*Dances and Parties. Yes! Break out your snow machines, your fog lights, your particle snowflakes and more, and have a winter-themed blowout at your shop or club! Pick a date between the 1st and 18th (or more than one!) and schedule your time(s) and let me (Clover) know the time and place ASAP!

Not everyone celebrates Christmas or Haunnukah or Yule; so, in order to make clear that EVERYONE is included in the celebration, I ask as a favor that you please focus on winter (rather than on any one winter holiday) as much as possible.Any more questions? Just ask in CoC chat or IM me directly!--Clo


Local businesses are strongly encouraged to join the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, and can easily do so by way of their own rent terminal. Simply click the terminal, then “My Account”, then “Groups”, then “Chamber” for an invitation to the group. The next meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be Saturday, October 16th at 1PM SLT.

*Decorate your place! Got room for a carnival ride, a balloon dispenser, maybe even booths for your friends to

Farewell, Adric by Mistletoe Ethaniel I stared at this blank space for several minutes before starting, still not quite sure what to write about Adric Antfarm. I didn’t know the man behind the avatar, one David Jennings, who passed away on September 18th at the age of 41. All I know, and all many of us who live inworld and blog about it know, was Adric. Bullshit-intolerant, opinionated, mouthy Adric. Adric who was never “too good” for anyone, even my ittybitty blog (which I’m proud to say he complimented!). A complement from Adric was like a compliment from Simon Cowell: you knew he meant it, if it came from him. He also complimented some (now discontinued) hot wings he’d bought from Clover’s Kitchen, calling them “legendary”. Adric had his own Wiki attached to his blog, and his entry about himself reads, and I’m quoting here, “Adric Antfarm is a dick”, and nothing more. And that’s what he liked to have people

think of him as, I’m. But to me, he was a gentleman 99% of the time, and the other 1%, I needed to just put on my big girl panties and deal. News of his passing had me gobsmacked for days. I wasn’t in disbelief because I was skeptical of another SL online death; I was in disbelief because in SL and in the Blogosphere, there are some people you think will be around forever and it just knocks you over when you learn they’re not going to be there anymore. Now there are folks who are trying to keep the memory of Adric alive by verbally ganging up on Hamlet at New World Notes (a favorite adversary of Adric’s in life). There are others who are attacking Prok (another favorite adversary of Adric’s in life). I personally think a more fitting tribute to Adric would be to speak up for what’s right, to defend the weak and the “little guy”, to not hold back, to not be too good to compliment or insult anyone who has it coming, and to not take anyone or anything so god damn seriously that it can’t be laughed at somehow.

Looking back on what I wrote so far, I see language that would hardly be acceptible in a mainstream newspaper. But it’s hard to talk about the man who, according to a friend, “Swore like a navvy with his cock caught in a door” without letting some language seep in. To censor myself talking about such a fellow would be an unfair tribute to him. So, with bad language and all, I wish a fond farewell to an acquaintance I count myself lucky to have known even a little. You are, and will be, deeply missed.

Eulogy on a Prim For David and Adric

In Second Life he loved to do his photo scenes! Setting up a scenario to suit his blog posts was one of his greatest pleasures. He had an inventory bigger than anyone I knew. Kept most of his stuff stored in boxes in a warehouse. He loved to collect and drive cars and trucks of all kinds. He loved ‘Mouse World’ like a child – always getting the free mouse ears and balloons. He was silly – and endearing – and charming.

by Amalia Broome

There is much to David/Adric. We all know how he could write an email! Loved getting those! A week as passed since I got one and I still go back and read them from time to time. It’s hard to think that we will never get one from him again….

Following is a eulogy for Adric Antfarm, published on his blog Living on a Prim, by longtime friend Amalia Broome. She has kindly given her permission to repost it in its entirety here. Thank you, Amalia, and please accept my deepest condolences. Saying goodbye is never easy – what a cliched phrase. If it was easy this page would have been written quickly but as it is, it took too many hours, too many revisions, too many breaks to wipe away the tears and still I’m not sure it does justice to Adric/David. Although David Jennings and Adric Antfarm lived on different ‘planes’ in the world, they were truly the same human being. Second Life can be a place for people to hide and be someone else but David wasn’t one of those people. He and Adric shared the same spirit, the same personality, the same outlook, the same goals and the same talent. One was an avatar and one was flesh and blood.

Today I put out my American flag in tribute to David and his patriotism. When the wind lifts it and it straightens out, I’d like to think he’s just flown by to let me know he’s ok. David had every right to be proud of himself. He was an amazing man. I was proud to call him friend.

Time to Say Goodbye One of the cruelest parts of life is that continues to time ticks away we always think we’ve got enough for all the things we want to say.

He often said his Army days shaped him as a man. I agree. He took on the Time should heal all wounds role of protector quite easily. He was also proud of his prowess with a com- but this one is deep and wide puter – often saying he was a computer ‘god’. (Just agree and things would you left too quickly my friend be fine!). but death will not be denied. His gruffness hid a shy personality. He didn’t make friends easily but when he did, you were a friend for life. He knew John for twenty years and trusted him to be his ‘ICE” contact. And he would have done the same for John. He was that kind of friend. You knew you could rely on him no matter what you asked of him. Though a child of the 80′s he was enamored of the 50′s and 60′s. He watched a lot of old TV shows and movies and secretly had a crush on Donna Reed. He respected women in an old fashioned kind of way that was endearing. He lived by that old fashioned code of honor and stood proudly ready to protect the innocent. His heart bled for those who were abused, hurt needlessly or suffered at the hands of others. He was cruelly happy when someone got their ‘due’. But his joy was based in his deep desire to always protect those who were weaker. That in part was his Army training. But it was also his heart…he deeply cared about others and felt their pain, their suffering. He tried to be the guy you’d love to hate, but it never quite worked. He tried to be tough… but he was just mushy inside.

You were far too young, too vital to leave this world just yet but know that forever will be too soon for us to forget

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