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WELCOME TO TRENTINO ...space for life and culture...

an enchanting interplay of lights among the pinnacles of mountains that serves as the backdrop to quaint towns overlooked by high bell towers. The artistic and cultural heritage of Trentino is very rich of

Trentino is an alpine region full of wonders, placed in the heart


featuring castles, museums and archaeological sites. The

the Dolomites and on the shores of the largest lake in Italy, Lake Garda. It embraces the area from the Adamello-Brenta

Buonconsiglio Castle is the largest monument in the region and hosts

group to some of the most charming mountains in Europe: the

innovative design by Renzo Piano, represents the perfect place to

Dolomites of Val di Fassa, the Brenta Group, and Val di Fiemme.

discover the natural world in a creative and unusual way. Furthermore,

successful exhibitions every year. The new MUSE museum, with its

The landscape features an extraordinary variety of habitats: superb

futurism, pop art, the international stars of contemporary art, and

mountain peaks, woods, wide valleys, pristine water streams, small and charming alpine lakes,

international exhibitions can find their home at the Mart museum of Rovereto, one of the most interesting museums in Italy.


WELCOME TO TRENTINO ...space for innovation... Trento tops the list of the Italian provinces with the highest density of

Trentino is currently investing in several flagship projects:

innovative start-up firms with a record of 108 enterprises out of a

Polo Meccatronica, a single hub that gathers the stakeholders

total of 10,000 companies. In total,

involved in education, training, innovation, and industrial applications,

101 new enterprises with a

high rate of innovation are established in Trentino, thanks to the

which represents an opportunity for the enterprises operating in the

opportunities provided by the “Trentino system� and the programs

field of mechatronics (www.polomeccatronica.it), and

financed by the Autonomous Province of Trento, the spaces and

Progetto Manifattura, a hub open to the enterprises operating in

mentoring services offered in the business incubator centres, and the

the field of environmental sustainability, sustainable construction,

quality of its University, Foundations and Research institutions.

renewables, and cleantech (www.progettomanifattura.it).



R&D expenditure / GDP per capita


537.416 2 6.204 km Area

2% 70,50%

Employment rate

GDP per capita Dublin


33.600 € 20

2h London





Research institutes

Rome Madrid


1h Athens










Less taxes, more innovation

Quality of life and security

A single referent

Spaces for operation

Responsably autonomous

Research for growth

New companies in Trentino don’t have to pay IRAP and can get grants and funds for R&D and innovative projects.

The best conditions for working and quality of life.

A one stop shop with everything a company needs.

Available real estate properties and industrial areas, which are offered in the best conditions.

A reliable, fast moving territory with an efficient local administration.

Significant investments in research and innovation, because only large goals allow us to grow.


1 / LESS TAXES MORE INNOVATION In order to foster economic development, Trentino offers a streamlined system of aid, subsidies and tools aimed at supporting the growth of existing enterprises and attracting and developing new enterprises, with substantial benefits for technology innovation initiatives.


Research and Development projects

Business development

The regional tax on productive activity: exemption

Support aimed at creating new local economic

Aid is provided to company in the areas of product

from the payment of IRAP is granted for 5

opportunities and jobs. Financial contributions may

and services innovation, internationalization,

both in the case of newly established enterprises and

cover eligible costs to a maximum of 80% of the total

installations, equipment, machinery.

for fully-fledged enterprises that have decided to

amount (3 million euros).


move their registered office to Trentino.


euros 3 million



2 /QUALITY OF LIFE AND SECURITY Trentino is ranked among the best areas in Italy in the Index of Fair and Sustainable Wealth (BES), making environmental sustainability one of its main priorities. Trentino is ranked among the best areas in Italy in the Index of Fair and Sustainable Wealth (BES), making

Best conditions for working and quality of life.

Best conditions for working

environmental sustainability one of its main priorities.

Quality of life Trentino combines a modern and efficient welfare system, an excellent education

The natural environment is an excellence of the territory, thanks to low

system, a first-rate healthcare sector and low youth unemployment with the

levels of air pollution, dirt, and traffic, and to the unique natural features

ability to innovate in a multicultural setting and a first class cultural offer.

such as the Dolomites, a World heritage site recognised by UNESCO.

network of cycling and pedestrian paths three railway lines that covers

197 km


402 km 1,100 km optical fibre and more than 700 wireless hotspots



hydroelectric power stations


certified social and healthcare facilities www.trentinosviluppo.it

3 / ONE STOP SHOP Trentino Sviluppo is the perfect concentration point to meet all the needs of enterprises looking for a way to start a business in Trentino. The value proposition is structured according to the specific needs of the enterprise and based on the following elements: support in the administrative procedures linked to the drafting of the establishment project; search for the technical and scientific skills needed to carry out research projects; search for skilled workforce; identification of the areas most suited to the needs of the enterprise, selection of real estate properties and implementation of the technical adaptation needed; support in getting access to specific economic and financial instruments needed to implement the establishment project.


4 / SPACES FOR OPERATION Trentino Sviluppo provides enterprises with spaces for their establishment, expansion or refurbishing, and it promotes the activities of innovative start-ups and fully-fledged enterprises with strong potential.

Trentino Sviluppo features a special search engine for real estate investments. Trentino Sviluppo offers manufacturing real estate properties spread all over Trentino with the option of:

purchasing of real estate leasing for 18 years Euribor rent 1 year renting with a financial contribution covering 50% for a maximum period of 12 years

spaces in the business incubator with a contribution (in “de minimis� regimes) covering 50% of the costs for the first 6 years

purchasing of manufacturing areas with a discount of up to 30% of the market value

usufruct up to 30 years


5 / RESPONSABLY AUTONOMOUS A realiable, fast moving territory with an

Autonomy applies to a wide range of sectors:

efficient local administration.

Moody's gave the Province an A3-rating that places it at the top in the list of Italian regions. This favourable rating reflects its stronger

Thanks to its autonomy, Trentino has become

legislative and financial autonomy, combined

a territory that consistently ranks among the best regions in Europe for its per capita revenue and, even more importantly, for its

with a surplus in current accounts and a low

education and health

level of total debt.

quality of life.


tourism promotion and development aid

social and healthcare development

energy-source management urban planning


6 / RESEARCH FOR GROWTH A multi-annual research

programme that ensures large goals

2.4% of the active workforce are

FBK - Bruno Kessler Foundation is

University of Trento is on the top of the list in national research with

professionals involved in R&D.

active in the sciences, leading sector includes:

10 departments and 7 specialized centres:

materials analysis, silicon micro-device

CIBIO - center for integrative biology,

manufacturing, design of energy sparing systems,

active workforce


creation of innovative information systems.

BIOTECH - center for biomedical technologies, COSBI - center for computational and system biology,

FEM - Edmund Mach Foundation operates in the fields of education, training, search, and technology transfer in the sectors of agriculture, agrifood, and the natural environment.

CIMEC - centre for mind/brain sciences, CUNEDI - centre on smart buildings, CUM - centre for metrology, CUDAM - centre for the protection of mountain environment The Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, and the Interdepartmental Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences - CIMeC ranked first in Italy by the National Agency for the Assessment of University and Research.




Energy and the Environment

Quality of life


300 enterprises and 11,000 professionals, one

Generation, production, and consumption of energy as

Well-being, living

Food quality and safety,

well as the protection and sustainable use of the

environment, management

nutrition and nutrigenomics,

technology hub, Polo Meccatronica,

environment in a broader sense.

system for tourism, culture

productivity and sustainability

located in Rovereto to provide a

2 innovation drivers: Progetto Manifattura (creation of

and sports, urban and

of agricultural systems, animal

physical setting for partnership

innovative start-ups in the field of renewable energies,

landscape settings.

and plant biodiversity.

between enterprises, research

green building, and environmentally friendly

More than

institutes, innovation stakeholders

technologies) and Habitech (the technology hub which

and education and training

deals with more than


8,000 professionals and

around 300 enterprises from the construction, energy, and mobility industries with a total turnover of 1,5 billion euros).



Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. Via Fortunato Zeni, 8 38068 Rovereto (TN) Tel. 0464 443 111 Fax 0464 443 112


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