ESCAPE Catalog - Draft V1.0

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RMA Institute BANGKOK 7th. OCTOBER to 4th. NOVEMBER 2017

Photo: Omar Montenegro

Marcelo von Schwartz is an Argen2nean film director, architect, art photographer and sound architect. His work is known for focusing on the dark side of the things. He has worked on over 15 film/video art projects, and recently released feature film Dark Bridge Binaural Brainwaves, which u2lizes the hypno2c quali2es of binaural beats for heightened cinema2c effect. Crea1ve journey Marcelo von Schwartz completed his studies at the University of Buenos Aires in architecture and went on to study filmmaking under David José Kohn, one of the most influen2al Argen2ne filmmakers and a precursor to the Argen2ne Nouvelle Vague of the 60s (one of the "60s genera2on"). In the 1990s he moved to Barcelona, where he started his career as a producer and filmmaker. AZer working as Art Director and Produc2on Designer on various independent films, he wrote and produced the 35mm Neo-­‐expressionist short film Phoenix. The film competed in over 30 fes2vals worldwide, winning recogni2on and prizes. In 2014 released the Binaural Brainwave version of his movie Dark Bridge, his first long feature film, en2rely shot in Thailand. It is significant in being the first feature film to include a mixed Theta Binaural Brainwave through the en2re movie's score to accentuate its hypno2c mood, opening the door to “new subconscious movie experiences” -­‐ a precursor to the new Neurocinema movement. He has also recently made a visual collabora2on with RECOIL (Alan Wilder, former keyboardist and songwriter of Depeche Mode) for the RECOIL Selected World Tour 2010-­‐2011. Style of work His nightmarish and dreamlike work is highly influenced by dark ar2sts like Francis Bacon, Ojo Dix and George Grosz, and filmmakers like Fritz Lang, F.W. Murnau, Joseph von Sternberg and the early Polanski among others. [Wikipedia] Art Exhibi1ons/Art Events 2015 Epokalipto, Bangkok Slideluck I, [New York] The Space, Bangkok 2012 Dark Cabaret Photo Book Launch, Warp Studio, Bangkok 2011 Dark Bridge [Feature film, 90’], Premiere at Puchon Fantas2c Fes2val, Seoul 2010 Art Videos for RECOIL World Tour, SELECTED/Strange Hours 2010-­‐11, US-­‐Europe 2007 [H]opening and Trayectos Extremos, Off Loop, Nau Ivanow, Barcelona 2006 [H]opening, [video-­‐art] ARCO Madrid, Jacobo Carpio Gallery Miami 2005 Trayectos Extremos [video-­‐art], Miami Art Fair, Segovia-­‐Isaacs Gallery Barcelona 2004 Imaginary Landscapes, [Photography] Galeria Segovia-­‐Isaacs, Barcelona 2003 New Figura2on [Photography] Galeria Segovia-­‐Isaacs, Barcelona 2001 Gaudi Moving [Video Art], Casa Mila, Fundacio Caixa de Catalunya, Barcelona 1998 Phoenix [Art short film] Premiered-­‐Awarded at 60th. Brno Film Fes1val [Czech Republic]

Photobooks 2012 Dark Cabaret Albums 2016 Poisounds [iTunes-­‐Amazon]

Escape from Human Nature XXII Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

“Maybe I'll go where I can see stars, he said to himself as the car gained velocity and altitude; it headed away from San Francisco, toward the uninhabited desolation to the north. To the place where no living thing would go. Not unless it felt that the end had come.� Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it” as Ansel Adams used to say. Since the moment it was born, photography was considered a “piece of reality”. In a way, it replaces our eyes to show us things we could personally reach. As “real things”. But putting aside this idea of objectivity, photography also could show us another views from another realities. Photography is the “image of the truth”. But as we suspect, there’s not only one truth. Many others secret ones, hidden, are surrounding us.We have the idea we can contain the world with photographs. But what about another worlds? Photographs give us a proof of some reality fact. And I like to use this power as a proof to show other subjective realities filled with esoterica, labyrinths, mirrors and mysterious images sometimes presented under an apparent naiveté, but with the power to create a complex symbolic landscape. An older art as painting found the way through the centuries to express many different visions in many different ways. I like to make

photographs playing with photographic tools to re-produce and make visible another imaginary worlds. I use to work with photographs I take. But for me the picture itself is just the starting point. I try to play with the picture with the purpose to connect with some subjective visions. In the journey to transform this objectivity in an inner vision, I re-compose it using a geometric matrix, extruding it or re-ordering some selected elements according to some complex patterns, ending with a picture almost non-related with the original one. I like to call this process ‘Photomorphosis”. In this series of Photomorphosis I worked with the idea of Escape. Escape is a wish we all feel in some moment of our lives. As a subjective, personal feeling it looks like seeking for a subjective response. Here are some of my wishes, some of my feelings. The way I feel some places and their responses. And beyond those troubled feelings, the suspect that there is no real escape.

MVS Bangkok 2017

Escape from Human Nature XXII Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from Human Nature VII Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from Identity Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from Human Nature XVI Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from human Nature XI Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from Human Nature XXi Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from Planet Bangkok VII Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

“Maybe I'll go where I can see stars, he said to himself as the car gained velocity and altitude; it headed away from San Francisco, toward the uninhabited desolation to the north. To the place where no living thing would go. Not unless it felt that the end had come.� Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

[No] Escape from Shibuya Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from The Spiraling Routine Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from Mr. Mutt I Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape through my window Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

The Small Escape I Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Escape from Mr. Mutt II Photo print Lambda process on Kodak Pro paper 70 x 70 cm. Series of 5

Acknowledgements Non nim velia cullit que preium recte solo occum ea dolut a quias et molupid uciamusapelliquam, ut voluptatis conet apiducimus, que ommolupisquo venient delibus, ad et, officipiciumendi uptae quist, omniet fuga. Nem quam non consenis aborpos volore non porpori sapernati que commodi tiatem lautas esequi qui ullacimet quid expero ex est, velia sam faccus destium quosa nonsequi dolorio quo

Credits Non nim velia cullit que preium recte solo occum ea dolut a quias et molupid uciamusapelliquam, ut voluptatis conet apiducimus, que ommolupisquo venient delibus, ad et, officipiciumendi uptae quist, omniet fuga. Nem quam non consenis aborpos volore non porpori sapernati que commodi tiatem lautas esequi qui ullacimet quid expero ex est, velia sam faccus destium quosa nonsequi dolorio quo



RMA Institute BANGKOK 7th. OCTOBER to 4th. NOVEMBER 2017

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