Benefits of Private Cloud for CCRM Services

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White Paper CCRM Services on Cloud Benefits of Private Cloud for CCRM Services - Krishna Vaddadi

Abstract Configuration, Change and Release Management (CCRM) activities are the primary deliverables in any „Servicesâ€&#x; oriented project. Cloud computing can help the Service Providers reap tremendous benefits by improving quality as well as quantity of their CCRM activities. This white paper endeavors to cover a brief explanation of CCRM services and the current state of CCRM services. The author will also provide his views on migration of these services over private cloud along with the associated benefits of this exercise.

Executive Overview Power generation and demand is a primary facet of modern industry and hence the software development and services rendered in the Energy (and Utilities) services sector gain utmost prominence. Majority of the software services in Energy (& Utilities) have rapid development requirements with short development lifecycles and higher service availability; which makes the development and provisioning of services a critical aspect in the business world. All the major software that are currently established in market caters to niche service requirements. In this context it is very important to use the latest IMS tools and technologies to cater to the requirements of Energy Companies. There is blend of different tools used in the industry today, starting from software configuration management to deploying the products and services on different environments with most of the industry prominent tools and software being in use. Information Technology has enabled the Services industry to set new performance benchmarks by helping the organizations to deliver better and timely services. As a result, Configuration, Change and Release Management (CCRM) activities – which are the primary deliverables of service industry – have gained importance. With an increased focus on maximizing efficiency, Service Providers have been compelled to raise the bar of their services. Cloud Computing can be a vital force in helping the Service Providers to improve the quality and quantity of the CCRM services delivered. This white paper endeavors to explore: 1. Traditionally rendered CCRM services 2. Applicability of CCRM services on private cloud 3. Providing the services on private cloud 4. Value Adds for Customers and Service Providers through migration to Private Cloud

Traditionally Rendered CCRM Services

Applicability of CCRM Services on Private Cloud

Conventional tools or software used for providing CCRM services in the current marketplace are largely based on client – server model. These tools or software are compatible with all major operating systems and the architecture involves a centralized server which caters to various clients (Hub & Spoke). The client connects to the server on a need basis, fetches the requested information and provides services to the users.

CCRM services, when delivered over a cloud environment can resolve many of the limitations existing today in a domain network. Cloud environment can help the CCRM Services generate increased output with higher quality in limited time. To take a simile from manufacturing industry – this scenario is similar to output being increased by opting for bulk manufacturing.

This model however is restricted to users belonging to the same domain group. Also, often client requests are limited by many factors like customer‟s inadequate expertise with tools and technologies, region or geography constraints, bandwidth constraints, license limitations, infrastructure limitations, service provisioning limitations, duration slippages etc. These limitations may have a direct and significant impact on business revenues. This impact could be in direct proportion to the number of customers affected by the less than optimal service.

There are wide varieties of software / tools prevalent in market. They are available from both open source and commercial streams ranging from software configuration management to build & deployment to planning or scheduling releases in the CCRM space. All these tools / software as explained have limitations in one aspect or the other; this restricts the companies from providing an end - end solution for customer. The solution deployed on the field is usually a combination of these software and tools along with custom utilities for customer‟s BAU1.


Business as Usual

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Private cloud can resolve limitations of the current scenario in the areas of security, infrastructure and service provisioning etc. Private cloud does not require any additional hardware or software support and can work with the tools that are used in conventional environment. In-depth details on Public / Private Cloud feasibility are provided in the appendix.

These traditionally rendered services can be increased manifold with improved efficiency by exposing the services availability over private cloud. To extend the services we can design / develop custom utilities / plugin applications which can act as standalone components and render the services (increase the reach of the services too).

Providing the Services on Private Cloud Centers of Excellence from Infosys considered the following popular software and installed them in a private cloud environment: •

Popular configuration management software - IBM Rational ClearCase.

Open source software configuration management tool SubVersion.

Open source applications build utility - NAnt.

To extend the services provided by these software we have developed custom utilities (web services and standalone utilities) and deployed them on private cloud along with the software installed.

Deployment and Installation Perspective From deployment perspective of software on private cloud there is no major difference from a conventional setup because ultimately the hardware specifications required by these software in private cloud are much similar to a conventional environment. However from an installation perspective there will be slight changes required in the way application user permissions are assigned as the access will be through network DMZ2 VPC3 catering specifically to the customer specifications. Common example being an administrative user will also be required to be a part of web access users for allowing the user to launch the commands (and other functionalities of the software) remotely over a private cloud.

Custom Utility Development / Enhancements

Infrastructure Layer

Con guration Server

Other ConventionalConventionaln Tools / ApplicationsApplicationsp

Applications Layer

Build Server

Conventional Software / tools

Subversion tilityUtility

NAnt ServiWeb Service

Plug-ins / Web service components



1. We developed a web service and a custom utility to extend the basic services of Configuration Management and Software Build Creation over private cloud infrastructure. The custom utility enhances software configuration management while the web service extends the build creation process. These services as shown in above illustration sit in an intermediary application layer essentially acting as plug-in. 2. These plug-ins or web service components or utilities can extend the functionality of CCRM software (Subversion, ANT, Clearcase, cruisecontrol…) installed on the infrastructure layer and continue to provide the same services. Many such utilities can be created and plugged in on private cloud to expose the functionalities of the tools. 3. User will be able to use the Subversion (or Rational ClearCase) services through the Subversion utility. This utility will allow: a. To accept the application files from user to create source code repository b. To check-out a working copy into local machine (check-out happens over private cloud) c. To work on the required changes and check-in the changes back into repository (check-in happens by user uploading the changed code) 4. User can choose to create the compiled output of the checked in changes using the NAnt web service utility. This web service can be used as a standalone service too. When used independently the steps followed in NAnt utility in creating the builds are: a. Upload the project for NAnt to compile it b. Create a configuration build file for NAnt to compile the uploaded application c. NAnt on the server compiles the source code and creates a final compiled application d. User can download it to the required server 2

DMZ - Demilitarized zone - – Virtual Private Cloud -


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Subversion utility internally calls the NAnt web services to perform the build functionality Both the utilities can be used independently of each other as per the requirement of usage. The functionalities of these utilities are elaborated in the appendix Benefits listed are not only of tremendous help to the IT team but also ensure a faster release process in a controlled environment. All this ultimately reduces potential revenue loss which may come about due to schedule slippages.

Value Adds for Customers and Service Providers through migration to Private Cloud Service providers can expect to reap the following benefits by installing CCRM tools/software over private cloud: Increased service provisioning capabilities - Scalability is an inherent feature of cloud and this helps in increasing the service provisioning by Service providers. This enables the Service Providers to provide more and better quality services within the same time thus, increasing the business value. On an average it has been observed from an internal training exercise that we can train minimum of 5 resources in single slot and make them available for project on an immediate basis. This flexibility is not available in conventional setup. Faster reach to market - Environment creation can be done in minimal time. This means, CCRM services can be deployed faster and reliably each time. This, in turn, reduces the time required to launch changes into production which minimizes loss due to schedule slippage. Changes or upgrades to the current state can also be saved. Niche skills like faster environment creation, defined processes and automation concepts, application specific expertise all these and many more metrics can be measured and shown as improvements Private cloud has the ability to retain snapshots or view state; thus, time taken to recreate the required environment reduces to a few minutes from a few hours in the conventional environment. On an average from the scheduled reports it is observed that the environment creation time improved over 20%, and automation benefits has increased the environment proving efficiency over 60%. In-built Security - Since private cloud is more secure than public cloud, customer security and data integrity issues are taken care of. Additional expenses related to customer‟s data security need not be incurred. Following benefits are seen with Infosys providing the CCRM services: •

Certified training and extensive onboarding experience both in technology and resources, hence can upscale / downscale the training requirements as per the project requirements

Efficient environment creation processes and standards defined thus saving time on scheduled slippages

Automation snippets reduce errors due to manual intervention and also financial losses

Application specific expertise readily available

Few Indirect (additional) benefits: •

Center of excellences gain to increase niche skills with participation in larger engagements

Internal communication(s) with different teams are clearly demarcated because of involvement of multiple stake holders

Custom utilities and customer specific products can also be tried and tested within the same environments thus, reducing infrastructure cost to customers

Conclusion Providing the conventional CCRM services over private cloud can result in significant benefits to customer as well as vendor. The Vendor can collate multiple best practices from each engagement and publish the analysis. Customers stand to gain many benefits like getting relieved of infrastructure issues and pains, reduced OPEX and CAPEX and relief from issues like security, disaster management, licensing etc…

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Appendix 1

Subversion utility is developed with couple of services internally helping to create a repository (Register screen), check-out the repository (Configuration screen) and also upload the changes back into the repository (Configuration screen). Note that Subversion also supports http protocol when installed over Apache web server. This PoV achieves through Microsoft internet information server and .Net framework services.


The features provided can be tabulated as under: •

User can add code into repository through Register screen. User will be required to upload currently only supports WinRar file format) credentials to check in the application under source code repository • Utility has the capability to - Un-compress the uploaded file •

Register Application

a and

compressed provide



- Create the repository with the name of the uploaded project with credentials provided - Import all the application files into the repository and - Locks the files to a base / initial version •

Status of each to the console, a confirmation of the uploaded project

activity thereby

is helping

displayed as a the administrator

log to

thrown have


Once the applicationfiles required file and check resource files and other related files • Clip board access is read mode and hence

are the

uploaded user source code,




enabled can

only only

in copy

the out changes




will proceed

be to

shown release

the latest interface



View Application Files

Application check-in / check-out

• • • •

Application Deployment

• •

User file Do local Upload back Once repository

can download for check the required machine and commit into repository committed user and can

User will clicks on Subversion compiled and User can install this

click the “Build & utility invokes compressed download this applicationin

can syntax,


required applicationand Deploy” button NAnt web service application file from required the required server


produces a



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Using web services we built application compilation feature possible over private cloud. List of uploaded applications will be displayed to the user to select the required application and click on “Build & Deploy” button. This action invokes the NAnt web service, the web service creates build file for the application (required by NAnt) to compile the application and creates a compiled output enabling user to download as a http download. The web service is developed in Microsoft.Net 2.0 framework.


Build & Deploy

Application User Detailed log of each step displayed

Display list of available Applications

Web service calls ASP.Net compiler to compile Application

Creates a compiled output

User clicks on required Application

Web service calls build con g service to create build le for Application

Compresses the compiled out and makes it available as a http download

Click Build & Deploy

NAant web service Invoked

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Basic Terms and Definitions in Software Configuration Management, Change and Release Management

Software Configuration, Change and Release Management (CCRM), as the name suggests, consists of bundling together of Software Configuration Management, Change Management and Release Management systems. CCRM also includes building applications and deploying them in various environments. All these services are individually available in the market in the form of software/tools and industry has been using these tools / softwares for many years now.

The features provided can be tabulated as under:

Software Configuration Management (SCM)

SCM is a software engineering discipline comprising of various tools and techniques that an organization would utilize for managing change to its software assets. SCM works with items that support a business service and focuses on ensuring consistency between functional and physical attributes, their requirements, design and other pertinent information.

is responsible for managing all „change‟ related processes involved “IT Infrastructure”. It comprises of raising and recording changes, accessing the impact, risk, developing business justification, obtaining approvals, management and coordination of change implementation, monitoring and reporting as well as finally closing and reviewing the change requests. It is a structured approach of transitioning from the current state to a desired future state. CM

Change Management (CM)

Release Management (RM)

RM refers to the process of distribution of software code, documentation and support materials. RM consists of discreet phases that describe software maturity as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) progresses from planning and development to release and support phases. This process endeavors to contribute to efficient introduction of changes by combining them into one release and deploying them together. This method not only optimizes the risks associated with the changes but also convinces the users / customers to utilize the new changed services. RM is a repeatable process defined using the project management and risk management processes. This ensures that a consistent method of deployment is being used.

About the Author Krishna Vaddadi Krishna Vaddadi is Lead Consultant currently anchoring the CCRM (Environment management) service line under Energy Communications, Utilities and Services unit. Krishna is responsible for training and skill development of software professionals with advanced release and environment management skillset. The following processes also come under Krishna‟s purview: Application of Configuration Management, Build & Deployment and Release Management across the SDLC, development and design of custom processes as well as tools. Krishna can be reached at

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Š 2012 Infosys Limited, Bangalore, India. Infosys believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. Infosys acknowledges the proprietary rights of the trademarks and product names of other companies mentioned in this document.

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