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Does not Khimar indicate that hair should be covered?

• History from “Message of Quran - Translated and explained by Muhammad Asad”

• The noun khimar (of which khumur is the plural) denotes the head-covering customarily used by Arabian women before and after the advent of Islam. According to most of the classical commentators, it was worn in preIslamic times more or less as all ornament and was let down loosely over the wearer’s back; and since, in accordance with the fashion prevalent at the time,


Does not Khimar indicate that hair should be covered?

• ... the upper part of a woman’s tunic had a wide opening in the front, her breasts cleavage were left bare. Hence, the injunction to cover the bosom by means of a khimar, (a term so familiar to the contemporaries of the Prophet) does not necessarily relate to the use of a khimar (head covering) as such but is, rather, meant to make it clear that a woman’s breasts are not included in the concept of "what may decently be apparent" of her body and should not, therefore, be displayed

Does not Khimar indicate that hair should be covered?

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity, and not to display their charms [in public] beyond what may [decently] be apparent thereof; hence, let them draw their head-coverings over their bosoms. ”

Quran 24:31

Does not Khimar indicate that hair should be covered?

• Hair covering is not mentioned anywhere in Quran

• We cannot put a lie on the Divine as He has said

• “But who does more wrong than one who invents a lie against God, to lead astray men without knowledge? For God guides not people who do wrong” Quran 6:144

Does Quran not mention Jilbab (outer covering) for ladies?

• Yes! But it was meant for the insecure situations in Madina

• The Argument about Jilbab in Sura Al-Ahzab

Ch 33 starts from Verse 57 where the whole historical background and atmosphere in Madinah at Prophet Mohammad’s times is described by God Himself in Quran

• This Historical background is also described by Ibn Saad: an early generation Muslim historian to write the full account of Prophet’s time

Does Quran not mention Jilbab (outer covering) for ladies?

• In his book Kitab Tabaqat Al-Kubra, vol 8 page 125-127, he has discussed the background of revelation of this verse (Ch 33 V 59) with reference of various ahadeeth about the problems faced by Muslim women in Madina.

• Similar historical background is also discussed in Musnad Ibne Hanbal by Imam Ibn Hanbal.

Does Quran not mention Jilbab (outer covering) for ladies?

• Ibne Saad’s historical account was translated into English “Women of Madina” – Translated by Aisha Bewley

• Published by Ta-Ha Publishers

London 2006

• The Translated text is as follows

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