1 minute read

Does Quran not mention Jilbab (outer covering) for ladies?

It was necessary to put down all kinds of unseemly conduct in the Prophet‘s City. And here is the warning in the plainest terms. And the warning had its effect. The "Hypocrites" were men who pretended to be in Islam but whose manners and morals were anti-Islamic. Those "with diseased hearts" may have been the ones that molested innocent women.

"Those who stirred up sedition" put false rumours in circulation to excite the crowd. Alas! we must ask ourselves the question: "Are these conditions present among us today?"


Does Quran not mention Jilbab (outer covering) for ladies?

• Comparison of Two verse Ch 24:31 & Ch 33:59

• Compare this whole Quranic attitude in Ch 33 verse 59 which is a solution in special situations

• To the verse 30 & 31 of Ch 24 where the purpose of keeping the gaze down, guarding the modesty, covering the bosom and appear as non revealing is told as "that will make for greater purity for them“ is a completely generalized instruction.

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