MBP E-Newsletter - September 16/2022

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Manitoba Government Announces Significant Support through Spring Flood Disaster Financial Assistance Program

(September 13, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release) The Manitoba government has received more than 1,800 applications from Manitobans for support through the Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program after spring flooding caused extensive damage throughout the province, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk announced.

This year’s DFA program was established on May 9 while spring flooding was still underway to ensure timely assistance for affected Manitobans. Since then, the province has received approximately 115 municipal claims involving more than 6,900 sites across the province, as well as 1,800 private applications. The DFA program is expected to provide tens of millions of dollars in assistance, the minister said.

because of high winter snowpack and storms throughout April, May, June and July that brought a mix of snow, freezing rain and rain that created high river and lake levels and substantial overland flooding. Private residences, farms, small businesses, non-profit organizations, provincial and municipal infrastructure were impacted.

Manitoba experienced unprecedented flooding in spring

An update from MBP September 16, 2022 mbbeef.ca

Reminder: Application Deadline is September 23rd

continued on page 2

“The spring flood of 2022 will be remembered for the sheer size and scope of damage it caused across our province, and our government understands that many individuals and communities need support to recover,” said Piwniuk. “We are pleased to be able to offer assistance through the DFA program and encourage all eligible Manitobans to apply.”

E-Newsletter dsfsfa

For more information on the DFA program or to apply, visit Municipalitieswww.manitoba.ca/emo/dfainterestedinapplyingfor the

MPP should www.gov.mb.ca/emo/mitigation/mppvisit


to work with the federal government to ensure Manitoba’s 2022 Spring Flood DFA program is cost-shared under Canada’s Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements.

Manitoba has also established the Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP), which incentivizes municipalities to invest DFA cost share support in mitigation to protect against future disasters. Many municipalities have already submitted projects for consideration under the MPP and the Manitoba government encourages all eligible municipalities to apply before the deadline.

Spring flood program – cont. from page 1

Municipalities, primary residences, farms, small businesses and non-profit organizations with impacts related to spring flooding that occurred from March 20 to July 20 of this year may apply to the DFA program, the minister said. The deadline for applications is Sept. 23.The DFA program assists with uninsurable losses to basic and essential property but does not provide financial assistance for losses related to sewer backup, cottages, secondary properties or loss of income or Manitobansopportunity.arereminded to review home insurance policies and speak with insurance providers, as many providers offer overland flood

Doubling the Goods and Services Tax Credit for Six Months

The total annual value of the GST Credit depends on family size and income. For the July 2022 through June 2023 benefit year, eligible people can receive up to:

(September 13, 2022 Government of Canada News Release) The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit helps offset the financial impact of the GST for low and modest income people and families. The credit is paid quarterly in January, April, July, and October, with benefit years beginning in July.

• $467 for singles without children;

Government of Canada Proposes Doubling the Goods and Services Tax Credit for Six Months

To support those most affected by inflation, the government is proposing to double the GST Credit for six months, which would deliver $2.5 billion in additional targeted support to current GST Credit recipients. This means, for the 2022 23 benefit year:

• A single mother with one child and $30,000 in net income will receive $386.50 for the July through December 2022 period, and another $386.50 for the January through June 2023 period under the current GST Credit. With the temporary doubling of the GST Credit amounts for six months, she would receive an additional $386.50. In total, she would be receiving about $1,160 this benefit year through the GST Credit.

To ensure the GST Credit is targeted to those who need it most, those with family net income of less than $39,826 in 2021 receive the full Credit amount. Above this income level, the GST Credit amount is gradually lowered as income increases. The full phasing out depends on family type for instance, it is fully phased out at about $49,200 for a single person without children, and at about $58,500 for a couple with two children.

• $161 for each child under the age of 19.

• $612 for married or common law partners;

• $612 for single parents; plus

• A single senior with $20,000 in net income will be receiving $233.50 for the July through December 2022 period and another $233.50 for the January through June 2023 period under the current GST Credit. With the temporary doubling of the GST Credit amounts for six months, this senior would receive an additional $233.50. In total, he would be receiving about $701 this benefit year through the GST Credit.

• A couple with two children and $35,000 in net income will be receiving $467 for the July through December 2022 period and another $467 for the January

The GST Credit is indexed to inflation on an annual basis using Consumer Price Index data, as reported by Statistics Canada. For the July 2022 to June 2023 benefit year, the value of the GST Credit grew by 2.4 per cent based on the average Consumer Price Index over the October 2020 to September 2021 period. However, because these increases are based on the inflation rate from the prior year, the sharp rise in inflation in 2022 is not yet reflected in the

GST Credit payments that Canadians are currently receiving.

through June 2023 period under the current GST Credit. With the temporary doubling of the GST Credit amounts for six months, this family would receive an additional $467. In total, they would be receiving about $1,401 this benefit year through the GST Credit.

Government of Canada Proposes Doubling the Goods and Services Tax Credit for Six Months

The proposed extra GST Credit amounts would be paid to all current recipients through the existing GST Credit system as a one time, lump sum payment before the end of the year, pending Parliamentary approval and Royal Assent of enabling legislation. Recipients would not need to apply for the additional payment, but should file their 2021 tax return if they have not done so already to be able to receive both the current GSTC and the additional payment.

Neepawa-Gladstone Coop Road 69, Hwy 16 (4 miles W of 204-385-2906Gladstone)

• Next Cleanfarms collection in these areas in 2025. • For collection dates elsewhere, go to: cleanfarms.ca/materials/unwanted-pesticides-animal-meds/

Dauphin Co-op AGRO 601 Whitmore Ave E 204-622-6080

Richardson Pioneer 14 km west on Hwy 1, then 1/4 mile south on Pioneer 204-727-5353Rd.

MELITA Tuesday, Oct. 25 7CargillkmSW of Melita on Hwy 204-522-322183

ST. LEON Tuesday, Oct. 25 Pembina Coop 49079 Road 204-744-285025N

Wednesday, Oct. 26

STANLEY Wednesday, Oct. 26 12137CargillRoad 204-325-955125W

INGLIS Wednesday, Oct. 26 Prairie Giants Crop Supply 2 km East of Hwy 83 on PR 204-564-2293366


Nutrien Ag Solutions Hwy 3 & Broadway St. S 204-747-2877

Monday, Oct. 24

Farmers! Got unwanted pesticides or livestock/equine medications?

SWAN RIVER Tuesday, Oct. 25 2Cargillmiles south on Hwy 83 204-734-5747

Manitoba Partner Cleanfarms 2022 Unwanted Pesticides & Old Livestock/Equine Me dications Collection Manitoba – October 24 to 28 SCAN ME Cleanfarms.ca info@cleanfarms.ca @cleanfarms

BRUNKILD Monday, Oct. 24 MK 3062AgroRoad 39 204-736-4769NW


Safely dispose of unwanted or obsolete agricultural pesticides and livestock/equine medications –no charge! Take them to the following locations on the dates noted between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

G J Chemical Co. Ltd. 96 Smith Ave 204-427-2337West

PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Friday, Oct. 28 Portage Agri-Sales 11 Can-Oat 204-857-7838Dr

Nutrien Ag Solutions

Thursday, Oct. 27

Friday, Oct. 28 Baldur Agro 121 2nd 204-535-2598St


73010 Road 40 off Hwy 44 SE 204-268-349710-13-7E

SHOAL LAKE Thursday, Oct. 27 Shur-Gro Farm Services Ltd. 236 Industrial Park Rd. 204-759-4240



Thursday, Oct. 27

STEINBACH Friday, Oct. 28 Clearview Coop 33124 Road 39 N (at Hwy 12N, between Steinbach and 204-326-9921Blumenort)

VIRDEN Wednesday, Oct. 26 Core Ag Inputs 320 Chester St. E 431-763-3536

DELORAINE Monday, Oct. 24

DAUPHIN Monday, Oct. 24

TEULON Tuesday, Oct. 25 Willis 11034EAgroRoad 204-461-038695N

MEADOWS Thursday, Oct. 27 Ag Advantage Ltd 68156 Road 6 204-322-5351W

RIVERS Friday, Oct. 28 Redfern Farm Services 102 2nd 204-328-5325Ave

o Note: The cost to obtain the veterinary certificate can be submitted as a DFA eligible cost

• In the DFA application form, producers should note the number and types of cattle lost, e.g. calves, fed steers, fed heifers, bulls, etc. Under the DFA program criteria, a veterinary certificate is required to verify that the losses were a direct result of the event. This is non negotiable.

• For complete program details and to download the DFA application form, go to: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html

• Producers should also examine the DFA eligibility criteria related to infrastructure damage to determine if there are any other losses for which they may be eligible to seek compensation.

• To view a video on how to apply for DFA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0S_STwXlP0

• Manitoba Beef Producers has helped develop a template that vets can use to support the producer’s DFA application and this information is being circulated to them In the veterinary certificate the cause of loss needs to be attributed to the ‘2022 spring flood’ and the date of loss should be stated. This form is also available on the “DFA for Farm” page on the EMO website under “Step 2: Apply and mandatory documents.” See: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html

Disaster Financial Assistance Program and Livestock Losses Application Deadline Extended to Sept. 23, 2022

o Toll Free: 1 888 267 8298 Fax: (204) 945 4929 Email: dfa@gov.mb.ca

• DFA will provide assistance to farms that have experienced livestock losses as a result of spring flooding in 2022. To qualify for DFA, your farm must have yearly gross revenues of between $10,000 and $2 million and employ no more than 20 full time workers. It must be an owner operated business and the owner operator must be the day to day manager. The farm cannot be a hobby farm

o For calf losses, the compensation will provide assistance based on a 500 lb. cow.

• For other inquiries contact Manitoba’s Emergency Measures organization as follows:

On May 9, 2022 the Manitoba government announced Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) related to damages to infrastructure, private residences, farms or small businesses due to spring flooding. DFA will also assist with verified livestock losses. The following information has been provided by the provincial government and Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) to help producers as they consider making a claim under the DFA program.

• Assistance for livestock losses will be calculated as follows:

• Program webinars presentations: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/pdfs/2022_dfa_webinars_pr.pdf

o For losses that happened some time ago, the producer should contact their veterinarian, explain the situation, and obtain the needed certificate.

• Frequently asked questions about DFA: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/faq.html

o Is based on the Wildlife Damage Compensation program for predation losses (MASC). See: https://www.masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/fact_sheet_679_wildlife_damage_livestock.html

o Different types of cattle are priced differently on Canfax, so therefore the farm will need to provide details on the type of livestock that were lost as well as the animal’s weight.

• The application deadline for the spring 2022 DFA program has been extended to September 23, 2022.

o Will provide a price per pound for livestock losses. The price is based on the Canfax value on the date of loss (www.canfax.ca)

• GRASSFED: "TrueNorthFoodsispartneredwithA&WCanada tosupplyCanadiangrassfedbeefforA&Wsgrassfedburgerprogram.

• FACILITY: Wehaveastate-of-the-artfacilitytoallowusto reachmarketsacrossCanada,theUSA,andbeyond.Weunderstand producer'sneeds,theircarefortheiranimals,andtheirhonest, straightforwardnature.Callustohearhowwecanworktogethertoget yourproducttomarket.

• SERVICES: Whetheryouareaspecialtyproducerlookingtoget yourproducttoaspecificmarketordistributor,orifyouareproducing commoditylivestockforsale,wecanpartnerwithyou.Fromour multi-speciescapabilitiestoourabilitytohandlesmallervolumes,we offerexcellentcapabilitiesforproducersintheCanadianPrairiesto maximizetheirprofitability.



5. What are your environmental goals for the future and how do you plan to carry them out?

4. What factors have enabled you to make management changes? (e.g. Working with conservation organizations, programs such as the Environmental Farm Plan, funding support, education, etc.)

1. Provide a description of your farm including the environment it operates in.

For more than 65 years, MNP has been helping beef producers get the most from their operations. Whether you are looking to pass the farm on to the next generation, improve your profitability, be more competitive or expand MNP’s beef industry specialists will help you get the results you’re looking for. To find out what MNP can do for you, contact Marvin Slingerland, Partner, MNP Lethbridge, at Director of Livestock Services at 1.800.661.8097 or Marvin.Slingerland@mnp.ca

3. What are your challenges and successes? Please include high-resolution images and data which help show measurable results.

Video presentation link if available, media stories/ broadcasts showcasing your stewardship efforts.

TESA sponsorship program is available to appropriate organizations that wish to affiliate themselves with the CCA’s TESA program. In addition to showing support for environmental stewardship and Canada’s beef cattle producers, the program also provides the opportunity to join industry leaders, government representatives and nearly 60,000 Canadian beef farms in the national discussion on environmental issues affecting the industry. For more information, visit www.cattle.ca/what-is-tesa

Tesa application

2. What have you done/what are you doing to improve environmental management on your farm?




Please limit your application to 10 pages (not including letters of reference and photos). Electronic applications are preferred and a single, complete PDF document is requested. A sample application from previous years can be found online at submitpageContactenvironmental-stewardship-award/how-to-nominate/https://www.cattle.ca/sustainability/the-yourprovincialorganizationlistedontheprevioustodeterminewhenyourassociationrequiresyoutoyourapplicationfortheprovincialaward.


6. Include two letters of reference that speak to your leadership in conservation.




A selection of no less than ten high-resolution images suitable for reproduction on social media, print etc.

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