from MBP November 18, 2022
from MBP November 18, 2022
(November 15, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release) The 2022 speech from the throne, delivered by Lt.-Gov. Anita Neville at the opening of the fifth session of the 42nd legislature, is setting a course toward greater health, and prosperity for Manitobans with a series of commitments to make communities stronger, safer and more affordable, Premier Heather Stefanson said.
“Our government is focused on making our neighbourhoods safe places to raise families, building a strong and sustainable health-care system and helping make life more affordable for all Manitobans,” said Stefanson. “We are listening to Manitobans, taking action on their priorities and getting things done for the benefit of all Manitobans. We are committed to finding even more measures that will help Manitobans cope with global inflation from rising prices and carbon taxes.”
The speech outlined a series of initiatives that will be implemented to strengthen the province’s health-care infrastructure and take aim at violent criminal behaviour while supporting efforts to tackle mental health, homelessness and addiction issues including:
• increasing supports for front-line law enforcement officers through investments in technology, specialized training, enhanced police presence and support for more officers;
• making an unprecedented investment in Winnipeg hospitals to ensure Manitobans get the best care possible in the most modern facilities with a multi-year, multibillion dollar capital investment;
• providing financial support for up to 1,000 addictions treatment spaces;
• reopening the Communities Economic Development Fund’s business loan program to support key sectors of a growing northern economy;
• financially stabilizing Manitoba Hydro as a Crown corporation so it can continue to provide clean hydroelectric power for Manitoba residents and businesses at among the lowest rates in the country into the future;
• protecting students by establishing a teacher registry and an independent body to improve accountability and transparency related to educator misconduct in kindergarten to Grade 12 schools;
• modernizing the waste diversion and recycling framework to divert more materials from landfills and create new business and job opportunities within a circular economy;
• helping ranchers recover from climate-change driven droughts and floods by implementing a temporary rent reduction on agricultural Crown lands from 2023 to 2025;
• continuing efforts to reduce red tape through regulation reform and modernization; and
• revitalizing the Conservation Officer Service by hiring more officers and providing better equipment and technology to combat dangerous activities such as poaching, night hunting and road hunting.
“This throne speech is a roadmap to a more prosperous future, building a province where its government helps make communities safer, healthier and stronger and its citizens and communities more competitive,” said Stefanson. “It is a course that is guided by listening to Manitobans and advancing reconciliation, protecting our environment and helping families make ends meet.”
To read the speech from the throne, visit
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(November 17, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release) The Manitoba government is proactively introducing the Official Time Amendment Act, which would allow the province to consider adopting permanent daylight saving time should neighbouring jurisdictions enact similar legislation and the majority of Manitobans support this change, Municipal Relations Minister Eileen Clarke announced.
“The Official Time Amendment Act would allow our province to maintain a consistent time zone approach with the United States, if they also adopt year round observance of daylight saving time,” said Clarke. “Maintaining a consistent time zone approach with our neighbours would
ease business relations, trade, transportation of goods and travel.”
The United States is considering a shift to permanent daylight saving time. Other Canadian jurisdictions, including Ontario and British Columbia, are also proactively preparing to make the shift if the United States adopts year round observance of daylight saving time.
Recognizing that many Manitobans have deeply held views on time change, the Manitoba government plans to engage with residents and stakeholders to hear how permanent daylight saving time would affect them. The engagement will help identify potential supports that could be implemented to facilitate a smoother transition, noted Clarke.
(November 14, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release) The Manitoba government is launching the Work in Manitoba job portal, an innovative, one stop website that will efficiently connect job seekers and employers based on qualifications and labour market needs, Economic Development, Investment and Trade Minister Cliff Cullen announced.
“We have heard from Manitoba employers that they are struggling to recruit the talent they need to grow their businesses and we are taking concrete action to help them overcome this barrier,” said Cullen. “The Work in Manitoba job portal is a streamlined website that will enable employers to efficiently connect with local, national and international candidates that meet their labour market needs.”
The user friendly platform is free for both job seekers and employers. Job seekers can create profiles that capture their skills, experience, education and career preferences. When employers upload job postings, the portal will send notifications to job seekers with relevant qualifications and goals.
The sophisticated platform will include jobs from third party sites and integrate with post secondary career centres to minimize duplication and maximize resource efficiency, added Cullen.
The minister noted the platform captures real time provincewide labour market data, which can be used to develop tailored programs that respond to the needs of underrepresented groups, support the growth of priority sectors and inform immigration strategies.
The new portal builds on an existing job connections website used by Economic Development Winnipeg, which has been successfully used for international recruitment missions for the last two years. The expansion enables all Manitoba employers and job seekers to use the site as well.
“The job opportunities in Manitoba span across all sectors from manufacturing and transportation to technology and creative industries,” said Dayna Spiring, president and CEO, Economic Development Winnipeg. “The Work in Manitoba job portal is a powerful tool Manitoba employers can use to connect with job seekers not just from Manitoba, but from across Canada and around the world.”
The minister noted the new job portal represents another targeted action the Manitoba government has taken to accelerate post pandemic recovery, grow the provincial economy and promote positive outcomes as part of Manitoba’s Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy.
For more information and to register on the site, visit
(November 16, 2022 Employment and Social Development Canada News Release) One in five children in Canada are at risk of going to school hungry on any given day. School meal programs can help reduce hunger and food insecurity, improve children’s access to nutritious food, improve academic outcomes and achievement, and help support families by reducing food costs. Today, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould announced the opening of the consultations with Canadians to seek feedback on a national school food policy.
The input received through the online questionnaire will help build towards a national school food policy that is responsive to the evolving needs of children and families, while also setting a foundation for a future where more children in Canada have access to nutritious food while at school.
A national school food policy needs to take into account the diverse realities of children in Canada, their families and their schools, and it should constructively build on the programs that already exist. The Government wants to hear the diverse perspectives of Canadians to learn from their experiences with school food programs. In addition to the online questionnaire, the Government of Canada has launched a series of thematic roundtable discussions with key stakeholders, such as the Breakfast Club of Canada and Ottawa Network for Education, as well as including teachers, school administrators, parents, children and youth. The Government of Canada is also engaging directly with Indigenous partners, provinces and territories.
The online questionnaire will be available on the Government of Canada’s Consulting with Canadians webpage from November 16 to December 16.
“Every child should have access to the healthy food they need to grow and learn. I am looking forward to hearing Canadians’ diverse views on what they want and need out of a school food policy. A national approach to school food has the potential to improve the overall health of our children as they learn, leading to better futures for them and for Canada.”
Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould
“When we launched the first ever Food Policy for Canada in 2019, working towards a National School Food Program was deemed as critically important. Every child, no matter where they live, deserves access to safe, nutritious, and culturally diverse food to reach their full potential.”
Minister of Agriculture and Agri Food, Marie Claude Bibeau
• Budget 2019 included more than $134 million over five years to support the Food Policy for Canada to strengthen food systems and improve food security, and a commitment to work with provinces and territories towards the creation of a National School Food Program.
• Budget 2022 reaffirmed the December 2021 mandate letter commitments for the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development and the Minister of Agriculture and Agri Food to work with provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous partners and stakeholders to develop a National School Food Policy and
to explore how more Canadian children can receive nutritious food at school.
• Based on the 2020 Canadian Income Survey and the 2021 PROOF report “Household Food Insecurity in Canada”, 15.9% of households in the ten provinces experienced some level of food insecurity in the past year. This amounts to 5.8 million people, including almost 1.4 million children under the age of 18.
• Food insecurity is especially high in the North. As of 2020, 49.5% of persons in Nunavut, 20.4 % of persons in the Northwest Territories, and 21.2% of persons in the Yukon experienced moderate or severe food insecurity.
• According to the 2018 Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Survey, up to 1 in 5 young people report going to school or bed hungry at least sometimes because there is not enough food at home.
Associated links
• Consulting With Canadians
• School Food Discussion Paper
• The Food Policy for Canada
• Opportunity for All Canada’s First Poverty Reduction Strategy
• Statistics Canada: Canadian Income Survey, 2020
(November 18, 2022 Prairies Economic Development
Canada News Release) Manitoba is home to a dynamic and diversified economy, full of skilled workers and entrepreneurs. The province is known for its rich agricultural base, transportation expertise, vibrant arts community, and as a significant manufacturing hub. The Government of Canada is taking more steps to ensure Manitoba is a place for industry to grow and enterprises to thrive, resulting in good jobs for Canadian workers.
At the home of the future New Media Manitoba StudioLab XR in Winnipeg, the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan, announced over $22.7 million in federal funding for 16 projects across the province as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. This investment is expected to create nearly 850 new jobs, 187 of which will be for highly qualified personnel. The projects are anticipated to result in over $200 million of revenue growth and $130 million in export sales.
One of the projects announced includes a first of its kind virtual media production training studio in the Prairies. Others support businesses across a number of sectors. ComIT will expand digital skills programming on the Prairies, with a focus on underrepresented groups in the digital sector. Two of the projects are at the University of Manitoba one to construct a controlled facility to test unmanned aerial vehicles, and another to develop the advancement of technologies supporting the protein research cluster.
Funding for the projects is supported through the Business Scale up and Productivity (BSP) program, the Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF), the COVID 19 Relief Fund, the Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) program, and the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (ARRI). PrairiesCan in Manitoba administers all five federal programs.
“Our investment today will support both Manitoba’s economy and businesses helping to continue to make Manitoba a great place to invest, do business and
create good jobs people can count on. Our partnership with Manitoba businesses will help them in acquiring the tools, capital and support they need to thrive as significant contributors to the Prairie and Canadian economies.”
The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan
Projects Funded With Ties to the Agriculture Sector
Note: Some of the funded projects have linkages to Manitoba’s agriculture sector. They are as follows:
Business Scale Up and Productivity Program –Investment of $12,137,052
Through the BSP program, the Government of Canada is supporting high growth businesses that are seeking to improve productivity, scale up and commercialize technology. It offers interest free, repayable funding to incorporated businesses. The BSP program supports incorporated high growth businesses that have been operating in the Prairie Provinces for a minimum of two years. Seven Manitoba BSP recipients receiving funding through PrairiesCan were announced today:
• Northquip Inc. ($2,100,000)
Integrate advanced equipment into cattle chute manufacturing facility.
Regional Innovation Ecosystems Investment of $6,041,197
Through the RIE program, the Government of Canada makes targeted investments in not for profit organizations that support businesses in priority sectors to innovate, grow and compete globally. RIE is open to not for profit organizations that support businesses, innovators and entrepreneurs, for start up, growth, productivity, technology commercialization, technology adoption, and export and investment attraction.
• University of Manitoba ($2,397,039)
Accelerate Manitoba's growth as a leader in value added agriculture and the further development of the protein cluster.
November 15, 2022
Calgary, AB Canadian Cattle Young Leaders is pleased to announce this year’s industry leading mentors who are kindly investing their expertise and time to lend a helping hand to the next generation of the Canadian beef industry.
Each year, Canadian Cattle Young Leaders (CYL) selects 16 program participants ages 18-35 from across the country and offers industry networking, travel, and skill building opportunities. A focal point of the program is matching participants with a hand picked mentor in their specific area of interest in the Canadian beef industry for a nine month mentorship experience
There is an exciting array of mentorship focus areas this year, including sustainable grazing practices, agriculture technology, business management, cattle genetics, feedlot production, marketing strategies, livestock handling techniques, and much more.
“Now, more than ever, there is a growing need to invest and support the youth of our industry to ensure a successful future,” says Canadian Cattle Association President, Reg Schellenberg. “We are sincerely grateful to these mentors who have stepped up to the plate to help our young leaders as they look to build a sustainable future for their farms and ranches, or in their industry careers.”
The 2022-2023 program year mentorship pairings are as follows. Visit our participant spotlight webpage to learn more about this year’s mentees and mentors.
Morgan Kitchen (BC) John & Deanne Chuiko
Raelynn Blumhagen (BC) Brad Osadczuk
Austin Ashbacher (AB) Jeff & Lyndsay Smith
Carling Matejka (AB) Amie Peck
Delanie Ferguson (AB) Clinton Monchuk
Gleise Medeiros da Silva (AB) Anne Wasko
Heath Ferguson (AB) Bruce Niznik
Jill Renton (AB) Andrea Stroeve Sawa
Nicky Nixdorff (AB) Sheila Jensen
Russell Gallelli (AB) Mike Panasiuk
Tyson Ringdal (SK) Gord Roger
James Kinley (MB) Shylo Penrod
Stefan Bouw (MB) Jerry Doan
Danika Mayer (ON) Sandra Vos
Holly McGill (ON) Shannon Borden
Madi Lewis (ON) Jack Chaffe
The Canadian Cattle Association is the national voice for Canada’s beef cattle industry representing 60,000 beef farms and feedlots
The formal portion of these mentorships began earlier this month in November 2022 and will conclude at the end of July 2023. Each participant is granted a $2,000 budget through the program thanks to the generosity of our program sponsors to fund various learning opportunities, such as travel to see their mentors and attending industry events.
The Canadian CYL program would like to thank all present and past program mentors for their incredibly generous support and vision for the future through their notable contributions made to mentoring young leaders in the Canadian beef cattle sector.
Applications for the 2023 2024 program year will be available at from the beginning of January to the end of March 2023, where young people involved in all areas of the beef supply chain ages 18-35 are encouraged to apply.
About Canadian Cattle Young Leaders
Canadian Cattle Young Leaders (CYL) welcomes young people ages 18-35 across Canada, involved in various aspects of the beef supply chain, to be paired with an industry leader in their specific area of interest for a nine month mentorship. Through mentorship, networking, and travel, the Canadian CYL Program acts as an industry succession planning tool to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills and tools they need to continue to drive the growth and profitability of the Canadian beef industry. Since established by the Canadian Cattle Association in 2010, the program has seen over 160 CYL graduates. Program applications are open annually for ages 18 35 on our website from early January to the end of March. Learn more at
For further information, contact: Michelle McMullen Communications Manager
Canadian Cattle Association 403 451 0931|
The Canadian Cattle Association is the national voice for Canada’s beef cattle industry representing 60,000 beef farms and feedlots
The Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off provides industry funding for the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) responsible for the industry’s national research and extension program, Canada Beef tasked with market development and promotion in domestic and international markets, and public and stakeholder engagement, which works to manage issues and build public trust in Canadian beef cattle production.
The Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off is a mandatory levy of $2.50 per head collected from beef cattle producers when they market their cattle, with the exception of Ontario, who remains at $1. The check-off generated $17.2 million in check-off and $1.2 million in import levy in 2020/21 for research, marketing and promotion activities on behalf of the entire industry.
This study reports that on a five-year average from 2015-21, national research, marketing and promotion activities resulted in the following benefit cost ratios (BCR):
• Research had a BCR of $63.2, compared to $34.5 and $46 in the Rude (2011/12 to 2013/14) and Cranfield (2005 and 2008) studies respectively.
• Domestic Marketing (including the import levy) had a BCR of $15.4, compared to $17 and $8 in the Rude and Cranfield studies respectively.
• Public and Stakeholder Engagement had a BCR of $16, no comparisons are available.
You deserve to know how your investments are REALLY doing
Measuring the impact of invested check-off and import levy dollars allows producers to know exactly what their money is doing, and how well it’s working for them. This evaluation takes place every five years by the Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency.
The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is Canada’s national industry-led funding organization for beef, cattle and forage research. BCRC received about 32% of check-off dollars over the past three years.
At calving time, planning and early intervention are key to increasing the likelihood of a live, healthy calf. The BCRC’s #Calf911 video series includes practical, calf management strategies focusing on resuscitation of newborn calves, tube (esophageal) feeding, handling colostrum, and treating dehydration. As of mid-May 2022, the four #Calf911 videos have been viewed a combined number of 104,000+ times across social media platforms.”
Canada Beef is responsible for domestic and international marketing programs. They received about 51% of check-off dollars and 100% of import levy dollars over the past three years.
Beef Information Gateway
This study is one of the most important things we can do for Canadian beef producers, because we can’t manage what we don’t measure.
Smith, Alberta Beef Producer & Value Assessment CommitteeThe Beef Information Gateway showcased over 400 recipes and 75 beef cuts through an estimated 200 retailers. Each product has a digital profile that features essential information including recommended cooking methods, food safety and storage information, written recipes along with ‘hands-inpans” instructional videos, nutritional information and shopping lists.
The Public and Stakeholder Engagement (PSE) team works to address consumer questions and issues that could erode consumer and public confidence in the beef industry. PSE received about 5% of check-off dollars over the past three years.
Guardians of the Grasslands
Since the 2021 release of the Guardians of the Grasslands, the short documentary has amassed 230,000 views, was selected for 25 film festivals across North America, and won seven awards including Best Short Documentary, Cinematography, Editing and Directing. A recent article in ABP Daily was quoted as saying, “The award-winning film Guardians of the Grasslands, has impacted consumer perception of the role of cattle as regenerative contributors in a frail environment...”