An update from MBP January 6, 2023 mbbeef.ca
An update from MBP January 6, 2023 mbbeef.ca
*Last updated January 6, 2023. Some details are still being finalized and some adjustments may occur.
MBP asks that AGM delegates pre-register to assist us with meal counts. There is no charge to attend the meetings and information sessions on Thursday and Friday, and lunch is free on Thursday. However, if you wish to attend the President’s Banquet on Thursday evening, the cost is $60/person. Advance registration is appreciated and can be completed here.
Location: Victoria Inn Hotel & Conference Centre, 1808 Wellington Avenue, Winnipeg
Day One − Thursday, February 2, 2023
9:00 Registration Begins and Trade Show Opens
10:00 – 12:00
Industry Knowledge Session
• Guest speakers will provide updates on various research underway in the beef industry, including an update on the Livestock Predation Prevention Project in Manitoba.
12:00 – 12:55 Lunch for registered AGM delegates
1:00 – 2:10 Business Session
• This will include greetings from elected officials, reports from the MBP President, General Manager and
Finance Chair, introduction and ratification of MBP’s board of directors, etc.
2:10 – 3:00 Resolutions Debate (Part 1)
3:00– 3:30 Coffee Break and Opportunity to Visit Trade Show
3:30 – 4:15 Resolutions Debate (Part 2) and Added Speakers if Time Permits
• Resolutions debate will resume if required. If not, the tentative plan is to have updates on the Squeal on Pigs initiative and the work of Cleanfarms
4:15 ‒ 5:15 Motivational Speaker ‒ Tim Hague Sr., former winner of The Amazing Race Canada
5:30 Cocktail Hour
6:30 MBP President’s Banquet
• Banquet attendees will enjoy a beef meal, Manitoba’s Environmental Stewardship Award will be awarded, a retiring MBP director will be recognized, etc.
Reminder: You must purchase tickets to attend the banquet. Register here
8:30 Entertainment featuring comedians Tim Gray and Dana Smith
Friday, February 3, 2023
8:00 – 8:30 Coffee service, trade show opens
8:30 – 9:55 Panel Discussion: Tackling Various Types of Risk Facing the Beef Sector
• This session will feature speakers discussing how to manage various types of risks, including emergency preparedness in the event of a disaster (including the perspective of a producer who has faced a major disaster), a look at business risk management tools, and an overview of how the Livestock Cash Advance Program works.
9:55 – 10:25 Coffee Break and Opportunity to Visit Trade Show
10:25 – 11:25 Reports from National Beef Organizations
• Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef – Andrea White
• Public and Stakeholder Engagement Update – Lynsay Beavers, Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
• Canadian Beef Check-off Agency – Melinda German, General Manager
11:25 ‒ 12:05 Market Update
• Canfax ‒ Jamie Kerr, market analyst
12:05 MBP President’s Closing Remarks
12:45 to 2:30 Risk Management Workshop
• Ben Hamm of Manitoba Agriculture will walk producers through a series of risk management and cost of production tools that may be useful to their operations.
• Note: This workshop is free for producers, but lunch is not included.
Book your hotel room by clicking here
Tim Hague Sr. Tim Gray + Dana SmithThe following information has been provided by the provincial government.
Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) continues to evaluate farm applications under the Spring 2022 Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program.
To process DFA claims, EMO requires certain documents from applicants to ensure the integrity of our program and to ensure that funds are being spent appropriately. Manitoba also shares the costs of disasters with the Government of Canada, and Manitoba must demonstrate to the federal government that we have verified that assistance payments are only made for eligible items. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in providing these important documents.
EMO has prepared a video on the mandatory documents and DFA for Farms. It is available at: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/videofarmdfa.m p4
If you have not already, please provide the following in support of your DFA claim as soon as possible so that we can proceed to evaluate your claim and provide assistance:
• The most recent property tax bill for your property to confirm the property value and property ownership of all affected parcels of land and structures.
• For claims with damage to rented land where repairs are delegated by the landowner to the tenant, the Land Owner's Authorization must be completed and signed by the landowner.
• A copy of the insurance declaration form, completed by your insurance broker
• A signed, original copy of the Financial Assistance Application. The names on this document must match the names on the property tax bill.
• Tax information (send copies of all that apply to you):
o For a farm that is a sole proprietorship, a complete copy of the most recent T1 General income tax return or notarized proof of income and Statements of Income and Expense.
o For a farm that is a partnership, a complete copy of your partnership agreement and a complete copy of the most recent T1 General income tax return.
o For a farm that is a limited company, a complete copy of your articles of incorporation, a complete copy of the most recent general income tax return and statements of income and expenses.
• Veterinary Certificate completed and signed for verification of livestock loss.
You can email the required documents to dfa@gov.mb.ca; please ensure you quote your DFA claim number in the email.
Manitoba EMO – DFA
Toll Free: 1-888-267-8298
Fax: (204) 945-4929
1525 - 405 Broadway
Winnipeg MB R3C 3L6 https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html
• SERVICES: Whetheryouareaspecialtyproducerlookingtoget yourproducttoaspecificmarketordistributor,orifyouareproducing commoditylivestockforsale,wecanpartnerwithyou.Fromour multi-speciescapabilitiestoourabilitytohandlesmallervolumes,we offerexcellentcapabilitiesforproducersintheCanadianPrairiesto maximizetheirprofitability.
• FACILITY: Wehaveastate-of-the-artfacilitytoallowusto reachmarketsacrossCanada,theUSA,andbeyond.Weunderstand producer'sneeds,theircarefortheiranimals,andtheirhonest, straightforwardnature.Callustohearhowwecanworktogethertoget yourproducttomarket.
Erof!l C::CEl:s 2021 P-ublii::ifrust Research Awebinar withAshley Brunnerfrom: Presentedby: THE CANADIAN CENTRt FOR CANAIJIA1'Ill11 FOOD INT�GRITY Public and Stakeholder Engagement • GRASSFED: "TrueNorthFoodsispartneredwithA&WCanada tosupplyCanadiangrassfedbeefforA&Wsgassfedburgerprogram. Manitoba Beef Producers organized two calving workshops at the Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives (MBFI) Brookdale site and the Eriksdale Recreation Centre on January 4 & 6. Each workshop featured demos on dealing with various calving issues via hands on learning with coaching from Dr. Roger Richard, DVM using Clover the model cow. For additional photos and videos please visit the MBP social media channels (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram)(January 3, 2023 Province of Manitoba News Release) Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre advises it will increase flows from the Shellmouth Reservoir as part of the normal operation to draw down the level of the reservoir in preparation for spring runoff from the upper Assiniboine River.
Outflow from Shellmouth Dam will be increased effective January 4 to 500 cubic feet per second (cfs) from the current 195 cfs.
The final release of 500 cfs will raise Assiniboine River water levels by one to two feet between
the Shellmouth Dam and Brandon. The rise in levels will decrease in the eastern reaches of the river and will be near half a foot in Winnipeg.
The province will continue to monitor conditions in the upper Assiniboine River as well as downstream river levels.
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure advises the public to take precautions as the rise in water levels may create unsafe conditions on the river and along the shoreline.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise motorists that the bridge at the St. Andrews Lock and Dam will be closed to vehicular traffic for deck replacement work during the following period:
• Tuesday, January 10, at 7 pm, to Wednesday, January 11, at 6 am
• Wednesday, January 18, at 7 pm, to Thursday, January 19, at 6 am
During this period, all lanes will be closed to vehicular traffic in both directions. Motorists
are encouraged to consult local electronic signs for the most up-to-date information.
Travellers are reminded that the bridge will remain open to pedestrians and cyclists. Cyclists are asked to yield to pedestrians when using the walkway.
PSPC encourages users to exercise caution when travelling on the bridge and thanks them for their patience.
(December 30, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release) Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development advises conservation officers are continuing enforcement to protect Manitoba’s natural resources through a variety of enforcement activities across the province with a dedicated effort against illegal night lighting, and commercial and sport fishing patrols.
Key highlights from provincial hunting enforcement statistics for July 1 to Dec. 16, 2022 include:
• conservation officers conducted 131 night patrols designed and co-ordinated to stop illegal night hunting activities, 36 of which utilized aircraft, and:
apprehended 11 separate night hunting parties;
charged 24 individuals for night lighting; and seized 11 vehicles.
• charged 17 individuals with hunting within a moose conservation closure area;
• charged 37 individuals with loading a firearm in a vehicle or discharging a firearm from a vehicle;
• seized 64 firearms;
• executed five search warrants;
• conducted 11 fish and wildlife checkstops;
• conducted 45 decoy operations; and
• seized 36 illegally harvested big game animals including: 24 deer, five moose, six elk, one wolf.
The Manitoba Conservation Officer Service is committed to protecting and maintaining healthy wildlife populations, ensuring public safety, and enforcing applicable laws.
Anyone with information on illegal activity is asked to call a local Natural Resources and Northern Development office or the Turn in Poachers (TIP) line at 1-800-782-0076.