E-Newsletter dsfsfa An update from MBP July 22, 2022
Update on Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers of Agriculture Meeting and Agreement on Next Policy Framework This week the federal-provincial-territorial ministers of agriculture met in Saskatoon to discuss matters such as the Next Policy Framework (NPF) to replace the Canadian Agricultural Partnership when it ends in March 2022. The ministers reached an agreement on the NPF.
The following is a short statement issued by Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau the afternoon of July 22, 2022 on her Twitter account. At the time of publication of this e-newsletter the formal communique following the meeting had not yet been released. Further details will be provided in the July 29 MBP e-newsletter.
For reliable information and resources please visit:
Manitoba COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility to Include Children Ages Six Months to Four Years (July 20, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release) Manitoba Health is expanding COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to include children ages six months to four years. This follows federal approval of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for children in this age group, as well as clinical guidance from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI).
There are approximately 76,700 children in Manitoba in this age group. Vaccine supplies will initially be limited, with 14,900 doses in the first delivery. As a result, Manitoba is prioritizing the vaccine for children who: •
have certain medical conditions including:
chronic lung disease,
airway abnormalities,
congenital or chronic heart or circulatory diseases,
moderately to severely immunocompromised due to a medical condition or treatment,
neurologic disorders (including developmental delay),
diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or any chronic disease related to premature birth; or
are First Nations, Inuit or Métis, regardless of where they live.
Children who meet these criteria must be at least six months old at the time of their appointment. The vaccine is a two-dose series and the recommended interval between doses is eight weeks. NACI recommends children receive their COVID-19 vaccine two weeks before or after any other vaccines to better monitor for any side effects. Manitoba’s approach is consistent with
NACI, but children who have received a different vaccine within 14 days will not be turned away. Parents and caregivers of eligible children can begin booking appointments on Monday, July 25 at 8 a.m., using the online vaccine finder or through the vaccine call centre at (toll-free) 1-844626-8222 (1-844-MAN-VACC). Parents and caregivers who need to book two or more appointments for their children can use either option, but the phone line is recommended as the best way to access multiple appointments at the same time and as close together as possible. Appointments will be available at regional vaccine sites, public health offices and medical clinics. Manitoba is working with First Nations leadership to co-ordinate distribution to their communities. Eligibility will expand to include more children in this age group once more vaccines are delivered to the province. A second vaccine shipment is expected in late July or early August. To date, more than 3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to people living in Manitoba. Approximately 43 per cent of children ages five to 11 are fully immunized. Nearly 80 per cent of young people aged 12 to 17 have at least two doses of vaccine. For more information, including the online vaccine finder, visit https://protectmb.ca/. Additional Resources
COVID-19 in Manitoba: www.manitoba.ca/COVID19.
vaccine campaign: www.manitoba.ca/vaccine.
testing information: www.manitoba.ca/covid19/testing/index.html.
outbreaks: www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/prs/index.html
Disaster Financial Assistance Program and Livestock Losses – August 8 Application Deadline Approaching On May 9, 2022 the Manitoba government announced Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) related to damages to infrastructure, private residences, farms or small businesses due to spring flooding. DFA will also assist with verified livestock losses. The following information has been provided by the provincial government and Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) to help producers as they consider making a claim under the DFA program. •
• • • • • • •
DFA will provide assistance to farms that have experienced livestock losses as a result of spring flooding in 2022. To qualify for DFA, your farm must have yearly gross revenues of between $10,000 and $2 million and employ no more than 20 full time workers. It must be an owner-operated business and the owner-operator must be the day-to-day manager. The farm cannot be a hobby farm. In the DFA application form, producers should note the number and types of cattle lost, e.g. calves, fed steers, fed heifers, bulls, etc. Under the DFA program criteria, a veterinary certificate is required to verify that the losses were a direct result of the event. This is non-negotiable. o Note: The cost to obtain the veterinary certificate can be submitted as a DFA eligible cost o For losses that happened some time ago, the producer should contact their veterinarian, explain the situation, and obtain the needed certificate. Manitoba Beef Producers has helped develop a template that vets can use to support the producer’s DFA application and this information is being circulated to them. In the veterinary certificate the cause of loss needs to be attributed to the ‘2022 spring flood’ and the date of loss should be stated. This form is also available on the “DFA for Farm” page on the EMO website under “Step 2: Apply and mandatory documents.” See: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html Assistance for livestock losses will be calculated as follows: o Is based on the Wildlife Damage Compensation program for predation losses (MASC). See: https://www.masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/fact_sheet_679_wildlife_damage_livestock.html o Will provide a price per pound for livestock losses. The price is based on the Canfax value on the date of loss (www.canfax.ca) o Different types of cattle are priced differently on Canfax, so therefore the farm will need to provide details on the type of livestock that were lost as well as the animal’s weight. o For calf losses, the compensation will provide assistance based on a 500 lb. cow. Producers should also examine the DFA eligibility criteria related to infrastructure damage to determine if there are any other losses for which they may be eligible to seek compensation. You have 90 days from the announcement of a DFA program to submit an application form to Manitoba EMO. The application deadline for the spring 2022 DFA program is August 8, 2022. For complete program details and to download the DFA application form, go to: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html Frequently asked questions about DFA: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/faq.html To view a video on how to apply for DFA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0S_STwXlP0 For upcoming program webinars see: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/pdfs/2022_dfa_webinars_pr.pdf For other inquiries contact Manitoba’s Emergency Measures organization as follows: o Toll Free: 1-888-267-8298 Fax: (204) 945-4929 Email: dfa@gov.mb.ca
Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) will be offering virtual information webinars on the 2022 Spring Flood Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program. The next one is scheduled for July 27 at 7pm.
Manitoba Government Announces Scrap Metal Act, Regulation Now In Force The minister noted that transactions involving metal containers normally recycled to avoid waste, such as paint cans, as well as coins, bullion and jewellery are exempt from this record-keeping requirement. Transactions involving restricted items – defined as being highly vulnerable to theft and resale, such as catalytic converters, or having significant intrinsic value, such as plaques, monuments and statues – have even more stringent rules.
(July 18, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release)
Bill 9, the Scrap Metal Act, and its corresponding Scrap Metal Regulation come into force, as part of the Manitoba government’s comprehensive plan to address the increasing problem of metal theft, particularly of catalytic converters, Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced. “The Scrap Metal Act, along with the Scrap Metal Regulation, outlines a framework that applies to the sale and purchase of scrap metal in Manitoba,” said Goertzen. “The act and regulation will significantly reduce the theft of catalytic converters by disrupting resale opportunities for illegally obtained scrap metal.” Under the new framework, dealers must record the details of their transactions related to scrap metal, defined as a used item made of aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, iron, lead, steel, stainless steel, tin or a prescribed metal or alloy. Dealers must keep the transaction records for two years and provide them to a peace officer when requested. Cash transactions are not permitted for any transaction over $50.
In addition to the record-keeping requirements for general scrap metal, any transactions involving restricted items must also include a photograph that provides sufficient detail to identify the item. The complete records must be submitted to the scrap metal dealer’s local law enforcement agency within seven days. Cash transactions are not permitted for restricted items. The minister noted the valuable participation of law enforcement, non-profit partners and other government agencies in their efforts to combat catalytic converter theft, highlighting the efforts of the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS), Winnipeg Crime Stoppers, the RCMP, Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and Criminal Property Forfeiture (CPF). CPF provided grants to both the Winnipeg Crime Stoppers and the Steinbach RCMP to implement projects to combat the theft of catalytic converters by marking and having catalytic converters engraved with vehicle identification numbers (VIN). With an engraved VIN, police can trace the rightful owners of recovered catalytic converters and individuals with illegally obtained converters can now be charged for being in possession of stolen goods. These crime prevention efforts, combined with making it much more difficult to resell illegally obtained scrap metal with the Scrap Metal Act
Manitoba Government Announces Scrap Metal Act, Regulation Now In Force and regulations, enforcement efforts of police agencies like the WPS in its recent arrests and the public awareness efforts of MPI, this criminal behaviour can be collectively disrupted, the minister noted. Through data collection collaboration between MPI and the Manitoba Criminal Intelligence Centre, this activity will continue to be tracked and the impacts will be monitored. “Winnipeg Crime Stoppers appreciates the funding supplied by Criminal Property Forfeiture. Along with the help of our many partners in the community, this provided us the opportunity to develop the ‘Save Your Cat’ program,” said Paul Johnson, chairperson of Winnipeg Crime Stoppers. “We were able to provide one more idea to address the epidemic of catalytic converter thefts. Identification is a key to prosecuting the criminals responsible.” “The thefts of catalytic converters are affecting many Manitobans, and in the Steinbach area, we have certainly seen an increase in this type of crime,” said Supt. Jim Mirza, acting Criminal Operations Officer, Manitoba RCMP. “I am proud of the initiative shown by our Steinbach detachment in applying for Criminal Property Forfeiture funds to purchase engravers to give
to local mechanic shops. Our hope is that this will increase our ability to enforce against this crime and reduce the number of Manitobans who become victim to it.” As more Manitobans have been significantly impacted by the increase in catalytic converter thefts, MPI revised its depreciation/betterment schedule to ensure it was reasonable and fair for customers. Recognizing that most vehicle owners do not have to replace their catalytic converter unless it is stolen, MPI concluded the depreciation/betterment schedule for converters should not be the same as for other exhaust components. Vehicle owners whose catalytic converters are stolen will continue to pay their normal deductible for their claim, but claimants will now save an average of more than $100 on the depreciation/betterment fee thanks to the revised schedule. MPI will continue working with law enforcement agencies and the Manitoba Criminal Intelligence Centre, and is developing a public awareness initiative that will include theft prevention advice, such as parking indoors or in well-lit areas or installing a vehicle alarm.
Missed payment text messages not legitimate: Manitoba Public Insurance (July 18, 2022 MPI News Release) Manitoba Public
Insurance is warning its customers not to respond to or click on any links in a text message regarding the collection of money or missed payments. The text, which appears to be from MPI, states that the customer has missed a payment and recommends clicking a link to complete a payment transaction.
This message is not from MPI – the Corporation does not conduct business regarding payments in this manner. Should a customer receive a text of this nature, MPI recommends the following: • Do not respond to the message or click on any links. • Customers who have concerns about their account or payments are asked to contact their Autopac agent or Manitoba Public Insurance’s Contact Centre at 204-9857000 or toll-free at 1-800-665-2410.
Canadian Beef Industry Conference
Media release - Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up
JULY 2022 Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up is back!! We couldn’t be more excited. With Manitoba hosting a number of junior shows this summer we are humbled and thankful for the juniors choosing to participate in our event!
From Saturday July 30th-Monday August 1st, the Beautiful Plains Ag Society will be home to 50 enthusiastic juniors (under the age of 25) and up and coming industry leaders! The RoundUp committee prides this show for it’s friendly competition, skill building workshops, and laying the foundation for industry connections. Whether you are a commercial, purebred, 4-H or new junior you are welcome to attend!
For those wanting to check out our event; youth development workshops will take place throughout Saturday and Sunday. Events hosted will be a new stock dog clinic with Barry Breemersch, An AI clinic, Judging Clinics for Multiple Species, as well as competitions such as Team Grooming, Team Judging, Public Speaking and the famous fun filled cook off! The cattle confirmation classes and showmanship will take place Monday with showmanship starting at 10am and confirmation starting at 1pm. This is followed by a fantastic supper! We encourage you to come by and check it out, and who knows, maybe next year you will take part in the fun-filled weekend that is Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up!
Please note this is our 15th year hosting this event! We’ve had incredible sponsors from day 1, and we would like to thank them for all they do; it wouldn’t be possible without them!
See you Saturday, July 30 - Monday August 1 in Neepawa!
West Nile Virus Bulletin #1 (July 20, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release)
Manitoba Health reports that Culex tarsalis mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus (WNV) were collected from the Rural Municipality of Headingley last week. This is the first mosquito pool that has tested positive in Manitoba this season. The risk of exposure to WNV is currently low, but likely to increase in the coming weeks, as the highest risk period is historically in July and August. Manitobans are reminded that it takes just a single bite from an infected mosquito to contract WNV. While most people who are infected will develop mild or no symptoms, some can develop severe symptoms that can result in hospital stays and even death. Recovery from WNV infection, particularly severe symptoms, can take months or years. While Manitobans are encouraged to enjoy outdoor activities, it is critical to reduce the risk of mosquito bites and potential exposure to WNV by: •
reducing the amount of time spent outdoors during peak mosquito hours between dusk and dawn;
using an appropriate mosquito repellent;
wearing light-colored, loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves and pant legs;
maintaining door and window screens; and
cleaning and emptying yard items that collect water.
Between 2017 and 2021, there were 45 cases of WNV in Manitoba. Nine cases were hospitalized and four required intensive care. No confirmed human cases of West Nile virus have been identified in Manitoba yet this year. WNV updates will continue to be shared with the public throughout the summer. For more information about prevention, symptoms, weekly average trap counts of Culex tarsalis mosquitoes, fact sheets, posters and information for municipalities and health-care providers, visit www.gov.mb.ca/health/wnv/. Manitobans can also contact Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or at 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for more information.
Managing Tuberculosis and Brucellosis in Wood Buffalo National Park By: Kyle Plotsky, David Hall (University of Calgary) Although bovine tuberculosis (bTB) has been eliminated from Riding Mountain National Park, the disease is found in other areas of the country at the interface between wildlife and livestock. One of these areas is Wood Buffalo National Park (WBNP). It is the largest national park in Canada at 44,807 km2 and straddles the border between Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Nearly half of the remaining Canadian wood bison population live in herds in the WBNP area known to be infected with bTB and bovine brucellosis with prevalence estimated at around 40% in these herds. These diseases entered WBNP when 6600 plains bison were transported into the park around 1925 from another park near Wainwright, Alberta without being disease tested. Limited wood bison disease management has been conducted in the last century. The corralling and testing of wood bison and the creation of a bison meat industry were attempted in the mid20th century. A 1990 proposal to depopulate the park of all wood bison and reintroduce disease free animals from Elk Island National Park near Edmonton, AB faced major criticism and was not implemented. Criticism was especially strong from Indigenous groups who have a historical and cultural connection with the animals. The Alberta and Northwest Territories governments have been operating control zones along the western and northern borders of the park to minimize the spread of the diseases. In a first for Canada, the World Heritage Status of WBNP was recently classified as under threat with the bison issue being an important concern. A number of actions have been taken to help address the bison issue, including changes to the provincial status of wood bison, work in genetics and vaccines, and a focus on working with Indigenous groups around the park.
socioeconomics of managing bTB and brucellosis in the WBNP wood bison. We aim to understand how rightsholders and stakeholders prefer the bison disease issue be managed. This includes understanding how important wood bison are to people and how knowledge and experience can influence management attitudes. Our findings will be summarized in a freely available report that can be used to inform future policy. The impact of bTB and brucellosis transmitting to animals outside of WBNP goes beyond the borders of a single park or province. This is especially true for livestock where transmission from bison to cattle could lead to billions in losses and the closing of international markets to Canadian cattle. This potentially devastating impact on the cattle industry highlights how important it is for our final report to include the views of people from across Canada. We are reaching out to various stakeholders for their assistance in completing a questionnaire on the bison disease issue regardless of their location or background. Responses will be anonymously incorporated into our final report along with responses from other rightsholders and stakeholders. You can participate by scanning the QR code below or by clicking the following link for the cattle producer version of our questionnaire: https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_3Oek2YY9 CXyutsq. If you wish to learn more about our work or the bison disease issue, please visit our project website at ucvm-bison-project.com. Please contact Dr. Kyle Plotsky (kyle.plotsky@ucalgary.ca) or Dr. David Hall (dchall@ucalgary.ca) with any comments or questions.
We are a non-governmental component of this process; our research investigates the
Reminder From the CFIA re: Shipping, Transporting or Receiving Animals in Hot and Humid Weather (July 20, 2022 CFIA Notice) Given the recent heat waves, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) would like to remind to anyone shipping, transporting or receiving animals in hot and humid weather that they must comply with Section 146 of the Health of Animals Regulations (HAR).
No person shall load, confine or transport an animal in or unload an animal from a conveyance or container, or cause one to be so loaded, confined, transported or unloaded, if the animal is likely to suffer, sustain an injury or die due to inadequate ventilation or by being exposed to meteorological or environmental conditions.
Having contingency plans for foreseeable events that occur in hot humid weather
Making arrangements in advance with the responsible person at destination to ensure a prompt unloading upon arrival at the establishment
Ensuring sufficient ventilation at all times
This applies to: •
Animal owners/producers/shippers (by causing the loading, confinement and transport)
Transporters/drivers (by loading, confining, transporting and unloading)
Consignees such as abattoirs, feedlots, auction markets or other assembly centres operators. (Consignees can be considered responsible for causing the confinement of animals during transport when unloading is delayed at an establishment and measures are not in place to protect the animals from inadequate ventilation and weather conditions)
It's important to check the weather forecast (from origin to destination) and to reschedule (if needed) or to plan the journey taking into account any adjustments needed due to the weather, including: •
Reducing the loading density
Handling animals in a manner to minimize stress
If the vehicle/trailer is not equipped with ventilation, keep frequency and length of stops to a minimum during transit
Plan to stop during the night or in a shaded area, or plan to unload animals at a holding facility or feed, water, rest station
Monitoring environmental conditions and the animals closely through the journey and adjust ventilation accordingly
Penalties The monetary penalty for a violation of HAR section 146 can be up to $15,000, depending on the compliance history of the regulated party, the harm, and the intent or negligence. Prosecution under animal cruelty laws is also possible depending on the circumstances. A regulated party is considered non-compliant and may face penalties whenthe animals are likely to suffer, sustain an injury or die due to hot and humid environmental conditions. Additional information •
Protecting animals during transport in hot and humid weather
Guidance for regulated parties: 12.0 Weather protection and ventilation – HAR section 146
Government Of Canada Invests More Than $8.7 Million To Help Farmers Adopt Clean Technologies To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Note: True North Foods of Carman received funding through the program’s adoption stream to install a rapid organic converter and rendering system. (July 18, 2022 – Winnipeg, Manitoba – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada News Release) Across the
country, Canadian farmers are on the frontlines of climate change. Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced 28 additional projects under the Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program. This investment of more than $8.7 million will support the adoption of clean technologies across Canada. Investments in clean technology are supporting farmers who must face the challenges of today—from drought to extreme weather—and propelling climate action to build a healthy future for Canada. This new investment builds on work already under way to help farmers reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop technology to adapt to climate change. In Manitoba, more than $2.5 million will support five new projects. Under the ACT Program, farmers and agri-businesses will have access to funding to help develop and adopt the latest clean technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and boost their long-term competitiveness. This funding is focused on three priority areas: green energy and energy efficiency, precision agriculture; and bioeconomy solutions. Through the recently expanded ACT Program, it is anticipated that current pollution levels will be reduced by up to 0.8 megaton as a result of fuel switching and decreased fuel consumption. This program is already helping hundreds of farmers with contributions of at least $50,000
to adopt clean technologies, including new grain dryers or barn heating systems. The Government of Canada continues to make investments to create an enabling environment for the research, development and adoption of clean technology. This will help farmers and agri-businesses drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and sustainably feed a growing global population. Quotes “Recent droughts and flooding across Canada are another stark reminder that Canadian farmers are on the front lines of climate change. This new wave of innovative green projects announced today under our Agricultural Clean Technology Program demonstrates our intention to help farmers optimize the stewardship of the land, while increasing their productivity and profitability.” - The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
“Here in Manitoba, we are working closely with farmers to develop and implement farming practices to sequester carbon and tackle greenhouse gas emissions. Through investments in local projects, such as Baker Farms’ new grain dryer, we continue to enable the adoption of practices that will accelerate emission reductions in the agricultural sector. With pivotal research and development under way, such as the work in the lab at Hylife Ltd. to offset fertilizer emissions, the future of farming in Canada is promising.” - The Honourable Jim Carr, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South Centre
Government Of Canada Invests More Than $8.7 Million To Help Farmers Adopt Clean Technologies To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Quick facts •
As part of the Emissions Reduction Plan launched in March 2022, the Government of Canada has committed over $1 billion in new funding to accelerate the agricultural sector’s progress on reducing emissions and to remain a global leader in sustainable agriculture. This commitment includes an additional $330 million to the Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program, tripling the support for innovation and the development and adoption of clean technologies in the agricultural sector, and an additional $470 million for the On-Farm Climate Action Fund to broaden and extend the program past 2024. Announced today, through the ACT – Adoption Stream, 26 approved projects will support the adoption of clean technologies, with a priority on those that meaningfully reduce GHG emissions. And through the ACT – Research and Innovation Stream, two approved projects will support pre-market innovation including research, development, demonstration and
commercialization of agricultural clean technologies. •
Projects and final funding are subject to negotiation of a contribution agreement.
Program funding for the ACT – Adoption Stream is up to $100 million over five years with $50 million set aside for the purchase and installation of more efficient grain dryers for Canadian farmers, and up to $10 million over the next two years (2021–2023) is to be used toward powering farms with cleaner energy and moving off diesel fuel.
Related products •
Backgrounder - Database: Agricultural Clean Technology Program projects in Canada
Associated links •
2030 Emissions Reduction Plan
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream
Agricultural Climate Solutions
Are you impacted by wild pigs? Then we want to hear from you! We are looking for agriculture producers, farmers, and experts on this invasive spicies to be part of our feature documentary. We need your stories to call attention to the wild boar threat that can no longer be ignored. If interested please send us an email at info@sogofilms.com Thank you.
What Qualifies AgriRecovery Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance Helps livestock producers offset freight expenses associated with moving their eligible breeding herd to alternate feeding locations due to shortages of feed.
Primary Producers
Breeding Animals
• Owned or leased the eligible breeding animals between June 1, 2021 and March 15, 2022 or later
• Mature females exposed to breeding (natural service or artificial insemination)
• Have a minimum of 10 eligible breeding animals (per type of livestock)
• Males used previously for breeding
Eligible Breeding Animals • Beef cattle • Sheep • Goats
• Immature replacement females are not eligible
Eligible Alternate Feeding Locations • Farms, custom feeders and other livestock operations where breeding animals must be relocated to address a shortfall in winter feed capacity
• Movement to a normal wintering site is not eligible
• Locations are not owned, leased or rented by the eligible producers
• Animals cannot be sold or marketed prior to returning to the location of origin when temporary feeding is complete
• Must be capable of housing and providing adequate feed, water and care
• Animals must remain in the new location for at least 30 days
Eligible Distance • Minimum distance of 40 kilometres to a maximum one-way distance of 1,000 kilometres
Contact • 1-844-769-6224
• manitoba.ca/agriculture
Date of Eligible Expenses • Incurred from August 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
• ARD@gov.mb.ca
How to Apply for Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance Six Steps for Application
Application deadline:
July 30, 2022 for Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance
Application form and program guide Complete the form as instructed, declare that you meet all the program terms and conditions, and that the information you provide is complete and accurate. The terms and conditions are outlined in the AgriRecovery Drought Assistance for Farmers Program Guidebook. You can access the application form and the program guide by: downloading them at manitoba.ca/agriculture
In-person at your nearest Service Centre (see reverse for locations)
Declaration of eligible breeding animals
Self-haul declaration
calling 1-844-769-6224 to have a copy mailed to you
Extraordinary Expense Declaration
• Complete a Declaration with your first application • Declare the number of eligible breeding animals that will be maintained and overwintered
• Contact the program administrator (email: agaction@gov.mb.ca) if the number of eligible animals changes over time.
If you self-haul feed or livestock, complete the self-haul declaration form and provide invoices for feed purchases or accessing feed as outlined in the guidebook.
If you have extraordinary expenses for renting pasture or cropland, temporary fencing, hauling or pumping water, harvesting feed, or transporting self-produced feed, complete the one-time declaration as outlined in the guidebook.
Note: If your application is successful, you will receive a notification letter and cheque in the mail from the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC).
Prepare your application After completing the necessary documents, check the boxes for all declarations on the forms. Ensure that you have included everything needed in your submission:
application form invoices for each feed and/or transportation purchase proof of payment for each invoice (e.g., cleared cheques, bank statement, credit or debit card receipt)
eligible breeding animal declaration (first application only) self-haul declaration (only if you self-hauled feed or livestock) declaration of extraordinary expenses (only one submission allowed)
Submit your application Email documents in step 5 to: agaction@gov.mb.ca
or mail to: Manitoba Agriculture AgriRecovery Drought Assistance 903-401 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P8
Service Centre Contact Information Arborg Box 2000, 317 River Road Arborg MB R0C 0A0 1-833-206-0451 1-833-478-1304 arborg@masc.mb.ca
Headingley 1-5290 Monterey Road Headingley MB R4H 1J9 1-833-206-0465 1-833-478-1307 headingley@masc.mb.ca
Portage la Prairie Unit 400, 50-24th Street NW Portage la Prairie MB R1N 3V7 1-833-206-0470 1-833-478-1312 portagelaprairie@masc.mb.ca
Brandon Unit 100 - 1525 1st Street S Brandon MB R7A 7A1 1-833-206-0455 1-833-478-1305 brandon@masc.mb.ca
Killarney Box 190, 203 South Railway Street Killarney MB R0K 1G0 1-833-206-0466 1-833-478-1309 killarney@masc.mb.ca
Steinbach Unit C – 284 Reimer Avenue Steinbach MB R5G 0R5 1-833-206-0480 1-833-467-1059 steinbach@masc.mb.ca
Dauphin Room 209, 27-2nd Avenue SW Dauphin MB R7N 3E5 1-833-206-0459 1-833-478-1306 dauphin@masc.mb.ca
Morden 536 Stephen Street Morden MB R6M 1T7 1-833-206-0479 1-833-467-1056 morden@masc.mb.ca
Swan River Box 1108, 120-6th Avenue N Swan River MB R0L 1Z0 1-833-206-0476 1-833-478-1315 swanriver@masc.mb.ca
Neepawa Box 1179, 41 Main Street E Neepawa MB R0J 1H0 1-833-206-0469 1-833-478-1310 neepawa@masc.mb.ca
Tesa application
Farm Name:
PLEASE ATTACH A WORD DOCUMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. Provide a description of your farm including the environment it operates in. 2. What have you done/what are you doing to improve environmental management on your farm? 3. What are your challenges and successes? Please include high-resolution images and data which help show measurable results. 4. What factors have enabled you to make management changes? (e.g. Working with conservation organizations, programs such as the Environmental Farm Plan, funding support, education, etc.) 5. What are your environmental goals for the future and how do you plan to carry them out? 6. Include two letters of reference that speak to your leadership in conservation. Please limit your application to 10 pages (not including letters of reference and photos). Electronic applications are preferred and a single, complete PDF document is requested. A sample application from previous years can be found online at https://www.cattle.ca/sustainability/theenvironmental-stewardship-award/how-to-nominate/
WHAT TO INCLUDE IN THE APPLICATION: A selection of no less than ten high-resolution images suitable for reproduction on social media, print etc. Video presentation link if available, media stories/ broadcasts showcasing your stewardship efforts.
TESA sponsorship program is available to appropriate organizations that wish to affiliate themselves with the CCA’s TESA program. In addition to showing support for environmental stewardship and Canada’s beef cattle producers, the program also provides the opportunity to join industry leaders, government representatives and nearly 60,000 Canadian beef farms in the national discussion on environmental issues affecting the industry. For more information, visit www.cattle.ca/what-is-tesa
For more than 65 years, MNP has been helping beef producers get the most from their operations. Whether you are looking to pass the farm on to the next generation, improve your profitability, be more competitive or expand MNP’s beef industry specialists will help you get the results you’re looking for. To find out what MNP can do for you, contact Marvin Slingerland, Partner, MNP Lethbridge, at Director of Livestock Services at 1.800.661.8097 or Marvin.Slingerland@mnp.ca
Contact your provincial organization listed on the previous page to determine when your association requires you to submit your application for the provincial award. HE L P ING YO U GE T E VE N M O RE O UT O F YO UR L IVE ST O C K O P E RATIO N.
E-Newsletter dsfsfa An update from MBP July 15, 2022
CCA pleased to announce Ryder Lee rejoining organization as new General Manager (July 13, 2022 Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association and Canadian Cattle Association joint media release) Ryder Lee previously
Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association (SCA) Chair, Arnold Balicki, is optimistic about the future. “I am a little disappointed to have Ryder move on. But I prefer to focus on his significant contributions to SCA over his tenure. SCA has come a long way on policy, governance, relations with government and others through working with a great strategic plan with his leadership. There is a strong foundation for Ryder’s successor to build on.”
worked for the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) in the Government Affairs office in Ottawa from November 2005 to 2015. Ryder has served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association from 2015 to 2022. CCA Executive Vice President, Dennis Laycraft, had this to say: “Ryder brings an exceptional range of expertise with a strong industry background, years of work on agriculture policy, and advanced management experience.”
“We wish Ryder and his family all the best,” Balicki concluded. Under the direction of the SCA Executive, SCA will be publishing a job posting at SaskJobs.ca. Ryder will commence his work with CCA on September 1, 2022. Ryder Lee (Photo credit: Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association)
Producer Outreach Event
On July 13 MBP welcomed guests to the Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives (MBFI) Brookdale farm for a summer industry BBQ. The afternoon featured site tours, greetings from Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson, Dan Mazier, MP for Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa, and Wab Kinew, Leader of the Official Opposition, as well as recognition of past directors. Many thanks to Dr. Mary-Jane Orr (MBFI General Manager) for the use of the facility and Scott Atkins of Boehringer Ingelheim for providing a prize for a draw. Photo: David Hultin/MBP
For reliable information and resources please visit:
The Disaster Financial Assistance Program and Livestock Losses On May 9, 2022 the Manitoba government announced Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) related to damages to infrastructure, private residences, farms or small businesses due to spring flooding. DFA will also assist with verified livestock losses. The following information has been provided by the provincial government and Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) to help producers as they consider making a claim under the DFA program. •
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DFA will provide assistance to farms that have experienced livestock losses as a result of spring flooding in 2022. To qualify for DFA, your farm must have yearly gross revenues of between $10,000 and $2 million and employ no more than 20 full time workers. It must be an owner-operated business and the owner-operator must be the day-to-day manager. The farm cannot be a hobby farm. In the DFA application form, producers should note the number and types of cattle lost, e.g. calves, fed steers, fed heifers, bulls, etc. Under the DFA program criteria, a veterinary certificate is required to verify that the losses were a direct result of the event. This is non-negotiable. o Note: The cost to obtain the veterinary certificate can be submitted as a DFA eligible cost o For losses that happened some time ago, the producer should contact their veterinarian, explain the situation, and obtain the needed certificate. Manitoba Beef Producers has helped develop a template that vets can use to support the producer’s DFA application and this information is being circulated to them. In the veterinary certificate the cause of loss needs to be attributed to the ‘2022 spring flood’ and the date of loss should be stated. This form is also available on the “DFA for Farm” page on the EMO website under “Step 2: Apply and mandatory documents.” See: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html Assistance for livestock losses will be calculated as follows: o Is based on the Wildlife Damage Compensation program for predation losses (MASC). See: https://www.masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/fact_sheet_679_wildlife_damage_livestock.html o Will provide a price per pound for livestock losses. The price is based on the Canfax value on the date of loss (www.canfax.ca) o Different types of cattle are priced differently on Canfax, so therefore the farm will need to provide details on the type of livestock that were lost as well as the animal’s weight. o For calf losses, the compensation will provide assistance based on a 500 lb. cow. Producers should also examine the DFA eligibility criteria related to infrastructure damage to determine if there are any other losses for which they may be eligible to seek compensation. You have 90 days from the announcement of a DFA program to submit an application form to Manitoba EMO. The application deadline for the spring 2022 DFA program is August 8, 2022. For complete program details and to download the DFA application form, go to: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html Frequently asked questions about DFA: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/faq.html To view a video on how to apply for DFA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0S_STwXlP0 For upcoming program webinars see: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/pdfs/2022_dfa_webinars_pr.pdf For other inquiries contact Manitoba’s Emergency Measures organization as follows: o Toll Free: 1-888-267-8298 Fax: (204) 945-4929 Email: dfa@gov.mb.ca
Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) will be offering virtual information webinars on the 2022 Spring Flood Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program. The next one is scheduled for July 27 at 7pm.
Xplore Mobile, Manitoba wireless carrier created after MTS sale, shutting down in August July 15, 2022 statement from the company’s website:
details, you can contact us at 1-866-841-7004 or check out our FAQ’s here.
Closing of Xplore Mobile
Thank you and we wish all of you the very best.
It is with sadness and regret that we are writing to let you know that Xplore Mobile will be shutting down service effective August 31, 2022.
The Xplore Mobile Team
This was a difficult decision. We set out to provide Manitoba consumers with the option of obtaining mobile services in a simple, fair and transparent way. At Xplore Mobile, we are proud of being the first in Canada to offer innovative data rollover plans. Xplore Mobile was also the first to offer unlimited data plans on LTE at full speed to Canadians. At the CRTC, Xplore Mobile spearheaded the quest for seamless roaming to reduce dropped calls for customers.
Why are you shutting down?
Why are we shutting down? While we faced challenges, including start up issues of our own making, vigorous competition, and the pandemic, we overcame those challenges. In the end, we could not overcome the cloud of uncertainty created by regulatory delays, such as those associated with the CRTC’s mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) process and the high roaming rates that significantly exceed retail prices. We tried to hold on but the regulatory delays were just too long.
Transition from Xplore Mobile
While we faced challenges, including start up issues of our own making, vigorous competition, and the pandemic, we overcame those challenges. In the end, we could not overcome the cloud of uncertainty created by regulatory delays, such as those associated with the CRTC's mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) process and the high roaming rates that significantly exceed retail prices. We tried to hold on but the regulatory delays were just too long.
Who is the CRTC? Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is an administrative tribunal that regulates and supervises broadcasting and telecommunications.
We sincerely appreciate your trust in Xplore Mobile and it was a privilege to serve you.
How do I port my number to a new provider?
Our team is here to help you manage a transition to a new mobile provider.
Ensure you have your account number and approve the number port when you get the text authentication.
If you need to speak with someone to help during this period or are looking for further
Xplore Mobile, Manitoba wireless carrier created after MTS sale, shutting down in August How long do I have to port my number to a new provider? You have until August 31, 2022 to find a new service provider.
When is your Xplore Mobile store closing? The Xplore Mobile store will be closing on Friday, July 15, 2022. You will still be able to reach us online or over the phone by contacting Customer Care or making an appointment with our virtual store.
Can I still change my plan or upgrade my device? Unfortunately we can no longer process any rate plan changes, device upgrades or activations.
Is Xplore Mobile still accepting new customers? Unfortunately Xplore Mobile cannot accept any new customers at this time.
Where can I go for support? (i.e. online, instore, over the phone) We're here to help you during this transition. You may continue to seek support online as well as over the phone by contacting Customer Care or by making an appointment with our Virtual Store
When can I expect my last bill? As soon as you move to a new carrier of your choosing, we will issue you a final bill to close out your account. If you do not move your service by August 31, 2022, your service will no longer function and we will issue you a final invoice.
What happens if I do not port my number by August 31, 2022? Xplore Mobile will shut down service on August 31, 2022. You will need to choose a new service provider prior to this date or your device will no longer function.
For additional details go to: https://www.xploremobile.ca/service/faqs
#EVWeek in Canada: Over $2.5 million in Funding for New Chargers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
(July 12, 2022 Natural Resources Canada News Release) Reducing pollution from the
transportation sector is critical to Canada achieving its climate targets. That’s why the Government of Canada is making it easier for Canadians to purchase, charge and drive electric vehicles (EVs) in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and across the country. As part of #EVWeek in Canada, Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, on behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, announced a total investment of over $2.5-million in the Manitoba Motor Dealers Association and Eco-West Canada to help support the installation of up to 400 EV chargers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. This investment, which will make EV charging more accessible to all, is funded through Natural Resources Canada’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP). The Manitoba Motor Dealers Association selected recipients through a transparent process, based on demand. Through a similar process, Eco-West Canada is continuing to select recipients. The EV chargers will then be installed in public places, multi-unit residential buildings, on streets, at workplaces or at facilities for servicing light-duty vehicle fleets by the end of 2023.
Since 2015, Canada has invested a historic $1 billion to make EVs more affordable and chargers more accessible for Canadians. These investments are supporting the establishment of a nationwide network of chargers in local areas where Canadians live, work and play, while federal rebates of up to $5,000 are helping more Canadians make the switch to an EV. Budget 2022 provided an additional $1.7 billion to extend the government’s purchase incentive program until March 2025 and to expand the types of vehicle models eligible under the program, which would include more vans, trucks and SUVs. In support of the government’s objective of adding 50,000 zeroemission vehicle (ZEV) chargers to Canada’s network, Budget 2022 also provided an additional $400 million to Natural Resources Canada to continue deploying zero-emission vehicle infrastructure by extending the ZEVIP to March 2027, complemented by $500 million that Canada’s Infrastructure Bank will invest in large-scale ZEV charging and refuelling infrastructure that is revenue-generating and in the public interest. The government is also taking action on medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, which contribute to nearly 10 percent of Canada’s emissions. In order to decarbonize this fleet, the Government of Canada is providing $547.5 million over four years. This program will support eligible recipient’s purchase or lease medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles with incentives ranging from $10,000 up to $200,000 depending on the vehicle’s class, helping businesses and communities make the switch to zero-emissions transportation, from coast to coast to coast.
#EVWeek in Canada: Over $2.5 million in Funding for New Chargers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan These investments are yet another step in reaching Canada’s target of ensuring all new passenger vehicles sold in Canada are zeroemission by 2035. And just like investments in everything from clean technology to nature
protection, today’s announcement is part of achieving Canada’s ambitious climate change goals to build a cleaner, healthier and affordable future for all Canadians.
#EVWeek in Canada: $3.95 Million in Funding for EV Charging Options Along Trans-Canada Highway (July 13, 2022 Natural Resources Canada News Release) Reducing pollution from the
transportation sector is critical to Canada achieving its climate targets. That’s why the Government of Canada is supporting Albertans, British Columbians, Ontarians, Manitobans and Saskatchewanians with more options to drive cleaner, and helping Canadian industry transition to a net-zero future. As part of #EVWeek in Canada, the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance, on behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, announced a $3.95 million investment in Shell Canada to install 79 EV chargers across 37 Shell retail locations along critical corridors between Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, with the majority of them remaining open 24/7. Federal funding is provided through Natural Resources Canada’s Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative (EVAFIDI), which supports the establishment of a nationwide fast-charging
network for electric vehicles, alongside clean fuelling stations in key freight corridors and metropolitan centres. The Province of British Columbia is also contributing $625,000 as part of the CleanBC Go Electric Program, for the service stations located in British Columbia. Since 2015, Canada has invested a historic $1 billion to make EVs more affordable and chargers more accessible for Canadians. These investments are supporting the establishment of a nationwide network of chargers in local areas where Canadians live, work and play, while federal rebates of up to $5,000 are helping more Canadians make the switch to an EV. Associated links
• • • • • • • • •
Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative Travelling with an Electric Vehicle Electric Charging and Alternative Fuelling Stations Locator Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program Zero-emission vehicles: Incentives Incentives for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program Shell Canada
Bridge At St. Andrews Lock and Dam to be Temporarily Closed to Motorists (July 8, 2022 Public Services and Procurement Canada Advisory) Public Services and
Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise motorists that the bridge at the St. Andrews Lock and Dam will be closed to vehicular traffic for deck replacement work during the following period:
for the most up-to-date information. Travellers are reminded that the bridge will remain open to pedestrians and cyclists, who can cross the bridge using a walkway constructed along the south side. Cyclists are asked to dismount their bikes when using the walkway.
Tuesday, July 19, at 10 am, to Wednesday, July 20, at 6 am
In the event of inclement weather, the closure will occur on the alternate date of Thursday, July 21, at 10 am, to Friday, July 22, at 6 am.
During this period, all lanes will be closed to vehicular traffic in both directions. Motorists are encouraged to consult local electronic signs
PSPC encourages users to exercise caution when travelling on the bridge and thanks them for their patience.
No more excuses, today's the day! Save $150 on your CBIC registration to leave more money in your pocket. Register at https://bit.ly/3w38Kur
What Qualifies AgriRecovery Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance Helps livestock producers offset freight expenses associated with moving their eligible breeding herd to alternate feeding locations due to shortages of feed.
Primary Producers
Breeding Animals
• Owned or leased the eligible breeding animals between June 1, 2021 and March 15, 2022 or later
• Mature females exposed to breeding (natural service or artificial insemination)
• Have a minimum of 10 eligible breeding animals (per type of livestock)
• Males used previously for breeding
Eligible Breeding Animals • Beef cattle • Sheep • Goats
• Immature replacement females are not eligible
Eligible Alternate Feeding Locations • Farms, custom feeders and other livestock operations where breeding animals must be relocated to address a shortfall in winter feed capacity
• Movement to a normal wintering site is not eligible
• Locations are not owned, leased or rented by the eligible producers
• Animals cannot be sold or marketed prior to returning to the location of origin when temporary feeding is complete
• Must be capable of housing and providing adequate feed, water and care
• Animals must remain in the new location for at least 30 days
Eligible Distance • Minimum distance of 40 kilometres to a maximum one-way distance of 1,000 kilometres
Contact • 1-844-769-6224
• manitoba.ca/agriculture
Date of Eligible Expenses • Incurred from August 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
• ARD@gov.mb.ca
How to Apply for Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance Six Steps for Application
Application deadline:
July 30, 2022 for Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance
Application form and program guide Complete the form as instructed, declare that you meet all the program terms and conditions, and that the information you provide is complete and accurate. The terms and conditions are outlined in the AgriRecovery Drought Assistance for Farmers Program Guidebook. You can access the application form and the program guide by: downloading them at manitoba.ca/agriculture
In-person at your nearest Service Centre (see reverse for locations)
Declaration of eligible breeding animals
Self-haul declaration
calling 1-844-769-6224 to have a copy mailed to you
Extraordinary Expense Declaration
• Complete a Declaration with your first application • Declare the number of eligible breeding animals that will be maintained and overwintered
• Contact the program administrator (email: agaction@gov.mb.ca) if the number of eligible animals changes over time.
If you self-haul feed or livestock, complete the self-haul declaration form and provide invoices for feed purchases or accessing feed as outlined in the guidebook.
If you have extraordinary expenses for renting pasture or cropland, temporary fencing, hauling or pumping water, harvesting feed, or transporting self-produced feed, complete the one-time declaration as outlined in the guidebook.
Note: If your application is successful, you will receive a notification letter and cheque in the mail from the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC).
Prepare your application After completing the necessary documents, check the boxes for all declarations on the forms. Ensure that you have included everything needed in your submission:
application form invoices for each feed and/or transportation purchase proof of payment for each invoice (e.g., cleared cheques, bank statement, credit or debit card receipt)
eligible breeding animal declaration (first application only) self-haul declaration (only if you self-hauled feed or livestock) declaration of extraordinary expenses (only one submission allowed)
Submit your application Email documents in step 5 to: agaction@gov.mb.ca
or mail to: Manitoba Agriculture AgriRecovery Drought Assistance 903-401 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P8
Service Centre Contact Information Arborg Box 2000, 317 River Road Arborg MB R0C 0A0 1-833-206-0451 1-833-478-1304 arborg@masc.mb.ca
Headingley 1-5290 Monterey Road Headingley MB R4H 1J9 1-833-206-0465 1-833-478-1307 headingley@masc.mb.ca
Portage la Prairie Unit 400, 50-24th Street NW Portage la Prairie MB R1N 3V7 1-833-206-0470 1-833-478-1312 portagelaprairie@masc.mb.ca
Brandon Unit 100 - 1525 1st Street S Brandon MB R7A 7A1 1-833-206-0455 1-833-478-1305 brandon@masc.mb.ca
Killarney Box 190, 203 South Railway Street Killarney MB R0K 1G0 1-833-206-0466 1-833-478-1309 killarney@masc.mb.ca
Steinbach Unit C – 284 Reimer Avenue Steinbach MB R5G 0R5 1-833-206-0480 1-833-467-1059 steinbach@masc.mb.ca
Dauphin Room 209, 27-2nd Avenue SW Dauphin MB R7N 3E5 1-833-206-0459 1-833-478-1306 dauphin@masc.mb.ca
Morden 536 Stephen Street Morden MB R6M 1T7 1-833-206-0479 1-833-467-1056 morden@masc.mb.ca
Swan River Box 1108, 120-6th Avenue N Swan River MB R0L 1Z0 1-833-206-0476 1-833-478-1315 swanriver@masc.mb.ca
Neepawa Box 1179, 41 Main Street E Neepawa MB R0J 1H0 1-833-206-0469 1-833-478-1310 neepawa@masc.mb.ca
Tesa application
Farm Name:
PLEASE ATTACH A WORD DOCUMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. Provide a description of your farm including the environment it operates in. 2. What have you done/what are you doing to improve environmental management on your farm? 3. What are your challenges and successes? Please include high-resolution images and data which help show measurable results. 4. What factors have enabled you to make management changes? (e.g. Working with conservation organizations, programs such as the Environmental Farm Plan, funding support, education, etc.) 5. What are your environmental goals for the future and how do you plan to carry them out? 6. Include two letters of reference that speak to your leadership in conservation. Please limit your application to 10 pages (not including letters of reference and photos). Electronic applications are preferred and a single, complete PDF document is requested. A sample application from previous years can be found online at https://www.cattle.ca/sustainability/theenvironmental-stewardship-award/how-to-nominate/
WHAT TO INCLUDE IN THE APPLICATION: A selection of no less than ten high-resolution images suitable for reproduction on social media, print etc. Video presentation link if available, media stories/ broadcasts showcasing your stewardship efforts.
TESA sponsorship program is available to appropriate organizations that wish to affiliate themselves with the CCA’s TESA program. In addition to showing support for environmental stewardship and Canada’s beef cattle producers, the program also provides the opportunity to join industry leaders, government representatives and nearly 60,000 Canadian beef farms in the national discussion on environmental issues affecting the industry. For more information, visit www.cattle.ca/what-is-tesa
For more than 65 years, MNP has been helping beef producers get the most from their operations. Whether you are looking to pass the farm on to the next generation, improve your profitability, be more competitive or expand MNP’s beef industry specialists will help you get the results you’re looking for. To find out what MNP can do for you, contact Marvin Slingerland, Partner, MNP Lethbridge, at Director of Livestock Services at 1.800.661.8097 or Marvin.Slingerland@mnp.ca
Contact your provincial organization listed on the previous page to determine when your association requires you to submit your application for the provincial award. HE L P ING YO U GE T E VE N M O RE O UT O F YO UR L IVE ST O C K O P E RATIO N.
E-Newsletter dsfsfa An update from MBP July 8, 2022
Canadian Cattle Association launches with new brand identity
“For 90 years, CCA has been the voice of beef farmers and ranchers across the country,” said Reg Schellenberg, CCA President. “Our organization has grown to include the 60,000 members we represent today. It is important that our name, logo and brand also grow and be reflective of how our organization has evolved.”
(July 7, 2022 Canadian Cattle Association news release) Today,
the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) launched a new brand identity, highlighting the strong and diverse group invested in raising some of the world’s best beef — one that is dynamic, forward-thinking, climate positive and quintessentially Canadian. Formerly the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, the brand refresh includes a new CCA logo created with inspiration by key elements of importance to the organization: our country, our cattle, and our environment. This refreshed logo, visual identity and positioning reaffirms CCA’s commitment to supporting communities, embracing innovation and contributing to the overall sustainability of Canada’s food system.
While Canadians continue to take action on sustainability, CCA builds on generations of industry-wide ecological practices, which include preserving biodiversity, sequestering carbon, restoring Canada’s wetlands, upcycling resources, protecting endangered species and providing the majority of wildlife habitat on foodproducing lands. “We will continue to do what we do best – raise worldclass beef for Canadians and international consumers,” continued Schellenberg. “As an association, we want to further emphasize the importance of cattle to Canada’s environment, heritage, food security and economy. Our actions reflect the desire for greater sustainability and improved food production because we want to produce beef that makes every Canadian proud.” For more information see page 3
For reliable information and resources please visit:
Canada is cattle country.
Canadian cattle production is always evolving. As our industry moves forward, so does our brand. The natural beauty is what makes Canada such an incredible country.
Our new logo is inspired by the key elements of importance to our organization:
Canada’s beef cattle producers play a significant role in protecting and enhancing the environment. Our farmers and ranchers care for 35 million acres of one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world – our native temperate grasslands. We continue to build on generations of industry-wide ecological practices: preserving the biodiversity around us
upcycling resources
sequestering carbon
protecting endangered species
restoring our wetlands
maintaining most of the wildlife habitat on food-producing lands
We care for our cattle and our land. We’re proud of our heritage and our ongoing work to keep Canada sustainable, innovative, and fed. We will continue to be the national voice of Canada’s 60,000 beef producers.
Our goal is simple—to sustainably produce the world class beef that Canadians love.
The Disaster Financial Assistance Program and Livestock Losses On May 9, 2022 the Manitoba government announced Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) related to damages to infrastructure, private residences, farms or small businesses due to spring flooding. DFA will also assist with verified livestock losses. The following information has been provided by the provincial government and Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) to help producers as they consider making a claim under the DFA program. •
• • • • • • •
DFA will provide assistance to farms that have experienced livestock losses as a result of spring flooding in 2022. To qualify for DFA, your farm must have yearly gross revenues of between $10,000 and $2 million and employ no more than 20 full time workers. It must be an owner-operated business and the owner-operator must be the day-to-day manager. The farm cannot be a hobby farm. In the DFA application form, producers should note the number and types of cattle lost, e.g. calves, fed steers, fed heifers, bulls, etc. Under the DFA program criteria, a veterinary certificate is required to verify that the losses were a direct result of the event. This is non-negotiable. o Note: The cost to obtain the veterinary certificate can be submitted as a DFA eligible cost o For losses that happened some time ago, the producer should contact their veterinarian, explain the situation, and obtain the needed certificate. Manitoba Beef Producers has helped develop a template that vets can use to support the producer’s DFA application and this information is being circulated to them. In the veterinary certificate the cause of loss needs to be attributed to the ‘2022 spring flood’ and the date of loss should be stated. This form is also available on the “DFA for Farm” page on the EMO website under “Step 2: Apply and mandatory documents.” See: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html Assistance for livestock losses will be calculated as follows: o Is based on the Wildlife Damage Compensation program for predation losses (MASC). See: https://www.masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/fact_sheet_679_wildlife_damage_livestock.html o Will provide a price per pound for livestock losses. The price is based on the Canfax value on the date of loss (www.canfax.ca) o Different types of cattle are priced differently on Canfax, so therefore the farm will need to provide details on the type of livestock that were lost as well as the animal’s weight. o For calf losses, the compensation will provide assistance based on a 500 lb. cow. Producers should also examine the DFA eligibility criteria related to infrastructure damage to determine if there are any other losses for which they may be eligible to seek compensation. You have 90 days from the announcement of a DFA program to submit an application form to Manitoba EMO. The application deadline for the spring 2022 DFA program is August 8, 2022. For complete program details and to download the DFA application form, go to: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/farm.html Frequently asked questions about DFA: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/faq.html To view a video on how to apply for DFA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0S_STwXlP0 For upcoming program webinars see: https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/pdfs/2022_dfa_webinars_pr.pdf For other inquiries contact Manitoba’s Emergency Measures organization as follows: o Toll Free: 1-888-267-8298 Fax: (204) 945-4929 Email: dfa@gov.mb.ca
Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) will be offering virtual information webinars on the 2022 Spring Flood Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program. The next one is scheduled for July 27 at 7pm.
Manitoba Government Ensuring Free Private Well Water Testing Private Well and Cistern Owners Eligible for Free Water Testing until Aug. 31: Wharton (July 8, 2022 Province of Manitoba News Release)
In response to widespread flooding, the Manitoba government is providing additional support to private well and cistern owners by fully subsidizing costs associated with water supply testing, Environment, Climate and Parks Minister Jeff Wharton announced. “Our government recognizes that spring flooding has caused many challenges for Manitoba homeowners and we are here to offer our support,” said Wharton. “All Manitobans with a private water system affected by flooding should test their water once floodwaters recede to help keep their loved ones safe.” Free water testing for private well and cistern owners will be available at Horizon Lab Ltd. Costs will be waived for private well and cistern owners for drinking water tested between April 1 and Aug. 31. Individuals who previously paid for their water tests at Horizon Lab in Winnipeg are eligible for reimbursement. “We encourage everyone with a private water system that may have been affected by flooding, to test their water once flood waters recede, to ensure their drinking water is safe during a season of elevated risk,” said Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer. “Preventing the risk of waterborne disease is important, and we want well and cistern owners to take steps to protect themselves.”
Manitobans are reminded to test their private water supply at least once a year and after flooding, noted the minister. Homeowners who suspect their well or cistern might be compromised by flooding should have their water tested for bacteria once floodwaters recede and boil their drinking water until testing confirms it is safe to use. Indicators that a water well may have been affected by flooding include: • a change in the taste, odour or appearance of the well water; • laboratory tests show bacteria in the well water or other wells nearby; and • water lying around the well head or collecting in the well pit or around other wells nearby. In order to be eligible for this subsidy, samples must be sent to Horizon Lab Ltd. at 4055 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3K 2E8. For information on reimbursement of prior testing, as well as sample collection, shipping and test results, contact the laboratory directly at 204-488-2035. A Flooding and Well Water Safety fact sheet and other flood-related information, is available at: www.gov.mb.ca/asset_library/en/spring_outlook/ wellwater_safety_factsheet.pdf.
Government Of Canada Launches the Quarterly Climate Action Incentive Payment for 2022‒23 (July 5, 2022 Environment and Climate Change Canada News Release) Canada’s approach to pollution
pricing is not only one of the best ways to fight climate change—it also puts money back in the pockets of Canadians. On behalf of the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Karina Gould, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Parliamentary Secretary Julie Dabrusin, and Parliamentary Secretary Terry Duguid met with families in Kitchener, Ontario, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, to mark the new quarterly installments Canadians will receive through the Climate Action Incentive (CAI) payment. Starting on July 15th, Canadians living in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta—provinces where the federal pollution pricing system applies—will receive the first quarterly CAI payment. This quarterly delivery, which replaces an annual credit from previous years, will ensure that Canadians receive payments on a more regular basis. The first payment will be a "double-up" payment that will return proceeds from the first two quarters of the 2022‒23 year (April–June, and July–September). Quarterly payments will follow in October 2022 and January 2023. Canadians can register for direct deposit to ensure that payment is fast, convenient and secure. For the 2022‒23 fiscal year, a family of four will receive $745 in Ontario, $832 in Manitoba, $1,101 in Saskatchewan, and $1,079 in Alberta. Families in rural and small communities are eligible to receive an extra 10 percent. Full details on quarterly payment amounts for individuals and families in 2022‒23 are specified on the Climate Action Incentive payment webpage.
The quarterly CAI payment comes alongside the recently announced Affordability Plan, which sets out measures to address inflation and make life more affordable for millions of Canadians. Thanks to this plan, the Government of Canada will improve support provided to Canadians through a suite of measures including the Canada Workers Benefit, Early Learning and Child Care, Dental Care, Old Age Security, and Housing Affordability. Quick facts • To protect Canadians from the dangers and costs presented by climate change, and to ensure that Canada continues to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, the Government of Canada introduced a price on carbon pollution across Canada in 2019. • Pricing carbon pollution is the most efficient policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and drive clean innovation. It creates a financial incentive for businesses and households to decide for themselves how best to reduce their emissions. • The Government of Canada does not keep any direct proceeds from carbon pollution pricing. All direct proceeds are returned to the province or territory of origin. • In jurisdictions where the federal pollution pricing system applies, eight out of ten families get more back through the Climate Action Incentive payment. • The Climate Action Incentive payment is designed to increase each year to align with the increasing price on carbon pollution. Related products/links • Backgrounder: Climate Action Incentive payment amounts for 2022‒23 • Backgrounder: Delivering Climate Action Incentive Payments Quarterly • Canada Revenue Agency: Climate Action Incentive payment continued on page 7
Government Of Canada Launches the Quarterly Climate Action Incentive Payment for 2022‒23 How much you can expect to receive The amount you receive depends on your family situation and the province you reside in. The payment for the CAIP will be universal and therefore not subject to a benefit reduction based on adjusted family net income. To access the calculation sheets for Manitoba for the 2021 base year click on the link below: The Manitoba program provides an annual credit of: • $416 for an individual • $208 for a spouse or common-law partner • $104 per child under 19 • $208 for the first child in a single-parent family
The climate action incentive payment includes a 10% supplement for residents of small and rural communities. The supplement applies only to residents of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario whose primary residence is outside a Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), and they expect to continue to reside outside the same CMA on April 1, 2022. Those living in the following Manitoba municipalities will not be eligible for this supplement: Winnipeg, Springfield, Taché, St. Clements, East St. Paul, Macdonald, Ritchot, West St. Paul, Headingley, St. François Xavier, Rosser, Brokenhead 4. To see the CMA map go to: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenueagency/services/child-family-benefits/caipayment/qualify-for-the-supplement.html
Manitoba government offers free entry to provincial parks July 11 to 17 Visitors Invited to Enjoy Special Events for Canada's Parks Day, Reminded to Check for Flood-Related Advisories Before Travelling: Wharton (July 7, 2022 Province of Manitoba news release)
Building on the success of last year’s initiative, the Manitoba government is once again offering free entry to provincial parks for a full week in mid-July, including Canada’s Parks Day weekend, so visitors can take advantage of these parks and all they have to offer, Environment, Climate and Parks Minister Jeff Wharton announced today. “This week-long free access, which coincides with Canada’s Parks Day on Saturday, July 16, is designed to ensure all Manitobans can enjoy the extraordinary natural beauty of our provincial parks even more affordably,” said Wharton. “From hiking and birdwatching in lush boreal forests to exploring intriguing historic sites that showcase our province’s cultural heritage to paddling a pristine, tranquil lake, Manitoba’s provincial parks have something for everyone.” Vehicle permits will not be required at any provincial park from July 11 to 17. Overnight camping fees still apply along with fees to national parks. Manitoba’s provincial park entry fees are among the lowest in Canada, and this week-long offer and other free park access offerings are designed to ensure the cost is not a barrier to anyone. Several parks are offering special events on Saturday, July 16, for Canada’s Parks Day including family fun activities, barbeques and prize draws. Event details are available at local campground offices and online at www.manitobaparks.com. Numerous interpretive programs are offered at park visitor centres and museums, along with guided experiences and tours, campfire talks and amphitheatre presentations that inspire
visitors to learn and protect each park’s natural, cultural and historical resources, the minister said. Information on interpretive programs can be found at www.manitobaparks.com and under the events tab on the Manitoba Parks Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MBGovParks. Flooding and wet conditions continue to affect several provincial parks. Park visitors should check www.manitobaparks.com for the latest flood-related closures and advisories, and www.manitoba511.ca for road closures and potential detours before travelling. Campsite reservation holders will be contacted if they are affected by a site closure and can then request a full refund or move their reservation to another available location. Campers should not pre-emptively cancel reservations before being notified, otherwise cancellation policies will apply. Individuals who wish to camp in a provincial park can check site availability and make a reservation through the Parks Reservation Service at www.manitobaparks.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-482-2267. Beach users are reminded to be water smart this summer, which includes never swimming alone and supervising children on the beach. Boaters and beach users should wear properly sized life-jackets when participating in waterrelated activities. Visitors can borrow lifejackets in select parks and return them after their activity. Locations for the Life-jacket Loan Program and other beach safety information is available at www.manitobaparks.com. Manitobans can stay up to date with provincial park news, activities and events by following the Manitoba Parks on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MBGovParks or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/MBGovParks.
Cleanfarms Moving Ag Plastic Jug Recycling to Manitoba Ag Retailers Over Next 3 Years Friesen noted that collecting small ag pesticide and fertilizer containers at ag retailers makes recycling the empty containers more convenient for producers. “For one thing, having ag retailers accept empty containers means we have more drop off locations with longer operating hours,” Friesen said. “For another, producers can return small and large bulk containers to a location that they already go to on a regular basis. It makes recycling easier for most growers.” Cleanfarms transitioning Manitoba collection sites for recycling empty pesticides and fertilizer jugs to agricultural retailers. Current use of collection sites at municipal transfer stations and landfills will be discontinued gradually over next three years. Check for jug recycling locations at Cleanfarms.ca – Cleanfarms photo
(July 7, 2022 Cleanfarms news release) Cleanfarms, the stewardship organization that collects used agricultural plastics for recycling, announced today it is changing its recycling drop off locations in Manitoba where producers take empty 23L and smaller plastic pesticide and fertilizer containers.
The recycling collection system is gradually transitioning from sites at municipal transfer stations and landfill facilities to collecting empty ag jugs at Manitoba agricultural retail operations. The transition to ag retailers is being phased in over three years. The first phase is starting with municipal collection sites that, even though open to receive empty containers from producers, have had little or no containers dropped off there for the past few years. Cleanfarms Executive Director Barry Friesen said there are several reasons why the change to ag retailers makes sense. “Transitioning to a retail-based collection for the jug program shifts responsibility to accept empty containers from Manitoba municipalities to the ag industry, which harmonizes the collection system across Canada. In all other provinces except Manitoba and Alberta, we collect empty containers at ag retailers,” Friesen said. Alberta will be transitioned on the same three-year schedule.
Currently, producers return empty bulk containers— 23L to 1000L drums and totes—to ag retailers while they take smaller empty containers to municipal collection sites for recycling. Friesen said another advantage of the revised drop off system is that when producers go to ag retailers to purchase crop input products, they can get a free large plastic bag that makes collecting, storing and transporting small empty containers more efficient. The bags hold about 45 empty containers each. “Producers like the plastic bags,” Friesen says. “They make managing empty containers simple. In provinces where we’ve been using plastic bags for a while, recycling rates have increased. Bags make it easier to manage empties so producers bring back more of them for recycling. This works quite well.” Cleanfarms is also making it easier for high-volume generators of empty jugs such as aerial applicators, landscapers and large acreage farms to recycle more containers. Operators can arrange for on-site pickup. Operators should email crawfordc@cleanfarms.ca for more information. Friesen said he’s very grateful to Manitoba municipalities for helping to make the container recycling program a successful packaging stewardship program in Canada. “We owe our gratitude to Manitoba municipalities for giving producers a convenient location to drop off empty containers. Now ag retailers in those areas will step into those big shoes. Our plan is to have every ag retailer that sells product in 23L containers accept the continued on page 10
Cleanfarms Moving Ag Plastic Jug Recycling to Manitoba Ag Retailers Over Next 3 Years empty jugs from their customers to ensure producers have the same or better access to recycling. So, it should be convenient,” Friesen said. The phased in approach will see 10 local areas transition in early 2022. As noted, these municipal locations have not been extensively used in recent years. In case producers do go there, signage is prominent, along with Cleanfarms website information to redirect producers to the new, nearby collection sites. Ag retailer sites will open, some even before municipal sites close, to accept empty pesticide and fertilizer containers. The Manitoba municipal collection sites closing in early 2022 are:
manage empty 23L and smaller containers and other ag waste materials for recycling or proper disposal. Cleanfarms has more than 1,500 locations throughout Canada that accept empty pesticide and fertilizer containers from farmers so they can be recycled. Cleanfarms operates the program on behalf of its member companies which are Canada’s leading developers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers of crop protection products and fertilizers. Many retail recycling locations also accept empty seed, pesticide and inoculant bags for proper disposal. Complete information on the ag waste materials accepted and the location of collection sites is published on Cleanfarms.ca. Preparing Empty Pesticide and Fertilizer Containers
• • • • • • • • • •
Bellsite, RM of Mountain, Bellsite Bowsman, Municipality of Minitonas – Bowsman, Bowsman Carman, RM of Dufferin, Carman Forrest, RM of Elton, Forrest Miami, Municipality of Thompson, Miami Roland, RM of Roland, Roland Stonewall, RM of Rockwood, Stonewall Whitemouth, RM of Whitemouth, Whitemouth Woodnorth, RM of Pipestone, Woodnorth Onanole, RM of Harrison Park, Onanole
At the end of December 2022, a further 64 municipal sites that typically collect low volumes of containers will close. The full transition of municipal sites to ag retailers will continue through 2023 and 2024. Communications and notifications will occur prior to each round of transitions and all information will be included on the Cleanfarms website at cleanfarms.ca/mb-ab-jug-transition. Producers should ask their ag retailers when they can start returning empty jugs to those locations. Cleanfarms, a national non-profit industry stewardship organization, was created in 2010 to
The ag industry, with support from CropLife International, has strict requirements for the handling, processing, recycling and end use of pesticide and fertilizer jugs to ensure that they are handled with the highest health, safety and environmental standards, including full traceability of all jugs. Producers are required to: 1. Rinse containers (by way of chemical handler/ triple rinsing/ or pressure rinsing) 2. Remove paper booklets, and discard; take caps off and discard 3. Place rinsed containers in a collection bag and securely close (and not place any other materials in the collection bag other than pesticide and fertilizer jugs) Seed Treatment Containers - Handle seed treatment containers differently by keeping caps securely ON to prevent contamination and by bagging all seed treatment containers separately from non-seed treatment containers.
What Qualifies AgriRecovery Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance Helps livestock producers offset freight expenses associated with moving their eligible breeding herd to alternate feeding locations due to shortages of feed.
Primary Producers
Breeding Animals
• Owned or leased the eligible breeding animals between June 1, 2021 and March 15, 2022 or later
• Mature females exposed to breeding (natural service or artificial insemination)
• Have a minimum of 10 eligible breeding animals (per type of livestock)
• Males used previously for breeding
Eligible Breeding Animals • Beef cattle • Sheep • Goats
• Immature replacement females are not eligible
Eligible Alternate Feeding Locations • Farms, custom feeders and other livestock operations where breeding animals must be relocated to address a shortfall in winter feed capacity
• Movement to a normal wintering site is not eligible
• Locations are not owned, leased or rented by the eligible producers
• Animals cannot be sold or marketed prior to returning to the location of origin when temporary feeding is complete
• Must be capable of housing and providing adequate feed, water and care
• Animals must remain in the new location for at least 30 days
Eligible Distance • Minimum distance of 40 kilometres to a maximum one-way distance of 1,000 kilometres
Contact • 1-844-769-6224
• manitoba.ca/agriculture
Date of Eligible Expenses • Incurred from August 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
• ARD@gov.mb.ca
How to Apply for Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance Six Steps for Application
Application deadline:
July 30, 2022 for Livestock Transportation Drought Assistance
Application form and program guide Complete the form as instructed, declare that you meet all the program terms and conditions, and that the information you provide is complete and accurate. The terms and conditions are outlined in the AgriRecovery Drought Assistance for Farmers Program Guidebook. You can access the application form and the program guide by: downloading them at manitoba.ca/agriculture
In-person at your nearest Service Centre (see reverse for locations)
Declaration of eligible breeding animals
Self-haul declaration
calling 1-844-769-6224 to have a copy mailed to you
Extraordinary Expense Declaration
• Complete a Declaration with your first application • Declare the number of eligible breeding animals that will be maintained and overwintered
• Contact the program administrator (email: agaction@gov.mb.ca) if the number of eligible animals changes over time.
If you self-haul feed or livestock, complete the self-haul declaration form and provide invoices for feed purchases or accessing feed as outlined in the guidebook.
If you have extraordinary expenses for renting pasture or cropland, temporary fencing, hauling or pumping water, harvesting feed, or transporting self-produced feed, complete the one-time declaration as outlined in the guidebook.
Note: If your application is successful, you will receive a notification letter and cheque in the mail from the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC).
Prepare your application After completing the necessary documents, check the boxes for all declarations on the forms. Ensure that you have included everything needed in your submission:
application form invoices for each feed and/or transportation purchase proof of payment for each invoice (e.g., cleared cheques, bank statement, credit or debit card receipt)
eligible breeding animal declaration (first application only) self-haul declaration (only if you self-hauled feed or livestock) declaration of extraordinary expenses (only one submission allowed)
Submit your application Email documents in step 5 to: agaction@gov.mb.ca
or mail to: Manitoba Agriculture AgriRecovery Drought Assistance 903-401 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P8
Service Centre Contact Information Arborg Box 2000, 317 River Road Arborg MB R0C 0A0 1-833-206-0451 1-833-478-1304 arborg@masc.mb.ca
Headingley 1-5290 Monterey Road Headingley MB R4H 1J9 1-833-206-0465 1-833-478-1307 headingley@masc.mb.ca
Portage la Prairie Unit 400, 50-24th Street NW Portage la Prairie MB R1N 3V7 1-833-206-0470 1-833-478-1312 portagelaprairie@masc.mb.ca
Brandon Unit 100 - 1525 1st Street S Brandon MB R7A 7A1 1-833-206-0455 1-833-478-1305 brandon@masc.mb.ca
Killarney Box 190, 203 South Railway Street Killarney MB R0K 1G0 1-833-206-0466 1-833-478-1309 killarney@masc.mb.ca
Steinbach Unit C – 284 Reimer Avenue Steinbach MB R5G 0R5 1-833-206-0480 1-833-467-1059 steinbach@masc.mb.ca
Dauphin Room 209, 27-2nd Avenue SW Dauphin MB R7N 3E5 1-833-206-0459 1-833-478-1306 dauphin@masc.mb.ca
Morden 536 Stephen Street Morden MB R6M 1T7 1-833-206-0479 1-833-467-1056 morden@masc.mb.ca
Swan River Box 1108, 120-6th Avenue N Swan River MB R0L 1Z0 1-833-206-0476 1-833-478-1315 swanriver@masc.mb.ca
Neepawa Box 1179, 41 Main Street E Neepawa MB R0J 1H0 1-833-206-0469 1-833-478-1310 neepawa@masc.mb.ca