Manitoba Libraries 2.2

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Volume 2 Issue 2

December 2015

A Federated Model for

The Canadian Library Association

One Association For Manitoba Libraries A New Direction

International Indigenous Librarian’s Forum

Manitoba’s Prison Library Outreach Program

2015 Executive Board Reports


Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

M AY 4 - 6 W I N N I P E G

2016 Mark your calendars! The Manitoba Libraries Conference, Creating Connections, will be held in Winnipeg from May 4-6, 2016 at the Delta Hotel. This year’s conference aims to capture the relationships between people, systems, and collections that enable libraries to operate and make the most of our resources. We will celebrate the connections that libraries create and foster, and offer a dynamic, thoughtful learning and networking environment for all delegates. Features include keynotes by Sandra Hirsh and Fred Penner, as well as an all-delegates social event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Manitoba Library Association. Registration will open in January, so keep your eyes and ears open for upcoming news!

Sandra Hirsh, PhD, is professor and director of the School of Information at San Jose’ University, and has worked in Silicon Valley for more than a deacde at major technology companies. Her research focuses on information-seeking behaviour and understanding the inforamtion needs of a broad spectrum of users in the U.S. and around the world.

Fred Penner is an accalimed family entertainer, singer/ songwriter, composer, actor, writer, author, TV host, and keynote speaker. Fred has presented at numerous early childhood conferences across Canada. He delievers a simple, but powerful message: “Never underestimate your ability to make a difference in the life of a child.”

Visit for more information.


Manitoba Libraries Editor Assistant Editor Copy Editors Design & Layout

Kyle Feenstra Ruby Warren Sarah Clark, Ruby Warren, Joshua Herter Kyle Feenstra

MLA Executive Camille Callison, Alix-Rae Stefanko, Lauren MacGaw, Vickie Albrecht, Kyle Feenstra, Mayu Ishida, Sarah Clark, Katherine Penner, Kirsten Wurmann, Donna Sanders, Ruby Warren

Manitoba Libraries is an open access journal for the library and archives community. We publish professional articles concerning a diverse range of current issues in librarianship, archival practices and information policy. All issues are available free of charge. The Communications Committee of the Manitoba Library Association serves as the editorial board for Manitoba Libraries. For information regarding submission procedures, please visit Email queries may be addressed to Manitoba Library Association Artspace Building 606-100 Arthur Street Winnipeg, MB R3B 1H3

Manitoba Libraries (ISSN #2368-7428) Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

EDITOR’S NOTE In 2016 the Manitoba Library Association will mark its 80th year representing the library community in our province. As we look forward to celebrating this achievement, the MLA is also repositioning itself to establish a more unified voice for all library sector workers across Manitoba.

Manitoba Library Association 1936-2016

Throughout the previous summer months the Manitoba Libraries Working Group has been exploring models for a potential merger between MLA, MAHIP, MALT, MSLA, MLTA and MLCI. Merger discussions are in the early stages but the working group believes that there are many strategic benefits to having one association with a broader scope and mandate. Further details on the proposed merger are outlined in Alix-Rae Stefanko’s article, One Manitoba Library Association. As the Manitoba Library Association charts a new future, the CLA is also restructuring. The MLA has been at

the table with representatives from the other provincial and territorial library association in Canada discussing a new federated model for the CLA. The Future Federation Working Group, has been looking at opportunities to create a more robust national voice for libraries in Canada. Please see the linked report, Towards a Federation of Library Associations in Canada, for more information on the proposed restructuring of the CLA. These initiatives carry the promise of strengthening the place of libraries in Canadian society. At this juncture in our association’s history we have the great occasion to enter into a deeper discussion about how the MLA can best serve our profession. Any questions or comments regarding changes at the MLA or CLA can be directed to the Board of Directors by emailing; .


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND IMAGE CREDITS IMAGE CREDITS: COVER (Inside)................ Library & Archives Canada, .....Wpg Building Index - Univ. of MB, .......... James Dow - Patkau Architects PAGES 2-3 ............. Winnipeg Architecture Foundation PAGES 8-13 ................................... Sönke Biehl (Flickr) PAGES 16-19 ...................................... Michelle Micuda PAGES 20-22 ....................................... ankakay (Flickr)

08 Features

08 One Manit Association

18 ON THE COVER: Manitoba’s libraries have gone through many changes in 110 years. Winnipeg’s first public library funded by the Carnegie Foundation was built in 1905 and now houses the City Winnipeg Municipal Archives. Image: Library & Archives Canada,

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

Internation Librarians

20 Moving To Model for Association

toba Library n

nal Indigenous s Forum 2015

owards a Federated the Canadian Library n




Columns 14 From the MLA

Prison Library Outreach

24 From the MLA

2015 AGM Board Reports


ONE MANITOBA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION A New Direction for Associations Working for Manitoba Libraries

Presented to MLA Members at the 2015 AGM Alix-Rae Stefanko Youth Services Librarian (WPL) MLA Vice-President

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

Library Associations have the opportunity to position themselves as centres of excellence for the library and information sector, advocating for the ongoing health and vibrancy of libraries while producing programs and resources to support our library staff and community which will in turn benefit the services provided for our library users. Currently, there are more than 115 library related organizations in Canada (associations, federations, councils, etc.). In Manitoba there are 6 Library related Association/Organizations: The Manitoba Library Association (MLA), Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA), Manitoba Library Trustees Association (MLTA), Manitoba Association of Library Technicians (MALT), Manitoba Association of Health Information Providers (MAHIP) and Manitoba Libraries Consortium Inc. (MLCI). Given this landscape there are several questions that must be asked: • • • • •

Are we all competing against ourselves? Are we diluting funding potential? Are we confusing decision makers? Do we have traction? Are we duplicating resources (volunteers, governance, administration)?

The array of Manitoba library associations are all highly valuable in today’s highly diverse library and information communities. The grants and membership revenues that these groups bring in work to support the ongoing growth and development of the particular library sector. However, it is believed that efforts would prove more successful if we weren’t so divided. The Manitoba Library Association strives to excel as a direct professional service and to be a constant vehicle of communication amongst library staff, boards, institutions stakeholders and sectors across the province. It is for this reason that the MB Libraries Working Group was formed in 2010 and why the project has been picked up again under the leadership of the Manitoba Library Association in 2015.

Can the needs and interests of the unique library sectors still be met while working under one umbrella model? Ultimately, it is believed that we can provide one strong Manitoba Library Association by amalgamating the various associations that exist today; a single provincial library association that includes representation from each sector and has an aligned mission and strategy that works for the benefit of the library community.

Benefit & Opportunity

Creating a One Manitoba Library Association will eliminate: • Fragmented messages from weak organizations to the community at large • Redundant spending • Duplication of efforts • Volunteer fatigue Creating a One Manitoba Library Association will increase: • Allow us to achieve a more unified and cohesive library sector in Manitoba • Improve credibility of the library sector in Manitoba and increase engagement within the broader community • Enhance opportunities and promote communication across the provincial library sector • Single, strong and unified voice to advocate provincially, nationally and internationally • Increase diversity of MLA and improve member benefits


• Offer scaffolding and opportunity to other provincial group and stakeholders • Effective use of limited human and financial resources • Develop greater awareness of identity and needs of the community. Through possible committees, boards, interest groups, affiliates, divisions. • Opportunity for preservation and creation of library knowledge in Manitoba. On May 14 2015, representatives from all of the Associations along with the Public Library Services Branch (PLSB) met to renew work on the formation of One Manitoba Library Association. At that meeting a new Working Group was struck to begin some more intensive work to further develop a model. Under the leadership of Alix-Rae Stefanko, this group includes: Rick Walker- MLCI, Louise Ayotte-Zaretski – MLCI, Jonine Bergen – President MSLA, Denise Weir – Library Consultant with PLSB and Donna Kormilo – Chair of MLTA. The Working Group looked at elements of Governance and Structure, Finance, and looked further at defining the benefits of One Association for the MB Libraries community.

In order to do this, we collected detailed information from the various associations/groups in Manitoba. Information on finance, budget, memberships, structure and board composition and commentary on the work, goals and strategies of each association was collected. We also talked extensively with OLA who we see as a very transparent and successful provincial model, as well as other provincial associations such as SLA, LAA and BCLA. Another resource has been the Non-Profit Workbooks and guiding articles and consultation with lawyer Reeh Taylor of Taylor McCaffrey LLP who offered much of his time voluntarily. In late September, Reeh Taylor stepped down from the project so alternative legal counsel will be sought. We arrived at a preliminary draft framework paper which was taken to a meeting of the Stakeholders group on October 15 and shared with the Boards thereafter for review and feedback. Many elements of that paper are included in this report.


We hope to achieve synergistic gains in our ability to achieve our mission by integrating our organizations and creating a structure for true collaboration. A healthy, vibrant and effective provincial association is entirely within our grasp if we work together to form it. The One Manitoba Library Association will gather several organizations under one umbrella, namely the Manitoba School Library Association, the Manitoba Association of Library Trustees, and the Manitoba Association of Library Technicians. The aim is to have an association with a board made up of voting representatives from the executive members of each member association, to centralize funds and expenses, to effectively use human resources and to empower one organization to speak at the provincial and national levels for the Manitoba library sector. At

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

this point it is believed that MLCI and MAHIP could possibly be non-voting members on the new MLA Board as joining as a division may not be possible. These seats would function as liaisons and would encourage participation. The advantage of the umbrella association is primarily that this will give us (the Manitoba Library community) clout within the province as well as enable us to stand with strength nationally. It will increase opportunity and positioning of the various groups. We will achieve a more cohesive sector that will be in a position to further leverage current initiatives. All of this will take time, planning and funding to realize. Today, each association is working to represent their sector, the overall effect is a dilution of advocacy efforts and it stifles opportunity for communication and development.


A new vision for the One Association to be developed. Elements may include: • To create and promote better libraries and services for all Manitobans • Leading libraries forward • Helping libraries succeed • Improving lives by improving libraries • Helping to shape the future of libraries • Recognized voice in support of provincial library communities What might One Manitoba Library Association look like? • Retain Manitoba Library Association as name. • We the working group, recommend that the name Manitoba Library Association is maintained as the name is recognized and understood. • Create an Association with Divisions and Affiliates. • We recommend an association structure that includes divisions. Each division chair becomes an ex officio member of the board.

If necessary, new divisions could be created in the future for public libraries and academic libraries or an alternative as these are currently not represented as unique associations. • These divisions would be based on following the OLA model where unique sector associations are divisions of OLA. OLA is made up of six divisions: the Ontario College and University Library Association (OCULA), Ontario Library Boards’ Association (OLBA), Ontario Public Library Association (OPLA ), Ontario School Library Association (OSLA), Ontario Library and Information Technology Association (OLITA), and finally L’Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario-Franco (ABOFranco). • The OLA By-laws allow for new divisions to form and join. The Divisions’ by-laws are not legal objects. OLA members select a division upon joining OLA.

Review of Membership Types and Benefits

The Working Group would like to further review membership types. For example, BCLA treats institutional membership differently than OLA. Institutional memberships could potentially greatly increase membership revenue for the new One Manitoba Library Association if the benefits for institutions are clear.

Review of Finance

The recommendation is 1 organization with different budget departments. Managing the budget and the distribution of funds would be based on OLA model: • All divisions have an equal voice and opportunity for budget. Budget is created annually based on what each division has accounted for and requested. • Budget is based on baseline expenses as well as needs presented by the divisions. • Best practice recommends that no one hang


onto reserves of funds. Divisions cannot carry forward revenue. All supports one budget. • OLA mentioned that most of Divisions’ budget is for meetings (travel and catering). For event/PD budget – OLA Divisions’ aims to have revenue slightly exceed expenses. • OLA Board approves budget. Although Chairs of the divisions are OLA Board members they are coming to the table as OLA Board Members – not with their division hats on. • Administrative costs may rise because an administrative assistant or an executive director (part-time or full-time) to coordinate activities will likely be needed. • The idea of centralizing funds is to maximize financial strength. Cost savings are not as important as combining dollars to maximize financial strength.

Notes on Strategic Restructuring

A merger results in an enhanced non-profit that absorbs the previously unique “identities” so that the new organization operates as a single entity Will a merger result in greater community impact and increased organizational stability? • Few non-profits are destined to thrive for centuries. There may be a time for closing and for turning new ventures. • Heightened impact by integrating complimentary programs allow several months for program teams to talk, clash, experiment and talk some more. • Stronger strategic positioning with clients, funders, competitors and policy makers. • Ultimately, the strategic restructuring should better position the non-profit to advance their mission. • Reduced total administrative cost. However, most community based non-profits have underdeveloped infrastructures and a merger may

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

often result in a rise in administrative costs. Most non-profits are seriously understaffed in administration. Many non-profit mergers bring attention to underdeveloped internal structures, and result in strong – albeit more expensive administration. Initial courtship may take the form of: • Organizations get to know each other • Meetings between board chairs and execs examining potential benefits of merging • Reviewing projections about what consolidated items might look like and discussing obstacles • Compromise! • Talk openly and think creatively • Clear communication is also crucial to ensuring that the decisions are implemented successfully • Inter-organization merging negotiations team instead of individual or separate committees • The team will explore all potential issues and write up what came to be known as the Merger Agreement Every board member will need to seriously consider these recommendations of the merger committee and express concerns. In the case of a technical merger each organization votes to dissolve its corporation and incorporate a new organization. Dissolve and combine – 1 org votes to dissolve its corporation and transfer its assets to the other. Surviving org board votes to accept the assets and elects board members.

MB Libraries Working Group Strategy and Next Steps

The Working Group has encountered and identified several issues which will continue to guide the work into 2016. We have only just started to look more closely at Non-Profit Merger Workbooks and best practices. We are encouraging Boards to continue to develop feedback outlining comments, issues and concerns with the proposed One Association model.

Why Merge? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Strategic benefits of a larger association Concern for future organizational sustainability Funding sources recommend merger Natural progression of a successful partnership

Next steps include: • Develop a Terms of Reference to support and guide the working group. Revise 2010 Terms of Reference. • Draft a proposed timeline • Seek legal counsel to clarify what steps need to be followed in order to amalgamate and understand legal implications in order to answer questions coming from the Boards

• Develop a communications plan to inform and ensure consistent messaging • Review governance and propose new MLA Board Structure • Further examine stakeholder relationships and membership models with other provincial library associations (i.e. BCLA, LAA) • Create a file for each potential merging association outlining the pertinent facts and details • Refine draft operating budget for new association based on actuals

Resources •

La Piana, D. (2008). The nonprofit mergers part 1, updated edition: The leader’s guide to considering, negotiating, and executing a merger. Turner Publishing Company.

La Piana, D. (2004). The nonprofit mergers part 2: Unifying the organization after a merger. Turner Publishing Company.

Vergara-Lobo, A., Masaoka, J., & Smith, S. L. (2005). The m word: A board member’s guide to mergers how, Why & why not to merge nonprofit organizations. Retrieved from pdf

Blumberg, M. (2009). Mergers and amalgamations in the Canadian nonprofit and charitable sector. The Philanthropist, 22(1). Retrieved




Manitoba’s Prison Library Outreach Program Kirsten Wurmann Branch Head West End Library (WPL)

“When I first got to [prison], I was afraid, I was ashamed, I was lost, and all alone…The library provided me with a purpose at a time in my life when I had felt I had lost everything.” Susanne, former inmate

I met Susanne in 2003, and while I wouldn’t learn the full story of her time spent in a federal correctional institution (which included time spent working as the inmate librarian) until later, the impact of Susanne’s life, her story, and her relationship to the prison library left an enormous impression on me.

processed thousands of donated books, has spoken to hundreds of Canadians about the importance of prison libraries, has brought in authors and writers to share their own stories and readings, and is currently running regular library programs in three different prisons around the province.

Fast forward to June 2012, and to the inaugural meeting of the Manitoba Library Association Prison Libraries Committee (MLAPLC); where about a dozen hardworking and passionate volunteers began the work of providing opportunities for reading and access to information inside some of Manitoba’s correctional institutions.

Winnipeg Remand Centre

The MLA-PLC has since grown to three times that size, has gathered and sorted and Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

Volunteers run weekly Open Library programs every Sunday afternoon in the small Sanctuary space. We open up a cabinet of books, lay out displays of newly acquired titles, and welcome small groups of up to 10 individuals who browse, make requests, receive and provide reader’s advisory, and also collect books to take back up to the others in their units. Requests run the gamut

from graphic novels, to westerns, to any and all Indigenous authors and history, to Dean Koontz, and even W.B. Yeats. A bi-weekly Bin Refresh occurs on Thursday evenings, when volunteers sort through new books and fill bins that have been sent down from some of the thirteen units for replenishment.

Headingly Women’s Correctional Centre (WCC)

A very popular Book Exchange/Open Library occurs at the women’s provincial correctional centre every second Saturday afternoon. Books are collected from the library space and brought down in crates to the Alpha and Bravo units. Often up to 75 women pass through the classroom that has been reconfigured as a makeshift library, and are able to browse and choose up to three books to take back to their cell.

books from which they can glean inspiration for their beading projects. April Raintree remains the perennial favourite amongst the women, and author Beatrice Mosionier’s visit to the WCC was a definite highlight.

The Pas Correctional Centre

Our newest regular program runs every second Wednesday evening out of the Correctional Centre in The Pas, Manitoba. Spearheaded by Regional Library director Lauren Wadelius, volunteers operate library services for the approximately 150-175 men and women to visit and choose reading material from bookcases they have set up in the gymnasium. Inmates sign out books oldschool from a collection of about 1500 titles and sometimes are able to use the time to sit up against the wall and read. For more information about the PLC please visit:

Our library patrons are mad about James Patterson (Alpha unit has created their own JP bookclub!), Jodi Picoult, Danielle Steel, and Stephen King, but also art and craft


A JOURNEY IN FOUR DAYS: International Indigeous Librarians Forum 2015 Monique Woroniak Customer Service Librarian Information Services (WPL) Coach buses cutting and rolling their way through a sunny prairie landscape. A taxi cab skimming over city streets at 5:30 in the morning. And buses again, squeezing and slowly weaving through trafficfilled city streets, moving from library to archive to library. The theme of the 2015 International Indigenous Librarians Forum (IILF) held this past August at the University of Manitoba was Anikoo Gaagige Ganawendaasowin (in Anihinaabemowin anikoo means “to extend”, gaagige means “eternal” and ganawendaasowin mean “knowledge”) [1]. All of those concepts were present throughout the four days of ILLF, but another quality I personally felt throughout the gathering was of movement or motion. From the trip to Turtle Lodge at Sagkeeng First Nation and settling in for a sunrise ceremony in “The Quad” at the University, to listening to traditional Sami songs and shifting our sense of what libraries could (or should) look like - the 2015 ILLF was a journey. 2015 marked the ninth gathering in IILF’s own journey. It is important to note history as each successive ILLF is profoundly connected to both past and future Forums through the passing on of “the mauri stone.” The 2015 IILF website provides an explanation of the importance of the stone to IILF gatherings: “ ‘The mauri stone, created especially for IILF, was carved by Bernard Makoare and formally blessed by the Taranaki elder, the late Te Ru Koriri Wharehoka. The stone is imbued with the mauri, or life principle, of the Forum and holds the essence of discussions. It will continue to spiritually bind indigenous peoples who attend each Forum. As

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

such the mauri stone carries indigenous aspirations for a positive future. The mauri stone is presented to the hosting nation to hold in safekeeping, giving continuity to the aims and aspirations of the Forum’ ” [2]. With each successive IILF gathering, items of significance to host communities and items gifted from attendees are added to the IILF “bundle” which is cared for by each host community until the next gathering. You can view photographs of the mauri stone here. The 2015 IILF began with a trip to the Turtle Lodge at Sagkeeng First Nation. There, led by Elder David Courchene Jr. and other Elders and traditional teachers, attendees gathered for a full day of ceremony, inspiring words and sharing food. The day culminated in the handing off of the mauri stone to the 2015 IILF convenor Camille Callison (Tahltan) from the University of Manitoba Libraries. It was a grounding and inspiring way to start a conference. There were opportunities to touch the stone and ask questions about its importance from past IILF delegates – including those from New Zealand where the mauri stone originated. The next three days of the gathering were packed with sessions, tours, feasting, and lots of laughter and knowledge-sharing. You can view the full 2015 IILF program here. What follows are a few of my own highlights. • A video-recorded presentation from legendary librarian Brian Deer (Kahnawake), who developed the Indigenous-grounded Brian Deer Classification System. Having the opportunity to hear him explain how he developed his system was a real thrill, especially for those like myself who had encountered his work in graduate school.

Originally developed to organize information for the National Indian Brotherhood, “Brian Deer” has been adopted and adapted by several libraries and Indigenous resource centres. • A keynote talk by University of Manitoba professor Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair who challenged attendees to re-think (or remember) what a true Indigenous library looks like and showed images of forest, water, sky and land. We were reminded that while the oral tradition is strong within Indigenous cultures, it is a myth that Indigenous peoples don’t have a tradition of written or recorded communication. As Professor Sinclair noted: “Literacy is more than just squiggles on a page”; it is also in the markings and evidence left when a people interact with land, and in the signals and information that the land itself communicates.” • A panel titled “Indigenizing the Academic Library in Mainstream Post-Secondary Institutions” where Indigenous librarians Deborah Lee, Sarah Dupont, Kim Lawson, and Jessie Loyer spoke about working to advance the institutions in which they work. They were all very forthcoming about the joys and challenges of their projects. A common challenge was the weight of the expectations, and for some, the isolation experienced being the only Indigenous librarian in mainstream institutions while bearing responsibility for advancing an institution’s “Indigenous Services” efforts. • Keynote presentation (and also subsequent tour) from Ry Moran, Director of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR), housed on the University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry campus. Moran summarized the activities of the recent Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and provided attendees with a sneak peak at the NCTR’s new website and research database - what will become millions of primary records related to the Indian Residential School

System in Canada. (The NCTR database has since launched and can be found here.) • The Sunrise Ceremony and Pipe and Water Ceremony held on the second morning of the conference. This ceremony had a profound effect on me. First, it was incredibly beautiful and peaceful to sit with others on blankets covering deep green, dew-covered grass in the centre of the University of Manitoba campus on a quiet morning (we gathered before six o’clock). What was communicated during the ceremony is private. For me, being a part of the ceremony was an important reminder that it is both possible and imperative for mainstream institutions to welcome Indigenous peoples - to allow them to act on their knowledge and act out their sovereignty in the spaces they have been doing so since time immemorial. • I was honoured to give a talk for nonIndigenous delegates about the potential for mainstream libraries to act in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. During this session, which also featured a talk on allyship by University of Manitoba Social Work professor Cathy Rocke, the Indigenous delegates were in caucus. In my talk I tried to send the message that as nonIndigenous librarians working in mainstream institutions (read: not governed by Indigenous peoples) it is essential that we work to elevate Indigenous peoples’ voices and opportunities to influence and dictate the services that we undertake. IILF is a relatively small gathering of several dozen attendees, but the delegates from across Canada and the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and Iceland succeeded in knitting themselves into a supportive and energizing community by the end of the four days (sooner, even!). I consider it a real privilege to have had the opportunity to be in spaces and rooms where the vast majority of fellow professionals were Indigenous. This fact in and of itself made 2015 IILF


an incredibly instructive experience for me. It was an inspiring and important reminder that Indigenous peoples contain the knowledge and ingenuity needed to develop the services that will best serve their fellow community members. I was also reminded of their incredible generosity and capacity as teachers for nonIndigenous peoples who are ready and willing to learn. By the time of the final gala - full of laughter, gifts and entertainment from First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples – it seemed strange to think many of us had just met each other a few days before. Together, we had travelled far.

For complete information about the 2015 IILF, including a very useful history of past IILFs and their outcomes (International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum 1999 - 2009 Background & Outcomes from Past Fora), see: php?g=298601#s-lg-page-section-1992594 To read an account of ILLF 2015 see this article by IILF delegate and former American Library Association President, Loriene Roy (Anishinaabe):

Past IILFs and Themes • 1999 – New Zealand, Toi te kupu, toi te mana, toi te whenua (Affirming the Knowledge and Values of Indigenous Peoples in the Age of Information) • 2001 – Sweden, Continuing to Affirm the Knowledge and Values of Indigenous Peoples in the Age of Information • 2003 – United States of America, Closer to theFire: Ensuring Culturally Appropriate Library Practices • 2005 – Canada, The Keepers of Knowledge • 2007 – Australia, Culture, Knowledge, Future • 2009 – New Zealand, Māku Anō e Hanga Tōku Nei Whare (Determining Our Future) • 2011 – Norway, Indigenous Wisdom and Communication • 2013 – United States of America, Honouring Our Past: Nuturing Our Futures See International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum at:

_________________________________ [1] [2]

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015










Moving Towards A Federated Model for the Canadian Library Association Camille Callison Liaison Librarian University of Manitoba

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

At the [CLA] Stakeholder Forum, A Future National Library Association - Canadian Library Association: A Proposed New Vision for Our National Association hosted by the Canadian Library Association on January 31, 2015, a working group was formed to propose a model for a unified national voice for libraries in Canada and to determine whether the proposed federated association model had potential to be a way forward for this national voice. The Future Federation Working Group was formed and I was invited to participate as MLA President. The Future Federation Working Group met in person on April 24, 25 and June 2 as well as via conference calls every Monday morning over the past year. On October 8, 2015, the Future Federation Working Group released the proposal titled “Toward a Federation of Library Associations in Canada: Strengthening the National Voice for Canadian libraries”. The proposal is the result of eight months of discussion and collaboration by a diverse group of representatives from the provincial, territorial and national sector associations brought together to find a way forward for our sector’s national library association. The goal was to provide a framework that embraces a broad range of colleagues, institutions, associations, and organizations across the country as the first step toward building an even stronger library community. A link to a survey was then provided for both individuals and institutions. The survey results have now been compiled and will be release in the next few weeks. The results demonstrate broad support for the national association and support for the proposal in general. From the survey results, there were some themes that need to be addressed and the need for more information was flagged by members of the Working Group that will be addressed in the final version of the proposal and an accompanying “Frequently Asked Questions document.” As incoming President, Alix-Rae Stefanko will be representing MLA as of December 2015.

Towards a Federation of Library Associations in Canada Strengthening the National Voice for Canadian Libraries

The Future Federation Working Group (Open Document)


Future Federation Working Group Members 2015 Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA) - Crystal Rose Nova Scotia Library Association (NSLA) - Trecia Schell L’Association des bibliothécaires du Québec (ABQLA) - Shannon Babcock Yukon Library Association (YLA) - Sarah Gallagher Ontario Library Association (OLA) - Shelagh Paterson Manitoba Library Association (MLA) - Alix-Rae Stefanko (replacing Camille Callison) Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA) - Gwen Schmidt Library Association of Alberta (LAA) - Jason Openo British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) - Annette DeFaveri Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) - Susan Haigh Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) - Paul Takala Canadian Health Libraries Association (CHLA) - Lee-Anne Ufholz Canadian Library Association - Marie DeYoung Canadian Library Association - Mike Ridley Canadian Library Association - Valoree McKay Canadian Library Association - Sandra Singh

c a n a d i a n r e v i e w o f m a t e r i a l s CM: Canadian Review of Materials is published weekly from September through June and is an all-volunteer online publication which features reviews of books and other materials that are authored, illustrated and/ or published by Canadians and that are produced for/of interest to children and adolescents. CM’s reviewers areteachers, teacher-librarians, public librarians and university professors who have an interest and expertise in materials for juveniles. Published by the Manitoba Library Association and Hosted by the University of Manitoba.

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015


FROM THE MLA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Highlights from the Annual General Meeting December 2015 President’s Report Camille Callison It has been my privilege and honour to be the President of MLA since May 2014 during an exciting of time of change and reorganization in the Canadian library community. In addition to the chairing the MLA Board meetings and the usual administrative duties as President, I have represented MLA at the Stakeholder Forum: A Future National Library Association, on the Future Federation (formerly CLA) Working Group, on the Partnership board, on the Manitoba Libraries Working Group, at the Library Leaders’ Advocacy Coalition meetings and to chair the 9th International Indigenous Librarian Forum (IILF). I would like to extend my

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

appreciation to all the MLA Board Members for their commitment and dedication during the last 18 months and, in particular, to Alix-Rae Stefanko for chairing the November Board meeting and covering for me during a medical leave this past few months.

The Partnership

MLA has continued its participation in the Partnership. The Partnership meetings are excellent opportunities to network with other library associations and to participate in workshops on advocacy, board recruitment, and other matters of interest. In past years, the Partnership sponsored travel for the MLA President to an annual workshop in Toronto in the summer, and also covered registration fees for the OLA Super Conference

in the winter for the Provincial/Territorial Library associations Presidents and Executive Directors; however, since MLA does not have an Executive Director, our Vice-President’s registration was also covered. MLA funds travel and accommodations for the President to attend the Winter Annual Meeting and OLA conference and the board motion increased the travel budget to cover the Vice- President’s accommodation so both the President and VP could attend the Stakeholders Forum hosted by CLA on January 31, 2015. The MLA receives funds from Partnership activities such as the Education Institute (EI), Continuing Education Certificate (CEC) and the Partnership Job Board. As in past years, the MLA helps to promote the Partnership activities through a dedicated space on the website and by communicating EI courses and other partnership initiatives as they become available.

Vice President’s Report Alix-Rae Stefanko 2015 has been a very eventful year for the Manitoba Library Association. It has been a time of reflection, discovery and re-development. As Vice President, I have had the opportunity to learn and be involved in a diverse array of the organization’s facets. This year, there has been strong attention and planning towards many areas of the Association including: communications, financial health, professional development and member benefits. A primary strategic goal for 2015

was to foster relationships with stakeholders for not only the benefit of the MLA but the benefit of the greater MB Library community. Significant time has been spent liaising at the provincial level working with the MB Libraries Working Group towards amalgamating and aligning with various Manitoba library associations. And, at the same time MLA has ensured that Manitoba is represented at the CLA Future Federation Working Group which was established in January 2015. Major projects and initiatives have included: conference organizing, special meetings of the Manitoba Libraries Working Group, Executive travel and participation at national meetings of The Partnership and CLA and the publication of the new MB Libraries Journal Volume 1, Issue 1 and Volume 2, Issue 1. Once again in 2015, the MLA applied for a Discretionary Operating Grant Application through the Province of Manitoba, Public Library Services Branch Manitoba Tourism, Culture, Heritage, Sport, and Consumer Protection. The MLA extends its sincere thanks to the Province for their ongoing support and the opportunity to apply for this operating grant once again. In 2015 the MLA said a heartfelt goodbye to Past President and Treasurer Dawn Bassett as she returned to her native province of British Columbia. Dawn contributed much time and energy to the Association over the years. I assumed Dawn’s spot on the Artspace Board of Members. This includes attendance at the Artspace Inc. Annual General


Meeting of the Members which took place on February 18, 2015 at noon at the Artspace building. The MLA continues to maintain a shared office at the Artspace building. This 2015 Vice President’s Report outlines the duties and projects that I participated in from November 2014 – November 2015. Items include: 2015 Scholarships and Awards (complete), MB Libraries Working Group (ongoing), The Partnership table (ongoing), Co-Chairing the Manitoba Libraries Conference 2016 (ongoing) and MLA Executive and Administrative duties (ongoing).

Awards and Scholarships

As Vice President, I chaired the Scholarships & Awards Committee. The list below indicates the MLA 2015 Scholarship & Award Winners. Thank you to all who applied for a scholarship or award this year. Congratulations to all 2015 nominees, winners and recipients! 2015 RRC MLA Award Red River College Library and Information Technology student Jo Shepherd was the recipient of the Manitoba Library Association Award. This Red River College graduation award is sponsored by the Manitoba Library Association bi-annually. Jo Shepherd was presented with the award by MLA Exec at the Creative Arts Awards Reception on Wednesday, April 29 from 5-7pm at the The Roblin Centre, North Hall at 160 Princess Street. The RRC Library and Information Technology program will move to an annual intake in 2017 at which time the award will also move towards an annual intake. 2015 Scholarships and Awards The scholarships and awards were advertised to a variety of groups and listservs. The information went out to: MLA-NEWS listserv, 6 Winnipeg School Division Library Coordinators, MB Library Associations/Groups (MSLA, AMA, MAHIP, MALT, MLCI, MLTA). Scholarship information was also sent to the LIS Schools in Canada.

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

The 2015 Scholarships & Awards Committee met on June 26, 2015. Thank you to committee members: Vickie Albrecht, Sarah Clark, Mayu Ishida, Donna Saunders and Alix-Rae Stefanko (chair). Scholarships Once again this year the Manitoba Library Association was honoured to present the John Edwin Bissett Scholarships and the Jean Thorunn Law Scholarships to deserving and dedicated MLIS students. The MLA is proud to be able to support our province’s next generation of librarians and information professionals, and we strongly encourage their continued relationship with the MLA as their career takes hold. The Winnipeg Foundation is the charitable body that administers the MLA’s scholarship funds. Pat Lilley is the Student Awards Specialist and the contact at The Winnipeg Foundation. The annual update on the details regarding the two scholarship funds held by The Winnipeg Foundation is as follows: Summary Fund Information for the Jean Thorunn Law Scholarship Fund • As at December 31, 2014 the market value was $72,197.30. • Total capital received into the fund since inception is $23,272.04. • The 2015 recommended amount to be awarded this year is $2,450.00. Summary Fund Information for John Edwin Bissett Memorial Fund: • as at December 31, 2014 the market value was $643,432.63. • Total capital received into the fund since inception is $296,125.55. • The 2015 recommended amount to be awarded this year is $12,000.00 MLA Awards The Manitoba Library Association was proud to announce the recipients of the 2015 Awards. These

2015 MLA Scholarship Winners John Edwin Bissett Austin Matheson John Edwin Bissett Svitlana Maluzynsky

$6 000 $6 000

Jean Thorunn Law Catherine Hana

$1 000

Jean Thorunn Law Kelsey Middleton

$1 450

awards are administered on an annual basis and recognize impactful service. Congratulations to the 2015 Award recipients! The Awards will be formally presented at the Manitoba Libraries Conference, May 4-6, 2016 at the Delta Winnipeg. The All Delegates event will take place on the evening of May 5, 2016. Manitoba Library Service Awards The service awards honour people - librarians, library workers, trustees, volunteers - who have made an important contribution to the development of libraries and library services in our province. There are two awards which recognize those acting in a professional or a voluntary capacity. • Professional category - This award recognizes exemplary service over a long period of time by a salaried employee in the library field in Manitoba, or, a significant or extraordinary contribution by such an employee within a shorter time frame. • Volunteer category – This award recognizes a significant contribution to the operation or development of library services in Manitoba by those who have donated their time as a trustee, fund-raiser, or volunteer worker.

2015 Award Winner (Professional Category) • Darlene Dallman, Head Librarian, South Interlake Regional Library Darlene Dallman was nominated for the Service Award (Professional) for her exemplary service to the South Interlake Regional Library and the greater Manitoba Library community. Darlene’s leadership and dedication has impacted the South Interlake Regional Library and broader community in a meaningful way. 2015 Award Winners (Volunteer Category) • Kirsten Wurmann, Monique Woroniak and Kathleen Williams Kirsten Wurmann, Monique Woroniak and Kathleen Williams were nominated for the Service Award (Volunteer) for their exceptional leadership and dedication to the Prison Libraries Committee. Their work has initiated the Prison Library movement in Manitoba and has impacted the lives of inmates and the broader community in a meaningful way. Their dedication to developing and offering high quality library services is deeply appreciated by many and the MLA is honoured to recognize their achievements and exemplary service. Library Innovation of the Year Award The Manitoba Library Association’s Library Innovation of the Year Award is given to libraries who through innovative thinking have created or demonstrated improvements in library services. 2015 Award Winner • Winnipeg Public Library Winnipeg Public Library has been awarded the Manitoba Library Innovation of the Year Award for the Innovation: Integration of Makerspace Philosophy in Programming and Service Delivery at WPL. This award identifies and celebrates innovation in library services in Manitoba. The Integration of Makerspace Philosophy in Programming and Service


Delivery at WPL has the potential to be adopted by other libraries in Manitoba and demonstrates new and innovative ideas in delivery of services and programs in the province. The depth of the project is impressive. It is evident that there is a long-term commitment to evolving community needs, library spaces and dedication to staff engagement and training.

Advocacy Report Mayu Ishida In January 2015, Manitoba Education’s Assistant Deputy Minister (School Programs Division) responded to MLA’s letter of concern re: discontinuation of external literacy agencies’ access to the ministry’s bulk-mail service. The ministry agreed to consider a special mailing of literary items from external agencies once or twice a year through Manitoba Education Library. For the Freedom to Read (FTR) Week in February 2015, MLA ordered 1100 posters and distributed them to public, academic, and special libraries in Winnipeg, and also to school libraries in Manitoba through Manitoba Education Library. The Public Library Services Branch (PLSB) of Manitoba Tourism, Culture, Heritage, Sport and Consumer Protection has been ordering FTR posters directly from the Book and Periodical Council (FTR Week organizer), and distributing them to libraries outside Winnipeg. The Canadian Library Association (CLA) cancelled the Canadian Library Month (CLM) in June 2015. CLA has been going through transformation since last year, and has decided to eliminate some programs, including CLM, based on efficacy.

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Treasurer’s Report Lauren McGaw Lauren McGaw took over as treasurer for Dawn Bassett in May 2015. • Office insurance was renewed in November 2015 and a copy was forwarded to Artspace for their records. • Directors and Officers Insurance was approved and purchased through MLA’s broker in November 2015. • Paperwork was submitted to Chochinov Curry LLP in October 2015 to complete the audit of the fiscal year dating from September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015. MLA’s record keeping practices were found to be in compliance with current Canadian standards. • A new budget was developed for the 2015-16 fiscal year for MLA, Canadian Review of Materials (CM), and the Manitoba Libraries Conference (MLC) Unpaid royalties to CM totaling $1,334.73 were recovered. An application was submitted for a grant to sustain CM operations.

Download the Full AGM Report Here!


Manitoba Library Association 606-100 Arthur Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1H3

Vol 2. Issue 2 - December 2015

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