Too many to list, range will vary between stores.
1,000’s of items!
On Now!
Rush in to your local store for our
Spirit Filled Living Outrageous Courage From treating rebel guerillas while captive on an Asian island, to having tea in a Mozambican hut with bullets whistling by, to caring for 900 HIV-positive orphans, Tracy’s story will entrance readers, inspire in them adventurous faith, and challenge them to be radically obedient.
Becoming A Prayer Warrior Learn to truly communicate with God and experience His power as never before.
$19.99 Manna price
$14.99 WAS $19.99
$17.99 Manna price Also: Heavy Rain
The Supernatural Power of Forgiveness
The Power Of The Prophetic Blessing Hagee shows God’s message is one of hope, deliverance, and abundance.
$19.99 WAS $22.99
WAS $22.99
$12.99 WAS $17.99
There Is More! Randy Clark shares that there is “more” - more love for God and others, more power, more joy, more faith, more results in prayer - and how believers can experience God’s empowering presence in their lives to do more than they ever imagined. “More” is not only biblical, but essential for greater fruitfulness in ministry and for serving in the kingdom of God.
$17.99 Manna price
The Jezebel Yoke Sandie Freed exposes the demonic spirits attempting to control you - and the tactics they will use to try to steal your spiritual birthright.
$17.99 Manna price Breaking The Threefold... Discover how to break free of the confinement of old generational cycles and gain a stronger foothold in your stand against evil.
$16.99 Manna price
$17.99 Manna price
Power In The Blood With a discerning perspective gained from years in spiritual warfare and prophetic ministry, Sandie Freed offers life-transforming advice on how believers can rediscover their spiritual ancestry, awaken to their royal identities, and claim the inheritance God is holding for them.
Prayer Changes Things Prayer Changes Things shows you how to pray the Jesus way - responding to His Father with “yes” as a matter of habit. You, too, can learn to trust Him with that same response in your everyday life.
$19.99 Manna price
Freedom In Christ $14.99 WAS $24.99
$12.99 WAS $19.99
$16.99 WAS $24.99
$12.99 WAS $16.99
Liberating Prayer Liberating Prayer emphasizes the lifechanging truth that prayer is relationship, not ritual—and that as already-accepted children, believers are free to be honest with their Father.
$19.99 Rough Road To Freedom Neil Anderson comes from a humble farming background. No one suspected that this fun-loving, athletic child would complete five degrees, author or co-author sixty books and found a global ministry.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary,
They have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4
$24.99 Manna price
$16.99 Manna price
Cindy Jacobs $12.99 WAS $17.99
$16.99 WAS $19.99
Possessing The Gates... Now revised and updated, Jacobs’s classic text covers everything from responding to the call to intercede and conducting “spiritual mapping” to petitioning and breaking strongholds.
Deliver Us From Evil Magic, astrology, witchcraft, demon possession. There is little doubt that these are dangerous forms of the occult. Jacobs shows us how these are evident in many television shows and movies.
$17.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
“Sit here while I go over there and pray.” Matthew 26:36-41
The Power of Persistent Prayer Cindy Jacobs addresses common questions about prayer, providing biblical answers for both new believers and long-time Christians. Discover practical and powerful insight for becoming a persistent prayer warrior.
$17.99 Manna price Also: The Voice Of God
$19.99 was $24.99
Christian Living Gods At War The ancient Israelites got into trouble when they bowed down to a statue of a calf - but idols don’t have to be made of gold! Idleman exposes the false gods that control our lives - including success, money, sex, food, and selfimage - to liberate us from their power so we can live in the freedom that only Christ offers.
Follow Me What did Jesus really mean when he said “Follow me”? Building on the lessons from his bestseller Radical, Platt explores Jesus’ invitation to experience the grand purpose for which we’ve been created - to make disciples who are making disciples. Discover a relationship with Christ that’s marked by self-denial, singleminded ambition, and ultimate joy.
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Not A Fan Not a Fan invites you to make Jesus not merely the object of your admiration, but the very center of your life. Through biblical teaching, anecdotes, and humor, Kyle Idleman explores what it means to truly be a follower of Christ.
$16.99 WAS $19.99
Walking In The Dust Of Rabbi Jesus Jesus was steeped in the Torah and Middle Eastern culture; this Hebrew heritage influenced all he said, did, and thought. Tverberg enables us to catch sight of and appreciate the firstcentury background of Jewish prayers, feasts, ceremonies, and customs.
Not A Fan: Teen Edition
WAS $19.99
$14.99 $17.99
Dare To Be A Disciple The true depth and beauty of discipleship has been lost to the Church. Multitudes of professing Christians are frustrated with their faith. They feel bored, tired, disillusioned, short-changed and unfulfilled
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
A Rabbi Looks At The Last Days Countering notions that future turmoil in the Middle East and the beast’s mark herald the last days, Rabbi Bernis points to a sign happening now - the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding Israel’s restoration.
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Radical Platt examines how Western Christianity has manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences and challenges readers to rediscover the path.
Also: The Radical Question/ A Radical Idea
$19.99 Manna price
Who Do You Think You Are? We answer how we are countless times each day, but rarely do we think about who we are. Revealing that we define ourselves by things other than Jesus, Driscoll identifies who you are in Christ saintly, blessed, saved, afflicted, heard, and more.
$19.99 Manna price
$14.99 WAS $19.99
Accidental Pharisees In this constructive corrective, Osborne reveals how an overzealous faith can lead to emphasis on rules and judgmental attitudes toward others. Discover the nine common traps that ensare Christians - and how to develop a careful, loving biblical zeal.
$19.99 Manna price
Christian Living
The Transforming Power Of The... Declaring that the gospel is not just for non-Christians, Bridges examines how Jesus’ work applies to the life of believers.
$19.99 Manna price
Jesus Is_____. Revealing Christ as friend, grace, “the point,” the source of joy, and more, Smith comes alongside you and, in simple language, illustrates the importance of our Savior’s character and message in today’s culture and context.
$24.99 Manna price
Preparing For Jesus’ Return This compilation of Tozer’s teachings on Revelation explores the writer’s belief that the purpose of prophecy is to lift our gaze from the immediate to the eternal while empowering us to focus on being witnesses, disciples, and worshipers today.
$19.99 WAS $22.99
Dirty God Johnnie Moore draws on both Scripture and his extensive experience with other cultures and religions to show how the God of the Bible is unique in his willingness to be near us in all of our messiness.
$22.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Don’t Waste Your Life In this provocative work Pastor Piper challenges us to set aside the trivial pursuit of selffulfillment so that we can develop a deeper passion for God. Piper believes that if we passionately submit to the pursuit of God’s glory, no part of our lives is wasted.
$19.99 Manna price
Cold-Case Christianity Over 2,000 years ago a man lived, was executed, and rose from the dead, but there is almost no forensic evidence to prove it. A vocal atheistturned-apologist, Wallace uses his skills as a homicide detective to investigate Jesus’ life - and death.
$24.99 Manna price
How To Get Into The Bible How to Get Into the Bible is a fast-paced, action-packed look at the main characters, events, and meanings of the Old and New Testament. This is the perfect Bible handbook for people who love movies, comic books, television, and the Internet.
The Utter Relief Of Holiness Here is a book that explores the beauty of the genuine goodness available to us in Jesus Christ, and guides the reader through the process whereby God makes us whole and holy by his love. Readers will be relieved. Utterly.
$29.99 Manna price
My One Word Instead of yearly resolutions, this engaging resource challenges you to choose one word that represents what you most hope God will change in you - and focus on it for an entire year.
$19.99 Manna price
$24.99 Manna price
“the man I shall kiss is the one; arrest him.” Mark 14: 43-46
Greater If you’re tired of being ordinary, it’s time to dream bigger. If you’re feeling overwhelmed about where to begin, it’s time to start smaller. It’s time to ignite God’s Greater vision for your life.
$19.99 Manna price Sun Stand Still
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 WAS $24.99
The Blessed Church Whether you are a pastor or a church member, you want your church to grow well. After all, there’s no better place to experience God than in the healthy community of a church. But what does an effective church look like? Is it possible to grow and be healthy at the same time?
The Blessed Life If all believers followed the practical guidance of The Blessed Life, every church could be built, every nation would have an abundance of missionaries - and all would reap the benefits of having a generous heart.
$24.99 Manna price
$17.99 Manna price
Christian Living NEW!
Every Good Endeavour Work may seem just a means to an end, but Timothy Keller argues that God’s plan is radically more ambitious: he actually created us to work. We are to work together to make the world a better place, to help each other, and so to find purpose for our lives.
Center Church A broad theological vision that connects classical evangelical doctrine to holistic and vibrant ministry expression in urbanised settings.
$29.99 WAS $34.99
$24.99 EA WAS $29.99
$39.99 Manna price Kings Cross Counterfeit Gods
Authentic Do you feel as though hypocrisy may have crept into your life? Embark on a journey toward truth, exploring the Christian disciplines of personal Bible study, prayer, fasting, fellowship, and service. Learn how to become authentic.
Vertical Church If you want to experience God like never before, if you want to wake up to the first thought, “Thank God it’s Sunday,” if you’re ready to feel your heart beat faster as you drive to your place of worship ... then devour and digest the lessons of Vertical Church.
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Multiply One plus one plus one. Every copy of Multiply is designed to do what Jesus did: make disciples who make disciples who make disciples…. Until the world knows the truth of Jesus Christ.
$19.99 Manna price
Wonder Struck Many Christians today are plagued by boredom, disenchantment, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and uncertainty. Feinberg gently leads readers to rediscover the wonder of God anew, rekindle prayer and reawaken God’s presence.
$19.99 Manna price
On God’s Side Wallis explores how Jesus’s agenda can serve the common good, what it takes to sustain a lifelong commitment to social justice, and how reading the Bible as well as the culture can shape our lives for genuine transformation.
$29.99 Manna price
Strategic Church Strategic Church will help pastors and leaders refocus on visioning and building a faith community that is biblically based and spiritually transformative, helping people become fruitful disciples of Christ.
$19.99 Manna price
Devotionals The Sower Throughout history, Jesus’ parable of the sower has served as a beautiful word picture of the Christian life. This book gives readers stepby-step instruction and daily inspiration for following in Jesus’ footsteps. Never before has this message been presented so beautifully and yet so practically. It will be a treasure for every Christian’s personal devotions as well as a great gift for encouraging others. The Spirit Calling Awaken to the whisper of the Spirit and experience his gentle presence every day.
God Of Wonder Compact devotional book with 365 readings which showcases God’s awesome power.
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
At The Feet Of Jesus For anyone who struggles when it comes to daily devotions, At the Feet of Jesus extends an irresistible invitation to set aside your duties and find the amazing peace and incredible joy that come from time alone with Him. Drawn from Joanna Weaver’s beloved Bethany trilogy, each reading in this 365-day devotional includes a Bible reading passage and reflection question. Manna price
A Mustard Seed Readings for the full calendar year, with a Scripture for each day, and a meditation, often with an arresting anecdote.
How Great Is Our God A beautiful collection of the best writings on the doctrine of God?
$24.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Heaven Changes Everything In forty unique inspirational readings Todd and Sonja share their family’s responses and reactions to the ‘Heaven Is for Real’ experience. They answer questions about what it’s like to struggle with and question God, and offer new insights into what God might be doing with those interruptions he allows into our lives.
$19.99 Manna price Also: Heaven Is For Real
$19.99 Manna price
2 for $30
15 Minutes Alone With God Designed to help women develop consistent devotional habits.
$19.99 Manna price
A Year With Jesus Daily devotional compiles the prayer-centered stories and words of Jesus from Matthew and John.
WAS $19.99
J.I.Packer Classic Collection Theologian and author J I Packer has helped countless Christians grow in their understanding of God’s sovereignty, goodness, and holiness. Several of his many books have become modern classics. This one-year devotional features excerpts from Dr Packer’s writings - a treasure trove of timeless wisdom and godly counsel. Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
“If you are the Messiah, tell us,” Luke 22: 66-71
Compact Imit/Leather Pink
Numbered Edition Personal
compact teal /brown pytho
$29.99 WAS $49.99
Remix 2.0 Vintage Red Beige
$29.99 WAS $49.99
Remix 2.0 Nubuck /Tan
$29.99 WAS $49.99
solo: new believers
Employing the same language you use to talk with friends, write letters, and discuss politics, The Message translation preserves the authentic, earthy character of the Bible. This popular New Testament paperback edition features verse numbers, readerfriendly typesetting, handcrafted maps and charts, and more.
$3.99 New Testament message Also available:
$9.99 Paperback message $16.99 compact gray leather-like message
$39.99 WAS $59.99
Bask in God’s presence as you read, think, pray, and live his Word! Calling you to the ancient practice of lectio divina, “divine reading” Peterson offers more than 365 devotions featuring selected passages from The Message, reflection questions, prayer suggestions, and life applications.
$24.99 EA pink or grey paperback $12.99 paperback new testament
pink or brown leather-like
WAS $11.99
Now, the most widely read paraphrase comes with a host of new features! This exclusively designed edition features verse numbers, a handy slimline size, reader-friendly typesetting, handcrafted maps and charts, and more.
$39.99 hardcover message
MP3 Audio Bible
WAS $69.99
$24.99 EA
Also available:
“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will have life even if they die. And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. John 11:25-26
Easter easter DVDs!
$12.99 manna price
$24.99 2DVD manna price
$12.99 manna price
Resurrection eggs
Watch Easter come to life in little hands! Each of these twelve colourful plastic eggs holds a different memory-grabbing object to take Jesus’ journey to the cross and beyond right into your child’s heart. Easy-to-use from home to classroom to neighbourhood hunt, the durable plastic egg carton also includes a booklet, telling the story of each object in simple language for children.
$12.99 manna price
$12.99 manna price
$24.99 manna price
$29.99 manna price
little blessings
The Candle Library - Easter collection includes six pocket-sized board books for pint-sized readers.
The Little Blessings books contain fullcolor contemporary illustrations and questions that kids might ask about Jesus.
$4.99 EA manna price
easter activity books!
$6.99 was $7.99
easter story books!
$6.99 was $8.99 $2.99 $2.99EA manna price
$5.99 was $7.99
“I do not know the man.” Matthew 26: 69-75
The Story The Story ‘The greatest story ever told’ is more than just a cliche. God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all about: the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the clear, accessible text of the NIV Bible, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, The Story is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption; and this story’s true.
$29.99 Manna price
$9.99 Manna price $24.99 God’s Story Your Story $24.99 God’s Story Teen Edition
$15.99 Story Participant’s Guide $39.99 DVD Story Adult Curriculum $69.99 DVD Story Teen Curriculum
The Heart Of The Story Randy Frazee highlights 31 key narratives from Scripture.
$24.99 Manna price
The Story For Children Bible NIrV is a large-print Bible for children with 32 beautiful fullcolour illustrations.
$39.99 Manna price
The Story For Little Ones For children ages 2-5.
$26.99 Manna price The Story For Children For children ages 2-5.
$29.99 Manna price
The Story For Kids Introduce your 9-12 year old children to the grandest, most compelling story of all time.
$14.99 Manna price
God’s Story Your Story Lucado offers us a change of perspective-the opportunity to see beyond our daily life.
$24.99 Manna price
His Story Re-discover the story of Easter.
This Is Love Jesus was both divine and human, common yet extraordinary - a oneof-a-kind God-man who befriended sinners and outwitted death. But the most memorable thing about him is his love. Here Lucado pairs breathtaking artwork with his signature reflections on Christ’s death, resurrection, and legacy to you of God’s amazing grace. A beautiful gift for any occasion.
$16.99 Manna price
WAS $19.99
WAS $16.99
$19.99 Manna price
He Chose The Nails Lucado examines the extraordinary circumstances around Christ’s crucifixion and explains why the cross is central to our own search for significance.
sample pages
Six Hours One Friday Max Lucado delves into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross. Through His death, your life has purpose and meaning.
$19.99 Manna price
Easter Music $16.99 WAS $19.99
And The Angels... In the last week of his life, Jesus deliberately set his face toward Jerusalem - and certain death. This is no ordinary week. Even the angels are silent as they ponder the final days of Jesus Christ.
$19.99 Manna price
$16.99 WAS $19.99
He Still Moves Stones Lucado reminds us that the God who spoke to Moses still speaks to you today. The God who helped men and women in ages past still comes into your world to move the stone away so you can see his answer.
$19.99 Manna price
Christ Is Risen Featuring songs sung by Casting Crowns, Michael W Smith, Tenth Avenue North, Third Day, Matt Maher and more.
$19.99 Manna price
No Wonder They... Lucado takes you through the drama of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - bringing to life Peter’s denial, Pilate’s hesitancy, and John’s loyalty.
$19.99 Manna price $9.99 Manna price
“Are you the king of the Jews?” Mark 15: 1-5, 15
$9.99 Manna price
Barbour Bargains $5.99 WAS $9.99
WAS $9.99
WAS $6.99
Bible Promises For Women Has life’s hectic pace left you spiritually parched? Soak up the promises of God’s Word and soon you’ll flourish “like a tree planted by rivers of water” (Psalm 1). Filled with encouraging KJV Scriptures, this topically arranged book offers wisdom on many helpful subjects.
Bridal Blessings In Victorian America, the “haves” and “have nots” mix about as well as oil and water. Two couples defy societal expectations with God’s help! You’ll be riveted by the love stories of an adventurous English noblewoman and a courageous Jewish seamstress.
Hopeful Hearts Abigail is determined to find her biological parents, but the search gets complicated when Titus enters her world. Adelaide longs for a seafaring life, but in 1865 women don’t do such things. Josiah Buchanan proposes - but she desires more than being a captain’s bride.
$6.99 Manna price
$9.99 Manna price
$9.99 Manna price
Strengthen My Spirit Charles Spurgeon became known as the Prince of Preachers for his uplifting, accessible sermons. Now you can be refreshed with his timeless messages of God’s truths in this collection of 180 carefully excerpted devotions from his writings.
$9.99 Manna price
$4.99 WAS $6.99
$5.99 WAS $9.99
$4.99 WAS $6.99
Power Prayers To Start Your Day Power Prayers to Start Your Day will boost your relationship with God through specific prayer starters for 21 key areas of life. Inside you’ll find “power prayer” for your quiet time, family, work, stresses, praise and much more.
Power Prayers For Women Prayer changes thingsand this practical guide offers both solid biblical reasons to pray, along with specific prayer starters in 21 key areas of a woman’s life.
$6.99 Manna price
$6.99 Manna price
Everyday Prayers Anger, children, contentment, fear, friends, grief, loneliness, love... this little book covers all these topics and more! Created for women, it offers 200 contemporary prayers to help you discover true refreshment for your spirit.
$6.99 Manna price
Your Prayers This collection of popular Value Book titles includes the Andrew Murray classic A 31-Day Guide to Prayer; Prayer Vitals, and Prayers & Promises.
$9.99 Manna price
Teach Me To Pray What better way to draw near to God than to follow His blueprint for prayer? And who better to guide your thoughts on spiritual communion than one of history’s greatest prayer experts?
$9.99 Manna price
IN-STORE Buy 5 or more and choose a free $4.99 book ONLY from these Barbour Bargains
$4.99 WAS $6.99
$5.99 WAS $9.99
Bible Promises For Men Explore God’s “operator’s manual” for everyday living.
Everyday Promises Brief meditations on change, doubt, fear, friendship and more.
A Collection Of... A celebration of our heavenly Father’s faithfulness.
$6.99 Manna price
$6.99 Manna price
$9.99 Manna price
$4.99 WAS $7.99
$7.99 WAS $12.99
$7.99 WAS $12.99
WAS $7.99
128 Greatest Stories... Engaging retellings of timeless stories.
Bible Answers For... Discover God’s perspective.
Armed And Dangerous Handy spiritual reference book for teens.
$7.99 Manna price
$7.99 Manna price
$7.99 Manna price
$5.99 WAS $9.99
$7.99 WAS $12.99
Your Bible An Easy-to-Understand Guide to God’s Word.
$9.99 Manna price
Your Faith An Easy-to-Understand Guide to Christianity and Key Bible Topics.
Smith’s Bible... A resource to help you understand what you find in the Bible.
$9.99 Manna price
$12.99 Manna price
“Hail, King of the Jews!” John 19: 1-3
$4.99 WAS $7.99
Biographies Stories of relentless grace. $19.99 WAS $22.99
Sinner’s Creed Raised by an abusive stepfather, Scott was always aware of God, but it was his band breakup, divorce, battle with addiction, and a suicide attempt that brought him to a place of life-changing reconciliation with Christ.
The Secret Life Of A Fool What happens when a shameless life collides with God’s relentless grace? Sharing a harrowing account about his detour to the dark side, Palau talks about his reckless rebellion against his father’s faith.
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Call Of A Coward If your husband asked you to leave your safe, middle-class life and move to rural Guatemala, what would you do? In this candid account of a modern-day seeker, Moston introduces you to a God who makes cowards courageous, ordinary lives purposeful, and driedup dreams fruitful.
$19.99 Manna price
The Insanity Of God The Ripkens thought they would be going on an ordinary missions trip. It turned out to be anything but - and their faith was transformed. Join Nik, Ruth, and their family as they struggle to spread the gospel in the Middle East, grieve the loss of their teenage son, and more.
Undaunted After being abused by an alcoholic father and a farmhand, a young boy chose to defy God. Yet God, in his mercy, redeemed the tragic situation.
$19.99 Manna price
$22.99 Manna price
Journey Of Hope As Jean and Brian Gibson travelled through Malawi and Kenya, they met national Christians who have overcome extraordinary challenges in their lives to preach Christ and model Christian discipleship.
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Named By God Van Norman has tasted the bitterness of her parents’ divorce, date rape, sex addiction, and rejection by her friends and family. But she’s also feasted on God’s mercy, healing and infinite acceptance and forgiveness.
Dreams And Visions Dreams and Visions is a remarkable collection of stories directly from the world of Islam. Doyle not only relates these stories, but also addresses the questions: Why would God use dreams to reach the Muslim world? Can dreams be trusted? What happens after these dreams or visions occur?
$19.99 Manna price
Real Life, Real Miracles These real-life stories of miraculous experiences, gathered by the authors of Miracles Are for Real, reveal that God is still very active in the world. Each gripping story is sure to encourage and inspire, offering hope and a sense of wonder.
$19.99 Manna price
Biographies From no limbs, to no limits.
Stretcher Bearer With the approval of Horton’s family, author Dale le Vack has edited Horton’s World War 1 journals for clarity, and added more text to provide background. The result is a superb memoir of one of the darkest periods in history.
$24.99 Manna price
Seal Of God When his mentor was brutally murdered in Iraq, Chad Williams resolved to follow in Scott Helvenston’s footsteps and become a Navy SEAL. Here he shares his journey from gruelling training to terrifying war zones - and his compelling conversion story.
Fearless Though his life started out rocky, when Adam died in Afghanistan, he had become a man who served his country with excellence as an elite warrior and leader. Fearless by Eric Blehm is a tribute to the life and legacy of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown.
$19.99 Manna price
$19.99 Manna price
Life’s Greatest Purpose Get an up close and personal view of Nick’s life. Meet his parents and see his baby pictures. What was it like growing up? This minidocumentary is touching, heart-warming, humorous, and will inspire people of any age.
Verve Verve: Enthusiasm! Vigor! Animation! Life! Verve is a compelling and exhilarating look at how Nick lives his life... one that some said couldn’t possibly have any purpose or hope.
$32.99 DVD Manna price
$32.99 DVD Manna price
To Heaven And Back Dr Mary Neal, an orthopaedic surgeon, was on a kayaking holiday in Chile. Sceptical of near death experiences, she was to have her life transformed when her kayak became wedged in rocks at the bottom of a waterfall and was underwater for so long that her heart stopped.
Do You Believe In Miracles? Believers, skeptics, and anyone who loves a well-told story will be inspired by true tales of answered prayers, miraculous events, evidences of Divine intervention, and interactions with mysterious helpers, and the miracles of healing, prayer, and transformed lives.
Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest... Want a sneak peek of what’s beyond our earthly life? Sharing the testimonies of 10 people who have experienced heaven, this collection of modern-day stories will encourage you while you wait for the endless joy of the Lord’s presence.
$19.99 Manna price
$17.99 Manna price
$19.99 was $22.99
Unstoppable Learn how to experience a ridiculously good life by assessing your limitations, planning your path to success, becoming your own best friend, and then taking action. Building upon Life Without Limits, Vujicic shares how to take control of your life and achieve your dreams through faith.
Life Without Limits Struggling to fit into society’s view of “perfection”? Meet Nick Vujicic. Born without arms or legs, he shares how he overcame his condition to become a popular motivational speaker. His wisdom and determination will inspire you to accept what you can’t control and focus on what you can.
$19.99 Manna price
$29.99 Manna price
“Take him yourselves and crucify him.” John 19: 6, 15-17
22 116
116 2
116 2
Scripture Blocks
Cast stone block, engraved with Scripture on all sides. 116 21
25 116
$19.99 EA $34.99 45001
Scripture Box
In Christ Butterfly and Flower theme. 30100
In Christ - Women
In Christ - Butterfly
$14.99 18807
$14.99 18100
Ceramic mug, blue interior.
In Christ Plaque
MDF with paper decal.
$19.99 40807
Ceramic mug, pink interior.
In Christ Plaque
Hand-cast resin, laser engraved, handpainted with metalised accent.
$29.99 40806
$29.99 17260L
Large resin cross
Handpainted wood and, metallic finish .
$39.99 11896
Scripture Card Holder
Cast stone,laser engraved, handpainted wood finish, metallic finish on nails.
$19.99 30806
11500 11911
Little cast stone crosses
Resin Symbol crosses
$19.99 EA
$19.99 EA
Laser engraved, handpainted, protective felt backing on base.
Hand-cast resin, laser engraved, handpainted with metal symbol.
Large resin cross
Lord Bless You Plaque
$49.99 20128
$29.99 11260
$19.99 40260
Hand-cast resin with bronzelike finish; top opens and inside are replicas of Aaron’s staff, the tablets and manna; protective felt backing on base.
Hand-cast resin, handpainted wood finish with metallic finish accents.
They pressed Simon to carry his cross Mark 15: 21
Hand-cast resin, handpainted wood finish with metallic finish accents.
$16.99 54689T
$19.99 54688T
$16.99 54695T
$19.99 54692T
$19.99 55156T
$12.99 55078T
$19.99 32317
$19.99 52890T
$16.99 54178C
Baptism Prayer Girl
Follow Jesus Bookends
Baptism Prayer Boy
Footprints For Children Plaque
$29.99 91484C
$29.99 54693T
$29.99 91483C
$24.99 32737
Hold My Hand God Plaque
$24.99 32737
Christening Prayer Girl 31208
Thank You God Plaque
Christening Prayer Boy 31209
$24.99 ALC33
$24.99 ALC30
$24.99 ALC34
$24.99 ALC31
$19.99 52000
Gift Books journals
A wonderful keepsake for new mums, grandmas, and anyone who loves babies.
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Also: #1 The Twelfth Imam #2 The Tehran Initiative
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Also available: The Shack
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A Couple After God’s Own Heart Build a marriage that stands the test of time! Sharing their own wisdom as well as surveying biblical couples - the Georges help you discover the key principles of a thriving relationship; the essential traits of every godly husband and wife; and how to put God first.
The Fantasy Fallacy Shannon takes a closer look at the role of sexual fantasy in our hearts and minds, to show what can be learned from these powerful thoughts. Rather than running from them, or ignoring them, there is truth to be found about ourselves and our relationships hiding under the surface.
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Praying For Your Future Husband Robin Jones Gunn) and Tricia Goyer invite you to pray boldly for your future husband… while also asking God to prepare your own heart.
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You Can’t Make Me Offering new hope, achievable goals, and a breath of fresh air to families and teachers, Cynthia Tobias explains how the mind of a strongwilled child works - and how to use that information to the child’s best advantage.
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Beyond Ordinary Showing how settling for “the ordinary” can drain a relationship, the Davises share the story of the slow fade that occurred between them.
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“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” Luke 23: 33-34
Just A MInute A hug, a compliment, a word of praise... such things may seem inconsequential, but to a child they can make a lifetime of difference.
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Women NEW!
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Your Beautiful Purpose An action-oriented guide that encourages women to discover and embrace their unique “God assignment.” Larson helps you overcome obstacles in order to use your gifts and passions on furthering God’s kingdom.
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The God Box When Mary Lou Quinlan lost her beloved mother, she was bereft, until she found her mother’s “God Box.” The God Box was her private store of notes to God written on behalf of friends, family, and strangers. Follow Mary Lou’s emotional journey as she uncovers her mother’s thoughts and prayers in this heart-warming volume.
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60 Promises To Pray For Your Marriage With a sweet gentleness, this book offers prayers for emotional and spiritual intimacy, relationship growth, protection from temptation, and much more. Whether readers are trying to repair their marriage, enjoying marital bliss, or are getting ready to be married, this book helps them build a strong foundation for their life together.
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30 Days To Becoming A Woman of Prayer In 30 short chapters, one a day, Stormie helps women find the freedom, wholeness, and success they want as they discover the simple steps to powerful prayer.
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Lead Me, Holy Spirit Did you know that God’s Holy Spirit is as close as your next breath? Let Stormie Omartian introduce you to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in every area of your life.
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Mended Mended takes you on a journey to show how faith lived in the regular events of daily life is all that it takes to be a part of creating God’s picture of redemption in your life and those around you. Your life does make a difference - because of how He is magnified in the cracks.
Beautiful One Women, is there a dream you’ve almost forgotten? Do you feel like God is far away? This collection of uplifting essays and lessons will help affirm God’s extravagant love and His purpose in your life. Also: The Happy Intercessor
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Revealing Jesus This collection of all new thought-provoking devotions has been designed to accompany her upcoming live album of the same name.
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Undaunted Caine reveals how God rescued her from abuse, abandonment, and fear to embark on a mission of adventure for him - and how you can do the same.
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“I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23: 39-43
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The Rhyme Bible From the story of creation, to the resurrection of Jesus, this is the perfect choice for parents who want to introduce their children to the Word of God.
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From that hour the disciple took her into his home. John 19: 25-27
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Zion Offering a fresh vision for what they are called to do, Hillsong United takes steps forward sonically - while retaining the hallmarks of their worship songs. Includes Relentless; Up in Arms; Scandal of Grace; Mercy, Mercy; Love Is War; A Million Suns; Tapestry; King of Heaven; and the title track.
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Due North The Kiwi worship crew’s sophmore album delivers another journey of organic, impassioned worship. Due North combines the reckless energy of their Signs of Life live EP with the sonic explorations of Neil Finn’s Roundhead Studios to create a stunning worship journey with a truly unique sound.
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Revealing Jesus The long awaited live worship project from iconic worship leader Darlene Zschech is releasing at the end of March, 2013. Revealing Jesus was produced by Israel Houghton and Darlene is joined by friends Michael W. Smith and Kari Jobe as co-writers and performers on the project.
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“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” Luke 23: 44-46
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This Easter may our hearts be focused on Jesus. Amen
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