C OM PA N ION S T U D Y G U I DE by ta m a r a r i c e foreword by christine caine
I will never forget when I first found out about human trafficking. I
Trade of Innocents is the fruit of ordinary people who found
was confronted with the issue of modern-day slavery while waiting in an airport
out about human trafficking and decided not to be overwhelmed, but
terminal staring at posters with the faces of women and children stamped as
instead to use what’s in their hands to come together and proverbially
“MISSING”. When I found out that some of those missing faces were currently en-
cross the street, reach out and make a difference and be like the “Good
slaved, it made an imprint on my mind and heart. They interrupted my thoughts
Samaritan.” Because of this extraordinary film, the cry for freedom has
and stayed with me everywhere I went.
been amplified, and darkness is being illuminated even more. As Trade
Human trafficking. The very term was so ugly and serious and shat-
of Innocents highlights the shadows, it also stirs up the realization of
tering. As I write this, the current estimates from the United Nations are that
the necessity for more light. I believe you have this book in your hands
twenty-seven million people have been lured, kidnapped, forced or taken as slaves
because you desire to help increase the brightness of that light.
upon our earth—not yesterday, not in some other time, but now, today. Twenty-
As you take the time to go through this study guide, I encour-
seven million individuals with faces and family, bought and sold like goods and
age you to not draw back or to let the information and statistics over-
commodities, with no voice, no rights. Men, women, and children are traded for
whelm you, but to realize that this is our time in history to make a global
money and forced into sex or labor services.
impact like the world has never known. There are keys inside of you that
From that moment at the airport, I began asking, What can I do to help?
can help unlock freedom for others, but we must be daring enough to be
I knew I had to do something. The more that I found out about this horror, the
undaunted in our pursuit of justice, and the part we all play in helping it
more I knew that I could not go on with life as usual.
come to pass.
But to be honest, no sooner was I inspired to go and help, than I immediately began to think of one hundred reasons I was unable—one hundred
Together, we truly can make a difference!
reasons to be daunted by this insurmountable crime. Isn’t that human nature? We’re roused to do something, and then we immediately forget the one reason that we are capable of doing anything at all?
Christine Caine Founder, The A21 Campaign
When I initially discovered the magnitude of the problem of human trafficking across the earth, I—like most other people—was so overwhelmed that I began to compile a list for God of all of the reasons a forty-year-old mother of two could not possibly do anything that would significantly change the statistics. How often we pray for God to use us for his purpose—and then when he interrupts our lives to answer our prayer, we list all our inadequacies. I protested, How can I alone reach twenty-seven million people? But all along, God was simply asking, Will you cross the street with the heart of a “Good Samaritan” and reach out to one?
CONNECT Child sex trafficking is a shocking and gritty reality most of us would rather not think about. However, ignoring it or hoping someone else will deal with it will not make it go away. In fact, our inaction and ignorance can only contribute to the problem, which is why this movie is so powerful. While Trade of Innocents may have triggered difficult memories for some of you, watching it may have been eye-opening for others who’ve never come face to face with pedophilia and child abuse, let alone slavery. The movie’s rich plot uncovers the complexities of the trafficking epidemic and the actors’ portrayals force us to put unforgettable faces to what might otherwise be unimaginable situations. In short, it’s harder to compartmentalize the nightmare of child slavery after viewing the film—harder to tuck it away in our minds, filed under “things we can’t change.” And it may be harder to tuck away our own encounters with child abuse. But the reality is that if we don’t care enough to fight back against this evil, we might as well be condoning it. OBSERVE You’ve seen the movie, now let’s talk about it. The movie contained several subplots depicting various aspects of child abuse and trafficking, including intimidation, kidnapping, using children to pay debts, and even murder. Which scenes or storylines moved you? What will you remember most about the story? While the storyline of Trade of Innocents is fictionalized, many of the situations depicted are based on reality—such as the common practices of sex trade criminals and the social climate that tolerates such crimes at the expense of children. The following clips and questions will help you find the truth behind several of the movie’s memorable scenes. WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter1 Discuss: What aspect of this exchange could be based on real transactions between traffickers and clients? How could this complicate matters for rescuers?
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Desmond Tutu
WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter1 Discuss: What real-life pedophile behavior is illustrated in the scene and how does it make you feel? WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter1 Discuss: Which frustrating but factual element of child slavery is revealed in the scene and what emotions does it stir up in you?
The numbers and statistics behind child sex trafficking have increased beyond crisis level, but unfortunately the sins themselves are not new. The prophet Amos was a contemporary of Jonah and Hosea, preaching to Judah and Israel in the mid-eighth century before Christ. The book of Amos begins with a long list of sins belonging to various people groups at the time, including Israel. Read Amos 2:6-7. 1. How would you describe the first of Israel’s four sins, as depicted in verses 6 and 7? 2. Theologian J. Hampton Keathley describes this as the sin of oppressing the poor and innocent. In what ways do these verses also describe the evils of human trafficking, especially for sexual exploitation of children?
We are frequently commanded in Scripture to care for the helpless. In fact, James the brother of Jesus, defines Christianity, in part, by our response to those in need. Read James 1:27. 3. In this verse, religion is boiled down to caring for the helpless (justice) and keeping oneself from sin (purity). In your experience, which of these two aspects of religion do Christians emphasize the most? Justice or purity? 4. How could the fight against child sex trafficking—supported by the first part of verse 27—put some believers in conflict with the last part of verse 27?
James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
Take some time to silently process what you have discussed so far. As you listen for the Holy Spirit’s promptings, sort through one or all of the following questions: How might a believer like me stay pure while battling something so evil? When it comes to being a hero for justice—specifically in the matter of child slavery—how has my personal history prepared me? How could my personal history present a challenge for me? What is my responsibility toward children in danger?
ENGAGE Now that you have been exposed to the issue of child sex trade, how will you take action and keep yourselves from becoming indifferent? Discuss the potential in these options: Find an organization that is fighting child slavery. (Start your search with justice-generation.com.) What are some ways your group can support this organization over the next six months? Examine your state’s laws against pedophiles and child pornography, as well as its solutions for young runaways. Can more be done to protect the children in your own city? Recruit others in your community or church to join your efforts. How will you spread awareness?
In the US,1 in 3 runaways will encounter a trafficker within the first 48 hours on the streets.
CONTINUE For more on becoming a hero for justice, we recommend: Books Be the Change: Your Guide to Freeing Slaves and Changing the World by Zach Hunter (Zondervan, 2007) Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just by Timothy Keller (Dutton, 2010) Movie Amazing Grace: The Movie (Bristol Bay, 2007) Websites Justice-Generation.com Love146.org/blog
It would be nice if the problem of child sex trafficking could be solved by putting every trafficker alive behind bars. While that might solve the problem for a time, other traffickers would eventually spring up to take their places. Why? Because the traffickers themselves are just one part of the problem. The child sex trade exists, sadly, because there is a demand for it. As long as there are pedophiles, as long as there are child pornographers, as long as there are desperate and starving communities who view their young daughters as property it will continue. Though we may never fully eradicate these problems in the world, we can greatly reduce the number of victims the evil cycle claims when we address all of the issues that contribute to it. Addressing them, of course, requires that we understand beyond our own experiences and dream of solutions with a “holy imagination.” OBSERVE WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter2 In this key scene, Alex (Dermott Mulroney) and Chief Pakkadey (Sahajak Boonthanakit) discuss the complexity of the child sex trade in the Khmer culture. (Khmer is both the main language and primary ethnicity of Cambodians.)
CHAPTER II - the multifaced nature of sexual slavery
Discuss: What problems—societal and criminal—do Alex and Chief Pakkadey discuss? If we broke these problems into four categories—poverty, family, society and culture—how would you describe the complex issues of each? Describe with Third World issues as well as First World issues—both contribute to child sex trafficking.
“In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.” – Albert Einstein
Issue Third World Problem First World Problem Poverty Family Society Culture In the clip, Chief Pakkadey brings up his culture’s emphasis on children taking care of their parents. Could this norm ever have a positive impact on a family? Describe what that would look like. Chief Pakkadey says, “You Americans love to fight a war you cannot win.” How should our odds of succeeding influence our decision to fight for justice?
UNDERSTAND The Prophet Isaiah provides a remarkable study in justice and holy imagination. He was a contemporary of Micah, Amos and Hosea, beginning his leadership the year King Uzziah died. He bore the unfortunate task of preaching hope to a declining nation, as Assyria expanded and Israel faltered. Before we examine that hope, let’s look at how the people were failing to live up to God’s standards of justice. Read Isaiah 1:21-26. What were some of Israel’s sins against God, as described in this passage? How do these sins align with the injustices you saw in Trade of Innocents? While we can see that Israel’s injustice angered God, let’s back up for a moment and see how good they were at doing church. Read Isaiah 1:10-17. How well do you identify with the people of Israel right now? The good news is that forgiveness is promised in Isaiah 1:18-19. Read it together. And now for more hope: Read the prophet’s description of an Israel without injustice in Isaiah 65:17-25.
CHAPTER II - the multifaced nature of sexual slavery
Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.”
Author and speaker Tony Campolo says, “Instead of legitimizing the social and political arrangements that leave so many people despairing and powerless to change things, a prophet like Isaiah gets these people to imagine another kind of world.” (From The God of Intimacy and Action, Jossey Bass 2008.) MEDITATION Take some time to silently process what you have discussed so far. As you listen for the Holy Spirit’s promptings, sort through one or all of the following questions: How have I been better at doing church than fighting injustice? When it comes to the child sex trade, do I really believe it’s worth fighting for justice, regardless of the outcome? Use your holy imagination. Imagine a world where children are not abused in this way. When was the last time you asked God to cleanse your unrighteousness and make your soul whiter than snow? (Isaiah 1:18) Do that now.
ENGAGE Now that you’ve sorted through these issues, take some time to brainstorm practical ways to fight problems that contribute to the child sex trade. Issue Third World Problem Poverty Family Society Culture
Child trafficking is a twelve billion dollar industry. In general, human trafficking— of children and adults—is the second most lucrative crime in the world.
First World Problem
CONTINUE For more on becoming a hero for justice, we recommend: Books Justice for the Poor: Love God. Serve People. Change the World by Jim Wallis and Soujorners (Zondervan, 2010) The God of Intimacy and Action: Reconnecting Ancient Spiritual Practices, Evangelism and Justice by Tony Campolo and Mary Albert Darling (JosseyBass, 2008) Movie Ghandi (Columbia Pictures, 1983) Websites Justice-Generation.com Blog.Compassion.com (Compassion International)
- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
CONNECT Humanity has had a long-standing preoccupation with what philosophers and theologians call “the problem of evil.” Over time, the problem of evil has morphed as we encounter increasing evidence of it. More recently, living in a post-holocaust world, the problem of evil has grown into something new, according to theologian N.T. Wright. Our current problem is that we ignore evil when it is not in front of us—so much so that we are surprised when we come face-to-face with evil—and once we have faced it we react in what Wright calls immature, dangerous ways. In short, we do not deny the existence of evil, but we do prefer our ignorance, which makes us ill-equipped to face any evil we encounter, let alone the child sex trafficking industry. We click past the online story, we turn the channel—the ways we ignore this evil are obvious. The ways we come face-to-face vary: a child we love is abused, a person we love is exposed as a pedophile. The ways we respond—immature and dangerous—are more complex and come from deep within our hearts: “A loving God would not allow it,” we might say. Or maybe, “We are nothing like them.”
“The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.”
The bottom line is that we have to work through our problem with evil if we can ever hope to overcome it. OBSERVE The Khmer people have a real-life saying, featured in the film, that came into the culture during the cruel Communist regime of Pol Pot. Pay attention to the way this saying has impacted the personal response of many in their culture to evil—namely the fictional character of the police chief in the film. WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter3 Discuss: 1. What is the saying of the Khmer people? 2. Chief Pakkadey (Sahajak Boonthanakit) explains the meaning of the saying like this: “To survive, it is best you remain silent.” How might we be “surviving” the evil of child trafficking by remaining silent? 3. How does Alex (Dermot Mulroney) challenge the wisdom of the Khmer saying? 4. How might “surviving” the evil of child trafficking by remaining silent eventually consume our culture as well? 5. Describe the alternative to silence. Is it possible to end our silence and still not work through our problem with evil?
UNDERSTAND If you are working through this discussion guide, it’s safe to assume you are no longer ignoring the evil of child slavery. However, your response to that evil may still be, as N.T. Wright suggests, “immature and dangerous.” Read through Psalm 37:1-9, believed to be a song of Israel’s King David. What wise responses to evil do you notice? Read the next portion of the chapter, Psalm 37:10-15. Is the reckoning described in the verses an ongoing or future event? Skip ahead to read Psalm 37:28-29.
“A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.” Psalm 37:10-1
What is the future promise of these verses, in your own words? The New Testament is not silent on our response to evil either. Read Romans 12:9-21. List as many appropriate responses to evil as you can, taking them straight from this passage of Scripture. Which of the appropriate responses do you find most difficult to live out? MEDITATION Take some time to contemplate and pray over the following questions. Don’t forget to listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting. How does my response to evil fall short of God’s expectations for His followers? Am I able to accept that I am also capable of evil, and must guard my heart and mind? When it comes to evil, am I trapped in the temporary perspective or am I able to take comfort in a future reckoning? Have I ever contemplated loving anyone capable of evils like pedophilia and child slavery? What kind of love does that require?
Our response to evil is frequently tied to our worldview. Briefly state how these common worldviews handle the problem of evil: Narcissistic Worldview: Nihilistic Worldview: Fascist Worldview: Atheist Worldview: Hindu/Buddhist/New Age Worldview: Use the space below to describe your worldview with either words or a simple
diagram. Share your descriptions with the group. CONTINUE For more on becoming a hero for justice, we recommend: Books Evil and the Justice of God by N.T. Wright (InterVarsity, 2006) If God Is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil by Randy Alcorn (Multnomah, 2009)
In 2006, the United Nations released a report on global child abuse, stating that in 2002, at least 53,000 children were murdered. That same year, 150 million girls and 78 million boys were victims of rape or other forms of sexual violence.
Movie Science of Evil (National Geographic, 2008) Website Justice-Generation.com IJM.org/news (International Justice Mission)
And where do the heroes fit? Does a hero save the day by bringing strength to the table? Some would argue yes, but the answer is sometimes more complicated than that. OBSERVE
CONNECT The issue of child sex trafficking is riddled with the contrast between weakness and strength. While there is almost nothing so weak as a tender and innocent child, there is a strength we cannot deny in any child who is able to live through the nightmare of slavery and prostitution. At the same time, we see the ugly power of the traffickers and pedophiles, bullies of the worst kind, and contrast their strength of might to their clear weakness of character, weakness of morality. The never-ending list of weakness vs. strength goes on.
WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter3 In this scene Duke (Trieu Tran) tries to extract important information from Lie’U and her friends. Discuss: In what ways is Duke strong? In what ways is he weak? What do you think of Lie’U’s friend who gives up the secret? Why might a girl who knows exactly how horrible prostitution is still give up a young child to be forced into the trade? WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter4 In this powerful clip, Be (Xanny Disjad) tells Claire (Mira Sorvino) the story of how she and her sister were sold into prostitution. In what ways has Be been weak? In what ways has she been strong? Be says: “A lotus flower in a muddy riverbed rises to the surface and is touched by sunlight, where it blossoms. We are lotus flowers, and we have reached to the sunlight.”
“Gentleness is the antidote for cruelty.” – Phaedrus
What are some of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aftereffects of such betrayal and abuse? Who do you think are the real heroes of child sex trafficking and why?
UNDERSTAND David sang this psalm when he was delivered from danger. Remember as you read the selected verses that David was a warrior—a war hero, to be exact— who could easily have boasted in his own strength. Read Psalm 18:1-7;16-19. Where did this hero’s strength come from? According to verse 17, how capable was he of handling the situation himself? Drawing strength from the Lord is vital in a hero’s fight for justice, because relying on our own strength just exposes our weakness. In the heat of confrontation, left to our own devices, we are likely to grab onto anger, pride and a longing for revenge. It’s a stark contrast to God’s perfect strength, which is just and pure and merciful. There isn’t any room for the heroes of justice to be sucked away from the Lord and into their own darkness.
Colossians 3:12-14 “… Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another … Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love.”
How might a hero for justice mistakenly rely on his anger, rage and malice to keep him going instead of drawing on the Lord’s strength? How might the Lord’s strength lead to a different fight and a different outcome? Superheroes are famous for their costumes and the slick gadgets that often pop from under gloves and capes at just the moment they’re needed. (Think of Spiderman’s web shooter or Batman’s shurikens.) Read Colossians 3:5-14. What are God’s heroes supposed to be wearing? MEDITATION Take some time to quietly consider all you’ve talked about today. Be sure to listen for the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Have you ever relied on anger for your strength instead of God? What was the result? Are you clothing yourself with compassion, gentleness and forgiveness? How is it possible to be gentle and still bring justice to the child trafficking situation in the world? If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, it’s okay to be angry at the sin, but have you considered forgiving the offender? Where could you get such courage?
As you continue your discussion of strength and heroism, focus back on the love Christ requires. Work as a group and not as individuals. Split a large paper or white board with a vertical line. Write “Love Is” at the top, to the left of the line and “Love Is Not” to the right. Describe in as much detail as you can what it looks like (or doesn’t look like) to love a trafficker, then a pedophile, and lastly a person who has been delivered from child slavery. After your list is complete discuss what is hard and easy about loving each.
For more on becoming a hero for justice, we recommend: Books Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness by Stanley Hauerwas (InterVarsity, 2008) Choose Love Not Power: How to Right the World’s Wrongs from a Place of Weakness by Tony Campolo (Regal, 2009) Movie Hotel Rwanda (Lion’s Gate, 2004) Websites Justice-Generation.com JusticeUnbound.org
Those abused as children are at increased odds for drug abuse, addiction, crime, psychological disorders and a repeated cycle of child abuse as adults.
CONNECT Few issues have the capacity to shake the faith of Christ-followers the way that suffering does. While an atheist may be troubled to conclude in the face of suffering that no loving God could exist and allow it, a Christian faces an entirely different kind of let down. What could be more devastating than to know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that an omnipotent God exists and yet He has chosen not to intervene in your hour of suffering? What does it say about God? What does it say about His love for us? Many Christians are quick to throw theological flash cards of wisdom at suffering, reciting phrases like “free will” and “fallen world” as if they wipe away the pain. Today, let us not be quick with answers, but be quick instead with a reverence for both the sovereignty of God and the unfathomable depths of human pain. WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter5 In this scene, we come to understand the heartache that Claire (Mira Sorvino) and her husband have been carrying.
“God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.” – St. Augustine”
Discuss: While examples of suffering abound in Trade of Innocents, the story of Claire and Abigail presents a unique opportunity to see how a single tragic event causes two very different kinds of suffering. How was Abigail’s suffering different from her mother Claire’s? How is this tragedy connected to child sex trafficking? What do you think Claire’s conversations with God are like? How did this family’s suffering prepare them for the work in Cambodia?
– Job, to the Lord God
(Job 10:3a)
UNDERSTAND The causes of suffering are many: illness, natural disasters, accidents, death, poverty, sin, etc. But the most memorable biblical tale of suffering puts a whole new spin on the cause of suffering. Read Job 1:1-22. 1. Have you ever heard a Christian blame a person’s suffering on unconfessed sin or a lack of faith in God? Why is that assumption dangerous and how does Job’s story defy such theories? 2. Summarize the various kinds of suffering God allowed Job to experience in chapter one. Job went on to suffer more. He suffered physical pain, marital strife, and even disappointment when his friends failed to comfort him. Move ahead in the story to Job 10:1-3. 3. How has Job’s response to his suffering evolved from Job 1:21? Move forward again in the story to hear what God has to say to Job. Read Job 38:1-7. 4. God continues in the same line of questioning for over three more chapters. What is the point God is trying to make to Job? 5. How likely are we to understand in this lifetime why God allows some to suffer much—like the suffering of a small child in sexual bondage—when so many others are spared that kind of pain?
“Does it please you to oppress me?”
For some, suffering ends in death. For others, there is life on earth after suffering. For Job, suffering ended in restoration and healing. Now read Romans 5:1-5. 6. What can a person with faith in Christ gain after intense suffering? MEDITATION Take some time to consider the following questions. Be sure to listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Have I ever questioned God’s goodness in the face of suffering? Am I prepared, spiritually, for the suffering I have yet to see—in my life and the lives of others? Am I confident in the hope that Christ offers victims of child sex trafficking? Have I ever considered that I might be the hands and feet of God, the instrument He uses to deliver others from suffering?
– Frederick Buechner
ENGAGE Consider the following: “Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, ‘The coming of the Kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, “Here it is,” or “There it is,” because the Kingdom of God is in your midst.’ ” – Luke 17:20-21 Some have summarized the Kingdom of God by saying it is simply the promise of heaven, taking root here on earth. Discuss your understanding of the Kingdom of God. How can you bring the promise of heaven to those trapped in child trafficking? As a group, determine what actions you will take to address the problem on a personal level, as a community, as a citizen of your country, and as a global citizen. Me: Local Community: Country: Global Community: CONTINUE
“If we only had eyes to see and ears to hear and wits to understand, we would know that the Kingdom of God in the sense of holiness, goodness, beauty is as close as breathing and is crying out to born both within ourselves and within the world.”
For more on becoming a hero for justice, we recommend: Books Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey (Zondervan, 1977) How Could God Allow Suffering and Evil? by Garry Poole (Zondervan, 2003) Movie The Human Experience (Grass Roots Films, 2008) Websites Justice-Generation.com Apologetics315.com
Danielle Mitchell first became an advocate for victims of human trafficking while working as a photographer on the set of a documentary film in Southeast Asia. The movie exposed the sex tourism of Thailand and Cambodia, and Mitchell was forever changed. She is currently a hands-on hero for justice in North Carolina, where she is part of a human trafficking rapid response team and is the anti-human trafficking program manager for the faith-based organization World Relief, which empowers local churches to combat modern slavery. Former associate pastor Nita Belles, who holds a master’s in theology, was confounded by what she learned about modern-day slavery in 2006. Her research and passion turned into activism and she is now the Central Oregon regional director of OATH (Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans). She works with victims and educates others, especially churches, about the complexity and depth of the problem. In 2011, she wrote In Our Backyard: A Christian Perspective on Human Trafficking in the United States (Xulon), containing true stories of survivors. Philosopher and politician Edmund Burke of the eighteenth century said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” And what does eradicating evil require? That good people act. That they refuse to sit idle. OBSERVE WATCH THE VIDEO: www.TradeOfInnocentsResources.com/chapter6 In these scenes, Claire (Mira Sorvino) and Alex (Dermot Mulroney) discuss Alex’s role in the fight against child slavery.
“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little—do what you can.” – Sydney Smith
Discuss: Why would it be inappropriate and dangerous for Claire to confront Duke, the trafficker? When Alex brushes off Claire’s concerns, he says, “I’ve been training for this my whole life.” What have you been training for your whole life? What are you good at? If there were no limitations, no financial obligations, what role would you want in the abolition movement? Why do you think the role would suit you? Later, Alex and Claire discuss Alex’s frustrations. When Claire asks why they are in Cambodia, he says, “We’re here because somebody has to do it.” To many, he is fulfilling the role of hero, yet he feels like a failure. For those deeply involved in abolition, do you think the work involves as much loss and frustration as it does triumph and reward? Why or why not? What would you say to someone like Alex in that dark moment of frustration and loss?
Around the twelfth century before Christ, a man named Gideon was quietly holding his ground while Israel endured hardship at the hands of the Midianites and Amalekites. Then one day the Lord showed up with an awesome challenge for this future judge of Israel. Read Judges 6:1-16. What was Gideon’s response to God’s challenge? Gideon went on to do exactly as God asked, and each step of the way God provided what Gideon needed. God did all that He promised to do. If the nudges you feel from God while watching Trade of Innocents and discussing human trafficking were as clear as the Angel of the Lord speaking out loud, what would He be asking of you? Several hundred years after Gideon’s conversation with the Angel of the Lord, the Prophet Micah served the people of Israel. Read Micah 6:8. What does the Lord require of His people according to this verse? MEDITATION Take some time to consider the following questions and listen for the Lord. How does God speak to me? Have I pursued ministry according to the burdens He’s placed on my heart or have I tried to ignore the burdens instead? Is my faith an idle faith with great excuses like Gideon? “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?
Or is my faith a dynamic and active faith that causes me to move?
If I’m not moving, what’s holding me back?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8
The movie Trade of Innocents was produced by Bill and Laurie Bolthouse of Colorado. Bill’s family owns Bolthouse Farms, but he isn’t part of the family business. He’s a physician, who frequently takes medical missions trips abroad with Laurie and their three daughters. In 2007, a trip to Cambodia changed their lives. While Bill worked in a hospital, Laurie and the girls volunteered with recently rescued Vietnamese victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution. God placed a burden on their hearts during that trip to tell the tragic story of human trafficking on the big screen—educating and inspiring hearts to action. When the opportunity arose two years later, the Bolthouses were ready.
What would it take for you to be ready to answer God’s call? Make a quick list of the first three obstacles that come to mind. 1. 2. 3. Break into groups of two or three, and share your list of obstacles. Talk through your fears and concerns and take time to pray over them as a smaller group. Finally, come back together as a whole and take time to plan a follow-up activity—a meal, a book club, a movie night, etc.—where you can further explore the human trafficking epidemic and discuss God’s call again. CONTINUE “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank
For more on becoming a hero for justice, we recommend: Books Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery by Eric Metaxas (HarperOne, 2007) The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life by Os Guinness (Thomas Nelson, 1998) Talking Back to God: Speaking Your Heart to God Through the Psalms by Lynn Anderson (Leafwood, 2010) Websites Justice-Generation.com HumanTrafficking.org PolarisProject.org
ABOUT THE FILM: Trade of Innocents is a Hollywood action/drama, set against the very real backdrop of the crime of human trafficking and those working to fight it. You can make a difference in the fight to eradicate modern slavery, learn about our partners and respond to the call to action today. You can make a difference in the fight to eradicate slavery by joining with us and them by lending your voice, supporting their programs and educating others about their work. Directed By: Christopher Bessette Produced By: Bill and Laurie Bolthouse, Jim Schmidt Starring: Dermot Mulroney (My Best Friend’s Wedding, J. Edgar, Big Miracle, The Grey), Mira Sorvino (Academy Award Winner (Mighty Aphrodite); 3 Time Golden Globe Nominee; EMMY Nominee), John Billingsley, Trieu Tran www.TradeofInnocentsTheMovie.com www.Justice-Generation.com www.TradeofInnocentsResources.com “This outstanding thriller with a very important message for the world, is the best i’ve seen in 2012!” - Amy r. Handler, film threat “ Very rarely do you find a film, a thriller no less, with such heart beating at its core. In christopher bessette’s unflinching look at modern day slavery, mira sorvino and dermot mulroney transport us to this dark world, but with a glimmer of hope. Trade of innocents will break your heart “ - Nicki richesin, the huffington post “Trade of innocents does an incredible job of being a powerful, tense drama. This is an important movie and not only worth seeing but also entertaining.” - Movie guide
Trade of Innocents is a Hollywood action/ drama, set against the very real backdrop of the crime of human trafficking and those working to fight it. You can make a difference in the fight to eradicate modern slavery, learn about our partners and respond to the call to action today. You can make a difference in the fight to eradicate slavery by joining with us and them by lending your voice, supporting their programs and educating others about their work. www.Justice-Generation.com