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ARIES Honeysuckle

The month of March lights up for you as Aries season kicks off on the 20th and a fiery new moon in Aries on the 21st begins the astrological new year. This month is a great time for you to focus on YOU. Be mindful of what you say after the 18th when Mercury, the planet of communication enters your sign. Don’t say anything that you might regret later; think before you speak.


This month will require some alone time and introspection from you Taurus. It’s a good month for tapping into your spirituality and solitude to reflect on some of your subconscious beliefs or self sabotaging habits. By the middle of the month, Venus, your ruling planet, will be in your sign bringing with it more of a focus on what you truly value in your life.

Gemini Cancer

March will be a very social time for you, bringing new opportunities for friends and to be in the public eye. Your confidence will be back and things will fi nally start to feel like they’re moving again for you because Mars, the planet of motivation and drive, that has been in your sign since August, will fi nally leave it’s post-retrograde shadow period and eventually move out of your sign into Cancer by the end of the month. You’ll likely feel a wave of energy and feel motivated to take action and follow through on your creative endeavors.

The month of March will bring an opportunity for new beginnings and growth to the efforts and hard work that you’ve been putting in as well as your inspirations for learning new things and traveling. When Saturn moves into your sector of beliefs, spirituality and traveling, it’s a supportive time for planning a trip and making it real. March will have you embarking on a spiritual quest and doing some soul searching and learning about yourself through the world around you and your lived experiences. Be mindful of your relationship to anger when Mars moves into your sign at the end of the month. Rather than lashing out, be assertive.

Leo Virgo

Leo, this month is all about expanding the mind and educating yourself. Maybe you’re thinking about going back to school or studying a new culture, religion or travel. When Saturn enters Pisces and Pluto enters Aquarius, your intimate relationships will be highlighted, bringing opportunities to set boundaries, take responsibility and fi nd huge transformations with the way you interact with intimate relationships.

This month focuses on your intimate relationships and your fi nancial debts. When Saturn enters Pisces on March 8th, you’ll begin to think about the structure of your intimate relationships or possibly your debts and shared resources. You’ll start to be faced with opportunities to be disciplined in these areas of your life. By the end of the month, beware of disagreements with friends as Mars will enter that area of your life. Opportunities to make things happen will transform you.


March will bring a lot of energy to your one on one or business partnerships. You’ll likely feel new energy and have opportunities to initiate within your relationships or partnerships. It will be a month of learning how to balance your needs with the needs of the other. When Saturn enters Pisces on March 8th, you’ll want to get serious and more responsible about your daily routine and your health habits. Try switching things up so you are more intentional and disciplined about the habits you do every day and how they benefit your overall health.



The month of March will have a focus on your routines and your health. When the new moon in Aries occurs on March 21st, it’ll be a perfect time for manifesting new beginnings with your habits and routine. Think about your health in a new way and be ready to incorporate those new habits by the middle of the month. March will also be a very creative time for you and may bring you some opportunities to bring your creative ideas to the material realm.



March is going to be fun for you, Sag. It’s time to tap into that inner child and just play, create and have fun! Venus will be entering Taurus by the middle of the month, possibly bringing with it some unexpected lighthearted social interactions and the ability to see the beauty of your day to day routines. Aries season along with the new moon in Aries will bring opportunities for manifesting new beginnings and new energy when it comes to how you have fun. You may have new creative ideas that you feel ready to explore or the desire for wanting children or being around children may be strong. While you’re having fun, don’t forget important responsibilities.


This month could bring a more serious and responsible attitude about the way you make and earn money. It’s time to get disciplined about the work you’ll need to do in order to earn the income you desire. Spend the month of March beginning to formulate that plan. You may also experience new beginnings within your neighborhood or community. Perhaps these are the people that will help you earn your income in some way. By the end of the month, Pluto, the planet of intense transformation, will be entering your sign for the next 20 years, bringing with it a huge change in the way you view your identity. to start to shed the old you so that you can step into your true authenticity.

Capricorn, March might be an interesting time at home or with family. New beginnings and bold changes might be occurring in this sector of your life like a new home, new additions to the home or a new emotional mindset when it comes to your family dynamics. Be mindful of tension or arguments within your relationships as Mars enters your relationship sector at the end of the month.


Water lily

This month could bring a more serious and responsible attitude about the way you earn money. It’s time to get disciplined about the work you’ll need to do in order to earn the income you desire. Spend the month of March beginning to formulate that plan. You may also experience new beginnings within your neighborhood or community. Perhaps these are the people that will help you earn your income in some way. By the end of the month, Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth will be entering your sign for the next 20 years and bring with it a huge change in the way you view yourself and your identity. It’s time to start to shed the old you so that you can step into your true authenticity.

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