Inauguration announcement - process book by manny quintero

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CHAPTER 1 SINGLE SIDED CARD----------------------------------- 3 SINGLE SIDED THUMBNAILS ------------------------ 4 DESIGN VARIATIONS----------------------------------- 5

CHAPTER 2 TRIFOLD CARDS----------------------------------------- 6 TRIFOLD THUMBNAILS-------------------------------- 7 TRIFOLD VARIATIONS-------------------------------- 10 FINAL DESIGN------------------------------------------ 13

CHAPTER 3 FREE STYLE APPROACH----------------------------- 14 FREE STYLE PROJECT THUMBS------------------- 15 FREE STYLE DESIGN WITH VARIATIONS------- 16 FREE STYLE FINAL------------------------------------- 17 FINAL THOUGHTS------------------------------------- 18





SINGLE SIDED (S.S.) THUMBNAILS Deciding layout options

Project 1 | Single sided Invitation





1-I like how this design would show alignment in typography 2-This would be a good way to include a picture 3- Here I could use big type to catch attention 4- this idea seems very practical. Easy to design and organize information around 5- I wonder if using a big number would actually catch more attention than showing a photo?

This first project is meant to help us students to feel comfortable with the creation of simple InDesign layouts. What we learn in these early steps will help us to feel more comfortable with not just the software we use, but also the typography rules that we will be learning about through the semester. Considering who would be receiving these in the mail guided my design decisions and overall mood of the announcement. I wanted the design of my single page announcement to feel reverent, but also a little bit playful as well. If I was designing for president Gilbert I would want people to know that he means business coming here, and also that he is very caring and easy to approach in the way he conducts himself.

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DESIGN VARIATIONS I understand that getting a good grade while in school is the goal, however, I decided that in order to make the most out of my learning experience I am going to take risks or I will never test my own boundaries. My concepts might not be amazing, or the most revolutionary in design, but hey I am

pushing my own limits here and I am feeling really good about what I am learning so far. I am actually having fun. Finding balance and simplicity My favorite thing about these digital variations is that if they were made for a real client they would have enough

With the school seal and president gilbert’s name as focal points this announcement is traditional, elegant and really easy to read.

variation in style and form to provide options and different directions for a final. Each design would present a very unique approach to the final product. My goal here was to have a clear element to show that this is a BYU-I event

This was my playful version of the announcement. I grouped everything in blocks and kept the main name as a point of interest.

My intention in each design was to have the school name and the name of President Gilbert stand out. I wanted a person holding the announcement to be able to put the two names together and already guess what the content of the announcement was going to be about.

Here I chose to keep it all more traditional. Everything is in a the same font family and kept the logo very small. A very safe design. ART 437R | 5



Project 1 | Trifold Invitation Thumbnails

TRIFOLD THUMBNAILS Planning for multiple pages

Trifolds are different than normal documents, mainly because you are dealing with not only one page, but it’s interaction with the rest of the pages around it. I want to create a mailing piece that will catch attention, clearly communicate and appropriately represent the institution. In my thumbnails I am trying to find the order in which the information will be provided. I am considering experience of opening an envelope, glancing at the first page and then opening each page. I am also trying to figure out what information would be appropriate to present here. As I have complete freedom in what I will present to the viewer I am going to be very careful to not just find information to fill up space, but actually inform and educate.

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PROJECT 1 | Trifold | 3 Digital Variations

TRIFOLD VARIATIONS Trying to be original After careful planning I have decided exactly what will be included in the document. Now I am just paying attention to color, font choices, spacing, balance, negative space, etc. I The two biggest variations here are to go with monochrome or color images. Each brings a very different tone and mood to the piece. I am a firm believer that a great photo is worth a thousand words. I know that this announcement is not going to be that great without a good image of president Gilbert. Unfortunately what was available on-line was not larger than 400 pixels. I took that image to Photoshop, worked my magic there and turned it into what you see now. I created two variations, one in color and one in black and white. Now I just have to decide what works best.

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Project 2 | Trifold Invitation Final Design

FINAL DESIGN Simple, elegant and informative

From the moment you get this piece in your hand you feel that you have something a little different in front of you. My favorite thing about the final design is that it is very simple and concise about the information that it provides. It invites you to read it, but doesn’t tell you everything. It just wants you to come to the inauguration and learn it all right there and there. I paid particular attention to how things line up from one page to the next. Every time you unfold the paper you discover something new. Now that the design is done I have to make sure that all the colors and font sizes work effectively on print. That’s what this is all about at end. I

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Project 2 | Free style announcement


FREE STYLE PROJECT THUMBS Considering all possibilities The hardest thing about a free style project is that you have so many directions to go with. In this initial stages I had absolutely no idea about what I wanted to do, how simple I wanted to keep it or what it was going to look like. All I did here was look up lots of examples and then thumbnail different ideas as they came into my head. Sometimes all you have to start doing is take a leap of faith That is exactly what I did in this case. I just drew ideas that I liked, picked one that perhaps would look cool and still be functional and then I just grabbed that concept and ran with it.

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FREE STYLE DESIGN WITH VARIATIONS Finding form, check! Once you find the actual form for your project everything goes down hill from there. After a lot of research I was inspired to come up with something I did not see anywhere else. I designed a self containing piece that would house individual cards containing important information. My announcement would have no need for envelope, as the front flap would only have to be glued in order to place the invitation in the mail. The trickiest part for me was not just creating a design, it was forcing myself to believe that it did not look awful. My worst enemy can sometimes be my own self. Ignoring my fears and doubts became a great lesson with this project. Right now I am happy with what I made and I am ready to face the music if what I created is not good. Nonetheless, I think this free style design just proved to myself that I am not that inadequate or unaware of what I can create. I now look forward to my next challenge.

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FREE STYLE FINAL A result from all my hard work. My favorite thing about my free style announcement is how functional this piece could actually be, if we had to mail them out for real. Each announcement is made out of one 12x18in paper sheet, and minimal cutting, or gluing, would be required. The design could actually be made for about $4 per announcement. When I get a beautiful piece of mail I sometimes keep it around for a while, only because I feel so badly about trashing great work. My goal with this piece, in my opinion has been met. I created a simple and elegant announcement that present a viewer with an experience, not just a piece of mail in their hands. When you open my announcement you find a quote, an invitation to read what has been given to you and a subtle invitation to be part of something unique. If I had to change something about my project it would perhaps be adding fancy elements, such as gold leaf, embossing, or other cool design ornaments.

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PROJECT 2 | Trifold Invitation Thumbnails

FINAL THOUGHTS Starting from scratch In preparation for this project I researched samples, advice and ideas that may have helped me through the semester. I wanted to have a good foundation in order to start building upon it. As I went back to the basics and researched new concepts I learned a few important things. Here’s some of what I learned and how it helped me with this project. Nothing is as easy as it seems Good typography provides information in a clear and beautiful way. Though it may seem like an easy task, typography has been around for centuries, it is not only based on all the principles of design, but it is also very intuitive, meaning that people and designers can feel emotion through type as they use it in their designs, and as they experience it as viewers. For that reason it is very important to understand the context of your design and the audience that it is intended for When you’re designing, it’s important to always think about the message you want people to receive, and what they do with it.

As I was creating my announcements I kept thinking about some important questions I asked myself early in the design process. Some of those questions were: What kind of event will this be? Who will attend it? Who would not want to attend? Can I persuade them? Will this be going out to different countries? ...And other similar questions. So, how can you make a design capture the viewer in the environment it will be placed in? The more you know and think about your design, the more successfully it will be received and understood by the audience. Never forgetting about the basics. Hierarchy, repetition, unity, contrast, alignment, and many of the basics were a huge help as I designed my announcement. I definitely loved being able to see how as I stayed close to the simple rules better ideas would come along. A couple of the rules that I paid the most attention to were scale and proportion. I wanted elements in the announcement to stand out over other areas of the design. Scale and proportion in typography as well as in the way paragraphs and other elements would relate to one another. In any project, the size relationship between objects can be very significant. We love variety in the world that

surrounds us. And we can better understand scale when we place objects that create contrast between one another because of their size. Planning for demographics. It is not the same to design for children as it is for adults. Kids, for example, might be attracted to shapes that resemble toys or characters they see in the television, while an older demographic group might consider shapes that look more elegant or minimalistic. Demographics are important when considering what our audiences like and dislike; teens will never have the same interests (mostly) as their parents, however, designers can consider how much influence parents have on their kids, that way parents approve what their children interact with. Though I kept things simple I had to be very aware of my audience for the announcement. I would be approaching a very educated adult audience here. My card needed to be perfectly tailored for them. The bottom line When we are passionate about something we tend to work harder at it. This project had all my attention and I am very pleased with the final result. All I can hope for is that others might agree with me as well.

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