Branch Chemical 03.305 MACHINE DRAWING (H)

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Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : ..........................................

Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009 Branch : Chemical 03.305 : MACHINE DRAWING (H) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) Use first angle projection method. 2) Missing dimensions may be suitably assumed and note down in the answer book. 3) Answer Part A and any two questions from Part B. PART – A 1. Details of a piston are given in Fig. 1. Draw full size, a half-sectional front view and a side view from the nut side, when all parts are assembled together.

Fig. 1

50 P.T.O.



PART – B 2. Sketch proportionately a ‘Socket and Spigot’ pipe joint suitable for a pipe of outside diameter 240 mm. Give at least two views.


3. Sketch a Castle nut and Simmonds lock nut of 25 mm diameter.


4. Sketch a knuckle joint for rods of 50 mm diameter.

25 (2×25=50 Marks)


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