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Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : ..........................................

Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, November 2009 (2008 Scheme) Branch : Civil 08.306 : ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer all questions. 2) Draw neat sketches wherever necessary. PART – A 1. Explain the following : a) Continental drift hypothesis b) Biological weathering c) Depositional landforms formed by rivers d) Rock cycle e) Classification of sedimentary rocks f) Engineering significance of joints g) Geological factors in the construction of bridges. (8×5=40 Marks)

h) Aquifers. PART – B MODULE – I

2. a) Give a brief account of marine erosion, coastal landforms and coastal protection measures. OR b) Explain earthquakes with special reference to magnitude, intensity and types of earthquakes. 20 P.T.O.


8208 MODULE – II

3. a) Discuss the different physical properties of minerals with suitable examples. OR b) Give a brief description of any five rock types present in Kerala.


MODULE – III 4. a) Give a brief account of the classification of faults and add a note on their significance in civil engineering projects. OR b) Explain the geological factors to be considered in the construction of tunnels and transportation routes. 20 ————————

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