(Pages : 2)
Reg. No. : ......................... Name : ..............................
Eighth Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination, June 2009 (2003 Scheme) RURAL ARCHITECTURE Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: 1) Answer all questions. 2) Illustrate using neat sketches. I. Write short notes on any five : a) Rural settlement b) Culture as a determinant of rural architecture c) Vernacular architecture d) Land use pattern e) Suitability of bamboo as a construction material f) Mud architecture g) Tradition and built form h) Wind break shelters.
(5Ă—5=25 Marks)
II. a) Define rural architecture. Compare and contrast it with traditional architecture citing examples. OR b) Enumerate the climatic variables that exist in a rural environment. Explain their role in determining the form of rural buildings in that environment.
III. a) What are the essential considerations that are to be taken into account while planning for village ? Discuss in detail. OR b) Explain the typical organizational structure of an Indian village with reference to a suitable village known to you. 15 P.T.O.
IV. a) Enumerate the design techniques used in the construction of vernacular architectural forms. OR b) Explain in general the structural and functional performance of any vernacular architecture known to you.
V. a) Explain the methods and techniques that can be used in resource mapping of villages. OR b) What is the role of traditional values and living habits in determining the housing form and layout citing a suitable example. 15 VI. a) What are the available tools and techniques to determine the suitability of vernacular technology in construction. ? OR b) Elaborate the activities of agencies involved in developing appropriate technology. ––––––––––––––