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Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : ........................................
Final Year B.A. Degree Examination, March 2009 Part – III (Group – III) : ECONOMICS Paper – VI : Optional (F) : Computer Applications in Economics (Old Scheme – Prior to 2005 Admn.) Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
I. Choose the correct answer. 1) Father of modern digital computers a) John Napier c) Blaise Pascal
b) Charles Babbage d) William Byron Gollfried
2) Among the following which is most modern a) ENIAC b) EAUAC c) EDSAC
3) Binary equivalent of (255)10 is a) 11111111 b) 10000001
d) 10101010
4) EXCEL is a) Hardware c) Application software
c) 10000000
b) a system software d) Programming language
5) The value of correlation coefficient is between a) 0 and 1 b) –1 and 0 c) –1 and +1
d) – ∞ to + ∞ (5×1=5 Marks)
II. State whether true or false : 6) TASM is an assembler. 7) Compiler is a hard ware unit. 8) Pentium was invented by Intel. 9) MS Access is a DBMS. 10) If one of the regression coefficients is greater than one the other is always less than one. (5×1=5 Marks) P.T.O.
III. Fill in the blanks : 11) RAM is a __________________ memory. a) Volatile
b) Non-Volatile
12) The files we save in a computer are stored at ______________ a) Secondary memory
b) Cache memory
13) Output is assembler is ______________ a) Machine language instructions b) English language type instructions 14) _________________ is a basic element of a communication system. a) Sender
b) Repeater 1 1 and 3 4
15) The regression coefficients of Y on X and X on Y are respectively respectively. The correlation coefficient is a) b)
1 1 × 3 4 1 1 × 3 4
(5×1=5 Marks)
IV. Define any four of the following : 16) Debugging 17) Batch processing 18) System BUS 19) Register 20) Flash Memory.
(4×1=4 Marks)