Chemical Engineering Branch 08.306 PARTICLE TECHNOLOGY (H)

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Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, November 2009 (2008 Scheme) Chemical Engineering Branch 08.306 : PARTICLE TECHNOLOGY (H) Time : 3 Hours Instructions :1) 2) 3) 4)

Max. Marks : 100 Answer all questions in Part A. Answer any one full question from each Module in Part B. Each question in Part A carries 4 marks. Graph sheets may be provided. PART – A

1. Define specific cake resistance and filter medium resistance. What are the units of these quantities in SI system ? 2. Compare open circuit and closed circuit grinding. 3. Explain the principle and working of an electrostatic precipitator. 4. List the various methods of sub-sieve analysis. Explain any one of them. 5. Define and explain angle of repose and friction. 6. What should be the diameter of a set of rolls to crush the feed size equivalent of 4 cm to 12.5 mm spheres, if the coefficient of friction is 0.29. P.T.O.




7. Define and explain critical and optimum speed of a ball mill. 8. Estimate the overall effectiveness in a system in which the mass fractions of undersize cut in the feed, underflow and overflow are 0.56, 0.29 and 0.88 respectively. 9. Explain the principles in the design of a cyclone separator. 10. With reasons, recommend appropriate equipments for the following : i) to crush limestone from a feed size of 1 m to a product size of 5 cm ii) to grind ore for froth floatation iii) to reduce the size of particles to 10 microns.

(10×4=40 Marks)

PART – B MODULE – I 11. a) The size analysis of a powdered material on weight basis is represented by a straight line from zero percentage weight at 1 micron particle size to 100 weight percentage at 101 micron particle size. Calculate the surface mean diameter of the particles constituting the system. b) 3 kW has to be supplied to a machine crushing a material at a rate of 0.3 kg/s from 12.5 mm cubes to a product having the following sizes : 80% - 3.175 mm 10% - 2.5 mm 10% - 2.25 mm What would be the power which would have to be supplied to the machine to crush at the same rate and same material from 7.5 mm cube to 2 mm cube. (10+10=20) 12. a) Starting from basic differential equation, derive the laws of size reduction and give their size range of application. b) Derive an equation for the critical speed of a ball mill.





MODULE – II 13. a) 1000 tons/day of a suspension is to be thickened from 186 g/litre to 1200 g/litre in a continuous thickener. Batch settling data on feed material gave the following data : Time (h)









Height of interface (cm)









Determine the minimum thickener area. b) Derive the equation for calculating the volume of filtrate collected at any time for constant pressure filtration. c) Explain the working of a rotary drum filter.


14. a) A plate and frame filter press employed for filtering a slurry gave a total of 8 m3 of filtrate in 1800 s and 11 m3 in 3600 s when filtration was stopped. Estimate the washing time in seconds if 3 m3 of wash water is used. b) Discuss the conditions under which the centrifuges are preferred as a solidliquid separating device. Give suitable examples. Also explain with a sketch the working of a tubular centrifuge. c) A concentrated suspension of spherical quartz particles in water settles under gravity. The particle diameter is 10 micron and the particle density is 2650 kg/m3. The initial voidage in the suspension is 0.8. i) Obtain the expression for the terminal settling velocity of a single particle assuming that Stoke’s law is valid. ii) Find the initial settling velocity of the particles in suspension using Maude and Whitmore formula taking n = 0.48.





MODULE – III 15. a) A cyclone separator 0.3 m in diameter and 1.2 m long has a circular inlet of 75 mm diameter and outlet of same size. If the gas enters at 1.5 m/s, at what particle size will the theoretical cut occurs ? Viscosity of air is 0.018×10–3 kg/m.s. Density of air and particle are respectively 1.13 and 2700 kg/m3. b) Explain the principle and working of a bag filter for gas cleaning.


16. a) Describe the various methods of conveying bulk solids and compare their merits and demerits. b) Explain the technique used in heavy media separation for mineral beneficiation. (12+8=20) _____________________

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