Paper – III Bryophyta, Pteriodophyta, Gymnosperms,Palaeobotany and Evolution

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Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : ..........................................

Final Year B.Sc. Degree Examination, March 2009 Part – III : Group – IV : BOTANY Paper – III : Bryophyta, Pteriodophyta, Gymnosperms, Palaeobotany and Evolution Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks :60

Instructions : 1) Answer may be written either in English or in Malayalam. 2) Draw diagrams only when specified.

I. Write short notes on any ten of the following : 1) Calyptra 2) Ligule 3) Synangium 4) Areolae 5) Velum 6) Trabeculae 7) Carinal canal 8) Rhizoids in Riccia 9) Indusium 10) Protonema 11) Generative cell 12) Pteris sori P.T.O.




13) Glossopodium 14) Petrefaction 15) Apospory.

(10 Ă— 1=10 Marks)

II. Give short account of any ten of the following : 16) Cycas male cone 17) Psilotum 18) Rhynia 19) Fossilization 20) Convergent Evolution 21) Mutation 22) Polyploidy 23) Manoxylic Wood 24) Elaters 25) Hybridization 26) Lepedocarpon 27) Lamark 28) Marsilea sporocarp 29) Female cone of Gnetum 30) Rhizophore.

(10 Ă— 2=20 Marks)




III.Answer any three of the following: 31) Explain the archegonia and anthredia of Marchantia. 32) Explain the prothallus of Pteris. 33) With the help of a diagram, explain the T.S. of Pinus stem. 34) What are the xerophytic characters exhibited morphologically and anatomically by Equisetum ? 35) With the help of a diagram describe the nature of female gametophyte of Cycas. (3 × 4=12 Marks)

IV. Answer any two of the following : 36) Explain Lepidocarpon with the help of a diagram. 37) Write notes on geological time scale. 38) Explain Neo-Darwinism. 39) What is genetic drift? Describe convergent evolution.

(2 × 4=8 Marks)

V. Answer any one of the following : 40) Draw the life cycles of a homosporous and heterosporous Pteridophyte. How do they differ, which is more evolved and why? 41) With the help of suitable diagram give a comparative account of the structure of sporophyte of Riccia and Marchantia. 42) Compare the male gametophyte of Cycas with that of Pinus. (1 × 10=10 Marks)

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