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Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................
Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009 Branch – Mechanical Engineering (2003 Scheme) 03-307 : CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING AND ESTIMATION (MN) Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Answer any one question fully out of two from each Module. 2) Drawing sheets will be supplied. 3) Assume suitable data and choose suitable scale wherever necessary. Module – I 1. The line plan of a residence with room sizes is given in Fig. 1. Positions and sizes of doors, windows, etc. are also indicated in the figure. All dimensions are in m. The specifications are as follows : a) Foundation : PCC 1:4:8, 20 cm thick and 80 cm wide for footing over with RR masonry in CM 1:6, 60 cm wide and 60 cm deep. b) Basement : RR masonry in CM 1:6, 45 cm wide and 45cm deep. c) Superstructure : Brick wall in CM 1:6, 20 cm thick, height 3 m, with RCC lintel provided throughout. Provide sunshades wherever necessary. d) Roof : RCC slab 10 cm thick.
e) Flooring : PCC 10 cm thick finished with 10 mm thick red oxide.
Figure 1 Line Plan Assume any other data according to the situation. Prepare the following drawings for the building : 1) 2) 3) 4)
Plan Section X-X as indicated in line plan (Fig.1) Front elevation of the building. A table showing the specifications and index. OR
2. The line plan of a shop building with room sizes is given in Fig. 2. Positions and sizes of rolling shutters (RS), windows, etc. are also indicated in the figure. All dimensions are in m.
Figure 2 Line Plan
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The specifications are as follows : a) Foundation : PCC 1:4:8, 20 cm thick and 80 cm wide for footing over with RR masonry in CM 1:6, 60 cm wide and 60 cm deep. b) Basement : RR masonry in CM 1:6, 45 cm wide and 60 cm deep for the shop portion, 45 cm wide and 45 cm deep for the verandah. c) Superstructure : Brick wall in CM 1:6, 20 cm thick, height 3.5 m, with RCC lintel provided throughout. d) Roof : MP tiled roof with a slope of 30°. Main roof extends to cover the verandah also. e) Flooring : PCC 10 cm thick finished with 10 mm thick red oxide. Assume any other data according to the situation. Prepare the following drawings for the building : 1) Plan 2) Section X-X as indicated in line plan (Fig.2). 3) Front elevation of the building. 4) A table showing the specifications and index. Module – II 3. Estimate the quantities of the following items of work for the building shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1 Line Plan
20 20 10 10
Adopt the specifications from question No. 1 of Module – I a) Earth work excavation b) PCC work for foundation c) RR masonry work for foundation d) RR masonry work for basement e) Brick work for superstructure f) Plastering with CM g) RCC work for lintel and sun shade h) RCC work for roof slab. 40 OR 4. Estimate the quantities of the following items of work for the building shown in Fig.2.
Figure 2 Line Plan Adopt the specifications from question No. 2 of Module – I. a) Earth work excavation b) PCC work for foundation c) RR masonry work for foundation d) RR masonry work for basement e) Brick work for superstructure f) Plastering with CM g) RCC work for lintel h) Approximate quantity of MP tiles for roofing. ________________