(Pages : 2)
Reg. No. : ................................ Name : .....................................
Eighth Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination, June 2009 (2003 Scheme) 03 AR 1807 Elective – II : URBAN DESIGN Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instructions :1) Answer all questions. 2) Elaborate using neat sketches. I. Write short notes on any five of the following : a) Focal point. b) Urban scale. c) Truncation. d) Street furniture. e) Net working. f) Kevin Dynch. g) Christopher Alexander.
(5Ă—5=25 Marks)
II. Discuss in detail the scope of urban design in the developing modern India. OR What are basic difference in the working methodology of an architect, urban designer and urban planner ? 15 III. What are the factors controlling the visual quality of any urban environment ? Discuss citing suitable example. OR Describe in detail the theory of imageability by Kevin Dynch.
15 P.T.O.
IV. Discuss the difference between urban conservation and urban renewal. Discuss a project of your choice to elaborate. OR How will you conduct an urban design survey elaborate ?
V. What is the role of urban design policies in three dimensional manifestation of master plan ? Discuss. OR Categorise the urban design projects in terms of scale and discuss each citing a suitable example.
VI. What are the agencies involved in the execution coordination and implementation of an urban design scheme ? Elaborate their role and function using suitable projects. OR What is the role of Urban Arts Commission in a city ? Discuss.