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Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : ..........................................

Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, November 2009 (2008 Scheme) Branch : MECHANICAL – AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 08.305 : Auto Chassis (U) Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100 PART – A

Answer all questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 1. Give a brief history of automobiles . 2. List the various components of a chassis . 3. What do you understand by understeering and oversteering ? 4. Briefly explain the necessity of providing the suspension system in vehicles . 5. Why are universal joints employed at the joints of the rear axles ? 6. Define caster angle. What is the purpose of this angle ? 7. Justify the need for variable rate spring for heavy duty commercial vehicles . 8. Explain the principle applied in the hydraulic brake system . 9. What are the relative advantages of disc brakes over shoe brakes ? (10×4=40 Marks)

10. What are the causes of tyre wear ? PART – B

Answer one question from each Module. Each question carries 20 marks. MODULE – I 11. a) Compare the chassis and body construction of tractor and trucks. b) Explain safety features in modern automobiles and describe their road testing.

10 10 P.T.O.


8220 12. a) Describe the following types of steering gears : i) Worm and sector steering gear ii) Cam and roller steering gear


b) Explain the working of a typical hydraulically operated power steering system.


MODULE – II 13. a) Sketch a typical passenger car rear independent suspension in which rear wheels are driving. Mention its advantages and limitations. b) Describe the construction and function of a Mac Pherson strut suspension with a neat diagram.

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14. Prepare short notes on following : a) Final drive b) Torque-tube drive c) Oil Retention (4×5=20 Marks)

d) Torque rod. MODULE – III


15. a) Give a description of roller brake testing machine.


b) Describe with a layout diagram the air brake system.

16. a) Distinguish between normal and radial ply tyres. What are advantages of radial ply tyres ? 10 b) Briefly explain the construction of a pneumatic tyre with the help of a cross sectional view of the tyre.


(3×20 = 60 Marks) ————————

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