(Pages : 3)
Reg. No. : ................................. Name : .....................................
Second Year B.A. Degree Examination, April 2009 Part III Subsidiary GENERAL ECONOMICS Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Instruction: Answers may be written either in English or in Malayalam. I. Define any five of the following : 1) Investment 2) Elasticity of demand 3) Factors of production 4) Wages 5) BOT 6) Interest 7) Public Expenditure 8) Deflation.
(5×1=5 Marks)
II. Distinguish between any five : 9) Division of labour and productivity of labour 10) Consumer surplus and producers surplus 11) Balance of trade and balance of payments 12) Inflation and deflation 13) Free trade and protection P.T.O.
14) Index number and CRR 15) International trade and domestic trade 16) The RBI and Commercial Bank.
(5Ă—2=10 Marks)
III. Write short notes on any eight of the following. Each answer shall not exceed a page : 17) Nature and scope of economics 18) Law of diminishing utility 19) The scale of returns 20) The protection 21) Credit instruments 22) Mixed Economy 23) Planning commission 24) Surplus BOPS 25) Indicators of economic developments 26) Effects of deflation 27) Public expenditure 28) Quasi-Rent 29) Bill of exchange 30) Comparative cost theory 31) Ability theory of taxation.
(8Ă—5=40 Marks)
IV. Write essays on any three of the following : 32) Discuss the role of planning commission in economic development. 33) Explain in detail the determinants of consumption function and evaluate the psychological law of consumption. 34) Describe the various measure of money supply. 35) Bring out the advantages and disadvantages of the free trade. 36) Describe how devaluation can correct the disequilibrium in balance of payments. 37) Discuss the role of public debt in the developing country to promote economic development. (3Ă—15=45 Marks)