Three Effective Leadership Styles Everyone takes charge differently. What works for one person may not work the same for another, and that’s okay. Leadership is constantly evolving and changing as people put forth the effort to better themselves, and with trial comes a lot of error. Some styles have rarely been effective, while others work as a whole more often than not. Three leadership styles, in particular, have proven to be effective and reliable overall.
Democratic Leadership Democratic leadership works exactly how it sounds like it does: decisions for the team or company are made based on the thoughts and advice of everyone within the organization. Though the leader makes the final decision on what everyone will be doing, it’s the fact that everyone’s voices are heard that makes this such an effective leadership strategy. It also allows lower-level employees to experience the authority they may have as a higher-level employee. An example of how democratic leadership works would be a board meeting. The leader of the meeting may come with a few different options to solve a problem or market a product, and everyone present at that meeting can mull over each option’s pros and cons. Then, the leader can either decide based on the discussion or put the final decision up for a vote among those present.
Strategic Leadership Another common and effective type of leadership is strategic leadership. Those in this type of leadership position are firmly in the middle between the growth opportunities of a company and its primary operations. As a strategic leader, you show that you can handle multiple types of employees while retaining a stable environment for them to work in, all while keeping the best interests of the company in mind. The downside to this is that strategic leaders can possibly take on more than they can realistically handle, and the needs of the company can fall to the wayside in favor of meeting the demands of everyone else.