10 YEARS OF ADVOCACY AND PROJECTION How is reality transformed? About 2,250 years ago, Archimedes hypothesized in a statement that the best way to achieve reality was to have a point of support to move the world. His hypothesis, although it was decisive in physics, was not limited only to mathematical equations. The point referred to any factor that would leverage a process or to any leader that would allow movement of solid and traditional structures. Visible Hands served as a point supportive and believed, a decade ago, in the power of leveraging other leaders so they themselves became points of support. More united forces can move than just one. Visible Hands has also become a dynamic engine of change that has begun to implement new programs that engages new leaders. These leaders in turn, move new pieces and create a new regional dynamic. The system of circular transmission of gears, which follows Newton’s precepts, has a wonderful distinctiveness: everything fits together, it complements and transmits the movement. If one piece moves, they all move. And they all serve a greater purpose. In one of the countries with a stark unequal force flowing throughout, and with a clear intention of reversing that that exclusive reality, those two physical principles served as the foundation for Visible Hands will begin to make possible the bet of its founder, Paula Moreno: serve as a support to strengthen leadership, engage new ecosystems transformation, and thanks to these dynamics, generate a movement that would allow new narratives to emerge and exist in new capacities when strengthened. In January 2011, the impression of changing mental structures began, a social and institutional change in Colombia with the Development Management program for Afro Colombian leaders started in Cartagena and in the north of BolĂvar. Ten years later, this model was highlighted by the World Economic Forum in 2018 and the Global Fairness Award in 2019, it is more than ever a support system to forge a more geared society in justice and equal opportunities.