GoSip - 2105 Annual Water Quality Report

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Find out the type and source of some common source water contaminants.

Dirty Talk with Jeff Price Dear Valued Mansfield Water Customer,


Every year we are required to send you information about the quality of your drinking water. In years past we provided it in the form of pamphlets, water bill inserts, calendars and via MansfieldWaterQuality.com.

Although we were planning to continue with the online version, we were inspired to tackle the issues and rumors of 2015 by parodying a “tabloid” magazine.

H2Owen answers frequently asked questions concerning the water quality report.

Your Water Source 15 WATER ON MARS!

Our water is much closer to home than Mars. Find out exactly where your water comes from.

Water Quality Report 18 COVER STORY

Find out how Mansfield water did in 2015 in the annual water quality report.

We hope you enjoy thumbing through “Go Sip” magazine. In it you will find some ‘tongue in cheek’ fun sprinkled within very real, relevant information. The ‘bread and butter’ of the magazine is, of course, the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report (aka Consumer Confidence Report). This report contains data from our 2015 water quality test results and background on our water resources. You can rest assured we have the best staff working hard to make sure your drinking water is always safe, reliable and the lowest cost possible. We are happy to once again report no violations with your drinking water. If you would like an opportunity to participate in decisions that may effect the quality of water, I invite you to attend a city council meeting. City Council meetings occur the second and fourth Monday of every month at 7 pm in council chambers at City Hall, 1200 E. Broad St. Sincerely, Jeff Price Director of Utilities


Some groups of people such as the sick, elderly and infants are more sensitive to constituents in the water. Find out more here.

Abbreviations & Definitions 31 Learn what the abbreviations in the

The Public Education Team of Arianne Shipley & Stephanie Zavala interview themselves!

water quality report mean.



CONTACT US Jeff Price, Director of Utilities 817-728-3602 Robby Isbell, Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, 817-728-3661 After-Hours Emergency Calls, 817-473-8411 Online version found here: www.MansfieldWaterQuality.com Want to subscribe to the e-newsletter? Email water@mansfieldtexas.gov. WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5



IN S ’ T A H W H 2O W EN ’S


Water Contaminants Drinking water, even bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects may be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline 1 (800) 426-4791. Contaminants that may be present in source water include: Microbial Contaminants Viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. Inorganic Contaminants Salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining or farming. Pesticides and Herbicides These may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff and residential users. Organic Chemical Contaminants Synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production and can also come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff and septic systems. 4

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Radioactive Contaminants These can be naturally-occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. FDA regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health. Contaminants may be found in drinking water that may cause taste, color, or odor problems. These types of problems are not necessarily causes for health concerns. For more information on taste, odor, or color of drinking water, please contact 817-477-2248.

“Many times people see us (utility workers) standing around a hole and think we are just wasting time.” “However, there are rules in place that require a certain number of workers to be present at an active work site for safety reasons. There are also workers on standby to perform a variety of duties such as supply runners, heavy equipment operators and crew leaders overseeing and directing the operation.” Alex Whiteway Water Utilities Field Operations Manager

“Some people think tap water isn’t safe to drink but this is not the case at all.”

“Sometimes I hear people say that the city wastes money.” “It’s actually quite the opposite. Department staff and management comb through the budgets with a fine tooth comb every year before it even reaches city management. Each line item is justified and defended. If it isn’t, we don’t fund it.” Jimmy Moore Water Utilities Superintendent

“The water you put on your lawn is the same water you put in your drinking glass.” “Every drop of water you use inside and outside of your home is processed and treated at the Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant. If you want to see for yourself, please schedule a tour with us. We’d love to show you around.” Arianne Shipley Water Utilities Public Education Specialist

“The water treatment plant is monitored 24/7, 365 and is heavily regulated by both the state and federal government. Samples are taken and monitored on a daily, monthly and annual basis.” Regina Newman Water Utilities Plant Operator WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5




Hollywood’s stars keep life entertaining, but our BLUE super star ma

Car: 40,000 GALLONS of water to make one automobile. Does not include the gas!

Apple: 19 GALLONS of water to produce one apple.

Wine: 32 GALLONS of water to make one glass of wine.

The water we drink today is the same water the dinosaurs drank millions of years ago. 6

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Shoes: 2,110 GALLONS

of water to produce a single pair of shoes.

Steak: 1,230 GALLONS of water to produce one steak. This includes the water to grow the feed for the animal, as well as water for the animal itself.


The Blue That Binds Us The world’s most precious resource touches our lives daily in more ways than we realize

akes life possible The average Mansfield resident uses 330 gallons of water per day. This includes indoor and outdoor use.





of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, however only one percent is readily available freshwater for all living things on the planet to share.

of water to produce the coffee beans for one cup of coffee.

Chocolate: 3,170 GALLONS of water to produce a pound of chocolate.

According to Nielson, Americans purchase 58 million pounds of chocolate in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day.

Cheese: 900 GALLONS of water to produce one pound of cheese, which is enough for about three large pizzas.

Bread: 11 GALLONS

of water to product a single slice of bread.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Americans order 4.4 million pizzas on SuperBowl Sunday. WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5



Who Wore 30 Years Best? With more than 90 years of combined service, there’s no competition They each wear their 30 years of service with pride, honor and a smile!

Jesse Fernandez


Rita Hudson

Nelda Thompson






Times have changed since these three started. We compared when they started in 1985 to now.




# of Customer Accounts # of miles of water mains # of fire hydrants # of repairs of water main breaks # miles of sewer lines # of lift stations City Manager Jesse Fernandez Rita Hudson Nelda Thompson

4,064 109 431 150 72 6 Clayton Chandler Tradesman 1-Sewer Supervisor Meter Reader

21,500 290 2200 WOW! Look at 50 that reduction! 260 12 Clayton Chandler Superintendent Supervisor Customer Service Representative

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al US work er now lasts only 4.6 y e ar on the job , according s to the US Bu reau of Labor Stat istics in 2014.

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er Alex Whiteway - Field Operations Manag




THEY WATCH MOVIES A.J. Platter, Tradesman, Wastewater Collections , inspects a sewer line for blockage.

THEY CHANGE OIL John Wheeler, Valve & Hydrant Crew Leader

THEY PLAY IN THE WATER Lance Isbell, Utility Technician (Valve & Hydrants Crew), flushes a hydrant. Hydrant flushing is necessary in certain areas in order to maintain the state mandated chlorine residual levels. This ensures there is enough chlorine to keep the water safe from potentially harmful microorganisms.


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THEY GRILL Steve Olinski, Irrigation Inspector (L) John Grant, Tradesman (Valve & Hydrant) cooking out at an H2Odow n program for residents.




s Superintendent Jimmy Moore – Utilitie er Service Representative om Kayla Cardinale – Cust

w Leader lls, Water Distribution Cre We rek De e, lin ter wa a After repairing o had to lay in desman (Distribution) wh Tra o, rill Mu rdo era Eb off washes . the mud to make the repair


THEY PLAY IN WILDFLOWE R S Before checking a w ater valv

e, John Grant – Trad (Valve & Hydrant), Be esman rn ar Leader and Lance Isbe do Cervantes, Valve Operations Crew pose for the camera. ll, Utility Technician (Valve Operations)

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MR. OXYGEN: Twinning! Mr. Oxygen is the proud parent of twin Hydrogen girls. He hasn’t gotten much sleep since but like every water molecule they share a special covalent bond. The girls hold tight to their teddy bear electrons but despite that negative charge they are as cute as can be. That twin love keeps the girls positive. It’s a polar kind of love in this molecular family.

Mother Nature: Flooded with Joy Mother Nature’s little bundle, El Niño, arrived with a vengeance. She was bursting with tears of joy this winter, and the rest of us were left feeling all warm and fuzzy with the warmer than average temperatures. She’s hoping for a girl next time, but with La Nina known for her hurricane antics, we know we’re in for a whirlwind of action whenever that happens.


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Can you 811 dig it? The Utilities Division loves 811. If you love your utilities staying in service and uninterrupted you should too. It’s the number everyone should call to request utility locations before they start digging. All utilities, including water, gas, telecommunications, etc. are notified when there is a line locate request and they have a time frame to go out and mark the lines. Line locates help keep our infrastructure and workers safe and intact.


The K-9/H2O love affair

David Brister, Line Locator

FD + H2O =


When the dog days of summer arrive, your fur baby loves something more than even you. Whether they’re drinking it or swimming in it, dogs just can’t get enough water when it’s hot. Keep your pooch hydrated, happy and safe this summer.

This duo is on fire, but only in spirit. With their powers combined they stomp fires and save lives. Humans, water and fire have been bound together since the dawn of civilization. While fire can serve many useful purposes, things can get ugly really quickly and this is when the dynamic duo really show what they are made of. We hope these besties continue to work together forever. From L to R: Joey Craddock, Levi McPherson, John Rowland, Stacey Ables, Jason Handlin Brandon Mobley and paramedic trainee. WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5



DEAR H2OWEN Dear H2Owen, get my drinking water? I went to What causes taste and odor in et tea swe cold , nice e som self my ke some water this morning to ma to nt wa n’t smell and flavor. I did and noticed that it had an odd find me p hel you thirsty now. Can use it for my tea and I’m pretty an answer? Parched in Mansfield Dear Parched, er results in a rapid algae growth Hot South Texas summer weath As the algae decay, they release in our surface water reservoirs. nt Mansfield Water Treatment Pla taste and odor compounds. The d late anu (Gr r media with GAC replaced the anthracite coal filte ansion of 1999. As a result, the exp nt pla the in Activated Carbon) are atly reduced. However, there taste and odor nuisance was gre ’s GAC ae growths can exceed the times of the year when the alg as ch mu as In . odors completely ability to remove the tastes and the ter, wa the in nt r may be appare the problem of taste and odo free to get that sweet tea going. l fee So k. drin water is safe to you need to stay hydrated! Summers in Texas are hot and

Dear H2Owen, Why does my water see m cloudy? Disclaimer: I’m a college student and probably don’t have the best cleaning skills but I literally washed my glass like 5 times and my water is still cloudy. This is tot ally creeping me out rig now. What gives? ht

Dear H2Owen, Do we have hard water? I actually don’t even know what that means. The girl I’m currently da ting says I do. I’m not eve n sure why this is an issue. I keep my house cle an and do my laundry an d there are only a few dishes in my sink at any given time. How am I sup posed to solve this issue!? I can’t keep up!!?? Love Stressed in Mansfield Dear Stressed, Hard water is defined by the amount of calcium an d magnesium present in the water. Hard water has a relatively high level as compared to soft water which has a low lev el. Actually our water is not classified as hard or soft. It is medium (ha rd) and normally has a ran ge between 90 to 120 mg/l, or in other words about 5 to 7 grains of ha rdn ess. Maybe your love interest is from somewhe re that has soft water, an d therefore she thinks ours is harder. In any eve nt, this shouldn’t but a da mper on your love life. Tell your love bird to tak e a chill pill.

My grandma bought Dear H2Owen, ter purification devices? wa th wi er aver” but saf ter wa Is my imed that it was a “lifes cla d an y da th bir my me a water filter for th to her fervor? matic. Is there any tru dra of d kin be n ca e sh ur Grandmama Save the Drama for yo a, ur Dear Save the Dram . We recognize it is yo nsfield is safe to drink Ma of en y be Cit e ve th ha m ey fro Th Water n devices. rchase water purificatio e lack personal choice to pu nking water due to th dri of ty ali qu e th in ms ble ted or regulated known to cause pro ese devices are not tes Th t. en em lac rep ion ank you note, but of proper filtrat t. So send Granny a th en rnm ve go l era fed by the state or You’re safe either way. the choice is up to you.

Cloudy in Mansfield Dear Cloudy, P.S—love your smile! Water that is cloudy is oft en the result of air in the water. To verify the cloud water is caused by air, fill y a clear glass with water from your faucet. Watch the glass closely. If the gla ss gets clear from the bo ttom to the top after a few minutes than there is air in the water. While I scrub and the quality of water is g fixtures? not affected by presence in b , n m e lu w p O y of air, it could be indicativ nm utting a Dear H2 e of a problem in the e staining o t rid of it. It’s really p w grease distribution system. Exc th g n si u ca e essive air in your water sho n’t g a elbo What is uld be reported to the Water Utility Departmen and I just ca ndencies, but the extr b ru sc d n t by calling (817) 473-841 a scrub aning te 1 or (817) 477-2248. my OCD cle What gives? damper on n Freak uite nicely. q s rm a y t Creek Clea m u p ln u a g W in n is to

aining on ak, h orange st ur raw is re n F w n a ro b le a C Dear ese in o n cause nd mangan anganese ca Iron and M res. The level of iron a ms. Since December d an ble xtu plumbing fi h to cause staining pro Dioxide to reduce iron e g n u a o ri s on st in g Chlo water is en s been usin check Pinterest for tip a h ld e sfi n 2003 Ma y, I always . Personall manganese removal.


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H2OWEN ANSWERS OUR MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND EXPLAINS WHERE OUR WATER COMES FROM Dear H2Owen, I’m curious about something but too afraid to ask my parents. But I just have to know! Where does our water come from?

Dear H2Owen, In 2015, NASA announced that OUR most precious resource, water, was found on Mars. So who cares

Curious in Junior High Dear Curious in Junior High, Phew! I thought this was going a different direction! The sources of drinking water (both tap and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. The City of Mansfield purchases lake water from the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD). TRWD pumps water primarily from Cedar


A study from the team behind our Mars Science Laboratory/Curiosity Rover confirmed that Mars was once, billions of years ago, capable of storing water in lakes over an extended period of time.

about global warming and drought then right?! Like, can’t we just totally get water from Mars i​f we run out? Spaced and Confused

Creek and Richland Chambers Reservoirs in the east and Lake Benbrook in the west. A Source Water Susceptibility Assessment for your drinking water source(s) is currently being updated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This information describes the susceptibility and types of constituents that may come into contact with your drinking water source based on human activities and natural conditions. The information contained in the assessment allows us to focus source water protection strategies.

Dear Spaced, Mars is roughly 140 MILLION miles away from Earth. Your current water supply is only 67 miles away. Richland Chambers and Cedar Creek are the two primary lakes we get our water from and they are 67 miles and 63 miles away, respectively. About 20 percent of our $30 million budget is directly tied to the purchase of raw water from TRWD which we then treat at our water treatment plant. This amount includes the extensive amount of energy costs required to pump the water against gravity. The cost of purchasing water from Mars would be OUT OF THIS WORLD, literally.

For more information about your source(s) of water please refer to the source water assessment viewer available at the following URL: http:// www.tceq.texas.gov/gis/swaview. Further details about sources and source water assessments are available in Drinking Water Watch at the following URL: http://dww.tceq.state.tx.us/DWW. Contact Information: Water Quality Questions: 817-477-2248 Billing Information: 817-276-4200

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They said… A girl can’t work in water… Men have dominated the water utilities industry for years as engineers, operators and field workers. In fact, 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the city’s water supply system, established by a Mansfield resident named Milton May Farr. The water industry is tough physically. It’s safe to say, most people would quit after only one night shift or sewer main break.

Did any of them start ‘in the field’? Yes. Most started out as meter readers or water treatment plant operators. I’m still in the field every day, wearing steel-toed boots and jeans (even in AUGUST!), just like the guys.

Explain what ‘in the field’ means. We have several different crews: distribution crew (assures water runs from the plant to Arianne Shipley, public education specialist, residents’ homes), valve and hydrant crews speaks with Meter Technician Teresa Foote, (maintained for fire safety), meter crews who breaks down how things are a little different (account for the water used by residents), and in Mansfield. sewer crews (yep! You guessed it!). They are out in the elements EVERY DAY, rain or shine, 110 degrees or below freezing, How many women are in the Water ensuring water and sewer services are Utilities Division? Thirteen out of about 50 people, three of which working properly for everyone who uses them. hold supervisor level positions. (See insets)

Paula Phillip

Rita Hudson


Sherry Harden

Brandy Fernandez

De’Andra Kirk

Brenda Isbell

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What are some things you encounter ‘in the field’? On a daily basis: Texas weather, dogs, snakes, roaches and to put it nicely, “less than thrilled” customers when we cross paths during cut-off time. Why do you cut off their water? Mainly two reasons: a customer (resident or business) moves away OR

e Teresa Foostt of and the re omen Utilities w

Janet Green

Kayla Cardinale

Nelda Thompson

Fun Fact: Regina Newman is the city’s first female Class A operator.

ON A LIGHTER NOTE… the Public Education Team of Stephanie Zavala & Arianne Shipley interview themselves!

What’s your go-to karaoke song? A: Anything with sweet solos so I can show off my air instrument repertoire, i.e. air guitar, air fiddle, air harmonica, etc. What did you have for breakfast this morning? A: Breakfast taco ‘err day’. And coffee. About 16 cups give or take. Biggest Splurge Purchase Ever? S: My car. Never go to the dealership when you get that postcard in the mail. You’ll drive off with the car that was on the showroom floor with the stupid bow on it. What’s Your Guilty Pleasure? S: Me and my dog have full conversations. I even write all his original music for him. What was your childhood nickname? A: HairyHand, ScaryAnne, SissyAnne, ShugaBoogah. My grandma called me Ari and my grandpa called me Airhead. Biggest Celebrity Crush? S: We both have a crush on Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. #sisters

doesn’t pay their bill. The latter being the reason they are “less than thrilled. ” Full disclosure: I (Arianne Shipley) have almost been on said list…twice! I’m now on automatic bill pay so I won’t forget! What’s something residents may not know about women in Mansfield Water Utilities? Well, for one thing, we are all proud, hardworking mommas. So no matter what goes on in the office or field, we have the best motivation.

When was the last time you Googled yourself? S: I ask Google so many questions on a daily basis, I don’t have time to ask it about me anymore. What’s one fact about you that might surprise us? S: I’m super into dancing. If there is music, either out loud or just in my head, I’ll dance. Another fun fact, Stephanie Zavala (L), Arianne Ship I love my job. I would only leave ley my current job to work with Jimmy Fallon, Andy Samberg, Tina Fey, or Key and Peele. A: I eat a bowl of cereal every day or a bowl of ice cream as an award for making it through the day. I also have a mini Hereford cow business.

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City of Mansfield 2015 Drinking Water Quality Report

Annual Water Quality Report for the period January 1 to December 31, 2015. This report is intended to provide you with important

information about your drinking water and the efforts made by the

water system to provide safe drinking water.

En EspaĂąol: Este reporte incluye informacion importante sobre el agua para tomar. Para obten- er una copia de esta informacion traducida al Espanol, favor de llamar al telefono 817-477-2248. The TCEQ completed an assessment of your source water and results indicate that our sources have a low susceptibility to contaminants. The sampling requirements for your water system are based on this susceptibility and previous sample data. Any detections of these

contaminants may be found in this Consumer Confidence Report. For more information on source water assessments and protection efforts at our system, contact Robby Isbell, Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, 817-477-2248.

Inorganic Contaminants


Using Data Collected in 2015 Unless Noted

Units Highest Level Detected

Range of Levels Detected







0.23 - 0.23







1.00 - 1.00







0.043 - 0.043







1.00 - 1.00







168.00 - 168.00







0.367 - 0.367




Nitrate [measured as Nitrogen]



0.164 - 0.164







1.400 - 1.400




Radioactive Contaminants (collected 1/06/2011) Combined Radium 226/228



1.00 - 1.00




Lead and Copper (1)


The 90th Percentile

# Sites Over AL

Action Level (AL)

















Limit (Treatment

Turbidity (2)

Discharge from petroleum refineries; fire retardants; ceramics;

electronics; solder; test addition. Erosion of natural deposits; Runoff from orchards; Runoff from glass and electronics production wastes. Discharge of drilling wastes; Discharge from

metal refineries; Erosion of natural deposits. Discharge form steel and pulp mills; Erosion

of natural deposits. Discharge from plastic and fertilizer factories; Discharge from

steel/metal factories. Erosion of natural deposits; Water additive which promotes strong teeth; Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories. Runoff from fertilizer use; Leaching from septic tanks, sewage;

Erosion of natural deposits. Discharge from petroleum and metal refineries; Erosion of natural

deposits; Discharge from mines.

Erosion of natural deposits.

Likely Source of Contamination Corrosion of household plumbing systems; Erosion of natural deposit. Corrosion of household plumbing systems; Erosion of natural deposit; Leaching from wood preservatives.

Level Detected


1.00 NTU

0.32 NTU



Average Level

Minimum Level

Maximum Level













Hardness as Ca/Mg






Naturally occurring in calcium and magnesium.


Erosion of natural deposits; Byproducts of oil field activity.


Highest single measurement

Lowest monthly % meeting limit

Secondary Constituents

Likely Source of Contamination


0.30 NTU






> 7.00







Total Dissolved Solids




Total Organic Compound








Soil runoff.

Likely Source of Contamination Corrosion of carbonate rocks such as limestone. Abundant naturally occurring element; Used in water purification. Measure of corrosivity of water.

Naturally occurring; Common industrial byproduct; Byproducts of oil

field activity.



Naturally occurring soluble mineral salts.

Total dissolved mineral constituents in water.


Raw Water


Removal Ratio


Treated Water



Soil runoff.

Secondary Limit


Total Alkalinity as CaCO3







Likely Source of Contamination





Byproducts Contaminant

Chlorite Haloacetic Acids (HAA5)* Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM)




Units Highest Level Detected

Range of Levels Detected




ppm ppb ppb

0.28 18.00 48.00

0.00 - 0.28 9.70 - 23.20 31.50 - 92.40

0.80 No goal for that total No goal for that total

1.00 60.00 80.00

No No No


Average Level

Range of Levels Detected






0.90 - 4.00




Likely Source of Contamination Byproduct of drinking water disinfection. Byproduct of drinking water disinfection. Byproduct of drinking water disinfection.

Likely Source of Contamination

Water additive used to control microbes.

(1) If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. We are responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but we cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the

potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in

drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at http://www.epa.gov/safe water/lead. (2) Turbidity is a measurement of the cloudiness of the water caused by suspended particles. We monitor it because it is a good indicator of water quality and the effectiveness of our filtration. (3) The percentage of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal was measured each month and the system met all TOC removal requirements set, unless a TOC violation is noted in the violations section.


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Sick just got real…

You may be more vulnerable than the general population to certain microbial contaminants, such as Cryptosporidium, in drinking water. Among those who could be at risk from infections: infants, elderly, or immunecompromised persons such as those undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, those who have undergone organ transplants, those who are undergoing treatment with steroids and people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders. You should seek advice about drinking water from your physician or health care provider. Additional guidelines on appropriate means to lessen risk of infection by Cryptosporidium are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5





With the opening of the new crib (Chris W. Burkett Service Center), comes a new logo and new look for the H2Outreach Program!

Request the H2Oasis Hydration Station

Water Tre e nt Plan Tours for kaidtm s and adultts

The H2Outreach Program was created to raise awareness among Mansfield residents about water conservation through fours areas: value of drinking water, irrigation efficiency, applicable conservation techniques and effective education.


Your child can become an AQUAteer!


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TX SmartS


cape Progra


H2Odown Initiative

rogram Rain Barrel P

Call me for free irrigation evaluations!

Get Irrigated, Not Irritated classes



How can you stay in the H2knOw? Subscribe to “Be in the H2knOw” monthly newsletter! MansfieldH2O.com 817-728-3600 FB /CityMansfieldTX Twitter @CityMansfieldTX WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5








Flushables – NOT! Just because they say they are flushable doesn’t mean you should. Wipes don’t break down when flushed down the toilet. Paper towels are designed to be absorbent and strong and to not break down in water, so they will clog your plumbing. Personal Care Everyday personal care products like cotton swabs 22

and dental floss tangle up in your drains and can clog your plumbing. Feminine hygiene products (pads and tampons) are very absorbent and don’t break down like toilet paper. They commonly cause plumbing issues. Fats, Oils and Grease Your drains don’t love bacon as much as you do. Recycle used cooking oil at the Mansfield Environmental Collection Center at 620 S. Wisteria St. To find a schedule of drop off events and to see a full list of accepted items visit mansfieldtexas.gov/ecc or call 817-728-3655.

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Hazardous Household Waste These products can damage your pipes and negatively impact the quality of our lakes, rivers, and streams. Drop off items like unused or expired medication, cleaning products, paint and pesticides to the Mansfield Environmental Collection Center to be disposed of properly. The ECC is open the second Saturday of each month from 10AM to 3PM! For more info visit defendyourdrainsnorthtexas.com

ottled Drinking b 9 years 1 r e t f a r e t wa tility! with the U

Drinking bottled water or tap is your choice, but we vote tap! We had fun with H2Owen and some of our employees to make a point. That our mission, day in and day out: is to ensure the water we bring to your home or business is safe and clean. If you purchase bottled water, be an informed consumer and make sure you can answer these important questions. You may find out more information by visiting drinktap.org and bottledwater.org.

Where’s your bottled water from? Are you recycling that bottle? More than 70 percent of purchased water bottles are not recycled and end up straight in the landfill. While bottled water companies are increasing the efficiency it takes to Owen devastated! Local chea produce their product, it still takes ters ca ught choosing bottled water three times the amount of water in a over beloved tap water icon. typical bottle of water to produce the very bottle in which it’s contained. PET plastic is produced with petroleum. Approximately 17 million barrels of oil a year go towards producing PET plastic for bottled water. It is also safe and durable which is great for manufacturers but means those bottles that end up in the landfill will be there for forever.

erators p o t n a l P ! BUSTED

Over half of the national bottled water companies use municipal tap water as their water source. The water is then processed through some sort of additional filtration process before it is packaged and sold to you at prices that can be 560 times the cost of tap water. Check your label! Spring may just be a brand name and not truly be indicative of the source of what you’re drinking.

gulates What agency rew ater? your drinking The Environmental Protection Agency regulates your tap water. The water in our system is tested daily, sent to an independent, certified lab and any actionable violation must be reported immediately to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and subsequently the public. Bottled water is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Bottled water may be more convenient, especially during emergency situations, but is not necessarily safer than your tap water. WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5



Follow H2Owen through his 12-step journey to getting clean H2Owen hit rock Step 1: INTAKE bers, one of our am bottom at Richland Ch miles southeast 67 s ce ur so r primary wate . of Mansfield

tion therapy, H2Owen Step 10: After disinfec n in the clearwell. Here statio arrives at the relaxation er water molecules who oth he gets to mingle with the very same process he have just come through went through. Step 11: From the relaxation station in the Clearwell H2Owen moves to the water towers where the pres sure is on. He’s been through a lot, but he has a new sense of life and feels excited about curing dehydration and sustaining life for all living beings on the planet. Or at least for the City of Man sfield.

Membrane GAC Step 9: H 2 path to distr Owen is one step away fr ibution. He m om the the Sodium H ust ypochlorite d pass through chamber. Th istribution th is e many potenti treatment process inactiv rapy ally harmful ates microorganis ms.


Step 8: Filtration therap y helps H2Owen get clean at the The Bud Ervin Water Treatm ent Plant (and Spa) offers tw microscopic level. o filtration methods for water molecules. Direct filtration through GAC (gran ular activated carbon) improves taste, odor and cla rity. Membrane filtration is a more intense option as he will be forced through ho les (50x smaller than the ave rag tube walls that force out an y microorganisms and patho e human hair) in the gens including Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium .

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Step 2: H2Owen decides it’s time to get the treatment he needs and heads north via pipeline to the Bu d Ervin Water Treatment Plant.

Step 3: He is overcome with joy as he arrives at the treatment facility.

the plant, he Step 4: Before entering Dioxide. ine lor must be detoxed with Ch

Step 12: Let’s raise a gl quality H2O in celebra ass of that high tion of H2Owen and his journey to redempt ion bottom, now he’s here . Started from the . In your glass.

Step 7: Therapy stirs up a lot of emotions but during sedimentation therapy, it all slowly settles into the abyss at the bo sedimentation basin of em ttom of the otion.

Step 5: Ge not an easy tting cleaned up is p therapy stir rocess. Coagulation s up the cru d he’s picked up along th ew the tools of ay. Powered with co H2Owen lea agulation chemicals, rns how to m the haze of ix through pa move forwa st lake lifestyle and rd distribution towards the path of .

Step 6: Flocculation therapy helps bring his crud to the surface. The therapists gently agitate H2Owen to ensure he truly benefits from the process.

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MOVIES MUSTS Matt Damon of water.org and H2Owen team up for this BORNE adventure

Borne Identity Revealed

Matt Damon reprises his role as Jason Bourne in this summer’s action packed film, The Borne Identity Revealed. H2Owen teams up with Jason Bourne to fight water BORNE diseases across the globe. The story begins in Mansfield at the Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant where we meet up with Jason Bourne, where he’s been living his post CIA life as a water treatment plant superintendent. He has learned a new particular set of skills that help him remove water borne diseases, such as giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis, throughout the treatment process. Here he meets H2Owen, a covert underwater operative from the top secret Water Elite Team. H2Owen convinces Bourne to join him in his mission to save humanity by fighting water borne diseases worldwide. Jason and H2Owen lead us on an exhilarating adventure across the globe as they teach the world that water is the way to make a bright future possible for all. Early on in the film we learn that 660 million people worldwide lack access to safe water and 2.4 billion people worldwide lack access to a toilet. The Borne Identity Revealed shines a spotlight on the impact access to clean, safe water plays in the daily lives of people across the globe. 26

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In 2006, Matt Damon saw the global water crisis first hand while filming abroad. Later at the Clinton Global Initiative, Matt met Gary White and the two discovered they agreed a global approach to providing clean water was important. After several projects together, they combined forces and water.org was born.


Keeping up with the H2duO-shians

MUSIC H2Owen & The Drizzles Nozzles & Hose Just in time for the sizzle of summer, H2Owen and the Drizzles drop their latest new album this July. Nozzles and Hose is a collection of hits that drive home why outdoor water efficiency is important, whether you have an irrigation system or not! After last year’s rough summer, H2Owen and the Drizzles dig deep in this soulful array of songs. H2Owen picks his top five tunes off the album just for you.

Keep up if you can with this H2duO as they run around town in their “Sperry-Louboutins”! Tune in regularly to an H2Outreach class, event or Facebook post near you to catch these two creative mavens in action. Combining the outreach, education and marketing initiatives of water utilities and environmental services, these ladies (Arianne Shipley and Stephanie Zavala) are ready to school you on why water matters to everything that matters to you. After years of engaging in their own solo efforts at different cities (Stephanie came from the City of Fort Worth), the City of Mansfield brought this dynamic duo together under the same roof this spring. Co-workers by day and besties by night, these award-winning educators (Texas Municipal Utilities Association Public Educator of the Year Awards in 2014 and 2015) put the FUN in the fundamentals of educational outreach. “Off the chain” and “The Force Awakens” rave fellow educators around the region. You do not want to miss this duo’s education situation in action.

EN’S W O H2 FIVE TOP ES TUN JUST AN INCH “Even during the summer, a well-established lawn only needs an inch of water a week. Total. That includes any rainfall.” STRAIGHT DRIPPIN’ “A leaky irrigation nozzle can waste 720 gallons per day. ‘That was a message I had to get out there.’ ” HOSIN’ AROUND “Drip irrigation can be overdone too. Make sure you don’t just set it and forget it!” HOTLINE BLING “Keep the lines of communication open. If you have an irrigation problem, call us so we can come help.” WORK “Check on your controller regularly. Did your electricity go out and reset your controller back to manufacturer defaults? Accidents happen. Work to ensure you aren’t wasting water.”

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Sizzle fo Shizzle:

Just Hanging Around: EMILIANO MARIN


Water Utilities work in concert with other utility providers such as the electric companies. If things get too close for comfort, our electric suit keeps us safe from high voltages. We want the sizzle in our love lives not our work lives.

Main breaks usually occur in the most unusual of places. Our harness system allows us to safely lower employees into work areas, not easily accessible by foot.

Water lines and meter boxes are all outside and so are all the critters. We provide our workers with a bee suit in the event our contracted bee removal professional is unavailable.



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Bee Careful:



Keepin it Classy:

Water Utilities workers never know what to expect when they show up to work. When you can’t predict what the day will bring, you have to be prepared to stay safe. We’re giving you the 411 on the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

Easy Breathy:

Boot Scootin:




We work this classic look on the daily. Each employee is required to wear a safety vest, steel toe work boots and even a hard hat in certain environments.

It takes some pretty serious chemicals to ensure seriously safe water. In the event of an emergency at the plant that deems the air unsafe to breath, we provide our employees with hazmat suits with respirators for their protection.

These boots were made for walking? In our work these boots were made for wading. Water boots help keep us dry while working on line breaks or navigating floods thanks to good old fashioned Mother Nature.

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HOROSCOPE We’ll leave the stargazers to predict your horoscope. We’re here to forecast the future of your calendar! Stay in the know with H2knOw by subscribing to our newsletter. Check out your event horoscope below so you can pencil us in on your social calendar. Don’t be shy about checking out all of them so you can have some H2OMG fun all year long! Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Summer water bill get your attention? Don’t get crabby Cancer peeps. July is Smart Irrigation Month. Be on the lookout on Facebook and Twitter this July to get some great irrigation tips or call us to schedule a free Irrigation Evaluation*! If you’re reading this witty, yet informative piece of literature and your friends haven’t, give them a nudge. All the cool kids are doing it. Leo, let’s hear you roar out all that knowledge you picked up during Smart Irrigation Month aka July. Not 100% confident but still want to spread the irrigation love with the neighbors? Call us to do an H2Odown**! We bring the party and the info to you!

Pisces’ symbol is fish, fish love water, and so do we. Learn more about how you can make the most of every drop during Texas SmartScape month this March and during the national Fix a Leak Week campaign. Household leaks attribute to a trillion gallons of water lost nationwide each year. Most household leaks are quick and easy DIY fixes. Want to learn more? Come join us at a Fix a Leak Week event!

Virgo: Aug 23 – Sept 22

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Libra: Sept 23 – Oct 22

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Leo: July 23 – Aug 22

The symbol of Virgo is a maiden, and every maiden needs flowers in her hair. In Mansfield they should be Texas SmartScape flowers because they are native or adapted to this area so therefore require less water, pesticides, and fertilizer. Want to know more? Sign up for a SmartScape class this fall! Balance is a good thing. We want you to use water, we just don’t want you to waste it. Water is our most precious resource. Can you imagine a day without water? Join us October 6-8 on social media as we participate in the national Imagine a Day Without Water Campaign and remember why we should value our water!

Scorpio: Oct 23 – Nov 21

A backed up toilet can put a damper on your day worse than a scorpion sting, but did you know that 2.4 billion people worldwide lack access to adequate sanitation? We, along with stars like Matt Damon, will be talking dirty about #WorldToiletDay on Nov 19. Don’t take the flush for granted! We’ve been taking your crap for 100 years and will continue to do so!

Sagittarius: Nov 22 – Dec 21

If you thought Scorpio got all the dirty fun, you were wrong. With a great sanitary system comes great responsibility. Pouring grease down the drain wreaks havoc on the sewer system and can result in sewer backups in your home! Keep your turkey day sewage free and drop off your used cooking oil at the Environmental Collection Center so it can be recycled.

Capricorn: Dec 22 – Jan 19

While you may be able to re-gift some of the doozies from the holidays, you can’t re-gift the old live tree. Drop off your Christmas trees at the mulch site! Got the postholiday blues? Dry those eyes! January 2017 kicks off the 100th anniversary of our city’s water supply.

Aquarius: Jan 20 – Feb 18

We don’t like to play favorites but with a name like AQUArius, it’s hard not to. According to Google, Aquarius people are deep thinking, highly intellectual and love helping others. Help out your next event by reserving the H2Oasis Hydration Station*** and learn something you may not know by scheduling a tour at the Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant!


Pisces: Feb 19 – March 20

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This sign is on fire. Astrologically speaking. Let’s cool it down a notch with a nice big glass of World Water Day on 03/22. This day is a global celebration of our most precious resource. Why Water? A day without internet is frustrating. A day without water is life altering. Taurus let’s grab the bull by the horns this year and take our eco-friendly education shenanigans to the next level. Celebrate Earth Day and then carry the party over into the first week of May which is national Drinking Water Week. Had all the fun you can handle or are you ready for more? Hold tight for a few more weeks and its Infrastructure Week, because faucets and toilets work a lot better with pipes in place. #loveyourpipes.

Gemini: May 21 – June 21

Gemini’s are already #twinning, but turn that twinning to #winning by signing up for a free Irrigation Evaluation AND your very own neighborhood H2Odown. We’ll bring the experts and the grill, you BYOQ (bring your own questions). Get your ducks, and sprinkler heads, in a row before the summer watering gets too out of hand. * Get Irrigated, not Irritated with one of our free irrigation classes. You can also sign up for a free Irrigation Evaluation by calling 817-728-3612 or email us at water@ mansfieldtexas.gov. ** H2Odown is a country themed hoedown. We bring the H2Oasis Hydration Station, our grill, some swag and all the insider info you want about your water, your meter, your irrigation system and more! To schedule one for your neighborhood call us at 817-728-3612 or email us at water@mansfieldtexas.gov. *** Need some water in your life? Request the H2Oasis Hydration Station for your next event by visiting mansfieldH2O.com. Find out more information about our Environmental Collection Center and a complete list of acceptable items by visiting www.mansfieldtexas.gov/ecc or by calling Environmental Services at 817-728-3655.

Complete the Crossword puzzle below Across 4. NTU - Nephelometric _____ Units: This is used to measure water turbidity (clarity). 7. ppm- Parts Per ____: Equivalent to one milligram per liter - or one ounce in 7,350 gallons of water. 10. MRDL - Maximum _____ Disinfectant Level: The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants. 12. MCLG - Maximum_____Level Goal: The Level of a contaminant in drinking water below which the Level Goal is not a known or expected health risk. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. 14. AL - ____ Level: The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow. 15. NA - ____ Applicable 16. Mrem - _____: Millerems per year (a measure of radiation absorbed by the body) 17. Avg -____: Regulatory compliance with some MCLs are based on running annual average of monthly samples.

Down 1. MFL- Million ____ per liter: A measure of asbestos. 2. ppt - Parts Per ____: Nanograms per liter. 3. MRDLG - Maximum Residual ____ Level Goal: The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected health risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants 5. ppb - Parts Per ______: Equivalent to one microgram per liter - or one ounce in 735,000 gallons of water. 6. ppq - Parts Per _____: Picograms per liter (pg/L). 8. TT - _____ Technique: A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water. 9. MCL - ____Contaminant Level: The highest permissible level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCL’s are set as close to the MCLG’s as feasible using the best available treatment technology. 11. pCi/L - ____ Per Liter : This is a measure of radioactivity in water. 13. ALG - Action Level ____: The level of contaminent in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. ALGs allow for a margin of safety.

Across: 4. NTU- Nephelometric Turbidity Units 7. ppm- Parts Per Million 10. MRDL- Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level 12. MCLG- Maximum Contaminant Level Goal 14. AL- Action Level 15. NA- Not Applicable 16. Mrem- millirems 17. Avg- Average

1. MFL- Million fibers per liter 2. ppt- Parts Per Trillion 3. MRDLG- Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal 5. ppb- Parts Per Billion 6. ppq- Parts Per Quadrillion 8. TT- Treatment Technique 9. MCL- Maximum Contaminant Level 11. pCi/L- Picocuries Per Liter 13. ALG- Action Level Goal


Definitions and Abbreviations Answer Key WAT E R Q U A L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 5




620 S. Wisteria St. Mansfield, TX 76063



lakes make the best


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