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Fitness techniques, &

tips for skiers snowboarders

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Oak Valley Hospital District 350 South Oak Avenue (209) 847-3011

Fall-Winter 2013


Photographer Hime Romero captured Cheryl Whitt going through her workout at CORE Performance. She works out with her mother as part of a family challenge.

Cover story


Mother-daughter work on health, fitness as a team


Keep Fido healthy during holidays Don’t have a blue Christmas What to do when the music fades Dealing with prostrate cancer’s side effects Drug-free ways to fight back pain Don’t give up on skin during winter season Avoiding footwear fumbles when exercises Tips for avoiding holiday stress One mountain at a time Exceptional stroke care in Central Valley How Affordable Healthcare Act impacts taxes Mixing medicine & food can be dangeorous

11 12 13 14 14 19 20 22 23 24 26

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Winter wonderland of fitness opportunities Hitting the slopes to build physical, mental health Yes, you can: Ways to make lifestyle changes Giving the gifts of health Even shopping can burn calories


The turkey should be stuffed, not you


23 Ins and outs for addressing senior health 24 Heart health for Baby Boomers

Fall-Winter 2013

209 HEALTH & WELLNESS A bi-monthly publication of Morris Newspaper Corp. of California Central Valley Group

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Health & Wellness • 3


STAYING FIT AS A FAMILY Mother-daughter work on health, fitness as a team By JAMES BU R NS 20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


heryl Whitt wanted a challenge beyond the pool at 24 Hour Fitness. Or the weightloss program at SeventhDay Adventist Church. She wanted a burn. To feel the fat and inches melt away. To see the muscle spasm and tighten, build and pulsate. With a walker and some gumption, Jane Kullman simply wanted her daughter to be happy. So she made Whitt a deal: She would follow her daughter into any workout, into any gym. But which one? They soon found themselves at a non-descript warehouse in Industrial Park, pulling open a security screen door and falling down the rabbit hole. Intrigued by a Biggest Loser-style weight loss challenge and enticed by its prizes, Whitt had found her challenge: CORE Performance. “We went down and talked to (owner/trainer) Robert (Iniquez) and we both signed up for the program,” said Whitt, a 56-year-old live-in caretaker for both her parents. “We loved it so much, we made a one-year commitment to continue.” The iron and rope, rubber and synthetic turf have brought out the best in Whitt. In CORE, she has found that coveted burn. She enjoys leg workouts the most, particularly squats, and she lost 13.6 pounds and 14.25 inches during CORE’s inaugural Biggest Loser contest. However, her greatest reward is not what she’s lost, but what she’s gained. Freedom. Providing around-the-clock care for her parents is an honorable yet exhausting experience, and the boot-

4 • Health & Wellness

HIME ROMERO/209 Health & Wellness

Jane Kullman, 77, works out at Manteca’s CORE Performance.

camps and classes at CORE allow her a release she can’t find at home. “Cheryl has grown to liking to work out. She likes the challenge,” Iniquez said. “It gives her time to get away. Jane says she likes to see (Whitt) do it for herself. It’s her time to work off steam and get away from it for a little bit.” Whitt savors the “me” time and says she can notice a change in her demeanor post-workout. “I don’t get as frustrated. I help my mom a lot. When we’d go to the

swimming pool, it wasn’t really exercise for me. I wasn’t pushing myself. I was using it to relax,” she said. “Now I get the exercise I need. Now I use the pool mainly to stretch out. It’s helped a lot with my frustration.” Kullman’s liberation has been mostly physical. In a sense, the 77-year-old has managed to turn back the hands of time over the last 10 months. Once trapped by her weight and a broken body – she has an arthritic

knee, metal plate in her shoulder and has endured multiple surgeries on her back, fusing her discs together – Kullman has challenged those limitations with a busy workout calendar. She maintains a commitment to CORE, 24 Hour Fitness and SeventhDay Adventist Church, finding a perfect balance between the three. She’s also consulted a nutritionalist, Jon Cotton of Emeryville. In less than 11 months, Kullman, a retired bus driver, has almost completely changed her stars. She’s

Fall-Winter 2013

retired nine prescription medications, dropped more than 70 pounds and 2 percent body fat and rescued her ill-fated kidney. “I feel good. I’m in pain and I’ll have to live with this pain, but it’s not anything I can’t tolerate. My body is good and I feel better,” Kullman said. “Right now, it’s a slow process of losing weight, but I’m getting there. I’ve got about 70 more pounds to go.” In Iniquez, she has found a considerate trainer. While Whitt and the others participate in a fast-action, highintensity bootcamp, Kullman completes a workout tailored for her. It’s a low-impact workout – with special consideration to her cranky back and knees – focusing on specific muscle groups. She uses weights and resistance bands. “I can do all the exercises, but my favorite? ... I don’t have a favorite,” Kullman said. “I just keep going.”

Iniquez appreciates Kullman’s resolve and determination. She may not be cognizant of it, but she’s become an inspiration for many of CORE’s

“She does it and has a good attitude. When people see that, it’s like ‘What’s your excuse?’ She’s in here with a walker and doing it, so what’s your excuse?” Iniquez said. “It puts everything in perspective. It’s a cool thing that other people can see. There’s always something you can do, if you really want to do it.” Kullman’s motivation is that accomplished smile that washes over Whitt’s face following a workout. Whitt realizes she asks a lot of her mother. “I put her through quite a bit. I didn’t think she’d stick with it,” she said. “She totally amazes me with what — ROBERT INIQUEZ, CORE she keeps doing.” FITNESS OWNER/TRAINER Hey, a deal is a deal. “She goes to the pool for me. I go to CORE for her to younger demographic. keep her busy,” Kullman said. Kullman was voted Most “It all works out.” Inspirational by CORE staff and contest participants after To contact James Burns, losing 12 pounds and 10 e-mail jburns@mantecabulleinches.

“She does it and has a good attitude. When people see that, it’s like ‘What’s your excuse?’ She’s in here with a walker and doing it, so what’s your excuse?”

HIME ROMERO/209 Health & Wellness

Cheryl Whitt goes through her exercises at CORE Perfomance.




Fall-Winter 2013

Health & Wellness • 5


The turkey should be stuffed, not you By DAWN M. HENLEY

TOP PHOTO: Holiday tables offer many colorful and yummy things to eat. Choose healthy options when they’re available and bypass the high calorie offenders or keep their portions smaller. BOTTOM PHOTO: A desk drawer full of candies at the office, or other readily handy sweet treats at home, can be a temptation that’s hard to avoid. If the sweets are easily accessible, you’re more likely to eat them.

20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


ffice parties, friend parties, family parties. Wooo hooo! It’s the holidays and it’s party time. If you’re expecting to navigate the office potlucks, catered gatherings with unending trays of appetizers, bottomless champagne flutes, grandma’s yummy holiday table, and desserts everywhere you look, then you’re probably looking at gaining a few extra pounds by the New Year. Just like you did last year, and the year before… There is hope, however, to keep from going calorie crazy and growing a belly like Santa’s by using a few special tips that will help you enjoy the rich foods, sweet treats, and alcoholic drinks without overdoing it. Diane Alcorn, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator for Oak Valley Hospital in Oakdale, offered some tips for the regular person and those with special diets on keeping the holiday calories in line. Filling up a little on healthier foods, especially with some that contain fiber, at home before going to a party helps prevent overeating. “Planning ahead is really important,” Alcorn said. “If you know you’re going to a party, eat something ahead of time at home so you don’t go in starving.” She said that if you’re asked to bring a dish, such as for a potluck, then “be the one that would bring a healthier choice... Challenge people to try something different.” Alcorn suggested making fruit kebobs for a potluck or putting different types of veggies on a tray than just the standard, expected fare of carrots and celery. She said jicama, radishes, and orange, yellow, or green mini peppers are different and add nice color. For tips on how to make a good fruit or veggie tray, Alcorn tells people to stand in the produce section at the grocery store and look up and down the aisle. She noted that grocery stores have the produce arranged nicely and people can get ideas from that on how to put different types of produce together. She also suggested using lots

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of colors and different shapes. “You can also make lower sugar or lower carb pumpkin pie. I’ve made them for my family and no one knows the difference,” she revealed. At a party, watch out for the alcohol because it really has a lot of calories and most people don’t realize that, Alcorn said. Choose sparkling waters or low-calorie sodas. Or, limit yourself to one drink with a low calorie mixer and then switch to something without all the calories. Other calorie busters are dips and, of course, all the sweet treats. Taking a supportive friend or spouse can be a good strategy for preventing overindulgence as well. “Sometimes it helps if you go with someone – you buddy up and talk about it ahead of time,” she suggested. “It’s okay to ask for support, to ask someone to be your partner.” One trick she suggested is using a small plate, but remember to limit how many times you fill it, and also avoid continuous “grazing.” People who have gluten allergies or sensitivities can also have challenges finding what’s okay to eat and what’s not on the holiday table. Alcorn noted that as a partygoer, you may need to remind the host or hostess in advance about your special diet; they may not know about it. She said that you may have the host or hostess identify which foods have certain ingredients or you

DAWN M. HENLEY/ 209 Health & Wellness

can volunteer to bring something, depending on the situation. Most organizations related to special diets such as the American Diabetes Association, the Celiac Sprue Association, and many others typically have special recipes on their websites, including special holiday recipes. “Label reading is always the first line of defense… Be a wise shopper,” Alcorn said. She added that reading both the ingredient label and the nutrition label are the most important. If the front label says something like “no sugar added,” it may still have a high

amount of naturally occurring sugars, and therefore, it will still have calories and carbohydrates. For people who have diabetes, Alcorn said it’s important that they control the amount of carbs they consume. For everyone, regardless if they have a special diet, she said it’s important to choose the right portion sizes. “For a lot of people, it’s the social interaction and the food is part of that,” she said. “…Plan ahead. I can’t emphasize that enough. Tell yourself what you’ll allow yourself. You want to feel good and still enjoy yourself.”

Fall-Winter 2013


Keep your pets healthy during the holidays 20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


he Holiday Season is upon us. It is a wonderful and meaningful time when family and friends gather for festive meals. Kitchens are bustling and ovens are working overtime with scrumptious aromas in the air. This time is all about appreciating the ones you love – and that includes your pets. It’s important to include your fur babies in celebrations and prevent them from feeling neglected, but some things are better left to the humans. During this happy time of family, food and giving, people tend to become big-hearted. This means that dogs (and maybe even cats) may get slipped table food scraps. It’s wise to remember that many of these festive foods and treats can lead to illness or injury for our pets, and with it a hefty vet bill. Raw and undercooked turkey, as well as leftovers that have been sitting out for too long, can harbor salmonella bacteria. Fatty or rich foods like beef fat, poultry skin and gravy can cause severe gastrointestinal issues in pets including vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive gas. Pancreatitis is another condition that can arise from feeding your pet too much human food; it’s caused by high levels of fat and calcium in the animal’s bloodstream that inflame the pancreas. Avoid feeding your pets morsels of anything containing herbs, which can cause digestive problems. Raw dough is definitely prohibited since it can rise in the heat of the stomach, a deadly situation that may require surgery to resolve. Any foods containing raw eggs should also be avoided to prevent salmonella infection. Although bones from our holiday birds look good to pets, they are dangerous and can cause intestinal upset and may even splinter once digested.

These splinters can cause damage to the intestines that can lead to infection, intestinal blockage, or even the death of the dog or cat if not treated appropriately. Chocolate is dangerous for dogs in particular because it contains theobromine, a caffeine-like ingredient that can be toxic to your pet. Dogs are not able to metabolize theobromine as quickly as humans. Monitor your pet’s behavior. No one likes to eat dinner with a dog staring up, drips of saliva rolling from his lips, as a muffled whining ensues. As hard as it can be, you can say “no” to that intense gaze from those deep chocolate eyes, cocked ears and that sad furry face. He gets what’s in his bowl, and that’s it. Begging is a behavioral no-no and as experts will tell you, once you give in, it’s hard to break for BOTH owner and pet. No hand-me-downs from the table while you’re eating. At the very least, instruct your guests that they are not to feed your pet scraps from the table. So what CAN you do? Giving your pet a few tidbits of turkey won’t hurt – it’s actually very good for dogs – just make sure it’s lean, boneless, and well-cooked. There are many canned and fresh dog foods available at pet supply stores that contain all the ingredients of a traditional human Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner to create a Fidofriendly dish. Distract your dog from the mouthwatering smells of your own feast with one of these and add small amounts of leftovers with some plain mashed potatoes, carrots and other vegetables. A little restraint and healthy meal of his own will keep your pet safe this season and for many holidays to come. Even so, it never hurts to keep your emergency veterinary clinic number handy. You never know when you will encounter a disaster due to a delinquent guest or persistent pooch.

Begging is a behavioral no-no and as experts will tell you, once you give in, it’s hard to break for BOTH owner and pet.

Fall-Winter 2013

Photo Courtesy Of Heather Simonich-Barc

Giving your pet a few tidbits of turkey won’t hurt – it’s actually very good for dogs – just make sure it’s lean, boneless, and well-cooked.

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Health & Wellness • 7


Winter wonderland of fitness opportunities B y JASO N C AMPBELL 20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


inter is almost here. While that may mean hot chocolate and a crackling fire to some, it means something very different for a group that likes to traverse the backcountry of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and get a decent cardiovascular workout at the same time. Yes, this is the time of year that cross-country skiers stare out the window and pray for a storm from the north that’ll dump an abundance of snow on their favorite track or trail. It’s the time of the year that people like Liza Tran plan on making the most of – getting out beneath the treetops as soon as possible and spending as many weekends as possible taking advantage of some of Northern California’s most pristine winter recreation areas. You don’t have to venture very far to find what you’re looking for, and thanks to the advent of the internet finding like-minded souls is easier than ever. “Some people are summer people – they wait all year until they can get out on the beach in their bathing suit,” Tran said. “I’m a snow person. I wait all year until I can get out in the white stuff with my bibs on and do what it is that I love to do. It’s different and it’s not for everybody, but I’m kind of glad that’s the case – less people to deal with.” Cross-country skiing – unlike its alpine counterpart – is part of the Nordic skiing family that features skis where the heel of the boot is free and not confined to the binding. A kick motion combined with the right ski combination – width, edge, wax and camber – help propel the skier forward through the terrain that they’re attempting to navigate, be it a designated track or a flat backcountry trail. While some cross-country skiers actually pack tents and spend several days in remote areas far from the groomed speed tracks that Tahoe-area resorts provide, most are content with simple routes off the side of Sierra roads or tracked routes that clubs provide. And it’s one ridiculous workout. Much like rowing and swimming,

8 • Health & Wellness

Photo contributed

There are plenty of nearby cross country ski opportunities in the Sierra.

cross-country skiing is one of the few sports that utilizes nearly all of the muscles in the body and is one of the sports that burns the most calories in competition. A Norwegian crosscountry skier set a world record for peak oxygen consumption during a competitive ride after his physiologist monitored his progress. Here are a few public cross-country centers that provide entry-level and advanced opportunities for those looking for a healthy new winter habit that provides as much fun as it does workout potential: • Kirkwood Mountain Resort – With 80km of machine groomed trails and three interconnected trail systems, the Highway 88 resort has an abundance of opportunities for those who prefer the Nordic style to the downhill runs further up the mountain. Yes, alpine gets all of the glory and that’s especially true at Kirkwood – Chair 10, which provides access to “The Wall,”

CROSS-COUNTRY SKI GLOSSARY u BACKCOUNTRY SKIING: Any type of skiing done away from developed, groomed runs. Typically undertaken in groups in areas away from ski resorts and parks. u CLASSIC TECHNIQUE: Also known as the Diagonal Stride, this is the opposite leg, opposite arm movements associated with cross-country skiing. The body weight is pushed forward on the front leg with the rear leg extended with the ski lifted slightly off the snow – the arms move in the opposite direction as if one was running. u GLIDE WAX: Solid-sealing wax that helps improve glide efficiency and minimize contact between the ski base and the snow. Typically applied hot – melted onto the skis to provide the best overall experience. u GROOMED TRAIL: A trail in which tracks for striding have been applied by a machine. Different than the groomed trails typically found on alpine runs where smooth lines are applied by a Snow Cat. u SKATE SKIING: Technique where the skier keeps their ski tips apart and the tails together and gets the kick by pushing off the inside edge of alternating skis (as in ice skating). Can be extremely fast. actually includes a skull and crossbones before you drop off and shirts in the gift shop advertise the experts only run. Consider it a blessing – that’s less people to deal with when you’re trudg-

ing through an empty trail. • Tahoe Cross-Country Ski Area – You’ve got to venture a little bit further to hit this gem – Tahoe City isn’t exactly a short jaunt or easy to

Fall-Winter 2013

get to. But this is a cross-country only park and it provides trails, tracks and schools for those who are looking to get into the sport but are nervous about doing it on their own. • Royal Gorge Cross-Country Ski Area – This place claims to be North America’s largest cross-country ski resort, and at Soda Springs – near the top of Donner Summit – it gets absolutely no shortage of snow. The park offers 200km of groomed trails and more than 6,000 acres of terrain accessible by four lifts atop the summit.

TALK LIKE A PRO WITH THESE SNOWBOARDING TERMS u POW (n): abbreviation for the powdery snow texture that results from a combination of fresh snowfall and cold conditions. u BLUEBIRD (Adj): used to describe a sunny day immediately following a big snowstorm. u JIBBING (v): the act of sliding or riding ones ski’s or snowboard on a non- snow surface or obstacle. Ex. rails, ledges, walls or even logs. u HUCK (v): the act of sending

one’s body off of a large jump or drop with reckless abandon. Also referred to as a carcass toss. u YARD-SALE: used to describe a brutal fall that results in articles of equipment: gloves, goggles, hats, poles, being strewn all over the slopes. u GROM (n): short for “Gromet”, used as a slang term for very young riders whose ability level is well above what is expected for

their age. u BOOTER (n): slang used for any very large man-made jump, usually found in the terrain park. u SCORPION: used to describe a particular type of fall in which the rider falls on their chest and the forward momentum causes their legs to come up behind them like a scorpions stinger, causing their board or skis to hit them in the head, neck or back

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Let us find your tax credit amount. Call now for a personal consultation Health & Wellness • 9


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Skiing helps both physical and mental health BY EDDI E RU IZ

20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


hen temperatures drop and the idea of jogging in the fog doesn’t appeal, don’t give up on outdoor fitness. A short drive east can provide Valley residents with tons of winter fun and outdoor activities. “Here in the valley we have that fog that rolls in. When it’s foggy you go to the mountains and it’s beautiful. The sun is out and they’re nice days,” said Denis Sondeno, owner of Turlock’s Sunsports. “If you get on the wrong mindset here, get to the mountains and then your whole world will improve.” With the nearest slopes not even 85 miles away (Dodge Ridge), there are no excuses to say ‘yes’ to a great adventure up the snowy trails filled with powder. “The thing with this area is that you can go two hours in whatever direction and find almost anything that you would wanna do. If you want to go skiing or riding in the mountains, you got some great local mountains,” Sondeno said. “You probably see more people on the hill that you know than walking downtown. Get up there and go.” Skiing and snowboarding aren’t just for fun; the winter sports are also a great way to stay in shape. A skier can burn 3,000 calories during a six-hour outing. The full-body motions of skiing also tones abdominal muscles, boosts immunity and even relieves depression. If the idea of swishing down snowcovered slopes is appealing, but also a little intimidating; don’t fret. Sunsports, and local ski resorts, offer lessons for beginners. To help get into the spirit of the sport, go see Warren Miller’s film “Ticket to Ride” at the State Theatre in Modesto. The event will give film-

10 • Health & Wellness

Photo contributed

There are a number of ski resorts nearby in the Sierra. Dodge Ridge is the closest, just 85 miles away.

goers access to the most sought-after destinations including the Alaskan Tordrillos, Iceland’s Troll Peninsula, fjords of Greenland and the expansive Big Sky country of Montana, to name a few. The film showcases worldclass athletes such as Sean Pettit, Ted Ligety, Seth Westcott and Jess McMillian, all leaving tracks beneath, and above, the world’s wildest terrain. Film-goers will receive one free Bear Valley lift ticket with each movie ticket purchased. Lift tickets must be claimed at one of the four scheduled screenings. The film not only highlights the sport of skiing, it also raises muchneeded funds for the Society for Handicapped Children and Adults. Sondeno is the director of the Society for the Handicapped Children and Adult’s Ski Program, and takes individuals with varying abilities out on the slopes every season.

BEGINNER TIPS FOR HITTING THE SLOPES u WEAR THE RIGHT CLOTHING: “Cotton kills,” said Turlock Sunsports owner Denis Sondeno. “If you wear cotton, it will absorb all the water and you will freeze to death. Get at least a good pair of pants that is waterproof, and maybe insulated. A good pair of pants is essential. Long underwear would also be the best way to go.” A few must-haves are goggles, hats, gloves, and sunscreen. No matter how hot or cold the temperature is, these four necessities are to be worn at all times during a run. u SAFETY FIRST: “If you take a lesson, you will learn correctly. Then you can take off and go on your own and be fairly proficient by the end of the day. If you don’t, it will take you half a day to get down a run, and you can get some bad habits,” Sondeno said. One rule that remains essential for every run is to always take another person with you. “Don’t go by yourself. Ski with a buddy...if you get stuck in a tree or someplace, they can get you out or go get someone to help. If you are on your own, you don’t have any options,” Sondeno said. The film will be shown at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Nov. 29 and 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 30. Tickets can be purchased for $20 at Society for Handicapped Children and

Adults at 1129 8th St., Modesto, Endless Possibilities Thrift Store, at 3124 McHenry Ave., Modesto, and at Modesto State Theatre, 1307 J St., Modesto.

Fall-Winter 2013

Amin Ashrafzadeh, MD Sean West, OD

Photo contributed


You can avoid the winter blahs.

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Don’t have a blue Christmas B y JASO N C AMPBELL 20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


t starts as a mood. At first your outward disposition seems to match that of the weather that is slowly started to turn more gloomy as the calendar gets closer to what everybody always like to call the “happiest” time of the year. Christmas Carols. Reindeer songs. And this irrefutable feeling of doom that you just can’t seem to shake no matter what it is that you seem to try. The gym doesn’t work. The funny movies that you reserve for the winter don’t seem to work. You’ve even considered seeking mental health advice after being inundated with commercials selling on the concept that you’re probably just depressed. Sound familiar? Frustrating? If so, it’s possible that you’re one of millions of Americans that don’t take too kindly to seasonal changes in the weather tha Welcome to the world of Seasonal Affective Disorder. It’s acronym isn’t an accident – those that have every spent any amount of time with the “winter blahs” knows that there really isn’t a whole lot to go outside and celebrate. There’s less sunlight during the day. It’s cold. And for whatever reason (now understood) you just can’t seem to shake that “bad” feeling that has been following you

Fall-Winter 2013

FAST FACTS u WHAT: Seasonal Affective Disorder u ALSO KNOWN AS: The “winter blahs” or “winter blues” or “seasonal depression” u SYMPTOMS: Known to vary but can include difficulty waking up in the morning, sporting a tendency to oversleep and overeat, a lack of energy and inability to focus, social withdrawal and decreased sex drive. u CAUSE: Believed to be associated with seasonal light patterns, the condition – which isn’t a mental diagnosis on its own but a pattern associated with people diagnosed with advanced depression or bipolar disorder – tends to cycle with what was the lightest food season for humans. While only other mammals hibernate, pioneering healthcare facilities like The Mayo Clinic have recognized similar patterns in human beings. around like a comic book cloud. No, this isn’t cabin fever. Typically the effects are seen in people in their 20s, 30s and 40s but can manifest in teenagers as well, and many people thinking that it’s just depression seek medical help and find that medication works to alleviate many of the symptoms. Here are a few natural ways to help combat seasonal depression: • Exercise – Not only is it good for your health, but it also helps flood your brain with endorphins – the natural feel-good hormone that can run in short supply when the body isn’t functioning adequately (see: runner’s high). And you don’t have to run a marathon to see the effects – just a short jog or some time on the treadmill will usually do the trick. • Brighten up the room – Part of

what causes seasonal depression are chemical changes in the brain that come from a lack of natural sunlight. While you can’t change the weather, you can alter how you function within it – a trick that people in Seattle and overcast places like the English coast have been doing for decades. Instead of dimly-lit, energy-efficient bulbs, full-spectrum light bulbs that actually trick your body into thinking that it is receiving some sunlight can be a cheap and effective alternative to medication or therapy. The warmth and the color spectrum on each light bulb changes and the effects vary, but most information can be found from a simple good search. To contact Jason Campbell, e-mail or call (209) 249-3544.


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Health & Wellness • 11


What to do when the music fades


aby boomers grew up listening to The Who’s Live at Leeds and other albums with liner notes that admonished young rockers to “play it loud” or “turn it up.” For the generation that grew up blasting stereos until the bedroom windows rattled and attending rock concerts that left ears ringing for a week or more, it’s little surprise that many are experiencing hearing loss. Numerous conditions, including illnesses, medications and exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss in people of any age. But, when it comes to members of the baby boomer generation, there is little doubt that excessive noise exposure is the most common culprit. In fact, an estimated 26 percent of boomers have been diagnosed with hearing loss. It’s unfortunate that the very thing this generation enjoyed the most has resulted in losing the ability to hear the full range of treble tones, bass notes and subtle virtuosity of the music loved so much. The good news is that with today’s hearing aids, it’s possible to bring music back. Many baby boomers are reluctant to seek treatment for hearing loss because they still envision hearing aids as the devices their parents used: clunky-looking things that made everything equally loud and unnatural-sounding. But, modern hearing aids have come a long way. More than just amplification sound quality While listening to music as loudly as possible was always an essential part of rock-and-roll culture, boomer fans also demanded the highest possible quality - every instrument in balance, every voice crystal-clear. If this was you, you may be understandably reluctant to trust hearing aids to provide a listening experience free of distortion and that “tinny” sound. Modern hearing aids are designed with quality in mind. Instead of simply raising the volume on sound, they balance and direct the sounds wearers want to hear, lifting them above unwanted noise and transmitting them in as pure a form as stateof-the-art technology can provide.

12 • Health & Wellness

Photo contributed

Rock and rolling often leads to less hearing.

Don’t let vanity keep you from wearing hearing aids any more than you would allow it to keep you from wearing glasses to improve your vision. The most advanced hearing aids have technology that can even detect if you are in a car, at a concert, in a noisy restaurant, or having a cozy

conversation - and then shapes the sound for that environment. Many boomers have tinnitus (also known as that annoying ringing in the

ears with no outside cause), thanks to all those rock concerts or time served in the armed forces. Many hearing aids include tinnitus therapy features that can bring relief. This feature can significantly improve your life while the hearing aids enhance your hearing. Advanced wireless technology stay connected Many digital hearing aids feature telecoils, FM, Bluetooth, and other wireless technologies that allow hearing aids to connect to telephones, iPods and other MP3 players, cellphones and assistive listening systems. By using a combination of hearing aids and streaming accessories, digital hearing aids can connect to almost any device’s audio output. When the music fades - what to do next Here are the three basic steps for confronting your hearing loss: 1. Accept hearing loss for what it is. It doesn’t matter if your hearing loss is the result of too many rock concerts in your youth or simply aging, it is not a weakness or personal failing. It’s a medical condition, like any other, and shouldn’t be ignored or covered up. 2. Contact a hearing care professional. Your personal physician can probably provide a referral or you can go online to locate a hearing care professional in your area. Schedule an appointment and get your hearing tested. Once you know whether you are dealing with mild, moderate or profound hearing loss, you can discuss treatment options. 3. Accept that treatment may involve getting hearing aids. Most hearing care professionals today recognize two hearing aids are most often required, so that your hearing is made equal in both ears (binaural hearing). Don’t let vanity keep you from wearing hearing aids any more than you would allow it to keep you from wearing glasses to improve your vision. These discreet, yet powerful devices can put you back in step with the rest of the world. More importantly, you’ll soon be able to enjoy those old vinyl albums stored in your attic again and party like it’s 1969.

Fall-Winter 2013


PROSTATE CANCER Maintaining masculinity when living with side effects O ne out of every six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. The good news is when caught early, it is very treatable. According to the American Cancer Society, the fiveyear survival rate for prostate cancer is almost 100 percent because many men receive an early diagnosis. Although survival rates are high, many prostate cancer patients experience some side effects to treatments of hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. These include bowel dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, fertility loss and urinary incontinence, commonly known as bladder leakage. It is important for men to take an interest in their health and have their prostates checked by a physician to ensure that any abnormalities are properly diagnosed. Men often don’t want to discuss prostate health or the side

effects that sometimes accompany treatment because of social perceptions. The problem is that a lot of men don’t know how common the side effects, such as bladder leakage, are. This causes a stigma often associated

linity by discussing with their doctor any side effects they may be experiencing to their treatments for prostate cancer. Some men with bladder leakage may refuse to go out in public and avoid social situations for fear of being embar-

It is important for men to take an interest in their health and have their prostates checked by a physician to ensure that any abnormalities are properly diagnosed. with bladder leakage, and the USDA’s National Institutes of Health reports that open communication between a man and his health care provider about his incontinence is key to maintaining a good quality of life. Men shouldn’t feel like they are compromising their mascu-

rassed. Many men feel frustrated by and don’t know how to properly manage this common condition, often relying on ineffective homemade or feminine products because they don’t realize there are products available just for them. Men want protection that is made just

for them, and new Depend Guards and Shields are discreet products designed to fit a man’s body. Depend Guards offer maximum absorbency for larger surges, and Depend Shields are ultra-thin with light absorbency for drips and dribbles. These products adhere to the inside of a man’s underwear so men can be confident in their protection and get back to living an active lifestyle. Despite experiencing one or more of the side effects to prostate cancer treatment, men should still feel like men while doing the things they love like watching the game with friends or playing with the kids in the backyard. With the right solutions, men experiencing any of these side effects can still enjoy an active lifestyle and renewed confidence. Visit for tips about how to manage bladder leakage.

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Fall-Winter 2013

Health & Wellness • 13


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5 simple, drug-free ways to reduce lower back pain


ain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide and one of the main reasons Americans miss work. For example, 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time, according to the American Chiropractic Association, with experts estimating that as many as 80 percent of Americans will experience a back problem at some point in their lives. Meaning it is quite possible you may have symptoms right now. Dealing with chronic pain in your back, arms or legs can be frustrating and costly. The aches and tenderness can cause you to stop doing the things you love most like playing with your children and participating in your favorite activities, like gardening or golfing, or even doing regular exercise. “Some people accept lower back pain as a way of life, but it doesn’t have to be that way,” says Brian Elsemore, who has practiced as a registered physical therapist for a decade in Florida and New England. “There are simple things that everyone can do to treat their pain without resorting to

Photo contributed

There are a number of ways to deal with back pain, including exercise and proper footwear.

drugs or surgery.” Here are five drug-free steps Elsemore recommends to reduce the pain: Exercise daily A body in motion tends to stay in

motion, according to Isaac Newton’s laws of motion. This notion applies to the human body and back health as well, so fight the urge to sit or lay for lengthy periods. Exercises that maintain the natural spinal curve and

help strengthen the core (abdominals, back and pelvic area) to support the spine are key to eliminating back pain naturally. Even if your back is hurting, continued on Page 15


Don’t give up on skin during winter season


uring the fall, when temperatures drop, skincare steps that were crucial during the hot summer months can often be overlooked because skin isn’t as exposed. Instead of waiting until skin is uncomfortably dry and itchy, make sure you’re moisturizing every day so skin stays soft, smooth and supple. And with all of the gatherings and parties that happen through fall and winter, you want to feel comfortable and confident in whatever you wear whether it’s a short cocktail dress or a sleeveless top.

14 • Health & Wellness

So, if you’re the type to hide red, flaky skin under layers of clothing every fall and winter, consider these simple tips that will have you prepared to bare your arms and legs during one of the biggest party seasons. • Stop the scratching - With dry air comes dry skin, which can cause irritating itchy spots. Scratching those spots damages the skin and leaves red welts amongst the white scaly patches. Add a little moisture into the air at home using a humidifier, especially in the bedroom where you sleep at night. Research by the University

of Minnesota found that if the outdoor temperature is between zero and 40 F, and the indoor temperature is set at 70 F, the relative humidity level indoors should be between 30 and 40 percent. Your skin, hair and sinuses will notice the extra humidity indoors, helping you to feel more comfortable in your skin. • Moisturizer is key – Although a simple step, moisturizing is often overlooked. But you’d be surprised how applying a layer every day can make you feel more comfortable and confident. “With all the parties during fall

and winter, you don’t have time to sacrifice fashion because of poor skincare choices,” shares blogger Beca Alexander. “There’s no better feeling than flaunting your legs in the perfect little black dress. Every day, I apply NIVEA Extended Moisture Body Lotion. It keeps my skin so moisturized and absorbs quickly. I also make sure to apply it to my arms and then spritz on my perfume - it helps the scent last!” Areas to remember moisturizing include the elbows, feet and neck, as these areas build up a tough continued on Page 15

Fall-Winter 2013

BACK PAIN continued from Page 14

increasing blood flow and stretching can help provide relief. Block the pain signals Technology called Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) has been used for decades by health professionals to safely block nerve pain in patients. Now, this clinically proven, drug-free technology is available without a prescription in an affordable, portable device called Rapid Relief Electronic Pain Relief Pad from HoMedics. Simply apply where it hurts and the discreet pad that easily fits under clothing emits a controlled micro-electronic current through the skin to block the nerves from transmitting pain signals to the body’s pain center. The result is fast, effective relief for aches and pains without drugs, creams or messy applications. The device, available in versions calibrated for the lower back as well as the arms/legs, offers 15 levels of adjustable intensity and includes one standard lithium battery, one set of self-adhesive, replaceable gels and a travel storage case. At $29.99, Rapid Relief is one of the lowest cost-per-use topical pain relief options sold without a prescription at CVS, Walgreens,

Walmart and Learn more at Stand, sit and lift smart Being aware of how you use your back throughout the day is important to reducing lower back pain. When standing, particularly for long periods of time, maintain a neutral pelvic position. Be aware of your posture, keeping the back straight when standing and sitting. Stand up or walk around at least once an hour if you’re job requires long periods of sitting. Hunching and poor posture eventually cause soreness. When lifting - whether a load at work or your child at home - let your legs do the work, according to Additional lifting recommendations include bending only at the knees, holding the load close to your body and avoiding lifting and twisting simultaneously. Evaluate shoes It’s common knowledge that fashionable high heels are terrible for back health, but it’s not only stylish shoes that can cause extreme pain. Ill-fitting shoes without proper support can shift a person’s center of gravity, causing him or her to walk out of alignment and put undue pressure on the back. To

relieve back pain, only wear supportive shoes that fit well. Keep in mind, shoes should never require a “breaking in” period; if they fit correctly, they should be comfortable right away according to the American Podiatric Medical Association. Sleep well Sleep is important for overall wellbeing, allowing the body to recover from daily activities. Inadequate sleep and back pain go hand-in-hand, quickly creating a vicious cycle. To get a good night’s sleep and encourage pain relief, it’s wise to take a few steps before lights out. Start by placing a pillow under your knees if you sleep on your back or between your knees if you’re a side sleeper - this helps reduce stress on the spine. For a firmer, more supportive mattress, place wood supports between the mattress and base, or place the mattress directly on the ground. If back pain still persists, it may be time to go shopping for a new mattress. “Lower back pain is so prevalent in our society, but drug-free relief is an option for many people,” notes Elsemore. “From proper exercise and sleep to relieving pain using innovations like Rapid Relief, a few simple steps can dramatically improve quality of life.”

SKIN CANCER continued from Page 14

layer of skin when dried out. • Add a bit of coloring – Selftanning product technology has improved greatly over the years, and allows women to give their skin a hint of color without exposing it to any UV rays. After moisturizing, carefully apply a spray or cream tanner to the skin, being sure to thoroughly wash your hands and wrists once finished. Apply lightly and work in layers, so you don’t overdo it with too much coloring. • Cater to special features – Lips, eyes and the nose are often affected by the colder temperatures more than the rest of the body. Be sure to give these features of your face loving attention with extra moisturizing products like lip balm and ointment during the winter months. Also be sure to cover your face while outside with scarves to help prevent additional damage from the cold wind. By maintaining your skin’s moisture as much as possible, you will feel much more comfortable and know that you can show off your beauty, even as the temperatures drop and the air gets drier.

Celebrating our 100th Anniversary

Fall-Winter 2013

Health & Wellness • 15


YES, YOU CAN Ways to make changes in your lifestyle I’m going to lose weight. … I’m going to eat healthier. … I’m going to spend more time with my family. … I’m going to stop (enter bad habit here). … I’m going to start (enter new activity or hobby here.) he holiday season isn’t always about giving thanks and praise to the joys and blessings in your life. That’s the easy part. No, the holiday season is also a time of reflection and self-evaluation; it’s about giving attention to the pains in your life that have existed for 12 months or 12 years. Tired of feeling fluffy, blah and inanimate, like one of your couch cushions? Want to try something new, like hang-gliding or rock climbing? Want to see the world, extending your hori-


zon beyond the view of your Pole Fitness and Goddess home? Body Bootcamp, a ModestoDo you want to break free and Turlock-based studio that from the chains of cigarettes was featured in Health and or chocolate or caffeine? Wellness earlier this year. Resolutions are easVenus is a women’s-only ily made but never easily facility and offers its “godaccomplished. It takes condesses” training and nutriJAMES stant effort, a deep reservoir tional advice. BURNS of strength and determination 209 Health & Wellness Flores is a hands-on owner, and some hard-core sacridescribing herself as a “sexy fices on your part. strategist, part bootcamp Diane Flores knows a thing or two maven and part nutritional ass-kicker about change. She is no different that with a side of goofy, sassy swagger.” you or I. “I consider my studio space as a This mother of three has played the catalyst for life change in so many weight-loss game. She has dealt with areas other than just the number starinsecurities, social awkwardness and ing back at you on the scale,” she a poor self-image. wrote on her website, www.venuspolShe’s also transformed her life “… Of course, I’m no through dance, exercise and nutrition. sage from the stage. I never pretend Flores is the co-owner of Venus to have all the answers and I make

my fair share of mistakes, too. But my commitment is to bring you the very best of that I’m living and learning and to keep it real, fresh and 100 percent authentic as I go.” We tapped Flores for her resolution recommendations. As she noted, she might not have all the answers but these five tips have helped her and thousands more keep their promises to themselves: et clear actionable goals: Simple goals of “I want to lose 15 pounds” just won’t cut it. Flores says to set a specific goal with a target date, such as: “I want to lose 15 pounds by May, so that I can fit into a little black dress for my high school reunion.” Her words, not mine. Flores says a target date or deadline is paramount to your success because “you must begin with the end in mind.”


Western Valley Insurance has been a pleasure to work with over the years. My agent, Roxana Samano, always goes out of her way to help me with any needs I may have. It’s great to work with a local company, especially one that makes you feel like family. Derek Walker Traveling Pizza (209) 634-9031 18255_3

16 • Health & Wellness

Fall-Winter 2013


e accountable: Make your resolution everyone’s business. “Yell if from the Facebook mountaintops. When you say it out loud, you then make it a reality,” Flores said. “Most people keep their goals and resolutions to themselves for fear of failure.” By sharing your goals, you create a network of people who will check in on your progress and keep you accountable. More on support in a bit. ake it a lifestyle: Stop thinking of your resolution as a temporary fix, or something that can be attained easily. There are no quick fixes in the game of life, especially when it comes to behavioral, emotional or physical changes. “Many times people try to do everything at once, get overwhelmed and frustrated and just give up. … Results will come when you make a daily effort and quit thinking of your resolution as a temporary fix.” on’t give up too soon: In her line of work, Flores says she often sees women give up on their resolution in three or four weeks, discouraged by the fact that weight loss or transformation hasn’t come



rapidly. That’s why she stresses with her clients to remember that there’s a learning curve with everything new. “When you feel like giving up, it’s time to get re-energized about your game plan,” Flores says. “Try a new fitness class or take a healthy cooking class.” Make your journey an adventure full of wonderment and fun; avoid a routine. urround yourself with likeminded people: “They say you are the direct reflection of the five closest people you associate with. If you are constantly hanging out with a partying group or people who scoff at anything exercise- or healthrelated, you will struggle.” Join a gym or a studio. Visit your local juice bar. By surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you reinforce the positive choices you’ve made for your life. This is will keep you motivated and excited about your lifestyle change.


Venus Pole Fitness and Goddess Body Bootcamp is located at 660 Bitritto Way in Modesto, Ca. To inquire about classes or membership, contact (209) 529-7653 or contact@

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HIME ROMERO/File photo

Diane Flores transformed her life through exercise and nutrition.

Fall-Winter 2013

Dr. Chester Graham, D.C., DACBN Expert in Nutrition Health & Wellness • 17


Give gifts of fitness & health By V I NC E REMBULAT 20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


hat better way to show your appreciation towards a loved one than the gift of good health? The holidays will be here in no time and, with it, come the office Christmas parties, Thanksgiving feasts, and other social gatherings. And in most cases, such indulgences will lead us back to making New Years’ resolution. A health-related gift might help encouraged that friend or loved one towards achieving those good-health goals. There are plenty of ideas in this case. But, first, consider some of the factors, including the recipient’s health history, age, interest, hobbies, and life changes. Consider, too, a budget or on how much you’re willing to spend. Here are a few gift ideas: Gym membership Many health clubs in the area offer free trials memberships, from seven days to one month. In-Shape Health Clubs, for one, has the conveniences of choice, from location – there are 68 including three in the Manteca-Lathrop area, and seven in Stockton – to a variety of exercises options, including group fitness classes, racquetball, swimming, tennis, circuit training, weights and cardio (treadmill, indoor biking, elliptical), to name a few. Founded in 1981, In-Shape started out as one club and a vision for helping people stay healthy while having fun.

Another gift idea would be forking out for a personal trainer, who can monitor, lead and motivate the recipient on these one-on-one fitness sessions. For more information, log on to Walking / running shoes It doesn’t cost much to run or walk. But a nice pair of shoes certainly helps, especially if properly fitted. Enter Fleet Feet. Sure, you might pay a little more, but the proper fitting is every bit worth it, especially if the recipient has running goals. Fleet Feet also offers training programs such as the No Boundaries. The walk / run 5-kilometer sessions are designed for those who are cur-

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18 • Health & Wellness

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rently inactive or are novices to walking or running. This nationally recognized 10- to 12- week program is sponsored by New Balance. The recipient can work with a professional coach in a team atmosphere. Educational clinics are also conducted, with topics covering proper nutrition, choosing the right gear, and avoiding injury. Intermediate (10k) and advanced (half and full marathons) training programs are also available. For more information, log on to Bicycling There’s a bike for everyone and anyone who enjoys riding in the outdoors. Once again, the proper fit may mean everything. Enter Performance Bicycle. For over 30 years, Performance – its humble beginnings took place in a basement of a home in Chapel Hill, NC – has been committed to giving cyclists the best selection of product, value and service. Bikes can be purchased via layaway (25 percent of the total cost, for starters) and with lifetime tune-ups (parts, if necessary, not included). A gift card could be ideal for the recipient, who will have the option of what type of bike to purchase – road, mountain, beach cruiser, BMX, etc.

Most of the sales associates here are also experienced riders. They might be able to suggest areas where to ride or provide information on organized rides or bike clubs. For more information, log on to Day spa Nothing beats getting pampered. Wine & Roses at 2505 W. Turner Rd. is set in Lodi wine country and features 86 rooms and suites, restaurant, and spa can do just that. Ask Claudia Villanueva, who is one of the massage therapists. She indicated that the classic full body Swedish-style massage is always popular. For the recipient, she can integrate her intuitive unique skills, which, in her case, includes reflexology. The award-winning spa also feature the signature treatment that begins with grape seed body scrub, hot stone treatment, deep tissue massage, body wraps, detoxifying seaweed wrap, and other body wraps. Several spa packages are available including couples. Wine & Roses gift cards are available in any amount, making it the perfect gift of wellness and relaxation. The spa is open daily, Monday through Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, log on to

Fall-Winter 2013


Avoiding footwear fumbles when exercising


o one disputes that exercise provides a host of health benefits, from helping control weight to improving cardiovascular functions. But exercising in the wrong footwear can cause more harm than good, especially since foot health is integral to overall wellbeing. “To get the most out of your workout or from playing a favorite sport, it’s imperative to choose the right footwear for the type of exercise you’ll engage in,” says Dr. Matthew Garoufalis, a podiatrist and president of the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA). “Improper footwear can lead to irritation and injury.” Foot or ankle sprains and fractures are the most common types of injuries related to exercise and footwear. The type of exercise or sport you prefer can influence the type of injury you could experience. In general for example, foot and ankle sprains and

fractures are more common among football players, while basketball players may suffer more ankle sprains and runners experience stress fractures to feet or ankles. APMA offers some guidance on how to avoid foot injury while exercising: • Always warm up before exercise. Just as you stretch to warm up leg and arm muscles, your feet need to warm up gradually too. • If you experience foot pain while exercising or engaging in physical activity, stop immediately. Foot pain is not normal and you shouldn’t feel any when you exercise. If pain persists even after you stop your workout, see a podiatrist. • Always wear supportive shoes that are appropriate for the type of physical activity you’re engaging in. Choosing the right footwear can help ensure you minimize the risk of injury and enjoy a more productive and comfortable workout. When

choosing workout or sports footwear, keep these pointers in mind: • Choose a running shoe based on your foot type: low/flat arch, normal arch or high arch. You can find a graphic of what each foot type looks like on the APMA website. If you have a low or no arch, you need a supportive shoe designed for stability and motion-control. Normal arched feet require a shoe with a balance of stability and cushioning to help absorb shock when your feet meet the ground. For people with high arches, a cushioned running shoe with a softer midsole and more flexibility compensates for the poor natural shock absorption of the higher arch. • Also take into account the kind of activity you’ll do. Runners need more arch support and cushioning to absorb impact. Basketball players require extra ankle support to prevent injury from side-to-side movement which is why basketball shoes come up over the ankles.

For Your Fitness

• Don’t go it alone when you’re shopping for a workout or sports shoe. Go to a store that specializes in athletic footwear and ask to be professionally fitted before you buy. Shoes should fit comfortably as soon as you try them on; never assume you’ll “break in” an uncomfortable athletic shoe. Shop toward the end of the day, when feet are at their largest due to normal daily swelling. • Whatever your exercise or sport of choice, your athletic shoes should offer plenty of support in the front and back. Finally, when athletic shoes begin to show signs of wearing out, it’s time to replace them. Examine the tread, especially around mid-sole. Generally, you should replace athletic shoes every year, and running shoes every 300 to 400 miles. To learn more about foot health, or to find a podiatrist in your area, visit

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Fall-Winter 2013



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Pleasant Hill

Health & Wellness • 19


Tips for avoiding holiday stress B Y V I RGI N I A STILL 20 9 Health & Wel lne s s


he holiday season can cause quite the stir in a household with cleaning, decorating, planning and organizing. It can also give many people the holiday blues as the stress starts to set in. The holiday does not have to be stressful, as there are ways we can all help make it a little more stress free. Two professionals have given a few tips on how to avoid stress for the holidays. Dr. Bob Peterson, M.D. has been a General Family Practice medical doctor for over 25 years and has been practicing in Escalon for the past 19 years. His patients range from young children to elderly individuals. Peterson expressed that we should be doing things year ‘round to live healthier stress free lifestyles, not only for the holidays. “A regular cardiovascular exercise routine helps alleviate stress, which should consist of about a half an hour of walking five days a week,” said Peterson. “Getting good rest is important, as the weather changes our sleep patterns change so you want to make sure you get eight hours of sleep at night if you can.” If you stick with your regular healthy diet which includes vegetables, fruits, low carbohydrates, lean animal products such as fish and chicken and less red meat all year long, then you can indulge a little bit more than usual during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, explained Peterson. “Everything is best kept in moderation,” said Peterson. “If you have been good all the rest of the time then you shouldn’t gain a significant amount of weight (around the holidays) which will in turn keep your stress down.” The most important supplements that Peterson suggested people should take are fish oil, vitamin D, B12, and folic acid, outside of a daily vitamin, however, focusing on a well-balanced healthy meal is the best way to get your vitamin intake. “To keep your energy up through the holidays make sure you get plenty of rest and daily exercise,” said Peterson. “If you get some exercise, take a half hour a day, a nice brisk walk, usually that helps you sleep, it helps alleviate

20 • Health & Wellness

MARG JACKSON/209 Health & Wellness

Financial stress can be alleviated by having a budget and setting a specific amount to spend on each individual.

ABOVE PHOTO: During the holidays with preplanning, organizing, and budgeting the season will seem to breeze by with serenity and smiles. LEFT PHOTO: Stress can make one feel like pulling their hair out so be sure to get plenty of rest and make time to exercise during the hectic holiday season.

VIRGINIA STILL/209 Health & Wellness

stress, you lose a few pounds, you feel better and it gives you more energy through the day.” Michele Weber, Financial Advisor with Edward Jones, has been in the business for 10 years. Edward Jones is an investment firm that helps individuals reach their long-term financial goals like retirement, college savings, and personal financial growth. “In terms of holiday shopping, I

would just say prepare with a budget in mind,” said Weber. “Sit down with yourself and/or your spouse over Thanksgiving weekend maybe and instead of running out to the sales the first day, look at what you have in the budget that you can use for gifts and allocate a certain amount that you can afford to spend on each person.” The idea is to have a specific amount for each person on your list so that

when you go shopping for a specific person you can find something appropriate and nice in the price range that you have set that fits your budget, explained Weber. By having a budget for each person, you will not have the spontaneous urge to splurge on each person every time you see something expensive that you think they would like. “So being prepared with a budget ahead of time and breaking that budget down on what you can afford to spend on each individual, I think can be very helpful,” said Weber. “Also, remember that gifts don’t have to be expensive to be meaningful.” Weber suggests making homemade gifts like a drawing, a sketch, a handmade ornament, baked goods or other items of that sort that show an investment of time and not of money which can be very meaningful presents. The best plan to avoid stressful spending for the holidays is to have a budget, cash and to not use credit cards. “The most important thing is to have a savings for financial emergencies, like the broken appliance, tires for the car, or the high school son that needs new tennis shoes,” said Weber. “But year ‘round savings for gifting certainly makes the bite of the holidays a lot better and that way you are spending from cash and you know what your budget is.” Spending cash instead of putting things on high interest credit cards will alleviate the stress of creating more bills and having to pay additional interest until one is able to get them paid off. However, if you do not have the cash and you did not save for gifting, then Weber suggests making your gifts and no matter what, do not use your credit cards. “People understand that the economy has been tight and it’s been tight for everyone and loved ones should understand,” said Weber. “It’s not the value of the gift; it’s the thought that counts. So if you invest your time into making something that can be meaningful, too.” Stress can be a killer so both professionals urge you to try to incorporate these tips to help you have happy stress-free holidays.

Fall-Winter 2013

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(209) 573-7401 Fall-Winter 2013

Health & Wellness • 21


ONE MOUNTAIN AT A TIME Woman with rare disease overcomes adversity


or most of her life, 44-year-old Tanya Howell was considered unreliable. She missed many days of work, even lost jobs and would frequently cancel on her friends and family at the last minute. She was particularly devastated when she needed to cancel on group outings, because she loves exploring and conquering the outdoors. The reason for her ‘flakiness,’ a term many of Tanya’s friends used to describe her, was because she was suffering from unexplained, debilitating swelling attacks that would come on quickly and cause swelling in different parts of her body at any given time. Most often the swelling and excruciating pain were located in her abdomen. These seemingly uncontrollable attacks used to confine Tanya to her bed for several days at a time. Tanya’s mysterious nightmare lasted for two decades and entailed visits to specialist after specialist in pursuit of an explanation for her swelling attacks along with frequent visits to the emergency room. Over the years, she was misdiagnosed with a litany of conditions including ‘muscular uterus,’ gall stones, ulcers and allergies. Despite her determination to find answers, healthcare providers had failed to pinpoint the cause for her seemingly helpless condition. This caused Tanya extreme frustration, and she even suffered from bouts of depression. Two years ago, Tanya finally found an answer to her unexplained swelling attacks. She visited an allergist and immunologist who recognized her symptoms and accurately diagnosed her with hereditary angioedema (HAE), an extremely debilitating and potentially life-threatening disease that can rob people of educational and career opportunities and cause

22 • Health & Wellness

Photo contributed

Tanya Howell atop Mt. Whitney.

decreased overall mental and physical health. HAE is a rare genetic disease that affects about 6,000 people in the United States. The disease causes repeated swelling attacks that can occur anywhere in the body, including arms, legs, hands, feet, stomach, genitals, face or throat. The average HAE patient endures about 10 years of repeated misdiagnosis before the disease is accurately identified. In fact, approximately 68 percent of people with HAE in the United States are initially misdiagnosed because the symptoms of HAE mimic other disorders, such as an allergic reaction, appendicitis, and ulcers, among many others. There is a need for increased awareness of HAE given that patients have therapy options to help them. After receiving an accurate diagnosis of HAE, Tanya was put on a preventive prescription therapy. With the frequency and severity of her HAE attacks helped by therapy and by seeing her physician regularly, Tanya has

even been able to ski the Rocky Mountains and hike the Ice Lakes located in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. She has also reached the summit of Mt. Humphreys in Arizona, followed by Mt. Whitney in California. She hopes to someday reach the summit of Aconcagua in Argentina, which is the highest peak in both the Western-andSouthern Hemispheres, and would be her biggest adventure yet. “Whether it was meeting friends for a hike, a bike ride or even competitive events, having an HAE attack made it impossible. I was simply unable to show up because of the unbearable pain and swelling,” says Tanya. “I am grateful there are treatment options for people like me living with HAE because today, I feel I can do just about anything I put my mind to.” Tanya also just recently competed in her first mountain bike race in Flagstaff, AZ and hit another major milestone - celebrating her one year anniversary with her husband. Tanya is so thankful that she and her husband

can have a future together that is not purely dictated by her disease. Now that Tanya has finally reached a place in her life where she is knowledgeable about HAE and feels in control of her condition and her future, her advice to other people who are living with a rare or chronic disease is to not be discouraged when seeking an accurate diagnosis, search for resources, know your limitations and shoot for the moon! “I suggest that you leave no stone unturned in your quest to live a happy and active life,” says Tanya. “Do not be afraid; you are not alone. Being diagnosed with a rare disease is just one part of your journey.” To learn more about HAE and hear other stories from HAE patients like Tanya, visit, an online resource for people with HAE and their loved ones. To find a health care professional, visit www., the official Web site of the U.S. Hereditary Angioedema Association.

Fall-Winter 2013


The ins and outs for addressing senior health


sk any senior how they’re feeling and your answers may range from “fine” to a laundry list of ailments under the “not so good” column. The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging says more than half of adults 65 and older have three or more medical problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease or high blood pressure. Many of these problems can be managed with diagnosis and active intervention. How does a senior know whom to consult? Start with your primary care physician. Here is a list of common senior ailments that warrant a second look with your primary care physician. • Arthritis • Bed sores or pressure sores • Bladder control problems

• Breathing or swallowing difficulties • Cancer • Delirium • Dementia • Depression • Diabetes • Difficulty walking or gait problems • Dizziness and nausea • Drug or medication interactions • Falls and balance problems • Hearing problems • Heart disease • Hypertension/high blood pressure • Joint problems and pain • Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency • Obesity/under nourishment • Osteoporosis • Pain management/neuropathy • Prostate problems • Skin problems/shingles • Sleep problems


Exceptional stroke care in the Central Valley


omeone suffers a stroke every 45 seconds or dies of a stroke every 3.1 minutes on average, across the U.S. With these kind of statistics, it’s comforting to know that Doctors Medical Center Modesto, a premier Primary Stroke Center serving the Stanislaus County, is poised to mobilize its expert rapid response team to implement synchronized protocols that can significantly improve patient outcomes. Also known as brain attacks, strokes occur when there is disruption of blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Without blood and oxygen, brain cells cease working and die within minutes, impairing movement, speech, thinking, memory and other essential functions. A stroke can strike at any time, regardless of age, gender or race, but taking control of medical and lifestyle risk factors can go a long way in preventing an episode. Restricting smoking and alcohol intake, maintaining an active lifestyle, weight, blood pressure and cholesterol management are effective ways to limit your likelihood for

Fall-Winter 2013

• Thyroid problems • Varicose veins and other vein disorders • Vision problems Bring a list of symptoms and the medications … prescribed and over the counter, including supplements … to your appointment. List specific symptoms and when they happen and how frequently so your doctor can get an idea of the patterns. Your doctor should really listen to you and help you get to the bottom of the problem. Often, a referral to a specialist is in order. Your primary care physician should be the person to help you figure out your next steps. As Eubie Banks, famous American composer and pianist of ragtime, jazz and popular music once said, “If I’d known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself. Schedule your appointment today with your primary care physician. Take a look at Central Valley Medical Group’s ad to see a partial list of

specialties for seniors. For a complete list or to learn more about CVMG physicians, check out or, better yet, call (209) 573.7401 and talk to us directly.

stroke. Learning the signs of stroke also saves lives. F.A.S.T. is an acronym established by national stroke organizations to help the public recognize and react to the onset of a stroke. The letters stand for: Face Drooping, Arm Weakness, Speech Difficulty and Time to Call 9-1-1. Memorizing these four phrases could save your life or someone else’s. To learn more about the symptoms of stroke and take a free HealthAware online assessment of your risk for stroke, visit DMC is dedicated to providing advanced surgical and nonsurgical solutions to restore cognitive function, reduce pain, and increase mobility for any and all brain and spine related injuries and illnesses, including stroke. As a recipient of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get with the Guidelines Stroke Gold Plus Award and a Stroke Gold Plus/Target Stroke Award, DMC is the premier choice for stroke care in the Central Valley.

Health & Wellness • 23


Simple ways baby boomers can boost heart health


t’s rare to find a person who hasn’t been affected by heart disease in some way. As the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease – and how to avoid it – should be top of mind, especially for baby boomers. Beyond scary statistics, heart health is about being able to live life to the fullest for as long as possible. “Heart health is directly related to well-being,” says registered dietician Brooke Joanna Benlifer. “A strong and healthy heart allows one to be more physically active. Heart health can be directly influenced by healthy food choices and an active lifestyle, in addition to emotional well-being.” To help boomers give a big boost to their heart health, Benlifer offers some important expert tips: 1. Understand and eat good fats “Unsaturated fats are the good fats,” says Benlifer. “They are found in nuts, avocado, olive oil, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds as well as in fatty fish and fish oils.” While incorporating good fats into your diet, Benlifer also says it’s important to avoid bad fats. “Saturated fats are less healthy and are found in full-fat dairy products and lard, as well as in fatty cuts of beef. The worst kinds of fats are the trans fats, aka partially hydrogenated oils. These tend to be found in packaged and processed food items, allowing them to be shelf stable,” she says. 2. Eat heart healthy foods The food you eat affects the health of your heart as well as your whole body. Eating nutritious foods helps you look and feel your best. Top heart healthy foods include: • Fresh fruits and vegetables • Whole grains/high fiber foods such as peas, beans and oatmeal • Low-fat dairy products or calcium-rich foods • Lean proteins, especially plant-based proteins

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Baby Boomers who take the plunge to care for their hearts benefit greatly.

like pumpkin seeds, quinoa, soy and legumes • Healthy fats 3. Cook the heart healthy way There are three simple strategies to use to help you cook – and therefore eat – the heart healthy way. “First, use olive oil, canola oil or coconut oil – a healthier saturated fat – when cooking,” says Benlifer. “Next, try to steam and bake foods rather than deep frying. Finally, use fresh foods whenever possible and cook at home!” 4. Adopt a heart healthy supplement routine It can be difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs simply through food, so supplements can be a good option for boomers and busy adults. Numerous studies have proven heart healthy benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s include DHA and EPA, both healthy fats found in fish oil supplements. “DHA helps keep arteries clear and reduces inflammation,” Benlifer says. “EPA keeps plaque from rupturing. I use Nordic Naturals fish oil supplements for

myself and my family, and have been doing so for years. I trust their quality and their commitment to education and research.” 5. Learn to love exercise Exercise is crucial for both physical and mental benefits, including stress reduction. Remember, the heart is a muscle; aerobic exercise is great for strengthening the heart. “I recommend, if cleared by one’s doctor, that someone incorporate 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily into his or her life,” says Benlifer. “A combination of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise, strength training and flexibility training, or more restorative movement (yoga, tai chi, etc.) is important.” Finally, in order for boomers to stay healthy and keep their heart strong, Benlifer recommends prioritizing sleep. “Sleep helps the body restore itself and is also highly correlated with a healthy weight. The less sleep one gets, the more likely he or she is to be overweight and stressed,” she says.


Affordable Care Act impacts your income taxes


he most significant implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, also known as “Obamacare,” are just around the corner. In addition to having wide-ranging effects on health insurance in 2014 and 2015, the legislation also impacts income taxes. “Though the Affordable Care Act has implications on income taxes, you

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can still act confidently when preparing your tax return with an online solution,” says TaxACT spokesperson Jessi Dolmage. “The question and answer interview will cover all the tax law changes.” The health care act included several tax law changes for 2013 federal income tax returns due April 15, 2014: • Employees will report the total amount paid by them and their

employer for health insurance premiums, flexible spending beyond payroll deductions and other premiums, on their returns. “The amount is needed for health insurance changes; it doesn’t impact your taxable income,” explains Dolmage. “Simply enter the amount in Box 12 with Code DD on your Form W-2 when prompted by the tax program.” • If you itemize deductions, the

threshold for deducting medical expenses increases to 10 percent of your adjusted gross income (AGI). The threshold for taxpayers age 65 and older remains at 7.5 percent. The tax software will calculate the deduction after you enter your medical expenses. • A 3.8 percent tax on net investment income will apply to taxpayers continued on Page 26

Fall-Winter 2013


Even shopping can burn calories By C ARA HALLAM 209 Health and We llne s s

Cookies, pumpkin pies, gingerbread men and delicious baked goods are sure signs that the holiday season is upon us. Although many of us fall willingly into the temptation of these sugary sweets, there are ways to stay healthy and get in plenty of exercise as the holidays approach. While that holiday gift list gets longer, instead of stressing about how much shopping you must accomplish, think about how many calories you may actually be burning while trekking through the mall. The saying “shop ‘til you drop” may have more merit than previously thought once you realize how exhausting holiday shopping can be, and how many calories you are shedding (unless, of course, you prefer to shop online). According to the University of Hawaii at Manoa, during three hours of shopping in a large mall, an average shopper will spend half of their time

walking nearly three miles, with the other half of their time spent standing while looking at merchandise or waiting in lines. Using this estimate, nutrition researchers at the university found that these activities add up to about 400 calories burned for the 100 pound person, 750 calories for a 200 pound person and 1,100 calories for the 300 pound person. If you would rather just ‘windowshop’ to get holiday gift ideas, Vin-

tage Faire Mall in Modesto offers a mall walking program, Club FIT, that is free and open to the public. Starting at 6 a.m. every day, Vintage Faire Mall opens their doors to walkers, even offering walking rewards for those who walk 100, 250 and 500 miles. Walking indoors and through the mall’s decorated North Pole will also help walkers get away from the cold morning weather outside, while still getting in their daily fitness.

But shopping isn’t the only way to burn away calories during the holiday season. Although devouring delicious treats can add pounds, nutritionists at the Livestrong Foundation found that spending time in the kitchen baking from scratch can burn as many as 348 calories per hour, depending on how much effort is put into kneading and rolling dough. To get a better idea of just how many calories you are burning while going about your holiday activities, try installing a free pedometer app on your iPhone, such as Pedometer Free, Runstastic Lite, RunKeeper, or Foosteps. Also popular right now is the high-end gadget FitBit Flex, a trendy wrist-worn fitness tracker that measures your calories, exercise, diet and sleep patterns. This handy device, which sells for about $99 retail, can make a great Christmas gift for you or loved ones interested in keeping a healthy lifestyle during the holiday season and throughout the rest of the year.

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Fall-Winter 2013

Health & Wellness • 25


Mixing medication & food can be deadly


ore than one-third of adults in the U.S. have high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Yet many of those treated for these conditions don’t realize they are putting themselves at risk by not understanding the basics about their medications. Many commonly prescribed drugs have potentially fatal side-effects when mixed with other medications, overthe-counter drugs, supplements and even foods. This is true for the widely used cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins, which can be deadly when mixed with grapefruit juice. These medications include atorvastatin, simvastatin, lovastatin and fluvastatin. “Most people don’t know that something as common as drinking grapefruit juice when taking statins can increase the risk of muscle pain and have serious adverse side effects that can be life-threatening,” says Ed Dannemiller, specialist pharmacist in the Express Scripts Cardiovascular Therapeutic Resource Center (TRC). “The juice can substantially raise the concentration of statins in the body and make them much more potent.” As a specialist pharmacist, Dannemiller is one of a team of experts who are specifically trained to help patients with heart disease understand everything they need to know about their medications, including how their diet and other medications they take may affect their health. They also work closely with physicians to prevent TAXES continued from Page 24

at higher income levels based on filing status. Individuals and heads of household with an AGI of $200,000 plus, married couples filing separately with an AGI of $125,000 plus, and couples filing jointly with an AGI of $250,000 plus must pay the tax. Answer a few questions about investment income and your tax program will do the rest. • Taxpayers in those same AGI ranges will also pay an additional 0.9 percent Medicare tax on wages and compensation in excess of $200,000. The tax is automatically withheld from employee wages, with the total

26 • Health & Wellness

potential problems that medications may pose to their patients. “Another popular drug, warfarin, which is a blood thinner that helps prevent heart attack and stroke, can react harmfully with a number of commonly used products,” he says. “When warfarin is mixed with antidepressants, alcohol, ibuprofen or aspirin, and even herbal products like gingko biloba or garlic, patients may be at risk of internal bleeding.”

If you are one of the millions of Americans being treated for one of these common conditions, Dannemiller offers these tips to help prevent medication interactions. • Ask before you use: Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out what foods, medications and supplements should be avoided when taking a medication. Some combinations cause bad reactions by making the drug more potent, while others can make the

medication less effective. • Read the fine print: Always read the caution information provided in the medication package and make sure you understand how and when to take your medications. Instructions such as taking your dose with food or on an empty stomach should not be overlooked. Also, taking too much or too little of a drug can significantly impact how well the drug works. • Look beyond prescriptions: Make sure your physicians know all the other medications and supplements you’re taking, such as herbal remedies and over-the-counter products, including vitamins since some interactions can cause life threatening side-effects. • Follow doctor’s orders: Taking your medications as prescribed by your doctor is essential for ensuring that they’ll effectively treat your condition. Don’t ever stop taking your medications or simply use them “when needed” without talking to your physician or specialist pharmacist. Even if you have no apparent symptoms, you may still be at risk. For example, blood pressure can reach dangerous levels, yet a patient may not be aware of any of the warning signs. Remember, just because you don’t notice any symptoms doesn’t mean that your disease is under control. For more information and additional ways you can avoid harmful drug interactions, visit Express Scripts’ Healthcare Insights blog at

amount provided in Box 6 of your Form W-2. If you’re a business owner or self-employed, the tax is calculated using figures on your Schedule SE. The health insurance requirement doesn’t have tax implications for another year. If you have health insurance, your online tax solution will guide you through the simple process of reporting it on your 2014 tax return due April 2015. If you don’t have health insurance for a total of three or more months in 2014, you may pay a penalty that’s reported and calculated on your tax return. Tax programs will calculate the amount based on number of uninsured individuals in your household and household income.

Uninsured individuals can shop and apply for health insurance through online “marketplaces,” also called “exchanges,” starting Oct. 1. States will have their own marketplaces, use the federal government’s Health Insurance Marketplace or a hybrid of the two. Enrollment closes March 31, 2014. If you don’t have access to minimum required employer-provided insurance and purchase insurance through a marketplace, you may qualify for an advanced premium tax credit applied directly to your monthly premiums. Eligibility and amount are based on the cost of marketplace premiums and your household size and income.-If

you do not take advantage of the advanced premium tax credit, you can still claim the refundable credit on your 2014 tax return. Cost-sharing subsidies may also be available for other health care expenses such as deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. Whether you have a simple or complex situation, TaxACT makes it easy to navigate the tax implications of the Affordable Care Act anytime, anywhere. Prepare, print and e-file your federal taxes free at affordable-care-act. Visit the Health Insurance Marketplace for information about insurance options at www.

Photo contributed

Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins can be deadly when mixed with grapefruit juice.

Fall-Winter 2013

I Choose DMC

“After two strokes, I’m back in the game thanks to DMC.

Dale Bystrom, Modesto

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