Progress Magazine April 2023

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ModESTo SyMphony oRChESTRA


VOL. 44 | ISSUE 4 | aprIL 2023 MOdEStO ChaMbEr OF COMMErCE
ninE3onE IN MODESTO 1302 J St. & 4204 Dale Rd. At Bank of Stockton, we’ve helped people achieve their real estate goals for over 155 years. Whether it’s buying your rst home, re nancing to lock in a lower interest rate or taking out a home equity loan to pay for a remodeling project, our experienced team is always there for you. Bank of Stockton makes it easy to lock in a home loan that’s just right for you. You can apply and get approved online, talk to one of our real estate professionals at 1-844-700-5012 or come visit us in person. Either way, our process is simple and stress-free. Home, Lot & Construction Loans | ReFis | Equity Lines 1-844-700-5012
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Choose Better. Choose Kaiser Permanente.

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A Message From The President & CEO

As I write this, we are experiencing yet another rainy day here in Modesto. What a season we have and are having. Impressive snowpack, swollen rivers, water, water, water. A few days ago, I was at the streetlight in front of the Stanislaus Farm Bureau office on L Street. I noticed that in their window near their “Pray for Rain” sign, was a new sign which read “Thanks for the Rain”. Such a great reminder to be thankful and appreciate the value of a rich water table this spring.

The Modesto Chamber of Commerce has been running at maximum capacity! The 26th Annual Ag Aware Luncheon is taking place Thursday, April 20th at the ACE Ag Pavilion on the MJC West campus. This agriculture focused scholarship funding event will benefit our local high school FFA programs. We hope you consider sponsoring a table or buying a ticket. The meal prepared by the MJC crew never disappoints, and the speakers for this one are going to be impressive. More information will be found in this edition.

Our Members’ Only “Meet Your Elected Officials” Social is just around the corner. We are thrilled with the response we have had from the group of elected leaders we invited. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our members in attendance to interact with a broad mix of dignitaries from: Congress, Senate, Assembly, County Supervisors, City Council, County School, Community College, Modesto and Turlock Irrigation. This is going to be an incredible experience for all.

We are currently expanding our Welcome Team program and engagement. The list of businesses going through their California Green Business Network Stanislaus check list is humming. Our Women in Business Network is thriving and the Women in Business Impact Committee is preparing our next mini conference to lift up a group of women in one of the Center for Human Services programs.

Our Rising Professionals Network is eagerly anticipating the next Rise and Shine with CEO’s breakfast. Sponsorship to both Women in Business, Rising Professionals, and Stanislaus Green Team is always open. If you would like to offer support to these great programs, please contact me.

I have to comment on our local multi chamber mixer held at Boomers mid-March. We loved being a part of the evening. Seven Chambers were represented and about 100 individuals were present. It was a great, and cold, evening! Thank you to Boomers for hosting us! This event set the stage to plan for a regional multi chamber mixer set for late June.

This one will be held at Del Rio Country Club and will be hosted by Kaiser Permanente. We anticipate this bringing together chamber and chamber member representation from across the Central Valley. All are welcome so please consider joining us.

There are many additional things coming up for us, so please analyze the calendar page. A couple are special unique ways for us to engage in community. We will have our booth set up on Earth Day so please stop by. We also chose to sign up to host a project on Love Modesto Saturday. If you enjoy some general yard work and gardening, please sign up to participate with us at Ryan’s (Dickerson) Fountain. It is a special place to spend some time in and for our community.

Thank you for following us and engaging with us.

With warm regards~

Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I 4

Each member of the Chamber is important, no matter the size of business. We desire for local businesses and organizations to succeed and thrive. To reach this goal we provide exposure, opportunities to engage with Regional Electeds and community partners, as well as networking with businesses and organizations across industries. We work to better our community by providing up-to-date education and training, certifying qualifying businesses as Green, and providing advocacy on City, State, and Federal levels. The Chamber is a family of dedicated professionals striving to make a difference in their business and way of life. Whatever your business needs are, we invite you to join us.

To execute our adopted mission we have developed an acronym that helps keep us focused. That acronym is “CARES: Community, Advocacy, Relationships, Education and Service.”

C - Community

At its heart, the Modesto Chamber is a community of like-minded business owners who share the vision for enjoying a thriving economy and creating and maintaining our community as a vibrant place to live, work and play. With over 100 years of history and experience in the Greater Modesto Area, we understand what it means to be a business owner and customer in our community, with featured events such as local and regional forums, Ag Aware, Harvest Luncheon, and Family Day. Chamber members get the opportunity to actively engage in and influence the community they live and work in.

A - Advocacy

The Modesto Chamber supports local businesses and is an active advocate for the common interest of its members. The Chamber has an Economic Development Committee and a Government Relations Council. These advocacy committees are dedicated and proactive in representing our members and community. They work to address business initiatives and relieve the regulatory burdens businesses face may face. The Chamber is also honored to certify local businesses and organizations through our California Green Business Network Stanislaus Program. Through this we create more conscientious and sustainable ways of life while lowering the cost of doing business for our community and future generations.

R - Relationships

The Modesto Chamber of Commerce specializes in building relationships and serving as the nexus to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies. With over a dozen Committees, Programs, and Events in which our members can participate, the Chamber offers ample opportunity to meet and connect with other business owners in our community. As a relational organization, the Chamber works with its members to ensure the opportunity to connect and grow in every niche and industry to help build and cultivate long-lasting relationships among business owners and community partners alike.

E - Education

The Modesto Chamber of Commerce values education and offers members the opportunity to stay on the leading edge with new and emerging information and training that will set your business apart from the rest. In partnership with Modesto Junior College, the Chamber is pleased to offer an assortment of trainings applicable to any business or industry for credited completion through our Chamber University platform. Our Chamber also works with members to provide a platform to speak to their own industry expertise and invite other members to learn from those leading our local industries.

S - Service

The Modesto Chamber of Commerce offers its members a wide range of opportunities to promote and engage their business across industry and community lines. The Chamber Weekly E-Blast, Website, and our Progress Magazine provide opportunities to advertise and promote your business, keep up to date with articles about local businesses in our community, and stay in the loop about up-and-coming Chamber and community events. Our Chamber also offers indemand materials, such as Member contact list, Federal and State compliance posters, export document services, and so much more. Chamber members can also personalize their business profile within our website and have access to our Member-Only Information Center, where members can connect with other members, boost their social media presence, promote job postings, public events, and member-to-member discounts.


Mission stateMent

The Modesto Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the greater Modesto Area, regional businesses and community prosperity through advocacy, collaboration, access to leaders, economic development, connectivity and business education.

executive coMMittee

Chairman - Michael Gaffney, PG&E

Past Chairman - Steve Rank, Rank Investigations and Protection, Inc.

Vice Chair, External Operations - Michael Moradian

Jr. - Peace of Mind Pest Control

Vice Chair, Internal Operations, Treasurer - Patricia

Gillum Pat Gillum CPA

Chairperson Elect - Kirstie Boyett Zacharias, Executive Director at American Leadership ForumGreat Valley Chapter

board of directors

Garrett Ardis- Huff Construction Company Inc.

Brad Blakeley, Edward Jones Investments

David Halvorson Jr.

Debra Hendricks - Debra Hendricks Consulting

Amy Jefferies - Gianelli Nielsen

Warren Kirk, Doctors Medical Center

Rachell Le Viege - Lift-A-Hand Home Care Agency

Eric Mangal, Grimbleby Coleman CPAS Inc.

Brian McDermott

Kymber Miller- Sysco Central California Inc.

Peggy O'Donnell, Mid-Valley Productions

Edgar Perez - F&M Bank

Jason Pineda, Freshpoint Inc.

Bill Robinson, Principal Financial Group

Kari Santos - I.J. Larsen Pumps

DeJeune Shelton- Modesto Junior College

Madhu Singh, Bank of Stockton

John Villines- Modesto Gospel Mission

President & CEO

Trish Christensen

Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Publisher: Modesto Chamber of Commerce

209.577.5757 •

Graphic design: 209 Magazine

209.634.9141 •

Printer: 209 Magazine

209.634.9141 •

distribution: 209 Magazine


advertising sales:


© Copyright 2021 Modesto Chamber of Commerce. Some parts of this magazine may be reproduced or reprinted, however, we require that permission be obtained in writing. 209.577.5757,


Administrative Assistant, Stephen Shaw

Sustainability Coordinator, Jolene Camarena

Events Coordinator, Felicia Lopez

Membership Coordinator, Lizeth Rocha Staff Accountant, Jaime Lastra

Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I

aPril 2023 | CONTENTS disclaiMer: The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. ProGress MaGaZine 1114 J Street • Modesto, CA 95354 209. 577.5757 • Fax 209. 577.2673 • coMMunitY 4 Message from the CEO 7 Calendar 8 Announcements 12 26th Ag Aware advocacY 13 Modesto Children's Museum 14 California Green Business relationsHiPs 18 April Milestone 19 President’s Tier 21 New Members education 27 Emotional Intelligence service 31 Love Modesto 17 Laura STOkES ONLiNE arT SaLES & GaLLEry 29 NiNE3ONE 15 DOubLETrEE by HiLTON 26 LEaDErSHip mODESTO 22 mODESTO SympHONy OrCHESTra 10 THE S


5 eConomiC DeveloPment Committee

*Register on website, in person & Zoom 11:30 A.M.

6 Rising PRofessionals – mixeR Location TBD

5:00PM – 6:30PM

Register on website


Ribbon Cutting- the Plus gRouP 3301 Tully Rd, Modesto, California 95350

3:00 – 3:30 PM


Ribbon Cutting- Community hosPiCe, inC.

4368 Spyres Way, Modesto, CA 95356

3 eConomiC DeveloPment Committee

*Register on website, in person & Zoom 11:30 A.M.

4 Rising PRofessionals – Rise & shine with Ceo’s Location TBD

7:45am - check-in

8:00am - 9:00am Program Register on website

4 DignitaRy soCial - membeRs only 4:30pm -6:30pm registration on website.

9 KiDz Day - salvation aRmy Corner of 11th and J st, Modesto

19 evening of inDustRy Modesto Junior College

5:00pm - 7:00pm

20 ag awaRe 2023 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

MJC ACE Ag Pavilion Register on website

stanislaus gReen team meeting-DaRK


women in business lunCh & leaRn Location TBD 12:00 PM – 1:00PM

Register on website


stanislaus gReen team meeting 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Register on website


ambassaDoR & welCome team meeting

*In person & Zoom 8:00 A.M

goveRnment Relations CounCil

*In person & Zoom 11:30 A.M. Register on website

eaRth Day

3:00 – 3:30 PM 25

Graceada Park, Modesto 10:00am – 4:00pm

women in business Coffee & ConveRsations

Location TBD 8:00 AM – 9:00AM Register on website

ambassaDoR & welCome team meeting

*In person & Zoom 8:00 A.M

19 goveRnment Relations CounCil

*In person & Zoom 11:30 A.M. Register on website

*See website for more detail. Find Zoom Registry links and more at

Please note that calendar events and details are subject to change.

community ApRil 2023 may


Peace of Mind Pest Control Makes a 100% Commitment to Pest Control

A local firm owned by Michael Moradian and David Alvares have made a 100% commitment to pest control for residential and commercial customers. In November of 2022, they stopped doing real estate inspections to focus solely on expanding their pest control business. Since 2008 Peace of Mind Pest Control has built their business reputation on customer service as a foundation for success.

If you know anyone who needs a pest control service in Stanislaus, San Joaquin or Merced Counties with an excellent reputation and supporting the local community then please spread the word to your friends, family, and businesses.

Yokuts group sierra Club 2023 scholarship

The Yokuts Group Sierra Club $1,000 Scholarship for 2023 is now open for applications to students who will be attending any accredited Community/ Junior College or University in Fall 2023. These students must currently be enrolled in either a Stanislaus County High School or a Stanislaus County Community/Junior College or University.

The application letter shall include a short essay on the applicant’s classwork and activities related to environmental stewardship.

Qualifications at the Time of Application:

• Shall be a resident of Stanislaus County.

• Shall have completed at least one semester of undergraduate work at a Stanislaus County College or University or be a Senior in a Stanislaus County High School.

• The applicant’s overall college and university GPA shall be a minimum of 2.5. If the applicant is a high school senior, the high school GPA must be a minimum of 2.5.

• Shall attend an accredited Community/Junior College or University in the Fall of 2023.

• If applying while a senior in high school, overall GPA.

• For post-high school graduates, all colleges and universities attended, dates, degrees pursued, and completed.

• For post-high school graduates, overall college and university GPA.

• A statement that the applicant will attend an accredited Community/Junior College or University in the fall of 2023.

• The application letter shall include a 250-300 words essay about the applicant’s classwork, related activities, and career pursuits related to the Sierra Club Mission Statement.

• Sierra Club Mission Statement:

To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;

To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources;

To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Application Letter Requirements:

• No form is required.

• Include the following information about the applicant in the application letter:

• Full name and current home address, email address, and phone number.

• A college/university counselor or a high school counselor shall verify the information in the application letter by dating and signing at the bottom and with their printed name, title/position, and contact information.

• The applicant shall date and sign at the bottom of the application and with their printed name.

8 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I community
Contact Peace of Mind Pest Control Inc at 209-789-7378

Coffee & Conversations

April 25th 2023

8:00am - 9:00am

2832 Healthcare Way, Modesto, CA 95356

Our purpose it to cultivate supportive relationships among the business women within our community.

Hosted by

Register at

$14 Registration

9 APRIL 2023

Connecting Communities on the s

When Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority (StanRTA) was formed in January 2021, we were excited to meld City of Modesto and Stanislaus County transit services into a cohesive transportation network. We started right away by streamlining fares, retiring the separate Modesto Area Express (MAX) and Stanislaus Regional Transit (StaRT) brands, and establishing a regional identity with “Ride the S.”

In 2022, we launched The S Vision 2032, a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA), to determine the next steps needed to bring a more equitable transit network to fruition. Following a year of engagement with community members, we identified recommendations to support six key themes:

• Making operating days and hours uniform across the service area.

• Creating more hubs throughout the region to reflect rider travel patterns.

• Adding more bus stops and placing them at more frequent intervals.

• Improving messaging and technology under The S brand.

• Expanding city and community partnerships.

• Focusing on growing ridership.

The StanRTA Board approved these recommendations in October 2022, and our team successfully launched the Connecting Communities on The S route and service changes on March 5, 2023.

The service launch added over two hundred new bus stops to limit walks between stops to a maximum of half a mile. In addition, we introduced a new look for route maps and schedules that moved away from thick, cumbersome guides to single-route brochures.

Newly branded information displays with QR codes that take riders to electronic schedules and trip-planning tools were installed at all bus stops in The S system. We also introduced Track the S, a free mobile app to plan, pay for, and track buses in real-time.

Throughout the service area, routes are now almost exclusively bidirectional, traveling both outbound and inbound along the same path with bus stops closely aligned on opposite sides of the street.

In Modesto, we retained high-frequency service along the McHenry Corridor and are moving forward with plans to create a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line there. New fixed routes better serve residents in the south and west portions of the city, while redesigned routes improve access to healthcare and shopping. Specialized services – including Medivan, ACE Commuter, and Modesto and Patterson BART Commuters – continue to connect residents to the Bay Area Monday through Friday.

With so many exciting changes to transit underway, we want to spread the word as much as possible. Members of the community can support local transit by providing employees with bus passes, displaying route and service information, and reminding youth and Modesto Junior College students that they ride for free. Travel training, which provides instruction on how to use The S transit services, is also available through our partners at MOVE Stanislaus.

We are excited to watch Stanislaus County communities get better connected through The S’ improved network in the coming months.

10 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I community
11 April 2023 community
Individual Registration - $35 Sponsorship opportunities available Online and QR Code registration available GUEST SPEAKER Shannon Douglass The First Vice President of the California Farm Bureau Federation


MODESTO, CA (April 6, 2023) Chelsie Webster has been named Chief Executive Officer of the Modesto Children’s Museum. Webster is an accomplished museum leader with demonstrated success in education and programming. The appointment comes at the conclusion of a nationwide search led by Museum Board President Katie Barber, working with Consulting Director Carol E. Scott and a Board subcommittee.

“Chelsie’s leadership skills and proven success in creating innovative programming and building community support will be an asset to the organization and to our community. She has the right combination of experience, skills and passion for this project that will lead the museum to a successful opening this year,” says Barber.

For eight years, Webster held leadership positions at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) in Columbus, Ohio, where she served as Director of Education Strategic Initiatives and Director of Education Programs. She led a team of over 60 people in the museum’s programming department, spearheading numerous unique education initiatives. She graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and went on to receive her Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education.

“I have spent many years in the museum world and have never come across a more inspiring story than that of Modesto Children's Museum. I was struck by the uniquely grassroots effort - MoChiMu has been created by its community for its community to ensure a legacy of inspiration, creativity and curiosity for generations to come.” shares Webster. “To join with the people of Modesto and lead this larger-than-life vision to fruition is a true honor. I could not be more excited to get started.”

In addition to her strong background in education and programming, Webster spent the past 2 and a half years as the Social Media Marketing Senior Strategist for global brand, Abercrombie & Fitch, Co. Her modern marketing and branding skills will bring immense benefit to the museum, and Modesto at large, helping to put the Modesto Children’s Museum on the map as one of the premier early childhood institutions in the state.

"Museums are more than physical spaces, they are largerthan-life ideals that inspire learners of all ages to be creative with and curious about the world around them. What drew me to MoChiMu was the community movement and grass roots commitment to the project - it is awe inspiring and a story for the ages. I could not be more excited to bring my years of learning, marketing & museum expertise to the Modesto Children's Museum and ensure that this community jewel is inspiring generations to come."

Webster’s arrival in Modesto comes as the museum reaches a major fundraising milestone. The “Launch The Adventure” capital campaign has reached its public goal of raising $1.5 million dollars. To date, the Modesto Children’s Museum has raised over $9 million dollars to fund the creation of a new institution vital to early childhood education in the Central Valley.

Over 500 constituents have contributed to the capital campaign, with 92 individuals and/or organizations becoming Founding Donors with gifts of at least $25,000.

While this initial goal has been met, the museum emphasizes that it will continue fundraising to provide ongoing programming, high-quality resources, innovative experiences, and refreshed exhibits for the community.

The Modesto Children’s Museum is slated to open during the summer of 2023. Building construction is underway, exhibits are being fabricated and are scheduled for installation in the coming months. Please donate today.

13 April 2023 advocacy
Chelsie Webster
14 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I advocacy
15 APRIL 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities modchamber Modesto Chamber of Commerce Modesto Chamber of Commerce Host $250 Sponsored Acknowledgment Progress Magazine. Recognition on Social media outlets. Partner Sponsored Acknowledgment Progress Magazine. Recognition on Social media outlets. Logo recognition on Chamber website. $500 For more information or to get involved please contact or visit our events calendar or follow us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn NOW AVAILABLE visit and click the to have 209 Magazine delivered to your door! Your Favorite Magazine . . . SUBSCRIBE at premiere locations in the Valley advocacy

April 6th 2023 5:00pm-6:30pm Location TBD

We take the time to understand the facets of your business that make it unique. Then, we offer the expertise that can make the difference between just buying insurance or investing in the best solutions to manage your company’s risk and coverage needs. Our partnership with HUB International has made it possible to offer our clients more than ever before, bringing them to new and specialty markets while still being the area leader in self-insurance or group captive options. Call us today and find out what we can do for you.


To engage, empower and connect rising professionals in the Modesto region through civic engagement, professional development and community involvement opportunities.

High – Level Director?

Stay at home Professional?

Restaurant Owner?

Small business proprietor?

Freelancer Expert?

Community Non-Profit Leader?

New Graduate?

For more information on how to get involved please go to or contact

Rising Professionals is a space where all are welcomed. Whether you have been in your field for 20 years or 20 months we welcome you and want to help you connect with the professional community. As a program of the Greater Modesto Chamber of Commerce, we serve as a catalyst for promoting Modesto as an enjoyable and vibrant place for Rising Professionals to live, work and experience life, ultimately encouraging talent retention and the growth of our future leaders.

16 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I Relationships NETWORKING
https://modchamberca.chamberm er/9482
Modesto Chamber of
J St, Modesto,
Commerce 1114
Your business is unique. Your insurance solutions should be, too. Risk & Insurance | Employee Bene ts | Retirement & Private Wealth 800-942-2729 • 209-550-3783 Giddings, Corby, Hynes Lic# 0144783

Laura Stokes Online Art Sales and Gallery

Established in 2015, this gallery’s mission is to connect Collectors to talented, committed Visual Artists with our online gallery and in-person art events.

The artwork offered provides Collectors with a broad array of visual and original art they will not find elsewhere. The artwork is sophisticated, developed, well-conceived, and takes a risk, either in style or content.

Currently represented artists include Sharon Maney, BFA and Graduate Studies, University of Texas at Dallas; Jim Abuan, MFA, Otis Art College of Art and Design (formerly Otis Art Institute of LA County), Los Angeles; Juan Rodriguez, BFA University of Washington; and Laura Stokes, retired Professional Architectural Engineer, and a self-taught Artist.

Upcoming In-Person Art Event:

This upcoming show is sponsored by the non-profit Modesto Peace/Life Center and its community radio project KCBP 95.5 FM.*

The upcoming exhibition of contemporary artworks by Artists Jim Abuan and Laura Stokes will be on view at the McHenry Museum, 1402 I Street, Modesto, California 95354, from Friday, May 12, 2023, through Sunday, July 2, 2023.

The museum is open from noon to 4:00 PM on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Please visit the museum and enjoy this upcoming Art Exhibition and Artist Talk.


APRIL 2023
StokES onLInE Art SALES And GALLEry With Artists located in Modesto, CA, and greater Seattle, WA Https:// Https:// Contact us for inquiries at Seattle area code: (206) 371- 4853 Email: Viewing room by appointment at our studio 2501 Stone Crop Lane Modesto, CA 95357 RELATIONSHIPS

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18 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I Relationships

PRESIdENT’S cLub CirCle Of influenCe


E & J Gallo Winery

Kaiser Permanente


AIM Property Management

Beard Land and Investment Co.

Capax-Giddings, Corby, Hynes, Inc., a HUB

International Company

Doctors Behavioral Health Center-DMC

Doctors Medical Center-DMC

Frito-Lay Co., Inc.

Mape's Ranch/Lyons' Investments

Pacific Southwest Container, Inc.

Physician Referral Service-DMC


Blue Diamond Growers

Crystal Creamery

Doubletree by Hilton Modesto

Fiscalini Cheese Company

IHeart Media

Modesto Irrigation District

Modesto Nuts Professional Baseball

Sutter Health Valley Area

Sysco Central California Inc.


Alpine Protective Solutions

American Chevrolet

American Medical Response

Astound Business Solutions Powered by Wave

Atherton & Associates, LLP

Audi Modesto

Bank of Stockton

Benchmark Engineering, Inc,

California State University, Stanislaus

Care One Home Health and Hospice, Inc.

CareOne Home Health

Central Valley Automotive

Central Valley Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge

Central Valley Nissan

Central Valley Volkswagen Hyundai

Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino

Clark Pest Control

COIT Services Inc.

Collins Electrical


Del Monte Plant #1

Dhillon Healthcare Group

English Oaks Nursing & Rehabilitation Hospital

Exceed GPR & Locating, LLC

F&M Bank

Flowers Baking Co. of Modesto, LLC

Food Maxx


Gianelli Nielsen

Gilton Solid Waste Mgmt, Inc.

Golden Valley Health Centers

Grover Landscape Services, Inc.

Infiniti of Modesto

International Paper Co.

JS West & Companies

Legacy Home Care

Maxx Value Foods

Mocse Credit Union

Modesto Toyota


O'Brien's Market

Oak Valley Community Bank

Opportunity Stanislaus

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

Pepsi Bottling Group

PMZ Real Estate

Residence Inn by Marriott Modesto North

Rizo-Lopez Foods, Inc.

Rose Bouquet

San Joaquin Valley College

Save Mart Supermarkets

Seva Hospice

Solecon Industrial Contractors

Stanislaus Food Products Co.

Stifel Investment Services

Storer Coachways

Sutter Gould Medical Foundation

Swingle, Van Egmond & Heitlinger

The Century

The Farmacy

The Parks Group

TSM Insurance & Financial Services

Turlock Irrigation District

Union Bank

US Bank

Valley BMW

Valley Children's Healthcare

Valley First Credit Union

Valley Lexus

Varni Brothers Corporation

Vintage Faire Mall/Macerich Company


Warden's Office Products Center

Winton-Ireland, Strom & Green Insurance Agency

Yosemite Foods Inc.

ContaCt the Chamber to learn more about our president's Club level benefits

20 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I Relationships


Ilse Gomez Rivera- New York Life Insurance Company (925) 428-0997

Modesto, CA 95354

Central Valley Behavioral Health Services Inc. 866-310-HOPE (4673)

2909 Coffee Rd. Ste 4 Modesto, CA 95350-1622

Proveri Health Pharmacy (209) 662-7272

1524 MCHENRY AVENUE, STE 160 MODESTO, CA 95350-4574

Digital Media Services by Savannah Will iams (209) 422-9616 812 7th Street Modesto, CA 95354

Yogurt Mill, Inc. (209) 523-2057 4600 Glass Ct, Ste A Modesto, CA 95356

Benchmark Engineering, Inc, (209) 548-9300 915 17th Street Modesto, CA 95354

State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil (209) 848-8001 1020 15th Street Ste.21 Modesto, CA 95354


People's Remedy (209) 750-6691 1119 Lone Palm Ave Modesto, CA 95351

Safety Training Seminars (209) 284- 3034

706 13th Street, Suite A Modesto, CA 95354

Sierra Dental Care (209) 575-2400 3801 Pelendale Ave Unit B-9 Modesto, CA 95354

World Financial Group (408) 217-8131 1035 Minnesota Ave Ste H San Jose, CA 95125

Ares Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy (209) 672-9088 1713 Prescott Rd. Modesto, CA 95350

501 Bangs Ave Suite A Modesto, CA 95356

Vitality bowls (209) 896-6168

http://vitalitybowlsmodesto 3401 Oakdale Rd #620 Modesto, CA 95355 Modesto

Lloyd's Of La Luna (209) 661-4677

Https://lloydsoflalu 2836 Marvin gardens st Modesto, CA 95350

21 april 2023 RELATIONSHIPS

Modesto symphony orchestra & Chorus Performs Mozart’s requiem

The Modesto Symphony Orchestra (MSO) will be led by conductor Anthony Parnther for their Mozart Requiem concerts on May 12 & 13, 2023 at the Gallo Center for the Arts . The weekend’s program will open with Mozart’s Requiem in D minor, K. 626 , featuring the MSO Chorus, directed by Daniel R. Afonso Jr. The Requiem will also feature guest soloists: soprano Jennifer Lindsay, mezzosoprano Maria Dominique Lopez, tenor Orson Van Gay, II, and baritone Zachary Gordin. The program will conclude with Florence Price’s Symphony No. 3 in C minor . This symphony is a tribute to Price’s heritage, with influences of blues, jazz, ragtime, and the third movement is a Juba, a dance style created by central Africans enslaved on plantations in the American South.

“This will be the first time since May 2019 that our MSO Chorus has performed in our Classics Series and we're really excited to be able to bring the full force of the Chorus with the MSO back on stage for such a monumental piece,” says Caroline Nickel, President and CEO of the Modesto Symphony Orchestra. “We are extremely proud of the MSO Chorus and can’t wait for the community to experience Mozart’s choral masterpiece filled with dramatic, ritualistic, and hopeful beauty.”

“We are also thrilled to invite Anthony Parnther to Modesto, who not only has a strong symphonic background but also has conducted and worked on many well-known projects that many will be familiar with,” says Nickel. “Recently, Anthony led the Hollywood Studio Symphony in recording sessions for Avatar: The Way of the Water, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Star Wars: The Mandalorian, and more.”

This weekend also includes the Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra (MSYO) in their Season Finale Concert on May 13th. The MSYO comprises two orchestras with students from grades 5 through 12 and is led by a deeply engaged leadership team. Their Spring Concert will feature works by Bach, Copland, Massenet, and more. Learn more about the MSYO at

The MSO is also excited to announce free Youth tickets for the MSYO’s Season Finale concert made possible by a generous donation from Robert & Martha Falzone. All youth ages 17 and younger interested in attending the MSYO Season Finale concert can attend for free. Free youth tickets are

only available in person from the Gallo Center Ticket Office at 1000 I Street, Modesto.

American conductor, Anthony Parnther , is the Music Director and Conductor of the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra and the Southeast Symphony & Chorus in Los Angeles.

Recent guest conducting engagements include the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles Opera, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Chineke! Orchestra, Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya, Jacaranda - Music at the Edge, Hear Now Music Festival, Mann Center Festival Orchestra, Pittsburgh Microtonal Festival, Hollywood Chamber Orchestra, Brightwork NewMusic, and the World Opera Forum in Madrid, Spain.

Over the next season, Anthony will premiere Kris Bower’s Concerto for Horn with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Tamar-kali Brown’s Oratorio “We Hold These Truths” with the Los Angeles Opera, work alongside composer Anthony Davis on his Pulitzer Prize-winning opera Central Park Five with the Long Beach Opera, and premiere a new work for narrator and orchestra by Oscar-winning, GRAMMY-nominated Jon Batiste, host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert with the Gateways Festival Orchestra at Carnegie Hall.

Anthony has led the Hollywood Studio Symphony in recording sessions for many international feature film and television projects including Star Wars: The Mandalorian, Tenet, Star Wars: Book of Boba Fett, Little, American Dad, The Hunt, Fargo, The Way Back, The Night Of, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Encanto, and Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild. His live orchestral concert appearances for e-sports titan League of Legends in Barcelona, Beijing, Seoul, and Los Angeles are among the most widely viewed symphonic concerts in the world, with live audiences of 50,000-75,000 spectators and a viewership that outpaces the World Series with approximately 100 million live streaming each League of Legends Finals Opening Ceremony concert.

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22 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I Relationships
Anthony Parnther

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Anthony has restored and performed orchestral works by Florence Price, Zenobia Powell Perry, Margaret Bonds, William Grant Still, Duke Ellington, and Samuel Coleridge Taylor. He has premiered and recorded works by Anthony Davis, George Walker, Errollyn Wallen, John Wineglass, Gary Powell Nash, Marian Harrison, Renee Baker, James Wilson, Phillip Herbert, Daniel Kidane, Chanda Dancy, and James Newton. In 2015, Anthony was profiled by Los Angeles' KCET/TV as a "Local Hero" for his extensive community outreach and advocacy for the performance of works by Black, Latino, and Women artists.

Anthony studied music performance at Northwestern University and continued his musical studies at Yale University where he studied orchestral conducting with Lawrence Leighton Smith and Otto Werner Mueller. He resides in Los Angeles.

Daniel R. Afonso Jr. has served as conductor of the Modesto Symphony Orchestra Chorus since its foundation in 2001 and has prepared several choral works with the ensemble. He is also Coordinator of Vocal and Choral Studies at California State University, Stanislaus. Afonso received a B.M.E. degree from the Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (UNI -Rio), a M.M. degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and a D.M.A. degree in Choral Conducting and Pedagogy from the University of Iowa. Dr. Afonso is originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and has studied conducting with Carlos Alberto Figueiredo, Cees Rotteveel, Eph Ehly, and William Hatcher.

Dr. Afonso has performed with choral groups in Brazil, U.S., and Europe, and has previously taught music at the Conservatório Brasileiro de Música, Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (UNI-Rio), and Doane College, Nebraska. In 1988, he won the first prize and the best performance of Villa-Lobos work award at the Concurso Villa-Lobos de Canto Coral, a national choral competition sponsored by the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro. Dr. Afonso is strongly committed to the performance of new music and has commissioned and premiered many new choral works in the last few years, including several of his own works as well as works by young composition students. He had his New York debut in 2012, conducting Mozart’s Requiem with members of the MSO Chorus and students from CSU Stanislaus at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.

He is also a composer, arranger, and editor of choral music and has choral works published by earthsongs, Colla Voce, and Alliance Music Publications. He served as composer-in-residence with the San Francisco Choral Artists during their 2014-2015 season and has also written works for the Los Angeles Children’s Choir, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, and other ensembles in the US and abroad. He has written innumerous arrangements for the Modesto Symphony Orchestra, including a new version of The Star-Spangled Banner for chorus and orchestra, premiered at the opening concert for the 2015-16 concert season. Dr. Afonso is widely recognized for his research and performance of Brazilian choral music and continues to frequently present workshops and lectures about the Latin American choral repertoire.

Lyric soprano Jennifer Lindsay has been widely praised for her gorgeous tone and musical intelligence. She has performed with the Metropolitan Opera, LA Philharmonic, San Diego Symphony, and more.

Praised as “a rich-voiced mezzo” (Operawire) and “a real tour-de-force” (Splash Magazine), Mexican-American mezzo soprano Maria Dominique Lopez has sung operatic roles and symphonic works throughout the United States and Europe for over a decade.

Operatic Tenor, Orson Van Gay II , possesses a unique voice that captivates the audience with his charisma and command of the stage for a singer of his generation. His performances showcase vocal talents that have brought him constant recognition in Southern California and across the United States.

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23 EDUCATION april 2023
Jennifer Lindsay Maria Dominique Lopez Orson Van Gray II

Praised for his “arresting musical insights”, Zachary Gordin has been active in many facets of the Classical Music industry. He has established himself as a leading baritone soloist, collaborative pianist, conductor, organizational consultant, and artist mentor; training singers who perform in the world's great opera houses and concert halls.

Founded in 1976, the Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra (MSYO) serves young musicians and their families from more than 40 public and private schools in the Central Valley. Led by a deeply engaged leadership team, the MSYO attracts a diverse group of outstanding musicians. Members are presented the opportunity to share their gift of music in an inspiring and challenging orchestral setting alongside their peers from all social, economic, cultural, and geographical backgrounds. As a program within the Modesto Symphony Orchestra Association, members have the invaluable experience of interacting with our professional musicians, conductors, and visiting guest artists through workshops, side-by-side performances, and clinics.

The MSYO serves students of varying skill levels and is made up of two full-orchestra (strings, winds, and percussion) groups:




Both ensembles perform a three-concert series at the Gallo Center for the Arts throughout the season. The MSYO Concert Orchestra has toured San Francisco, Sacramento, and the Central Valley. Typically, the Concert Orchestra tours local elementary schools, providing free performances, and advocating for the importance of music education.

The MSYO Symphony Orchestra has also performed throughout the United States and world, including performances in England, France, Japan, Eastern Europe, Canada, and China.

The Symphony Orchestra has previously partnered with the Napa Valley Youth Symphony to perform in the 2012 Mahler Festival in Vienna and for the 2014 New York Phil Young Composers workshop, where they performed at Carnegie Hall and in Central Park.

Ticketing Information

Tickets are available online through or through the Gallo Center for the Arts Ticket Office at (209) 338-2100.

Group Prices available: Groups of 10+ receive a 15% discount on tickets. Call (209) 338-5064 for more information.

Gallo Center Ticket Office Hours: Monday through Friday 10:00am-6:00pm / Saturday 12:00pm6:00pm

of CoMMerCe I 24 Relationships
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Zachary Gordin


25 april 2023 RELATIONSHIPS
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Arts and Culture Day leADership moDesto

The 40th class of Leadership Modesto, the one and only “Best Class Ever,” met up again on the first Friday in March for Arts & Culture Day with Best Day Chairs Ever Kate Trompetter and Dave Rogers.

Our first stop was the Gallo Center for the Arts where we heard from representatives of Sankofa Theatre Company, YES Company, and Gallo Leadership. Sankofa is a local theater company that performs its shows at the Gallo Center. YES Company is a youth musical theater program for grades 7-12. We were treated to a performance by students Leanna and Roland, along with Director Maggie. We heard from Ryan Foy, Director of Produced Theatre and Special Programming, as well as Chad Hilligus, Chief Executive Officer, about the Gallo Center’s in-house productions (which is rare for a performing arts venue) and how they book shows and keep the doors open. We concluded this stop with a behind the scenes tour and our first impromptu music experience - a drum circle with Drum Love.

Giddy with excitement and having just played music together, we skipped on over to the Mistlin Gallery. There, we perused the current shows and learned about upcoming shows and events. The gallery changes its shows about once a month, and it’s completely free to stop in and view.

On the way to our third stop, the State Theatre, we had another impromptu performance by local musician Kevin Marin. He played the guitar and sang while Dave Rogers played a drum beat. At the State Theatre, we learned about the variety of events from movies to poetry slams to concerts to film competitions; there is so much that goes on inside that historic 1934 theater, and so much more to come.

We took a pit-stop for lunch at Valley Music Institute (VMI), a school of rock for all ages. They take eager up and coming musicians with any or no experience, put them in a band, teach them the instruments as well as stage presence, and then have them perform. Many bands and individuals go on to perform all over town. While we were there, we were visited by Liisa Davila with Opera Modesto.

She opened our minds to all that Opera is - hint: it’s not all boring and stuffy, and it takes some serious skills including yoga, language learning, stage presence and of course voice lessons. Liisa performed a song for us and we were in awe of how she transitioned from normal talk to belting out opera in a completely different language.

On our way to the next stop, the McHenry Museum which most of us hadn’t been to since the third-grade field trip that all local schools take, we had one final impromptu musical performance by local musician and VMI alum, Zoey Rae. Zoey performed two songs for us on her guitar. At the museum, Board Member and MJC Professor Talitha Agan led us on a brief tour of highlights and the layout before letting us explore on our own. The building was formerly the McHenry Library from 1912 until 1971. In 1972, the historical society turned it into the McHenry Museum. This two-story piece of history is filled with exhibits and it is free to visit.

The final stop of the day would take us to Prospect Theater where Artistic Director Jack Souza spoke on the theater’s 23-year history which started with a group of local thespians who wanted a local theater company. It is a small, intimate space where guests can enjoy a locally produced play up close and personal. In addition to the theater portion, there is a new venture with improv called the Artist Lab. Instructor Richard Hogeboom led us through some group improv exercises to demonstrate how improv can be used in many different ways.

The best way to describe this day is “rich”. Modesto is rich and overflowing with arts and culture. There are a variety of shows, performances, musicals, movies, productions, galleries, theaters, and live concerts. Beyond all the live events, there is art everywhere you look from murals on buildings to art in cafes. There are several annual shows and events celebrating local artists like ModShop, PorchFest, the MAMA Awards and more. There is no shortage of culture or things to do in Modesto. And, make sure you check out the ModestoView for all the latest!

26 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I education

Emotional Intelligence as a Tool of Professional Image and Objectives

I recently sat in a meeting which felt like a frustrating version of professional ‘Groundhog Day’. Not much productivity seemed to be on the horizon, if any, and the other attendees seemed to be getting exceedingly frustrated with each other and the meeting’s subject. As blood pressures rose around the table, I silently reminded myself that the image you project has a ton of weight for those you interact with. I took a deep breath, steadied my internal thoughts, and focused on the objective of the meeting.

Things took a turn. Admittedly, I was in the company of some well-meaning and brilliant people with far more professional clout than I had to leverage. But I wanted to stop having inefficient and awkward gatherings like this. So, I heard myself ground the group in our goals. I methodically relayed the points which rooted us all in our collective aim. Then I carefully highlighted the disparity between what was and what could be between all of us. After the meeting, I recounted how relatable that uncomfortable, unproductive earlier portion of the meeting was for business practices and my professional aim.

Since that encounter, I reflect regularly on how emotional intelligence helps convey an open mind and an invitation to others. Are my messages conveyed in a productive, open-minded manner?

Are my disagreements relayed in a professional manner? Do my counterpoints have constructive merit or am I just fanning unnecessary flames? Is my communication respectful and welcoming? It is important to be inviting in the travel and tourism industry, after all. But this lesson extrapolates out seamlessly into the businesses of Modesto and beyond.

Learn from my prickly exchange. Are you and your organization conveying an inviting, respectful, professional image? We are always on display to someone, after all. Whether your customers, vendors, or stakeholders are sitting at the table in each meeting or not, your efforts and messaging make a difference.

Pause and make sure your communications are productive and helpful to your goals, both internally and externally.

27 APRIL 2023 education

Utilizing NFC Technology to Display and Sell Art in Your Gallery

As a gallery owner, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies can help you attract more visitors and sell more art. One technology that you may want to consider is NFC, or near field communication. By using NFC tags, you can easily provide more information and make it easier for visitors to purchase art in your gallery.

Display Detailed Information

NFC tags can be placed next to individual pieces of art, allowing visitors to access more information about the artist and the work itself by simply tapping their phone on the tag. This can include biographical information about the artist, details about the materials and techniques used, and even background on the inspiration behind the piece. By providing more context and insight, you can help visitors appreciate the art more and feel more connected to it.

Make Purchasing Easier

In addition to providing information, NFC tags can also make it easier for visitors to purchase art. By linking the tags to a secure online payment system, visitors can simply tap their phone to make a purchase. This can be especially useful for visitors who are interested in a piece but don't want to carry cash or write a check. By providing a convenient and secure way to buy art, you can make it more likely that visitors will follow through with a purchase.

Promote Your Gallery

NFC tags can also be used to promote your gallery to a wider audience. By including links to your website and social media profiles, visitors can easily learn more about your gallery and stay connected even after they leave. You can also use NFC tags to promote special events or exhibitions, giving visitors an easy way to stay up-to-date with your gallery's activities.

NFC technology can be a powerful tool for gallery owners and Artes looking to display and sell art. By providing detailed information and making it easy to purchase, you can enhance the visitor experience and increase sales. By promoting your gallery and staying connected with visitors for upcoming events and newly finished art pieces, you can also attract more people to your gallery and build a stronger community of art lovers.

For more information on managing your company's online presence, if you need a new or updated website or a virtual assistant to support you and answer your phones, go to or call Sisbro Innovation at (800) 291-9102.

Make your mark.

Some businesses are content to have no other online presence than a Facebook page, and never think of how that looks to customers. While Facebook is a wonderful complement to a company website, it is by no means a realistic replacement. And not everybody has a Facebook account anymore.

Web Design

28 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I

Find A Professional Workspace at Nine3One

Looking to balance both productivity and community in your workspace? Nine3One is perfect for you! Located in the heart of downtown Modesto, Nine3One is a co-working flex space offering meeting spaces, office suites, virtual mailboxes, and more for your small business needs.

Founded in 2019 by Erin Doran, Nine3One balances a professional workspace with stylish functionality. Erin envisioned and cultivated an aesthetically pleasing and uplifting environment that encourages collaboration, productivity, and success.

Nine3One serves as the perfect work office away from home. Get into the productive mindset in our co-working space, manage your paperwork in one of our office suites, or set up a meeting in one of our various conference rooms.

Take your business to the next level with our virtual office membership! It includes a commercial business address with a personalized suite number, the ability to receive unlimited mail and packages, and more!

Our location also offers a fully-stocked kitchenette and a Community Manager on site for your assistance.

Interested in joining our Nine3One family? We’re leasing new office space just down the street!

Opening in the Summer of 2023, the new site is the perfect location for your business needs.

Can’t wait? We currently have a nook office suite available for rent.

Perfect for one, this space also includes free meeting room reservations, high-speed WiFi, mail services, and more! Inquire today at officememberships.

Working alone sucks, so come work with us!

APRIL 2023 service
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31 service APRIL 2023

Modesto Irrigation District has various programs that can help your business unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability.

Modesto Irrigation District has various programs that can help your business unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability.

The power is in your hands.

The power is in your hands.





Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

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