PREVENTING LEARNING LOSS DURING SUMMER BREAK Manteca Unified will always prioritize student success– and helping students reach grade level standards isn’t only achieved during the school year. While summer break can be a fun, relaxing time for students, not everyone picks up where they left off academically. While away from campus, many students experience what is called “learning loss,” which is the forgetting of previously learned information that can occur when students do not practice the skills they have acquired in school. When students are away from the classroom for a long period of time, it is only natural they lose the ability to recall some of what they learned. As an educational institution, MUSD has a responsibility in helping combat learning loss, as it is our vision for every student to achieve – and maintain – grade level standards by
providing the best learning opportunities and resources. According to MUSD’s Coordinator of Innovation & Improvement, Lisa Goodwin, and Coordinator of Equity & Access, Jacalyn Davis – who together spearhead the District’s summer programming – two essential things students can do to continue to learn over the summer is read and participate in enrichment activities. Educators everywhere agree that reading is one of the most important aspects of learning, and this is especially true for younger students who shift from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” around 3rd grade. The great news is that there are endless opportunities to practice this critical skill, one of the top resources being a program called Exact Path.
Exact Path is a digital platform available to every MUSD student, regardless of grade level, and is tailored to meet the unique needs of each child. Exact Path utilizes the student’s MAP testing data from the Spring of 2022 to determine which standards they need to meet to help fill any gaps they may be experiencing. According to Ms. Goodwin, “Research states that if students spend 80 minutes twice a week, with 40 minutes dedicated to English Language Arts and the other 40 minutes dedicated to math, students will show growth in their standards!” With Exact Path, students don’t need to go anywhere or have parental help to engage in activities – they simply open a lesson that is active and fun, take an assessment afterwards, and the program will automatically adjust itself based on the student’s results. If a student doesn’t want to log in to Exact Path, they can always access reading material from the local library, or through SORA, a free digital library Manteca Unified uses to provide books that are grade-level appropriate for each student. But burying their nose in a book isn’t the only way
students can continue to learn and grow over the summer. According to Ms. Goodwin, participating in summer enrichment opportunities, including activities that stimulate the mind such as swim lessons, dance class, or theater will help students to engage with themselves and others, increasing their learning capacity as they build essential skills. “There is more to learning than just reading and writing,” Ms. Goodwin states. “By participating in sports or arts activities, students practice learning skills without the pressure of an academic environment. They get to use their brain for creative purposes, which benefits them academically, and the social skills they develop are critical in the long run. One of the most important things parents can do to promote learning in the summer is to allow kids to be out with other kids, having fun! Learning happens when children feel safe and supported.” If parents are looking for enrichment opportunities this summer, they won’t have to look far! MUSD’s community partners including San Joquin County Office of Education, City of Manteca, City of Lathrop, City of Stockton, YMCA and Give Every Child a Chance are hosting a variety of fun activities and camps over the break, and even have
A Word from Alyssa Telles MUSD’s Educator of the Year (4-6 Grade)
A FEW IDEAS TO PREVENT LEARNING LOSS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS: To combat learning loss over the summer, I would recommend intermediate-level students read at least one hour a week, along with doing 30 minutes of Exact Path per day to practice different subjects. For example, students can use Exact Path for reading on Mondays and Wednesdays, math on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and language on Fridays. For students who struggle with math, I suggest they practice math fluency for 15 minutes a day by working with their parent or support provider using flashcards.
A Word from Christina Young MUSD’s Educator of the Year (9-12 Grade)
A FEW IDEAS TO PREVENT LEARNING LOSS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, PARTICULARLY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS: First, students need to READ. They need to read anything they can get their hands on! Books are great, and if students don’t have books at home, they can always go to the library, the book exchange, or access digital books through SORA. Reading during the summer will prevent boredom and give students freedom to choose a book of their liking – Building reading stamina is key! If students aren’t reading books, I recommend reading SOMETHING. There are plenty of free online resources with articles on all sorts of topics! Additionally, students need to WRITE. They also need to read like writers—looking at style, structure, craft moves, organization, word choice, sentence construction, and voice. They need to use these pieces as examples to mimic in their own writing. Even if students are simply writing letters, blogs, or journals, they’re experimenting with all the skills necessary to communicate as well as playing with language to develop their own style and voice! scholarship money available for families who want to participate but need support with program fees. However, MUSD understands that some students will need additional support beyond reading, enrichment activities and digital resources. Invite-only programs such as Summer Academy and Credit Recovery are pinpointed intervention opportunities for students who have not yet reached Grade Level Standards, giving them a little more time to achieve these standards before they move on to the next grade. Also, for the first year ever, Manteca Unified is sending students on break with a “Summer Backpack” filled with grade level-appropriate learning materials! “This summer, we are directly addressing and combating district-wide learning loss,” stated Ms. Davis. “Our Superintendent, Dr. Burke, is working to ensure our students continue to have all the resources they need to meet grade level standards as part of their overall success.”
To access a variety of educational resources, visit MUSD’s Summer Learning website at www. today!