MANTECA ADULT SCHOOL Manteca Unified School District
HiSET The Manteca Unified School District’s Manteca Adult School hones a specialized program for those who have decided to complete their high school education: The High School
From there, the test became
Equivalency Test.
widely available as an option, and the only option, for adult
The program is the best he’s seen in his fourteen years of
learners to finish high school.
academic counseling, expressed Larry Machado, adult school,
Until 2014 when the High, and independent study counselor.
School Equivalency Test was introduced to the state of
The high school equivalency program differs from the
California as well as other
prevalently known GED, but only where curriculum is concerned.
Whether a student completes the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) or the General Education Development Test (GED), the
“Think of it as the iPhone vs.
same certificate is issued from the state of California.
the Samsung,” illustrated Mr. Machado. “Both exams
Mr. Machado explained that the GED began in the early 1940’s as
sanction high school
a way to help veterans returning from World War II complete
equivalency, but one may be
their high school education so that they might attend college.
preferred over the other.”