Welcome to
Copthorne Carnival 2011 It’s the last Saturday in June, so it must be time for the event that has been pencilled in everyone’s diary since last years fantastic happening. Yes it is time for this years COPTHORNE CARNIVAL. I know that every year we say that this year The Carnival will be bigger and better than the year before, if that is possible, and this year is no exception. The Carnival Committee has been working hard all year to bring you a great day of diverse and exciting entertainment with a mixture of old favourites and new events.
inChoir singing and The NTC Band, all performing in the Arena during the afternoon. The Carnival Programme is a great opportunity for local businesses to promote themselves in the local community and support the carnival, and once again I would like to offer sincere thanks to all the advertisers in this years programme. Without the advertisers who come forward every year to support this village event, together with all the stall holders and helpers, the Carnival would not be the success it is.
Finally, I would like to thank my committee for all their hard work over the last year. Carole, Kieron, Adele, Kevin, Rob, Rachel, Jan and This year’s afternoon theme is Denys spend many hours America, and there will be prizes working to ensure that the for the best floats in the procession and also the best stall. Carnival takes place. In the evening the American Come along and have a great day. theme is extended, with an amazing Blues Brothers Tribute Graham Casella – Chairman. Band. They are on ‘a mission from God’ to ensure that a great time is had by all. Of course, we would love you all to join in by dressing up to make it even more spectacular. We also have the return of Albert Snake Hips, the fire eating limbo dancer with his own unique form of entertainment, together with the Seagulls Cheerleaders, X-Treme Beatz Dance Academy, Sama Karate Kids demonstration, Pipes and Drums Band,
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This Years Stall Holders Copthorne Village Hall Copthorne C of E Junior School Fairway Infant School Peter Pan Playgroup Jack & Jill Pre-school St Johns Sunshine Pre-school Cots 2 Tots Copthorne Guide Units Copthorne Scout Units Copthorne Youth Football Club Copthorne Table Tennis Club TS Swiftsure NTC Copthorne Ladies Club Copthorne Afternoon WI Copthorne Evening WI Copthorne Village Association The Copthorne Players Lulu Locket Jewels Eileen Reid St Johns Church Lily Wilkinson Sams Kitchen Cancer Research Relay for Life – Little Gems
Orchid View Care Home Big Daddy Ices IQ Security Ltd Blakemore & Sons Crawley Lions Club Copthorne Stoolball Club Wey & Arun Canal Trust Advance International Ministries Copthorne Sports Club British Legion Touchlight Copthorne Carnival Committee
Books, Tombola BBQ American Prize State, Face Painting Jam Jar Tombola Helium Balloons Lucky Stars Promoting Group Teddy Tombola, Sweet Tombola, Bric a Brac, Pimms
Candy Floss, Coconut Shy, Plate Smashing
Penalty Shoot Out, Football Skills Tombola Bric a Brac, Plants, Books and Soft Drinks
Tombola Sweets, Cookies and Candy Store Cakes and Sundries American Style Awareness of Copthorne Village Association
Strawberries and Cream Handmade Bead Jewellery & Hair Accessories
Crazy Golf Vicarage Teas, Bric a Brac & Produce
Fashion/Accessories Bakery Charity Fundraiser TBC Cakes Ice Creams Security & Communications Systems Independent Estate Agency Tombola
Tombola, White Elephant Tombola Publicity with some Trust items for sale
Charity Fundraising Raffle and Information Display
Raffle, Information, Book Sale Bucky Balls Crepes & Afternoon Teas, Bar & BBQ, Evening Raffle
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This Years Attractions Inflatables Assault Course Sumo Suits Gyrosphere Bouncy Castle There will be an art exhibition and a "fun competition for all the family" in the Church
Programme of events in the arena inChoir Gatwick Caledonian Pipes and Drums Band TS Swiftsure NTC Band Xtreme Beatz Dance Academy Sama Karate Kids Xtreme Beatz Dance Academy Sama Karate Kids Zumba Announce Village Hall Raffle Winners Seagulls Cheer Leaders
2.00pm – 2.30pm 2.40pm – 3.00pm 3.10pm – 3.25pm 3.35pm – 3.45pm 3.50pm – 4.05pm 4.10pm – 4.20pm 4.25pm – 4.40pm 4.45pm – 4.50pm 4.50pm – 5.00pm 5.00pm – 5.30pm
Albert Snake Hips Acrobatic Fire Eater & Limbo Dancer
5.30pm – 6.30pm
PA Music with Jake & Elwood arriving in style Blues Brothers Tribute Band Firework Display
7.00pm – 7.45pm 7.45pm – 9.45pm 10.00pm
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Copthorne Sports Club
What happened to the funds raised last year?
Last year the Copthorne Sports Club was delighted to be offered the chance to benefit from running the raffle at the Copthorne Carnival. This was the second time in 5 years that we had been given this prized opportunity. As on the previous occasion we made about £2,000 from the day. Many of you will be aware of the awful condition of the existing pavilion at the King George Field. The proceeds from the raffle will go towards the building of the long overdue new pavilion.
It is our intention that the new building will not just be a pavilion for sports clubs but a community facility. We hope that it will become a focal point for other clubs and organisations to hold meetings and use for storage of their equipment. We would be delighted to hear from any groups or individuals who are looking for a small venue. By this years Carnival, it is hoped that construction will have commenced. It will take 5/6 months to complete.
You may be aware of the fundraising that has been going on by the various sports clubs, but in addition to this many hours have been spent in making applications to various grant bodies to raise the £350,000/£400,000 that it will take to build, manage construction and fit out the new building.
We hope to have registered as a charity, so that people making contributions to the Sports & Community Association as we will become can do so under gift aid so then we can claim a tax rebate from the Government and higher rate tax payers can receive a tax rebate.
We currently have approximately £250,000 towards the costs from Parish, District and County Councils and some local firms including Harbour Holdings. We currently have an application in with the Football Foundation which we hope will grant us a substantial sum towards the remaining costs.
We will be having a stand at this years Carnival to raise the final few £’000s that we require and will have a mock up of the new structure.
Copthorne Pavillion Drawing
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Copthorne Carnival Raffle 2011 We have been privileged this year to be granted the running of the Copthorne Carnival Raffle. The raffle allows local non-profit making organisations to raise in the region of £2,000 for a specific project. The village hall provides a safe and secure environment at affordable rates for the non-profit making organisations that need a ‘local base’. Wedding receptions, youth groups, WI, coffee mornings, table tennis, dance, Zumba, play group are just a few of the current users and activities that take place on a regular basis. We provide a venue through which the young can access a variety of safe structured activities, reducing the likelihood of anti-social behaviour, and at the same time provide a comfortable environment that allows the older generation to stay in touch. Over the past few years the hall has under gone many refurbishments. With the support of Worth Parish Council, Mid Sussex Council, Gat-wick Airport Community Trust, Doosan Babcock, Glaxco Smith-Kline and Grass Roots fund we have been able to put in a new kitchen, new flooring, new fire doors, new fire exits, new front doors, improve disabled access, LST radiators, new bollards and replaced the flat roof.
Registered Charity No 275905
The funds raised from the raffle will contribute towards our latest project in the main hall:i) Replacing the existing ceiling tiles ii) Upgrading the lighting and associated wiring The last ceiling refurbishment was 1977 but even with regular maintenance the ceiling now needs to be upgraded to maintain the village hall at an appropriate standard. The new ceiling tiles will improve sound proofing, fire safety and enhance the overall look of the hall. As well as improving the lighting for evening/night time users the new light fittings will improve energy efficiency. The new lights give a 25% saving on running costs and offer 15% more light. All the money to run the hall is raised by volunteers, or, from hall rental fees. We need your support If you would like to purchase raffle tickets contact Pam 01342 717194 and help us to provide a great local facility for the local community. Adele Ruddock Copthorne Village Hall Chairperson
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RH10 Uncovered Through your letterbox every month Wishes Copthorne Carnival 2011 Every Success
Mantra Magazines Ltd
t. 01293 824 088 t. 01342 580 026 t. 01293 265 002 e. info@mantramagazines.co.uk www.mantramagazines.co.uk
Unit 32, Rowfant Business Centre, Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4NQ
Copthorne Carnival
Thank Yous The carnival would not be possible without the support of the individuals that spare their time to help make it happen and the local business’s that help provide a variety of support; from volunteer staff to raffle prizes to lorry trailers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following local companies and at the same time ask you all to show your support throughout the year by using these organisations whenever possible.
B S Traction Ltd Trailer
Copthorne Junior School
Guernica Productions
Mad World Fancy Dress
Michael Harbour
Cox’s Skips
Worth Parish Council
RH10 Uncovered
All our Advertisers in the programme
Thank You
The Carnival wouldn’t be complete without the large team of helpers who work behind the scenes, setting up/running stalls, delivering programmes, marshalling the procession. If you are able to join this team (1 hour of your time is all we ask PLEASE) and help deliver a successful 2011 Carnival please call Carole on 01342 713868 evenings or weekends