RH10 EDITION - JULY 2015 - ISSUE 109 Delivered to 28,000 homes & businesses in the RH10 postcode
Visit our new community website at WWW.RHUNCOVERED.CO.UK
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Welcome to ourJuly issue
The hot and hazy days of summer have arrived and that can only mean one thing – getting out and about in the glorious weather! We’ve lots of ideas this month from including a Garden Party fundraiser in aid of Crawley Open House and the hugely popular Turners Hill Village Fete and Dog Show. Even if you are staying at home we want to get you out in the fresh air so we’ve some great ideas for creating a family garden to relax in on those long hot summer evenings! With the school summer break upon us we’ve also got plenty of ideas for getting the little ones out in the great outdoors from visiting Nature Reserves, to creating their own countryside adventure, there’s something for all! COMMUNITY 6 Community News 12 Whats On 14 Community Groups
Enjoy the sun!
CHILDREN AND EDUCATION 22 Get Out (into the great outdoors) MOTORING 28 The Post-Paper trail FOOD AND DRINK 32 Sage and Pancetta Roast Chicken HEALTH 36 Hear No Evil, See No Evil STYLE 40 Scorching Summer Fashion HOMES 42 Family Gardens Cool Kids Rooms 48 GARDENS 56 Home Grown Herbs
PUBLISHED BY Mantra Magazines Ltd CONTACT Unit 32, Rowfant Business Centre Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4NQ WEBSITE www.rhuncovered.co.uk
ADVERTISING SALES Nikki Relffe-Arnold nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk Heather Porter, Paula Wadey, Nadine Lindsay, info@mantramagazines.co.uk
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David Arnold, Carly Morley production@mantramagazines.co.uk COMMUNITY PROJECTS MANAGER
Emma Stevenson, emma@mantramagazines.co.uk COMMUNITY EDITORIAL Shelley Baker, shelley@mantramagazines.co.uk ACCOUNTS
Mandy Notridge - 01293 825767 credit@mantramagazines.co.uk
Matthew Arnold
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Henry Smith
It was humbling to be re-elected as Member of Parliament for Crawley, with an increased majority in May.
The results were declared on the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day. I never fail to remember the sacrifices made to ensure that we have a democracy at all. It was an honour to attend the VE Day commemorations in the Memorial Gardens, just hours after the General Election – appropriately my first official engagement of the new Parliament. To those who voted for me, my sincere thanks; however, if you didn’t or couldn’t I’m here to help every Crawley constituent.
If there is any issue you’d like me to assist you on or if you wish for me to raise a particular issue with the Government then please write to me at Henry Smith MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA, call: 01293 934554 or email: henry. smith.mp@parliament.uk Want to keep up to date on my activities working for Crawley? If so please visit: www.twitter.com/henrysmithmp or www.facebook.com/henry4crawley
Garden Party Fundraiser for
Crawley Charity
If you’re a regular reader, you will have seen many features over the years on Three Bridges fundraiser-extraordinaire; Maria Hains, who has raised over £300,000 for local causes and charities. Between 12-3pm, on Saturday 4th July, Maria will be opening her garden gate and welcoming people to her annual garden party, all in aid of raising money for Crawley Open House – a charity that provides support and services for those suffering the effects of homelessness, unemployment, loneliness, discrimination, or other forms of social exclusion.
for many years in lots of different ways. Thank you Maria and we hope the sun shines!” Tickets to the event (at 6 Eastwood, Three Bridges) cost just £5 and will include a homemade afternoon tea and live music. To book your place call Maria on: 01293 403432.
“We are very grateful for Maria’s on-going support,” Charlie Arratoon, Crawley Open House’s director says. “Maria has supported Crawley Open House
01293 824088
Turners Hill Village Fete Summer months in RH10 are jam-packed full of great community fetes, festivals and carnivals, and are the perfect excuse to get out and about, meeting like-minded local residents, groups and organisations. Most importantly, they are about having fun in the place where you live!
As well as traditional fete activities such as Morris dancing, afternoon teas and raffles, the family-friendly event also hosts a fun dog show, safety demonstrations from the emergency services and also the ever-popular Worth Horticultural Show.
This year’s Turners Hill Village Fete and Fun Dog Show hopes to tick all of the boxes listed above, when it returns to the village’s recreation ground on Sunday 19th July, from 1:45pm.
All proceeds will go directly to village causes and organisations; including local clubs, Turners Hill School and churches.
Businessman Abseiled for Life-Saving Charity
On Saturday 27th June, Bob Taylor took on a 376ft abseil challenge to raise money for a charity that helped to save his life, when he suffered a heart attack in his Crawley office. Bob, who suddenly collapsed, on a January morning in 2012, aged just 57, was given CPR by a quick-thinking colleague, whilst paramedics and Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance rushed to the scene to deliver vital post-resuscitation care. It’s estimated that fewer than 10% of people who The treat was a freefall abseil from the top of the suffer a cardiac arrest outside of hospital survive. ArcelorMittal Orbit and I think I said something Now a charity very close to his heart, Bob hopes along the lines of, ‘I bet that would be fantastic’,” to raise further funds for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Bob told us, before taking on the challenge. Ambulance, with his recent abseil of the UK’s tallest sculpture - London’s ArcelorMittal Orbit (larger than “However, I did not then expect to be opening my presents at Christmas and finding among them a Big Ben, the Statue of Liberty and double picture of the sculpture with a date of June 27th the height of Nelson’s Column): underneath it. Oh dear, my wife had booked me “In a moment of madness when watching The an abseiling experience!” the businessman laughs. Apprentice last year, I made a throwaway remark to my wife about the treat that Lord Sugar had laid Bob can still be sponsored by visiting: www.justgiving.com/BobTaylorAbseil on for the team winning one of the tasks.
01293 824088
Community Hero: Crawley Down’s
Adrian Kirkpatrick
orking as a firefighter is not just a career for so many, it’s a caring way of life. This month’s Community Hero has not only worked as a firefighter for over twelve years, but is also a member of West Sussex Technical Rescue Unit – a small team that can be deployed nationally and internationally to major incidents such as collapsed buildings, major floods, earthquakes and Tsunamis. We caught up with Adrian, who lives in Crawley Down, on return from a search and rescue deployment after the recent devastating earthquake in Nepal: “I enjoy the thrill of not knowing what our next job might be, it could be a relatively simple horse or cow rescue in West Sussex or to help with the relief effort following an earthquake in an overseas destination,” the dad of two tells us. “The deployment to Nepal was my first international search and rescue mission and I had the honour of leading the West Sussex team. Taking our place amongst the 67 strong UK team and working together to help the Nepalese community in their time of need has been the proudest moment of my career so far.” Adrian, who has lived in the village for most of his life and also served time in the army, joined the Technical Rescue Unit (TRU) in 2013 and as, he explains, can be called to help rescue animals and people locally, nationally and even internationally:
“The TRU carry out rescues that involve animals, rope work, swift water, flood and confined spaces. Day to day the majority of our calls involve animal rescues, we get a lot of calls to horses and other animals that are trapped or stuck.” “The team has also been deployed to New Zealand after an earthquake, Japan following a Tsunami and Haiti following another earthquake. Closer to home, last year, we were deployed to Reading to help with the flooding and we helped UKAID, with the logistics of sending aid to the Ebola crisis.” Sarah Smith, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Communications Officer adds: “Adrian is part of a larger team making a real difference in often dreadful circumstances. We are extremely proud of Adrian and the other members of our Technical Rescue Unit whose search and rescue expertise is internationally recognised.” A big thank you to Adrian to finding time to chat with us! If you are interested in joining the fire service, visit: www.westsussex.gov.uk/fire.
01293 824088
COMMUNITY 4th July 2015, Saturday, 1-4pm - Heatherley Summer Fete There will be an afternoon of fun and games, entertainment, outside stalls as well as the ever popular raffle, tombola and cake stall.There will be strawberrys and cream, pimms and a beer tent also. Heatherley, Effingham Lane, Copthorne, RH10 3HS
4th July 2015 – 2pm-5pm - Estcots School Summer Fair This year’s Summer Fair has a carnival/circus theme. Bouncy castle, mini steam train ride, giant inflatable slide, chair o plane ride, circus skills workshops and performances, face painting, children's crafts, traditional side stall games, hot food, beer and pimms tent, cakes and snacks, raffle and much more!! Estcots School, East Grinstead. Free entry for children, 50p for adults to include a programme and raffle ticket.
12th July 2015, Sunday, 10.30am - 4pm - RSPCA South Godstone - Family Fun Day Eastbourne Road/A22 South Godstone RH9 8JB. A great day out for all the family and their waggies! Entertainment, Music, Fun Dog Show,Tours of the Centre, Games, Stalls, Face Painting, BBQ, Food and DrinksTent, Grand Raffle with some terrific prizes. All proceeds directly support the animal centre. Admission: Adults £3, Children 5-16 yrs £2.00 Free Parking.
12th July 2015, Sunday, 9.45am - Ashplats Conservation Group will be meeting at East Court Sports Pavilion at 9.45am on the second Sunday of the month as usual. This month we will be clearing some of the branches and brambles from the paths in Ashplats Wood. No special skills are needed with tasks for all abilities. All are welcome, including accompanied children. For more information visit www.ashplats.org or ring Chris on 01342 311198, or just turn up on the day. Wear old clothes and good footwear.
9th July 2015, Thursday, 7.30pm - Crawley Flower Club - Floral Demonstration by Stephen McDonnell entitled 'Out OfThisWorld' A fun evening with witty humour from Stephen, with wonderful summer flowers. A not to be missed event. Crawley Horticultural Hall, Ifield Avenue, 17th July 2015, Friday, 7.30pm - East Grinstead Society - Lost Villages of Sussex A talk by Peter Harris of Steyning and formerly active in the Federation of Sussex Crawley RH11 7AJ. Do come along, visitors and new members are always welcome. Amenity societies of which we are a member. Main Hall, East Court, Off College Lane, Call 01293 402905 for full info. East Grinstead. Members £1, non-members always welcome £1.50. 11th July 2015, Saturday, 2pm, Dormansland Carnival Coffee and biscuits will be served. commences with a themed float procession, 'Children's Literature,' from St Johns Church to the Various, Various, Lingfield Art show Recreation Ground. Fun for all the family with the Dog Show, Children's and Adult's races, Stalls, Lingfield Art are holding their annual exhibition from Monday 20th July till Sunday 26th Children's rides,TeaTent, Good Food, BeerTent, Live Bands and dancing into the evening - there is July in the Lingfield and Dormansland Community Centre. We open daily at 10am - 6pm something for everyone! Please join us - proceeds are given to local groups and organisations. finishing on Sunday at 4pm with a late evening on Thursday 23rd until 8pm. If you'd like to book a stall, find out more, or help on the day, please look on This year we will be hanging the work in a different format from past shows and we are www.dormanslandcarnival.org or callTina on 01342 834814 allocating more space for artists cards. As usual we will be selling homemade cakes and beverages daily. Entry is free so come along and be inspired. 12th July 2015, Sunday, 10am - 3pm - Friends of Weir Wood Nature Society Open Day. Legsheath Lane (Hide car park). Annual open day with telescopes to observe birds on the reservior, moth displays, bird ringing, pond dipping opportunity.Walks inWater Meadows forWild Flowers, Butterflies. Free admission. www.weirwood.me.uk
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Like We post regular community updates throughout the month www.facebook.com/RHUncovered
01293 824088
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COMMUNITY MONDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Open Fields - We are a group of disabled and their carers who get together every other Monday 11am at Goffs Park Hotel. We arrange outings to garden centres, national trust venues, etc. Members range from 20’s- 80’s! 01293 531764 East Grinstead Natural History Society - meet at 7.45pm on the third Monday of the month from Sep to June (at St Barnabus Church Hall, East Grinstead for talks on a variety of subjects. Terriss Bacon 01342 315051 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Little Fishes Mums & Toddlers Group - £1 per family/session. 0845–1100am St Richard’s Church, Gales Dr, Three Bridges. Margaret Luetchford 01293 534927 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Camera Club - Hut 16, Tilgate Recreation Forest Centre, RH11 9BQ At 7.45 for 8pm every Monday and Wednesday, (except bank holidays) from the beginning of Sep to June. www.crawleycameraclub.co.uk chairman@crawleycameraclub.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Bowling Club - Very friendly club with regular matches and weekly club events, and coaching available. Meetings on Mondays and Fridays. Micky Bushell --------01342 311537 www.Eastgrinsteadbowlingclub.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HELP Centre Literacy Project - offers tuition and help for children and adults in basic reading, writing and maths as well as how to study. Service is free and provided for those who can’t afford tuition but who need it. 59 Railway Approach, East Grinstead, RH19 1BT. 01342 317417. 4-6pm, 7-9pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Branch of the Embroiderers' Guild - Meets on the 3rd Monday of the month (except Aug & Dec.) We enjoy talks, visiting speakers, workshops and stitch mornings. We meet 10am-12 noon at Jubilee Community Centre, Charlwoods Rd, East Grinstead RH19 2HL. Please contact Margaret 01444 242422 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Southgate Park Bowls Club - A friendly club who play in Southgate Park, Crawley. Roll-ups Monday evenings and Tuesdays from noon. 01293 425107 or 01342 715647 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maidenbower Mums, Babies and Children - Meet every Monday 12-3pm at Maidenbower Social Club, new members very welcome, search Maidenbower Mums and Babies/Children on facebook for more details and to join the group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Insight Group - for the Blind & Partially Sighted. Meets on the second Monday of every month, except for August, from 2-4 pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Victoria Road, Horley. Please contact Cathy, our Secretary, on 01293 782163. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meridian Indoor Short Mat Bowls Club - Try Indoor Short Mat Bowls at the Meridian Hall, East Court, E.G. from 2-4.30pm on Mondays. Season September till end June. Call Alex Leggat on 01342 717966 or alexhleggat@yahoo.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forest Row Buddhist Group - every Monday during term times 7.45-9.45pm (donations welcome) 2 meditation sessions, short talk, tea and a discussion for more information call Sundari Heller 01342 823099 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Felbridge Badminton Club - Play at East Grinstead Sports Club, Saint Hill Road. Juniors 6.30-7.30pm (both sessions with fully qualified coach), Seniors follow till 10.30pm. Currently seeking juniors for our Monday beginners/improvers session. Contact Corinne 01342 322071 or www.pitchero.com/clubs/felbridgebadmintonclub ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RH7 History Group - Covering RH7 areas, Meets Mondays, alternate months, from 7.30pm at Lingfield and Dormansland Community Centre. Talks on local and topical subjects. www.rh7.org Felicity Pool, Secretary 01342 832519 or felicitypool01@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Down Monday Club - meet every Monday from 10.30 to 14.30 in the Village Hall, Turners Hill Road. Contact Marion 01342 458559 for info. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spirimawgus Morris - Mixed Border Morris side meet most Mondays at The Ark, Turners Hill, 8:30-10pm. Join us for traditional style stick dances. No experience necessary. Contact spirimawgus@gmail.com or www.spirimawgus.org.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Horley Singers - The Horley Singers meet during term time on a Monday evening at 8.00 p.m. in the Methodist Church hall, Victoria Road, Horley. Website www.horleysingers.co.uk. For more info: Membership Secretary John 01293 782285. In addition to fund raising we have an active social life, so it is not all work and no play. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minton Badminton Club - Meets at Victory Hall, Balcombe - 01444 400054 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead & District Lions Club - We are seeking new members! First Monday (providing it is not a Bank Holiday)of each month at the British Legion Club, Station Rd, East Grinstead at 8pm. Visitors are welcome and should contact the Club Secretary Rob Holwell on 0845 833 9506 . In addition to fund raising we have an active social life, so it is not all work and no play. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Lightening Women's Basketball Team - training on Mondays at Holy Trinity ball hall 8..00pm to 9.30pm. LADIES Only. Contact Helen on 07775664577 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
East Grinstead VIP Club meets at Swanmead AgeUK on the 2nd Monday of the month at 11am for coffee and a home cooked lunch. We go out in the afternoon for tea to various places and seaside in the summer etc. Transport is provided. Contact: Joan Reese 01342 323260 or Ria Velterop 01342 458125. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Downsman Bowls Club -incorporating Crawley Blind and Disabled Bowlers. Very friendly club playing at West Green Playing Fields. Green is open from noon every day. Call Sue on 01293 402 827. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi-Days 50+ Club - at 10:00 in the Harlequin theatre, Redhill. Choose from KeepFit, Talks, Arts & Crafts and more inc. socialising and refreshment time. £45 for 10 week term. Contact: Lynn.davis25@blueyonder.co.uk - 01737 774104 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mondays, Tai Chi + Mediation, 7.30-9.00pm Hazelwick School. Contact Nina 01293 415524. Beginners Welcome" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mondays, Crawley Down Ladies Choir, 7.30PM The Oak Room at The Haven Centre Crawley Down. Contact Jean 01342 714521 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bloomin'Arts - Monday evenings 6.30 pm to 8 pm Dance for Health for adults with learning disabilities in the Lingfield area. Contact 01342836785 for more information or go to www.bloomin-arts.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Smallfield Community Care Association Art Class - every week 10am - 12 noon, in St. Bartholomew's Church Hall, Redehall Road, Smallfield. Open to residents over 55. Tel: Betty 01342 843537. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Colemans Hatch Bowling Club - Join us on Mondays(2.30 p.m.) and Thursdays(5.00 p.m.) to try this inexpensive, active but relaxing sport. Dress code is casual; just bring flatsoled shoes. Bowls provided. Carol Beamond 01342 823674 carolbeamond@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Felbridge Bowling Club - (Oak Farm Place, Crawley Down Road, Felbridge) come along and try bowls on Monday’s from 2:00 pm or Thursday evening from 6:00 pm. Coaching available. All equipment provided just bring some flat soled shoes. We are a friendly mixed club and always welcome new members, either complete novices or experienced bowlers. For further details please contact our Secretary, Colin Brewer, on 01342 322818 or 07742 933456 or email him at colinbrew@aol.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The North Weald Art Group - is a society of amateur and professional artists, based in Reigate, Surrey. We meet in Reigate every month on the last Monday of the month at 7.45pm when we have demonstrations by professional artists. We also hold occasional workshops and life-drawing sessions, and during the summer we meet at outdoor locations to paint or draw, occasionally with a costumed model. For more information please contact Christine Hopkins on 01737 241718 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TUESDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Old Time Dance Club - Teaching and dancing every Tuesday 2pm – 4pm st. Mary’s church Hall, Windmill Lane, East Grinstead. First session free - very friendly group. All welcome. Phone Wendy 0203 251 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Imberwood Badminton Club - Plays on Tuesday evenings in an excellent purposebuilt sports hall at Brambletye School, near East Grinstead. Phone Dennis 01342 713207 or ww.imberwood.co.uk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We Care - A friendly group of Carers, who care for a friend or loved one with Dementia. Meet once a month to chat and generally support each other. 2-4pm Every 2nd Tuesday of each month at Maidenbower Day Care Centre, Harvest Rd. Just turn up! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Flower Club - Meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm - Regent Hall, Albert Rd, Horley. 01293 786852. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stich and Sip! - Kate's Cafe Stitch and Sip has moved to Ferrito's Cafe 27 High Street, Horley RH6 7BH. Term time only on Tuesday from 9:30 to 12:00 and people can call me on 07533185170 for more info if they are interested ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAMEO Club(come & meet each other) - Twice a month, Tuesday 2.30pm-4-30pm in The Friary Hall, Crawley Town Centre. To encourage elderly people to join others & not remain housebound. Programme is varied – speakers, entertainment, bingo and more. More information from 01293 416157. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Art Society - Welcome new members. A varied programme including professional demos, life drawing and workshops. Our meetings are weekly on alternate Tuesdays (2-4pm at Montefiore Institute, Three Bridges) 01342 716549. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probus Club of East Grinstead - organised for men retired from their profession or business wishing to maintain a social network. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the East Grinstead Sports Club at 10.00 am with coffee, an interesting speaker, and optional bar lunch. 01342 823475. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Burstow WI - Meet on 2nd Tuesday each month, 2pm at St Bartholomew’s Church Hall, Redehall Rd, Smallfield. Includes a variety of activities, 01342 844375. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01293 824088
Court of Protection Deputyship F
ollowing on from our article on the importance of Lasting Powers of Attorneys (LPAs), this tells you what happens if you do not have LPAs. Once you have lost capacity an attorney cannot be appointed. An application has to be made to the Court of Protection, usually by close relatives or friends, to appoint a deputy, or deputies, to act for you. A property and finance deputy must have skills to make financial decisions for someone else. An application must be made detailing everyone applying for deputyship, why they are needed, and why those named should be selected. A list of interested parties must also be supplied (other relatives, friends, healthcare workers) and a notice sent to each, allowing them to object. A separate court order to sell a property that’s jointly owned may be needed. Finance deputies must ensure all property and money is held separately from their own, may be required to manage a Court Funds Office account in addition and submit annual accounts. Personal welfare deputies must also get permission. This involves completing various forms, one of which must be signed by the person’s doctor or healthcare worker. A deputy cannot make the decision to stop life-sustaining treatments (unlike an attorney in an LPA if given this power). Some professionals are paid to act as deputies (accountants, solicitors, the local authority). The Court can appoint a specialist deputy from an approved list if they reject the people who have applied, which often happens. Initial costs include £400 application fee plus £500 if the Court requests a hearing. An annual supervision fee – usually £320 – and a £100 fee for the assessment of a new deputy also applies. There is an annual insurance “bond” set by the Court that can be anywhere between £100 and £500.
Fixed rates apply if the Court appoints a professional which are £1,500 plus VAT for the first year and £1,185 plus VAT for each year thereafter. Where the assets are below £16,000, a professional finance deputy may take an annual fee up to 4.5%. Where the court appoints a professional welfare deputy (social services), they may take an annual fee up to 2.5% capped at £500. Annual charges for the report, accounts and HMRC tax return also apply. The only way to ensure the people you choose can make decisions for you is to draw up Lasting Powers of Attorneys. They must be registered before they can be used which takes weeks and therefore we never recommend not registering them immediately. If in doubt please contact Good Wills and / or speak to your GP.
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COMMUNITY Sackville Lacemakers - Meet alternative Tuesday evenings 7.30 - 9.30pm at East Court Mansion, East Court, East Grinstead. If you make lace (or would like to know how), knit, crochet, embroider or sew. Contact Jo Visser on 01342 328751 or Lynda Brown on 01342 311906 for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Scottish Country Dance Society - Welcome you to come along to Sackville School, Lewes Road on Tuesday s from 8pm to 10pm (September to May). The first evening is free. For further information contact Linda on 01342 300843. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Meadvale Folk Dance Club - We meet in the Empire Hall, Victoria Road, Horley from 8-10pm. Alternate Tuesdays. No partner requireded . English Folk Dancing is good for the mind and the body. Contact Rita on 01342 843629. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Rotary Club of East Grinstead - Meet Tuesday evenings at 6pm at the Brambletye Hotel in Forest Row. Raising money for local charitable causes. A modest meal at 6.15pm is followed by a speaker. charitable interest. Contact Brian 01342 321636, Alex 01342 717966 or Ray 01342 324016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Folk Dance Club - Alternate Tuesdays 8-10pm, September - July for dancing at Trinity Methodist Church, Lingfield Road, RH19 2HA. Folk dance for fun and fitness. For information call Ros 01342 321373 or Gill 020 8777 3572 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Chess Club - meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm at Swan Mead Centre. We are a small friendly club with two Teams entered in the Mid Sussex league. Please contact Bob Dyke on 01342 822058 or just turn up on the evening. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alanon Family Groups - The Allison Room of the Lingfield and Dormansland Community Centre every Tuesday 8 - 9.30pm. A fellowship of relatives and close friends of alcoholics, share their experiences to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness and that most of us find living with an alcoholic too much to cope with without help. Contact Lynda on 01342 870664 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probus Club Horley - Monthly meetings, outings and other activies. Call 01293 782998 for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lingfield & Dormansland Womens' Fellowship - Meetings every fortnight in the Community Centre, Lingfield at 8 pm. Why not come & join us. 01342 832755 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Macular Group - Helping People with Central Vision Loss meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month at Glen Vue Centre, Railway Approach, East Grinstead 2pm till 4pm. Our group leader will be delighted to give you further information - Margaret Baitup 01342 321249 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Stamp & Postcard Club - Meets at Chequer Mead Arts Centre, De la Warr Road, East Grinstead on the first and third tuesday of most months, at 7.30pm. Visiting speakers give displays at most meetings, and there are two auctions a year among other "club" based activities. Visitors are always welcome. Further details may be obtained from the secretary: 01342 327554. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Ukulele Club - Ukulele players of all abilities are welcome to come along and sing, strum & socialise. We meet alternate Tuesdays upstairs at The Dorset Arms on High Street, East Grinstead. For more info please find us on facebook or call Mike Davids on 01342 300344 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Link-Up club for the over 60’s - The 3rd Tuesday in the month – 10.30-1.30 pm. Come along for tea ,coffee and fun activity followed by lunch – £3. Meet at Jubilee Community Centre, Charlwoods Rd, East Grinstead. For info call Claire on (01342) 328334. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Target Shooting Club - meets Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00pm at the East Court Range. Suitable for all ages and both sexes over 14. Kit provided. Contact Chairman Graham Rowcroft on 07788 615080 or Secretary Malcolm Brain on 07921 214569 for further details and to make an appointment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Rotary Club of East Grinstead - Meet Tuesday evenings at 6pm at the Brambletye Hotel in Forest Row. We raise money for Rotary and local charitable causes while enjoying the fellowship of other like minded people. A modest meal at 6.15pm is followed by a speaker on a general, topical or charitable interest. Contact Brian 01342 321636, Alex 01342 717966 or Ray 01342 324016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Turners Hill Decorative & Fine Arts Society - Meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at The Ark Turners Hill. Lectures start at 11.00am. Doors open at 10.15 for coffee. A friendly club, lectures are on a variety of subjects and are suitable for all tastes. For information contact Jan Bellisio on 01342 325431 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABC Badminton Club - A small friendly club – playing on Tuesday evenings, 19.30 to 21.30 at St Wilfrid’s School, Southgate, term times only. New Members welcome. First visit free. For information please call/contact Andy Oldham on 01293 882572 or andycoldham@aol.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The East Grinstead Wine Circle - meets on the 3rd Tuesday in the month at Eastcourt, East Grinstead. Our evenings are sociable and friendly. For further info please contact Gary on 01342 313209 or Liz on 01342 323970. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Flamingoes Swimming Group - for the Physically Disabled We meet at the K2 Leisure Centre between 7.45pm and 8.45pm every Tuesday evening in order to provide a safe and secure swimming environment for people with physical disabilities. For further information contact Kevin on 07880178706 (Evenings) or come along to meet us at K2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Triratna East Surrey Buddhism and Meditation Group - Want to know more about mindfulness, meditation or its authentic, Buddhist, context? We meet each Tuesday evening from 7:30 - 9:30pm at the newly refurbished Lloyd Hall in Outwood. The group is open to all regardless of age, gender or beliefs (under 16's accompanied by an adult). All that is required is an open mind. The evenings are free of charge but any donations received are used for venue hire, equipment and taking people on retreat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probus Club of East Grinstead - organised for men retired from their profession or business wishing to maintain a social network. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the East Grinstead Sports Club at 10.00 am for coffee, speaker, and optional bar lunch. 01342 824154. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEDNESDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Flower Arranging Club - Meeting once a month on the 1st Wednesday, for demonstration of floral arrangements, raffle and free tea/coffee. Members competition 4 times a year. At The Old Courthouse, East Court, East Grinstead, 7.15 for 7.45p.m. Visitors £5. Further details contact- Vivien Crook 01342 328176 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St Richard's Badminton Club - friendly, independent club playing at Milton Mount Hall, Pound Hill Wednesday evenings from Sep to June. 01293 531826 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Meridian Probus Club of East Grinstead - The Meridian Probus Club of East Grinstead for retired professional or business men meets locally 10.15am second Wednesday every month, coffee, interesting talk, optional pub lunch. New members welcome. Call 01342 323098. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wardrobe Wizards Sewing Group - from 11.30am to 2.30pm during school term time at Edmonds Hall, Albert Rd, Horley, Surrey. www.wardrobewizards.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copthorne Evening W.I. - 2nd Wed. of month 7.45pm at Village Hall, Copthorne Bank. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Turners Hill - Hilltop WI - Meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Ark 7:30pm. Call Barbara 01342 715709. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Photographic Club - meet at Strawson Hall, Albert Rd, Horley every Wednesday evening at 7.45pm, from Sep. to June. We offer a programme of competitions, lectures, talks and demos. www.horleyphotographicclub.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Brass - Ensemble for experience brass players. Further info contact Stephen Worsley (Musical Director) 07758 628977. Lee Street Church, Horley, RH6 8ES - 8-9.30pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Evening W.I - Meet every second Wednesday each month in the Methodist Church hall, Victoria Rd, Horley at 7.30pm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maidenbower Women’s Institute - Meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm, Maidenbower Junior School Dining Hall - Speakers, activities, outings, visits, craft. Come & join us. Lesley 01293 886654 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Horticultural Society - Meets at 7:30pm on the Second Wednesday of the month in the Old Court House, East Court (next to the Police Station) We have speakers on a variety of topics. 01342 326894 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Branch of the Women’s Section of The British Legion - meets on the 1st Wednesday each month in the RBL HQ, Station Rd (opposite the fire station) at 10.30am. Our aim is to raise money for the widows and children of military personnel. For details call 01342-323886 or email - maggyeg@fsmail.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Soroptimists - an international women’s service organisation. Meetings on the first and third Wednesday of each month at East Court Mansion, College Lane, East Grinstead, RH19 3LT at 8.00 pm. Local and international projects, speakers and fund-raising activities. Contact Janet Vanderhook: 01273 812473. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pelargonium and Fuchsia Group - Meet on the third Wednesday of month at 8pm and we have very interesting speakers to talk to us. Contact Sheila Lyon for more information on 01293 402867 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friendly Ladies Badminton Group - Wednesday mornings 10.30 amto 12.30 pm Ashurst Wood Village Hall. Contact Jean 01342 822516 or Sue 01342 825185. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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COMMUNITY Meditation Class - meets fortnightly on Wednesdays at 7-9pm. Chequer Mead Arts Centre. See how meditation can reduce stress and improve health and well-being. Admission free, Donations welcome. Contact Maeve: 01342-302761 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Amateur Radio Club - Hut 18 Tilgate Recreation Centre (next to K2) every Wednesday from 1930 email secretary@carc.org.uk for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meditation Evening - Wednesdays fortnightly – 7pm to 9pm at the Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre, East Grinstead. This evening is open to all who wish to reduce stress, experience calmness in their lives, and increase their energy levels. Admission free, Donations welcome. Call Maeve on 07917318628 or maeve@ukpranichealing.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The East Grinstead Art society -meets twice/month, 2nd, 4th Wednesdays, 1400-1600, St Swithun’s Church Hall, (St Swithun's Close, RH19 3AZ). Visitors welcome £3/meeting. Contact: Wendy 01342 311093 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Spinners - 1st and 2nd Wednesday of the month. 2pm-4pm at St Mary's Hall, Windmill Lane, East Grinstead, RH19 2DS. Small friendly group, all levels of skill welcome. Visitors £3. Programme on egspin.org.uk or wsd.org.uk/guilds, or contact Stephanie 01825 731930 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pound Hill Dance Club - meets weekly at 8pm on a Wednesday evening for adult social Ballroom and Latin Dancing at the Pound Hill Community Centre, Worth Road, Crawley. A friendly and welcoming Club that also offers dances classes for children. Please telephone the secretary on 01293 514034 for further information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C.A.G.S Golf Society - All standards welcome, meets last Wednesday every month to play courses in Sussex & Surrey. Ted Jenkins on 01293 529571 or 07766 533805 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Trefoil Guild - Meets the second Wednesday of each month at The English Martyrs Church Hall in Vicarage Lane at 7.15pm. New members welcome. 01293 783779. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Live at Home Day Centre - Regent Hall, Albert Road, Horley, Surrey. RH6 7JA. Every Wednesday morning from 10.30am – 12.15pm. Lunch available. For further information please call the office on 01737 780610 or Email: tanyalah@tiscali.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bloomin'Arts - Wednesday evenings - 6.30 pm to 8 pm Dance for Health for adults with learning disabilities in the Lingfield area. Contact 01342836785 for more information or go to www.bloomin-arts.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wednesday Chatanplay - Baby and Toddler Group every Wednesday during term time, 10.00 – 11.30. All welcome – no charge, plus free refreshments! 01293 773563. In the Hall at the Church of English Martyrs, Vicarage Lane, Horley RH6 8JL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shout Chorus Choir - in Crawley, singing Soul, Gospel and Groove Classics. No Music Reading. First Session Free. Wednesdays 7.30 pm St Andrews Church Furnace Green. 01293 494949. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Down Afternoon WI - Meet every fourth Wednesday of the month at the Village Hall at 2p.m. We enjoy speakers, lunches, outings and much more. To visit, or join us please contact Sandy Bushaway 01342 712815 for information. All are very welcome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead RSPB local group - meet on the last Wednesday of each month from September to June, excluding December, at 8pm in the Main Hall, East Court, East Grinstead. Illustrated talks normally on bird related subjects. Contact Lesley Berry 01342 324955. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Worth Ladies - meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm in the Montefiore Institute, Hazelwick Road, Three Bridges. Speakers, Crafts,Outings. We love visitors! Contact Doreen on 01293 526203 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Scrabble Club - Every Wednesday morning 10.00am. School Room, Rear of Methodist Church, Victoria Road, Horley. 01293 786773 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sussex Linux User Group - Meets at 7pm on 4th Wednesday of every month (except Dec) at The Holbrook Sports Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham, RH12 5PJ. The Holbrook charges £3 to non members, and there are bar facilities for curries and burgers. Free parking and wifi. Meet up in bar first and then transfer to our own meeting room and chat about Linux. Bring your questions. Contact Fay on 07712 2229130. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THURSDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gales Ladies Badminton Club - We are a small friendly ladies club playing in Crawley Down Village Hall on Thursday morning 9.30-11.30am. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Horley & District U3A - No longer working full time? Why not join us? We meet at the Regent Hall, Albert Rd, Horley on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 2.15 - 4.30 pm. For details - 01293 786325. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meridian Bridge Club - We play on Thursday afternoons from 1.30 to 5.00 pm in the Meridian Hall, East Grinstead. 01342 822791. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NHS Retirement Fellowship - East Grinstead Branch - The club meets on the first Thursday of month at 2pm, St Swithuns church hall. Call Yvonne 01342 822834 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Milton Mount Community Choir - is open to all ages and abilities 6.30 - 7.30pm at Milton Mount School , Pound Hill. RH10 3AG. £2 for adults, free for children. More info 01293 537158. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Horley Lions Club - The club meets twice monthly at the Horley Sports & Social Club Albert Rd www.horleylions.org.uk or horleylions@btinternet.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adult Swimmers Club - Meets at the Olympus Centre, East Grinstead on Thursday mornings during term time. 2 sessions; 9-10am & 10-11am Swim at your own pace, fast or slow! 01342 712835 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gales Ladies Badminton Club - We are a small friendly ladies club playing in Crawley Down Village Hall on Thursday 9.30-11.30am. Jan 01293 531826. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Tadpoles Swimming Club - A Swimming Club for the disabled, we meet every Thursday night at the Kings Centre in East Grinstead from 8 till 9pm. We have members with various disabilities and learning disabilities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Autism Support Crawley - Meet the first Thursday of every month at The Children and Family Centre, Creasys Drive, Broadfield, 7.30pm - 9.15pm. £1 entry fee. www.autisumsupportcrawley.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Choral Society - We rehearse from 7.30pm until 9.45pm on Thursdays in the Jubilee Community Centre, Charlwoods Road, East Grinstead. Performs at least four concerts a year and plus social events, inc. tours home and abroad. www.egcs.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arthritis Care Support Group - to provide support and friendship to people with all kinds of arthritis. We meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at 2.30pm at the Woodhatch Centre in Woodhatch when we have a speaker, tea and raffle and after the meeting anyone who wishes to can stay on and join in a gentle exercise class, the leader of which is familiar with joint problems and limitations. Contact Syliva Mann 01737 242193 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rotary Club of Horley - meet at the Cambridge Hotel on Thursday at 12.30pm for lunch at 1pm, followed by a speaker. We raise money for Rotary and local charities and also enjoy many social events at home and abroad. 01293 782425. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pound Hill WI - meets on 3rd Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at Fairlawn House, Wassand Close, Three Bridges. We are a lively, friendly group who will make you very welcome ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Concordia Singers - A musical programme with professional soloists, orchestras, etc. Thursdays 7.45pm, Crawley URC, Pound Hill. www.concordiasingers.org.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Floral Arrangement - Welcomes you to a varied programme of floral demonstrations and workshops. Meetings on the second Thursday at 7.30 pm. Crawley Horticultural Hall, Ifield Ave, West Green, Crawley. Call 01293 402905 for information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Delta Club - Meet on the first and third Thursday of every month in the afternoon. A social club for disabled adults meeting for chats and outings. Transport can be arranged. For more details - Irene on 01293 785133. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Weald Choir of Crawley - Thursday evening at 8pm in St Richard’s Church, Three Bridges. A mixed voice choir. www.wealdchoir.co.uk or 01293 411355. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Down Evening WI - First Thursday of the month at 7.30 p.m. The Glebe Centre, All Saints Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Ladies, come and join us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tai Chi for health - All are welcome to a ‘free Introductory Evening’ to learn the slow, controlled and graceful movements of White Crane T’ai Chi. To learn more please come along on Thursday evenings to Edmonds Hall at Horley Town Council offices (rear entrance), Albert Rd, Horley from 7.30pm. Colin Hodsdon 07754 387676 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St.Edwards Social Club - holds a weekly Bingo Session on Thursday at Hillcrest Close, Pound Hill, RH10 7EQ. Eyes down 8.15 p.m. Contact 01293 882300 All Welcome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Scottish Country Dancing - meets every Thursday 8-10 pm at Milton Mount Community Centre, Pound Hill RH10 3DP. No need to bring a partner as beginners will dance with someone more experienced. 01403 269439 or see www.crawleyscdc.btck.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Camera Club - Meetings held from September 5th until early May at the Jubilee Community Centre in Charlwoods Rd, East Grinstead, at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start finishing at around 10.00pm. Contact Peter Bishop on 01342 327548, email egcc.info@yahoo.co.uk, web www.egcc.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley line dancers 'AC's mid-day movers' - at Horley Methodist Church, Victoria Road, Horley every Thursday from noon to 1.00 pm. Learning to dance in a fun and relaxed way increases flexibility and movement and is a way of making new friends. (Qualified teacher). Please call Annie on 01293820909 for further information or just turn up with comfortable shoes and a soft drink. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Colemans Hatch Bowling Club - Join us on Mondays(2.30 p.m.) and Thursdays(5.00 p.m.) to try this inexpensive, active but relaxing sport. Dress code is casual; just bring flatsoled shoes. Bowls provided. Carol Beamond 01342 823674 carolbeamond@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01293 824088
RH Uncovered: Case Study The Brigitte Trust
The Brigitte Trust is an independent registered charity offering emotional support and practical help at home to people facing life-threatening illness. They first contacted us when they were looking for more volunteers in the RH6 area. 1) Why did you decide to advertise your business with RH Uncovered magazines in the first place?
2) How successful would you say that your campaign with the RH Uncovered magazines has been?
We were introducing our charity and its service into a new area and also wanted to recruit volunteers – RH6 Uncovered provided the ideal coverage for us. We support people in their homes at the end of life so it’s quite a specialised area and our funds are limited and need to be used to get the maximum return.
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COMMUNITY Felbridge Bowling Club - (Oak Farm Place, Crawley Down Road, Felbridge) come along and try bowls on Monday’s from 2:00 pm or Thursday evening from 6:00 pm. Coaching available. All equipment provided just bring some flat soled shoes. We are a friendly mixed club and always welcome new members, either complete novices or experienced bowlers. For further details please contact our Secretary, Colin Brewer, on 01342 322818 or 07742 933456 or email him at colinbrew@aol.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lingfield Youth Band - we practice Thursday 6.30pm - 7.30pm instrument and teaching provided £ 1 a week term time. Call Julie 01342 833400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lingfield Silver Band - we practice Thursday 7.45pm-9.45pm New members welcome,and instruments are provided. Call Julie 01342 833400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FRIDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Towns Women’s Guild - Strawson Hall, Albert Rd, Horley, on the 2nd Friday of the month at 2.30pm. Details from Marjorie: 01293 771248. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Country Market - from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon on Fridays at St John Ambulance Hall, Massetts Rd, Horley. Free admission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ifield Barn Theatre Society - on a Friday evening from 8 p.m. Tel: 01293 525030 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Horticultural Soc. Bridge Group - We are a friendly group and play social duplicate bridge on Friday evenings. Secretary: 01293 402868 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Keyboard Club - at The Charis Centre, West Green Drive. Concerts are held on the last Friday of each month at 7.30pm. Ring 01293 530276. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Bridge Club - 7.15 p.m. every Wednesday & Friday at Grattons Indoor Bowls Club in Pound Hill. Call Helen, 01342 719779, Betty, 01293 547030. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Macular Group - Helping People with Central Vision Loss meet on the 3rd Friday of the month (excl. Apr & Dec) in the Bill Buck Room, 1st Floor, Crawley Library 10.30 am 12.30 pm. For info - 01293 882108 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheerleading Club - Cheerleader sessions for ages 10 upwards, boys and girls. Qualified cheerleading coach and dance teacher. Fridays at 6pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Tilgate, Crawley. 07739 801700 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Icebreakers Dining Club - Are you single and looking to meet new people like you? If so you might be interested in Icebreakers – a local dining club for the single over 40’s. We meet on Friday’s for a meal at a number of different venues in the area, such as pubs, restaurants, country hotels. No membership or joining fee. For more info call Jacquie on 01403-273480 or www.icebreakersclub.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shortmat Bowls Club - We meet every Friday 2.30 - 4.430 at Ashurst Wood Village Centre which has good facilities for the disabled, and plenty of parking. £2.50 per session. You are very welcome to come and try us out, we can lend you bowls, just wear flat shoes. for more details ring Marilyn on 01432 322830. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bloomin'Arts Day - Fridays - 10am to 4pm. A day of dance, drama and Art for adults with learning difficulties in Lingfield area. Contact 01342836785 for more info or go to www.bloomin-arts.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drop-In Coffee Morning and Excercise Class - Smallfield Community Care Assocation every week 10am - 12 noon, St. Bartholomew's Church Hall, Redehall Road, Smallfield. Open to residents over 55. Tel: Peter 01342 713565. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friendly Badminton Club - meet every Friday at Copthorne Prep. School. 8-10pm. No joining fee. Tel 01293 525752. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horsham Sugarcrystals Club - Sugarcraft Demonstrations. Horsham Sugarcrystals Club meets on the 1st Friday of each month at 7.30 for 8.00pm (except January) at North Heath Hall, St Marks Lane, Horsham, RH12 5PU. Visitors £4.00 Website: www.horshamsugarcrystals.co.uk. Contact 01403 261881 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SATURDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Old Time Dance Club - Every 3rd Saturday 7-30pm till 11pm. Imberborne School, Windmill Lane East Grinstead RH19 2DT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copthorne Cricket Club - Are looking for new players to bolster their Saturday squad. We play in Division 2 of the Mid Sussex League. New members (and volunteers) required of any standard. Stewart on 01342 717067 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scrapbook / Cardmaking Club - 3rd Saturday of each month at The Montefore Hall, Three Bridges. Create memory albums for yourself or for gifts. Contact Alison for more details ajchallis@aol.com. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tilgate Park Run - Every Saturday 9am at Tilgate lake. For people of all ages and abilities, runners, joggers and walkers all welcome. www.parkrun.org.uk/tilgate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crawley Filmmakers and Photographers - Meet every Saturday from 9.30 to 1pm at Excelsior Studios, Manor Royal. www.cfap.org.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sackville Lacemakers - We meet one Saturday a month from 10 am- 4pm at East Court Mansion, East Court, East Grinstead. If you make lace (or would like to learn), knit, crochet, embroider or sew and would like to join us and learn a new skill, contact Jo Visser on 01342 328751 or Lynda Brown on 01342 311906 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knit ‘n’ Natter - Crawley Library 2nd and last Saturday every month from 2-4pm. Beginners welcome - for knitting, crochet, embroidery and lively conversation. Refreshments available. For info: ruthburry@yahoo.com. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forest Row Orchestra - We rehearse every Saturday from 09.00 to 10.30 hours at Forest Row Junior School during term time. New players are always welcome if Grade IV or above. For info please call John on 01342 716947 or email jolynbwell@hotmail.co.uk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUNDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Amateur Radio Club - Hut 18 Tilgate Recreation Centre (next to K2) every Sunday from 1100 email secretary@carc.org.uk for more details. Crawley Croquet Club - We play Thursdays and Sundays afternoons in Worth Park, Milton Mount Av. Pound Hill RH10 3DY. Free parking, accessible by bus. 01293 884469 - www.crawleycroquetclub.org.uk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Book Sale - Hundreds of books, new & secondhand at low prices. + DVDs, CDs & refreshmentson the first Saturday of every month (except Jan) 10am-1pm ST PETER'S CHURCH, IFIELD ROAD, WEST GREEN, CRAWLEY (in aid of church fabric) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cyclists Touring Club (CTC) - a local branch of a National Cycling Charity running Sunday bike rides for cyclists of most abilities. www.horshamandcrawleyctc.org.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greenstede Singers - a ladies' choir meeting alternative Sundays 4.00- 5.30pm in East Grinstead. We sing a varied repertoire of partsongs from 1600 to the present day. Call Marion 01342 312824 or shustermarion@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VARIOUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Free Healthy Walks on Ashdown Forest - Varied walks around Ashdown Forest and surround villages and countryside. Short walks of an hour, no need to book just turn up. For more info: Paula Hubens 07740 899559 / p.hubens@tcv.org.uk` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Barnabas Pastoral Centre Cafe - Worth Rd, Pound Hill, Crawley, is open on Tuesdays & Fridays, 10.30 am - 12.30 pm and Saturdays 10.00am - 12noon, serving light refreshments and providing a friendly meeting place. Every Friday at 12.30 pm a two course hot lunch plus tea/coffee is available for £5.50. At least once a month on a Saturday (often the first Saturday of the month) there is a Market selling books, bric a brac, clothing, home produce, etc. For further details ring (01293) 883362. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horley Bridge Club - Horley Bridge Club has sessions at Hookwood Memorial Hall every Monday at 1:30 pm and every Wednesday at 7:20 pm. Full details: www.horleybridgeclub.org.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------East Grinstead Food Bank open at the Jubilee Community Centre, Charlwoods Road: Mon 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm - Wed 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Fri 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm - A telephone service will operate on Bank Holidays. Contact us on info@eastgrinstead.foodbank.org.uk or call 07983 209940 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lingfield Running Club - meet on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We welcome and cater for runners of all abilities. For more info: Call Paul on 01342 312163 or visit www.lingfieldrunningclub.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Various, Ashdown Ramblers - a very friendly walking group who meet Wednesday and Sunday. There are usually 2 organised walks: a full day walk, which is between 8 and 10 miles long and an afternoon walk, which is 4 or 5 miles long. For further information please see our website: www.ashdownramblers.org.uk or phone Grace 01342 833841 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bloomin'Arts - Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings - 6.30 pm to 8 pm Dance for Health for adults with learning disabilities in the Lingfield area. Contact 01342836785 for more information or go to www.bloomin-arts.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sackville Masonic Lodge - East Grinstead - meets eight times a year and welcomes existing or potential new members, for more detailed information contact sackvillelodge@outlook.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crawley Croquet Club - play in beautiful Worth Park, Pound Hill. New and experienced players welcome. Free lessons, all you need is flat shoes. Our season begins in April and goes through to September. We play on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. Call Anne on 01293 884469. www.crawleycroquetclub.org.uk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01293 824088
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Get Out… (into the Great Outdoors) With the six week’s holidays just around the corner, it’s time to get planning activities to keep those all-too-familiar cries of “I’m bored!” at bay, and what better way is there to unleash some steam than by getting outside and exploring the countryside?
Put down those games consoles, step away from the TV, instead grab a picnic (maybe a brolly – the British summer can be fickle!) and get outside, in the great outdoors! We’d love to see how you spend the summer holidays! Don’t forget to post a picture to our Facebook page or tweet us! www.facebook.com/RHUncovered @RHUncovered
Visit a Nature Reserve Taking the kids down to a local Nature Reserve gives the perfect opportunity to get hands-on with wildlife. Many LNR’s have FREE summer open days – including Weir Wood Reservoir, which on Sunday 12th July, from 9:30am will showcase just some of the conservation work the voluntary ‘friends’ group carries out. Telescopes will be set up to observe nesting birds, a moth display showing last night’s captures will be available to view and damsel and dragonflies can be seen. There will also be the chance to experience pond dipping too!
Seaside Exploring The sunny, pebbly beaches of Brighton, Worthing and Eastbourne are just a short journey away in the car and on the train and by bus, and are enjoyable days out for the whole family. Bypass the shops and head straight to the shores and rock pools, with your trusty net or bucket to see what you can find. All that sea air can be rather tiring too, so it might make for a quiet journey home…
Grow Your Own If the great British weather (or time!) permits outdoor fun, you can still enjoy spending time together in your own garden!
From strawberries to pansies, sweet peas to sunflowers, there’s so much that you can grow during the summer months. Watering and watching seeds grow can also give children a sense of responsibility and achievement too and will give them something to write about in their holiday diary!
Create Your Own Countryside Adventure
Don’t want to travel too far? With miles upon miles of glorious countryside on our doorsteps, you won’t have to venture far to come across an unspoilt, peaceful, picnic spot. Let the kids run free and create your very own afternoon adventure, by finding wildlife, flowers and birds – many childfriendly outdoor activity sheets can be downloaded from the internet for free!
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Tucked away in the heart of Maidenbower, The Brook Nursery has limited places available for children from their 3rd birthday (from Sept 2015) We are a ‘Good’ School and Nursery (Ofsted September 2014) led by an EYFS Teacher We have spacious grounds and outside areas including a large covered area which the children utilise all year. 01293 886521 - www.brook.w-sussex.sch.uk brooknursery@brook.w-sussex.sch.uk
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Look no further. We aim to demystify the process and make probate simple and affordable. All staff are fully qualified members of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). Each with over 10 years direct probate experience.
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01293 824088
The Post-Paper Trail
f last month you threw your paper driving licence in the bin, you may have missed the point a bit. Just to re-cap, as of June 8th if you hold a photocard driving licence, complete with paper counterpart, the paper bit was declared by the DVLA as being no longer required. The key word, in case you parked up wide of the point, being “counterpart”. So, assuming that you have binned your counterpart, but kept hold of your photocard or paper driving licence, and realise that you will shortly be embarking on a two-week holiday to the sun, you might need to hire some kind of clapped-out transport to get you around. But now you find yourself without the bit of paper that you often have to hand over when hiring a Vauxhall Corsa, probably one with vague steering and a dusty dashboard. They need to know if you’ve got any speeding points on your licence, or similar. Fear not, the DVLA have kind of got this covered. In their attempts to save many pounds, and reduce the amount of red tape, they have come up with a system to get you out of trouble. Assuming that you plan ahead. From now on, if you know you are going on holiday and will be hiring a car, you may need to access a special temporary code to provide evidence of any convictions or endorsements that you may have. Now, it’s not all hire car companies that will need this information, but for the sake of logging on to a website and getting this code in advance of your trip, you might as well play it safe.
WiFi hotspot. Then getting angry because you can’t log on to their free WiFi. Given that preparation prevents poor performance, you can go online and download a PDF of your driving records and print it out, if you so wish. You can also take with you a telephone number where you can give them a call 0300 083 0013 (between the hours of 8am and 7pm on a weekday, 8am and 2pm on a Saturday). But, to save the inevitable stress, you really should equip yourself with that code before you leave the country. Then you can enjoy the pleasures of your clapped out Corsa without having to worry. In all of this, I expect you are thinking, well why couldn’t we just keep the paper counterpart!? Well, they call it progress. Plus it will save them having to repeat the process of replacing 445,000 lost paper counterparts, as they had to last year. Morale of the story is, if you are going away; make sure you get that code before you leave. Most airlines let you check in online these days, so make it part of your check-in procedure. The code can be found at www.viewdrivingrecord.service.gov.uk, you’ll need your driving licence number and your National Insurance number. By Ben Morley
The caveat is that the code is only valid for three days, so if you aren’t organised before your trip, you may find yourself searching out the airport’s
01293 824088
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ic h c t s a o r a t t e c n a p Sage and
and ful of fresh sage ver with a hand for thin t eo ak ou m ok sty Lo . ta ta a t chicken n called pancet y freshly sliced co ba n lia Give classic roas Ita d smoky flavoure permarket or bu some delicious ction of your su htly steamed ta in the deli se et potatoes and lig w nc ne pa by of s ba er d te rash as ro th wi rve . deli. Se from an Italian er Sunday lunch wonder ful summ vegetables for a
2 hours 30 minutes Serves: 4 - Ready inen: (preferably free range)
y chick 1.3kg oven-read d ne fte so r, 55g butte leaves Few fresh sage pper ground black pe d Salt and freshly pe op ch ely fin d an 1 onion, peeled ta slices et nc pa ed ok 85g sm breadcrumbs 115g fresh white aten be 1 medium egg, to garnish d s, icken in a foil-line Fresh sage leave rk 5. Place the ch breast, legs and Ma s Ga , 5F 37 , en to 190C the chicken ned butter over 1. Preheat the ov lt and freshly ear half the softe on lightly with sa as Se s. ve roasting tin. Sm lea ge roast in the sa d the an il er fo ov th r wi wings and scatte er. Cover the chicken loosely chicken the ste d ba pp ground black pe r 1 hour 10 minutes. Uncover an fo en ov d preheate ing. ice during cook ped with any juices tw n, add the chop to tter in a frying pa d bu ad d the an of st ta re et panc elt the lden. go d 2. Meanwhile, m ntly for 5 minutes. Chop half the an d ne the onion is softe til un s the te onion and fry ge to inu d m 5 ge and ad for a further the rest of the sa the pan, frying heat. Finely chop the m fro . e ing ov on m as Re dcrumbs and se pan with the brea egg. en at ke tin. be und shallow ca then stir in the 3. Leave to cool mixture into a greased 18cm ro etta slices. Press the stuffing rest of the panc -35 minutes and top with the 25 r en the ick fur ch a r the fo r 4. Uncove ast, uncovered, ro the juices should d – an gh en ou ov thr ed. Return to the n and cooked ow br n the thigh is pierc of lde rt go pa is t lden. until the chicken when the thickes s go es le kn pa pin d of an t n sig until se run clear with no the same time tes. g in the oven at st for 10-15 minu Cook the stuffin d r an leave to re ast chicken, ve co , en ov with the ro chicken from the rve on a platter 5. Remove the wedges and se o int g ffin stu the s. Cut t from fresh sage leave off any excess fa ne garnished with the t chicken, drain wi as ite ro wh the y dr th wi of g. Add a splash ht gravy to serve ok for 1 minute juices until sizzlin Tip: To make lig Co n . rd pa ta us the m at he then olegrain ing to the the roasting tin ur and 1 tsp wh ck and slowly br in a little plain flo or vegetable sto to taste en on ick as or sherry then stir ch Se t . ho ed l ur in 400m s until just thicken te inu m 4 3r then gradually po fo time. Simmer boil, stirring all the black pepper. nd ou gr ly sh with fre
01293 824088
Comfort with Character The Regency is a small independent hotel where we aim to provide first class hospitality in a professional friendly manner. We cater for Christenings, Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, Funeral receptions, Conferences, Meetings, Training Courses etc. At The Regency you will find the perfect setting for any reception. Exclusive private hire of venue at competitive prices, plenty of free car parking. Conveniently located within 2 minutes of J10 of M23, 5 minutes from Crawley Town, 5 minutes from Gatwick, 5 minutes from Surrey & Sussex crematorium.
Call 01293 887 433 or Email regencyhotel@hotmail.co.uk or visit www.regencyhotel-gatwick.co.uk
Cake Matters Wedding Cake & Cake Toppers for all occasions Tuition to decorate your own wedding cake
Carolyn Harvey Honorary member of the British Sugarcraft Guild
Tel 01293 561366
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Like We post regular community updates throughout the month www.facebook.com/RHUncovered
Garry and his team at The Hillside Inn Pound Hill offer a warm welcome throughout the year
Fifth annual Hillside Music/Beer festival Music/Beer festival dates are Friday 31st July and Saturday 1st August, Large selection of cask ales and ciders, Music from 4pm Friday until 10:30pm, Saturday from 1pm until 10:30pm Food & drink served all day both days
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Book 10 or more people and the organiser eats FREE
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01293 824088
Join us at
Centre Cafe Rowfant for an English Breakfast Lunch or a Hot Meal
Just five minutes drive from The Duke’s Head roundabout and Crawley Down Village, Centre Cafe offers great food for Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch. Free parking available, plenty of seats inside or outside on our picnic benches. Alternativley you can order ahead and collect your order.
We are proud to have a five star food hygiene rating and our meat is sourced locally.
Centre Cafe, 07958 196 959
Telephone orders welcome for collection only Rowfant Business Centre, Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 4NQ
Hear no evil, see no evil Eyes and ears -
The importance of looking after them
hey say that ‘the eyes are windows to the soul’ and they say about our ears ‘the quieter you become the more you hear’. Do we ever consider just how important these two amazing senses are? Have you ever wondered how you would cope without your sight or your hearing? A few years ago I found that I had lost about 30% of my hearing in both ears. I only got it checked out because people asked me if I was ignoring them. Turned out my selective deafness was real, although I do still choose to selectively ignore others. We are lucky enough in this country to have access to state-of-the-art technology that can help us to enhance our sight and hearing. We can have surgery on our eyes to correct vision problems and on our ears to amplify and correct hearing loss. Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and seen sadness, happiness?
We’ve all made that comment in the past that a person looks sad, lost, or happy. As most therapists do, when I chat to people not only I do I listen to their story but I am watching their body language with my eyes and the tone of the conversation with my ears. I was once asked whether in my role as a hypnotherapist, could a person with hearing impairment be hypnotised? The short answer is yes. You don’t have to have your eyes closed to experience hypnotism. How can we keep these amazing portals to the world around us in tiptop condition? We want them to last a lifetime. • Have regular eye checks with qualified opticians. • Look after your ears and as the saying goes don’t put anything smaller than your elbow in. • On bright sunny days, to prevent eyestrain, wear sunglasses. • Earplugs at loud concerts or events. • Use one of the many complimentary therapies available to reduce not only internal stress but also environmental stresses. They are powerful tools. As Rumi was quoted as saying “Listen with ears of tolerance. See through the eyes of compassion. Speak with the language of love”
What is hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a natural state of heightened awareness that occurs within all of us. It allows us to open our minds to beneficial suggestions and allows the client to use their imagination to make positive changes. A brief way to describe a feeling similar to hypnosis is that moment you’ve been watching TV and not heard a word that’s been said, even though you’ve been staring straight at the screen. Alternatively it’s the car journey where you wonder how you got to a certain place. Your mind is on auto-pilot and must have been in control, otherwise there would probably have been an accident. What can hypnotherapy help with? • Agoraphobia • Anxiety • Blushing • Confidence Building • Depression • Fears and Phobias • Gambling • Guilt • Habits and Compulsions • IBS • Insecurity • Insomnia • Memory Recall • Nail biting • Nervousness • Pain Control • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Panic Attacks • Public Speaking • Smoking • Stress Management • Timidity • Trauma • Weight Problems • Worry Becky Wells, www.beckywells.com Personal Development Hypnotherapist www.payitforwarduk.net
01293 824088
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01342 716822
Mr Damian Lake Consultant Ophthalmologist, Corneal and Refractive Surgeon Tel: 07740019902 info@damianlake.com
Private Appointments at The McIndoe Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 3EB. NHS Appointments The Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead.
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01293 824088
Laura Driesen (Counselling) Caring, confidential counselling provided by experienced psychodynamic counsellor in Crawley. Evening & weekend appointments available. • Depression & anxiety e.g. generalised anxiety and panic • Relationship difficulties • Abuse, psychosomatics and chronic conditions e.g. chronic fatigue • Stress and burnout
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ELIZABETH POTTS MCFHP MAFHP Registered member of the British Association of foot health professionals.
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a Crawley Wellbeing is a free service for a nges to Wellbeing MOT b available to anyone 18+ who works, tom etter day WOW (Weight Off Workshop) orro plays or lives in Crawley. w Fit as a Fiddle If you want to lose weight, improve your diet, reduce alcohol, stop smoking or simply explore what Keep Fit While You Sit services are available but don’t know where to start, Free individual appointments call us to arrange your free appointment. Keep Fit & Move It 01293 585317 www.crawley.westsusseswellbeing.org.uk Tai Chi wellbeing@crawley.gov.uk www.facebook.com\crawleychange4life K2 Crawley, Pease Pottage Hill, RH10 9BQ (free parking-Bus No. 2) Health Walks & More
Scorching Summer Fashion Main Image:all items available from Next 1
Schools out and summer’s here, bringing with it long sunny days full of fun and adventure! Gone are the school uniforms, instead, for the next six weeks, it’s all about unleashing colourful summer clothes that reflect your child’s playful personality! 1. Multi-Coloured Velcro Sandal, Shoe Zone, £7.99 2. Stripe shorts (2 pack), Marks and Spencer, from £12
3. Mini B Paint Trapeze Dress, BHS, £12.00 4. Shark Print Shirt, F&F, £8.00
01293 824088
A message from Maggie… Ladies make time for yourself and hold back the years with a Caci Non-Surgical face lift.
Hair Studio
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Expires 31/08/2015 Quote RH10JULY when booking Terms and conditions apply
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Feel & see the difference in just one hour. Are you short of time? Alternatively try the Caci Non-Surgical Jowl lift which concentrates on the Lower face, Jaw Line and Neck.
Treatments start from £25.00 NewchapelBeauty BEAUTYSPECIALIST
Hopi Ear Candles Aromazone Lymphatic Massage Caci Collagen Facial Treatment Caci Non Surgical Jowl Lift / Face Lift Sienna X Spray Tanning Maggie Haslett M:07949 145 556 Microdermabrasion T: 01342 834 043 Diamond Peeling & Light Colour Therapy
Family Gardens Warm sun and blue skies are not the only ingredients for a perfect summer’s day spent outdoors. Whether for dining, playing or simply relaxing, we look at ways in which to make your garden a fun and functional place for all the family.
rom the smallest to the largest outdoor area, it’s possible to create a beautiful, useable space that children and adults alike will enjoy. But it does require a little forethought. First, consider how you can really make the most of your garden. Perhaps you could paint an unattractive fence, trim back some overhanging branches or extend an area of paving? Can you create a tucked-away area for making dens, or would you like an adults-only seating area away from noisy games? Should that greenhouse really be next to the lawn where the kids play football? And can you install lighting? Exterior lighting will transform your garden, highlighting interesting features, guiding you safely in the dark and allowing you to enjoy it after the sun has set. Next, it’s time to consider furniture. For relaxation, it could be anything from a hammock to a sun lounger, an outdoor mattress to a steamer chair. For eating, outdoor dining tables and chairs vary hugely in price, but solid, more durable types are usually an investment worth making. Styles range from metal to funky coloured plastic to classic wood (an FSCcertification means it’s environmentally friendly). Bear in mind, however, that you don’t always have to buy new – you could scour car boot sales and second-hand shops for cheap and cheerful pieces that, as long as they’re stable and at the right height for eating, can be given a couple
of coats of exterior-quality paint for a charmingly casual look. Remember that, ideally, garden furniture should be stored away when not in use, so unless you have an enormous shed it’s best to opt for pieces that are slimline or can be folded up easily. Textiles can transform an outdoor dining area, and to cover the table you could choose anything from a practical oilcloth to a pretty embroidered tablecloth. An informal collection of crockery and glass, in varied but co-ordinating colours, looks fantastic, too. For young children, plastic, metal or even paper plates, bowls and tumblers are available in a range of gorgeous colours and patterns. The finishing touches are colourful bunting, fairy lights or strings of lanterns, tea lights or decorative candles and jugs filled with a profusion of flowers.
01293 824088
Despite the vagaries of the English weather, one of your main considerations must be to provide some shaded areas, especially for eating and playing areas. Permanent shading might take the form of a gazebo, arbour or similar, or simply a fabric awning fixed to hooks in walls or trees. Alternatively, a parasol or garden umbrella is an inexpensive option, either free-standing or over a table; look out for versions that tilt, offering greater versatility. Finally, it’s playtime. From paddling pools to trampolines, croquet sets to giant games of snakes and ladders, there are all sorts of toys that will keep the kids amused. Simple things such as a ball, a swing (hung from a strong branch) or a skipping rope will also provide hours of fun. By now your garden planning should have paid off and, with everyone happily fed and the children entertained, it’s time to make a cup of tea, pop on a sunhat and head out for that well-earned snooze in a deckchair.
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CoolRooms ForKids
Your child’s bedroom is an important space – it deals with the tantrums, takes the everyday scuffs and provides them with their very own place to learn, dream and play! The summer holidays are a great time to update bedrooms; opt for quirky beds, clever storage solutions, space-saving furniture and unique accessories to refresh tired rooms that have seen better days…
2 3
1. Parrot head coat hook, www.homecandy.com, £19.00 4
2. Kids teepee cabin bed, www.cuckooland.com, £399.00 3. Children’s storage suitcases, www.beckyandlolo.co.uk, £16.50 4. Height ruler wall chart, www.roseandgrey.co.uk, £62.00 5. Wooden chair, Tiger Stores, £10.00 Kids cool VW wagon bed, www.cuckooland.com, £299.00
01293 824088
At Last There’s Somebody For All Those Repairs And Minor Improvements Around Your Home! If Those Odd Jobs Are Piling Up Then Your Local Handyman’s Here To Help… “It’s so difficult getting anyone to do little jobs” is something I often hear. Do you struggle to find reliable tradespeople to put up a shelf or fix a dripping tap? If they bother to turn up at all, they often want a fortune! It’s frustrating when you contact tradespeople and they don’t seem interested. But help’s now at hand. I’m Tim Bazley, your Local Handyman, here for even the smallest odd job. I specialise in small jobs and can fix those problems around your home or office fast. You’re unlikely to have to wait more than a couple of days for your repair and often I can be there much quicker. I’ll help you with most common repairs and minor improvements including:
Decorating: Does that room need a makeover? Can’t face painting it yourself? Why not let me do it, with minimum fuss or mess? Electrical: As a qualified electrician, I repair faulty lights, sockets, extractors, switches and appliances. I also fit extra sockets or lights. You can call me even if you just need a light bulb changing! General: I’ll help you with flat-pack assembly, gutter repairs, double glazing problems, pressure washing, fence / gate repairs and much more. I can do most jobs around your property. Even if I can’t, I’ll normally know somebody reliable who can help you. Plus I’ll always quote you a fixed price before I start work so no worrying what the final bill will be. References from many happy customers are available and my work is fully guaranteed for your peace of mind. I offer OAP discounts too.
Carpentry: I can help with new locks, You’ll find me friendly and approachable, so call me hanging or trimming doors, putting up shelves, replacing or visit my website today… rotten woodwork and more. Plumbing: I repair dripping taps, leaking pipes, faulty toilets, fit new sinks etc.
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01342 843 952 07761 965 683
Herbs Home Grown
here’s a really reliable, easy, low-cost and low-effort way to add some zing to your meals; home-grown herbs. Many herbs are simple to raise from seed and if you start sowing now you should be able to have a plentiful supply of fresh, tasty herbs to add to salads, sandwiches, stews and stir-fries for months to come. All you need to is a sunny window sill or balcony, or a well-drained, sunny spot in your garden. First, find some good quality multi-purpose compost,your chosen herb seeds and some pots. Good-quality compost is well worth the little bit extra you need to pay. The style of pot is up to you – you may want to choose a classic Mediterranean one, or perhaps a good-looking plastic planter for longevity and light-weight characteristics. Remember that plenty of drainage is essential, and that the smaller herbs do not need a deep root run, so there’s no need for a very tall planter or pot. It’s best to grow each type of herb in its own individual pot, so buy a selection of pots with a minimum diameter of 8cm. Once you have your pot to hand, put a broken flower pot or other drainage material in the base and then fill with good quality compost to within 1cm of the rim of the pot and firm it down, not too aggressively, but enough to ensure that there’s no subsidence later on. With large seeds such as coriander, position the seeds evenly on the compost surface. Sprinkle smaller seed thinly.
The seeds need to be covered with compost so use your finger or a dibber to gently press the seed in to the very surface of the compost and then drizzle more compost on top to the depth stated on the packet of seed. Water the compost thoroughly either from above using a watering can with rose attached, or by standing the pot in a saucer of water for a few minutes until the compost surface is just moist. The seeds generally germinate quite quickly and often within just a week or two you’ll have lots of tiny herbs. Once the herbs are up and growing strongly you can start to harvest them. Use sharp scissors or a sharp knife to cut off what you need; this way you’ll minimise damage to the growing plants and so help to keep them cropping for longer. As long as you keep the pots adequately watered, ideally by watering from the base, they should last for several weeks or months but make sure that the compost is not too wet or else your herb pots won’t last long. If you find that you’re not eating them fast enough, store some for later use. Ice cubes give you a really great fresh-herb taste off-season. Just half fill ice-cube tray sections with water. Add chopped fresh herbs to each section and top up with water. Label the tray as they can be difficult to identify. You can then simply pop them whole into stews and casseroles as and when you need them. Top herbs that grow well from seed: There are lots of herbs which do very well in pots when sown from seed. Some of my favourites include Italian or Genovese basil, lemon basil, chervil, Coriander ‘Cilantro’ for leaves, flat-leaved parsley, Ainse, Thai basil, chervil, chives, fennel, garlic chives. Visit www.pippagreenwood.com for Pippa’s ‘Winter thru’ Spring’ vegetable collection, great plants for September planting and regular advice emails from Pippa, and buy a great range of gardening products including Nemasys caterpillar, slug, ant and other biological controls, Enviromesh and Envirofleece.
01293 824088
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Tel: 01342 712 042 Mobile: 07710 936 010
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All types of tree surgery carried out Stump Grinding - Hedge Cutting Grounds & Garden Maintenance, Site Clearance
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RH Uncovered: Case Study
Tim Burberry Plumbing and Heating
Tim Burberry, our resident plumbing expert, has been featuring his business in the Uncovered for over 6 years, so we thought we would ask him a few questions about his experience of working with us to promote his business over the years and why it works so well for him 1) Why did you decide to advertise your business with RH Uncovered magazines in the first place? After working in another industry for many years I decided it was time for a change, so once I had trained and gained my plumbing and gas qualifications I decided that I wanted to work locally as much as was possible. This was a daunting thought as I was starting off in business as a “one man band” from scratch with little knowledge of local marketing. I looked into advertising my new business in the (then) recently launched RH10 Uncovered magazine. The team at RH Uncovered were extremely helpful with getting my first campaign off the ground. They suggested ideas I had not thought of and explained why they thought I should consider them. 2) How successful would you say that your campaign with the RH Uncovered magazines has been? The response from our first advert was overwhelming.
Within 6 months of starting my first campaign I had created a large client base and I was receiving more work as referrals from my initial “RH” customers, which worked in tandem with my ongoing advertising in the magazine.
“The response from our first advert was overwhelming” The best part for me was that the Uncovered team managed everything from start to finish – suggesting new target areas, designing and creating our advert – they really took all the hard work out of it, allowing me to just concentrate on the leads and jobs that were coming in. 3) Why would you choose the RH Uncovered titles over other magazines you have used? Simple, the level of response we receive – it works. We have never had such a successful response to our advert in any other magazines.
Tim Burbe rry Plumbing and Heati ng
Homes & Interiors : Eight pa ge (2007) Full page (2013) Client sin ce: 2007 Advert Si ze
The big benefit of the RH Uncovered titles is that it is delivered door to door and not just left on bars or street corners. My clients have frequently commented that they really enjoy reading it and often keep it around the house until the next issue arrives. 4) What does the future hold for your relationship with RH Uncovered magazines. I cannot see a future without the team at RH Uncovered. I always discuss my marketing requirements with them and welcome their feedback and ideas. I have now also expanded my working area into Haywards Heath in the latest RH Uncovered title and I am already starting to get calls from the first issues.
UNCOVERED - 1 01293 824088
INDEX Accountants, Tax Assist Accountants (Crawley), 25 Architect, J N A Architects Ltd, 52 Beer & Wine Wholesalers, Olivers Coffee & Wine Ltd, 33 Blinds, Selection Blinds , 49 Bouncy Castle Hire, Crazy 2 Bounce, 23 Building & Construction, Constructascape Ltd, 7 Building & Construction, Makalu-Construct, 45 Building Services, R S Leighton, 52 Cafe, Centre Cafe, 35 Cake Specialist, Cake Matters, 34 Car Accessories, Indespension, 30 Car Body Works and Respray, Smart Decision, 31 Car Dealership / Servicing , Sytner Gatwick Honda, 29 Care Home, Sussex Health Care, 4 Care Home, Sussex Health Care, 5 Carpentry & Joinery, Bridgland Carpentry Services, 53 Carpentry & Joinery, CDS Carpentry & Property Maintenance, 53 Carpentry & Joinery, Hayter and Smythe, 53 Carpentry & Joinery, Richard A Bertram, 53 Carpentry Services, Paul Leare Carpentry, 53 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, Featherwhite Ltd, 53 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, North Downs Cleaning Services, 53 Carpets & Flooring, Carpet Man Sussex, 44 Children’s Breakfast Club, Shalon Tricare Ltd T/A Totz 2 Teenz, 12 Children’s Breakfast Club, The Brook School, 23 Cleaning, Dr Kleen, 26 Coach Hire, Premier Transport, 11 Computer Maintenance, Mr Computing, 25 Conservatories, Icon Roofs Ltd, 57 Conservatories, Unbeatable Conservatories, 51 Counselling, Katie Farmer Counselling, 38 Curtains & Blind, Elizabeth Designs, 47 Cycle Shop, Brand Cycles, 21 Dental Practice, The Dental Care Centre, 37 Designers & Manufacturers of Bespoke Furniture, Workshop Projects, 3 Document Storage & Shredding, S4B, 27 Dog Grooming, K9 Kuts, 25 Dog Grooming, Tails and Scales, 25 Domiciliary Care, Surrey Quality Care Ltd, 13 Doors, Crawley Composite Doors, 52 Double Glazing, As Good As New, 52 Driveways, Charlwood Landscapes Ltd, 60 Driveways, Vintage Driveways, 58 Dry Cleaners, Spencers Dry Cleaning, 25 Electrician, Boss Electrical Services, 53 Electrician, D B N Electrical, 54 Electrician, John Sharp Electrician, 54 Electrician, Sherwood Electrical, 54 Electrician, Smith Electrical, 54 Electrician, Sussex Voyages, 52 Fencing, CDS Fencing, 60 Foot Health Practitioner, Comfort Care Clinic, 39 Foot Health Practitioner, Liz Potts - Foot Health Practitioner, 39 Funeral Director, Stoneman Funeral Service, 17 Garage doors, G.M Garage Doors, 54 Garage Refurbishment, VSF Ltd, 9 Garage Services, Fergussons Auto Services, 30 Garage Services, Rowfant Garage, 30 Garage Services, Webber Motor Company, 30 Garden Buildings & Conservatories, Cousins Conservatories & Garden Buildings, 64 Garden Design , New Dawn Garden Design, 58 Garden Machinery Sales service, Horace Fuller Ltd, 58 Garden Maintenance and Landscape Contractors, Copthorne Garden Services, 60 Garden Maintenance and Landscape Contractors, DLM Fencing and Gardening Services Limited, 60
Garden Services, Eden Landscapes, 60 Gift Shop, Heyland & Whittle, 41 Gutter Cleaning & Repairs, Russell’s Gutters, 60 Hair Salon, Signatures Hair Studio, 41 Handyman, I C The Handyman, 52 Health and Wellbeing Centre, Crawley Wellbeing, 39 Hearing Care Centre, Action For Deafness, 38 Heating Services, Storaheat, 54 Heating Services, Tiltwood Heating Services, 54 Home Improvement Specialist, Watson Bros Building Ltd, 47 Hotel and Restaurant, The Regency Hotel, 33 Hypnotherapist, Becky Wells Ltd, 37 Interiors Blinds, Interior Blinds UK Ltd, 45 Kitchen & Bathroom Fitters, Flanders Kitchens & Bathrooms, 44 Kitchen and Bathroom Services, Dream Doors Interiors Ltd, 49 Landscaping, Branching Out Landscapes, 60 Landscaping, Katsura Gardens, 57 Landscaping, P.L.A Landscaping, 60 Leisure Centre, East Grinstead Sports Club, 21 Locksmiths, Lees Locks, 53 Opthalmology, Damian Lake Opthalmology, 37 Organic Health Products, Laura Driesen (Counselling), 39 Oven Cleaning, Dirty Ovens, 54 Oven Cleaning, Oven Rescue West Sussex, 54 Paintball Centre, Driver Wood Paintball, 21 Painter and Decorator, L and B Decorators, 55 Pest Control, Victor Saunders, 61 Plasterer, Paynes Plastering, 55 Plumbing, Barry Arnold Plumbing, 55 Plumbing and Heating, Aquagas Energy Limited, 55 Plumbing and Heating, Martin Blake Plumbing & Heating, 55 Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing, 46 Pre-School, Jack and Jill Pre-School, 23 Property Maintenance, KLC Property Services, 55 Property Maintenance, Rapid Property Services, 50 Property Refurbishment & Construction, Baileybridge Property Refurbishment & Construction, 46 Property Refurbishment & Construction, LBS Property Solutions, 55 Public House and Restaurant, The Grasshopper, 35 Public House and Restaurant, The Half Moon Balcombe, 34 Public House and Restaurant, The Hillside Inn, 34 Restaurant, Bengal Spices, 1 Restaurant, Dal Nonno, 12 Roof & Gutter Cleaning, PCS Property Services, 44 Roof & Gutter Cleaning, Tilley & Co, 47 Roofing, Crawley Roofing Ltd, 55 Roofing, Russell’s Roofing, 55 Satellite/TV, Norsat, 50 Scaffolding, Sussex Chimneys (East Grinstead Scaffolding), 45 Segway Experience, Segway Unleashed, 21 Skip Hire, R B Mini Skips, 61 Solicitor, Clematis Law, 26 Solicitor, Downs Solicitors, 17 Swimming School, Tracy Lowe Swim School, 23 Takeaway Food, The Master Fryer, 33 Tattooist, Studio 161, 41 Taxi Services, RH10 Cars, 31 Topsoil, United Grab Hire, 59 Tree Care, Bartlett Tree Experts, 57 Tree Care and Fencing, D R Newland Treecare & Fencing, 61 Tree Surgeons, All Seasons Tree Surgeons, 60 Tree Surgeons, All Seasons Tree Surgeons, 61 Tree Surgeons, Floran Tree, 61 Tree Surgeons, J Ledger Tree Care, 61 Tree Surgeons, Townscape Tree Works, 61 Trust and Estate Practitioners, Keystone Probate, 26 Tuition, Jeff Smith Tuition, 23 Will Writing Service, Good Wills, 15 Will Writing Service, Good Wills, 38