The Manual of Ideas: The Superinvestor Issue

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Value-orient V ted Equity Innvestment Iddeas for Sopphisticated Innvestors A Monthly Pub blication of Bey yondProxy LLC  Subscribe e at manualofide “If “ our efforts ca an further the g goals of our mem mbers by giving g them a discern rnible edge over other marrket participants ts, we have succ ceeded.”

Investing In The Tradition of G Graham, Buffettt, Klarman Year IV, Volum me II February 28, 20 011 When asked ho ow he became so o successful, Bufffett answered: “We read hund dreds and hundre eds of annual reporrts every year.”

TTop Ideas In This Report SSeagate Technologgy ((Nasdaq: STX) …………………… … …114

SSprint Nextel ((NYSE: S) ……… ………………........118

ZZimmer Holdings ((NYSE: ZMH) ……………………..130

THE H SUP PERINVE ESTOR ISSUE ► Snaps shot of 100 companies s owned by superinves stors ► Latest h holdings off 50 top inve estors ► 19 companie es profiled by MOI rese earch team ► Proprie etary select ion of Top 3 candidate es for inves stment ► Plus: Exclu usive interv view with Brrian Bares ► Plus: Exclusi ve interview w with Brya an Lawrence e ► Plu us: Favorite e stock scre eens for value investorrs

A Also Inside EEditor’s Commentaary ……………… …... 5 Interview with Briian Bares ………… 8 Interview with Bryyan Lawrence …… … 12 P Portfolios with Siggnal Value™ …… … 18 N New or Increased Holdings ………. 70 R Reduced or Offsettting Holdings …. 134 100 Superinvestorr Stocks ………… …146 EEssay by Josh Taraasoff …………… 156 FFavorite Value Scrreens …………… …158 TThis Month’s Top Web W Links …….. 167

A About The Manuual of Ideas O Our goal is to brin ng you investmen nt id deas that are com mpelling on the b basis of value verrsus price. In ourr q quest for value, we w analyze the to op h holdings of top fund managers. We W a also use a proprie etary methodolog gy to o identify stocks that are not wide ely fo ollowed by institu utional investors.. O Our research team has extensive e experience in industry and securitty a analysis, equity valuation, v and in nvestment mana agement. We brin ng a “buy side” mindse et to the idea g generation process, cutting across in ndustries and ma arket capitalizatio on ra anges in our sea arch for compellin ng e equity investmentt opportunities.

Supe erinvestor com mpanies menti tioned in this iissue include AbitibiBo owater, Accuriide, Alere, Am merican Towerr, Amylin Pharrma, Anadarko Petroleum, P An nheuser-Busch h InBev, Appliied Materials, Arris, BP, Brroadridge Fina ancial, Brookffield Infrastruc cture Partners s, CareFusion n, CBS, Charte er Comms, Ch hesapeake Ene ergy, China M Mobile, Cisco o Systems, Co oca-Cola, Com mcast, CommS Scope, Copart,, Corporatte Executive, D DaVita, Dean F Foods, Electro onic Arts, Ens sco, Enstar Group, G Expres ss Scripts, Exx xon Mobil, Fis serv, Flextroniics, Flowserve,, Fortune Bran nds, Foster W Wheeler, Gap, G Gastar Explora ation, Generral Growth, Ge eneral Motors,, H&R Block, H Hain Celestiall, Harvest Na atural Resourc ces, Hewlett-P Packard, Intern national Paperr, ITT, J.C. Penne ey, Johnson & Johnson, Kra aft Foods, Lab b Corp. of Ame erica, Lamar Ad dvertising, Lea ap Wireless, L Learning Tree,, Level 3 Com mms, Liberty y Global, Liberrty Interactive e, Lions Gate E Entertainmentt, Loral Space e, LyondellBas sell, Massey E Energy, Maste erCard, McDon nald's, McKess son, Microsofft, Molson Coo ors, MRV Com mms, Omnicarre, Owens Illiinois, PDL Bio oPharma, Pfizzer, Plains Exp ploration, POS SCO, Praxair, Procter P & Gam mble, Radian G Group, Raythe eon, Ross Storres, Schlum mberger, Seaga ate Technolog gy, Sears Hold dings, Snap-o on, Spectru um Brands, Sp print Nextel, S Stanley Black Decker, Steris s, Teck Reso ources, Texas s Industries, T Theravance, Tiime Warner Ca able, Tyco Interrnational, Vaill Resorts, Vale eant Pharma, Vishay Precis sion, Vulcan Materrials, W.R. Gra ace, Wal-Mart,, Watson Pharrma, Wendy's//Arby's, Zimmer H Holdings, ZipR Realty, and mo ore. (analyze ed companies s are underline ed)

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The Manual of Ideas: The Superinvestor Issue by BeyondProxy LLC - Issuu