The Children of the Sun

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THE ORIGIN The ancient Qosqo Valley was formed by hills and brambles, the locals of the time lived without law and order, without religion or authority, without a twon or a house, without sow or cultivate the land. They lived in twos and threes in caves, ate like beasts wild herbs and roots of trees.

THE BIRTH Our Father Sun, enraged and seeing men in this way, shed tears of hope which fell to the cold dawn of the Titicaca Lake. The tears mixed with the water formed two mythological beings were molded in the image of men on earth.

ENTRUSTMENT These two beings turned out to be the children of the Sun God to whom he entrusted them to indoctrinate men with their knowledge, that what they had as their God, give laws that regulate their lives to dwell homes and villages, so they can plow, grow crops and raise livestock as rational men.

With this order put their children on Lake Titicaca and told them that they were where they wanted trying to sink into the ground a ‘golden rod “with the following statement: where that bar sank with a single blow that should give to the earth, there You want our father the Sun God they stop and start their empire.

When they have mastered the wild will keep them organized with reason and justice with mercy and clemency, making every office of pious father to his young children and loved my imitation and likeness, so that everyone do good.

I give you my light and clarity to make their farms and they heat up when cold, I will bear fruit trees. He is having declared his will our father the Sun goodbye.

PAQAREQ TAMBO So they entered a small window that now call Paqareq Tambo, meaning that dawns window or asleep. Since they left that window while dawn. This was one of the first places that people sent Manco Capac, here left him and Mama Ocllo Qosqo valley.

HUANACAURE It was on the hill called Huanacaure where goldenrod sank on the first blow, Manco Capac said to his sister and wife: in this valley sends our father the Sun to stop and do our seat and home to fulfill his will we will convene and bring these people to indoctrinate and do good that our father the Sun commanded .

QOSQO And so the locals were domesticated and began to populate the imperial city, which was divided into two means: Hanan and Hurin Qosqo Qosqo and they worshiped and revedenciaron as the children of the Sun, obeying them like kings.



© 2012 Alex Bryce

THE EMPIRE Populating the city teaches the Colla the Indian spinning and weaving cotton, wool, making dresses, to serve their husbands and children.

Located on the Andean plateau of Peru, the Puno region is dominated by Lake Titicaca, sacred place of the Incas and home to natural and artificial islands. Among the many destinations, there are pre-Hispanic archaeological sites with circular constructions that still go by their original name of “chullpas”. Puno’s churches are characterized by their distinctive colonial architecture. Its inhabitants are proud of their Quechua and Aymara past, and their folkloric tradition that can be seen every year in the form of dances and rituals during the Candelaria festival. Puno is a legend, a multicolored festival, and home to natural and artificial islands LOCATION: Located in the mountainous south of Peru, it shares a border with Bolivia. The land is more or less flat, because much of it is on the Collao plateau. MORE INFORMATION:

By the Inca, he taught men how to cultivate the land, plows and tools, and even make shoes.

APU INTI All rights reserved Designed by: Manuel Otárola Ilustrated by: Marco Acosta

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