We make it happen Since
First social enterprise working with youth in Cambodia
At the core of what we do, it is empathy and positive action , we call it enlightened action .
Working with youth is all about motivation , giving them space to learn from their own experiences , change - growth and shedding what does not work out well . Although hard skills are taught ,we also focus on social skills which include understanding and using social norms and the ability to understand the ways in which peers communicate , interact, reciprocity and the ability to build interpersonal relationships while discovering the value of team work without pressure and the confidence that is born out of a well done job . We do not work with dysfunctional individuals but with a dysfunctional context— call it family , societal values or educational system—. We all have the capacity to rise above our own limitations ,always .It is innate to us , humans . Social limitations, outdated values and inner - outer prejudices are what diminishes us . We are here to explore and experience our humanity at its fullest . Hospitality offers a large scope of skills and work possibilities from the design of interiors to a breakfast plate , the emotion of serving great food and drinks , and the pleasure of communicating and meeting people from all over the world . It is a fantastic industry that put us right on the spot , the privilege of serving others . This requires kindness, patience , humility , resilience , quick wits and many other positive qualities which are part of what we do and who we are . These are the things we do not write on a CV. but we believe should be . Being a joyful ,compassionate and decent worker is as important as having saleable skills . We train Khmer youth to gain a firm foothold in life , to be confident and hopeful . By embracing positivity, recognizing and harnessing character strengths , having trust , building a strong social network and embracing the power of gratitude daily. Positive emotions and confidence helps us shape personal and social resources and triggers learning; this creates greater life satisfaction plus healthier and balance communities .
Manuel J .Garcia Founder
Our business model
BODDHI TREE is a social enterprise – that brings about social transformation through use of methods and disciplines of business and the power of the marketplace . We are a values-based social enterprise. At the core of everything we do is our understanding that the direct social impact we aim is delivered every day by our own local staff , our trainees , the network of partners we engage with and our customers .
We directly address deep rooted Cambodian social needs . Both through our products and services to the community and through the number of disadvantaged people we employ .
Our commercial activity is our revenue driver. Greater social justice is our primary purpose .
Khmer youth in figures
of Cambodian population is
27 35%
years old or younger
of Cambodians
live on less than
1.5 $
a day
8.9% of Cambodians finish high school
Millions youth find themselves living without
proper support, own shelter , access to health, and unable to break the cycle of poverty that exists in the country .
Boddhi Tree is the first social enterprise providing Cambodian youth with a supported pathway to long-term careers in the hospitality industry. We run cafes , a catering business , small hotels and a bakery in P.Penh where youth get their training since 1997
If you find this hard ,be part of our project by staying and eating with us
Chakya‘s story Ms. Van Chakya is 20 years and lives at the Children’s Orphanage Samrong. Her family has 12 children. Her mother has passed away and her father lives in poor conditions in the outskirts of Phnom Penh. She wanted to learn the skills to get a job and support her family and expressed an interest in learning all parts of hospitality and completed the EGBOK NGO introductory hospitality course over 3 months. She was then taken on by BODDHI TREE for six months , then she was employed for one year . Extract from one of her teachers after her internship at BODDHI TREE. I am blown away by the ease of Chakya’s polite responses to our questions. She tells us about her duties at the front desk and with housekeeping, where most travelers are coming from, and that she has a JOB! She tells us she is also interested in studying Hotel Administration as she walks us down the street to a second Boddhi Tree hotel….Chakya has done very well. Chakya works very hard six days a week from 6am-3pm. Once she’s off work and back at Samrong, her responsibilities shift from greeting foreigners at the front desk to assisting the other children in the rice fields. It’s ploughing season after all, which means there’s rice to be prepared and every farmhand is needed… I find in the following days after meeting several other EGBOK NGO Mission students that her dedication, willingness to improve, and overall vivaciousness represent her peers exceptionally well….
Chanthy Van ’s story
( Fictitious name )
She was sold by her mother at the age of 9 for money . She became a sex trafficked victim serving clients—sometimes 15 a day— until she was rescued by the police in cooperation with an international organization at the age of 15 . Now she stays in a shelter , accesses education , health , security for the first time . At 18 years old she joined the Boddhi Tree hospitality program . (She still is under daily protection . No more details can be provided )
Rescue is a process, not a single event . Transitions Global org. ( Boddhi Tree’s partner )
Boddhi Tree’s curriculum
Foundational skills
Gain the self-confidence necessary to find and keep work.
Efficient workers
Actively engaged in the learning process
Have the opportunity to practice and enhance new skills
Vocational Training Boddhi Tree helps and supports other’s training program that teaches practical skills to the community. Several workshops are specifically intended to train and employ women from farming areas. These workshop teaches traditional Cambodians weaving under the guidance of experienced teachers, using wooden looms made by the local carpenters. Throughout the year there are workshops dedicated to technical skills , electronics, maintenance, tailoring, painting ,meditation and yoga , theater, classical music , environment - sustainability and computer training. Once the students have completed their training, new trainees enter the programs. This work contributes to create meaningful and viable jobs for hundreds of Cambodians . Boddhi Tree aims to grow its vocational training programs to include additional skills and locations.
Weaving Computer IT Maintenance Tailoring Sustainability Theater Classical music Interior design Meditation yoga
The young people in Cambodia are one of the most precious resources that exist .
Starting a financial future
Acquiring Suppor ng a family
a profession .
and rela ves Star ng own business Becoming independent
Ge ng a university degree
The path towards full me employment
100% Percentage of trainees who are full � me employed within 4 weeks a er finishing the training .
Our supporters Boddhi Tree would have not possible without the people ,business , organizaĆ&#x;ons that support us . Our supporters are sincerely passionate and dedicated to serving Cambodians and helping youth to create meaningful and fulfilling lives. We are ever thankful for their support and assistance to our work and ideas all along .
Since 1997 we develop and implement our work in partnership with other organizations and business who share our values and passion .
OrganizaƟon Partners ABV Australian business volunteers META HOUSE German cultural center LCDI Institute for youth and learning Artworks for FREEDOM . Human trafficking Transitions GLOBAL .Sex trade trafficking HAGAR INTERNATIONAL Youth / hospitality DOUGALS CAMPBELL Foundation development / Youth Thousand star foundation . Buddhist organization CATERHELP youth / training / hospitality Brahma Kumaris meditation
Community Partners Our community partners include orphanages, art centers , universiƟes , Art galleries and public schools
Cambodia incredible travel agency / social work Nataraj yoga center AZIZA’S place children center Kundalini yoga center Khmer garden farmers Organic produce NHCC CHILDREN CENTER IBIS PROJECT environment Brahmaviharas Hospice
s o t un
一緒に एक साथ 一起
Boddhi Tree DONATION Give a donation to make a difference in a young person’s life. Your money could go to cover many things; it might sponsor training classes, or fund social support programs for a disadvantaged young person or cover food and transportation . All donations are gratefully received . You can use the list below to measure your level of impact.
$20 pays for a month transportation $35 buys a bicycle for a young person. $80 outfits a young person with an uniform kit. $300 funds a three month training $550 funds studies at university for one year. $1850 sponsor training classes for a full year includes books, food and health
VOLUNTEER at Boddhi Tree Boddhi Tree appreciates the contribution of volunteers and is regularly seeking capable individuals and corporate groups to collaborate and assist on ongoing assignments and other short term tasks . If you have an interest in supporting Khmer disadvantaged youth through our social enterprise, then we would be delighted to hear from you. For further information about volunteering opportunities , please email bths.office@gmail.com with your CV, area of volunteer interest.
Since 1997
Contact us at bths.office@gmail.com www.boddhitree.com