Architectural PORTFOLIO Manuel Depetris
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris 23 Sept. 1993
Nationality Italian Address Via Nazionale 235, 10064 Pinerolo (Torino), Italy Tel. +39 3487831521 Email
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Aug. 2015-Sept. 2017 Aug. 2016-Feb. 2017 Sept. 2012-July 2015 Sept. 2007-July 2012
Work experiences
March 2015-July 2015 July 2014-Sept. 2014 July. 2012-Oct. 2012 July 2010 & July 2011
Publications 1 Language: Italian/English
2Language: Italian 3Language: French Languages Italian English French Skills IT
HandWork Other
Faculty of Politecnico di Torino - POLITO - Italy Master degree in Architecture Costruction city - Grade 110/110 École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville - ENSAPB - France Master in University exchange program “Erasmus” Faculty of Politecnico di Torino - POLITO - Italy Bachelor degree in Architecture High school “I.I.S. Michele Buniva” - Italy Department of Art - Architecture and furnishing Studio Associato ARCHINGEO Pinerolo (TO), Italy Architecture internship Jarom Onlus Ranchi (Jharkhand), Rep. of India Architecture intership Mayfield Community Training Centre Cork, Ireland Teacher Assistant, subject: Construction and Handwork REART S.N.C. di Maurizio Giaj e C. Pinerolo (TO), Italy Technical office worker Canella G., Patestos C., Ravagnati C., Depetris M., Depetris M. (2017), Legende. Dalla carta del territorio alla sussistenza dello scambio, appears in Architettura Civile, n 17, ArabaFenice, Cuneo, ISSN 2281-5996. Permalink: Depetris M., Depetris M. (2017), Roberto Gabetti e Aimaro Isola: i progetti e le opere. In: Canella G., Mellano P. (2017), Roberto Gabetti 1925-2000. FrancoAngeli, Milano – ISBN 978-88-917-5396-0 Depetris M., Milanesi G., (2017), La vie autour, 57 Rue Piat, ENSAPB Vision de ville, Paris. Available at Native language Speak fluently and read/write with high proficiency Cambridge English exam P.E.T. pass with merit Speak fluently and read/write with high proficiency Università Popolare di Torino - B2 Course certificate AutodeskTM AutoCad, Revit, AdobeTM Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator ArchicadTM, SketchupTM, VrayTM Microsoft OfficeTM Cloud CompareTM, DiaLuxTM, StarNet Micro SurveyTM, Agisoft PhotoScanTM, RDFTM, Perspective RectifierTM. Hand drafting and modeling, laser cutting, woodwork, digital fabrication Photography (shoots and analog processing), Travelling, Hiking References upon request Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Table of contents 1_ Urban planning in Collegno (TO) July 2016
2_ Inspiration Hostel an OPENgap Competition _ January 2017
3_ 4xCrossroad January 2016
4_ Living on the surface Master thesis Joint studio Program between Politecnico di Torino (italy) and Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) _ September 2017
5_ Survey Avigliana House, Borgo Medievale - Turin January 2014
6_ Renovation of an house unit in Turin December 2014
7_ Urban renovation, ExpoAfterExpo December 2015
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
1_ Urban planning in Collegno (TO) July 2016
The aim of the project is to create a renovation through the urban tissue of a typical industrial neighbourhood. The parcel is full of industries unfortunately unused but with a great opportunity: the new metro line terminal from Turin. The project is installed in a block and involves a residential building with an assigned shop first floor, few industrial buildings with a wing dedicated to a FabLab and a coworking space, a University dorm (of which I deepened the design) and, in the south, another residential building, precluded to cohousing typology. On the other side of the project, as another common space, is located the District house for pubs and meeting points. This urban renovation will happen in a long time ; it’s planned to start with the residential buildings as a “financial engine� and then move on to the services buildings as the dorm and then finishing with the District house, built when the new area will be entirely urbanised. 6
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Existing situation
General Plan
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Section A-A
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First floor plan
Second floor plan
Third floor plan
Roof plan
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Axonometrical view
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
2_ Inspiration Hostel
OPENgap Competition _ January 2017
The essential for inspiration is to find a way out of the norms of everyday life, to get rid of the bounds that usually stick us to conventional thinking. This project invites artists to find inspiration by taking them into an unexpected place, an old bobsleigh track close to Turin. The olympic site is far from what is often considered as artistic surroundings - that’s what makes it potential in research of inspiration. The unusual work environment helps artists to find new approaches in their practices. After Turin 2006 Winter Olympic Games, the bobsleigh track in Cesana Torinese has been out of use. It will be re-opened as a place for free expression and discovering. Abandoned trail is a space for transformations, experiments and meetings among all users – no strict guidelines to artists and visitors are given. It is a kinetic place where all forms of expression are welcome along the 1435-meter long walkable way. The access to the track is situated in three existing service buildings, that are transformed into common spaces for artists and visitors. The project has an objective to introduce a new life to the entire area. The structure of the track and surrounding service buildings cost almost 110 million euro and have never been used after the olympics, like many other sports facilities in the area. The track is left as it is, as a memory of the grandiose sports event and huge investment into it. The surrounding landscape is the typical background of the Italian Alps. However, its vegetation needs a reinforcement due to the massive deforestation that took place the years before the Olympic Games. The tree planting operation strengthens the idea of an area devoted to meditation and research of inspiration. The goal is to build a calm place where it is possible to find inspiration in two ways: by concentrating on one’s own thoughts and also through encounters with others. As another significant element of the site, the slope, supports the idea of walking and hiking as an improvement of our creativity. To reach the track, as well as every refuge or common space, one needs to make a physical effort. Furthermore, refuges are situated along the slopes surrounding the bobsleigh track so that they offer enough privacy for artists to seclude themselves. 12
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games General plan and areal section
2016 Inspiration Hostel
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Different usages of the bobsleigh track
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
REFUGE Plan, elevetions and section
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
3_ 4xCrossroad January 2016
The project area took place in Agognate (NO, Italy), a small and rural village developed on the artificial Canal Cavour which is interested by a restoration of the riverbanks in order to create a cycle path able to connect Turin to Milan. The weak point of the site is that it’s located really close to the highway junction and to the two railways lines that connect Turin with the northern part of Italy and with the France. The place so is in need of a Hub where to shunt the tourist, the cyclist and the commuters. Presented operation is developed on the distributive model of water on the neighbouring territory; the idea is to divide the project in three hypotheticals squares as a hydroelectric power station. Each tank’s aim is different, from the first one that is placed to collect the car, to the second, useful for the cyclists and the tourist and to the last one, a green square that is opened toward the river. These three elements help defining the project as a receptive hub. 18
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Section A-A
Section B-B
Section C-C
East Elevation
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
4_ Living on the surface
Master thesis Joint studio Program between Politecnico di Torino (italy) and Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) _ September 2017
According to current understanding of environmental and social changes, it is an untenable assumption that the landscape of the city where we live is the same every day. What is then the operating condition for design work? This project is located in Shenzhen (China), inside the masterplan of James Corner Field Operation, a 18 sqkm of reclamation land, still under construction and precisely on a single artificial water channel, designed to make the neighbouring area safer. What I developed after the researches, workshops, and seminars in Turin, Hong Kong and in Turin again is a project where the main element is not only an architecture, a single one icon, which is not lacking inside Corner’s masterplan, but I worked on an overall view of the site, focusing on the green finger, implementing it and adding new function at it. My project can be easily summarised into two subjects. The first one concerning the Uncertainty in architecture as an element that can’t be left as it is, but needs a special consideration and time where to define the level of uncertainty reachable, also in cases where the solution can be “there’s no other way than this”. The second one, regarding the Use of the infrastructural space, in a way that give a central position to the public and semi-public space in order to not waste it but to let every user gain from it. The project wants to establish a different way of living, on different kinds of soil, raised until reaching a safer height. This proposition has to be seen as a useful pedestrian infrastructure and as an overall experiment of urban density and urban typologies mixture. 22
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
200 m
Market square Axonometric section
North-west extremity Axonometric section Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Water level +1,42m
Water level +3,10m
Water level +4,50m
Water level +6,50m 26
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
North-west extremity Water level: +1,42m Perspective view
North-west extremity Water level: +3 m Perspective view
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
5_ Survey
Avigliana House, Borgo Medievale - Turin January 2014
Assemblaggio ortofoto
This work contains the survey of an house assembled inside the Medieval Village built for the Italian artistic and industrial Expo of 1884 settled in Turin. This house, once indended as a pavillion, is now an example of what it means to build and to live durin medieval age. The survey was done with standard tools and, in the end, we produce a 3D model based on a cloud of points, obtained through the use of the laser scanner and software like Cloudcomepare or Agisoft Photoscan. 28
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Medieval village of Turin - 1884
Plan, elevation and section
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
PROSPETTO SUD South elevation
PROSPETTO EST East elevation
Sections CONFRONTO SEZIONI comparing
SEZIONE VERTICALE Vertical section
SEZIONE ORIZZONTALE Horizontal section
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
PROSPETTO NORD North elevation
Detail C: Frontal window
Detail A: Side window
Detail B: The column base
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
6_ Renovation of an house unit in Turin December 2014
This project is basically an interior refurbishment project of an old housing unit in Turin city centre. The layout plan allows, with only few changes, to keep the different spaces differentiated but also connected through pattern and open fences. The key feature of the project is the definition of a new lifted space above the sitting room with a completely new space usable by all the family components. 32
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Plan and sections
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Internal views
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Illumination study
Lumen range: Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
7_ Urban renovation, ExpoAfterExpo December 2015
From territorial plan to the exchange subsistence. The project sets and organizes two different descriptions of the same place and defines the main elements of the Expo’s new area plan for Milan, starting from these two descriptions. A sort of “legend of the Milanese district” that aims to become part of a series of figures related to Milan’s urban transformations, a set that isn’t necessarily chronologically ordered. The two approaches chosen between a series of representative cartographic descriptions are: the system of monofunctional paddocks and the territorial strategies based on the superficial water system of the irrigated valley. These two, if overlapped, show the eternal and unsolvable conflict system between territorial actors. The project obtains a compositional logic from the representation of these conflicts in order to define his elements and his new functions: a tradecentre for agricultural and breeding purposes (wholesale market, auctions, stock exchange and chemical analysis centre); National employment agency (education, public desks, places for the representatives of small and middle enterprises); recreational headquarter (auditorium, accommodations for different associations, canteen); laboratories for university researches; sport departments, services, temporary housing and first reception centers. 36
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Manuel Depetris _ Portfolio
Thanks for your attention