Echoes from Old Trafford - August 2023

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Volume 50- Issue 3, August 2023
Manchester United Supporters’ Club-Malta Founded 1959, is officially recognized by the Manchester United Football Club.
“I’m very ambitious and will not settle for having won one trophy.”
Alejandro Garnacho

In this issue

Official publication of the Manchester United Supporters’ Club Malta

editorial team

Clint Camilleri · Braden Galea · Dr. Michael Calleja

advertising executive

Glenn Lucas contributors

Dr. Michael Calleja Clint Camilleri

Etienne Tabone Braden Galea

Robert Mizzi Kevin, Justyn and Wayne Tabone

Iain McCartney Silvio Scicluna

Kenneth Abela Alex Dudley

Julian Tabone Ray Calleja

Stefan Attard Cleo Zarb

Daniel Cuschieri Egidio Sciberras

printing Progress Press

graphic designer

James Trapani


Sir Alex Ferguson

club founder

John Calleja

club president

Joseph Tedesco

club committee

Joseph Tedesco President & Match Tickets Coordinator

Robert Muscat Vice-President & Tours Coordinator

Clint Camilleri Secretary. Media & Design Coordinator

Kevin Tabone Treasurer & PRO

Braden Galea Asst. Secretary & Webmaster & Publishing Coordinator

Egidio Sciberras Assistant Treasurer

Robert Mizzi Membership Secretary

Marvin Grech Events Manager

Glenn Lucas Advertising Executive & Sports Activities Coordinator

Matthew Portelli O’Toole Venue & Facilities Coordinator

Etienne Tabone Souvenir Shop Manager


Quarries Square Street, Msida MSD 1101 Malta. Telephone: +356 21223531

E‑mail: info@manutd‑

Website: www.manutd‑

Based in Msida, Malta, we are a non‑profit organization designed to bring the Manchester United experience to United fans here in Malta. We are the only Official Manchester United Supporters’ Club on the Maltese Islands. We are also the oldest Manchester United Supporters’ Club in the World.


business partners

 EDITORIAL ENGLISH ............................................................................... 3  EDITORJAL BIL-MALTI 4  MEET THE COMMITTEE - EGIDIO SCIBERRAS ......................................... 5  MEET THE COMMITTEE - ETIENNE TABONE 6  ERIK TEN HAG’S FIRST SEASON ............................................................. 8  TEDDY’S CORNER 10  MANCHESTER UNITED’S OWNERSHIP SAGA - EXPLORING THE COMPLEXITIES 12  Y&Z PERSPECTIVES 14  CAPTAIN BRUNO.............................................................................. 16  CLUB NEWS 18  INBOUND AND OUTBOUNDS TO MOUNT TITLE CHALLENGE IN 2023-24 ... 25  HISTORY OF THE FA CUP 28  THE PREMIER LEAGUE NEWCOMERS: BURNLEY, SHEFFIELD UNITED & LUTON TOWN 30  DAVID DE GEA - THE END OF AN ERA 32  CLUB FANTASY PREMIER LEAGUE 34  ROUND UP OF THE MAJOR EUROPEAN LEAGUES 36  FIVE CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS 38  THE FA CUP FINAL 40  AUTHORITY ........................................................................................ 42
VOL 50 - ISSUE 3 - AUGUST 2023 1
Club Gozo
Pietru Pace Street, Victoria, Gozo.
+356 99825090 translator Braden Galea

xperiencing a remarkably upbeat season under the new leadership of Erik ten Hag, Manchester United blossomed, a testament to the debut campaign of the Dutch maestro. Ten Hag didn’t just bring his skillset, he infused Old Trafford with his unique brand of electrifying, offensive-minded football and a relentless high-press approach. The transformation was not only palpable but astonishingly fruitful, with the team’s performance defying expectations to impressive effect.

United finished third in the Premier League, behind champions Manchester City and runners-up Arsenal – who themselves were equally prodigious throughout the 2022-23 campaign. A dearth of goals contributed to the Red Devils not obtaining more points throughout the campaign as Ten Hag’s men only registered 58 league goals whilst conceding 43 in the process. It was a stellar campaign for Marcus Rashford who was the club’s top scorer with 30 goals in all competitions, followed by Bruno Fernandes on 14 goals.

As Manchester United continues to evolve under Ten Hag, the strategic acquisition of a seasoned striker should undeniably top his priorities. Given that scoring remains the most formidable challenge in football, the absence of a dedicated, proficient striker could pose a severe impediment to United’s ambitions, especially in their quest to mount a substantial challenge to their formidable city rivals, Manchester City.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Red Devils enjoyed some memorable results along the way. They beat Liverpool 2-1 at home in August, with Jadon Sancho and Marcus Rashford both scoring crucial goals. They also comprehensively beat Arsenal 3-1 at Old Trafford in September, with Rashford netting a brace. Another momentous occasion was beating Manchester City at home in January. With City leading 1-0 thanks to a Jack Grealish header, the Reds roared back to claim a 2-1 scalp.

However, the highlight of the season was winning their first major trophy since 2016 17, beating Newcastle United 2-0 in the EFL Cup final at Wembley in February. The imperious Casemiro opened the scoring in the first half with a stunning solo effort, and Marcus Rashford sealed the victory before half-time to ensure Erik Ten Hag’s first taste of silverware!

The EFL Cup triumph was a welcome relief for United fans, who have endured a turbulent season off the pitch. The Glazer family, who own the club, faced intense protests and criticism from supporters, who demanded them to sell up and leave. The Glazer family, who had bought the club in 2005 with a debt-fueled takeover, decided to explore the possibility of selling the club after facing backlash from supporters over their involvement in the failed European Super League project.

They set a target price of more than $4.5 billion, which attracted interest from two main contenders: Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the UK’s richest person and a lifelong Manchester

United fan, and Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani, the chairman of Qatar Islamic Bank and a member of the Qatari Royal Family. Both parties submitted several offers and toured the club’s facilities, but neither could reach an agreement with the Glazers, who (at the time of writing) are certainly reluctant to give up their control of the club. The ownership issue remains unresolved leaving fans frustrated and uncertain about the future of their beloved club.

The season ended on a sour note for United, as they lost 2-1 to Manchester City in the FA Cup final at Wembley in June. Ilkay Gundogan scored both goals for City, who would end up completing a historic treble of Premier League, FA Cup and Champions League titles. Bruno Fernandes scored United’s only goal of the game (from a penalty) but the Red Devils were all but dead and buried after City’s mercurial German scored his second goal to ensure the Cup went to the blue-half of Manchester.

Before drawing to a close, it’s crucial to spotlight three standout players who have undoubtedly been instrumental in enhancing United’s flair and expanding their tactical palette: Alejandro Garnacho, Casemiro and Lisandro Martinez.

Alejandro Garnacho burst onto the scene with his dazzling skills and goals. He has scored pivotal goals through the season and provided crucial assists, showing his creativity and vision. He seems to have formed a good understanding with Marcus Rashford (as evidenced by the second goal scored against Manchester City). Fans have certainly been in awe of his work ethic and talent. It is pleasing to see this “fan favourite” always playing with a smile on his face whilst harbouring an intense passion for the game.

Casemiro, the veteran midfielder, has brought stability and leadership to the team. He joined Manchester United from Real Madrid in the summer of 2022, and has quickly adapted to the English game. He is a defensive powerhouse who shields the back four with his tackling and interceptions. He is also a composed passer who can dictate the tempo and launch attacks. He has scored some crucial goals (particularly during the League Cup Final) and marshalled the defense proving his value in both ends of the pitch. He is a vocal presence who organizes the team and motivates his teammates.

Thirdly is Lisandro Martinez, a versatile defender who was written off at the start of the season by none other than Jamie Carragher. However, his performances have been equally impressive. He is a strong and agile defender who can cope with any type of attacker. He is also a confident ball player who can initiate transitions and join the attack. His goal against Arsenal at the Emirates also demonstrated his threat from set-pieces and crosses. He is a calm and intelligent player who reads the game well and anticipates danger. He will certainly continue to grow and improve throughout his time at Manchester United.

These three players have been instrumental

in Manchester United’s success this season, have added quality, depth and balance to the squad and have been praised by their manager, teammates and fans for their impact on the club. Despite the disappointment of losing to their bitter rivals in the Cup Final, United fans can still look back on a successful season under Ten Hag. The Red Devils improved their league position from sixth to third, won their first trophy in four years and played some exciting football along the way.

United fans will hope that Ten Hag can build on this season and take them to even greater heights next term. They will also hope that the Glazer saga will be resolved soon and that their club will be owned by someone who genuinely cares about its future. Glory Glory Man United!

Message from the Chief Editor

As we have now completed the 50th volume and as decided in the 2022 Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of Committee due to the financial impact it was having, this is the last printed edition of Echoes from Old Trafford. This flagship publication of our club that was started 50 years ago on the brilliant idea of Joseph Glanville, and that was delivered to you with utmost professionalism by a long list of editors throughout these years, will now be following similar publications and going solely digital. Printing and postage costs will be saved, which were having a detrimental impact on the club’s coffers in a scenario of constantly declining advertising revenues.

On a personal note, this will also be my last edition as Chief Editor of Echoes and as part of the editorial team. It was a journey spanning over 10 years, starting off as contributor having been approached by Joseph Tedesco, to joining Committee of our beloved club, to leading the editorial team to deliver top quality editions of this publication. It was a personal honour for me to serve this club. Every beginning has an end and it wasn’t an easy decision to make, but now is the time to focus more on my personal life and family situation. Thanks for your support through your reading, and thanks to the other members of the editorial team, all the advertisers which throughout the years supported the club financially, the designer James Trapani for his impeccable work and to all contributors who throughout all these years dedicated their precious time to writing an article for this publication. Thanks and goodbye!

Editorial E
VOL 50 - ISSUE 3 - AUGUST 2023 3

Editor jal

B’esperjenza ta’ staġun ferm tajjeb taħt it‑tmexxija l‑ġdida ta’ Erik Ten Hag, Manchester United fjorixxew, xhieda tal‑kampanja debuttanti tal‑Maestro Olandiż. Ten Hag mhux biss ġab miegħu is‑sett ta’ kapaċitajiet, iżda huwa infuża Old Trafford bil‑marka unika tiegħu ta’ futbol elettrifikanti, offensiv u pressjoni għolja bla waqfien. It‑trasformazzjoni kienet mhux biss palpabbli iżda sorprendentement produttiva, mal‑prestazzjoni tat‑tim li għelbet kull aspettattivi għal effett impressjonanti.

United spiċċaw it‑tielet fil‑Premier League, wara ċ‑ċampjins Manchester City u fit‑tieni post Arsenal — li huma stess kienu daqstant prodizzjużi matul il‑kampanja 2022–23. Nuqqas ta’ gowls ikkontribwixxa biex ir‑Red Devils ma jiksbux aktar punti matul il‑kampanja hekk kif it‑tim ta’ Ten Hag irreġistraw biss 58 gowl fill‑kampjonat filwaqt li qalgħu 43 fil‑proċess. Kienet kampanja stellari għal Marcus Rashford li kien l‑aqwa skorer tal‑klabb bi 30 gowl fil‑kompetizzjonijiet kollha, segwit minn Bruno Fernandes b’ 14‑il gowl.

Hekk kif Manchester United qed ikomplu jevolvu taħt Ten Hag, l‑akkwist strateġiku ta’ attakkant kompetenti għandu bla dubju jieħu l‑ogħla prijorità. Minħabba li l‑ gowls jibqgħu l‑aktar sfida formidabbli fil‑futbol, in‑nuqqas ta’ attakkant tal‑kaxxa u profiċjenti jista’ jkun ta’ xkiel kbir għall‑ambizzjonijiet ta’ United, speċjalment fit‑tfittxija tagħhom biex joħolqu sfida sostanzjali għar‑rivali formidabbli tagħhom minn Manchester, Manchester City.

Minkejja dan, ir‑Red Devils gawdew xi riżultati memorabbli matul it‑triq. Huma għelbu lil Liverpool 2–1 f’ Old Trafford f’Awwissu, b’ Jadon Sancho u Marcus Rashford it‑tnejn jiskorjaw gowls kruċjali. Huma wkoll għelbu b’mod komprensiv lil Arsenal 3–1 f’Old Trafford f’Settembru, b’Rashford jirkorja darbtejn . Okkażżjoni oħra importanti kienet li għelbu lil Manchester City f’ Old Trafford f’Jannar. Bic City b’ vantaġġ ta’ 1–0 grazzi għal header ta’ Jack Grealish, il‑United dawwru r‑riżultat għal 2–1.

Madankollu, il‑qofol tal‑istaġun intlaħaq bir‑rebħ ta’ l‑ewwel trofew maġġuri mill‑2016–17 ‘l hawn, fejn Manchester United għelbu lil Newcastle United bl‑iskor ta’ 2–0 fil‑finali tat‑Tazza EFL f’ Wembley fi Frar. Casemiro fetaħ il‑punteġġ fl‑ewwel nofs tal‑logħba b’ gowl ġmielu, u Marcus Rashford jissiġilla r‑rebħa qabel nofs il‑logħba biex jiżguraw l‑ewwel togħma ta’ suċċess taħt Erik Ten Hag!

It‑trijonf tat‑Tazza EFL kien ta’ soljev milqugħ għa s‑sapporters tal‑United , li sofrew staġun turbulenti barra mill‑grawnd. Il‑familja Glazer, li hija l‑proprjetarja tal‑klabb, iffaċċjat protesti intensi u kritika mill‑partitarji, li talbuhom ibigħu u jitilqu. Il‑Glazers, li kienu xtraw il‑klabb fl‑2005 b’akkwist ibbażat fuq dejn, iddeċidiet li tesplora l‑possibbiltà li tbigħ il‑klabb wara li affaċċjat reazzjoni mingħand partitarji fuq l‑involviment tagħhom fil‑proġett fallut tas‑Super League Ewropea.

Huma ffissaw prezz fil‑mira ta’ aktar minn $4.5 biljun, li attira interess minn żewġ konkorrenti

ewlenin: Sir Jim Ratcliffe, l‑aktar persuna sinjura fir‑Renju Unit u sapporter ta’ Manchester United tul ħajjtu, u Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani, iċ‑Ċermen tal‑Qatar Islamic Bank u membru tal‑Familja Rjali tal‑Qatar. Iż‑żewġ partijiet issottomettew diversi offerti u żaru l‑faċilitajiet tal‑klabb, iżda lanqas ma setgħu jilħqu ftehim mal‑Glazers, li (fiż‑żmien tal‑kitba) baqgħu b’ determinazzjoni lura milli jirrinunzjaw għall‑kontroll tagħhom tal‑klabb. Il‑kwistjoni tas‑sidien tibqa’ mhux solvuta u tħalli lill‑partitarji frustrati u inċerti dwar il‑futur tal‑klabb maħbub tagħhom.

L‑istaġun spiċċa fuq nota qarsa għall‑United, hekk kif tilfu 2–1 kontra Manchester City fil‑finali tal‑FA Cup f’Wembley f’Ġunju. Ilkay Gundogan skorja ż‑żewġ gowls għal City, li spiċċaw wettqu treble storiku ta’ titli tal‑Premier League, tal‑FA Cup u taċ‑Champions League. Bruno Fernandes skorja l‑uniku gowl tal‑logħba ta’ United (minn penalti) iżda r‑Red Devils mititilhom kull tama wara li l‑Ġermaniż merkurjali ta’ City skorja t‑tieni gowl tiegħu biex jiżgura li t‑Tazza marret għan‑nofs blu ta’ Manchester.

Qabel nagħlaq, huwa kruċjali li wieħed jirrikonoxxi tliet atturi primarji li bla dubju kienu strumentali fit‑titjib tal‑fortuni ta’ United u l‑espansjoni tal‑għażla tattika tagħhom: Alejandro Garnacho, Casemiro u Lisandro Martinez.

Alejandro Garnacho sploda fuq ix‑xena bil‑ħiliet u l‑gowls tiegħu. Huwa skorja gowls importanti matul l‑istaġun u pprovda assistenza kruċjali, u wera l‑kreattività u l‑viżjoni tiegħu. Jidher li fforma ftehim tajjeb ma’ Marcus Rashford (kif muri mit‑tieni gowl skorjat kontra Manchester City). Is‑sapporters ċertament kienu mbellħa bix‑xogħol tiegħu u t‑talent jispikka. Huwa pjaċir li tara dan il‑“favorit tas‑sapporters” dejjem jilgħab bi tbissima fuq wiċċu filwaqt li jkollu passjoni intensa għal‑logħba.

Casemiro, il‑midfielder veteran, ġab l‑istabbiltà u t‑tmexxija fit‑tim. Huwa ngħaqad ma’ Manchester United minn Real Madrid fis‑sajf tal‑2022, u malajr adatta għal‑logħba Ingliża. Huwa magna difensiva li tipproteġi l‑erbgħa ta’ wara b’ kif jerbaħ lura l‑ballun u l‑interċettazzjonijiet tiegħu. Huwa wkoll passer kompost li jiddetta t‑tempo tal‑logħba u jniedi attakki. Huwa skorja xi gowls kruċjali (b’mod partikolari matul il‑Finali tat‑Tazza EFL) u mexxa d‑difiża li tesebixxi l‑valur tiegħu fiż‑żewġt itruf tal‑grawnd. Huwa preżenza vokali li jorganizza t‑tim u jimmotiva lil sħabu.

It‑tielet huwa Lisandro Martinez, difensur versatili li fil‑bidu tal‑istaġun inqal li se jkun falliment minn ħadd għajr Jamie Carragher. Madankollu, il‑prestazzjonijiet tiegħu kienu daqstant impressjonanti. Huwa difensur b’saħħtu u b’aġilità li jista’ jlaħħaq ma’ kwalunkwe tip ta’ attakkant. Huwa wkoll plejer tal‑ballun kunfidenti li jista’ jibda tranżizzjonijiet u jingħaqad mal‑attakk. Il‑gowl tiegħu kontra Arsenal fl‑Emirates Stadium wera wkoll it‑theddida tiegħu minn set‑pieces u crosses. Huwa player kalm u intelliġenti li jaqra l‑logħba tajjeb u jantiċipa periklu. Żgur li se

jkompli jikber u jitjieb matul iż‑żmien tiegħu ma’ Manchester United.

Dawn it‑tliet plejers kienu strumentali fis‑suċċess ta’ Manchester United dan l‑istaġun, żiedu l‑kwalità, il‑fond u l‑bilanċ mal‑iskwadra u ġew imfaħħra mill‑maniġer, sħabhom u partitarji tal‑United għall‑impatt pożittiv tagħhom fuq il‑klabb. Minkejja d‑diżappunt li tilfu kontra r‑rivali kbar tagħhom fil‑Finali tat‑Tazza FA , il‑partitarji ta’ United xorta jistgħu jħarsu lura fuq staġun ta’ suċċess taħt Ten Hag. Ir‑Red Devils tejbu l‑pożizzjoni tal‑kampjonat tagħhom mis‑sitt għat‑tielet, rebħu l‑ewwel trofew tagħhom f’ erbgħa snin u lagħbu futbol eċċitanti matul il‑vjaġġ ta’ dan l‑istaġun

Is‑sapporters tal‑United jittamaw li Ten Hag jista’ jibni fuq dan l‑istaġun u jeħodhom għal quċċata aktar għolja fl‑istaġun li jmiss. Huma jittamaw ukoll li s‑saga tal‑Glazers tiġi solvuta dalwaqt u li l‑klabb tagħhom ikun proprjetà ta’ xi ħadd li ġenwinament jieħu ħsieb il‑futur tiegħu. Glory Glory Man United !

Messaġġ mill‑Editur

Hekk kif ingħalaq volum numru 50, u hekk kif deċiż fil‑Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal‑2022 fuq rakkomandazzjoni tal‑Kumitat sforz l‑impatt finanzjarju li kien qed ikollu, din hija l‑aħħar edizzjoni printjata tal‑Echoes from Old Trafford. Il‑pubblikazzjoni li bdiet 50 sena ilu fuq idea brillanti ta’ Joseph Glanville, u li kienet imwassla lilkom bi professjonalita’ liema bħalha minn numru kbir ta’ edituri tul dawn is‑snin kollha, issa se timxi maż‑żmenijiet ta’ llum u tkun biss pubblikata diġitalment. B’ dan il‑mod jiġu mnaqqsa l‑ispejjeż ta’ karta u posta li kienu qed ixekklu l‑finanzi tal‑klabb fi sfond ta’ dħul mir‑riklami dejjem jonqos. Fuq nota personali, din se tkun ukoll l‑a ħħar edizzjoni tiegħi bħala Chief Editor tal‑Echoes u bħala parti mit‑tim editorjali. Kien vjaġġ ta’ aktar minn 10 snin fejn bdejt bħala kontributur wara li ġejt avviċinat minn Joseph Tedesco, għal li ningħaqad fil‑kumitat tal‑klabb maħbub tagħna, għal li mmexxi t‑tim editorjali sabiex tinħareġ edizzjoni wara l‑oħra ta’ kwalita’ eċċellenti. Huwa ta’ unur għalija li kont ta’ servizz lejn il‑klabb. Kull bidu fih it‑tmiem u ma kienitx deċiżjoni faċli, iżda issa huwa ż‑żmien li niffoka aktar fuq il‑ħajja personali u s‑sitwazzjoni familjari. Nirringrazzjakom tas‑sapport bil‑qari tagħkom, kif ukoll nirringrazzja lill‑membri l‑oħra tat‑tim editorjali, lil kull min issapportja lill‑klabb bir‑riklamar fl‑Echoes, lid‑designer James Trapani tax‑xogħol impekkabbli tiegħu u lil kull persuna li tul dawn is‑snin kollha ddedikat il‑ħin prezzjuż sabiex tikteb artiklu fir‑rivista tal‑klabb. Grazzi u saħħiet! Braden Galea

VOL 50 - ISSUE 3 - AUGUST 2023 4

Meet the Committee Egidio Sciberras

1) Can you tell us something about yourself (your personal life, age, marital status, work/profession)? What are your favourite past times apart from football? What was your favourite holiday destination?

My name is Egidio Sciberras, 58 year old, and I’ve been an active member since 1985. I have 2 kids, my daughter Nirvana 27 years and my son Kurt 25 years old, also a member of the Supporters Club. I am self-employed and work as a minibus driver. My past-times apart from watching my favourite team are having a lovely dinner in a quiet place with my partner or friends as I see the food presented as an art. Also I love to read a good book that keeps me hanging there, turning page after another and won’t let me go to sleep after long hours of driving. My favourite holiday destination is London, and I don’t know how many times I visit. I always find something new and interesting: there is something for everyone. But my dreamland is Scotland - it’s out of this world, for me. I can’t describe in words the tranquillity and scenery of this island: unbelievable, marvellous.

2) How did you start supporting United? What is your best memory of United? How many times have you visited Old Trafford? Who is your favourite current player and club legend? If there was one thing you could change at United, what would it be? If you

were Man Utd manager and had an unlimited budget, which player would you bring to United and why? Which team would you support if Man Utd did not exist?

I have been supporting Manchester United since I was a child, and I don’t know how or why. But I remember that in 1976 when we played the FA Cup Final against Southampton, they were in League 2 that time. We lost and I was very upset that I skipped school the following day. Memories! Have a lot to cherish, especially when I took my 2 children the first time to Old Trafford. Another memory is also when we were 6 of us and spent 10 days in Manchester. Also when I met Cantona at the airport, when we were flying back after a game. There will be a lot of memories every time you travel, wherever you go is like writing a new book, meeting new people, new adventures and so on. My current favourite player is Lisandro Martinez, a player that gives his soul to the team, and I wish that the others are like him. My club legend is Cantona, his authority in the team was something that changed the dynamic of the team that year. There are others who left their mark like Keane and Robson to mention a few. We were blessed with very good players that it’s difficult to mention them all. There are other players, like Best, Charlton, Edwards, to mention a few, that our fathers knows and I have only seen on films. I don’t

know what I would change in the team but for sure I would change the administration. I like more the ‘Bayern Munich model’ how it is administered than ours. There are a lot of very good players that our club can bring, but you have to be careful who will you bring that the player can fit in the system and also his behaviour in the dressing room. We had very good players that flopped, such as Veron, for me he was one of the best midfielders in that era, but he did not adapt to the English game. I don’t know who I will support if not Manchester United, I only watch United and no other game, unless it is a Final or a World Cup game, so probably I would go for cricket.

3) What attracted you to join the Supporters’ Club? What made you contest the Committee election? Describe your role in the club. Why would you recommend a United supporter to join the world’s oldest Man Utd supporters’ club?

I can’t say or don’t know what attracted me to join Manchester United Supporters’ Club Malta, but I don’t regret it and I would recommend that every supporter joins as we are a big family. I can feel that I’m not just a member or number but I am part of this family and be heard by our committee. My role in the committee is more like a secondary role: I’m there to help other committee members in their needs.

VOL 50 - ISSUE 3 - AUGUST 2023 5

Meet the Committee

Etienne Tabone

1) Can you tell us something about yourself (your personal life, age, marital status, work/profession)? What are your favourite past‑times apart from football? What was your favourite holiday destination?

My name is Etienne Tabone and I am 49 years old. I am a Senior Police Constable for the police force in Malta. My leisure activities encompass observing football matches, engaging in community-based feast celebrations, and exhibiting a keen interest in automobiles.

I enjoy traveling to various countries, with a particular fondness for the Dolomites and Venice in Italy, as well as Manchester in the United Kingdom. Indeed, I have visited Old Trafford on eleven occasions. My selfdescription would encompass traits of punctuality, a fondness for animals, and a high degree of responsibility.

2) How did you start supporting United? What is your best memory of United? How many times have you visited Old Trafford? Who is your favourite current player and club legend? If there was one thing you could change at United, what would it be? If you were a Man Utd manager with an unlimited budget, which player would you bring to United and why? Which team would you support if Man Utd did not exist?

Since my early years, I have been a dedicated

follower of Manchester United. During my early childhood, I made a conscious decision to align myself with Manchester United based on my emotional attachment, despite Liverpool’s status as one of the top-performing teams during that period.

Manchester United, is one of the most renowned football clubs in the world, has been at the forefront of sporting excellence for decades. With a rich history, a dedicated fan base, and a team that embodies the spirit of unity and resilience, Manchester United stands tall as a symbol of greatness in the footballing world. The year 1999 was noteworthy for me due to the remarkable achievement of Manchester United in winning the treble, coupled with a series of unexpected events that transpired throughout the year.

At present, Luke Shaw holds the position of my preferred football player, whereas David Beckham is regarded as a legendary figure from my perspective. If provided with the chance to modify an aspect of the team’s formation, my preference would be to revise the approach employed for player procurement.

Given the opportunity to manage the team, my first course of action would be to procure the services of the esteemed athlete Kylian Mbappe, whose exceptional abilities are integral to effectively breaching the opposing team’s defensive line.

3) What attracted you to join the Supporters’ Club? What made you contest the Committee election? Describe your role in the club. Why would you recommend a United supporter to join the world’s oldest Man Utd supporters’ club?

In 2009, I joined the Manchester United Supporters Club situated in Malta. To demonstrate a genuine fondness for a team, it is imperative to exhibit unwavering loyalty throughout the entire year, regardless of the team’s performance.

As a duly committee member of the MUSC, it is incumbent upon me to undertake the task of effectively marketing and promoting the various merchandise available for purchase at the MUSC souvenir shop.

As a devoted member of the Manchester United club, I am filled with pride and optimism for what lies ahead. The team’s recent performances, characterized by resilience, attacking prowess, and a commitment to nurturing young talents, have reignited the club’s pursuit of greatness. With a strong foundation and a collective spirit, Manchester United is poised to continue its journey of glory and inspire generations of fans worldwide. As the famous anthem echoes through Old Trafford, “Glory, glory, Man United!”

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Erik Ten Hag’s First Season

Erik Ten Hag’s season can – generally speaking be safely classified as a very successful one.

Champions League football and a trophy is a good return especialy when we think about where we were this time last season.

It’s been a very long season and most certainly not an easy one too as quite clearly the jump from the Dutch league was always going to be a big challenge for our new manager.

It was never going to be easy but, rather than anything, a look back at the way this season’s unfolded underlines Ten Hag’s impressive achievements.

What were Ten Hag’s main headaches or obstacles in his maiden season?

A terrible start

The first 2 games of the season were a real nightmare. Losing at home to Brighton and

going in at half-time away to Brentford with a 4 goal deficit were painful to watch and certainly not easy to handle. Ten Hag made mistakes there. Looking at the fixture schedule did not help either; Liverpool were our next opponents. This was a real test. The pressure on Ten Hag must have been unprecedented but he managed to re-group and to reorganize the squad and recovered well.

The Ronaldo saga

If ever there was going to be a distraction, this was it. This was a distraction that would turn out to be bigger than that posed by the World Cup and it literally started on day one. Ronaldo was spotted leaving early from a pre-season match. Then he refused to come on for the final 5 minutes against Spurs and Ten Hag decided to discipline him. And then, that interview.

A decision had to be made. Actually, I think Ten Hag had made his decision much before. He knew Ronaldo was not in his plans and

he sort of tested the player by consistently leaving him out and using him sparingly. The conclusion was inevitable but Ten Hag, it is safe to say, came out stronger. It was basically a masterstroke that won him the whole dressing room.

A game every 3 days

United have literally had to play a ridiculous amount of games squashed together. Especially since the World Cup, it has been relentless. Invariably, we had a game every 3 days since Christmas across all competitions. The squad inevitably got tired, injuries flared and the team got caught.

The heavy defeats

Just when things seemed back on track, there was always a setback waiting round the corner. Losing heavily away to Manchester City and to Liverpool was not easy to digest. It was a real reality check. Ten Hag, once again, made mistakes in those crucial matches. He

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gambled, especially in the players he picked for his midfield battles, but it backfired.

The squad depth

It was quite obvious Ten Hag could not trust some of his bench players. He kept using the same 11-14 players in all competitions and ultimately paid the price when injuries to Eriksen, Martinez, Varane, Rashford and Garnacho came up.

He had to bascially work with what he had got. On top of that, in January he was given Wout Weghorst as his main striker. Quite clearly, not enough and not Ten Hag’s fault either.

The team he inherited

Ten Hag inherited one of the worst Manchester United Premier League sides ever. Last season, United got 58 points, our lowest ever tally in Premier League history. And yet, he took that side to 75 points to 3rd and back into the Champions League. He inherited a squad that lacked leadership and was full of leaks.

Despite all this, he still managed to finish third and he did deliver our first trophy. This in his first season in charge.

He kept us in all competitions and if it wasn’t for those crazy final 5 minutes at home against

Sevilla in the Europa League, we could be here speaking about 2 cups won, not just 1.

In a way, he also sorted out the defence - De Gea won the Golden Glove - but we havent scored enough goals.

Ten Hag himself has had to learn. The mistakes he made at the Etihad and at Anfield surely left their mark.

If anything, this season has shown him a different way how to win and how to approach games. He has had to adapt. His game plan has been pretty much very consistent. With a 4-23-1 formation, he has mostly relied on the defence and then go on and nick a game. It is very different from the way he used to play at Ajax. But that is all to his credit; the way he has had to adapt himself to a new league.

His signings were arguably spot on. Casemiro, Martinez, Eriksen, Malacia and also Antony have all improved the squad and shown the commitment that we love to see.

That is why – based on what he showed in his first season he needs to be trusted. If Ten Hag thinks the likes of Mason Mount can improve the squad, then he must be backed.

Unfortunately, it seems we’re not in for an easy summer transfer window. It’s really history repeating itself, once again. We are missing on players. We are missing on players who may have actually wanted to join. Kim MinJae suddenly seems closer to Bayern Munich and we are also missing on the likes of Declan Rice apart from being priced out of the race for Harry Kane. Rabiot will probably remain at Juventus whilst negotiations with Chelsea to agree on a fee for Mason Mount may take time and may still also fail to materialise. Rasmus Hojlund from Atalanta can be an option but that too does not seem straightforward. Not to mention, Cody Gakpo who was another January transfer target who we missed out on.

Players will soon be back into pre-season and we have bought nobody, and we have sold nobody.

The Premier League can be very unforgiving. If you stand still, you fall back. We’ve seen it with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and with Mourinho; one good season, no real strengthening and that’s it. Next year it’s only bound to get tougher. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle are strengthening whilst Chelsea will want top-4 back.

The uncertainty surrounding the club ownership is surely not helping.

It has been quite clear for quite some time now that United lack the quality and the nous to carry out deals early on in the season and in time. Too many times we have missed out on players and too many times we have also over-paid. Hopefully, that will change in the coming weeks.

All in all, even though he was not even shortlisted for Manager of the Year by the Premier League, Erik Ten Hag deserves all our support and respect.

He has won more games than any other United manager in their first season and more importantly he has instilled back in us that glimmer of hope. He’s turned Old Trafford into a fortress once again and if properly backed, I’m confident he can be the one to bring back sustained success.

There is still a long way to go of course but from what we have witnessed in season one, season two can be something to look forward to.

Personal Note: As you well know, this will be the last printed edition of the Echoes Magazine. The switch to the online version is understandable of course and a sign of the times, but for those of us who prefer paper over tablet screens it will not be the same thing! I will miss the smell of the magazine paper when sealed off. I will miss not receiving the hardcopy in my letterbox. My first article goes back to 23 years ago. Back then I wasn’t a regular contributor but that came in a natural way soon after. Since then, I don’t think I have ever missed an edition. Standing still however, as we all know, is not an option and I’m sure the new version of the Echoes magazine will also prove to be very popular. I take the opportunity to publicly thank our hard working committee at MUSC and our various magazine editors along the years for trusting me with all good times times and in bad times! Long may this relationship carry on!

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TEDDY’S corner

Dear All

Let’s go a bit back in time, nearly one year ago…13th August 2022. Brentford 4 Man Utd 0! If someone tried to convince me that evening that we were going to finish 3rd and win a trophy by the end of the season, I would have probably had a heated argument with whoever it was, as I would have thought that I am being taken for a ride. The horror show that afternoon was too hard to swallow. The nightmare of the previous season was still haunting my nights. All looked doom and gloom!

After the longest season ever, with 62 games in all competitions, Erik Ten Hag transformed this football club into a competitive force once again. I feel safe to say, yes, we are back! We beat the 7Up Cup winners, we beat our financial fair play compliant neighbours and, we beat the bankrupt Catalans. We won 42 games in total and scored 108 goals in all competitions. We built consistency. We improved our defensive record and drastically increased the clean sheets. We saw a more fluent style of football with some eye catching schemes. In some games, we witnessed shrewd, tactical masterpieces. Old Trafford is a fortress again. We felt what it’s like to lift a trophy again. So many positives to take from the Dutchman’s first season where for the first time ever since Sir Alex left, we could feel

there is someone truly in charge sitting on that hot seat. The way he treated the Ronaldo situation was just impeccable.

This is a process, however.

We have had some heavy, remarkable defeats which have embarrassingly highlighted the weaknesses and psychological fragility of the squad. Brentford (August), Citeh (October), Villa (November), Scousers (March), Newcastle and Sevilla FC (both in April). These games, all away from home, exposed

how vulnerable our team could be at times. These are those games where we looked for leaders on the pitch and we didn’t find any. We cried for guts and tenacity but failed to see any. We looked at the bench for game changers and didn’t spot any. The somehow steady frequency of these setbacks during the season gives a clear indication of the need to be more consistent with our mental collective readiness. During the month of May the team looked understandably tired and exhausted. The losses against Brighton and West Ham (again, away from home) put the team under immense pressure but they scraped through and qualified for Champions League football again. The supremacy shown against Sevilla FC in the first half and all those chances missed in front of goal epitomise the season basically. Failing to score has been our main curse all season. I feel that the Final against Citeh turned out to be a bit of an anti-climax. The neighbours are superior at the moment but there was substantial belief we could somehow stop them from doing

have your say on
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the Treble. ETH got his tactics right for most of the game and we had our chances, which we missed. Then again, in my opinion, that Final showed we are not so far behind. But consistency will be key next season.

We know we have gaps to close and benchmarks to aim for. Citeh, fairly or unfairly, have set the standards. We desperately need a striker, a Harry Kane type of striker. In the league we scored just one more goal than we did the previous season. We need a midfielder, a Declan Rice type of midfielder. Casemiro proved so many people wrong, but he needs a regular, more effective partner in the centre of the field. We need a central defender, a Kim Min-jae type of defender. Harry Maguire must leave Man Utd for his well-being and to stop this world-wide mockery which is so frustrating.

There is still dead wood in our squad which needs to be cleared. Some argue that we need a new goalkeeper which I personally feel is very unfair on David, however I keep my mind open to options here. Some big names like Sancho in my opinion are miles away from what their price tag projected them to be. Some big decisions must be taken. The summer transfer activity is crucial to keep the transformation process going.

The sale of the Club saga is now in its 8th month. I can fully understand this will be the deal of the decade and negotiations at this level take time, but this looks now as it is seriously affecting the football club at a key moment. No one can blame the supporters from becoming intolerant and impatient. The way the Glazers have treated and engaged with the supporters during their 18year tenure has triggered so

much hate reaction which very often ended up tampering the reputation of our beloved football club. I can’t see the new owners keeping the Glazers’ name anywhere involved being welcomed by the supporters. This is why I am now fully behind the Qatari takeover. I do not want to see the Glazers still involved in the business of our Club. The INEOS proposal seems to be one that will keep the Americans somehow on board. No way for me! At this stage, Sheikh Jassim is my firm favourite to take this football club forward. Should this happen, Manchester’s main football clubs will be owned by two of the richest organisations in the world. However, the risk of United tampering the FFP like City did between 2009 and 2018 is negligent given the two different fan bases. It will be very interesting to see how these charges will be dealt with. On a personal, nonfootball related note, as a proud citizen of my beloved Malta, I just hope the Qatari take over will not bring a termination to our Visit Malta deal with Man Utd. Fingers crossed!

Wishing you all a happy, relaxed summer. My advice to have a relaxing summer…stay away from speculation. Man Utd are the most followed football club in the world and the media people know that. We will be back stronger!

Yours United Teddy

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Manchester United’s Ownership Saga Exploring the Complexities

As a globally renowned football club, Manchester United FC, and the issue of its ownership have dominated the news about the club for a number of years.

Up to the time of going to press, the club is still owned by the Glazer family, namely the six children of the late former owner Malcolm Glazer: Avram, Joel, Kevin, Bryan, Darcie, and Edward Glazer. Malcolm Glazer acquired a majority stake in the club in 2005 for £790 million, through his investment company called Red Football Ltd 1. The family acquired the club through a leveraged buyout, which involved taking on a significant amount of debt to finance the purchase of the club. The family made its fortune in real estate, retail and healthcare and also owns the NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

It is an understatement to say that the original

acquisition and subsequent overall management of the club by the Glazers have been controversial among United fans, who criticized them for prioritizing commercial success over on-pitch performance and investment in the team.

The fans have argued that the excessive debt has burdened their club with huge interest payments, resulting in the owners neglecting the club’s infrastructure and failing to compete for the top players in world football. Many United fans blame this fact for the overall lack of honours won by the club in the last decade. The last time United won the Premier League was in Sir Alex Ferguson’s final season in charge in 2012 13.

Fans have protested against the Glazers throughout the years, including a protest march in April 2022 and another one in May this year before the home game against Aston

Villa. About 1,000 United fans gathered in Manchester’s city centre and then marched to Old Trafford. A good number of fans waited outside for the first 18 minutes of the match, signifying the 18 years that the Glazers have owned the club.

Although fans have accused the Glazers of not investing enough in the team or the stadium, and that they are more interested in making money than in the success on the field, the owners can claim that when it comes to transfers, that is definitely not the case. United have spent a considerable amount of money on transfers since the Glazers took ownership of the club. According to a recent article in the Daily Mail, the net spend on players under the Glazers has gone up to £2 billion, and the average weekly wage has risen to £178,000 per player, which is five times higher than the average wage when they first arrived in 2005. The same article states that financial statements show that the United board members have received £129 million since 2005, with one director receiving a mind-boggling £4.1 million in the 2017 18 season thanks to a big bonus as a result of United’s Europa League triumph under Jose Mourinho. In the 2021-22 season, despite another disappointing season, when United finished sixth and ended up sacking Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, shareholders were paid an astonishing £34million in dividends.

The debt burden of the Glazers’ takeover of Manchester United is reflected in the staggering £917 million paid out in interest payments to lenders. These loans have been burdened with interest rates as high as 14.25%, making the financial implications

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all the more alarming, especially in the current market environment of rising interest rates, if the club has to re-negotiate terms or take out new loans.

The club’s latest financial results also make for worrying reading. United’s overall debt rose to £535.7 million, based on financial figures for the end of 2022, an increase of £58.6 million from the previous year, with club-wide revenues down by 10%. It is this kind of debt level that has perturbed supporters, coupled with the Glazers taking millions in dividend payments each year while substantially reducing investment into certain areas of the club.

One such area is the stadium, which is another bone of contention among the fans, who say that its condition has been left to

deteriorate. However, in early 2022, the club announced major plans to redevelop, expand, and modernise Old Trafford rather than starting from scratch and building an entirely new stadium. The club has appointed the same innovative architects who built the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, which opened in early April 2019. The club has an open mind about the best approach to modernising Old Trafford, but the intention is to remain on the same site and take a phased approach so that the team would not need to move away. No decision has been made on the scope or budget of the project, nor on any potential capacity increase.

The Glazer family finally announced in November 2022 that they were exploring strategic alternatives for Manchester United, potentially bringing an end to their ownership

of the club. Many have maintained that the Glazers will not sell for less than £6 billion. A sale for such a figure would value Manchester United at more than 10 times last year’s annual revenue, according to Refinitiv (a global provider of financial market data and infrastructure). It would also be one of the biggest ever in the sports world.

However, negotiations have been anything but smooth or clear-cut. Up until the start of summer, there were supposedly two remaining bids to buy the club, either outright or partially from its current owners. One was from billionaire Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani, who is the son of Qatar’s former prime minister. The other was from British billionaire and Manchester United fan, Sir Jim Ratcliffe, founder of chemicals producer INEOS. The Glazers were taking their time before making their minds up. Once again, the fans have shown their displeasure at the possibility of the continued involvement in the club by the Glazers. In late June, during the unveiling of the new adidas home shirt for the 2023-24 season, fans stood outside the megastore at Old Trafford holding several anti-Glazer banners, one of which said “full sale only”. Clearly nothing will satisfy them except a full sale by the Americans.

Whatever the decision going forward, a significant turnaround is required. Despite United lifting the League Cup in Erik ten Hag’s first season at Old Trafford, their third place finish in the league, 14 points behind champions, city rivals and treble winners Manchester City, exposes the current gap that still needs to be closed.

C/O Attrans, Mdina Road, Żebbuġ. Malta. Email: Tel: +356 21461444 +356 77153025 +356 99164245
VOL 50 - ISSUE 3 - AUGUST 2023 13

Y & Z United Perspectives

And the curtain on the 2022/23 season has fallen. City winning the treble was not actually on any Tabone members’ wishlists for sure but, hang on, could the Premier League be our saviour and find City guilty of some of the charges brought against them? They say, hope is the last thing that is lost.

What is your rate from 0 to 10 (0 being the lowest) for the outcome of this season? Explain the reason for your rating.

Wayne: I would say this season was a success. We did not win any major trophies, like the Premier League or the FA Cup, but we came 3rd in the league, which qualified us in next season’s Champions League, won the Carabao Cup, went out of the Europa League against the eventual winners whilst we finished as runners-up of the FA Cup. If I was told that we would have achieved all this at the beginning of the season just ended I would have laughed at you. Looking at how the team performed under Ten Hag and after considering what we could’ve achieved more, I’m going to give this season a 7.5 out of ten. We had a good season although it could have been better, meaning that there definitely was room for improvement.

Justyn: At the beginning of the season, I think the objective was to get into the top 4 meaning qualification back in the Champions League, doing well in the domestic cup competitions and also the Europa League. In fact, we did

just that by finishing third in the league behind Manchester City and Arsenal, managed to win the Carabao Cup and got to the FA Cup Final. In these competitions I think we exceeded our expectations and did very well. However, I am a bit disappointed with our result in the Europa League since we were one of the favourites to go all the way and win the competition. Moreover, one of our downfalls this season was our away form especially against the big 6. This is an area which we need to improve on next season if we are to continue progressing further. All in all, I would give a 7 rating for this season.

Kevin: I would give this season a solid 7. I was tempted to write an

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8 but there were a few defeats (1 which still hurts deeply) which we should have done without. Knowing the state we were in from last season, I would say that we achieved our main objectives of Champions League qualification and win a trophy. Actually, had it not been a final loss to City in the FA Cup and a shocking away performance to the eventual Europa League winner Sevilla, we were so close to exceeding these same objectives. And this surely augurs very good vibes for next season. At the start of the season if one would had told me how the season would shape up, I would have bitten their hand off.

service is not the best. He also filled in as our number 9 when needed even though he is much better coming in from the left. Whenever Manchester United needed a goal, you would bet on Rashford scoring and this is why I think he deserved the player of the year.

We know Rashford has won all the Player of the Year awards. Who would be your player of the year? And explain why.

Wayne: Rashford is up there but I think that others like Casemiro, Martinez and Fernandes deserved more. Rashford had a great season and this is proven by both the stats and even by the way he influences the players around him with his presence. But the same can be said for the other 3 players I just mentioned. They all were critical members of the starting XI and one could see that the team would be badly affected when one of them was out either injured or suspended. When Rashford didn’t play, we lacked goals. When Bruno was missing we lacked chances from being created. When Casemiro was out we lost our shape and although Lindelof did a very good job, Martinez’ aggressiveness was sorely missed when not part of the defensive line.

Justyn: My top 3 players for player of the year would have been Rashford, Casemiro and Bruno. An honourable mention goes to Martinez who overcame a lot of criticism from the English media most notably because of his height. However, I believe the previous 3 had exceptional seasons and without them we wouldn’t have had the season we had. Fernandes has always been our most reliable player in my opinion. Not only is he always available for the team but he is our most creative player in our team. Casemiro was also pivotal in our midfield. He was the base and provided cover for our back 4. However, he also came up with crucial goals most notably in the Carabao Cup final. Although the number of bookings he received is not the best and is the reason I wouldn’t have him as the winner. Lastly, Marcus Rashford, in my opinion is the deserved winner. This is mostly because of the turnaround he has had from last year. He scored all those goals in a team where

Kevin: Rashford was the player I voted for myself and I’m going to stick by him. I know I repeat myself many times but Academy players who make the grade are my pride and joy. I feel that these are the players that make our club the one that stands out from the rest. Our academy players represent the ethos of our beloved club. Scoring 30 goals in 55 appearances is no small feat, especially when considering the position that Marcus plays most often in. Fingers crossed he manages to deliver the same or more next season!

Next season Man Utd fans have bigger expectations after what they witnessed this season. It is very early stages but given we will have a good transfer market, what are you expecting from next season, explaining the reasons why.

Wayne: I can only assume that Ten Hag’s objectives are to start as they had finished strong and controlling games and rarely the underdog. Assuming the squad will be improved, I hope that we will challenge for the title, with a points tally much closer to first place than the season just finished. I’m also expecting a good showing in both domestic cups and Champions League. I don’t expect the club to challenge for the treble but I think we can expect a good performance in every competition. I’m expecting to win one major cup and securing a place in the top 4. Should we achieve this, I would be happy with the outcome for season 2023/24.

Justyn: At this stage it is difficult to give expectations for next season because it all depends on the players we bring in. However, if Ten Hag gets most of the players he wants, I think we should aim to get closer to the top 2 positions. I think next season is going to be harder to qualify for Champions League given that there will be at least 6 teams to compete for the 4 spots. However, I think our aim next season should be to cement ourselves as a top 4 team and maybe challenge for the title. In Europe, I do not expect much, however, it would be nice to get to at least the quarter finals. As for cup competitions, I expect us to make the latter stages of both cups given we do not face a tough opponent early on. To do this, however, we will need a big squad to make sure the players fitness is managed well.

Kevin: Next season is about building on what has already been built. The foundations have been laid and now it is a matter of taking the next step. If we manage to be closer to the eventual Premier League Champions, qualify for the Champions League, avoid any embarrassing defeats all season, win the FA Cup and reach the quarter final of the Champions League I would say that the objectives would have been achieved. One other thing, next season we CANNOT waste as many chances in front of goal, so I’m expecting us to be more clinical and a better return on the goals scored column.

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When you see this article’s title you would be justified in raising an eyebrow and saying, “Hang on, Manchester United’s captain is Harry Maguire and not Bruno”. Because technically Maguire is the club captain. But last season especially, Bruno Fernandes became the team’s de facto captain. More often than not Harry Maguire was not in the starting XI. On the other hand, Bruno always played and when he did, the armband was his. So much so that when last season there was a doubt whether he would play against Tottenham after having been pictured previously with

his foot in a protective boot, manager Erik ten Hag had this to say to inquisitive journalists: “Of course he’s ready, it’s Bruno Fernandes. He’s tough, he takes responsibility, he wants to play and, of course, we’re happy he’s there because he’s a big player for us and he makes a big impact in every game. He’s our captain, so we’re really happy”.

It is not difficult to understand why everyone sees captain material in Bruno Fernandes. All throughout his career he has captained his team multiple times and his playing style

combined with his inbuilt leadership qualities have facilitated this. In a recent interview with ‘The Athletic’ he reflected on his leadership skills and qualities, specifically for United. This is what he had to say:

Q. “Do you feel like a leader on the pitch?”

A. “No, I try to be myself. It’s the way I am — I know that if some people see me talking to my teammates or giving information to them, some of them like it, others less. I just try to help make the things better for the team.”

Q. “You once said you felt it was important to be vocally influential on the pitch?”

A. ‘It’s something that comes naturally to me. It’s not something that I try and do in training. Even in normal life I try to help people. My mum and my dad made me understand that if you can help the next person, do it. If that means speaking, then I speak.”

Manchester United have been blessed with exceptional and inspirational captains through the years. The likes of Steve Bruce, Bryan Robson, Roy Keane and Gary Neville immediately spring to mind. And all of them had similar qualities which are minimum requirements that make you captaincy material at United. Leading by example, hard work,

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setting high standards and speaking like a captain during interviews. And everyone agrees that Bruno Fernandes possesses all these qualities.

If we take leading by example, for instance, Bruno is always the player who goes to the fans first to thank them for their support, especially during away games. Even after bad defeats, he never hides. Who can forget that awful afternoon at Watford in what was to be Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s last match as United boss before being sacked? It was Bruno who went over to the away end to take responsibility upon the players’ shoulders and apologise to the fans.

As for hard work, Bruno is a machine. He works tirelessly and is willing to do the dirty work for the team, regularly covering more ground and making more tackles than anyone else on the pitch. And for Bruno Fernandes, complacency is not an option. His standards are so high that while some players might find the United dressing room intimidating, he is not averse to calling out teammates if he thinks they are underperforming. He can be regularly seen to organise things on the pitch and cajoling his teammates, but he will let them know in no uncertain terms if they are falling below the required level. In a recent interview with talkSPORT, former United assistant coach Rene Meulensteen had this to say about Bruno:

“Bruno is an excellent choice because since

he’s come to the club, he has given United what they were lacking.”

“He plays with urgency, he plays with conviction, he plays with authority, he drives other players on. He’s a positive influence every time he steps on the pitch – and he’s not afraid to tell players when they don’t meet the standards.”

by the broadcasters. The way he speaks is clear, logical and honest. He speaks his mind, and in this way he is respected and admired. Former red Phil Neville had this to say about Bruno: “When he talks, he talks like a Manchester United player, he talks like a Manchester United captain. He talks like a leader; he talks like someone who wants to win. He’s a special player.”

Of course, Bruno Fernandes is only human and therefore prone to making mistakes, and if there is one criticism many accuse him of is that when things are not going his way, both personally as well as for the team, he tends to go overboard with his moaning and gesticulating, both to the officials and also to his teammates, and sometimes even playacting or feigning injury. These negative traits were especially highlighted and magnified by the media and the pundits following the debacle at Anfield last March. Let’s just say that Bruno’s actions that afternoon left a bit of a bitter taste, and I will leave it at that.

“He’s got high standards about himself because you can see if he does miss a pass, he gets annoyed with himself and he will be the same with other players.”

I always look forward to post match interviews, both after winning but also after losing or dropping points. And as the club’s de facto captain, Bruno’s view is much sought after

B outique S er vice meets Grand Facilities

I am writing this piece just as the summer transfer window is about to open. There is plenty of speculation that Harry Maguire may have already played his last match for the club and that he will seek pastures new before next season. If that will be the case, you can rest assured that Bruno Fernandes will be officially named as Manchester United’s new club captain. Nobody will deserve it more.

We’re at your ser vice

e Grand Hotel Gozo is ideally situated on top of the gateway to Gozo Island, Mgarr Harbour. e hotel enjoys spectacular views of the Mediterranean Sea and the Gozo channel. e to and fro of the shing boats and the incomparable vistas add a unique touch to the excellent hospitality o ered at the hotel. e property o ers en-suite four star accommodation, with predominantly sea view rooms; ranging from standard double rooms to spacious family suites. e Grand Hotel Team are committed to ensure you make the most of your stay by o ering the services you need, the amenities you expect, and the extras you deserve.

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players. Later in the day, they visited the Gozo Branch located in Victoria, fostering a closer connection with the local fans. The following day, on Thursday the 13th of April, a thrilling mini tournament took place at the Sta Venera Lightnings Training Ground, where the MUSC Malta U13 team showcased their skills for the very first time.

In the evening, there was a special visit to MUSC Malta, allowing fans to witness the Europa League game against Sevilla FC together. On Friday, the 14th of April, the highly anticipated KHS Cup commenced at the Sta Venera Lightnings Training Ground, featuring the participation of six local nurseries alongside the esteemed Manchester United Academy. The intense competition and talent on display made it an unforgettable experience for all involved. The KHS Cup continued on Saturday, the 15th of April, offering a full day of thrilling matches and showcasing the dedication and passion of the young footballers. The Manchester United Academy’s visit in April provided a remarkable opportunity for football enthusiasts in Malta and Gozo to witness the skills and potential of emerging talents from one of the world’s most renowned football clubs, which also won the KHS Cup.

Puttinu Cares:

On the 8 th of April, just before the highly anticipated match between Manchester United and Everton FC, a representative from Puttinu Cares was present at the Club. MUSC Malta made a generous donation of €2500 towards their new building project in London. In recognition of our contribution, they presented us with a Thank You certificate, symbolizing their appreciation for our support. Additionally, as a token of their gratitude, MUSC Malta was honored with a plaque that would be displayed in one of the bathrooms in the London apartment. This act of recognition and appreciation served as a reminder of the positive impact we can make when we come together as a community to support meaningful causes.

Easter Lottery:

During the halftime of the Manchester United and Everton match on the 8th of April, the Easter lottery draw took place, adding an exciting twist to the football event.

Among the lucky winners and their prizes were:

• Joseph Galea from Victoria, Gozo, who secured a signed David De Gea shirt with a Certificate of Authenticity.

• Paul Deguara from St. Pauls Bay won a prized possession in the form of a signed Luke Shaw shirt, also accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.

• Marvin Grech from Ghaxaq celebrated their victory with a Manchester United Women’s Team signed shirt.

• John Gatt from Rabat, Malta was the recipient of a Hi-Fi System from SATHOBBY.

• Jonathan Pace from Iklin claimed an €80 voucher for a meal at the Peking Restaurant.

The Easter lottery brought joy and unexpected rewards to these fortunate fans, making the football match even more memorable.

Academy Visit:

Last April, the Manchester United Academy, accompanied by their U13 players, made a return visit to the island. This visit marked their second trip after their initial visit the previous year. The itinerary was packed with exciting activities for our members in Malta and Gozo.

On Wednesday, the 12th of April, the U13 team engaged in a friendly game at Gozo Stadium, facing off against a selection of GFA U13

Jimmy Murphy Statue:

On the 3rd of May, a group of 12 dedicated members from the Malta Supporters’ Club had the privilege of attending the highly anticipated unveiling of the Jimmy Murphy statue at Old Trafford. This momentous occasion held great

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Puttinu Cares presentation.

significance for Manchester United and its passionate fan base.

Jimmy Murphy, a legendary figure in the club’s history, played a crucial role in shaping the

future of Manchester United following the tragic Munich air disaster. The unveiling of his statue was a fitting tribute to his immense contributions and a testament to the enduring spirit of the club.

The MUSC Malta representatives had the honor of witnessing this historic event firsthand, representing the club and sharing in the collective pride and reverence for one of Manchester United’s most revered figures.

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Manchester United Academy visit.
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Inbound and Outbounds to mount title challenge in 2023-24

With the 2022/23 season over, all United fans agree that the club took a step forward by finishing third in the Premier League, with a total of 75 points. In comparison, last year, the Red Devils finished a lowly sixth, with only 58 points.

The Red Devils also won a trophy by clinching the League Cup – our first piece of silverware since 2017. Ten Hag’s team also reached the Final of the FA Cup, and for periods of the season, Manchester United finally looked like a top team again, capable of going toe to toe with the best in Europe. However, despite the positives, there were also some negatives with the most important being the gap to champions Manchester City, who scored 89 points to clinch the title.

Despite the progress made under Ten Hag, Manchester United need to strengthen their squad in the upcoming summer transfer window. While some players may depart, the club is set to bring in several new signings.

The immediate area where one expects Ten Hag to strengthen is up front. After Ronaldo’s departure, United have lacked a central striker who can get goals. Wout Weghorst arrived on loan but has failed to deliver, and the likes of Marcus Rashford and Anthony Martial are more suited to playing wide left. The Old Trafford faithful have been used to watching a worldclass number nine at work, and the signing of an elite striker could well fit the bill ahead of next term.

When United’s midfield has been missing one of either Casemiro or Christian Eriksen, it has struggled to operate at times, and this is another area which is likely to be addressed. United are well stocked at centre-back, but injuries to Varane and Martinez showed defensive frailties of old resurfacing.

United are still yet to agree a new deal with number one goalkeeper David de Gea. The club retains an option to extend his contract by twelve months but wants him to take a pay cut, so the option may not be viable. After more shaky performances, it’s possible he would leave, but a top-class replacement would be needed. The manager admitted that the Spaniard is not guaranteed the number one position next season, fuelling speculation on a number of goalkeepers being linked to Manchester United. This article looks at the talents which are being linked to a move to Old Trafford.


Diogo Costa

Manchester United are considering a move for Porto goalkeeper Diogo Costa, who has been praised for his qualities. The 23-year-old had an impressive season, keeping 16 clean sheets and conceding only 22 goals in 33 league games. There are suggestions that he could be a long-term replacement for David De Gea. United manager Erik ten Hag is hopeful that De Gea may sign a new deal but cannot guarantee him the first choice position. Despite De Gea winning the Premier League’s Golden Glove award this season, reports suggest that United are still pursuing a deal for Costa, despite his hefty release clause.

Manchester United are thought to be monitoring Napoli’s centre-back Kim Min-jae, who has been a target for the club as they seek to strengthen their defence. The South Korean has a release clause of around £40 million. Kim’s arrival at Old Trafford would continue his impressive rise in European football after successful spells in South Korea, China, Turkey, and Italy.

Kim has been a key player for Napoli, helping them secure their first Serie A title since 1990. He has been praised for his physical presence, aggressive style of play, and composure on the ball. Standing at 6ft 4in, he is known for tight marking and driving up the pitch with the ball. Despite his size, Kim also possesses pace, which should serve him well in the Premier League. If the deal goes through, Kim Min-jae would provide Manchester United with a strong and composed presence in their defence, bolstering their backline for the upcoming season. It could also open the door for United’s captain Harry Maguire to leave the club in search of first team football.

David Raya is also rumoured to be attracting the Red Devils’ attention following a good season with Brentford. At 27 years, Raya stands out in contrast to De Gea’s recent performances. He is particularly skilled with the ball at his feet, which can be attributed to his background as an outfield player during his youth career in Spain. Raya’s style of play would align well with the more demanding approach implemented by United’s manager.

Manchester United is in talks with Chelsea to sign Mason Mount, who is likely to leave his boyhood club due to contract disagreements. Reliable sources suggest that United has already agreed to personal terms with Mount and is confident in securing him as their first signing under manager Erik ten Hag this summer. Chelsea’s need to sell players and United’s advantage in the negotiations due to Mount’s contract situation provide favourable

Kim Min jae David Raya Mason Mount
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conditions for the transfer. Mount’s versatility in central or attacking midfield would inject a fresh dynamic into Ten Hag’s team. His skills, such as ball control, passing range, and vision, make him capable of dictating the tempo of play and contributing to the build-up of attacks. Furthermore, his ability to provide key passes, make forward runs, and play in the number ten role showcases his creativity and playmaking abilities. Mount’s defensive contributions and pressing capabilities set him apart and grant Ten Hag greater tactical flexibility. Manchester United sees Mount’s potential acquisition as a significant boost to their midfield options, offering creativity, work rate, and goals.

Harry Kane, faces a crucial decision regarding his future following Spurs’ disappointing season which saw them failing to qualify for European competitions. Kane and Tottenham’s chairman, Daniel Levy, both understand the need for him to seek alternative employment. While Levy’s tough negotiating stance hindered the City transfer last summer, it is expected that he should reciprocate Kane’s commitment. The question remains as to where Kane will ultimately end up. Real Madrid may attempt to lure him abroad especially following the departure of Benzema. A statement signing like Kane would certainly help Manchester United in challenging for trophies next season.

Despite being the official captain, Maguire has started just eight Premier League matches this season as he struggled to secure a consistent place in the starting line-up. As a result, there is a possibility that Maguire may depart from Old Trafford in the upcoming summer transfer window. Having paid a record £80 million for his services in 2019, United are expected to demand a substantial fee for the defender.

Recent reports suggest that United are once again interested in signing Adrien Rabiot when he becomes a free agent in the upcoming summer transfer window. Erik ten Hag has reportedly had discussions with Rabiot and considers him an important target for the team’s strengthening efforts.

The 28-year-old has had an impressive season with Juventus, scoring 11 goals and providing four assists in 43 appearances across all competitions. He is known for his versatility as a defensive midfielder, as well as his ability to play as a box to box midfielder or a number 8. His energetic playing style, midfield battles, and goal-scoring prowess make him a valuable asset. Rabiot has already expressed his desire to play in the Premier League so a move to Old Trafford could be likely.

Rasmus Hojlund

Manchester United are also considering Rasmus Hojlund as a potential addition to their forward options. Hojlund joined Atalanta last summer and has since become a regular starter, scoring seven goals and providing an assist. He has also impressed on the international stage, scoring five goals for Denmark. While not on the same level as elite strikers like Harry Kane yet, Hojlund possesses great finishing techniques and is comfortable with both feet. He combines speed, strength, and agility, making him a threat. Hojlund excels in ball progression, possession, and link-up play, receiving numerous progressive passes and contributing in the attacking penalty area. With a potential price tag of £40 million, signing Hojlund, alongside an experienced striker, could significantly strengthen Manchester United’s options.


Manchester United are planning another overhaul during the upcoming summer transfer window to be able to obtain the funds to strengthen their team after securing Champions League football for the next season. Manager Erik ten Hag has expressed the need for higher-quality players to compete for the European title. Some of the players rumoured to be leaving United have the potential to generate significant funds.

Anthony Martial

Anthony Martial’s future at Manchester United is uncertain following a disappointing 2022 2023 season. The 27 year old has been plagued with injuries, limiting his Premier League appearances to just 19. Reports suggest that United are looking to offload the French striker during the summer transfer window, with the club hierarchy growing frustrated. Despite being under contract until 2024 and earning around £240,000 per week, Martial’s inconsistent performances may lead to his departure from Old Trafford.

Manchester United’s chasing of an elite-level centre-forward this summer is no secret. This summer Tottenham Hotspur’s top goal-scorer,

Donny Van de Beek

Donny van de Beek’s future at Manchester United is uncertain as he has struggled to find his form at Old Trafford. The Dutch midfielder has been side-lined since January due to a severe knee injury. Despite his rehabilitation progress it remains to be seen if he will have a future with United. Since his arrival from Ajax for £39 million in 2020, Van de Beek has made only 10 appearances this season and a total of 60 appearances for the club.

Phil Jones

After 12 seasons at United, Phil Jones, confirmed that he would be leaving the club due to his chronic injury issues. Jones has had limited playing time and has not featured for the club in over 12 months. Perhaps he arrived with too much promise hanging over

Harry Maguire Adrien Rabiot Harry Kane
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his head, perhaps it was due to the devastating injury record that has plagued his career, but the youngster once predicted to be United’s future will now leave a shadow of the player his potential suggested he could become.

Another player on the departure list is Axel Tuanzebe, who has fallen down the pecking order following the arrivals of Raphael Varane and Lisandro Martinez. Tuanzebe had hoped to establish himself in the first team but struggled to do so and was loaned out to Stoke City, where he had limited game time.

With David de Gea set to sign a new contract at Manchester United, Dean Henderson is expected to leave the club in search of regular playing time. Nottingham Forest is prepared to pursue a deal for Henderson, who is currently on loan at the City Ground. Henderson has been side-lined since January due to a thigh injury, which could keep him out until August. However, Nottingham Forest manager Steve Cooper sees Henderson as a long-term option to bolster his squad after a series of signings in the past year.

Manchester United are likely to offload Eric Bailly this summer after loaning him out to Olympic Marseille. Bailly, who has been with United since 2016, struggled to secure a spot in the starting line-up. As a result, he was loaned out to gain more playing time but encountered difficulties at Marseille, including suspensions and injuries. United might find it difficult to offload the Ivorian due to his recurring injuries.

Following interest from other Premier League and Serie A clubs, Brandon Williams is likely to be sold in the summer transfer window. Williams’ contract expires in 2024, but the club has the option to extend it for another year. The full-back returned from a decent loan spell at Norwich City last season and would have had hopes for more game time under Erik ten Hag, but it appears that he is not in the Dutchman’s plans.

Following his loan spell at Sevilla, Manchester United are open to offers for Alex Telles this summer. The 30-year-old left-back has expressed his happiness at Sevilla and has regained his confidence while playing for the Spanish club, culminating in winning the Europa League. Despite expressing his desire to continue at Sevilla uncertainty about his future beyond the current season remains. Judging by the strong competition that United have in this position, it is likely that Telles will seek a permanent move to the La Liga giants during the upcoming transfer window.

Anthony Elanga is frustrated by his limited playing time this season and is likely considering a potential departure from the club. Several clubs, including Borussia Dortmund and Everton have shown interest in signing him. Elanga had a promising start under Ralf Rangnick, accumulating 39 Premier League appearances. However, his opportunities this season have been reduced, with 18-year-old Alejandro Garnacho surpassing him in the pecking order. Given Dortmund’s track record of developing and selling young players, Elanga may be enticed by a move to Germany.

The upcoming transfer window is set to be intriguing as the club aims to enhance their squad with top-quality players in order to compete in the Premier League and Champions League. The offloading of surplus players is also essential to secure funds for incoming transfers. However, amidst these developments, the outcome of the ownership saga looms as a critical factor for the club’s longterm future. The resolution of the ownership situation will shape United’s stability, vision, and direction, ultimately influencing their ability to consistently challenge for honours and maintain their esteemed status in the footballing landscape.

Dean Henderson Axel Tuanzebe Eric Bailly Alex Telles Brandon Williams Anthony Elanga
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History of the FA Cup

Most footballing countries have a competition that is only second in importance to their National Leagues. In Spain, the winners of the Copa del Rey qualify for the Europa League. In Germany, the winner of the DFB POKAL also qualifies for the Europa League, as does in France, for the winner of the Coupe de France. In Malta we know it as the FA Trophy and is in fact a replica of the UK FA Cup. Interestingly enough this was founded in 1933, when, following a match between England and Italy, played in Rome in May 1933, a number of pro-British Maltese supporters travelled to support the English side. The England Football Association as recognition, donated a silver trophy to be played on the model of their own FA Cup. Winners of the FA Trophy qualify for the UEFA Europa Conference League.

The FA Cup in England, officially called the

Football Association Challenge Cup, is the oldest existing football competition in the world. It is organised by and named after The Football Association (the FA). This knockout competition is open to all clubs in the top 10 levels of the English football league system. The first six rounds are the qualifying competition, from which 32 teams progress to the first round proper of the competition, meeting the first of the 48 professional teams from Leagues One and Two. The last entrants are the Premier League and Championship clubs, into the draw for the third round.

The inaugural FA Cup tournament kicked off during the 1871 – 1872 season. In fact, on the 11th November 1871, just four first round matches were played and the first Cup goal was scored by the Clapham Rovers player Jarvis Kenrick who beat Upton Park 3–0, Kenrick

scoring twice in the process. The winners of the first tournament were Wanderers, a team of former public schoolboys based in London, who went on to win the competition five times in its first seven seasons. Little did they then know how big this famed contest would become and today there is no older privilege in the sport of football than winning the Football Association Challenge Cup. It is so steeped in history, as we shall see, that any player on the planet would cherish lifting the vintage silverware.

The Trophy itself was not introduced until 1894, and it was made for £20. It went by the nickname of the ‘little tin idol’. The first to lift the Cup were Notts County, moreover being also the first team to win an FA Cup Final from outside the top level of English Football. They defeated Bolton Wanders 4 -1 at Goodison Park before a crowd of 37,000.

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There have been five trophies made since the tournament began in 1872. In 1895, when Aston Villa won the Cup, the Club had decided to display it in a Birmingham shop so that their fans could see it up close. However it was stolen and Villa had to pay 25 sterling for a replacement so that by the end of the 1895/96 season the Cup winners would have a trophy to lift.

This new trophy made it through to 1910 until in 1909 Manchester United won the trophy and the Reds made a replica in celebration. It was then that the FA realised that they did not own the copyright for the design! So it was decided to make a new one. The current one was presented to the FA President Lord Kinnaird until it was auctioned for almost half a million sterling in 2005.

Trophy number 3, sixty-one-and-a-half centimetres in height, was manufactured by a Birmingham jeweller and was based on the design still used today and was ready in time for the 1911 Cup final. It had a longer life than its predecessors (and successors), lasting no less than 81 seasons before it was retired in 1992. This particular trophy was valued at £1m. Intriguingly enough, the trophy that had Bradford origins was handed over to Bradford City in its very first year of use. Bradford won that year’s FA Cup Final following a replay in 1911 against Newcastle, at Old Trafford, in front of 58,000 fans.

The FA decided it was important to retire the 1911 trophy because of its history, and an exact replica was made in 1992. However since this number 4 was bumped and knocked about so much by the winners of the Cup that just 22 years after it was first awarded, the FA decided it merited being replaced by the current trophy,

No. 5. Designed in 2014, measures were taken to make it sturdier, and although it stands at the same height as the 1911 and 1992 versions, at 6.3kg, it’s a lot heavier and able to take a few more knocks.

As is known, the football season traditionally closes with the FA Cup Final, officially named The Football Association Challenge Cup Final Tie. As every United fan now knows, United failed to beat Manchester City in this year’s final on the 3rd June, the 142nd FA Cup Final. City have now won it for a seventh time. United have got their hands on the Cup twelve times, two less than Arsenal, but four more than Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham. Said United Manager Erik ten Hag after the match, ‘We are broken, it’s disappointing. I am proud of my team, we did very well. We conceded two soft

goals but there was a great spirit. In the end we could have made the equaliser. The goals were both avoidable, in terms of the whole team. The team showed resilience and character but this will make us better. It was a test, we didn’t succeed but we can take a lot of positives for next season’. Inter must surely be feeling the same, having, like United in the FA Cup Final, failed to take their chances, this time in the Champions League Final, allowing City to equal United’s 1999 Treble achievement.

Nowadays, whoever triumphs in the FA Cup Final, the victorious club cannot say they own the Cup in their cabinet. It is only ever on loan from the FA to the champions. It has to be returned to them by March 1 the following yearand, if they want to, the FA can recall it whenever they want, provided they give a week’s notice.

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The Premier League Newcomers: Burnley, Sheffield United & Luton Town

The 2022-23 season would have been considered a success from a United perspective, with Erik ten Hag able to deliver a much-needed piece of silverware as well as qualification to next season’s Champions League. But, all eyes will already be set on the upcoming Premier League campaign, with three new teams joining the top flight party following Leicester City’s, Leeds United’s, and Southampton’s relegation to the Championship.

Two of the newcomers will be familiar faces after just a short time away, while there will be great excitement surrounding Luton Town’s return after their rise from the National League. But, what do each of the newcomers to the Premier League bring to the party, and what chances do they have of remaining a top flight team passed the 2022-23 campaign?

Burnley also strung together a ten-match winning sequence in the middle of the season to pull clear of the chasing pack and set a new Championship record in the process. Nathan Tella was a standout player last season, scoring 17 goals from midfield, and they will be very keen to agree a deal with the Saints on a permanent move.

Michael Obafemi will be tasked with scoring the goals to keep them in the top flight, while Jordan Beyer has already been brought in from Borussia Monchengladbach to add solidity to the back-line.

However, the Clarets will likely remain in the market for high quality additions, with a first choice goalkeeper and winger ranking high on Kompany’s wish list. The main aim will be to remain in the top flight, and more will be known about their chances of achieving that when the window slams shut in early September.

Saturday 23rd September, 2023 - Burnley vs United

Saturday 27th April, 2024 - United vs Burnley

was a massive success for the Blades, as they were able to juggle a fine FA Cup run to the semi final stage while also maintaining their spot in the automatic promotion spots in the Championship. Paul Heckingbottom’s appointment was questioned by many when he was given the gig on a full-time basis, but he has certainly impressed during his time at Bramall Lane.

Sheffield United finished the season in second place overall, ten points behind Burnley, but eleven ahead of third-place Luton Town. The Blades were solid at both ends of the field, especially defensively, as they boasted the second-best record in the division. They certainly benefitted from keeping the spine of their Premier League side together, with George Baldock, Sander Berge and Oliver Norwood being the standout players.

Berge is certainly one to watch in the Premier League once again, as the Norwegian showed throughout his campaign in the top flight that he is a top player. Iliman Ndiaye also promises to be a handful for opposing defenders in the Premier League, just as he was against Tottenham in the third round of the FA Cup in 2022-23, netting the winner with just ten minutes remaining.

Manager: Vincent Kompany

Captain: Jack Cork

It would be fair to say that there was a layer of pessimism around Turf Moor when it was announced that former Manchester City legend Vincent Kompany would be the man tasked with guiding the Clarets back into the topflight. Kompany only had previous managerial experience in the Belgium top flight, and his time at Anderlecht was far from a success.

However, the former central defender deserves all the plaudits for the work that he has done transforming Burnley from a route-one and direct side, to one that looks to play out from the back. The Clarets wrapped up the season in style, winning at local rivals Blackburn to secure the Championship title.

Manager: Paul Heckingbottom Captain: TBA

Sheffield United’s absence from the Premier League was also short-lived, as they returned to the top flight in their second season in the Championship. Overall, the 2022-23 campaign

The Senegal international scored an impressive 15 goals in 52 matches across all competitions in the number ten role, but the Blades will likely be on the hunt for a new striker, as Oli McBurnie has often struggled throughout his spells in the top flight.

The opening weeks of the season will be key for the Blades, as they host Palace and travel to Nottingham Forest before the visit of City. They will need to have points on the board before the start of September, otherwise they could be going down before their journey in the top flight has started.

Saturday 21st October, 2023 - Sheffield United vs United

Saturday 16th March, 2024 - United vs Sheffield United

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It is remarkable to think that Luton Town were a shorter price to suffer relegation in the Championship at the start of the 2022-23 campaign than they were to gain promotion. However, their fairytale success was no fluke, as they showed their class when reaching the playoff semi finals in 2021 22. Rob Edwards deserves all the credit in the world, as the incoming boss could have easily changed everything at the club when he was appointed on November 17, but instead he tweaked certain factors that made the club even tougher to beat.

Edwards was fired by Watford after just four months, but he quickly jumped back into management following Nathan Jones’s decision to depart Luton for Southampton. Following his appointment, the club suffered just four defeats in 29 matches, including their run to playoff glory. The resolute nature of the team could be a key factor in them upsetting the odds next season, as they will likely approach the Premier League in a similar manner.

Luton’s story to reach the top flight largely revolves around them being one of the best run clubs in the country. They previously played in the top flight in 1991 92, before suffering an untimely downfall to wind up in the National League. However, their achievement to climb back to the Promised Land ensures that they are the only team to have played in the topflight, before dropping down to the fifth tier to climb back again.

Pelly Mpanzu will demonstrate that resilience on the opening weekend of the Premier League season, as he is set to become the first player to represent the same club from the non-league tiers to the Premier League.

It’s fair to say that the bookies once again expect Luton to struggle, but the same was said about Brentford, Bournemouth, and Nottingham Forest when they were promoted. Being well-run can often be worth its weight in gold in the Premier League, as recent seasons have shown that those that have been mismanaged having been the ones battling to keep their head above water. While they need to add further quality to their squad this summer, I do think that they will surprise a lot of people.

Saturday 11th November, 2023 - United vs Luton

Saturday 17th February, 2024 - Luton vs United

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As practically every United supporter across the world waits with trepidation for the outcome of the takeover saga, the 1st of July 2023 has marked the end of an era at Manchester United. David De Gea (DDG) is no longer a United player after 12 years at the club.

The United supporters across the world have been divided over DDG for many years and the root of these varying opinions lies in the fact that as a keeper, DDG was probably the strongest in the world in some areas, but showed fragility in other areas - and this frustrated a considerable amount of United faithful. Being opinionated about players that wear the shirt of your favourite team has something that has been around since the beginning of football, but the advent of social media has accentuated this phenomenon a million times, possibly more.

In my opinion, expressing your views on the team you support, and discussing the individual players is part and parcel of what makes football so widely popular across the world. The world wide web and social media is the place where most supporters follow their favourite team - and where they have voiced their opinions on the trials and tribulations of their team since the Internet revolutionized the world. The same discussions that happened in pubs, before and after matches and possibly continued throughout the week now happen online on a 24 7 365 basis. What concerns me in this whole (relatively) new scenario is the fact that some so-called supporters feel that is OK not only to criticize (that is acceptable) but to make degrading and deplorable remarks about the players and in some cases even wish bad things on players wearing the shirt of their favourite team simply because they did not perform as expected. Admittedly, the absurd wages that some of these players earn and

David De Gea The End of an Era

their exploiting of social media to generate even more popularity do not help, but the general feeling I get is that some people do cross the line of decency and show disrespect to the players that after all are representing the team they support. This has also happened in the case of DDG over the past couple of seasons and it is unacceptable.

Let me be clear here, my opinion is that Erik ten Hag should have started his era as Manchester United with a new keeper suited to his style of play. Personally, I think that DDG has peaked a few years ago and has not been consistent enough despite some great performances even during this past season. This does not in any way, shape, or form justify the disrespect shown in the last weeks when it was becoming increasingly evident that DDGs days at United were numbered. The club’s management have handed this badly (no surprise there, sadly) and allowed for this situation to become a sad farewell when it could so easily have been a great sending off to a player who has served the club for 12 years.

The rest of the article is an overview of DDG’s time at United: my own personal tribute to a keeper which I admired and respected despite the fact that I personally rate him below Schmeichel and van der Sar in the list of best keepers I have seen at United. Opinions.

DDG signed for Manchester United from Atlético Madrid in June 2011 as a replacement for Edwin van der Sar. He initially faced challenges in adapting to the physicality and pace of English football, which led to some errors and justified criticism.

In my opinion, some of these challenges continued throughout his time at United despite the fact that his shot-stopping abilities

and potential were evident from the start.

Notwithstanding the early struggles, DDG began to show his true potential in the 20122013 season. His crucial saves and exceptional reflexes contributed to helping United win their last Premier League title to date. Despite the team’s struggles in the post-Sir Alex Ferguson era, DDG continued to impress in the subsequent seasons, winning the Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year award for three consecutive years (2013, 2014, and 2015).

There is a faction of supporters who argue that the fact that the keeper was our player of the year for 3 successive seasons shows our difficulties on the pitch and was a reflection of the struggles that we do not need being reminded about.

During this difficult period for the team, DDG established himself as one of the world’s best goalkeepers. His agility, acrobatic saves and consistency played a vital role, helping the team achieve positive results despite the increasing frustration of the United supporters as our beloved team struggled to challenge for the EPL.

He won the Premier League Golden Glove award for the 2017 2018 season, and ironically, he won it again this last season, despite being under pressure for some inconsistent displays throughout the season.

While DDG’s time at Manchester United has been a significant success, it has also seen its share of challenges and controversies.

One notable incident was the protracted transfer saga involving Real Madrid in the summer of 2015. A deal to bring De Gea back to Spain fell through at the last minute, causing

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confusion and uncertainty for the player and the club. That blessed fax machine!

Following this saga, DDG signed a new longterm contract with United, making him one of the highest-paid goalkeepers in the world. This contract, in my opinion, increased the pressure on DDG tremendously. The fact that he was earning an exorbitant amount of money, even by top players’ standards, left very little margin of error and the supporters become even less forgiving for his errors.

Nevertheless, DDG remained a crucial figure for Manchester United in subsequent seasons despite having practically not contributed at all towards the winning of the Europa League in 2017. The ever dependable Sergio Romero had played in every single match of the Europa League campaign and Mourinho sticked with the Argentinian keeper for the final as well. In recent seasons, DDG has faced competition for the starting goalkeeper position from Dean Henderson and for a relatively short time he had lost his place. Henderson’s career as a United keeper never really took off, however, and DDG was reinstated as the number one keeper of Manchester United and Henderson sent out on loan.

With the arrival of Erik ten Hag as United manager, it became increasingly evident that

the style of play that the new manager demanded included starting the build-up from the back and the keeper needed to be extremely good with his feet. Apart from the obvious difficulty in commanding the box and coming out for crosses, DDG now had to deal with even more pressure. I was present at Wembley on the 3rd June when we sadly lost the FA Cup final, and let me just say it was evident that the time had come for a new keeper at United. Apart from the fact that the second goal was a soft goal to concede, being present there allowed me to see how poor DDG’s distribution is. I calculated that around 70 per cent of his kicks went straight to our opponents. Harsh as it may seem, that is simply not good enough.

In conclusion, DDG’s journey at Manchester United has been nothing short of extraordinary despite the difficulties indicated above . From his initial struggles to becoming one of the world’s best goalkeepers, DDG has demonstrated his immense talent and through his remarkable shot-stopping abilities and

incredible reflexes, he has provided countless memorable moments for Manchester United fans.

As his time at the club is now over, DDG’s legacy is, in my opinion, secure, and he will forever be remembered as one of the goalkeeping greats in the history of Manchester United. Thanks for the memories, David De Gea!

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Club Fantasy Premier League

The 2022/2023 Fantasy Premier League (FPL) season delivered an exhilarating experience for managers, full of twists and turns, remarkable point hauls, and surprising performances from underdogs. This season truly showed the unpredictable nature of football and the challenges faced by fantasy managers.

One of the most captivating aspects of this season was the emergence of unexpected heroes. Talented players from smaller clubs stole the limelight, providing fantastic value for FPL managers. The likes of Kaoru Mitoma and Alexis MacAllister from Brighton, Ollie Watkins from Aston Villa, and Martin Odegaard from Arsenal made a significant impact and became indispensable assets to any fantasy team. Their consistent performances and impressive returns delighted managers who wisely invested in them.

No FPL season would be complete without a fair share of surprises. This season witnessed a few underdogs unexpectedly outperforming their more illustrious counterparts. Most notable, Brighton and Newcastle had an amazing season and played some of the best football in the league. Managers who brought players such as Kieran Trippier, Callum Wilson and Pervis Estupiñán at the right times were rewarded for their brave decisions and saw them jump the leaderboards.

On the other hand some of the consistent picks throughout the years underperformed and managers who kept putting trust in them were punished harshly. Initially, many managers were captaining Mohamed Salah over Erling Haaland which cost them valuable points. Moreover, players like Heung-Min Son, Jamie Vardy and Andy Robertson were

inconsistent throughout the campaign which led to their initial high ownership to only go down throughout the season.

This FPL season reaffirmed the significance of premium assets in FPL. Erling Haaland, Harry Kane and even Bruno Fernandes in the latter stages of the season consistently

Rank Team & Manager GW TOT 1  Lydon 7 F.C. Lydon Sciberras 61 2629 2  Pepe United Jerome Pepe 58 2623 3  Ciappi FC Miguel Ciappara 50 2574 4  MUGSC Athanasios Oktoratos 45 2527 5  YOURAISEMESCHLUPP Sam Astley 48 2526 6  Bruno Dos Tres Justyn Tabone 49 2523 7  Top Squad Christian Barbosa 77 2513 8  Eric Ten Hairs Steven Sorokaniuk 72 2504 9  Fart Slayers Hailemariam Mamo 26 2487 10  MIREIA UNITED Mario Bajada 51 2470 VOL 50 - ISSUE 3 - AUGUST 2023 34

delivered high point returns week after week. Their remarkable performances ensured that managers who had them in their teams remained competitive throughout the season. Building a team around these proven performers with a mixture of budget picks became a popular strategy for success.

From a Manchester United point of view, the season was a mix of ups and downs. Initially, few managers opted for Manchester United players due to their slow start. But as the season progressed, certain names were popping up as genuine contenders to be picked in managers’ teams. Marcus Rashford was the best of the bunch, where he would even be sometimes picked over Erling Haaland as captain. Luke Shaw also made his mark on a lot of teams by being one of the most consistent performers in a steady defence and also racking up 3 bonus points most times

the Red Devils kept a clean sheet.

This year, the Manchester United Supporters’ Club organised, for the first time, a mini league. After months of intense competition, it came down to the last matchday. With only 6 points, Lydon 7 F.C. managed to beat Pepe United for a first place finish. Both ended on a score of over 2600 points which put them both in the top 5300 in the world!

Overall, the 22/23 FPL season provided an emotional rollercoaster for managers, presenting numerous challenges and rewards. The rise of unexpected heroes, the dominance of premium assets, and the impact of managerial decisions made it a truly memorable season. Managers who embraced the unpredictability and made well-informed choices reaped the benefits. This season will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the

most thrilling and unpredictable campaigns, leaving managers eagerly anticipating the excitement of the next season.

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Round up of the major European Leagues.


The 2022-23 Serie A season treated fans to an unforgettable display of football brilliance.

From August 13, 2022, to June 4, 2023, Italy’s top clubs battled it out for glory, and it was Napoli who emerged as champions, securing their 3rd title. However, the season wasn’t short of surprises and drama, with Cremonese and Sampdoria facing relegation, bidding farewell to the top flight.

Napoli’s triumphant campaign also earned them a spot in the prestigious UEFA Champions League, alongside Lazio, Inter Milan, and AC Milan, who showcased their prowess on the grandest European stage. Atalanta and Roma secured their place in the Europa League, while Juventus (blighted by a 10 point deduction following irregularities in the club’s accounting) claimed a spot in the Europa Conference League, ensuring Italian representation across the continental tournaments.

A total of 380 matches were played, with the net bulging 974 times, averaging an impressive 2.56 goals per match. Napoli’s Victor Osimhen stole the spotlight as the top goalscorer, finding the back of the net 26 times, leaving defenders in his wake.

The season saw some unforgettable scorelines, but none quite matched the astonishing Atalanta’s 8-2 demolition of Salernitana on January 15, 2023. The highest-scoring match of the season proved to be a sensational display of attacking prowess. Napoli’s dominance was undeniable, with a record-breaking 11-match winning streak and an impressive unbeaten run of 15 matches, underlining their status as the team to beat. On the other hand, Cremonese’s unfortunate 23-match winless run cast a shadow over their campaign and contributed to their downfall and relegation.

Hellas Verona endured a frustrating spell, suffering a string of 10 consecutive losses, while the Inter Milan juggernaut delivered an emphatic 6-0 victory over the same hapless Verona, the largest away win of the season, on May 3, 2023.

Serie A matches attracted fervent crowds, with an electric atmosphere reverberating through stadiums. The highest attendance of the season, a staggering 75,584 spectators, witnessed the Milan derby, as Inter Milan secured a 1-0 victory over AC Milan on February 5, 2023. In contrast,

the lowest attendance of 6,500 was recorded during Spezia’s thrilling 2-2 draw against Sassuolo on August 28, 2022.

Collectively, Serie A matches welcomed a phenomenal total of 10,896,377 passionate fans throughout the season, averaging an impressive 28,675 per match. The 2022 23 Serie A season was a captivating football spectacle that will forever be etched in the memories of fans worldwide.


The 2022-23 season of the German Bundesliga was a thrilling and historic one, with Bayern Munich clinching their 11th consecutive title on goal difference over Borussia Dortmund. The season also featured an extended winter break due to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, and saw two traditional clubs, Schalke 04 and Hertha BSC, relegated to the second division.

The Bundesliga season witnessed a total of 306 matches, resulting in an impressive 971 goals scored, averaging at 3.17 goals per match. Niclas Füllkrug and Christopher Nkunku emerged as the top goal scorers, both netting 16 goals each. Several teams showcased their dominance at home, with Wolfsburg defeating Freiburg and Köln overpowering Bremen by 6-0, while Dortmund and Bayern Munich triumphed over Wolfsburg and Schalke with the same score line. The largest away victory was achieved by Bayern, who thrashed Bochum with a remarkable 7 0 win.

Bayern Munich maintained an impressive unbeaten run for 13 games, while Hoffenheim experienced a winless streak of the same length. Schalke endured a challenging period with a losing streak lasting 7 games. The season’s highest attendance recorded was 81,365 spectators in five matches, while the lowest attendance was 17,005 during the Hoffenheim vs. Bochum match.

The season started with a bang, as Bayern Munich thrashed Eintracht Frankfurt 6-1 away from home with Jamal Musiala in particular impressing. However, they soon faced competition from surprise contenders SC Freiburg and 1. FC Union Berlin, who both topped the table at different points in the first half of the season. Union Berlin were especially impressive, beating Borussia Dortmund 2-0 and RB Leipzig 2-1 at home. Bayern’s unwavering

determination and wealth of experience proved absolutely crucial, especially during the crucial stages of the season, as they remained in contention for the title throughout.

The second half of the season was primarily dominated by a two-horse race between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund, who both won most of their matches and kept pace with each other. Dortmund had a remarkable run of eight consecutive wins between January and March, including a 5-1 victory over Freiburg before succumbing 2-4 against Bayern Munich in a critical encounter on the 1st of April 2023. The title race went down to the wire as Dortmund needed a home win over Mainz 05 to clinch the title, regardless of Bayern’s result against FC Köln. However, they could only manage a 2-2 draw, while Bayern Munich scored a late winner through Jamal Musiala to seal their 11th consecutive Bundesliga title.

The relegation battle was also intense, as several teams fought to avoid the drop. Schalke 04 and Hertha BSC were the first two teams to be relegated, after poor performances throughout the season. Schalke 04 had a dismal start to the season, losing seven games in a row and dismissing Frank Kramer on the 19th October. They improved slightly but it was too little too late. Hertha BSC also struggled with inconsistency.


Unsurprisingly, Paris SaintGermain clinched their 11 th Ligue 1 title successfully defending the championship but not without one or two hiccups. Their nearest challenges were RC Lens, who ended the season with an impressive 84 points and returned to the Champions League group stage for the first time since the 2002–03 season. However, the Parisians secured Ligue 1 with a match to spare following a 1-1 draw away to RC Strasbourg.

Holistically, the Ligue 1 season witnessed a total of 380 matches, during which an impressive 1,067 goals were scored, averaging at 2.81 goals per match. Kylian Mbappé emerged as the top goalscorer, finding the net 29 times. The largest home victory occurred on January 15, 2023, when Monaco triumphed over Ajaccio with a commanding 7 1 scoreline. In terms of away matches, Montpellier’s dominance was evident in their 7 0 thrashing of Brest on August 28, 2022. The highest-scoring match of the season

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was an exhilarating encounter between Lyon and Montpellier, where Lyon emerged victorious with a narrow 5 4 win on May 7, 2023.

Lens showcased their prowess (effectively justifying their second place finish) by enjoying the longest winning streak of the season, triumphing in seven consecutive matches. Meanwhile, Reims remained unbeaten for an impressive 19 matches, marking the longest unbeaten run. On the other hand, Angers and Troyes both experienced the longest winless run, enduring 21 matches without a victory.

Angers also suffered the longest losing streak, with 13 consecutive defeats. The highest attendance recorded during the season was a staggering 65,894 spectators in the match between Marseille and Paris Saint-Germain, where Paris Saint-Germain emerged victorious with a 3-0 scoreline on February 26, 2023.

Conversely, the lowest attendance of the season was observed in the match between Monaco and Auxerre, with only 3,561 fans present on February 1, 2023. In total, the season attracted an impressive cumulative attendance of 8,806,333 spectators, averaging at 23,175 per match.


In an action-packed 202223 La Liga season that kept fans on the edge of their seats, Barcelona emerged as champions, securing their

27th title. The season, which ran from August 12, 2022, to June 4, 2023, saw intense battles on the field and unforgettable moments.

Barcelona’s triumphant campaign was complemented by the stellar performances of their top goal scorer, Robert Lewandowski, who found the back of the net 23 times. The league witnessed a total of 380 matches, showcasing skill and passion, resulting in a total of 955 goals, averaging at 2.51 goals per match.

The competition for Champions League spots was fierce, with Real Madrid, Atlético Madrid, Real Sociedad and Sevilla joining Barcelona in securing their places. Villarreal and Real Betis secured Europa League qualification, while Osasuna booked their spot in the Europa Conference League.

Real Madrid showcased their dominance with an impressive 6-0 victory over Valladolid, the largest home win of the season, on April 2, 2023. Meanwhile, Athletic Bilbao and Barcelona shared the honor of the biggest away win, both defeating Cádiz 0-4 in thrilling encounters on August 29, 2022, and September 10, 2022, respectively.

Goals flowed in an enthralling clash between Girona and Real Sociedad, with the latter emerging victorious in a thrilling 5-3 encounter on October 3, 2022. Girona, known for high-scoring matches, also thrilled fans with a resounding 6-2 win over Almería on February 17, 2023.

Barcelona demonstrated their dominance with two separate seven-match winning streaks, showcasing their class and determination. Meanwhile, Atlético Madrid and Barcelona enjoyed the longest unbeaten runs, remaining unbeaten for an impressive 13 matches each.

Elche endured a challenging season, suffering through a winless streak of 19 matches, with the same side and Espanyol both experienced a frustrating run of six consecutive losses, highlighting their struggles and effective relegation to the Segunda Division.

Fans packed stadiums throughout the season, with the highest attendance recorded in the highly anticipated clash between Barcelona and Real Madrid, attracting a staggering 95,745 spectators on March 19, 2023. However, the lowest attendance of the season was witnessed in the high-scoring clash between Girona and Almería, with only 8,879 fans in attendance on February 17, 2023.

The season’s cumulative attendance was an impressive 8,867,191, averaging at 23,335 passionate fans per match. As the curtain falls on the 2022-23 La Liga season, memories of exhilarating matches, record-breaking performances, and unforgettable moments will be etched in the minds of football enthusiasts worldwide. Barcelona’s triumph will go down in history, marking another thrilling chapter in Spanish football.

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Five Changes and Improvements

Its amazing what one season can do to a football club. Last year morale was low as we witnessed one of the worst seasons we had in 30 years. Manchester United had possibly the most unlikeable squad in its recent history, we were tanking big time and each and every rival fan was loving every second of it. Fast forward few months and we had won a cup, we finished third in the league and we ended up FA Cup finalists. We are nowhere near to what we used to be under Sir Alex but no one is laughing at us anymore.

But what were the five biggest changes that fueled such improvement? There is no doubt that Erik Ten Hag was pretty central in United’s resurgence. However no man is an island and there is more to football then one brilliant man at the helm.

The first major change we’ve seen was Erik Ten Hag’s appointment. Manchester United had finally decided to trust a manager whose best years were not behind him. Mourinho, Van Gaal and Rangnick come to mind in that regard. Prior to joining Manchester United, the former duo had managed (and been sacked) by some of the biggest clubs in Europe from Barcelona right to Real, Chelsea and Bayern. Rangnick on the other hand had spent most of his recent career as a director of football rather than as a manager. However a closer look at every manager we had since Sir Alex retired would reveal that they were pretty much on the same boat. By 2013, David Moyes’ career had

pretty much stagnated at Everton. Memories of the Toffees reaching 4th place were already distant and fainting at that point with the Blues getting used to flirt between 6th and 8th place. Ole’s appointment as Manchester United’s manager was purely sentimental. Ole’s CV as manager simply didn’t justify him getting the job. The guy was employed on the basis of what he once did on the pitch during the good old times rather than on his expertise as a manager.

Erik Ten Hag’s appointment was a breath of fresh air. The manager is hungry while his tactics and approach to the game is cutting

edge. It is almost impossible not to feel optimistic with him as a manager.

The second major change was that the club is finally focusing on football. A change in direction was hinted by an article written in March by the reputable Laurie Whitwell. CEO Richard Arnold had made it pretty clear that he does not wish to interfere into football matters as this was not his area of expertise. That had an effect across the board with players being signed and retained not on their social media presence or how their value would look on a spreadsheet but on how effective they are on the pitch.

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Sir Alex Ferguson once said that no one is bigger than the club. Well many felt and for good reason that such strategy wasn’t being kept anymore. Players were being played week in week out despite failing to perform on a regular basis. Others were allowed to get away with things that would have gotten them sacked if done during Sir Alex’s time. For example, I can’t see Sir Alex allowing players to go on regular holidays abroad while injured, let alone leak sensitive information about what is going on behind the scene. Erik Ten Hag brought meritocracy back to Manchester United and the fact that the club took his side during the Ronaldo’s saga clearly show that he’s being backed by the higher-ups.

The fourth significant change was that we have a manager who is able to improve the players that we’ve already got in the team. The first name that comes to mind is Marcus Rashford who is probably the most improved player in football this year. However there are other players as well like for example Aaron Wan Bissaka, Luke Shaw and Victor Lindelof. Previously we seem to always need a new squad whenever a new manager is signed. That was quite frankly unsustainable.

Finally Manchester United can now rely on a honest manager who is not afraid to give his opinion while concurrently remaining professional at all times. That’s a breath of a fresh air as opposed to managers who either threw players under the bus probably to cover for their own mistakes or made everything look so rosy when it was not the case. ETH comes across as a man with a clear plan of what needs to be done and how to achieve it.

What are the five most pressing issues to improve. As the title suggest I believe that there are five things that United need to improve

On the immediate term we need to keep on financially support the manager. It’s evident that ETH’s project is not yet completed and that he need to buy players both as first teamers but also to strengthen the bench. Our squad needs a goalkeeper that is comfortable with the ball,

we need strikers that are able to score goals and we need cover/competition for Casemiro and Eriksen.

Another pressing issue to be tackled immediately is Manchester United’s sale. The club needs steady hands to lead it, possibly by people who love the club and who would constantly inject money into it. Football doesn’t take stagnation lightly. That was pretty evident after the treble season when United failed to provide Sir Alex with a top quality goalkeeper to replace Peter Schmeichel. In the end it would take us a whole decade before Manchester United was able to lift the Champions league trophy again.

We also need to get rid of players that have no future with the club. Players need to understand that playing for Manchester United is a rare privilege reserved for the very hardworking and extremely talented few. Blink and all of that might go away. As said before, ETH has done an excellent job in providing structure and reintroducing meritocracy in the squad. It’s now for the higher-ups to follow suit by actually selling or/and letting players

who do not deserve to wear the red shirt go.

In the medium/long term, we need to keep on improving our backroom staff. There was a time when Manchester United’s ability to find a diamond in the rough was legendary. The likes of Ole, Johnsen Kanchelskis and Vidic come to mind. These days we either rely on the manager’s shortlist or we tend to buy proven players in the English Premier League which often eats most of our transfer budget.

Finally we need to make United the center of excellence it once was in terms of infrastructure, coaches, players, youth academy and women’s team. Any player coming to the Theatre of Dreams needs to understand that this is a special and hungry team, the Harvard or Oxford University of football. Any weakness needs to be solved as soon as possible and we must be constantly on the lookout for finding and implementing strategies and policies meant to improve the club. Once everything aligns to that, then I am very confident that honors and medals will start flowing in.

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The FA Cup Final

The F.A. Cup Final. The grand finale of the domestic football season and what used to be the ultimate dream of every professional footballer – to play in the showpiece ninety minutes below the famed twin towers of Wembley stadium.

Today, the latter are no more, while the competition itself is completely devalued due to the semi finals being played there, while at the same time, individuals can find themselves playing at the north London ground in the League Cup Final or a divisional play-off. That, often one-off opportunity, is now sadly a thing of the past.

The F.A. Cup Final was also the highlight of the season for someone like myself, a football mad youngster, as it provided the ultra-rare opportunity to watch a game live on good old black and white television. And, it wasn’t simply a ninety minutes love affair, as the BBC programme would begin early morning and more or less continue up until the winning team had disappeared down the tunnel following their lap of honour. Plus, in the fortnight or so before the actual match day, the ‘Radio Times’ television guide would carry an advert that allowed you to write off for a copy of the match programme which would be delivered to you before the day of the game. I cannot remember if this was how I obtained my copy of the 1963 Cup Final programme or not, but I am more or less certain that it would have been.

What I can remember is, a few years earlier

I went with my mother to something in the hall of the church that my parents attended and there was a film show which featured the hymn ‘Abide With Me’. Now what the film was about, I have no idea, could have been about the man who composed it [Henry Francis Lyte – had to look that up!] or anything for that matter, but the hymn had an instant effect on me and stuck in my mind despite being so young, and it became my life-time ambition to be at Wembley on Cup Final day and sing it.

So, Cup final day is once again a mere forty eight hours away as I write this. I won’t be there in person as I have a prior engagement that Saturday night. But it is something of a unique Final – Ardwick versus Newton Heath, no sorry, City versus United, taking their crosstown rivalry from the banks of the Irwell to the banks of the Thames. Could they not simply have played forty five minutes at Old Trafford then ferried the two teams etc across the city to play the second forty five at the Etihad or the other way about? Two packed stadiums of home supporters, toss up to see who plays where first......

Anyway, more about the game later.

In 1963, I was too young to even think about going to Old Trafford, never mind Wembley, and my father, who worked weekends anyway had a very limited interest in football, so it was never going to happen. But I had the programme, the Charles Buchan’s Football Monthly Cup Final souvenir issue, and we had a television.

The game itself is obviously remembered, but only due to DVDs and clips shown in club histories etc. However, as a United supporting football mad youngster, never did I think as I watched that black and white footage, that I would become friends with one of the players, interview another and get a lift in his car, meet another on a couple of occasions and attend the funeral of another [the only person out with his immediate family to be there].

But these things happen. They were ordinary guys, players from a bygone age, unlike the so-called super stars of today.

I had a long wait before my Wembley dream would come true, some thirteen years to be exact. Every year I continued to hope for a good cup run, but it wasn’t to be until 1976. I didn’t have the contacts then, as I do now, so I had to utilise those I had in the effort to get a ticket, although I would have gone without one.

My major source was a local lad who I knew and who had recently signed for Oldham Athletic, I also knew his family, so it was simply a case of getting his father to tell him that when the club were dishing out their Cup Final tickets that I was looking for one. One was posted north in due course and I paid him a few pounds above the ticket value, so happy I was to be going.

Ok, we lost, but I was there, sung ‘Abide With Me’ and my ambition was fulfilled and I was to return time and time again to savour both victory and defeat.

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Fast forward, and the afternoon of Saturday June 3rd saw sun shine down on a muchchanged Wembley, not to mention a muchchanged game of football – and certainly not for the better, as the red and light blue hoards trudged up Wembley Way and I think it is perhaps safe to say that the majority of the former’s support approached the turnstiles a little apprehensive, not really expecting a United victory. But fortune favours the brave and in a one-off match, anything can happen and off course any victory over arch-rivals is sweet, more so if it prevents them from winning the much coveted ‘treble’.

Looking at the bigger picture, City remain streets ahead of United. A quick glance at

their bench tells you that, but there was still hope that lady luck would play her part and it would be red and white ribbons on the cup at full-time. Those hopes, however, were dashed within thirteen seconds of the kick-off. I had barely sat down and had a sip of a nice cool lager than David De Gea was picking the ball out of the net. That in reality was basically that.

Personally, I couldn’t see United coming back. That early [?] goal gave City immediate confidence, leaving United shell shocked. The Cup Final, any Cup Final is a big occasion and the players need to stand up and be counted. Too many red shirts went missing, it is better saying that than saying City took total control. United did have their moments, but for me, the team, not just on Saturday is imbalanced and there is no back-up on the bench, nothing to improve matter if things go wrong or are not going to plan. It has been that way for a while unfortunately.

The, let’s just say fortunate, penalty let United back into the game. Yes, it was hand ball, no sorry finger ball, and I suppose in reality and the [current] rules of the game it was a penalty, but VAR has a lot to answer for, never mind some of the other stupid rules in the game today, but all that is an article in itself. That converted spot-kick should have galvanised United, seen them raise their game and perhaps go on to ultimate victory, but it wasn’t to be as another longrange effort, certainly not as spectacular as the first ensured victory for City.

I didn’t wait to see the presentation or the sad faced [or imagine there would be] United players trudge woefully up the steps for their runners up medals as I drank the remains of my lager and headed out into the Lancashire sunshine.

There was no disappointment in the result and if I am honest, I was surprised that City didn’t win more comfortably.

But the ninety minutes conjured up more than a few questions regarding the present day United. I am not going to debate things in this article, but just let’s say, there are too many ordinary players within the ranks, one or two even, who should not even be there in the first place. The years of mis management continue to take its toll and it is difficult to see light at the end of the tunnel.

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Another season has passed by and one can say there have been improvement and memorable moments which mean that the fans can look at the upcoming season with some form of optimism in which the club is being driven by Ten Hag. What we have seen this season is a manager to whom the powers be gave the power to make decisions irrelevant on the commercial impact. Last season, every MUFC supporter was heads over heels with the return of Ronaldo, which some may argue stopped the development of the team which was being managed by Solskjaer at that time and then Rangnick. While I believe during the full season he spent at the club, he played well himself, the team suffered due to the player he is (was), and the respect and authority he has wherever he goes.

The manner in which he orchestrated the exit from the club, I believe, could have been done in a more professional manner, but Ronaldo being the person he is, and the position he was at that time where time is no longer his ally, he took matters into his own hands due to the fact that the manager was looking forward to the future and using Ronaldo as he deemed fit. Ten Hag, from what I have seen and read from the media, suffers no fools and takes no prisoners. I genuinely think that such a decision showed the other

players to up their game or they will not be in the team. Due to squad being lean on certain quality players, the manager at times has his hands tied, but I think the players know this manager means business and is stamping his authority over the team.

During the time Mourinho was manager I felt he wasn’t properly backed by the board over certain decisions and backed certain players due to their commercial value. Such decision may have led to him

and in training. During the season that he came back from injury and had a small impact on both aspects, the team fell back. One cannot forget the strength of Liverpool and Manchester City during these seasons, which didn’t really help the players mentally as some were aware they didn’t possess the same playing ability as some players for the teams mentioned.

For the past seasons, both teams have dictated the first and second places in the EPL, City basically buying any player they want, play him or not, it still improves the team. City have built a playing machine, which one cannot deny, and during the FA Cup final, if they pressed the gas pedal, they would have run riot. Do not get me wrong and get the impression I am heralding their achievements but one cannot deny that this team is very strong and while some think we are a few players away, I believe we are 6 players away as this team has such strength in depth that due to their authority over the EPL and now also Europe, players will opt to go there for the chance to win trophies, while getting a very good salary.

This authoritative stance over the PL was previously in United’s hands and also as stated in the history books in Liverpool’s also. The issue with both was there wasn’t any proper succession planning and both

“he was an authority on the field”
“the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience”
“he had absolute authority over his subordinates”
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a person with extensive or specialized knowledge about a subject; an expert.

have had a fall from grace. Fans, whose love to watch their football teams play, can see that there isn’t that playing power that was once possessed under Sir Alex. I think management at City is different: they will not tolerate under-performance. Being under a certain ownership demands, certain results, while the City owners might not really care about money as they swim in it, they expect glory in return for their money, whereas the current owners of our club pump money out of the club as a thank you reward towards themselves for taking the club backwards.

During the season, I felt a certain no surrender attitude which I haven’t seen for some years and when the cameras panned the manager, I would smile when he is angry as I know they are in for it, once they are in the dressing room. The club has an authoritative figure in place and I think also the changing of the

CEO has helped to an extent. But due to the ongoing takeover of the club, this hopefully will not impact any transfers coming in, as the playing squad is lean and the departure of De Gea is the not the best of news, looking at the fact we hadn’t got a proper goal keeper to replace him until Andre Onana was signed from Inter.

Towards the end of the season, I got a sense that De Gea was on his way out and I still think he has a couple of good seasons in him, one more with United. To help bring in another younger keeper, I think, would have been the smart way to go about it. This man gave the club 12 good years of service, some seasons he was player of the season which was when he was at the peak of his powers. He didn’t opt to bail out on the club, unlike some players which had done so in the past. De Gea came to the club,and lacked that presence in the box and also experience which over a period of time he gathered both

and was in my opinion marvellous and he must be mentioned in the same heights as Schmeichel and Van De Sar.

While some will disagree, both keepers had monster players in front of them, but this guy didn’t have the same. All three commanded the box as their own, but I think the loudest was Schmeichel which maybe gets more votes by the romantics. I look at De Gea’s loyalty towards United, as similar to Shearer’s loyalty to Newcastle. Being one of the best strikers in the world during his playing career, the selflessness of these players is something I admire in them as I am sure both men in their dressing room were / are held to high esteem due to their ability to switch clubs but rather chose to stay put to help the current club out. Thanks David for your service, you made saves over the years which we celebrated like goals.

We look towards the summer, praying that the takeover is concluded, and both parties, depending on the stage of discussions, give the manager the funding he requires for the players he believes will help us gather more traction in the club’s search for glory. Next season will be a big ask from all the top competing teams to take on City and now they are already favourites as I am sure they are planning to ship out the old wood and get in new wood after just winning the Champions League. While the media will start to dish out fairytales like gummy bears to kids, we must be patient and hope the signings that come in will help bolster the team like Casemiro did in midfield. Over the season, his presence was felt throughout the team and when suspended we suffered. Again he is not at the peak of his power so hopefully proper planning is done so continuity is in place. The club cannot afford key and authoritative figures to leave the club and a power vacuum to come in to motion.

VOL 50 - ISSUE 3 - AUGUST 2023 43
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