December issue of the Paw Print

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December 2010

Manzano High School

Volume LI Issue III

Manzano’s Hidden Secret Christine Romero 2011

Imagine a warm, tropical escape dubbed with exotic plants, and a pond with fish,: all in walking distance of any class at Manzano. The idea does not need to be imagined, for a blissful greenhouse is located in the midst of the Manzano campus. A greenhouse? At Manzano? Yes! Why is it very few students know of the nursery? Is it because the faculty wants their own secluded getaway, a retreat from those vexatious students? The greenhouse has been a part of the Manzano complex for a number of years; long before any current MHS students were. When asked how long the nursery has been here, Custodian James Rivera“As long as I’ve been here, ten years, but probably ten years prior to when I was here.” The oasis serves an abundance of purposes. The main idea is not only to better educate students about the importance of being “green”, but also to exemplify the simplicity of it. “It gives a good example of recycling and salvaging materials to keep it functional. Everything in it is [either] salvaged, recycled, or propagated plants and fish from my home,” explained Rivera, “It’s also a hospital, if you will, to bring sick plants back to To know more about this “secret” see Greenhouse on page 3

Pulling Strings:

A well-known guitarist helps out Manzano’s guitar program Ashley Day 2011 “Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones. They’re the modern stone age family.” Many people know this song, but do they know that the man who played that song for the TV series helps the guitar program at Manzano? This man’s name is Michael Anthony. Anthony has continuously worked with Manzano students for the past 15 years, and David Ostrovitz, MHS guitar teacher, is thankful for all of those years. “He’s a world class guitar player and teacher. He has been an inspiration to my students for the past 15 years,” said Ostrovitz. Anthony said that he began helping the guitar students when Ostrovitz introduced himself after one of Anthony’s shows, and invited him to an MHS guitar concert. “I had a young woman in my program who was an extremely talented songwriter and I sent her to him [Anthony] to help with developing melodies and chords for her songs. Then he came to one of my concerts to see her perform and talk to me about bringing jazz into the program. At that point in time, I convinced him to come in once a week to work with my advanced classes on jazz guitar and the rest, as they say, is history,” explained Ostrovitz Of course, “The Flintstone’s” theme song is not all that he is known for. He also played for Diana Ross, Want to know more? See Guitar on page 2

The amazing athletes doing what they do best! Photo courtesy of Cheyanne Herrera

Exceptional Athletes: Special Olympic athletes compete and win big

Cheyanne Herrera 2012

Students know who they are, but do students know WHO they are or what they do? Students can all admit that Special Olympics isn’t as popular as football, basketball, or even track, but the best thing about them is that they are okay with that. As their website explains, Special Olympics of New Mexico, (SONM), provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympictype sports for children and adults with developmental disabilities giving them continuous opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and friendship with their families, and other Special Olympic athletes and the community. The difference between traditional sports and Special Olympic sports is that every sport is broken up into individual teams, but they are not broken up into C, JV, and Varsity. There are different levels, A, B, and C, and Skills. This just demonstrates different

skills of that sport, for example basketball, dribbling, or ball handling. A, B, and C are different teams based on skill that compete against other teams. “A level is the highest level, which means it follows the rules of that federalization. C level is the lowest level that modifies the rules so it’s an adaptive sport, and B level is the middle between, or the stepping stone, of A and C,” said Karen Schaffner, Educational Assistant, and coach for the Special Olympics. Skills focus on the athletes whom are not capable of reaching the requirements of being on a team. “Our high hopes are to see all athletes reach the highest level that can be reachable for them,” said Schaffner. If one doesn’t have an intellectual disability then one can still be in Special Olympics as a ‘unified partner.’ Unified Sport athletes and partners improve their physical fitness, sharpen their skills, challenge the competition and help to

Say what? Check out See what some MHS’s editorials on Pages 6 and favorite holiday gifts are 7 on page 5

overcome prejudices about developmental disabilities. “They are just the most fun athletes to compete with,” explained Yvonne Reneau, a Community Referenced Learning (CRL) teacher, and Unified Partner for volleyball. “I’m not the best athlete, so my teammates always encourage me to be a better athlete, and the atmosphere is just fun and positive,” continued Reneau. Special Olympics Unified Sports is not just all fun, but is also powerful as an educational tool in schools. Special education teachers have reported the program to be extremely effective at integrating youth, promoting physical activity and inspiring leadership. “It gives me good courage, good personality, and it’s fun to your teammates. It also gets me not shy because of the coaches; they gave me courage to speak in front of people”, explains James Rector, who is a C level Special Olympics athlete and the Representative for New Mexico Athletes. The total wins for

basketball were four gold medals, and one silver medal. “Basketball is my favorite sport,” said Derrick Covey, a Special Olympics athlete, “because I like to run around and chase the ball and guard people so they can’t get the ball. I also like it because I feel happy because I can play with friends instead of by myself”. And while the basketball team worked hard, the bowling team was able to win 20 gold, 17 silver, and 8 bronze. “I won gold, it makes me feel proud, like I did something good” said Taylor Mendoca, Special Olympian. “I can’t imagine my life without Special Olympics,” commented Chris Castillo the Head of the Delegation. The next event is Poly Hockey which starts on January 9th. Practices are on Sundays from 12:30- 2:30, and according to a coach, it’s a really amazing group to put 2 hours of time a week and definately worth it. Special Olympics is always looking for people to join.

Something Wicked is happening in Albuquerque! Find out what it’s all about on page 4



School News


December 2010

SNOW DAY: MHS deals with a unique problem Cloie Logan 2013

For most, snow delays and cancellations often mean a few extra hours of sleep or maybe some time to get caught up on an assignment or two. But what does it do to our instructional time, especially to the Monarch population in the East Mountains? For many who live out in Edgewood, it may be hard to get into town this winter. “There are usually about five inches of snow on the ground at all times, but with some snow drifts

that end up taller than me,” said Jordan Medlock, a junior at MHS. Cars must either have four wheel drive, or chains to even

Photo courtesy of Cheyanne Herrera think about braving the ice some mornings. The canyon roads can be treacherous, and are often closed for safety. If kids can’t come in for instruction during

these harsh weather days, are they getting behind? Many don’t feel safe driving down. “I just stay home. When I can, I make things out of the snow, and every hour or two I have to shovel the driveway if it’s bad,” said Medlock. Because of this, Manzano often has two-hour delays, in hopes that the roads will be drivable by 9:00 AM. “A lot of East Mountain students on the delays don’t make it in,” said Rob Robertson, math

Meet Officer Jim Vautier

Most middle schools and high schools have an APD officer, also known as a resource officer, located at their schools. The resource officers are a kind of unknown people around campus, yet they provide a much needed service. Officer Jim Vautier is a new member the Manzano’s Resource Unit, and he was willing to shed light on the his job and his role in keeping Manzano safe. Pawprint: How long have you worked as a School Resource Officer? What schools have you worked at? Officer Jim: Over the last 10 years, I have worked at Highland, Manzano, Eldorado, and Cleveland Middle School. Now I’m back at MHS. I’ve been a

police officer for 22 years. Pawprint: Why did you choose to be a Resource Office? Officer Jim: I like working with kids. I don’t believe I can ‘save’ them anymore; that has to come from their families. But if I can be there when a kid needs help or advice or just to vent about all the drama going on that day, that works for me. I am a School Resource Officer, and can be a resource to all MHS students if they need one. I’m not just the big, bad guy that takes kids to jail… unless that’s what they choose. Pawprint: How do you feel when you see a kid that is young, breaking the law, or in a gang? Officer Jim: If I really start dwelling on it, I feel sad because those kids are missing out on all the good things going on around them. I

teacher. Early dismissal is also an issue. Teachers end up facing dilemmas where they have to choose between teaching the lesson to the city students and having to keep the mountain students to recover, or wait until the whole population is present again to move along with the lesson plan. “On early dismissals, a lot of times are only for East Mountain students, and they end up missing a lot of what’s going on in sixth and seventh,” said

Robertson. So far, students haven’t gotten far behind, and have been able to recover because there have not been a lot of winter failures. However, it’s still an issue that many feel is in need of resolution. “Because we have such a big population of mountain kids, if there’s snow that often leads to a delay or a day off, we find that we have to re-teach a particular lesson, or we end up

Cheyanne Turner 2014

feel sad that, in most cases, the gang life is ingrained into the family and the kids are just growing up with what they know. Pawprint: Did you always want to be a police officer? Officer Jim: No, I wanted to play Pro Football. Obviously that didn’t happen. Law enforcement was a good second choice though. I like helping people. Pawprint: Did anyone inspire you to be a police officer? Officer Jim: I can’t remember anyone really inspiring me to do police work. Before I joined the department I was in college, (UNM), and remember the endless news stories about gang wars over crack cocaine. I remember wanting to join the fight to save the kids from drugs and gangs. These days

accidently punishing the mountain kids for something that isn’t their fault,” stated Julie Huntsman, MHS teacher, about the impact of snow days in the classroom. Even though teachers can make do with the situation, this predicament is less than desirable. “I’m not sure what can be done, honestly on an issue like Manzano with a mix of East Mountain and city students others [schools] don’t face, I just don’t know what the answer is,” said Robertson.

I get my inspiration from the police officers across the country that have been killed in the line of duty; the ones that also give love to their families before going to work each day, but never come home. Pawprint: What do you like to do in your free time? Officer Jim: I train at the gym four to five times a week. I also coach football here at MHS. I have been working with Coach Ocampo for the last 9 years. I coach the varsity offensive line.

Photo courtesy of Katelyn Swain


continued from page 1 on the Carol Burnett Show, the Dean Martin Show, the Sonny and Cher Show, he played the Yukalaylee for the record “Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head,” and the list goes on. Anthony became interested in music when he got a chromatic harmonica. He was able to listen to songs and play them without ever looking at notes. He found his love for the guitar when he heard Les Paul in California. He then became a wellknown guitarist when he was working with Howard Roberts. “He took me under his wing and I ended up accidentally playing on his record. I was just watching when his accompanying guitarist had to leave, so he asked me to play,” described Anthony. Once he was heard on Roberts’ record, Anthony was asked to play on various TV shows and movies. Anthony now has a jazz trio in which he has produced seven CD’s with. He also has another CD making a total of eight. Along with eight CD’s, Anthony also has two guitar books. One is “Jazz Warm- Ups for Guitar”, and the other is titled “The Ultimate Map for Jazz Guitar”, which shows how the fingerboard is laid out. Of course, Anthony still performs. He mostly plays around Santa Fe, Los Angeles, and Albuquerque. He has been playing regularly at Scalo Northern Italian Grill and St. Claire’s Winery. Anthony also occasionally plays with the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra. “I’m honored that they ask me to play,” stated Anthony. Anthony has accomplishments, and feels fortunate that he gets to live his life playing the guitar. “I feel like I am the luckiest guy in the in the world because I’ve raised three children, and got to live my life doing what I love to do,” Anthony exclaimed. Ostrovitz said that he and Anthony have become great friends, something that he feels is a “true blessing” in his life.

School News




December 2010

Greenhouse continued from page 1

health.” The air of the glasshouse is warm and moist- uncannily tropical. It is flourished with tall romantic greenery, some of which are noticeably progressing back to physical wellness. “[There are] umbrella trees, snow trees- scientific name is Dieffenbachia- if you ingest the leaves it will paralyze your throat,” noted Rivera. The trees surround a metal tank (also recycled) which is home to the agile ‘orange’ colored fish that are undoubtedly spoiled by Rivera. Along the elongated windows lie tiny seedlings just beginning to sprout. Adjacent to the newborns lay other plants that attract the visual senses. “Dragon Palms, Fan Palms, and my favorite, the dark red geraniums,” said Rivera As far as managing the trees and plants, the maintenance

load will vary on a day-today basis. “It depends, obviously watering, feeding the fish, periodically keeping the water balanced, keeping an eye out for insects or pests,” explained Rivera. Although it may seem time-consuming and difficult to sustain a healthy greenhouse, it is actually not as complicated as one might think. “The whole idea when you are doing any type of gardening is making it selfsufficient so there is very little maintenance. [It is] important to keep things balanced. I’m a 60’s flower child; it was very important to stay in balance with nature and not struggle with it,” noted Rivera. To Rivera, the greenhouse is more than a home to plants; it functions as a place of relaxation and

Zen. “I go in there to get a snack, have a cup of tea, brush my teeth, meditate, stuff like that,” chuckled Rivera. Rivera is not the only one utilizing the greenhouse, as other faculty members have used the facility for projects with their students. “We have a Special Ed class that did tomatoes, basil, some parsley, and carrots,” continued Rivera, “One time a teacher here did a bunch of poinsettias and sold them. That’s the last time I saw anyone go fullbore on a project.” That is, until Kristin Tomany’s 7th period health class delved into their inner flower child and got down with dirt, seeds, and wormswell, maybe not the worms. Tomany has two main purposes of the gardening project. “One, that greenhouse

is cool and I wanted to use it! Two, I think gardening is a skill, a health skill, and people don’t know how to do it anymore,” said Tomany. The class is planting an arrangement of vegetables that will be eaten when fully ripened in the month of December. “We are planting lettuce, spinach, a couple herbs, green onions, radishes, in a word, salad.” said Tomany. Planting one’s own garden is beneficiary toward the gardener, and furthermore, Mother Earth. Planting edibles can dramatically reduce expenses when grocery shopping; only needing to spend cents on seeds. Our planet takes a toll from people buying fruits and vegetables from grocers, especially if they’re foreign or not in season. The only way to supply these foods is by shipping them in from

other countries via plane or ship, inevitably excreting pollution along the way. Tomany adds, “It’s cheap, better tasting, fresher, more nutrient-packed, pesticide free, organic, and disease free (not going to get exposed to contaminated water from a feed lot upstream which is exposed to salmonella or E.Coli.)” It will take approximately six weeks for the vegetables to be fully grown and ready for consumption. Tomany’s class is planning a celebration for their effort of parenting the veggies in accordance with finalizing the nutrition section of health that was recently covered. “One of the focuses is to eat healthy snacks, so we will have a pot-luck with a fresh organic salad,” said Tomany. Students looking to use

Half Scholar, Half Sage: Chuck Usmar does it all Sean Cairns 2012

Many students know Chuck Usmar as the English Honors 11 teacher who shares a room with Daniel Shanley, another Manzano English teacher. What many students don’t know, is that while he isn’t teaching, Usmar is compiling information and writing on the history of New Mexico. Usmar started as an English teacher at Manzano in 1977, and chose Manzano over many other high schools he could have taught at. Even though Usmar teaches English, his college major was in history, and that is what he focuses on in his free time. Usmar said that from an early age he was interested in the Wild West, something that ultimately drew him to New Mexico. Currently Usmar is working on a biography titled, “The Perfect Thorn: The Life and Times of James

J. Dolan.” Research for the biography has taken him all over the country. Usmar has visited many sites including The New York City Archives, National Archives, New Mexico State Archives, and New Mexico County Archives. In addition to these he has compiled information from

Mr. Usmar looking historical.

The Center for Southwest Research, UNM Zimmerman Library, The University of Arizona, Brigham Young University, J. Evetts Haley Library, Fray Anglican Library, Lincoln County Historical Society, and the Lincoln State Monument. Usmar has not compiled the information without the mentorship of experts in the New Mexico Historical field. “My mentor in this process is the leading writer in the field, Frederick Nolan,” said Usmar, “Also the leading collector, Robert McCubbin.” he added. In addition to his current biography Usmar is an authority on the history of Lincoln County in Southern New Mexico. There, he was a guest lecturer at the Lincoln State Monument. Additionally, he presented a paper, titled “The Lords of Lincoln County: Lawrence

Murphy and James Dolan,” at the annual Wild West Historical Society Association conference last July. The conference is composed of 300 historians and history buffs. Usmar is not the only teacher at Manzano who works with New Mexico history. “My friend and poet, Brett Rimer, wrote a poetic epigraph for it,” said Usmar. Another friend of Usmar’s and poetess, Dale Harris, also wrote an epigraph for the book. The book is a biography of James Dolan, an Irish immigrant who played a key role in the Lincoln County war. Before coming to New Mexico, Dolan was a drummer boy in General Tecumseh Sherman’s march through Georgia during the Civil War.

or see the greenhouse should talk to their science or health teachers. The greenhouse is located on the south side of the science building.

Mrs. Tomany watering the garden. Photo courtesy of Christine Romero.

Contact Information: Advisor: Matt Kraus Editor-In-Chief: Feliz Munoz Copy Editor: Sean Carins School News Editors: Alysha Landavazo & Ashley Day Sports Editor: Danny Baker Entertainment Editor: Billy Huntsman Picture Editor: Cheyanne Herrera Editorial Editor: Tyler Gallegos Ad Editor: Yoselin Torres Phone: 559-5904 E-mail: manzanopawprint


Wicked in Albuquerque



December 2010


“Safe Haven” Is a Safe Choice Amanda Sims 2012

that wonderful moments like these learning how to move on. Nicholas Sparks is well known for his existed,” (page 96). At fi rst the confl ict is purely will Alex and touching novels full of a romance only he Karena Smestad 2012 However brilliant his stories can create. “The Notebook”, “Message in a Katie get together, then it becomes a lethal plot Have you ever wondered how the Wicked may be, he often begins with a pace Bottle”, and “Nights in Rodanthe” are only that comes from Katie’s haunted past. Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch got a few of the novels that make his name considered to be slower than a turtle. Overall, Sparks’ dialogue in Safe Haven to be who they are? Well, the musical Wicked tells known worldwide. As soon as Katie and Alex begin flows smoothly from the tip of a character’s the stories of the two witches and reveals surprises spending time together, the pace Sparks has done it again, with another that went untold in The Wizard of Oz. quickens exponentially. novel that is soon to be a classic entitled “Wicked is almost a new invention of musical Sparks is a dramatic fiction writer; “Safe Haven” theater. The costumes are so unique and made he must take the reader on a journey Sparks lives in a small town in North specific to the actors’ look. As soon as the curtain through the whole spectrum of human Carolina with his wife and family, just like rises you’re in Oz,” said Elena Williamson, an emotions. Sparks does this very well the setting from most of his novels. MHS junior. in “Safe Haven”. “It had been a long time since I’d added In September of 1995, ReganBooks published The typical Sparks “I love you” on an element of danger to my novels. I “Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked the first date is quite cliché and almost hadn’t done that since “The Guardian”, Witch of the West”, written by Gregory Maguire. over-done in his stories. The story line which came out about 10 years ago,” said He suggests that the Wicked Witch of the West possessed the usual Nicholas Sparks’ Sparks during a recorded interview that may not have started out evil. In 2003, a musical spark with unpredictable twists and can be found on called Wicked, which was based off of Gregory turns. In his novel “Safe Haven”, Katie, 27, Maguire’s novel, opened at the Gershwin Theatre Photo courtesy of Jacob That being said,“Safe Haven” is is new in town, and isn’t in any hurry on Broadway. In March of 2005, Wicked then Ulibarri and Alysha Landavazo not his best novel, but definitely not to make herself known. But in a small kicked off a world tour where they visited more his worst. The work Sparks did to tongue. He also has a wonderful way of than 80 cities and today is the winner of 35 major town, that is quite a difficult feat. Soon, describing a situation, a feeling, a thought, or an create his newest masterpiece was she makes friends with her neighbor, Jo. awards. expression. For example, one day at the beach evident. However, his older novels Even though she doesn’t want anyone to “(Wicked) is my favorite Broadway show by (“Dear John”, for example) trump know, Katie’s mysterious air and affinity to while eating s’mores, Alex accidentally smears far; it is definitely worth the money,” said Alexis “Safe Haven”. sidestep direct questions makes it apparent melted marshmallow all over his face. Wylie, MHS junior. Pick up a copy of Sparks’ new “Katie couldn’t help giggling as well, and that she is trying to hide her past. The musical is about the friendship of the two novel to figure out how Katie deals she felt a sudden, unexpected surge of hope… Alex struggles to keep up his local witches before Dorothy, from Kansas, drops down with her past and whether she can For them, it was nothing but an ordinary day grocery store and father his two young for a visit. It tells how they became enemies and save not only herself, but also her new children, Kristen and Josh. Four years ago, on an ordinary weekend, but for her, there why one is good and one is bad. The Wicked family. was something revelatory about the notion his wife passed away and he is just now Witch is smart and misunderstood, while Glinda the Good is beautiful and popular. Many of the same characters appear in the musical that are in The Wizard of Oz. Billy Huntsman 2012 Stephen Schwartz is the composer for many of the songs in the musical. He wrote “For Good” won’t regret seeing. The smell of a the citizens of Whoville Allsburg, about a boy while working on Wicked; he believes it is one of And, now, number fireplace late at night with down to his same level unsure of the existence his best songs. Schwartz has won one Grammy, one goes to 2008’s “Four a cup of hot chocolate of dejection by stealing of Santa Claus, who is one Drama Desk Award, and a 2004 Tony Christmases,” starring in your lap; the cheery their Christmas presents, awoken in the still of the nomination for songs written for the musical. Vince Vaughn and Reese moods everybody seems only to later realize that night by a train outside One of the songs sung in Wicked is “What is this Witherspoon, as a couple to be in, just so long the materialism of the his home. Intrigued, he Feeling”, which is a duet between the two witches set in their “Born to be as you aren’t in any holidays isn’t what makes hops on, and is taken on when they are roommates at Shiz University. The Wild” lifestyle, who find department stores or Christmas so great—it’s a 100-minute-safari of witches sing about loathing one another, which is themselves reluctantly parking lots; the Santa the intangibility of it all. Santa’s Northpole, on a how they feel about each other at first impression. trapped in visiting their Clauses outside Target, Again, people may be irate train apparently operated “The music from Wicked is just absolutely families for Christmas ringing their bells and that I even included this by a New York City amazing. I can’t wait for it (to come to instead of scuba-diving in asking for donations; film of them all, and are cabbie. This film, more Albuquerque),” said Clara Eickhoff, an MHS you look outside your calling me a Communist than anything, is pleasing Fiji. Unconventional and senior. bedroom window and or a Marxist or a Leninist, to the eye and indulgent to unusual, Four Christmases, Wicked is on tour now and will be visiting you see the snow drifting and I say way to look up the mind, and as such was nonetheless, reminds you Albuquerque January 25, 2011 to February downward onto your vocabulary in your A.P. well-received in my eyes. of one of the meanings 13, 2011. It will be at the Pope Joy Hall at the of Christmas—family— lawn, and you see the World History textbooks, Number two goes to University of New Mexico. Tickets are on sale while also delivering streets frozen and empty but this is a very good film. 2006’s “The Holiday,” now starting at about $60 for group pricing. an intestine-rupturing of all cars speeding to Number four goes to starring Kate Winslet, For more information about Wicked in get to work and shouting 1990’s “Home Alone,” Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, 88 minutes of laughing. Albuquerque visit or Undeniably the greatest obscenities and throwing starring child-star and Jack Black. In case scene in the movie—the lewd hand gestures at Macaulay Culkin in you’re wondering, yes, it part I practically wet my other drivers. the main role of Kevin is a chick-flick but, no, I pants laughing at—is Oh, yes, there’s a very McCallister, whose don’t care. To be honest, where Brad and Kate soft spot in the depths of Mormon-sized family I enjoy the occasional (Vaughn and Witherspoon) my soul for Christmas, accidentally leaves him chick-flick, and this one and, yes, even I can’t find at home as they leave was one of the best holiday visit Kate’s mother’s a bad thing to say about for the airport to take off films I’ve ever seen. Two home. There, Kate’s sister, Courtney (Kristin movies during Christmas. to Paris. Through the women (Winslet and Chenoweth), is rocking her And so, my critiquing course of the film, two Diaz), fed up with life in nauseous newborn, whom retires until January, how burglars (Daniel Stern their home countries in she gives to Kate just for a about we take a look at and Joe Pesci), whose America and England, second so as to “readjust” the five best Christmas I.Q.’s register somewhere decide to swap homes herself. And sure enough, movies ever? in the dim abysses of the for the holidays. Diaz the young toddler empties Sounds good to me. triple-negatives, overhear winds up in the English Number five goes to the McCallisters’ home is countryside, while Winslet his stomach upon her. I have never laughed so hard 2000’s “How the Grinch packed with goodies and finds herself in bustling at anything, and I like to Stole Christmas,” a attempt to rob it. Kevin, L.A. Here, Diaz falls think that some of these modern retelling and obviously a Saw-prodigy, in love with Winslet’s little jokes I come up with live-action adaptation sets booby-traps that of brother, Jude Law, while of 1966’s animated T.V. course the two men fall Winslet finds herself swept here in these articles are particularly piquant. special of the same name, victim to. off her feet by Diaz’s And there ya have it, which was an adaptation Number three goes friend, Jack Black. In the ladies and germs! itself of Dr. Seuss’ famed to 2004’s performanceend, love turns out to be I hope you enjoy 1957 children’s book of capture adaptation of “The the greatest gift any of the yourselves watching these the same name. Grinch Polar Express,” starring four characters could have movies, and more than 2000 starred Jim Carey as Tom Hanks. The film received. Very touching that, I hope you all have a the green-Avatar, a.k.a., follows the storyline of and very original. The wonderful Christmas! the Grinch, a misanthrope the children’s book of the Holiday is a resounding intent on pulling down same title by Chris Van Christmas movie you Photo courtesy of Karena Smestad

A Reason to Feel Holly-Jolly





December 2010

Angel Wreath Meadow Butler 2013 During the month of December, there are many kids who go without; however, this year you could help make a difference by donating clothes and gifts to the YDI program this month. The YDI (Youth Development Inc.) program is a head start program that is nationally recognized in central and northern New Mexico. They provide educational, developmental and humanitarian assistance to children, youth and families. YDI programs include tutoring, gang intervention, dropout prevention, youth sports, and leadership development. Manzano has been

adopting from the same YDI program for 18 years. There are about 60 kids who are adopted by our school every December. Each child gets an angel put on the wreath and various students, homerooms and clubs around MHS will choose an

Soon to be adopted angels! Photo courtesy of Cheyanne Herrera

angel. They will receive information about the child they picked like gender, age, clothing size and the child’s wish list. “I always pick a little boy and a little girl angel,” said Ruth Cooper, MHS math teacher. “I’ll get the little boy a truck and the little girl a doll and each child will get a stuffed animal, a coloring book, crayons and Play-Doh.” “It’s rewarding to see Manzano get so involved in projects like this, it’s very heart warming,” said Helen Cortez, MHS activities director. The program runs for three weeks at MHS and is for low income families with less

fortunate kids. “If you’re thinking about getting your own angel, make sure it’s done right. Have a heart for the kids and don’t hoard it all, everybody needs to learn to give.” said Cooper. Every child who is adopted will receive five or six gifts. “Their faces really light up when we take them all the gifts,” said Cortez. Manzano usually donates hundreds of gifts every December to the YDI program. The deadline for turnng in gifts is December 14. Gifts can be turned into the activities office. See Ms. Cortez for more details

Each year many people get holiday presents, but what was your favorite gift of all time?

“My favorite present was watching my daughters’ face light up when she opened up her Christmas gifts,” - Susan Arnett, MHS administrator

“The best thing I got for Christmas was a pool table from my grandmother,” -Izic Ortiz, MHS junior

The Perfect Gift: Gift ideas for that special someone Max Alaniz 2011

The holidays are coming up R-us for the little princess in the family. A pink hamster and you’re still having trouble finding that gift that says just the dressed in a tutu and tiara, Jilly right thing? Well, look no further, makes hamster sounds and scurries around on little hamster because with the Paw Print’s very own Purple Market reviews, feet (wheels). A daughter or strangely confused son will have one can find a little something hours of fun playing with this for everyone, or at least know what they should never consider little vermin until the batteries die or one gets tired of the getting someone. constant squeaking, whichever Buy Iron Man 2 wrist Repulsor $14.99 at Toys-R-us for comes first. Consider a snack holder the little super hero or the creepy football helmet, available for comic geek in your life. The Iron Man Wrist Repulsor $54.99 at Walmart for the sports fanatic in the house. It comes complete with lights and “missiles”. One straps the is customizable with any NFL team’s logo available to put launcher glove onto their arm, on it. It can hold snacks in loads the missile, and then it’s either the top of the helmet, set to face any arch enemies the facemask, or both! or teachers, whichever sounds This is a great gift for that better. special someone who likes Why not a Zhu Zhu pets hamster Jilly for $14.99 at Toys- to invite everyone and their

grandmothers over to watch the big game, even though their team hasn’t gone to the playoffs in 50+ years. The FitFlop ‘Electra’ Sandals available for $59.95 at Nordstrom is the more subtle way of saying “honey, don’t you think it’s time to go on a diet?”. The FitFlop uses a Multidensity midsole integrated with microwobbleboard technology (yes that is a word) to stimulate your leg muscles with every step. The FitFlop comes in a variety of colors, including: black sequins, bronze sequins, and silver sequins. If paying $60 for a piece of foam doesn’t turn you away from buying this shoe, maybe the fact that you will have a seizure

if you stare at it longer than a few seconds due to the dazzling dollar store sequins will. The Flying Alarm Clock available for $24.95 from is a perfect gift for the person who constantly hits the snooze button too many times and then has to come up with creative excuses as to why they’re late. This alarm clock functions just like any other alarm clock except with a little extra dose of annoyance. Along with a siren that goes off when the clock hits its set time, it also begins to fly using a helicopterlike propeller. As you might have guessed the only way to stop this clock is by waking up. You might want to buy an extra one, considering it has the flying skills of a hyperactive 5 year old.

“My favorite Christmas gift was homemade Christmas cards from my babies,” -Jennifer Trujillo, MHS secretary

“My blanket. I love it!” -Alex Tenorio, MHS senior

Poll courtesy of Mariah Griego

The Unknown Holiday: Kwanzaa

A beautifully decorated holiday tree. Photo courtesy of Cheyanne Herrera

Alysha Landavazo 2012 Many students at MHS celebrate something other than Christmas over winter break: Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration celebrating African heritage and culture. So what’s Kwanzaa all about? The name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza”, meaning first fruits of the harvest. It got its start during the Black Nationalist movement of the 1960’s, and was created by activist Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966. This holiday is about celebrating your roots, heritage, and culture. Its goal is to celebrate and be proud of who you are. Families decorate their houses with cultural artifacts and fresh fruits that represent African idealism. Each of the seven days is dedicated to what Karenga sees as being African American

values. Kwanzaa celebrates what Karenga called the seven principles of Kwanzaa, or Nguzo Saba (the seven principles of blackness). Each day is a different value or principle, with a different name and meaning. I. Umoja (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race. II. Kujichagulia (SelfDetermination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves. III. Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers’ and sisters’ problems our problems, and to solve them together. IV. Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses

and to profit from them together. V. Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. VI. Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. VII. Imani (Faith): To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. Mishumaa Saba (the seven candles) is symbolic of the Nguzo Saba, each of the seven days. The first candle is black, symbolizing the African American people. The next three are red, representing the past struggles of the black

people. Next, are three green candles, which are meant to symbolize hope for the future. They are lit from left to right. The greeting for each day of Kwanzaa is “Habari Gani,” which is Swahili for “what’s the news?” On the last full day of Kwanzaa celebrants enjoy a large feast called Karamu. This is the high point of the holiday. During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga intended it to be an alternative to Christmas. Although today, many of those who celebrate Kwanzaa will also celebrate Christmas and New Year’s. It is observed on December 26th and continues until January 1st. And today it is celebrated by 18 million Americans. This December Kwanzaa will celebrate its 44th year.

6 Litter Bugs




December 2010 Be Aware!

Alysha Landavazo 2011

Feliz Munoz 2011

Manzano students seem to have a problem using trash cans because no matter where I go, there is garbage on the ground. Trash is far and wide at MHS, especially after snack break and lunch. No matter where you go, you can find some article of trash on the ground As I walk to class I’ll pick up the big pieces that are in my path, such as the milk cartons, the pizza foil, the soda cans… etc. The candy wrappers and the other small rubbish are in so many places that I don’t have enough time to bother. This is what really grinds my gears. I see trashcans, at most, 50 feet away from every piece of trash. How lazy must a person be to not walk a few extra feet? I’ll be the first to admit, I am a lazy person, but I always, always, walk to the nearest trash bin. I’m not going to contribute to the egocentricity of many high school students. My solution to this problem is to start calling out those litter bugs. For instance, if you’re an intelligent person who doesn’t litter, and you see someone drop their empty water bottle, stop them and ask them, ‘Why did you just drop that on the ground? There’s a trash can right there.’ Most people get caught off guard, embarrassed even, and will pick it up and throw it away. They don’t want to be seen as a litter bug, and especially if it’s someone you know who doesn’t want you to look at them badly. If people who use the trash bins provided to us can help get the litter bugs to do the same, this may help reduce the amount of litter on campus. It’s the only thing everyone at Manzano shares, so why trash it all up? I’d bet those students who litter think, ‘it’s just one piece of trash, what harm can that do?’ or ‘I’m too lazy to walk all the way over there…’ People litter because they’re lazy, they just don’t care, they’re ignorant. Are you geting the picture? One piece of litter is not just one piece. If everyone does it, that’s billions of pieces of junk. Students at MHS should stop littering. They need to become less ignorant about what littering can really do to our environment. Set an example by not littering.

Pulmonary fibrosis kills as many people a year as breast cancer. Do you know what pulmonary fibrosis is? I didn’t think so. Pulmonary fibrosis is the scarring of the lungs. PF is also idiopathic, meaning doctors do not know the cause(s) of it. PF affects more men than women. Every 15 minutes someone dies of PF. I only know about PF because my dad had it. He was diagnosed with PF in 2004. He recently had a double lung transplant on October 4th, and he is doing great. Just like PF, there are many other unknown diseases that no one knows of. That’s why my family decided to spread the word of PF, especially since it is no longer a rare disease. We started a golf tournament this past summer to raise money to do research about PF. The golf tournament will be an annual event. My family also began a walk that took place on the first day of PF week August 12 -18 Some people may have seen the PF purple shirt that I wear every Friday. My whole family, and some of those who attended the walk, also wear the shirts. Ever since we’ve been wearing the shirts, many people ask about PF. At least, we know that even just one person every Friday will become aware of PF. Anyone who feels strongly should stand up for something they’re going through. Don’t feel like you won’t be heard. Just be loud! If you or anyone you know is having trouble breathing don’t just think you’re out of breath. Visit National Jewish Hospital in Denver, Colorado; the number one pulmonary research hospital. They can save your life, just like they did for my dad.

Brady vs. Manning Danny Baker 2011

Tom Brady is better than Peyton Manning. Brady has proven time and time again that he is the superior quarterback. Brady has won three Super Bowls, two Super Bowl MVP’s and one NFL MVP. Brady has also broken various records in his career. Brady has been in the league for 11 years. He didn’t play his rookie season and had a season ending injury in the 2008 season. So in reality Brady has only played 9 full seasons in the NFL. Most people think Brady has always had an amazing team to carry him, but that is not true. During his three Super Bowl wins he didn’t have Randy Moss or Wes Welker. During Brady’s 2004 Super Bowl he didn’t even have a wide receiver over 1,000 yards. The Patriots’ last three first round picks have been defensive players. A lot of Brady’s weapons have been cut, undrafted or overlooked by other teams. A couple of examples are Wes Welker, Danny Woodhead, and Benjarvus Green-Ellis. Some people also say Brady is not a leader, but when one sees him on the sidelines he’s

yelling at his players trying to get them pumped. Brady is also a perfectionist and says he loses sleep when he throws interceptions in practice. Brady’s teammates talk about how hard he works in practice. Bill Belichick, the Patriots head coach, has said that Manning is a great player but there is no other quarterback he would rather have than Brady. The Manning argument is that he has better regular season stats than almost any quarterback who has ever played. Manning also throws the ball for 50 attempts and has had amazing talent surrounding him his entire career. Manning also has a lot of regular season records. Once Brady got Randy Moss, he threw for 50 touchdown passes in one season and also made the Patriots the highest scoring team of all time. Manning’s post-season record is 8-8 and Brady’s is 14-4. Brady may need a haircut but he is one of the best quarterbacks of all time.

Our Side of the Story Spirit Squad

Spirit Squad would just like to say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion; however, it is very upsetting to us to hear people bad mouth our uniforms. Although we understand the diversity of our uniforms at times, those who are not on Spirit Squad need to understand that we do not wear them in a provocative manner. Spirit Squad members try their best on a daily basis to represent Manzano in the best way possible. In the previous issue of the Paw Print, an article was written regarding Spirit Squad’s uniforms. The article stated that Sprit Squad members are allowed to wear whatever they want without consequence. The author of the article also pointed out the fact that Majestix wore an out of dress code uniform at our Cheer and Drill assembly. Majestix did wear a

halter top for the Cheer and Drill assembly, however, we did not wear them around the halls. The only time we are allowed to wear shirts that are out of dress code is at football games, where students are allowed to show their stomachs and wear provocative clothing, as well, and in performances. Immediately after performing, we must change into an indress code uniform. The same rules go for the Cheerleaders. As for the shorts, we are not allowed to roll them more than once and they must be in dress code. We’re sure that some of our Spirit Squad members do not follow these rules; however, it is a rule for us as it is for everyone else. If a Spirit Squad member is caught out of dress code, there will be consequences, not only from the principle, but also from Ms. Vanessa, Spirit

coordinator. Although Spirit Squad was offended by the article written in the last edition of the Paw Print, we appreciate the honesty. Spirit Squad is a very respectable program filled with some very respectable ladies. Every Spirit Squad member attends many events throughout the week including boys and girls soccer, swimming, diving, football, basketball, wrestling, volleyball, baseball, and softball. We are always there to support all of our fellow Monarchs with a smile on our face. We all support everyone and cheer for everyone in everything they do. Spirit Squad is probably one of the most disrespected programs at Manzano. And why? Because of the uniforms we wear at football games and performances? We would just like everyone to see our side of the story.

Editorials No More Stem Cells Karla Maldonado 2012

Stem cell research kills innocent babies, so it should be prohibited in all states of the Union. Scientists, in their labs, are taking stem cells, which are found in a developing fetus, and experimenting with them. These cells haven’t yet developed into what they should: such as heart cells, skin cells, or blood cells. When they are taken from the fetus, it can no longer develop and it dies. These cells are used for cancer patients, but it is not 100% certain how the stem cells will react properly inside the body. People with diseases should donate their own cells to science. Unlike taking stem cells, donating a patient’s cells will not kill the person. Donating their cells will give scientists an opportunity to see how and why cancer, among other diseases, develops. Scientists should use the patient’s cells to find a cure for that person, not take an innocent baby’s cells. When a patient donates his own cells, he will more than likely be alive to see how his cells have helped save his life or some other victim’s life. The baby, whose cells were taken by force, will not have this opportunity. Also, by studying a person’s cells, there is a more likely chance that a cure will be found for more than one patient. Science is not always correct. There are many other ways of studying disease without the innocent having to die for it. People should not be okay when scientists stick a needle into a developing fetus and suck the life out of it. Citizens should think twice about what stem cell research does for a community; it takes a life without a guarantee of saving another.



December 2010

Turning the Clocks Forward for High Schoolers Cloie Logan 2013 I know personally it is hard to get up for school in the mornings, but even scientific research shows that I may not be the only one. High schools should have later start times, because it may very well help to raise attendance, grades, and standardized test scores. Researchers from many universities including the University of Minnesota have conducted such experiments dealing with high school start times, and have made many intriguing findings. First of all, teenage students tend to need from 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep to properly function. Circadian rhythms in the brain make it hard for teens to go to sleep at an early hour, and even harder to wake up at the crack of dawn. “Forced awakening does not appear to reset the circadian rhythm, and school sleep lag is worse for earlier starting schools,” said the study report on start times by the UM. It can be hard for teens to function during the week with such little sleep, which can lead to worse performance on tests and eventually worse grades. “Students who evidence a sleep lag syndrome correspond to those having poorer grades. Causation is not implied here, but the relationship does statistically exist”, said UMN. Perhaps if school just started a mere hour later, test scores and grades would improve, not to mention attendance. A vast majority of attendance issues come from the lack of sleep, and

thus students sleep in too long and are tardy or just decide not to attend at all. It is certainly hard to get up at 6:30 a.m. to get ready for the day, especially when it’s dark outside, warm and cozy in bed, and you’ve stayed up late the three nights before finishing projects and homework, or studying. Studies of late-start schools have shown that students will go to sleep at the same time as with an early-start school, but end up getting at least one whole hour of extra sleep. It may seem an obvious fact, but truly many don’t get the point. Just one more hour of sleep gets us that much closer to keeping up with circadian rhythms, closer to waking up naturally, in which case alertness and sleep lag wouldn’t be an issue. “Our findings document that for the 1990’s adolescents starting school at 7:30 a.m. or before is too early,” said researchers Wolfson and Carskadon in their experiment of 1995. One issue at hand corresponding to this possible solution of hour later start times is the safety of elementary school students being out earlier in the morning. Parents usually are protective over elementary school students (as they should be) and I don’t believe that would change at all if buses left earlier. Many elementary school parents walk their students to the buses, and it may even be easier for them to do so if elementary school started earlier. Because parents will still

leave for work at the same time, being able to walk their children to the bus stop or take them to school will be more possible as they will have more time in the morning. Early start times also affect teachers. Teachers will receive extra time in the morning to prepare for the day, and can even use ideas from the morning news to incorporate into their daily lesson plans. They will be able to tie lessons directly to the present, as well as be more comfortable with preparation and deadlines. If high schools started just one hour later than now, at 8:30 a.m., students would be able to get the full hours of rest they need to function well and stay alert in class. Tardies and attendance issues related to sleeping in could be avoided, increasing attendance and possibly even reduce dropout rates. Grades and test scores could be increased due to the amplified alertness and memory retention effects of improved sleep cycles. Teachers would also feel the positive effects of later start times, and thus, it would be a great change for everyone. Info and quotes from the University of Minnesota (UMN)’s Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI)’s School Start Time Study Final Report Summary.

Don’t Be Scared

Ashley Day 2011


Something I am beginning to regret is being so shy throughout high school. I am realizing now that I am the one holding myself back, no one else. Coming into high school, everything is intimidating. The kids, the school, the staff, the workload, everything is just plain scary, and it doesn’t help that you have crazy, unfamiliar teenage emotions running through your body. All of this combined makes being shy easier than being the outstanding person everyone has in them. For example, almost two months ago, I was interviewing freshmen for an article I wanted to write for this very newspaper. However, as I was searching high and low for freshmen to be in my story, it started to become crystal clear that none of them would talk to me. I circled the entire cafeteria multiple times asking each table if I could interview them, and all I continued to get were “NO’S.” I ended up interviewing my very own brother, who had to be forced by the way, and my cousin. LAME! Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that it seemed like all of these freshmen were just being shy. Even if they aren’t generally shy people, they were scared that talking to the newspaper might be “uncool,” at least that’s my only guess. If you think about it, though, all of the ‘popular’ kids aren’t afraid of looking cool or acting silly. They’re the ones who are the class clowns, and will talk to anyone. Personally, I’m realizing that I shouldn’t have been so shy. For example, I started volunteering at a wildlife rehabilitation center five years ago along with a guy who started the same time I did. He happens to be a lot more outgoing than I, and has gotten to do a lot more stuff there than I have. He’s gotten to go to more exhibits, care for a lot more birds, and he’s made a lot of great connections that will help him in his future career. I, even though I have gotten to experience some really cool stuff, haven’t had as many opportunities as he has. I am just realizing now that if I wouldn’t have stopped myself from being, well, myself, I would have had so many more experiences. I just don’t want you to learn the hard way, like I did. There are only four years of high school, and believe me, they fly by, so don’t hold yourself back because you’ll eventually regret it. I’m not saying to act like a crazy person, or be super immature; just quit being scared.



December 2010

Monarchs Aundre Huynh


Grade: 11th GPA: 4.1 Extracurricular Activity: Wrestling and MESA Key to success: Hardwork and dedication Future plans: Mechanical Engineering Favorite class: AP Calculus

Kathleen Heitzinger Grade: 11th GPA: 4.2 Extracurricular Activity: NHS, Girl Scouts, Track, Sports Medicine Key to Success: Hardwork Future plans: Pediatrician Favorite class: German, Ms. Boni its the best.

Students and Staff of the Month

Athletes Lexi Wylie

Dillon Chavez


Grade: 11th Sport: Swimming How long have you played the sport: 11 years Favorite team or athlete: Ryan Lochte Why is this sport important to you: Swimming is my passion, so it’s how I spend all of my time. Why do you like it: It’s really good exercise. It keeps me in shape.

Grade: 12th Sport: Wrestling How long have you played the sport: 4 years Favorite team or athlete: Steelers Why is this sport important to you: Because it’s become a part of who I am. Why do you like it?: Because it’s a challenge.

Steve Schum

Favorite thing about MHS:The diversity of the students. Favorite High School class: Geometry Free time?: Play with my twin Shih tzu dogs, frame houses, long hikes. Favorite candy: Reese’s Dream car: ‘67 GTO

Kristin Tomany Favorite thing about MHS: I love the diversity. Favorite High School class: Photography Free time?: What is free time, I have a toddler at home. Favorite candy: Haribo Balla Dream car: Mercedes 300 SL

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