October 2010 issue

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Manzano High School

October 2010

What’s With The ID’s?

Volume LI Issue I

Paw Print

Ashley Day ‘11 This is a question many Manzano students have been asking since the middle of summer when they were informed that everyone at MHS must wear their ID’s visibly at all times. According to Ken Tuley, Assistant principal at MHS, there were a few different variables that played into administration’s decision for all persons on campus to wear an ID. “One, the nature of society,” Tuley said. “We felt the need to step up security, and we needed to quickly and easily find a way of doing that.” Tuley explained that the new requirement is for student and teacher safety. There have been a few incidents where the ID’s helped identify individuals who were trespassing. These students caught securities attention because they were not wearing ID’s, and had skateboards. The students turned out to be from a charter school. Tuley described an incident last May when a young person came on campus at lunch time. The kid caught securities attention because he was wearing different clothes than most Manzano students. Security then realized that the kid See IDs Page 3

APS Adds Graduation Requirement Tyler Gallegos ‘12

Manzano students throughout the years. Photo arranged by Cheyanne Herrera.

Happy Birthday Manzano!:

The Standard Based Assessment, commonly known as the SBA, was once a simple assessment of students’ abilities learned in the classroom, and a passing score was not a requirement in order to receive Sean Cairns ‘12 a high school diploma. That has now changed. In order to receive a high school The 2010 school graduation diploma, students must year marks the now also take and pass the SBA fiftieth anniversary of with a score of at least proficient. If Manzano’s opening. students fail to do so, they may still Much has changed in graduate with their class, but will the 50 years since the receive a certificate of completion school was opened, but instead of a diploma. the name and the pride The SBA testing was first have always remained introduced to students in the third the same. grade and testing continues up Manzano was built until senior year. The purpose of on what were then the testing is to see how well along the outskirts of the students are learning, as it relates to city of Albuquerque. the New Mexico teaching standards, Wilson stadium had which are posted in most, if not all, yet to be built and the classrooms. Testing scores are also enrollment was only used to look at how well schools are in the hundreds. The matching up to the standards. school was actually Many students are outraged at this awarded for being built having to take another test in order so frugally. to graduate, and have been unafraid Manzano has seen See SBA Page 2

MHS celebrates its 50th year

Hard work pays off for MHS football See page 5

times, trends, and the city-itself change. “A city is always in motion,” said Patricia Lewis, Manzano yearbook teacher. Lewis went on to explain that as time has progressed the demographic of the school and the adjoining neighborhood have changed. In spite of this change the most teachers agree that the students and their work ethics have not changed. “Those who are going to break the rules are going to, and those

who aren’t, aren’t,” added Lewis. Other teachers share the same sentiment towards the students. “They’re all eager beavers ready to learn,” said Chuck Usmar, MHS English teacher, and long time employee. According to teachers the thing that has changed at Manzano is the campus. “That was huge, kids used to complain about that,” remarked Lewis, talking about when the parking lot

of Wilson stadium was paved. The campus too has seen many changes, the cafeteria, K- hall and the music buildings are all new buildings. “We probably have the best campus in Albuquerque,” said Helen Cortez, Manzano activities director. She went on to call it “junior college like”, because of the courtyard and wide spaces between classes and buildings. The community that sprung up around Manzano as the city of Albuquerque has

Find out how you can save the world on page 4

factored into its longevity. Based on its location, Manzano has a wide range of students from the city, mountains, and other areas in and around the city. The school is, according to Lewis, “cross-cultural.” In addition to the unique cultural demographic of Manzano, the school has always been on the cutting edge of new technologies. Manzano offers many technological

opportunities to students which are not offered at other schools. Examples are mobile labs, Macintosh computers, and many staff members who have intimate understandings of how these technologies work. For the past 50 years Manzano has influenced the lives of its students and been influenced by changing times and trends. The school has seen many major world events since it

Dont be silly, ask Billy! Ask what he thinks of the latest blockbusters! Page 8




October 2010

School News

50 Years Later and Just Like MHS Psycho Is Still Classic Billy Huntsman ‘12

fact that these movies, as well producers, actors and actresses, as numerous others, have all screenwriters, and every other helped to shape society. filmmaker the green light to And few films have broken change the way movies are down taboo barriers quite like made, and these methods, Psycho had. among many others, are still Released in 1960, the film in use today, and they help to took head-on aspects of society create the films that you and I that were hidden away as deep, watch and love. dark secrets of the then-world’s Well, that’s all, folks. prim-and-proper culture. These Happy birthday, Manzano! included murder, promiscuity, theft, voyeurism, crossdressing, schizophrenia, and Check out Page 7 transvestism. Also in the film, for more of Billy’s blood, such as when Mother kills Marion in the shower famous movie with a butcher knife, is seen reviews. in rather generous amounts, in a time-period in which gore wasn’t as welcomed with open MESA Club. Photo courtesy of arms as it is today. Amanda Sims The macabre is also used a sport, but academic as “community give back”, and in a somewhat small dosage, well.” complete twelve sessions of when the viewer discovers Aundre Huynh, an MHS tutoring. Such tutoring can Norman Bates’ mother’s junior and MESA officer, include tutoring a fellow carcass hidden away in the likes MESA because “it’s classmate or receiving fruit cellar; it is her skeleton, a great program and looks academic help. dressed in a night gown. good on a college re’sume.” “MESA prefers students These aspects of this “Joining the club opens a to take a full four years of film, as well as many others, student’s horizons and gives math and science during threatened to make the film a him or her an opportunity high school. Adding one box-office flop, but instead, to become experienced more year of science meets made Psycho a mainstay in in math and science, and the requirements to earn full pop culture, as well as the film interact with guest speakers incentive award points, a world. that work in a professional scholarship, and potentially A trail-blazer, a trendjob from that field, whether a trip to NASA,” said setter, a revolution all in its it would be engineering, Duran. own, Psycho broke the mold architecture, or something MESA gives back of traditional movies and else,” said Duran. to its dedicated members gave numerous directors, Guest speakers appear if they fulfill all of these at least once a semester requirements each year and potentially more often, with scholarships. After explained Duran. “There a student’s first year of are also many field trip involvement in MESA, opportunities, for example they receive over twothe cadaver lab, crime lab, hundred dollars in a closed OMI, the zoo, and other bank account. Each scientifically relevant year of engagement, the places.” money increases until the “The field trips and fourth year, in which the Amanda Sims ‘12 competitions are my favorite scholarship money is over part,” said Huynh. one-thousand dollars. MESA means fields, as well as Savannah Krebsbach, a Sara Hartman, an MHS more than table in students looking for a Spanish; it means a more polished college senior and the MESA club senior not involved in president, reminds students MESA, said, “Yes, if I had chance for a higher, application. that there are requirements known about the scholarship better quality “MESA isn’t just to join MESA and to earn benefits earlier, I would education. for students gifted in the full scholarship benefits. have been more willing to MESA, or math and science,” For example, a student needs join MESA sooner.” Mathematical said Eric Duran, an to attend at minimum of MESA is not only a Engineering MHS teacher and a 18 meetings each year, one club for New Mexico Science sponsor of MESA. high schools. MESA is Achievements, is “It’s for every student available at schools and a club for students who wants to join neighborhoods all over the looking for more an extracurricular United States, and colleges experience in those activity that isn’t just like to see the club on a resume. According to CNN, the jobs that pay the most to a fresh college graduate are in the engineering, math, and science fields. For example, the top paying job is petroleum engineering and the second is chemical engineering. “Colleges love to see MESA on a resume. Grades aren’t the most important thing, extracurricular activities like MESA count too,” said Duran. MESA meets every Thursday in E31 at lunch.

Vacancy, she pulls in and In acknowledgement on ABC. rents a room. Later, enters of Manzano High And, finally, as it School’s fiftieth birthday, always does, we come to one of the most famous scenes in the annals of this article has been the film scene. cinema; the shower scene, dedicated to, first, an And while Swiss overview of the notable Family Robinson was the which caused a ripplefeatures of popular highest-grossing film that effect, making people terrified of staying and culture in the year 1960, year, with an showering in motel rooms and, secondly, a review intake of $40 million, of the film Psycho. it is almost inarguable for years afterward. Now, it’s well-known Many people would that the most memorable that every so often agree that the ‘60’s can film was the second something comes along be summed up in a single highest-grossing film of that is so revolutionary it phrase; rock ‘n’ roll. And 1960; Alfred Hitchcock’s in itself changes the world it all started in 1960. infamous adaptation of forever. As was the case Elvis Presley moved into Psycho, based on the the spotlight of the music book of the same name with Elvis and The Beatles in music, films such as scene by having two top by Robert Bloch. Star Wars, Jurassic Park, singles; “Now or Never” Shot on a budget The Terminator, Pulp and “Are You Lonesome of a little more than Fiction, Titanic, The Lord Tonight”, respectively. $800,000, this film Also with him on the grossed $32 million and of the Rings trilogy, The Matrix trilogy, and Avatar, hit singles charts, were earned four Academy as well as others, without Chubby Checker’s “The Award nominations, Twist”, The Drifters’ including Best Director a doubt changed both the “Save the Last Dance for Hitchcock. The film ways in which films are made today, as well as for Me”, and Johnny follows the story of changed society. Preston’s “Running Marion Crane (Janet Who among us hasn’t Bear”. Leigh) fleeing from her heard the phrase, “I’ll be Also related to music, secretary job in Phoenix back,” or “...And I will The Beatles made their with $40,000 cash strike down upon thee stage debut in Hamburg, from her boss’ client, with great vengeance and Germany, with John, intending to use it to furious anger those who Paul, George, Stu get her boyfriend out of would attempt to poison Sutcliffe on bass, and debt so they could be and destroy my brothers. Pete Best on drums. married. She becomes And you will know my In relation to lost in a rainstorm in television, this year also the Arizona desert, and name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon saw the debut of The seeing in the watery thee,”? Andy Griffith Show on distance the neon Very few, hence the CBS, and The Flintstones of Bates Motel No


From Page 1

to voice their opinions. “I think it’s a test that should be taken seriously, but it shouldn’t decide whether we can graduate with a diploma or a certificate of completion. The test has a purpose of seeing where the school is as a whole, not each student individually. We understand the school is trying to encourage the students to do well on the test, but for them to make the SBA test impact us that much is upsetting,” said MHS junior Melissa Melendez. The SBA is a three day test that is mandatory for juniors to take. Up until this year students just had to pass the NMHSCE to receive their diploma. That test has been replaced with the SBA.This years graduating class is the last class that do not need to pass the SBA. “They shouldn’t make the SBA a test to pass in order to graduate,” said MHS junior Anthony Salcido “Because students learn in different ways and paces of their own. They can’t just cram everything that is needed in our

heads.” One fact about passing the SBA for a diploma that has relieved many of the more worried students, is that students who do not pass the SBA the first time may retake the test multiple times. “I feel that the students, no matter how good, are going to have some difficulties with the test. I have a feeling that too many kids aren’t going to do that well and we’ll have many retakes,” said MHS junior Tyler David. In any case, this is a step up in the education of New Mexico students, and whether students want to or not, they must take this new challenge head on. “Nobody likes taking these tests, but they measure where you are academically,” explained MHS Administrator Susan Arnett. In the long run, the test may help schools better their testing scores. But is it right to force students to pass the SBA to graduate with a diploma, is the question many frustrated students are asking themselves.

More to MESA Than Meets the Eye

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School News

Quest To Show Fest Karena Smestad ‘12



October 2010


41 Years And Still Strong

music for other tourists at the Kimo theater in there. Albuquerque and is a public “It’ll be good to get a event. rest from performing so Prestige is always lacking Sean Cairns ‘12 much,” said Chloe Jew, a in the boy to girl ratio. The It takes a great deal of perseverance sophomore at MHS. choir is always open to new to be a teacher. Teachers are tasked Show Fest is an event boys who want to join. with providing their students with “If we could get some where show choirs from education along with a nurturing all over the state and some more boys it would be learning environment. No teacher at awesome! But everyone out of state get together Manzano High School has been more to compete. Members of is really talented in their committed to this as Mr. Gary Burton. Prestige are excited to own way and we all have Burton, now in his forty-first work hard and do well different characteristics year teaching, has been working at later this year. which brings us together,” Manzano from the very beginning. “It’ll be a great chance said Dominique Rodriguez, Unlike many people who become to see other show choirs a junior at MHS. teachers out of necessity, Burton and draw inspiration from Anyone who has wanted to be a teacher from the start. all of the cool things that questions or would like “ I knew I wanted to be a teacher since Prestige working hard. Photo courtesy of to join Prestige should they integrate into their I was a junior in high school,” Burton Karena Smestad performances. It might be talk to Carla Erickson, the said. be and sing around people I love,” said Estanislao draining, but overall, we’ll Manzano choir director. She In addition, Burton knew he wanted grow from it, emotionally, can be found in her office in Lopez, a senior at MHS. to teach at Manzano. “You get that physically, and mentally,” the music building almost Instead of competing out of state like in past purple in your blood and it doesn’t mix everyday at lunch. stated Jew. years, Prestige is going on the spring trip with well with many other colors,” joked This year’s competition Manzano’s Concert Choir and Band. They are going Burton, “This has always been home.” to go to Washington D.C. in mid April. The students will be held in April Surprisingly, Burton does not think are going to be touring D.C. and playing patriotic that the school has changed much in inspired him to be a music confidence booster. “The all the time he has been there. “The teacher. program really helped young people I work with today, for Music may help with me kind of break out of Cloie Logan ‘13 the most part, are the same as the ones opportunities later in life as my shell,” said Collyer, Just imagine running your I used to work with,” said Burton. He well. “I played solos at most limber fingers down the neck of also remarked that the campus hasn’t “I loved that I was able to changed much either. of the concerts. They a guitar with expertise. It isn’t were so nerve-racking but take skills I had learned and so far away. Many monarchs Burton went to ENMU, calling it a use them in different parts just getting up there and are a part of the guitar program, “good teaching college.” After Burton of my life,” said Collyer, “I doing it makes things so led by the famous Mr.O, got his degree, he taught at Roswell for played campfire songs for much easier.” Students are David Ostrovitz, dedicated to one semester then quickly moved to encouraged to participate girls’ camps, and the girls just Manzano. In fact, Burton would drive introducing students to the joy in the Solo and Ensemble loved it.” of music. through three, to four different school A few of Ostrovitz’s concerts. “In my experience of over 33 districts, just to get to Manzano. friends in the professional Every year a number years, I have found that every The thing that Burton says he business and some former of audacious students student has the skills to play and likes the most are the people of the students have come back to participate in the Allstate enjoy music even if some may Manzano community, whether they are help out with the program. conference at UNM. The be slower to learn than others,” students or just people in general. He Mr. O and guitar program. Photo courtesy auditions are open to “[What is distinct about said Ostrovitz. calls them “my kind of people.” everyone but meant to be the program is]...how he Guitar can enrich or ignite of Christine Romero Burton has been teaching sociology brings in other people like challenging. anyone’s musical ability, and since the early 80’s. He accepted the during class. There are five levels Mr. Ward, Mr. Anthony, and Involvement in there is no experience necessary. job out of selflessness. At the time of guitar to accommodate all creative expression such as John Maestas who are all The program is open to any he was presented with the choice of levels of musicians; beginning, wonderful, so we are able to guitar can be a good lifeand all students with even the either teaching the class, or watching intermediate, advanced, guitar enrichment. Anything can get different viewpoints on the another teacher get fired and have a slightest interest in music. literature, and honors ensemble. music,” said Moorhouse. inspire you. “The program is so great new sociology teacher hired in his This year there are two advanced The next guitar concert is “My mom loved music that anyone who has the will or her stead. Sociology has come to classes when there is usually one and always had something October 11th and 12th in the to do it [play guitar] should be Burton’s favorite subject, but, he because of the heightened interest. on the record player or the PAC, and will feature all of try,” said Shannon Collyer, a enjoys whatever he does. “Mr. O will never hesitate to radio,” said Ostrovitz when the class levels playing a wide graduate of 2000, and former “It’s working with students that I give up some of his time to help asked his inspirations. He variety of tunes from blues to enjoy, it doesn’t matter what we’re guitar student. whoever needs it,” said John is a big supporter of public classical and rock. In the program, a student doing,” said Burton. Burton plans to Moorhouse, a senior and current education, and that is what can use a school guitar anytime continue to teach for as long as he can. guitar student. Over two thirds of at school to practice. The room “I may die right here in this the program’s students continue for MHS senior. writes a referral. If three is open at lunch and after classroom,” he joked. On a more at least two years. Another senior, Casie Baca, referrals are written, then a school for practice, as well as serious note, he said that he will Guitar is also a great selffeels as if the ID’s are not consequence, such as lunch teach as long as he can be a positive “green.” detention, will br given. influence on his students, as soon as “I think it’s not eco-friendly If a student loses his or he is a negative influence is the time because kids are more prone her ID he or she can buy to stop. to losing ID’s when they’re on a new one in the activities was a student from Bernalillo. Burton, has worked for every their lanyards or key chains, so it office. These cost $5 for principal that has led Manzano, he wastes more plastic when it [the underclassmen, and $25 for may also teach the grandchildren on Administration feels that the new ID] could have been saved in a seniors. However, buying a some of his former students. “Now ID’s will help keep the school safer, wallet or purse,” explained Baca. replacement ID does not have that’s scary,” concluded Burton. but Manzano students are split on However, Andazola felt that a punishment. the issue. by wearing the ID’s there is less Something that some “I think it’s really unusual,” of a risk of losing them. students have been doing stated Erika Andazola, a sophomore. Even though the requirement to make wearing the ID’s a “I don’t see the point.” for students and staff to wear more approachable idea, is While some students don’t quite ID’s is new, the requirement has by personalizing it. “I wrote understand the new requirement, been in place for visitors for my name and put a heart on others think it is a safe move. years. the back,” Brianna Reese, “It’s pretty smart because When visitors go to the a sophomore, said as she teachers and principals and cops office to get their visitor ID, flashed her ID. Page dressed know if a person belongs here,” the computer runs their name up her ID with a Hello Kitty commented Ginaveve Pepin. through a database of known sex lanyard. “I think it’s a hassle,” stated offenders. Mr. Tuley wants to thank Katie Page, MHS senior. Page also Photo courtesy of Rachelle If a student forgets their ID, the people who are wearing discussed how she saw the new Redd they can go to the office and get their ID’s. necessity a set back. agree with the requirement at first, a temporary ID. This might be “ I’ve seen a lot of kids get but now she doesn’t mind it. “The free of cost, but it still comes at stopped in the halls for ID checks, only thing that really bothers me a price. Every time a students and all it does is make them late for about it is that if it falls off then Mr. Burton at his best! name goes through the database class.” Photo courtesy of Alysha you have to waste all that money the computer automatically Adri Garcia didn’t completely Landavazo to replace it,” explained Garcia, an This year Prestige, Manzano’s show choir, has a new perspective on competition. They have decided to go to Washington D.C. with Manzano’s Concert Choir and band in the spring and not do an out of state competition. Instead, they have decided to take on Show Fest in Albuquerque near the end of the school year. Prestige works hard throughout the year to perfect their show. They have zero hour at 6:40 AM sharp everyday at school to work on vocals and practice choreography. “I absolutely love waking up in the morning to go to

zero hour. It makes the day a lot better and more productive,” said Gael Hernandez, a junior at MHS. To learn their choreography, they have rehersals on Tuesdays after school and Thursdays at night. The kids basically eat, sleep, and breath choir. “My favorite thing about Prestige is that I get to

Anyone Can Play Guitar


From page 1




PRINT October 2010

Patriarchs Saving the World Purple Alysha Landavazo ‘11 1 Tom at a Time Cheyanne Stories of teen Herrera ‘12 In 2006, American disease themselves. traveler Blake Mycoskie, There is also a partner was in Argentina and saw organization working in that many children there Zimbabwe, providing didn’t have shoes. Wanting shoes to children so they to help, he created TOMS can make the long walk Shoes, a company that to school every day. And would match every pair of there is also a non profit shoes purchased with a pair group in Rwanda, a of new shoes given to a district with more than child in need. 100,000 genocide orphans, He calls it “One for “Even though I don’t One”. The same year like the look of them, I Mycoskie returned to really like the cause,” Argentina with a group of explained senior Janeshia people with 10,000 pairs of Adams. shoes to give to the kids, Many of the shoes thanks to TOMS. TOMS give look similar Many children in to the Classic TOMS you developing countries can buy on the website grow up barefoot, and a and in stores. TOMS has lot of those children end adapted this ‘Classic’ up having either cuts, or shoe to make it more kida soil transmitted disease. friendly and more suited to Children who don’t have the rough terrain in many shoes can’t go to school, of their giving locations. and if they don’t go to These shoes are usually school, they can’t get jobs. black because black TOMS Shoes was shoes are best suited for founded on a simple school uniforms in many motto, “With every pair countries. you purchase, TOMS will “I like all of the give a pair of new shoes different patterns, designs, to a child in need. One for and styles,” explained One.” sophomore Gabby Maes. Mycoskie explains “Plus they’re really that he named the comfortable and the cause shoes “TOMS” because makes it worth it.” he wanted it to be TOMS also gives shoes “tomorrow’s shoes” but that don’t look at all like that was too long, so he the TOMS. They do this so shortened it to TOMS. kids can fit in with what’s “I like that they’re worn locally, or because pretty cheap for buying their partners have told two pairs and that they them that a particular shoe donate a pair to a child in type is better for disease need,” says sophomore prevention, weather, or Amanda Voeks. terrain. TOMS gives partners “I feel like I’m really work around the globe helping someone who in health, education, deserves it and is in need and holistic services for of shoes,” said Maes. children. TOM’s partners If you want more with a health and education information on TOMS, or organization in Guatemala, possibly want to buy some working with hundreds check out their website at of thousands of kids at www.toms.com . risk for Soil Transmitted diseases They also partner with Podo treatment programs in Ethiopia, where children of Podo patients are at high risk for developing the

pregnancy are often about the mother. However, there is an obvious fact that is regularly overlooked; for every teenage mother, there is a father, typically a teenager. People neglect to think about the impact of fatherhood on a teenage boy. At Manzano, there are young mothers and fathers. One young father, Shakill Waites, MHS junior, talks about being a dad. “Before, all I had to worry about was me. Now, I have somebody else’s life in my hands,” Waits said. “It teaches you to learn the responsibilities of adulthood. I gained a lot of

maturity and respect.” A typical teenage boy has free time, has a favorite sport, and goes out on the weekends. This may not be the life of a teenage father. For the most part, those are things they have to give up. “I had to give up sports and friends. All my responsibilities went to my daughter. I didn’t have to give them up; I just had a bigger priority to focus on,” said Cristian Gonzalez, MHS senior. According to the New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition,

teen fathers are much more likely to drop out of high school than non-parent teens. This is mostly because they think it’s their only option to leave school and find work. “I honestly did think about dropping out, just so I could have a job, and make money, so I could buy diapers, and everything she needed, but then, I knew I needed a high school diploma to at least get a decent job,” said Gonzalez, “When I graduate I will be really proud of myself, knowing I did it with a baby.” One out of every 15 males will father a child while in his teens, as stated by the

Cheaper Creepers

Family Education website. “I couldn’t imagine my life as a dad right now, because the burden is too big,” Taylr Woodin, MHS senior, commented on fatherhood. It is no secret; New Mexico has one of the highest teenage birth rates, ranking 2nd in the nation, subsequent to Mississippi of 72 births per 1,000 females, age’s 1519. In 2007, New Mexico had a teen birth rate of 66 births per 1,000 females. This was much higher than the overall United States teen birth rate of 43 births per 1,000 females.

Monica Martinez ‘11 It’s near Halloween, prices range anywhere and everyone is getting in from .99 cents to $6.99. the spirit. From the tasty These prices are almost Halloween food to the unbeatable. scary decorations inside When it comes to the and outside one’s house, actual groceries, Smith’s things can get expensive. usually has competitive Now that the economy has prices. If you need some hit a low point, Halloween party food , this would be of 2010 is going on a the best place to go. budget. For decor, the place to go The best places to is Dollar Tree. They have go shopping, are where the most affordable table discounts are plentiful.. Every year people get ready for Halloween, but now many have the cost in mind. This year forget the pricey cost because there are tons ofe fun and spooky ideas for less. First, there is the food to think about. With all the scrumptious little critters to make, or the delectable eye ball stews to eat, the options are endless. One of the best places to get ideas, and the food to go with them, is Smith’s Grocery Photo courtesy of Ashley Day store. ‘’Every Year we clear a whole section out just for deals on the Halloween goodies,’’ said Carlos Maestas, Smith’s employee. The candy

New Mexico: • • • • •

• •

October Events

Balloon Fiesta--Oct. 2-10th, Albquerque New Mexico Culinary Tour--Oct. 16-22nd, various NM cities Duke City Marathon--Oct. 17th, Albuquerque Santa Fe Independent Film Fest--Oct. 19-24th, Santa Fe Godsmack Concert--Oct. 26th, Rio Rancho

Worldwide: • • •

wear. ‘’Of course, everything is a dollar,’’ said Irene Jaramillo, a Dollar Tree cashier. During the Halloween season, the store usually has decorative table wear, so all you have to do is buy and it’s ready to go. Many other items are also printed with Halloween designs. With every thing costing a dollar, Dollar Tree’s prices can’t be beat. Finally, outdoor decorations can be really expensive, but not if one knows where to go.. Target is the place to go. The price range of items for basic decor usually ranges from $4.99 to $49.99. From the tall standing grave digger to the 10’’ black crow, Target has some of the spookiest props for great deals. They also have affordable costumes for all ages. Unlike going to Party City and paying large amounts for a fake dismembered hand, you can go to Target and get it for $7.99. Not only are the props good, but they are cheap and will creep out guests. Halloween is always fun, and with these suggestions, may now be more affordable.

50 Years

From Page 1 was opened. More recent ones include, 9/11, the economic recession, and earthquake in Haiti last year. Before that the school was around to observe, the end of the Cold War, The Vietnam War, The Fall of Sadam Hussein, the assination of John F. Kennedy, along with countless others. Even in the face of all this strife, the school has remained resolute on its quest to benefit the community around it and the country which it serves. When a disaster strikes the community or the world Manzano’s students and staff are there to lend aid in whatever way they can. Many of the beneficial projects are headed by Manzano activities director, Helen Cortez. Cortez, now in her tenth year as activities director, calls Manzano “ a giving community.” She remembers the project for 9/11, entitled “United We Stand,” very well. The program raised over nine thousand dollars for the cause. One of the reasons that Manzano has changed so much is because of the team of administrators that have lead the school over the span of the past 50 years. According to Usmar, Tim Wayland was responsible for the majority of major changes to the campus. Manzano has had such longevity because all the students and staff are eager to give back to their school. At carnivals and other fundraisers nearly every student lead organization is selling its wares. All of the proceeds, in one way or another, make it back into Manzano. The growing and changing of the city may also have a negative effect on the school. As the cities demographic changes, more and more violent an gang related activity is making its way towards Manzano. The Manzano community may ultimately be at risk from outside influences. Influences may change with the times, but a good education will never change, a policy Manzano has lived up to for the past fifty years.

Disturbed Concert--Oct. 28th, Syracuse, New York BFI London Film Festival--Oct. 22-23rd, London, UK UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Velasquez--Oct. 23rd, Anaheim, California Lady Gaga Concert--Oct. 22-23rd, Paris, France Big Bear Horror Film Festival--Oct. 15-17th, Big Bear Lake, California Manzano football team practices in 1973. Photo courtesy of MHS Yearbook




October 2010

Mental Toughness, Extra Effort Manzano football behind the scenes Down, Set, Blue 42, set, Hike! Touchdown! And the Monarchs win the game! This is what most people see when they watch a football game, but what about all the work and preparation that goes into playing those 60 minutes of football? The Manzano Monarch football team usually goes through 4 to 5 days of intense physical and mental practice just for one game. These practices consist of many drills and walkthroughs simulating what events might occur during the game depending on the opposing team. “I enjoy the intensity and competition between offense and defense during our team sessions,” said Austin Tidwell, senior tight end. Team session is a drill where both offense and defense, play a series of downs while one side, either offense or defense simulates plays from the team that will be played that week. “Practices are put together by first formulating a game plan,” said Aaron Ocampo, varsity head coach. “Based on what we see off of a film tape of another team that’s what we will usually include in the drills” The practice schedule for the Monarchs begins once the last season ends. The team will practice from late spring all the way through to early winter. During this time the team will practice and play through many types of weather. This may, for some people, determine how enjoyable the days practice will be. “Depending on how hot it is I enjoy practices,” joked Ocampo Drills aren’t the only things that lead up preparing for a game. The team has many traditions and rituals that it goes through the day

Max Alaniz ‘11

field,” said Rojo. After the ‘Lie Down’ session each member of the team takes a place in front of a mirror that encircles the weight room for the traditional “Man in the Mirror” poem read by Ocampo. The poem symbolizes how no matter what you struggle through or accomplish in life the main person you must prove your worth to is yourself. “I first read the poem when we played against St. Pius in 2004,” said Ocampo, “I’ve made it our tradition since then.” After the poem is done, the team then forms a huddle around a select player who then proceeds to lead the team in the “hold the rope” chant. The speaker starts with “I will” followed by “hold the rope” from the rest of the team. This continues three times. The speaker switches “I will” to “we will” for another three times. “I like the ‘hold the rope’ chant, it shows that each guy has his teammates’ back,” said Tidwell. For the people that don’t know “holding the rope” is a symbol of being there for one another no matter how tough times are. “Imagine that you are hanging off the side of a cliff with a 100 foot drop,” explained Ocampo, “You are hanging on one end of a rope and you can pick one person, you know to hold the other end and let the rope burn and cut into their hands as they pull you to safety. If you can think of one or two Monarch football players at practice. Photo courtesy of Cheyanne Herrera people you would choose, that’s not good enough because they might not except for the necessities. be around. When you can look around Another tradition that the team performs is a ‘lie down’ session. the room at your teammates and know ‘Lie down’ is a time where the whole varsity team literally lays down in the school’s weight that each one of them will hold the room with the lights off. Assistant varsity coach Chad Adcox then proceeds to read a speech rope for you, that’s when you know talking about mentally preparing yourself for the upcoming game, such as picturing yourself you have a great team.” playing in the game and making all the right moves and decisions. The football team hopes that all this “I think Lie Down is important because not only is it tradition but it helps you keep ready hard work will translate to success on for the game,” said senior defensive end Nick Rojo. game day. Adcox’s speech shows that the mental aspect of the game is just as important as the physical aspect.. “It gets your mind straight and focused on the business your about to go handle on the before the game. You won’t hear any of the usual yelling on the day before the game. The last practice right before game day is known to the players and coaching staff as “Silent Practice”. “Silent Practice was something we used to do in college,” explained Ocampo, “It mentally prepares the players for the upcoming game.” Silent practice consist of nearly the same drills and exercises as any other practice, but as you might have figured out, the practice is completely silent with no one saying anything

Cross Country Culture Meralyn Werner ‘11 Not many students at Manzano know the full story behind the school’s cross country team, or “XC” team, and those who do know about it call them “crazy for doing it,” and wonder how they can run so far. Every day after school, the cross country kids all pile into the upperclassmans’ cars to drive off to the workout location of the day. Everyone is talking, listening to music, and asking what everyone else is doing the next weekend. Despite the hard work, they come back day after day, year after year. “The feeling of accomplishment and having the ability to overcome the hard work to make yourself a better runner,” is what Connor Morrison, a senior at Manzano, said inspires him to run. Most Manzano runners say that running a race is one of the most nerve-wracking and exhilarating things they have done. Before the race, team


members warm up together and huddle at the starting line. After running the race, the recovery process takes time. However, once complete, runners feel stronger than ever. The members of the team become like a family, and spending time with each other becomes the highlight of the week. Jeremy Vehar, the coach, is always working hard to improve the team. The inspiration for Vehar comes from the runners. “ (I’m inspired by) how much work they’re able to put in, how much pain they’re willing to endure, and how they’re able to take that same level of commitment and apply it to other areas of their lives,” said Vehar. Many of the veteran runners said that the people on the team and Coach Vehar inspired them to work harder at practice, and become more mature and friendly. “Cross Country freshmen tend to mature at a much faster rate because I know they have excellent role models,” said

Athletic Programs Suffer Budget Cuts

Danny Baker III ‘11 also receiving by the cuts. Some of We all know that it because I love game cuts to the these athletes don’t APS has a huge Varsity and JV even know that there basketball and Vehar. budget shortage this working with young teams. are cuts to sports. Not only do the year. Sports are just athletes.” “It’s affecting “It really doesn’t runners provide one of the many my scoring affect the players, This year plenty leadership, but so do areas feeling the average,” I think” explained of sports are getting the three coaches. burn. joked Michael Kevin Reaves, an the number of In addition to Vehar, The cuts affect Holyfield, an MHS senior and scheduled games Kelly MacDonald and all aspects of sports, cut because of MHS senior and football player. Stephen Kraw are also including the The cuts were the budget crisis. varsity Basketball on the coaching staff, coaches. player. implemented this Baseball is one of and dedicate their time Coaches receive the many being Football year, but next year’s to the team. a teachers pay and a affected. is also being athletes will feel “The coaches care coaches pay, called affected by them even more. “I wish they about you, and you’re a stipend. This year didn’t cut our the budget Next year the outable to push yourself the coach’s stipend already short shortage. The of-city games will more than you think is being cut by 15%. season. I’m a senior booster program be either depleted or you could because of “I feel coaches kept to a minimum. and this could be now has more it,” said Alex Gordon, a are underpaid,” responsibilities. The sports the last year I play sophomore at Manzano. explained Travis MHS athletes allocations for new baseball,” related The best part of Julian, the MHS will all be uniforms could also Troy Rogers, an being on the team for basketball coach. affected in some be cut. MHS senior and many runners is the “I never will do it way or another baseball player. friends they make. for the money, I do Basketball is Many runners say that it is almost impossible says “I would go back to visit the team to quit cross country until the people I knew had graduated because the team because running has become a huge becomes so close. part of my life, and I wouldn’t want to “The team feels more like a family than let go of it.” This year there are 12 varsity friends,” said Gordon. runners and the season concludes in Rachel Bean, a early November. senior on the team, XC meet at Embudo Hills Photo courtesy of Cheyanne Herrera



October 2010

The Guilded Age

Christine Romero ‘11

Whether you enjoy producing your own films, or simply watching them, The Guild Cinema of Nob Hill offers the best of both worlds. The diverse cinema is home to an array of documentaries, independent, foreign, local, and classic films. “Our programming consists of movies not seen elsewhere. We’re selective and eclectic for a single screen art house media open year round with neighborhood and community minded movies,” said Keif Henley, owner of The Guild. With the film industry rapidly evolving in New Mexico, along with drama and film-making being high school electives, it helps to know that The Guild makes the opportunity available for local artists to submit work for the chance to play on the

Fright Farm


the entire cinema for private viewings. “Patricio Freire (Mr.P) and I have started the film and animation [group] and one of our goals is getting local work distributed. It would be great if we could get a local high school showing,” said MHS digital film production and economics

silver screen. “We’re open to screening local work. We’ve showed films from Jefferson Middle School and MACCS, the Media Arts Collaborative Charter School,” said Henley. After taking film criticism last year, MHS sophomore Kylie Pepe has garnered a deeper interest for the film industry, and enjoys the idea of producing and exhibiting her own film to Albuquerque locals. “It would be a good opportunity to show [my] creativity and show what I can do,” said Pepe. Perhaps there is hesitancy to showcase personal work to an entire audience of strangers and movie gurus? No worries, The Guild also offers the chance for one to rent Photo courtesy of Christine Romero

the State Highway walk through the haunted Department destroyed corn maze, or a ten half of Mr. McCall’s minute walk through of family land. the Haunted Barn. For What do a 16 acre It was rumored one admission the cost corn maze, flashlights, McCall went insane is $13. If one is brave a mysterious barn, and and his wife and enough, they can check goosebumps all lead children went missing. out both for $19. up to? Three words; Although there was But that’s not all they McCall’s Haunted Farm. no evidence that have to offer. There are This tricky place McCall killed his food venues serving in Moriarity, less than family, years went delicious kettle corn, an hur away from by and more rumors coffee, hot chocolate, Albuquerque. Those came along of missing popcorn, and many other who are familiar with tourists who broke choices. the pumpkin patch, will down driving near the “The Haunted Barn know the location, but farm. Finally, local is the scariest haunted some may be surprised officials searched the house I’ve ever been to by the terrifying screams farm for Mr. McCall and it’s 10 times better as the sun goes down. and his family after no than the cheap haunted “Last year, me and one had seen or heard houses at the malls,” a few friends went to from them in months. explained Jose Reyes, the haunted farm and it Their worst fears MHS senior. was so scary my friend’s were realized when McCall’s Haunted boyfriend chickened they found skeletal Farm is open on Fridays out and didn’t go in,” remains of not only and Saturdays, the explained Tiffany many missing tourists, entire month of October. Martinez, a former MHS but the graves of Mrs. Ticket sales start at 6 student. McCall and her 4 pm and end at 10 pm. So the same question children. VIP admission is only an everyone wants to know; “I have always extra $10 for front of the “why do people come out heard about how line access. with goose bumps and haunted that barn is Patrons shouldn’t unforgettable stories?” but I’m finally going forget flashlights and a Rumor has it, the this year to check it couple of friends because McCall family has owned out and I can’t wait!” some claim to see Mr. that land for centuries. explained Caitlin McCall walking the They farmed land and Casper, an MHS fields at night, carrying raised livestock for their junior. on his gruesome work. butcher shop. Legend A visitor has two Happy Halloween! has it that in the 1970’s, choices; a ten minute


teacher, Dave Roberts. No need to be a film producer to be graced by The Guild’s marvels. Bring a valid student ID (Aha, they do have a purpose!) for the admission price of $5. Indeed, entertainment does still come at a reasonable price. Be sure to feast all filmloving eyes on this month’s features. On October 8-14, the 8th Annual Southwest Gay & Lesbian Film Festival makes its way through The Guild. “The festival is about gay, lesbian, and transgender culture via drama, comedy, and documentaries. The title pretty much says it all,” said Henley. Not only is it the only event of its kind, but also one of the state’s most extensive film festivals. Henry Chalfant’s Style Wars comes to the screen in October as part of Street Arts by 516 Arts and the ACLU of NM. “Style Wars gives you a sense of history

where certain things came double feature explores the from. It’s about people scene behind music sampling expressing themselves in and the rise of hip-hop from public places,” explained the roots of New York, to the Henley. billion-dollar industry today. Style Wars is a For football fans, documentary celebrating October 16-17 is dedicated New York street culture to the documentary Cruces of the ‘80s and the radical Divided, a screening on the growth of underground football rivalry between graffiti artists and free Mayfield and Las Cruces expressionists. since 1967. “Albuquerque has October 22-23 Burning its own story of Style Paradise and Skeleton Wars; I’d like to see that Farm present Halloween story, that type of story Horrorshow. This tribute to becomes universal,” said Halloween is a cascade of Henley. (Hint, Hint graffiti horror antics dating back to artisans!) Director Henry 1968. Chalfant will appear in “[They’re] really great person at the event. about researching oddball “We have many stuff, things you’ve never directors coming through, seen before. Fun, grueling, Peter Riegert of the and twisted stuff for all Sopranos came by with his things Halloween related,” film, the director of Repo! said Henley, who by the The Genetic Opera, and semblance of his “CLOWNS Bruce Campbell,” said EAT PEOPLE” graphic tee, Henley. fancies a bit of Halloween Oct 15 & 16 Street Arts lunacy himself. presents its double feature The Guild is located of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s on 3405 Central Ave. NE, The Radiant Child, and in Nob Hill. For more Benjamin Franzen’s information on exact movie. Copyright Criminals. The

Erika Sanchez ‘11

If You’re Going To LOOK Like A Celebrity for your School Dance,

You Should TAN Like One Too!

Make The Smart Choice To Look Your Best with: SPECIALS Mystic Spray Special (Mention AD and come in with 4 or more at the exact same time and receive $19 Mystic) Good at all 3 salons Eastside 5555 Montgomery Boulevard NE #15 @ San Pedro & Montgomery (505) 883-8090

Rio Rancho 111 Rio Rancho Blvd #107 Highway 528 & Rockaway Blvd. (505) 899-5205

Westside 9370 Coors Blvd. NW, #300 Just North of Paseo Del Norte (505) 897-7520

Entertainment A Mid Summer Dream Movie Billy Huntsman ‘12 Summer movies. Ah, two words meant for each other, like “Leo” and “Kate”, “Brad” and “Angelina”, “Inglorious” and “Basterds”. It’s a well-known fact, among film industries and film-goers alike; most bigbudget, in-your-face, rock’em-and-sock-’em movies with big, fiery explosions come out during the summer--The Dark Knight, Transformers, Iron Man, The Expendables, The Last Airbender, The A-Team, Spider-Man, Pirates of the Caribbean, and thousands more have all come out during the summer--Avatar was just a weird statistic. And why do these type of movies come out during the summer? Because that’s when children and teenagers are let out of school, and those are the main audiences that like to see things explode. Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, doesn’t exactly fit into the same category as the movies listed previously. Because while this movie is a big-budget--$160 million--and it does have an attractive cast, and, yes, it does have whiteknuckler, edge-of-your-seat, any-other-cliché-you-can-

think-of sequences of action, this movie has more depth than most other summer movies. An explanation; the main premise of the movie is that Dicaprio’s character--Dom Cobb--is a professional thief who specializes in the infiltrating of people’s dreams to extract their secrets, hence his job title, “the Extractor”. Cobb teams up with the Point Man, Arthur, portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, whose responsibilities include the researching of Cobb’s and his targets. Near the beginning of the film we are introduced to the film’s main storyline; Mr. Saito, played by Ken Watanbe, hires both Cobb and Arthur to put together an inception team to infiltrate the mind of Robert Fischer, played by Cillian Murphy, son of Saito’s business arch-rival, Maurice Fischer (Pete Postlethwaite) who is terminally ill. Saito wants Robert to split apart his father’s energy empire in order to make lesscompetition for Saito’s company, hence his hiring of Cobb and his team. At first reluctant, Saito promises the America-exiled Cobb

Don’t Eat my Face




October 2010 a clean record after the job is finished, so that Dom may return to his home and see his children. In order to implant this idea within Fischer’s mind, Cobb and his team, which includes, as well as Arthur; the Architect, Ariadne, (Ellen Page), who builds the world of the dream; the Forger, Eames, (Tom Hardy), who can turn into different people within dreams in order to manipulate the dreamer; the Chemist, Yusuf, (Dileep Rao), who concocts the drugs needed to maintain the extended sleep for the dreams. And as the story goes on, and Cobb’s team delves deeper into Fischer’s dreams, he discovers that he himself is actually sabotaging his team unconsciously, due to his constant digging-up memories of him and his deceased wife, Mal, (Marion Cotillard), the main antagonist. The reason why Mal is dead? I won’t ruin it for you, but Dom is accused of murdering her, thus his America-banishment. And as the mission continues, the viewer is forced to ask him or herself whether Cobb’s wife will prove to be the ultimate detriment to the team and

mother, Julie, (portrayed by Elisabeth Shue) is the sheriff of the town, and instead of babysitting his Billy Huntsman ‘12 young brother and sister, as It’s strange; every once man-eater, out in the middle he was asked to do by his in a while, a movie comes of Lake Victoria’s namesake, mother, because she has to along that is so bad, it’s fishing for bass. The opening do security for the town, as good. So rarely does such scene then turns disastrous; the Lake Victoria has turned into a movie come around that bedrock of the lake is split in an outdoor Playboy business none comes to my mind half when an earthquake hits, meeting, Jake takes off to immediately. But Piranha causing a whirlpool to ensue. join the celebration on the 3D, a remake of the 1978 Boyd’s little fishing dinghy docks of the lake. There, he film of the same name is rocked, which throws him reluctantly takes the job of minus the “3D”, is one such into the water, where he is then tour guide for pornographic movie. promptly and viciously torn to film director Derrick Jones Now, make no mistake; pieces by a school of ancient (played by Jerry O’Connell), Piranha 3D is a terrible and off go Jake, Jones, two movie, without a doubt the of Jones’ actresses, as well worst of this year, the worst as Jake’s long-time crush, movie I’ve seen in quite a Kelly, (Jessica Szohr) who while, and one of the worst was asked to come along by films ever made. To believe Jones. that any film company And then, in comes the would fund such a horrible carnage, and out goes any movie is amazing to me, sense of a movie with and to believe that actors depth. The piranhas crash and actresses who were the party, killing and eating once respectable have sunk the college students without so low as to star in this film discrimination, and together is even more amazing. with his mother and her But before the defense deputy (Pulp Fiction’s as to why the film is good, Ving Rhames), Jake and let’s do a quick synopsis; his companions must find Piranha 3D is a monstera way to save the town of film, (a.k.a. a man-eater), Lake Victoria, before it is Photo Coutresy of Yoselin Torres hence the name. And for completely conquered by piranhas. the most part, the film is fish. From there, we enter into the no different than the other As I never lie about these hundred-million man-eaters main storyline; spring break type of things, Piranha 3D out on rental shelves; taking in Lake Victoria, which of is bad. No, wait; to only course means drugs, booze, place in Lake Victoria, call this film bad, would boats, and college kids, all with be to call Dina Lohan a Arizona, the film opens the morals of Mötley Crüe. with fisherman Matthew bad mother--it’s true, no Boyd, portrayed by Richard The main protagonist is Jake doubt, but there’s so much Forester, portrayed by grandson more there. The movie is Dreyfuss, who gained of Steve McQueen, Steven worldwide-recognition tasteless, tacky, poorly acted R. McQueen. In the film, his in 1977’s Jaws, another --I‘ve seen soap-operas with

destroy the entire mission. The film also stars, in minor roles, Tom Berenger as Peter Browning, Robert Fischer’s godfather; as well as Michael Caine as Miles, Cobb’s father-inlaw, Mal’s father, who believes Cobb is innocent of Mal’s death. So is the movie any good? Quite. Just because it’s deep does not make it a bad movie. It’s exciting, it’s thought-provoking. It has great acting by all actors and actresses, and more often than not I found myself chewing my thumbnail down to the nub I was so nervous for the characters. What makes this movie good is that due to its length, which is around two and a half hours, and due to the acting by the entire cast, you, as a viewer, become invested in the lives of all these people, and you genuinely start to care for and worry about them. Throw all that in along with the unbelievable scenes of action, and you have a super-charged, high-

better acting--directed poorly--Uwe Boll and Ed Wood are Tarantinos compared to this film’s director, Alexandre Aja--it has terrible special effects, the storyline is pathetic-the ingredients list on a water bottle is, at times, more entertaining--and in some cases, it’s downright pornographic. All these things I believe to be what is, and always has been, the detriments of horror movies. However, no man-eater ever won the Academy Award for Best Picture, and because of that, they cannot be held to that standard. And being the optimist I am, I always try to find the positives in movies. And if there is one thing Piranha 3D does very well, it’s kill the people in it. Although terrible, it’s one of the most-violent movies I’ve ever seen. And I likes me some violence. And that’s why the movie is, in a sense, good. When blood and guts and body limbs and flesh are frivolously torn, ripped, bitten, yanked, sprayed, splattered, and thrown about like so much confetti, it’s hard not to slip into that endorphininduced degenerative state, where you realize that if you wrestle a pig in mud long enough, the pig

octane, Academy-Award-bound film. The film was directed by Christopher Nolan. Okay, so that probably means nothing to you, but its significance lies in the fact that Nolan was the director of The Dark Knight. Mean anything to you now? Probably not, still. Anyhow, you may find yourself, as you leave the theater and drive to McDonald’s to play in the ball-pit, yearning to see the movie

Photo courtesy of Google again. God knows, I did. I saw it four times, and each time I was just as submerged with the characters and story and action as I was the first time. And for a summer movie to have that type of “watch-ability” without becoming redundant is truly something spectacular. In any case, Inception is one heck of a movie that should be the standard to which all other summer movies are compared, and well worth the watch, numerous as they’ll be.

actually likes it. And such was I, laughing and clapping and shouting, “More, more!” as I was giggling like a schoolgirl and watching these poor people mercilessly turn on the circle of life. And with each chomp of the piranhas’ sharp teeth, I found myself, while mentally composing the elements of this article, to be as happy as a lark. Now, because this movie was, indeed, god-awful, I would be an idiot to have paid $15 to see it in 3-D. And I didn’t. The film played in 3-D at Century Rio 24, but at Four Hills, it played in 2-D. And if you did see it 3-D, I can’t imagine that the film was any better, and I’m sorry this article didn’t come out sooner. In any case, the film is worth the watch only once it’s in the 49¢ discount bin at your local Hastings, and even then, you’re doing the film a favor.

October Film Releases • • • • • • • • • •

Let Me In--Oct. 1st The Social Network--Oct. 1st Case 39--Oct. 1st Secretariat Oct. Secretariat-8th My Soul to Take-Oct. 8th Buried Oct. 8th Buried-Red Oct. 15th Red-Hereafter--Oct. 22nd Paranormal Activity 2--Oct. 22nd Saw 3D--Oct. 29th




Connor Morrison Grade: 12 GPA: 3.9 Extracurricuar Activity: Track and Cross Country Key to Success: Doing what makes you happy. Future Plans: Run track in college

Savannah Krebsbach Grade: 12 GPA: 4.5 Extracurricular Activity: Swimming, MESA, Ochestra, NHS Key to Success: Keeping your priorities straight while having fun. Future Plans: Become a doctor


October 2010

Students and Happenings Staff


Wendy Parker

Chris Lowance

Favorite thing about MHS: The kids Favorite High School class: English, I was a bookworm. Free time?: I attend a lot of sporting events for my kids, or I garden. Favorite candy: Gummy bears Favorite thing about working at MHS: My co-workers, and knowing what’s going on.

Grade: 10th Sport: Bowling How long have you played sport: This is my second year. Favorite athlete or team: The Broncos Why is this sport important to you: When I get a strike I feel excited. Favorite class: Woodshop

Caroline Lewiecki

Anthony Kilby

Grade: 12th Sport: Cross country How long have you played sport: 4 years Favorite athlete or team: Steve Prefontaine Why is this sport important to you: It’s a challenge and makes you push yourself. Favorite class: English

Favorite thing about MHS: Working with the students. Favorite High School class: Weight Lifting Free time?: Coach freshman football, work on cars, wrestling. Favorite candy: Reese’s Pieces Favorite thing about working at MHS: Getting to work with the specialed kids because they’re not highly recognized.

Remember When Manzano Celebrated 2010 Homecoming

of the year at MHS students have fun and the court and this year’s members march in and the event lived up to the crowning and the energy level Katelyn Swain ‘12 hype. from the MHS students,” Cortez time with fellow classmates, until it ‘Remembering When’ was the stated. came to an end at midnight. theme for the 2010 Homecoming The Homecoming game and The beautiful set up and and it was an event that Manzano the dance was just a slice of the decorations were all thanks to students are sure to never forget. whole event. “One of the hardest Another fantastic Homecoming Activities Director, Helen Cortez and parts of putting Homecoming the members of Student Senate who experience took place for the together is remembering all of worked from early in the morning MHS community this year. The the numerous details,” Cortez until the late afternoon. It was dj’ed 1960’s themed festivities began on explained by Cutmaster Music. September 9th and carried on until Every day of the week was The Homecoming game was a the night of the dance on September assigned a theme including victory for MHS in a close game 11th, creating an excellent and “Twin Day,” and “Dress Your against Artesia High School. The final Best Day,” and of course, “MHS thrilling experience for many score was 42-38. students and some staff members. Pride Day.” “Homecoming games are a little The Homecoming court consisted Many students and staff more exciting because there’s always members participated in the of deserving seniors all eager for a bigger crowd,” Coach Ocampo the crowning. The Homecoming themes, creating different stated. King crown was handed down to environments on campus for Photo Courtesy of Yearbook The Coronation Assembly Kevin Reaves and the Queen was every day. Mrs. Carroll introduces was held in the gym on Thursday, Kymbria Fox. The two Prince The auctioning of the court Cornation Assembly September 9. It was a stunning were Louis Nutall and Jaewun members took place throughout scene filled with 1950s decorations, Yoo, accompanied on stage by the the whole week during lunch. humorous skits from MHS students, Princesses, Ernestine Frank and The money was donated to and a video of pictures from MHS Brittany Harada. ARCA. students in the 1950s and now. The dance was a huge success. Homecoming is a special time When it began at 8:00 that evening, As always at the Coronation was the heart-warming walk of the over 1000 students gathered in the MHS plaza to dance, hang out with Homecoming Court. “The best part is watching the You always hear contradicting opinions about the latest friends, and have an unforgettable blockbuster. So how do you decide if it’s worth your time and money? You watch a movie and don’t understand a minute of it. Ask Billy! He is the solution. Write your questions and drop them off in room K212. You can also read a monthly movie review by Billy on the entertainment page.

Don’t Be Silly Ask Billy

Homecoming MC’s host 2010 Homecoming Coronation Photo Courtesy of Yearbook

Q: “What do you think about The Butterfly Effect?”-Alysha Landavazo A: “I liked Butterfly Effect. It’s not my favorite movie, but still good. Very trippy, introspective, deep, makes you think a lot, and I have to respect a film like that. It’s a very smart movie, with good acting, a good script, intelligent directing, just very well put together.”-Billy According to Billy’s rating system Butterfly Effect falls under the category of : *Netflix Suggested I Might Like It (Bearable)

Contact Information: Advisor: Matt Kraus Editor-In-Chief: Feliz Munoz Phone: 559-5904 E-mail: manzanopawprint@ yahoo.com

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