ideas and assumption moving toward Circular Agromomy" . The Foundation Criteria of Circular Agronomy By Paolo Manzelli <egocreanet2012@gmail.com> ; http://www.edscuola.it/lre.html “Circular Agronomy” is an advancement of Agricultural sector of research&innovation, integrated with modern Ecological-Economics (or eco-economics), So that Circular Agronomy refers to a trans/disciplinary complex field of research and innovation in agro-food production that aims to overcome the state of the art of the old disciplinary and linear approaches of both Agriculture and Economics sciences, to focus the waste prevention by addressing the new interdependence and co/evolution to a common development of social economies and natural systems, into a unified goal of eco-economics new growth. So that Circular Agronomy will be based on a circular approach focused to “zero waste” releasing on the environment and to minimize the pollution of natural resources over the contemporary times of thecontemporary structural agro/food safety crisis. Circular Agronomy methods draw on ecological circular relationships among natural resources for improving new agronomic practices and cultivation methods by advancing the old scientific and farmers knowledge, linearly focused on implementing agro/food marketing. Circular Agronomy agenda would transform the linear -analytical dynamics of Agro-food system development through supporting new empowerment strategies on circular waste reuse as an alternative the dominant productivist agro-food traditional regime. CIRCULAR AGROMOMY goals and transformative and trans/disciplinary potentials A transformative role for “Circular Agronomy” strongly depends on entangling trans/disciplinary knowledge, interdisciplinary agricultural practices and social and cultural movements while recognizing their mutual dependence. “Circular Agronomy” have become a central concept of zero waste release in the environment as an innovative application of eco-economics science to the study of a modernized agriculture design and management for a sustainable future of no more polluting agro-food ecosystems. “Circular Agronomy” would optimize the historical principles of agro/ecology.” Agroecology”, historically has been defined as the application of ecology to agricultural systems and it is oriented to improve the balance nutrient flows, minimize the use of non-renewable external resources (fertilizers, pesticides, and fuel), maximize the use of renewable resources (solar energy, biomass, and hydro-power), enhance genetic diversity, and promote ecological processes and services for reducing greenhouse gases, and avoiding land filing an incineration of agricultural waste. The difference of “Circular Agronomy” to “Agroecology”, consist in moving beyond the field or agro/ecosystems scales towards a larger focus on the whole food system in the contest of a new strategic eco/economic social-policy. The “Circular Agronomy” may be defined as the development of a new thinking design of agrofood production focused on “No waste” generation. Thus the new “Circular Agronomy” may overcome any previous "continuous progress " (i.e. "evolutionary") approach. As a matter of facts “Circular Agronomy” mission is based on going beyond a obsolete linear economy of production looking forward to improve a disruptive or transformative innovation in order to realize future factories of networking food production, and distribution and consumption, that circularly do not produce any wastes and minimize the pollution of natural resources. This broader perspective, based on a disruptive innovation in eco/economy and technology, thus helps to create new values of social collaborative glocal networking, that eventually disrupts an existing old market and also the obsolete traditional marketing values. Typically the new approach will be made by new thinking design of agrofood production and disseminating of new transdisciplinary ideas and assumption, moving toward to implement world/wide “Circular Agromomy" principles , and by facilitating stakeholders links with farmer organizations, consumer-citizen groups and social movements to support alternatives against to the dominant linear productivist agro-food regime. In conclusion “Circular Agronomy” will be a responsible rethinking of “Agroecology” looking to avoid the previous conditions of mismanagenent of economy, that permits to agricultural production to increase food production folowing to a linear economics modality of business . This linearity in economy of the traditional Agrofood prodution is the principal cause of a low food access of people to food so that the agro-food productivity on a global scale become today to enrich its limits, caused by the consumism and the exponential growing of waste in rich countries that become a dire problem in much of the developing world by exposing to an increasingly dense populations to illnesses and cancer. The reductionist linear method of agro-food business evidently generate an effective lack of eco- sustenability of the global system wich continue till today to exacerbate, soil erosion, fresh water pollution , negative climate changes and an dangerous decreases of biodiversity . Thus the “Circular Agronomy” may be a source of an creative solutios, which include models of business plan focused to a better distribution of all resources; so thar we become able to change the future productivity of agrifood sector in a higher safety-quality manner . AGROECOLOGY EU/ REPORT, http://futureoffood.org/pdfs/2013_Agroecology_in_Europe.pdf AGROECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT : http://www.crcnetbase.com/doi/abs/10.1201/9781420052152.sec2