2 minute read

Me Pehea E Tango Ai I Nga Kupu


Did you know that Ihowa knows everything about you? He knows what you ate for parakuihi. He knows which toys you aroha the most. He knows what makes you hari, and He knows what makes you pouri.


And guess what?!! Ihowa aroha you very, very much!! In fact, Ihowa has so much aroha for you, He wants you to be His tamaiti and part of His whanau.

But there’s a problem.

You and I, and everyone else in the world, are not like Ihowa. Ihowa is always ka pai, but we sometimes do kino things. Have you ever told a lie? Ihowa says to “obey your parents”. Have you ever disobeyed your parents? We may steal, hurt others, and do lots of other kino things Ihowa tells us not to do.

In the Paipera Tapu, these kino things are called “sin”. Sin does something pouri to our friendship with Ihowa. It puts space between us and Ihowa, so we can’t know Him very well.

But Ihowa thought of a solution! Because He has so much aroha for you and for me, He sent His tama to earth so all the kino things we have done can be forgiven.

Did you know Ihu Karaiti lived a perfect life, died on a wooden ripeka and then came back to life e toru days later? Ihu Karaiti was punished for my sin and for your sin and died in our place. He did this because He aroha you and wants you to become a hoa of His and a tamaiti of Ihowa? Roma 10:9 “Ara ki te whakaae tou mangai ko Ihu te Ariki, a ki te whakapono tou ngakau na te Atua ia i whakaara ake i te hunga mate, e ora koe.” (“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”)

You can pray/talk to Ihowa and tell Him you are sorry for your sin. Tell Him you understand Ihu was punished for your sin so you didn’t have to be punished. Thank Him for dying for you. Ask Ihu to take charge of your life. You are choosing to live for Him and aroha Him with all your heart, mind and soul. Would you like to do this now?

Hoani 1:12 “Tena ko te hunga i manako ki a ia i tukua e ia ki a ratou nga tikanga e meinga ai ratou hei tamariki ma te Atua, ara ki te hunga e whakapono ana ki tona ingoa.” (“To as many who received Him, to them He gavethe right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”)

When you receive Ihu you will still be a tamaiti of your whanau, but you will also be a part of the whanau of Ihowa!

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